Rapid removal of emotional stress, anxiety and stress

Our life is full of stressful conditions, the reason for the appearance of which can be anything: from a simple misunderstanding, life turmoil to serious tragedy and psychotraumatic events and situations. In this article, we will look at some exercises, trainings, methods and methods for rapid withdrawal of anxiety, emotional stress and stress, including meditation from yoga.

We will perform video-online viewing with relaxing music. Remember the most important thing: effective removal of psychological stress is possible as a result of an analysis of the causes of its occurrence and their elimination. It also happens that it is not always possible to eliminate the reasons! Then at least just practice the training exercises, use the advice and recommendations described here.


Exercises for the removal of psychological trauma and stress

How to reduce stress?

So, we recommend simple exercise-options for stress relief, choose for yourself something:

  1. Respiration by abdominal region .Breathe deeply in your belly, not in your chest. On inspiration, it is pumped up, rounded, on exhalation - you blow it off and slightly pull it inside. To control this type of breathing, place your palms on the navel area. Do the exercise for five minutes.
  2. Slow breathing .Take 4 breaths, then hold 4 breaths for 4 counts. Then, exhale 4 accounts and hold your breath again, also into four accounts. Breathe like this for five minutes, after which the relaxation will imperceptibly come.
  3. Ice cream .Stand up straight, hands up. Stretch out and strain your whole body. So stay for a few minutes to get used to the strain and get tired of it. Imagine that you are frozen like ice cream. Then imagine that the sun appears above you, and its rays warm you up. Begin slowly to "melt" under his rays. First, relax the hands, then the forearms, then the shoulders, neck, body, and then the legs. Relax completely.
  4. "Visualization" .Imagine that you are on the beach. Sit on the snow-white sand, you are warmed by the sun, and your feet are washed by pure water. Before you only a blue transparent surface, all the problems have remained beyond the horizon. A gentle breeze blows in your face, warm tickles tickle. Stay in this state for 5 minutes.
  5. Exercise "7 candles" .Includes elements of respiratory gymnastics and visualization. Imagine that you have seven candles burning before you that need to be blown out. Take a deep breath and blow out the first candle. Imagine how the flame goes out. And so take turns blowing out all 7 candles until you plunge into the darkness, which will save you from obsessive thoughts.
  6. If you can not solve the problem, the exercise "Strategy" will help you. Focus on the problem, consider the sequence of possible actions to eliminate it. Stop at each intermediate link of the action, think through it, remember the feelings that appear after each step on the way to solving the problem. Ignore all the irritants, do not pay attention, remember the plan to overcome the stressful situation and everything will turn out.
  7. Take the piece of paper and draw a situation that bothers you and makes you nervous. On the back of the sheet, write down all your negative negative emotions that cause the situation. Let go of all that has accumulated inside. Then burn or tear the leaf.
  8. «We are drawn to the stars» .Stand straight, legs spread apart shoulder width. Take a deep breath and raise your hands up, still stretch, as if you want to get a star from the sky. Hold on like this. Further exhale and lower your hands, relax them and shake.
  9. Method "Lemon" .Sitting on the sofa or floor, accept the lotus position. Close your eyes, imagine that you have a lemon in your right hand. Clench your fist as if squeezing juice out of it. Clench your fist as hard as you can until the forces are over, and the imaginary juice will not flow out. Too - on the other hand. Exercise can be tried and immediately on both hands.
  10. Exercises "Globalization" .Imagine yourself and your problem. Then imagine that you are inside a large house, and the house is inside the street. This street is inside the district, which is inside the city. The city is located inside the country, which is on the mainland. The continent, of course, on the planet Earth, Earth - in the galaxy, and the galaxy in the universe. Thus, you will be able to at least partially reset the significance of your problems and reduce the severity of the traumatic experiences.
  11. Training "Swing" .Lying on the floor, bend your knees and wrap your arms around them. Next, rounding your back and lifting your head and bringing it closer to your chest, swing back and forth first. Therefore, try rocking from one side to the other. The process continues for about one to two minutes. Exhausting thoughts subsided.

