Than you can gargle with a cold

With a cold, can I rinse my nose and throat with soda or can it be worse and better?


Tatiana Dubova (Lukerya)

Soda is not harmful, do not be afraid. It kills germs, because it is chemically an antiseptic. Rugs more often. It is more effective to add 3-5 drops of iodine to the glass with soda


and maybe it's better to buy medicines in a pharmacy, and not to chemize with soda?


and it is better to do in general the type of sea water of soda iodine and salt and rinse very helps to recover

Scarcely... yes Tsvyatochek same!

here would see how it is - rinse the nose with soda ???:

galina sun

It is better to wash the nose more often with tap water, top with petroleum jelly. And for the throat is better than inhalation with soda (1 tbsp. spoon soda for 0.5 liters of boiling water, cover with a towel and breathe for 5-10 minutes, but do not get burned) Good luck!


I do a saline wash. It does not hurt at all and there are no unpleasant sensations.


rinds with chlorophyllite, alcohol solution of throat 1 tbsp. spoon on a glass of water

instagram viewer

Lyudmila *

Excellent means-hydrogen peroxide 3%!!! Checked repeatedly, even with purulent angina, complete lack of drugs and doctors!
With any painful phenomena in the throat, in the mouth cavity rinses can provide real help. For 1 ml of water, 1-3 teaspoons of H202 are taken, but I dilute 1/1 with boiled lukewarm water.


recently watched "Health" with Malysheva, and there the doctor advised washing his nose solely with saline solution

Marina Emelyanova

NO!!! A solution of salt (marine is better) and iodine 3-5 drops on a glass of warm boiled water.

Than to gargle with a cold?

Persecution, acute pain in the throat, loss of voice always cause a lot of suffering. Any catarrhal disease, as a rule, is associated with inflammation of the larynx, throat and pharynx. How to get rid of the pain and quickly return the voice? Traditional healers and professional doctors advise one - frequent rinses with anti-inflammatory and disinfecting solutions, a hot drink containing vitamin C, and warm dry compresses to the area neck. However, before starting treatment, it is necessary to determine the diagnosis, since not always the same recommendations are effective for various types of diseases. And still, if frequent rinses for a long time do not bring relief, you should always consult a doctor.

Than to gargle with a cold? First about what you can buy at the pharmacy. A good effect with inflammation in the throat is furatsilin, which has antibacterial properties. One shredded tablet containing 2 gr. drug, enough for a glass of warm water. Rinse time: 4-5 times a day for two to three minutes. The disinfecting and anti-inflammatory effect of the drug is enhanced if a few drops of marigold or eucalyptus tincture are added to the solution.

When choosing what to gargle with a cold, you should stop on ready-made herbal tinctures, which you can buy at the pharmacy. These are the same calendula and eucalyptus, which have a good antiseptic and disinfectant effect, as well as camomile flowers, tincture of St. John's wort and propolis. One teaspoon of the drug is enough for a glass of warm water. The throat is rinsed three to four times a day.

Infusions and decoctions of a mixture of herbs, cooked at home, are very effective in the treatment of inflammatory processes in the throat. Answering the question, what to gargle with a cold? - Let us dwell on several of the most common recipes of herbal infusions.

1. On a tablespoon of dry chamomile, marigold and eucalyptus pour a glass of boiling water and let stand on the lid for about half an hour. Then drain the infusion, squeezing the grass well, and rinse your throat during the day. You can make the same medicine from a tablespoon of St. John's wort, chamomile, flaxseed and marigold in equal parts. All these herbs have an excellent anti-inflammatory effect.

2. A good healing property, removing inflammation and pain, is sage and thyme. Dry leaves of plants (10 gr.) Are poured with boiling water and insist for half an hour. Then filter and apply as a rinse during the day.

Very often, hypothermia and viral infections cause acute pharyngitis, an inflammatory process of the pharyngeal mucosa, which is accompanied by perspiration, congestion of mucus, swelling and pain in the throat. Treatment of the disease is based on frequent rinsing and inhalation. Than gargle with pharyngitis? In folk medicine there are a few simple tips. First of all, a mixture of one fourth of a teaspoon of salt and the same amount of baking soda is a good help for a glass of warm water. Secondly, a good effect gives an infusion of blackberry leaves (one spoonful into a glass of boiling water). Thirdly, you can make a mixture of two grated cloves of garlic and a glass of warm milk. The solution should be allowed to stand for a while, then pass through the cheesecloth and rinse the throat in the supine position several times a day.

Another disease of the throat with cold is laryngitis, which manifests itself in the inflammatory process of the laryngeal mucosa and causes pain, swelling, loss of voice, dryness. Than to gargle with a laryngitis? Here the most effective herbal preparations, which boil with boiling water, insist for half an hour and used as a rinse during the day. The first composition: a glass of boiling water pour 2 spoons of eucalyptus, one spoonful of chamomile, linden and thyme. Second composition: it is recommended to boil on the stove for 10 minutes, and then insist on a spoon of nettle leaves, roots of elecampane, herb of thyme and the roots of the thigh to a glass of boiling water.

The answer to the question, what to gargle with a cold? - Drug medications or folk remedies, everyone gives himself. The main thing in successful treatment is a correctly established diagnosis, regular intake and use of medicines immediately after the first symptoms of the disease. It is even better to avoid colds with the help of prevention and strengthening of immunity.

