
Antibiotics against influenza and colds

Names of antibiotics for colds and fluIn the treatment of respiratory diseases, direct-acting drugs are used that affect the cause of the disease. They depress the pathogens. Such therapy is called etiologic. In the fight against the flu and cold the main thing is right - to choose the right medication. Some people, trying to get better sooner, begin to drink strong antibiotics from a cold at the first symptoms of ARVI. Is it correct?When it is necessary to drink antibiotics for colds and flu...

  • 28-Jul-2018
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Warm your feet with colds

Soar for colds, coughs and runny nose: a bath with mustardSoaring your feet with cold is very effective, but in order for the procedure to bring the maximum therapeutic effect, it must be performed correctly.Whether it is necessary to soar legs or foots at tussis? If so, how? The most common diseases, which recommend hot baths with mustard for legs, are flu and cold.However, it is possible to take medicinal baths at home in other diseases.How to soar your feet with a cold, and what does this ...

  • 04-Aug-2018
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From the cold on the lips of the medicine

The use of antiviral ointment in the treatment of colds on the lipsappears at many people, thus it not only becomes the reason of unpleasant change of appearance, but also remains for ever in a human body.However, despite the fact that it is impossible to completely get rid of the herpes simplex virus, it is still necessary to treat it, because such actions can halt its spread throughout the body.In most cases, doctors prescribe ointment for colds on the lips, counting pills and other antivir...

  • 28-Jul-2018
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Kagocel instructions for the use of a pill for colds

Tip 1: "Kagocel instructions for use"Kagocel" is an antiviral and immunomodulating medication, which is available in tablet form. The drug is used to prevent and treat influenza and ARVI in adults and children, as well as for the treatment of herpes. The active component of "Kagocel" stimulates the production of interferon, which possesses high antiviral activity and forms the immune defense of the organism.Instructions When treating influenza and ARVI, the dose of "Kagocel" tablets for adult...

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Pills against colds

Drugs for cold and flu: a list of the best means of rapid actionEvery year during the seasonal temperature fluctuations people suffer from many unpleasant symptoms caused by a cold.In pharmacy chains, the assortment of antiviral drugs simply overshoots its diversity.Medicines differ not only in price, but also in the principle of action, the form of release, the composition.Naturally, you do not need to prescribe drugs for yourself against colds, but to get a little guidance in such means, yo...

  • 28-Jul-2018
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Flu ointment and colds in the nose

Ointment in the nose for cold preventionWith the advent of colds, many begin to recall frantically the name of the ointment for the prevention of colds. Since Soviet times she has been lubricated by the noses of adults and children with full confidence that the flu and ARI are now not terrible. Have you guessed that it's about Oxolin Ointment? This ointment in the nose is suitable for the prevention of colds and viral infections, but is this a good way, how are we used to think about it? To d...

  • 10-Aug-2018
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Ginger with lemon and honey for colds

How to cook ginger with lemon and honey for coldsGinger - this is an ambulance for ailments, cold and cold. Ginger, mixed with lemon and honey, contains in its composition so many useful vitamins and minerals that it is not possible to list them.You will need - 300 g of ginger - 150 g of honey - 1 lemon - blender or grinder - bank Instructions We clean the root of ginger and cut it into small pieces. Clean the lemon and remove the bones from it. We put chopped ginger and peeled lemon into a b...

  • 06-Aug-2018
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What medicines to drink for colds

Tip 1: What Drugs to Drink for ColdsIn the autumn-winter period, the risk of getting cold is especially great. To date, on the shelves of pharmacies, the choice of medicines for colds is very large. However, do not engage in self-medication, buying this or that drug. First, consult a doctor.Instructions Increasingly, a variety of medications are advised from television screens, including colds. Of course, such drugs as "Ferveks", "Teraflu", "Coldrex", in fact, help to remove the first symptom...

  • 06-Aug-2018
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At the first sign of a cold

Advise, please! What should I take at the first sign of a cold to stop this process?Answers:Katya Panchenkoany anti-inflammatory agent. in the pharmacy they are full. you choose the average between price and quality and get minimal harm to the body. and at the initial stage they all help, even inexpensive.and the best is hot tea with honey and oranges.Orenburgvitamin C. dragee, fresh Bulgarian pepperFelencaTo an adult arbidole.LinaI always take Aflubin in drops.Victor BardakhanovFervex, TeraF...

  • 09-Aug-2018
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Than you can gargle with a cold

With a cold, can I rinse my nose and throat with soda or can it be worse and better?Answers:Tatiana Dubova (Lukerya)Soda is not harmful, do not be afraid. It kills germs, because it is chemically an antiseptic. Rugs more often. It is more effective to add 3-5 drops of iodine to the glass with sodaM.E.S.and maybe it's better to buy medicines in a pharmacy, and not to chemize with soda?Lanaand it is better to do in general the type of sea water of soda iodine and salt and rinse very helps to re...

  • 03-Aug-2018
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