Poisoning by poisonous plants: what to do and first aid

Poisoning with poisonous plants and herbs is quite possible when treating at home with folk remedies. This is due to non-compliance with the instructions for use, the dose of infusion, decoction or powder. After all, the great healer of the past and the doctor Paracelsus warned that any medicine is a poison and only its correctly selected dose has a therapeutic effect. It is clear that any potent medicinal plant should be used cautiously.

Do not try to quickly cure the disease! The truth can be poisoned not only by self-medication, but also because of careless consumption of unfamiliar herbs and plants. After all, along with medicinal herbs, useful for health, in nature there are often plants that have toxic properties. They need to be able to distinguish in the diversity of the plant world. You need to know what and how to do if you are poisoned by plants.

According to scientists, there are more than ten thousand species of poisonous plants on Earth. Of course, they are also strong and unique medicines, but you need to know in what dosage and what quality they can be applied.

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Toxic plants treat a lot of diseases. They have a number of remarkable properties. They can be used in heart diseases, and as hemostatic or painkillers. There are few diseases that do not use potent or poisonous plants. In fact already now in medicine more than 160 kinds of poisonous plants are used. Let's look at some of them to know how to use them if necessary and what to be afraid of when they are applied.

Poisoning by poisonous plants occurs mainly in the spring-summer period.

Most often, tourists are exposed to risks unfamiliar with poisonous plants, and children who often grab and chew horrible.


Poisoning: signs, symptoms and manifestation

As a rule, the poisoning of poisonous plants affects the nervous system. Depending on the poison contained in the plant, both oppression and excitation of its functions are possible.

When the nervous system is depressed, patients report drowsiness, depressed, poor mood, lowering of skin sensitivity, difficulty of movement( until complete loss), loss of consciousness, collapse and death in the event of failure to provide first aid.

To plants that cause similar phenomena, include hemlock( omeg spotted), belladonna, horsetail, poppy and some others.

When excited, there are manic disorders of consciousness( incorrect behavior, aggressiveness, the desire to reach the unattainable), trembling of the fingers and toes, cramps of certain muscle groups, skin itching, flies flies before the eyes. In this case, the pupils of the victim are widened, the swallowing act is broken, the management of the facial muscles is broken, the skin is dry and hot, the pulse and breathing are sharply increased.

Excitation of the central nervous system and all of the above factors of poisoning cause such plants, as datura, belladonna( belladonna), aconite, milestone toxic and some others.

Another group of poisonous plants acts directly on the gastrointestinal tract, causing very strong spastic bowel pains, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. The body is very dehydrated, and as a result, such phenomena as weakness, dyspnea, and cardiac disorders develop. To dehydrating poisonous plants include nightshade, mustard, sprouted potatoes, spurge and some others.

Toxic medicinal plants may predominantly affect one organ. So, digitalis, oleander, Gorilla act directly on the heart muscle, exciting it. The rhythm of the heart becomes unstable and inconsistent, the pulse is sharply increased. The patient feels the fear of death, his consciousness is darkened. Then there comes a syncope, collapse and, with a high dosage of the drug, a fatal outcome.

Directly on the liver, there are such poisonous plants as the heliotrope and the ragwort. When they poison themselves with the patient, there is nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, jaundice, skin itching, pain in the liver. Simultaneously, symptoms of central nervous system damage are observed: excitation, then drowsiness and darkening of consciousness.

Some ( cowworm) plants act on the skin, on which blisters and numerous vesicles appear after such contact. There is severe itching.

What to do and first aid for poisoning

Acacia white: robinia

Acacia white grows mainly in southern regions of Russia. Its height can reach 15 meters, it blossoms in May with white fragrant clusters of flowers, which bees are very fond of.

For medical purposes use flowers acacia. The roots and bark of the tree contain the substance toxalbuminrobin, harmful to the human body.

When poisoning with toxalbuminrobine , the patient appears nausea, vomiting, cramping pain in the abdomen and throughout the intestines, diarrhea.

In severe cases - a bloody stool, blood in the urine, acute cardiovascular failure( collapse).There may be a sharp psychomotor agitation, convulsions, loss of consciousness.

