How to deal with colds

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How to deal with colds and runny nose?


D. C.

Hello Tatyana!
Folk remedies for the treatment of common cold and cold:
During the epidemic of influenza with a preventive purpose, it is useful to do the following procedure. Grate the onion and for 10-15 minutes, inhale the smell of freshly prepared gruel.
Finely chop several cloves of purified garlic and stir in a glass of milk. Then boil this mixture and allow it to cool. Take several times a day on a teaspoonful - this will significantly soften the clinical course of the disease.
With a cold, bury 3-5 drops of menthol oil in your nose while lubricating your forehead, whiskey, nose. You can mix menthol oil with camphor and do the same procedure.
Fresh pine needles (100 g) rinse and grind, then pour 1 liter of boiling water, bring to a boil and turn off the fire. To insist 1-2 hours, strain and drink 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day, dissolving in a drink 1 tablespoon of honey. Infusion is rich in vitamin C, as well as other vitamins and trace elements. It has a bactericidal effect, accelerates recovery in case of flu, cold.

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From the cold, tea with ginger and honey will help. Rub 1/4 cup of ginger on the grater, add a glass of honey and cook. In the tea, add 1/2 teaspoon of this mixture.
Mix 30 g of sea buckthorn oil, 20 g of fresh marigold juice, 15 g of melted cocoa butter, 10 g of honey, 5 g of propolis. With a cold, moisten the fleece in this compound and insert it into the nose for 20 minutes.
To cure a runny nose, it is very useful to sweat in a steam Russian bath. At the same time it is recommended to rub the sacrum with grated radish (well in half with grated horseradish) mixed with a small the amount of honey and salt, and after leaving the bath, drink 2-4 cups of decoction from the flowers of lime, elderberry or chamomile with an admixture of juice sour berries.
With a protracted runny nose, the child sew a narrow bag of linen cloth, fill it with a warm, steeply cooked millet porridge and put the pouch on the nose area so that it covers the maxillary sinuses. Keep as long as heat remains.
With a cold, dig in 3-5 drops of aloe in each nostril 4-5 times a day, throwing back your head and massaging after digging in the wings of your nose.
It is very useful to use a decoction of fresh or dried berries of strawberries or raspberries, going to bed, and this is to breathe a decoction prepared from the leaves of sage, God's tree (wormwood medicinal) and wormwood bitter.
With a cold, it is recommended to instill 2 times a day a mixture of the extract of Ledum and vegetable oil. 1 g of Ligulium extract is mixed with 9 g of vegetable oil, boil and steal this mixture in the oven for several minutes. Extract of Ledum: brew 2 teaspoons of Ledum 1 cup of boiling water, put on a light yolk, keep until you boil half the water.
Boil a glass of milk. The onion head of medium size, grate on a fine grater, pour boiling milk and stir well. Let it brew for 10 minutes, then drink warmly for half an hour.
Stir in a glass of hot milk 2 tablespoons of honey and drink during the day for 2-3 hours.
Garlic, grate on a fine grater and mix with honey in the ratio:. Take 1 tablespoon 1-2 times a day with water.
A glass of black currant berries fill with a glass of vodka, add a glass of sugar syrup and insist 30 days in a dark place, occasionally shaking. Take 1 glass a day or pour 1 tablespoon tincture into a glass of hot tea.
At the very beginning of the common cold, if it does not accompany such a disease as the flu, it is recommended to drink 1/2 cup of water with five drops of iodine.
Against a chronic cold, iodine will also help. Dissolve 6-7 drops with 2 teaspoons of boiled water and bury the mixture 2 times a day, in the morning and in the evening. In addition, during the day, you often need to inhale vapors of iodine directly from the bottle first one, then another nostril. Sea salt is also rich in iodine and has a strong antiseptic effect. It is diluted in the proportion: 1 teaspoon per 250 ml of warm water for adults and 500 ml for children.


Do not happen in drafts and air conditioners, do not drink and do not eat cold, and dress in the weather.

Alexander Vinogradov

To increase immunity.

leonid kam

Can I protect myself from the common cold?
It is impossible to fully protect against colds, but there are some precautions, as described in The New York Times. Here are some of the most important: avoid as much as possible in places of large concentrations of people, try not to shake hands with a person who has a runny nose. Also, do not rub your eyes and nose and wash your hands more often. These are effective precautionary measures, since cold viruses are often transferred through the hands, which can reach the sensitive envelope of the eyes or nose. On the surface of objects or on hands, cold viruses remain active for several hours, and a cold person may be infectious for a while before and after signs of the disease become are obvious. Other precautions include balanced nutrition and special care in dealing with children. Why? Yes because they catch a cold 5-8 times a year!


can be vaccinated


I drink pills. In particular Rinzu

Any idea how to deal with colds?



