
Nursing for colds

How quickly to cure a cold nursing mom, and what to do so as not to shave the child?Answers:TatyanaYes, all precautions must be followed, but you still have antibodies, which, together with milk, pass to the child and this is for him the prevention of the disease. antibodies to the virus that you have!be healthy!Marina SeleznevaMom masochku put on, drink paracetamol and vitamins \ C \Malvina on Lamborghiniif there is no temperature drink more fluid, tea with honey, only a little honey. Immuno...

  • 11-Jul-2018
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Can I soar my feet with a cold

How to soar your feet with coldsSuch a simple and familiar way of treating colds, like steaming legs in hot water, has not lost its relevance at the present time. It is based on the fact that hot water irritates the receptors of the feet, causing better blood supply and increasing the body's defenses.You will need - a basin or a bucket; - thermometer; - mustard; - essential oil of mint, eucalyptus. fir; - a herb of sage or mint. Instructions Take a basin or a bucket and pour water into it, th...

  • 10-Jul-2018
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Pills for colds on the lips

Features of treatment of herpes on the lipsKnowing how to cure a cold on the lip, you can get rid of the formed blisters on your face in a short time, but this does not mean that they will never appear again.Nevertheless, it is necessary to treat herpes, because otherwise the virus will spread rapidly throughout the body, causing other infectious diseases. How to treat a cold on the lip - is known to many, the main thing is to correctly use a medical or folk antiviral agent. If the rashes on ...

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Loss of smell after a cold

Why did my sense of smell disappear with a cold, and what should I do?Such an unpleasant phenomenon, as a runny nose can not but manifest additional symptoms, the most characteristic is the temporary loss of smell and taste. Why does this state arise and, as soon as possible to recover and return the fullness of sensations, our article will tell.The mechanism of the sense of smellThe special olfactory area is located in the upper part of the nasal passage and differs in structure from the cha...

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What can you do for a cold during pregnancy?

What medicine to drink for a cold to pregnant womenBecause of the weakened immunity during pregnancy, women are often exposed to colds, ARI and other viral diseases. But most of the drugs at this time is strictly prohibited, so it is very useful for future mothers to know with what safe for the baby the drugs can withstand the diseases.Instructions At a high temperature, women in the position are contraindicated in such drugs as & gt> and other complex preparations, for example, & ...

  • 12-Jul-2018
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You can go to the bath for a cold

Whether it is possible to be soared at a cold, a rhinitis and ORVI in a bath and a saunaWhether it is possible to go to a bath during a cold depends on the general well-being of the person and the condition of his body.It is recommended to steam in the bath for hardening the body, it restores the strength after nervous and physical exertion.The bath helps to activate the protective functions of the body, and also contributes to the normalization of thermoregulation.With flu, cough and runny n...

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Three tablets for cold antibiotic

What antibiotics for colds are effective for adults, the child: the list and the namesAntibiotics for colds are prescribed by a doctor in the case when the human body can not independently cope with the infection.Usually dangerous signals of attack by malignant bacteria is the body temperature rise to a mark more than 38 ° C, as well as a runny nose, reddened throat and other symptoms, often accompanying a cold: inflammation of the mucous eyes, perspiration in the throat, shortness of breath,...

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How to deal with colds

How to deal with colds and runny nose?Answers:D. C.Hello Tatyana!Folk remedies for the treatment of common cold and cold:During the epidemic of influenza with a preventive purpose, it is useful to do the following procedure. Grate the onion and for 10-15 minutes, inhale the smell of freshly prepared gruel.Finely chop several cloves of purified garlic and stir in a glass of milk. Then boil this mixture and allow it to cool. Take several times a day on a teaspoonful - this will significantly so...

  • 11-Aug-2018
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Asterisk for colds

And where to Spot an asterisk for a cold?Answers:Neighbor From Topa small amount of the drug is applied to separate areas and rubbed into the skin: with a headache, into the region of the temples and the occiput; with a cold under the nostrils; with catarrhal diseases - in the area of ​​the chest, back, abdomen; when biting insects - in place bite. It is intended for external use only. Avoid contact with eyes, mucous membranes, open wounds.lyudmila filippovaWings of the nose, whiskey ...Marin...

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Tea from cold in the pharmacy

Teas for colds: we treat correctlyWith a general malaise and an increase in temperature, we, first of all, go to the kitchen and... brew tea from colds - that is, from acute respiratory disease (ARI), which cause over 200 known viruses, and which we habitually call a cold.It is these viruses that get into our body - the mucosa of the upper respiratory tract - trigger the mechanism of the disease. And against the background of a decrease in the protective functions of the organism under advers...

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