First aid

  1. Two or three times washing the stomach with water with the addition of 2-3 grains of manganese;
  2. reception of activated charcoal for 2 tablets every 2 hours;
  3. for severe poisoning reception of cardiac means - Valocordin, tincture of hawthorn, motherwort, peony, valerian, etc.;
  4. the prompt call of the doctor.

Medical help

  1. Methods of active detoxification: gastric lavage, inside activated charcoal.
  2. Antidote treatment.
  3. Symptomatic therapy: intravenous administration of 5-10% glucose solution, 0.9% sodium chloride solution, electrolyte solution used in forced diuresis. Cardiovascular drugs, calcium chloride, Vikasol.

Aconite: root-fighter, blue buttercup, Issyk-Kul root

People knew about the toxic properties of aconite since ancient times. Folk plant names also corresponded to the properties of this plant. Aconite was called both "wolf death" and "iron helmet", and "root-fighter".

Aconite is found in forests and copses, in ravines and gardens, in the mountains, along the banks of rivers and lakes.

The degree of plant toxicity depends on the season, soil and age of the plant. The most poisonous tubers are aconite.

Yellow aconite flowers are very beautiful, but it is not recommended to collect them for a bouquet.

The active principle of the plant is the alkaloid aconite.

The lethal dose is about 1 g of the plant, 5 ml of tincture, 2 mg of aconitin alkaloid.

On the body aconite has a neuro-toxic and cardio-toxic effect. In small doses, it excites the central and peripheral nervous system in large - depresses. Its action is similar to the action of the poison curare.

When aconite poisoning patients complain of drooling, burning in the mouth, numbness of the tip of the tongue, lips, fingertips and toes, a feeling of crawling, a feeling of heat and cold in the limbs, impaired vision( the patient sees all objects in green).The patient is concerned about dry mouth, thirst, headache, vomiting, diarrhea.

From the side of the central nervous system - skin sensitivity is lost, dizziness, restlessness, convulsive twitching of the muscles of the face, limbs, loss of consciousness. Sharply deteriorating eyesight and hearing( until blindness and deafness).Respiration is rapid, superficial, shortness of breath and exhalation, sudden breathing stops. Blood pressure drops sharply.

Death can come from stopping breathing and disturbing cardiac activity.

First aid for

First aid for aconite poisoning should consist of the following:

  1. gastric lavage with saline laxatives;
  2. reception of activated charcoal by 2 tablets every hour;
  3. with the weakening of the heart and weak breathing - artificial respiration and indirect heart massage.

Medical assistance

  1. Gastric lavage, saline laxative, activated charcoal inside, forced diuresis, detoxification hemosorption.
  2. Intravenously 20-50 ml of 1% solution of Novocaine, 500 ml of 5% glucose. Intramuscularly 10 ml of a 25% solution of Magnesium sulfate. With convulsions - Diazepam( Seduxen) 5-10 mg intravenously. In heart rhythm disorders - intravenously 10 mg of a 10% solution of Novocainamide( with normal blood pressure!) Or 1-2 ml of 0.1% solution of Obsidan, 20 ml of 40% glucose solution with 1 ml of 0.06%solution of Korglikon. With bradycardia - 0.1% solution of Atropine subcutaneously. Intramuscularly, Cocarboxylase - 100 mg, 1% ATP solution - 2 ml, 5% solution of Ascorbic acid - 5 ml, 5% solutions of vitamins B1-4 ml, B6-4 ml.

Belen black

Belen black is a poisonous plant from the family of Solanaceae. The root at the age of two is repo-shaped, up to 2.5 cm thick, inside is gray-white.

Weed. Very small plant with large flowers with funnel-shaped dirty white corolla, covered with small violet veins. It blooms all summer, has an unpleasant smell. Fruits appear in June - August. Seeds of bleached are located in a two-cavity box, widening downwards. The top box is closed with a lid.

Distributed throughout the country. It grows in gardens and vegetable gardens, on vacant lots, in fields, near housing. The plant is very poisonous. For one season gives up to 10,000 seeds. Seeds are drought-resistant and hardy. They retain their ability to germinate for a long time.

First aid is a gastric lavage, giving activated carbon, egg white protein or milk.

