Erysipelas, feet: facial symptoms, treatment at home

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Erysipelous inflammation of ( popularly called " erysipelas ") is caused by hemolytic streptococcus and can occur in acute and chronic form. This is an acute infectious disease of the skin and subcutaneous tissue in adults and children. The most common erysipelas is on the foot( 80% of all cases) and on the face.

The disease develops after contact with a patient suffering from any streptococcal disease( including chronic tonsillitis).The incubation period is up to five days. Streptococci penetrate through the skin in place of microtraumas or by hematogenous way( through the blood) from the foci of infection in the body.

Today we will consider the symptoms and treatment of erysipelas on the leg and face at home with medical products, folk remedies. But remember that the disease is serious, requires compulsory medical advice, do not take self-medication!


erysipelatous erysipelas: symptoms, photos

In the first hours of the disease,

  1. headache,
  2. nausea,
  3. chills( temperature can rise to 40 degrees),
  4. muscle pains come first.

On the skin of the lower limbs, sometimes on the face, there is a redness in the form of flame tongues, spreading to neighboring areas. Around the "languages" there is edema of the tissues adjacent to the inflammation zone. The skin in the hearth is tense, hot to the touch, shiny, dry. On the periphery of the "tongues" the skin is compacted, markedly delimited from healthy tissues.

The focus of inflammation is characterized by severe soreness. The disease occurs with relapses and sometimes( with a weakened body) can acquire a chronic course.

Photo: symptoms and treatment of erysipelas, feet at home
Photo of erysipelas on the skin on the face
Photo: erysipelas on the legs
Photo: erysipelas on the fingers

Erysipelas: treatment at home and in the hospital


As a rule, in all patients prone to pyodermitis, carbohydrate metabolism is disrupted. Therefore, when carrying out phytotherapy, patients should be assigned plants that have a hypoglycemic effect: the roots of ginseng or aralia, the bean leaves, the leaves of the blueberry, the roots of the dandelion and elecampane, the grass of the horsetail, the mountaineer of the bird, the leaves of the strawberries, the grass of the nettle.

To strengthen the body's resistance to disturbed metabolism, patients are prescribed tonic herbal remedies: tincture of aralia, magnolia vine, eleutherococcus, levsea, ginseng. Tinctures take 30-40 drops in the morning and at lunch before eating.

Great value, both for children , and for adults have vegetable and fruit juices. It is especially useful to give juice of potatoes, carrots, white cabbage, hawthorn, willow-tea, nettle. Juices are usually given in dilution with water 1: 1.

Medication: antibiotics

Hemolytic streptococci currently retain high sensitivity to penicillin antibiotics, sulfonamides and nitrofurans.

The most effective antibiotics( inside, injections) are Erythromycin, Oleandomycin, Penicillins( eg, ampicillin trihydrate), Clindamycin in usual dosages for 5-7 days.

It is very effective to prescribe a combination of drugs from different groups, for example, Furazolidone and Phenoxymethylpenicillin orally.

After the beginning of treatment, there is an improvement, the temperature of the body falls. The boundary roller in the affected area pales and disappears after 1-3 days.

Biseptol( Sulfaton) is prescribed for 7-10 days.

Locally, with superficial streptococcal processes, wound or burn infections, enterocettopol is given in the form of powders, ointments from crushed tablets, erythromycin ointment.

Simultaneously prescribe antihistamines, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, but they can somewhat reduce the effectiveness of treatment.

Chemotherapy for severe forms of the disease is supplemented with vitamins and biostimulants Metiluratsil, Pentoxil, Levamisol, placental gamma globulin, blood and plasma transfusion.


With erythematous erysipelas, physiotherapy procedures, in particular, ultraviolet irradiation( UFO), are performed, which acts on bacteria bacteriostatically.

In the therapy of recurrent erysipelas, physiotherapy( locally UHF, quartz, laser) is recommended. In acute process, a good effect was obtained with a combination of antibacterial therapy with cryotherapy( short-term freezing of the surface layers of the skin with a stream of chloroethyl until whitening).

Local treatment

In the treatment of patients with bullous forms of erysipelas, antiseptic agents are used topically, for example, a solution of furacilin 1: 5000.The bandages with Vishnevsky balm, ichthyol ointment, so popular among the people, are contraindicated in this case, as they exacerbate exudation and slow down the healing process.

Immunotherapy with erysipelas is not developed. With recurrent erysipelas with the aim of increasing non-specific resistance, retabolil is recommended v / m 2 times 50 mg after 2-3 weeks, prodigiosan. From oral preparations - Methyluracil 2-3 g / day, Pentoxyl 0,8-0,9 g / day, vitamins, fortifying agents.

How to treat erysipelas with folk remedies

The broth of herb is used for folliculitis.10 g of dried herbs, pour 200 ml of water, boil for 3 minutes, infuse for 1 hour, strain. Use for rubbing the skin with folliculitis and after shaving.

To the lesions in pustular skin diseases apply fresh internal leaves of white cabbage in a mixture with egg yolk and chewed rye bread .

For compresses, use a thick decoction of willow bark ( 50 g of bark for 500 ml of water, boil for 20 minutes).

Flowers tansy .Dry flowers grind into powder and mix with unsalted butter in a ratio of 1: 4.Apply for all pustular lesions of the skin.

Fennel of pine, fir, spruce - one of the best means for any pustular diseases. Apply in the form of a bandage or a flat cake on the lesion.

Bindweed of the field .Aboveground part of the plant pour alcohol( 10: 200) and insist for 10 days. Strain. Use externally.

Ointment from dry root elecampane .Root the powder into powder, mix with Vaseline in the ratio 1: 4.Apply externally.

The medicinal krovohlebka has a pronounced bactericidal action. Used in the form of poultices from the roots and rhizome on the lesion.

Rose oil and Kazanlik rose are effective in the treatment of pyoderma, furunculosis and all pustular diseases. Apply both externally( in the form of lotions, lozenges, compresses), and inside.

Melissa officinalis is used in the form of infusion or decoction for compresses and baths.

Plantain large. Plantain juice is used for the treatment of boils and pyoderma, the gruel from blurry leaves is applied in the form of compresses.

Chamomile officinalis. It is applied topically in the form of infusion and broth( tablespoon per 200 ml of water).

Calendula .Decoctions and infusions are used for baths, compresses, flat cakes. Tincture treat affected areas of the skin. It is used in the treatment of any purulent diseases.

Prepare ointment from calendula:

  1. calendula herb( dry) - 1 tablespoon,
  2. Vaseline - 30 g.

Mix. Use externally.

Eggplant .Pulp and fruit juice 2-3 times a day, lubricate the affected surface of the skin. As it was found out, eggplants have antibiotic properties.

Kirkazon ordinary .Prepare packs of broth( 1 tablespoon of grass with flowers for 300 ml of boiling water) and use for baths.

Asparagus - from the whole plant prepare a decoction and make compresses.

Mother-and-Stepmother .For compresses or poultices, use fresh leaves or a plant that has been crushed with milk.

Thorny nugget .50 g aboveground part of the plant, pour 500 ml of water, boil for 10 minutes and use for compresses.

Birch white .A teaspoon of kidneys boil like tea in 1 cup of boiling water. Take ⅓ glass three times a day. The same infusion can be used and topically in the form of trays.

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Source: NGNogov. Official and traditional medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia.- Moscow: Izd-vo Eksmo, 2012.