Colds include a number of diseases caused by hypothermia.
Symptoms: General malaise, cough, runny nose, sometimes fever. Symptoms do not appear momentarily and do not go away right away, some, for example, a runny nose or cough, can last for a long time. It is possible to reduce the sense of smell. Sometimes padding and noise in the ears, weakness.
Non-traditional and popular methods of treatment and prevention of colds:
1) Grind to a pecker-like condition 500 gr. peeled onions, add 2 tablespoons of honey, 400 gr. sugar and cook not slowly in 1L. water for 3 hours. Cool and drain. Store in a tightly closed container in the refrigerator. Take a mixture of warm 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day.
2) Have a daily baked onion before noticeable improvement. A roasted blouse, unlike a fresh one, can be eaten without restrictions.
3) At the first signs of a cold, lightly heat half a liter of milk and pour a fresh chicken egg into it and add 1 teaspoon of honey and butter. Thoroughly stir everything and drink at night. By morning, the malaise will pass.
4) Sprinkle mustard powder in stockings or socks and walk for several days.
5) Grate garlic on a small grater and mix it with honey in the ratio:. Before going to bed take 1 teaspoon, washing with warm water.
6) Grind to a pecker-like condition 100 gr. onions and pour 40ml. table vinegar, insist for half an hour in a tightly closed container, then strain and mix with 4 tablespoons of honey. Take this mixture 1 teaspoon every half hour.
7) Wipe through a sieve ripe bananas and put them in a pan with hot water at the rate of 2 bananas per 1 cup of boiled water with sugar. Warm up and drink this mixture.
8) Cut small cubes of black radish and put it in a saucepan with sugar. Bake in the oven for 2 hours. Strain and drain the liquid into a bottle. Drink 2 teaspoons 4-5 times a day and at night before bedtime.
9) Grind 2 egg yolks of raw eggs with sugar, add butter and take between meals.
10) Before going to bed and day it is useful to spend 15-20 minutes of steam inhalation with garlic-honey mixture. After inhalation it is very good to get warm, go to bed and take 2-3 tablespoons of honey with tea from dry raspberries.
11) take 1 part of the linden flowers and 1 part of the raspberry fruit. 2 tablespoons of the mixture pour 2 cups of boiling water. Boil for 5-10 minutes and strain. Drink hot at night for 1-2 cups.
12) Take 40gr. fruits of raspberries and leaves of mother-and-stepmother. Pour 2 glasses of water and boil for 20 minutes. Drink before going to bed for 1-2 glasses.
13) In the first days of a cold, drink a glass of warm boiled water with 5 drops of iodine dissolved in it, after which chew a clove of garlic.
14) Pour 1 teaspoon of dried powdered dandelion roots with a glass of boiling water, insist in a sealed container in a boiling water bath for 30 minutes, cool and strain. Take 1 tablespoon 4-6 times a day.
15) 1 tablespoon dry chopped mug leaf pour 1 cup boiling water, insist 15 minutes, cool to room temperature. Take 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day. With sore throat rinse with this infusion of the throat.
16) Insist 2 tablespoons dry or 100 grams. fresh raspberries in 1 cup of boiling water. After 10-15 minutes add 1 tablespoon of honey, stir. Take in warm form before going to bed.
17) It is very good for a cold to drink tea from a lime-colored.
18) Pour 1 tablespoon chopped herbs thyme 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 1 hour and strain. Rinse your throat with infusion several times a day.
19) Boil potatoes in a uniform, drain the water. Wrap up and breathe over the potato steam. In addition, the potatoes can be mashed.
20) Take 15gr. flowers chamomile pharmacy, 10gr. flowers of calendula. Collect 1 pint of boiling water, insist 1 hour and strain. To make an infusion of inhalation.


raspberry jam, honey, lemons, hot (but not very) tea and bed rest.


I drink Echinacea. You can brew with tea, you can buy lollipops. The result is good, and is not expensive))

T & amp;



Very healthy helps to increase the immunity tincture on pine nuts. I checked myself.

How to deal with the oncoming cold?