When poisoning bleached after 30-40 minutes, the victim has dry mouth, thirst, motor excitement, visual impairment, breathing, dizziness and general weakness. Often there are disorders from the central nervous system. The patient behaves in such cases as violently insane."Belen has eaten up," the people say.

In severe cases, loss of consciousness, convulsions, and death from paralysis of the respiratory center may occur.

In modern medicine, bleach is used in the form of powders, pills, extracts in the same cases as preparations of belladonna( as an antispasmodic and analgesic for gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, spasms of the bronchi, intestines, bladder).Also, bleached black preparations are used for a strong spastic cough, painful menstruation.

Powdered leaves of bleached are a part of the preparation of asthmatin( used as cigarettes in bronchial asthma).

If sunflower oil is boiled with leaves of bleached, then it can be used as an analgesic external agent for myalgia, myositis, muscle and joint pain.

The largest single dose of whitening for ingestion( for adults) is 0.1 g.

Children are not recommended to give bleach preparations.(see "First aid for poisoning with atropine").

Medical Assistance

  1. Gastric lavage followed by 200 ml of vaseline oil or 200 ml of 0.2-0.5% tannin solution through the probe. Forced diuresis.
  2. In a coma, in the absence of a sharp stimulation, 1 ml of a 1% solution of pilocarpine is repeated, Prozerin 1 ml of a 0.05% solution or 1 ml of a 0.1% solution of Ezerin is repeatedly subcutaneously.
  3. When excited, 2.5% solution of Aminazine - 2 ml intramuscularly, 1% solution of Diphenhydramine - 2 ml intramuscularly, 1% solution of Promedol 2 ml subcutaneously, 5-10 mg Diazepam intravenously. With a sharp hyperthermia - 4% solution of Amidopyrin - 10-20 ml intramuscularly, ice bladders on the head and inguinal areas, wrapping a wet sheet and fan blowing.

Belladonna: belladonna

Belladonna is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Solanaceae family with a thick green or purple stalk. It reaches a height of 1.5-2m. The leaves are large, ovate, entire-pointed and pointed. The lower leaves are regular, single, upper are arranged in pairs( usually one of them is larger than the other), covered with small veins. Flowers are large, single, tubular-campanulate brownish-purple or dark purple. Blossoms in June - August, fructifies in September.

More krasavka is more in the southern regions of our country( Crimea, Caucasus).

"Mad Cherry" - call belladonna in the people. In translation from Italian - "beautiful woman".

All parts of the plant are poisonous. Children are more often poisoned, who are attracted by the brilliant, cherry-like berries of belladonna. It is enough 3-5 berries to cause the child severe poisoning.

In medical practice, the main derivative of belladonna is Atropine. It is used in the treatment of ulcers of the stomach and intestines, as a strong antispasmodic. It is used for renal and cholelithiasis, bronchial asthma and a number of other diseases.

Another preparation of belladonna - Scopolamine is a part of the aeron tablets used for sea and air sickness.

In the official medicine, the following basic belladonna preparations are used:

Dry extract of belladonna. Single dose - 0.1 g, daily - 0.3.

Solutan. It is used for bronchial asthma, asthmatic bronchitis. Complex preparation.

Bicarbon. Complex preparation. Contains 0.01 g of belladonna in the tablet. It is used for gastrointestinal diseases.

Bellalgin. It is used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by a spasm of smooth muscles and high acidity.

Bellataminal. It is used for irritability, insomnia, climacteric neuroses, vegetovascular dystonia.

Bellastesin. It is used for gastrointestinal diseases.

In folk medicine tincture of belladonna, infusion of belladonna and thick extract are used.

Tincture of the belladonna is obtained from the leaves of the plant. Insist them on 40% alcohol in a ratio of 1:10 for two weeks. Strain. Take 5-10 drops 2-3 times a day.

Infusion of the belladonna. 1 tablespoon of dry leaves, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, close tightly and insist 2 hours in a warm place. Strain. Take 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day.

When poisoning belladonna appears dry mouth, hoarseness of voice, nausea, dizziness, fever, red face, frequent pulse. In severe cases, convulsions and hallucinations occur. If the patient does not provide assistance, coma and death may occur.

  1. If you suspect a poisoning before coming to the doctor, you should rinse the stomach with a patient( preferably with slightly boiled tea, which contains tannin), give 10-15 tablets of activated carbon, and heart drops.
  2. If necessary, rinse the stomach repeatedly, induce vomiting, repeat the carbolene and cardiac drops.