Trainings, ways and games to relieve stress and stress

Video: Elena Malysheva

Method one

Take a comfortable body position and close eyes. Now, imagine a sandy desert and a bright blinding sun at the zenith. A caravan of camels moves slowly through the desert. The animals are hung with goods, baskets, but they walk exactly along the sandy surface and hills, slowly rocking from side to side. Camel movements are smooth, lazy. Their jaws move slowly - they chew something all the time. Watching the caravan, you spontaneously calm down, the rhythm of your breathing becomes equal, the feeling of warmth and peace fills the entire body - from the crown to the tips of your toes.

Method of the second

In order to increase resistance to stress, to achieve peace, relaxation, to get rid of anxiety and excitement when dealing with strangers, you can apply the training method of comparison.

First, relax in a comfortable pose. Second, think about the problem and ask yourself: "Is this problem very serious or not?".Try to compare it with world disasters, minimize it. This method of overcoming stress is very similar to the above-mentioned 10 exercise "Globalization".

Method third

In the fight against stress, the technique of visualization is effective, which will allow the ability to relax, strengthen the body, increase endurance to stress factors and replenish energy resources.

Appliances. Imagine a bright beam of light that comes from the head region. Every second the beam grows and falls lower - lighting the pleasant warm light of the chest, hands, belly and legs. Feel the pouring warmth in the smallest details. Light energizes you, relieves anxiety and anxiety.

If the child has stress, what should I do?

There are special games to relieve stress for children. They are psychologically designed techniques to relieve stress that can strengthen the child's nervous system after an emotional shock or remove internal tension.

Games for children are different, their application depends on the tasks.

To relieve stress on the face of the game fit "build faces", or "krivlyalki."Simply we make faces with the baby, make masks by hands: smile, surprise, inflate or draw in cheeks, lips.

Meditation method for stress relief

Related videos: The best meditation for deep relaxation

There are so many various meditation methods not only in yoga, but also in the practical activities of modern psychologists. Meditation and other techniques of calm and relaxation for the removal of emotional stress are widely used in the training work of foreign and domestic psychologists working in schools, government agencies, organizations and enterprises.

Many people in situations of stress run to the pharmacy to buy "something from the nerves."But do not immediately resort to medicinal drugs and drugs, in addition, without the appointment of a doctor. If you learn to control your emotional state through relaxation and other techniques, you can easily overcome stress and will be independent of anyone else.

Meditation is one of the oldest practices practiced to calm the mind, expand consciousness and perception, it helps to disconnect from psychotraumatic experiences. It is better to meditate in solitude, but as mastery progresses into the state of meditation, one can dive even in places where people gather, while adequately reacting to the surrounding with complete self-control and possession of the situation.

Example of simple meditation

To calm down and achieve deep relaxation, sit on a chair or, if possible, in a lotus position, half lotus. Dive into a state of complete rest. Breathe slowly and deeply. You can count the breaths for a few minutes, chant the mantra( for example, om mani padme hum, om namo bhagavate), use the material on how to quickly relieve stress and nervous tension at home, or how to quickly get rid of stress, anxiety and depression inhome conditions.

Carry out such therapeutic psychotherapeutic sessions of meditation daily and by this method you will definitely improve your psycho-emotional state.

Tips and tricks

All the above exercises, techniques, methods, methods, trainings to relieve stress, answer two important questions: "What to do with stress and how to remove it?", "How to relieve psychoemotional nervous tension and strengthen the central nervous system without harm anddamage to health? "

In a person's life, the role of stress is important. Protect yourself and children from stressful situations is impossible. Therefore, it remains for us: to choose the appropriate method and use it.

Remember that medications and bad habits( smoking and alcohol abuse) will not help get rid of inner tension, anxiety, feelings of anxiety, and experience severe stress. They will exacerbate the consequences, erasing the symptoms and causing addiction to psycho activating substances.

When there is no cause for concern, you enjoy life. But do not forget that prevention and readiness to survive stressful influences are the best friend! It is easier to prevent than cure. Take care of your mental, emotional and physical health, pay attention to the psychological emotional state of your children, play with them cheerful games more often and arrange useful trainings.

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