Galina Galkina

All the advice is correct (but alcohol is still undesirable, especially if you still take any medicine after that). To whom that helps. But if you have to REALLY quickly recover - do not spare money for the drug "Amiksin" -1 tablet on the first day disease, another one for the second and one for the fourth (but for the fourth you already forget that you were sick, this is for prevention complications). The drug was developed in due time for employees of special forces (that a flu did not hurt - it still drink for prophylaxis). Action - increasing immunity, organism struggles itself. The child was ill with the flu, on the same day I realized that I fell ill myself - I drank one pill, the next day everything was fine. And children can be given only from the age of 7.

kate zh

tea with malinka and in bed with a mans!

Elena Medenko

You can drink Teraflu. Or get your feet warm, if there is no temperature, then quickly put on woolen socks, drink aspirin and go to bed.

Nina Moiseeva

drink more hot tea with raspberries, for example, dress warmly, before going to bed - a glass, warm your feet warmly in hot water, put on warm socks - and sleep.

Olga K.

Three days in a row at night to drink a shock dose of vitamin C - 1 milligram. But only then you do not need to eat lemons or oranges! Sometimes after this cold does not develop, or passes very easily and quickly ends.
And if the temperature still rose, drink another tablet of Analgin for the night!


When hypothermia and the first signs of a cold, drink a cup of hot grog: take a glass of boiling water with 1-2 pieces of spicy cloves and a pinch of cinnamon, boil for 2-3 minutes on low heat. Add 1 / 2limon, cut with skin, st.l of honey, insist half an hour. Get well!

How to deal with colds? What preventive measures ???



antioxidants: vit AE S. Of course, not chemistry from the pharmacy, but natural or quality, expensive from good supplements

mmm mmm

BUD - shit
Inoculations, hardening procedures, physical load.
everyone knows this from childhood:
gymnastics in the morning, gym - on the drum than just to move, shower cold or contrast.


A familiar story. Dress up for the weather, take vitamins, exercise. As the immunity will increase, so the cold will fall on the shoulder blades!


Tibetan garlic. At the first signs of a cold 3-4 capsules immediately after eating. For three bottles for $ 50 for a year was enough to not get sick. Now I am looking for where else to buy, so as not to be a fake.


We all drink preventive antiparasitic programs 3-4 times a year. Colds generally ceased to hurt.

Christina Mel'nik

I became much less likely to get sick, changing the attitude to treatment. I use natural and homeopathic medicines and means.

All the latest medical articles, especially pediatric ones, suggest that folk remedies should be the drugs of choice in the treatment of colds.
Drink a large amount (at least 2 liters per day) of warm drinks (cranberry juice, rose hips, sea buckthorn, raspberries, breastfeeding),

do inhalations with fir, eucalyptus (pronounced antibacterial and antiviral effects), vegetable (to avoid hoarseness of the voice) with oils,

several procedures with ear phytochemicals reamed (perfectly cope with banal otitis, disinfect, stretch pathological contents of the auditory canal, greatly facilitate breathing, relieve pain in the ear, warm up well and lulling),

homeopathic preparations such as echinacea and ocilococcinum.

Go in for sports or just walk more, it turns out to be a person under 30 for normal health it is enough to walk 30 minutes a day, and after 30 it should be added every year by this time... 2 minutes. just)

Vobshchem, take itself in arms or hand and all will turn out!

111 dvsdg

I'm also constantly ill, last year started to take preventive measures for IRS-19, and unexpectedly for myself last winter I lived without a cold. Since the autumn I started to take it again, so that the present weather changes are easier to bear)

How to deal with colds and acne ???



From pimples, tea tree oil helps me. Even when it starts to blush and hurt, you immediately take and lubricate a little. Day 2-3 so you can do and everything passes.

Tatyana Lomanova

Step on the lake in summer, pick salt water from the lake and wipe the face in the evening every day. Get rid of the fatty shine on the face and then the pimples will pass. By the way, the air on this lake, although not very pleasant - but useful - all the colds pass.