Medical Assistance

  1. Gastric lavage followed by 200 ml of vaseline oil or 200 ml of 0.2-0.5% Tannin solution through the probe. For relief of acute psychosis - Aminazine intramuscularly. At a high body temperature - a cold on the head, wrapping wet sheets. Of more specific means - the introduction of 1-2 ml of a 0.05% solution of Proserin under the skin.
  2. There are widely available antidotes.

Option: gastric lavage with water with the addition of Carboline or potassium permanganate solution 1: 1000, followed by the introduction of a salt laxative, rest, bed rest, cold to the head. With weakness - Caffeine tablets. If breathing is disturbed - artificial respiration, oxygen inhalation.

Treatment with atropine poisoning

  1. When ingestion - gastric lavage through a probe, richly lubricated with vaseline oil, forced diuresis.
  2. In a coma, in the absence of a sharp stimulation - 1 ml of 1% solution of Pilocarpin repeatedly, Proserin 1 ml of 0.05% solution or 1 ml of 0.1% solution of Ezerin subcutaneously repeatedly.
  3. When excited, 2.5% solution of Aminazine - 2 ml intramuscularly, 1% solution of Diphenhydramine - 2 ml intramuscularly, 1% solution of Promedol 2 ml subcutaneously, 5-10 mg of Diazepam intravenously. With a sharp hyperthermia - 4% solution of Amidopyrin - 10-20 ml intramuscularly, ice bladders on the head and inguinal areas, wrapping a wet sheet and fan blowing.

Bulb spotted

This is a two-year-old plant from the umbrella family. Even in ancient Greece, its toxic properties were used. Criminals sentenced to death were forced to drink a mixture of hemlock and opium, after which death occurred. The famous Greek philosopher Socrates was also killed at the time by Boligolov.

When poisoning the hemlock, changes in the central nervous system are noted first. Limbs become heavy, unruly. Develops a paralysis, starting with the feet. Gradually, all the higher parts of the trunk are paralyzed.

Death comes from paralysis of the respiratory center.

Heights in the first year of his development are similar to parsley. It differs in mouse odor. It grows on neglected and neglected plots, in weedy places, along the shores of lakes and rivers.

First aid is the same as for bleach poisoning.

First aid

  1. Rinse the stomach with a 0.1% solution of potassium permanganate;
  2. drink an aqueous suspension of activated carbon.

Medical assistance

  1. Gastric lavage through the probe, salt laxative, activated charcoal inside, hemosorption.
  2. Antidote treatment.
  3. Intramuscular 25% solution of magnesium sulphate - 10 ml. With convulsions - Diazepam 5-10 mg intravenously. Artificial hardware breathing. With a heart rhythm disorder - 10 ml of a 10% solution of Novocainamide intravenously.


A plant from the family of umbelliferous. All parts of the plant are poisonous, as they contain furocoumarins( poisonous substances with local irritant effect).

When contacting the plant, especially with hairs of stems and leaves, when the plant juice gets on the skin, inflammation, erythema, and dermatitis develop.

First aid

First aid for poisoning with hogweed consists of the following activities:

  1. skin washing with water;
  2. grease the affected areas with an alcohol solution of methylene blue;
  3. ointment application with hydrocortisone, anesthesin.

Medical Assistance

  1. Burned skin areas should be rinsed with plenty of water, preferably with the addition of a small amount of soda. In such a solution, coumarin, its derivatives and essential oils dissolve better than in pure water, and are accordingly better removed.
  2. The affected areas can then be anointed with any softening agent from burns.
  3. Do not use urine in any way! Despite the widespread opinion about its benefits in case of a burn, urine can cause much more severe consequences.
  4. When treating, it is necessary to treat the burned areas with Fukorcin liquid - 2 times a day - 3 days;and creams "Elokom" or "Advantan", or gel "Fenistil" 2 times a day - 3-5 days.
  5. And inside you can drink a course of Tavegil for 1 tab.at night - 5 days.

Pigmented spots appear on the affected areas.

Elderberry stinky

Toxic berries, especially immature( contain amygdalin).The lethal dose of amygdalin is 1 g.

