Asterisk for colds

And where to Spot an asterisk for a cold?


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a small amount of the drug is applied to separate areas and rubbed into the skin: with a headache, into the region of the temples and the occiput; with a cold under the nostrils; with catarrhal diseases - in the area of ​​the chest, back, abdomen; when biting insects - in place bite. It is intended for external use only. Avoid contact with eyes, mucous membranes, open wounds.

lyudmila filippova

Wings of the nose, whiskey ...

Marina Golubeva

it can be washed and breastfed completely, feet and not just near the nose. But, if you picked up a cold you should drink a course of antiviral drugs, I personally prefer kagocel, it is completely safe and helps the immune system cope with the virus.

How to use balsam "star"

How to use balsam

Created by Vietnamese scientists, balsam "Golden Star" is a complex composition of essential oils of various medicinal plants. The remedy is used both in traditional and in folk medicine for the treatment and prevention of many diseases.

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Balm "Golden Star previously present on the shelves exclusively as an ointment, is now sold in the form of a pencil for inhalations, nasal drops, plaster, spray and syrup. Regardless of the form of release, the composition of the balsam includes: crystalline menthol, camphor, mint, clove, eucalyptus, cinnamon and petrolatum oils and other auxiliary components. The remedy is intended for the treatment of the common cold, insect bites, muscle pain, neuralgia, radiculitis, and also relief from cold and flu.

Balm "Golden Star" has a local irritant effect. It has a warming, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, stimulates nerve endings and enhances blood circulation in the areas of application. However, it must be used very carefully to prevent contact with mucous membranes and open wounds.

A pencil for inhalations should be used with nasal congestion or rhinitis, accompanied by abundant secretions. To facilitate breathing, you need to take 1-2 breaths of each nostril. Do inhalations can be up to 10-15 times a day. With increased edema, excessive lachrymation, sneezing, or other negative reactions, it is better to stop using a pencil and treat the nose with ointment or liquid balm.

Balm "Star designed for external use, in a small amount rubbed into the skin: with a cold - in the nose bridge, maxillary sinuses and under the nostrils; at the head pain - in the nape and temples; with bronchopulmonary diseases - in the area of ​​the back and chest, without affecting the heart area; when neurraglia - in places where concentrated pain Feel. Insect bites should be smeared with extreme caution - a thin layer, preferably without touching the epicenter. If the balm "Golden Star" is used for treatment, it should be applied to the skin up to five times a day. For preventive purposes, two-fold application will suffice.

When using the "Golden Star" balm, an allergic reaction may occur. In this case, place the application of the product should be washed with a large amount of warm soapy water. Children under two years old, as well as pregnant and lactating women, "Asterisk" is not recommended. Do not apply balm and if there is hypersensitivity to one or more of the components of the remedy.

An asterisk from a cough

An asterisk from a coughWe are all familiar with the Vietnamese balm Zvezdochka. This is the first remedy in the fight against colds. The composition of balsam includes essential oils of medicinal plants: mint, cloves, eucalyptus, Chinese cinnamon, laurel.

Balm has antiseptic, distracting and local irritating properties.

Balsam asterisk for coughing

Essential oils have long and successfully been used in homeopathy. Penetrating into the skin, the oil activates its healing properties.

To treat cough use inhalation balm. Essential oils are very volatile substances, so they very quickly enter the nasal passages and enter the lungs.

When using Zvezdochka balm you need to observe some rules:

  • Balsam should be applied evenly, not strongly rubbing;
  • Do not use an asterisk if the temperature of the body is increased;
  • avoid balsam in the eyes;
  • Wash hands well after use or use medical gloves

Contraindications for the use of balsam are:

  • allergic reactions;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • various types of skin diseases;
  • pregnancy and lactation

Balsam asterisk for children coughing

For the treatment of dry cough in children, balm Zvezdochka can be used as inhalation. It is right to add the same eucalyptus leaves here. To do this, boil a half-liter of water and put a teaspoon of leaves. Add ointment in the size of a pea. Breathe healing couples for fifteen minutes. Inhale gently, in small portions. Vapors dilute sputum and have an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect.

Balsam is recommended for children after two years.

If the child has a violent cough, consult a doctor before applying for an asterisk.

Balsam asterisk for coughing

Treatment with an asterisk on coughing

Balsam can also be used to prevent colds. If you feel that you have caught a cold or a cough starts, chill your feet with an asterisk before going to bed and put on warm socks.

To treat a cough during a cold, do inhalations with an asterisk. Add a pea of ​​balsam to a liter of hot water. Cover yourself with a towel and inhale the vapor, closing your eyes, for ten minutes. Do the procedures three times a day until the cough fails.