Herpes is a viral disease with skin lesions. The source of the infection can be a sick person or a virus carrier. Most often, herpes appears in the cold season, when the defenses of the body are reduced. Herpes affects the skin in the area of ​​the mouth and nose, less often in the area of ​​the cheeks and ear auricles.
Symptoms: On the skin, most often on the lips, there are bubbles with fluid that itch, sometimes hurt. After 3-4 days, the bubbles dry up and form a crust. The cortex disappears and the wound heals on day 6-8.
Traditional methods of treatment include the use of antiherpetic drugs and vitamins.
Unconventional and folk methods of treatment:
1) Take aloe juice in 1 teaspoon 2-3 times a day before meals. Lubricate the aloe juice with the herpes zoster.
2) Lubricate herpes with fresh Kalanchoe juice 2-3 times a day.
3) Lubricate the affected skin with an ointment consisting of 100 gr. honey, 1 tablespoon of ash, 3 cloves of garlic.
4) Lubricate the lesions with herpes oil bitter almonds (sold at the pharmacy).
5) Wet the affected areas with a decoction of herb peppermint. Pour 1 tablespoon of herbs 1 glass of water, boil for 15 minutes in a water bath and drain.
6) Grind the fruits of the viburnum in a mortar. Pour 20gr. mashed fruits 1 glass of water. Insist 4 hours. Take half a cup 4 times a day.
7) Pour 10-15gr. kidney birch 1 cup of milk, cook for 5 minutes, wrapped in gauze. Apply as an external anti-inflammatory.
8) Add 15g. dry flower baskets of arnica (sold in pharmacies), l. boiling water. Infuse for 2 hours. Apply for compresses with herpes.
9) Lubricate the lesions of the herpes with aspen leaf juice 3-4 times a day.
Acne is an inflammation of the sebaceous glands and their ducts. Most often they are found in people with oily skin. Inflammation is associated with the irritating effect of sebum and other substances released by the glands. In severe cases of acne, scar formation is observed.
Traditional methods of treatment: With ordinary acne prescribe drugs for oral administration, as well as various creams and ointments. Sulsen soap and sulcene paste containing selenium and sulfur are widely available and sold without a prescription.
Unconventional and folk methods of treatment:
1) Mix 100ml. potato juice with 1 teaspoon of honey. Form the mixture applied to the localization of acne for 20-30 minutes daily for 2 weeks.
2) In case of oily and porous skin with acne, apply a mask of fresh carrot paste to the face.
3) This recipe is especially good in the treatment of rosacea. Every day, make fresh gruel from several cloves of garlic and apply to blackheads. Keep the mask for 10-15 minutes. It is also useful to take in preparations containing garlic.
4) The juice of the leaves of aloe helps to eliminate inflammation, irritation and acne in oily skin. Leaves rinse with boiled water, dry and dry for several days in a dark cool place. Then, grind the leaves and squeeze the juice. Freshly prepared juice wipe the skin 2-3 times a day.
5) To wipe the face struck by eels, juice of a grass of the tartar prickly, thus it is obligatory to apply juice of the Tartar and internally - on 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.
6) Wipe the eels with a tampon soaked in fir oil (sold in a pharmacy).
7) Oily skin with acne is recommended 2-3 times a day to wipe with a mixture of 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of tincture of marigold, stirring in 1 cup of warm boiled water.
8) Pour 1 tablespoon of sage leaf 1 cup of boiling water and insist. Infusion strain and add a half-spoonful of honey, mix well. A warm mixture to do lotions 2-3 times a day.
9) Make the ointment: 1 part of the juice of fresh raspberry leaves into 4 parts of butter or Vaseline. Apply to acne 3-4 times a day.
10) Take in equal parts by weight the roots of burdock, the roots of elecampane and the herb of St. John's wort. Prepare a decoction of 1 tablespoon of salt per 1 glass of water. Take 2-3 glasses a day with common acne.


It's probably worth cleaning the people's means with blood.

Andrey Klimov

Remember three words: Cleansing, Moisturizing, Toning. This is the main care. It is better to use herbal remedies that have been clinically tested for allergy. Wash only with boiled or purified water. Eat vitamins (beauty from the inside) Drink plenty of clean water

Yulia Timoshenko

With colds - to be tempered, to increase immunity. With pimples - to establish metabolism, the work of the stomach and liver, to maintain a diet.

Irina Lapshina

Since morning warm clean water with a lemon, on an empty stomach and before a dream. For the night - a saline solution with a cotton swab on your face and after 10 minutes, rinse. You can solve the sequence, chamomile. Rinse the nasopharynx "Dolphin"., Gargle. it will be and prevention of influenza and allergies, "catching" of viruses. Buy everything in the pharmacy. Finished solution "Dolphin" can be used for the face, grass to steam. And when it gets inside cleaner, you can use oil: tea, peach, etc. alternately.

Natasha Egorova

Against herpes helps zoviraks.

marina ponomareva

From the common cold - increased immunity (Immunguard, essential oil Tea tree, vitamin C)
From acne - cleansing the body, improving the work of the stomach and intestines (Artichoke Extract)
Outer can be used Tonic Tea tree, ef. oil Tea tree, or cream Tea tree, cream Viva Active with Dead Sea salt.
I use the products of the Swiss company Vivasan.

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