What is the effectiveness of gargling with colds: a solution of furacilin or soda?


q q

furatsilinom, though more contrary


saline solution


Equally, you can salt.

Sofiya Skobelev's

1 liter salt, soda + 3 drops of iodine per glass of water.

Zheka Skulsky



You can both, and you can rinse with Rotocan solution. Rassassyvat Grammidine NEO.

Mr. Corax

Naive, sixty percent of it is staphylococcal angina.
A couple of years already "normal" cold does not happen, microbes adapt.
Amosin 14 days, usually enough, if there is not enough for seven more days course.

Vera Boykova

It will be most effective to alternate them. And do it often, in two or three hours.

Ekaterina Filippova

I doubt whether you will like my advice. I do not know the best remedy for angina in the initial stage, than rubbing the throat from the inside with a bandage soaked in aviation kerosene. I retreat for this procedure, because it's hard in all respects. Bintik screwed on the finger, wetting - and deeper into the throat. The next morning from angina there is no trace. Something like this.


The best is octenesispt. 1 part of octenepsept and 3 parts of water. Kills all bacteria, viruses and fungi.


Furatsilin or decoction of chamomile.

natalya adonina

Calendula.., very well helps !!

Can I rinse my throat with chamomile for a cold?


♍Galina Zhigunova♍

Yes, you can.
I've had chronic tonsillitis all my life, my pediatrician constantly prescribed rinsing of my throat with sage, eucalyptus and chamomile.

Taisia ​​Ahunzyanova

it is better to use a very warm salty water, try the taste of a saline glass, and 2 drops of iodine, no more. every 1.2-2 hours, per day will help, maybe a little more

Pavol Abyrvalg

It is possible, and still it is possible a solution furatsillina, as there is a heap of antiseptics just for a rinse ...

Ilya Serov

If you do not vomit - you can (I personally can not). Calendula is still possible.

Laura Sh


Roman Vishnyov

Chamomile has a disinfecting and anti-inflammatory agent. herbs are better than medicines

Than and how to gargle with a cold?

Such an unpleasant thing, like an acute respiratory disease, happens practically with everyone, and regardless of the season. In the summer, fortunately, this happens much less often than in the autumn and winter, but even in the hot season, no one is immune from a cold.

As a rule, catarrhal phenomena are first accompanied by perspiration, scratching, and then severe pain in the throat, and in order to ease their condition, and in a number of cases and prevent further development of the disease, we must first turn to such a simple, but very effective reception like rinsing.

The question is - how to gargle? On sale pharmacies have ready-made preparations, for example, "Rotokan" based on chamomile, calendula and yarrow, as well as all known alcohol tincture of calendula. You can use these drugs, because with their help you can prepare a solution for rinsing your throat in a matter of seconds - a certain amount of the drug is diluted with warm water (in particular, one should take 1 teaspoon per mouthful of water), and a solution for rinses are ready.

It is also good to gargle with furatsilinom. You need to buy at the pharmacy tablets and dissolve 2 pieces (20 grams each) in a glass of water. Furacilin is an excellent antimicrobial agent, and you will have enough glass for 2-3 rinses.

All these drugs can be used if there is no allergy to the components that make up their composition.

For the treatment and prevention of nasopharyngeal diseases, it is possible to gargle with a solution of salt and baking soda. Usually, take a teaspoon of salt and soda (without top) to a glass of water, and it's good to add a couple drops of iodine (the so-called "sea water" is obtained, only do not overdo it with iodine, 2-4 drops is norm).

Also, from simple but effective tools used to rinse your throat, you can advise a solution of apple cider vinegar. It should be diluted with water in a proportion: or slightly weaker.

Well, if you can alternate solutions for gargling during the day. It is also important to start these procedures as soon as possible - as soon as you feel the first signs of discomfort. Gargle should be at least 3-4 times a day.

If the throat is already aching thoroughly, you will most likely have to see a doctor. Along with other means that the specialist will write out, rinses will not only not need to be canceled, but you should try to do them even more often - every 2 to 3 hours. By doing this, you will significantly reduce the number of harmful microbes that accumulate in the mouth and pharynx during the inflammatory process.

You can gargle other means, for example, diluted in water with beet or carrot juice with the addition of honey. But this is a little more laborious, especially if you have already started to rise the temperature and there is no strength do some complicated manipulation with vegetables, and without helpers it's difficult even to force yourself to get up with bed.

The rinse solution should have a comfortable temperature for the inflamed larynx - not cold and not hot, but warm. In some cases, when the solution is prepared for several procedures and, of course, it will cool down, you just need to cast the right amount and Before the procedure, put the glass for several minutes in another container (with more hot water), thus heating up to a comfortable temperature.

In conclusion, we will give some tips on how to properly do the gargling, that is, how to conduct the procedure itself.

During the rinse we throw our heads back and, as it were, sing in a singsong voice, oh, and also we say jerky syllables "aha" oh "hoo" - so that the seething water was washed as thoroughly as possible all available departments larynx.

One procedure should last at least one and a half minutes (that is, 3-4 times you need to take a solution and, holding your breath for 15-20-30 seconds, try to rinse everything that accumulated in the throat).

Do not be lazy to do such simple things and be healthy!

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