Where to Spear an asterisk on coughing

When you cough, apply balm under the clavicle, below the shoulder blades, on the temples and in the chin area. Slightly massage these places. After applying the asterisk, dress warmly and cover with a warm blanket. After applying the balm to a certain area, it increases blood circulation, which helps reduce inflammation.

Balm "Star" with a cough

StarBalm "Star" with a cough helps to cope with a feeling of stuffiness, perspiration and scratching in the throat. It has nothing to do with sputum production. However, most people who used "Zvezdochka" when coughing, say that they experienced a very tangible relief already in the first days of application.

Composition of balsam "Asterisk"

Gold Star BalmThis tool is actually called the "Gold Star". In the Russian pharmacies it came back in the Soviet years. The first country-producer of "Star" was Vietnam. Today, the "Gold Star" is also produced in China. The high quality of this balm does not change with the years, as, however, the inconvenient packaging does not change either. For sale "Star" from a cough comes in a metal small pot, which can be very difficult to open. However resourceful people come up with convenient ways. They use pliers, tweezers and even small vise for this.

The composition of this product can boast an abundance of useful ingredients. The main binders of the "Star" balsam from cough are paraffin and petroleum jelly. Already two of these ingredients indicate that you can use this ointment only externally. It is unacceptable even for her to get on the nasal mucosa or throat.

The "Star" also includes essential oils of cinnamon, menthol, cloves and eucalyptus. It is these ingredients that give such a peculiar smell. And in the composition of this balm from a cough you can find camphor, beeswax and lanolin.

Contraindications this tool has not. However, it can not be used by people suffering from an allergic reaction to at least one of the above ingredients.

Balm "Gold Star" with cough: when and how to apply?

Asterisk for coughingBalm for coughing "Zvezdochka" is used for colds and flu. With its help also facilitate the condition with laryngitis and tracheitis. With tonsillitis its use is also advisable.

This tool can be used in two ways. Doctors recommend rubbing it into the chest with a cough, whiskey with a headache and nose wings with a cold. Do not worry, if immediately after that your eyes will become blind. This is often due to a specific odor.

"Gold Star" can also be used for inhalations. To do this, a small amount of it is bred in hot water. Breathe over the container with this solution is desirable, taking cover with the head of a blanket so that as many useful fumes fall into your respiratory system.

Remember that this remedy is not a panacea, therefore. Apply it preferably in conjunction with other stronger medicines and only after consulting a specialist.

Mom, tell me please! Have you ever smeared the heels of babies (for colds) "with an asterisk what was the result,



warms, warms up, the runny nose goes faster

Antonina Derewshikova

Dry mustard is good in socks and at night. No burning and the result is good, this is the advice of pediatricians.

Yana Poplavskaya

I always smear with a cold ointment "DOCTOR MOM"... it's better than an asterisk ..


I smeared with iodine, it warms up well and I advise you. about the asterisk I can say that it stinks strongly))) but the action is certainly longer than that of iodine))


helps, more back and chest rubbed with cough-IOM weaker

Yulia Timoshenko

There are special ointments for rubbing the legs, back and chest, which include similar ingredients: eucalyptus oil, menthol. I applied them. But, probably it is possible and "asterisk" in the absence. And now in pharmacies, a new tool for babies, which is called "Sopelki." At my work all the employees with young children from him just delighted. It seems that this type of patch, which is attached to the baby's clothes at night and allows you to breathe all night. Also with eucalyptus oil.


As you can see, it's not Mummy)) Hearts as a child warmed me (either in water with mustard, or "blue" lamp). A star should not rub the heels and, for example, massage the area near the sinuses of the nose and rub back, chest. Just watch out for your eyes! Subjectively - it helps.


The results are not bad, the children sleep more calmly the night and breathing is freer. and most importantly no side effects, so that the mage (within reason) will not do worse

elena beidner

I rub the child with a balm Barsuchok, designed specifically for children and deeply warms up


And I'm an asterisk and for colds, and from joint pain I smear!

Olga Bravina

Yes, the doctor prescribed me to smear the legs of my daughter with an asterisk or turpentine ointment - it is sold in a pharmacy... I do not even know if it helped! Well, smear - there will definitely be no harm!


up to a certain age is not recommended to smear an asterisk, there are special rubbers for children in pharmacies

julia nikitina

Asterisk did not smear. But Dr. Mom Mazalie is a good help.


The asterisk does not help much, but when you soar your legs with mustard. And so that the child sweat on his forehead appeared and then immediately to bed and sleep. A very good method especially if he has a cough. But that there was no temperature.

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