When poisoning with elderberries, neurotoxic effect is manifested( tissue hypoxia - insufficient supply of tissues with oxygen).

First aid - as if poisoning seeds with stone or hydrocyanic acid.

Wolf's bast: wolfberry

Wolfheart is common in the Caucasus, in the middle forest and forest-steppe zone of Russia, in Western and Central Siberia.

Blossoms in May-April fragrant pink tubular flowers, which sit on leafless shoots and twigs in groups of 2-3.

Volcheyagodnik - erect bush. Fruits - bright red juicy stems in July-August cover the stem and twigs below the leaves.

The whole plant is poisonous.

When ingested juice or berries, acute inflammation of the gastrointestinal mucosa is observed, followed by ulceration. The patient complains of pain in the throat, stomach, dizziness, convulsions, vomiting.

Even a small amount of the wolfberry fruit( Daphne spp.) Can cause serious damage to health and lead to death. Its toxins are polypeptides that suppress the synthesis of proteins in the intestinal wall. As a result, it collapses and ceases to function.

First aid

Gastric lavage followed by egg white with water, taking activated carbon( 3-5 g) three times for 1 hour. When poisoning wolf lick will help a deep enema with clean warm water.

It is not recommended to take rough, hard food within a week after poisoning.

After emergency assistance, the victim should be taken to a medical institution.

Medical assistance

  1. Gastric lavage followed by administration of vaseline oil.
  2. Laxatives are contraindicated.
  3. Therapy is aimed at eliminating irritation of the mucous membranes of the digestive tract( ice slices inside, lubrication of mucous Dicain, anestezin - inside), fighting with acute heart failure( Strofantin and other similar drugs).

Voroniy eye: shamrock

Refers to the family of lily. Perennial. Stem naked, up to 35 cm tall. At the top of the stem are 4 leaves collected by the whorl. Blooms in May - June. Fruits - a bluish-black berry, ripening in August.

The plant is very poisonous. Its fruits cause vomiting, and if you eat them a lot, severe poisoning begins.

In official medicine is not used.

In folk medicine for pulmonary tuberculosis, mental disorders, chronic headaches, tincture from the crow's eye is used: 1 1 tablespoon fill with 1 liter of vodka. Insist in a dark place for 14 days. Periodically shake. Strain.

When poisoning drugs crows eye there are vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain. From the side of the central nervous system, a syndrome similar to that of atropine is developed. There is dry mouth, photophobia, swallowing and speech disorders, convulsions, hallucinations, heart activity is inhibited. A coma may develop and a fatal outcome may follow.

First aid

Gastric lavage followed by oral administration of 3-5 g of activated carbon and enveloping agents( egg white, starch mucilage, milk).Also, when a quarterfoil is poisoned, a high enema is shown. After providing first aid, the patient must be urgently hospitalized in the intensive care unit.

Medical assistance

When poisoning with a crow's eye, medical assistance consists of the following:

  1. gastric lavage followed by the administration of vaseline oil, laxatives are contraindicated;
  2. therapy is aimed at eliminating irritation of the mucous membranes of the digestive tract( ice slices inside, lubrication of mucous Dicain, anestezin - inside);
  3. fight with acute heart failure( Strofantin and other similar drugs).

Bindweed Field

There are more than 35 species of bindweed in the world. In Russia, the most common is the convolvulus of the field.

Bindweed has a long curly or creeping stem up to 1 meter long. Flowers are white or pink, have a pleasant smell. Bindweed of the field is a weed. It grows in fields, vegetable gardens, along roads, on abandoned land.

The main active substance of the plant is the convulsive, which has a strong laxative effect. Especially a lot of convulsivity in the roots of the plant.

In folk medicine field bindweed is used as a laxative, diuretic and hemostatic.

Field binders are used in the form of powder, infusion and tincture.

Infusion : 1 tablespoon of herbs pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour. Strain. Take 100 ml twice a day.

Powder from the roots, drink 1 g( at the tip of the knife) with strong constipation. External apply for purulent wounds in the form of powder.

Tincture. Two parts of grass and flowers of a cornflower field fill with 4 parts of vodka. Insist 14 days in a dark place. Strain. Take 10 drops twice a day as a hemostatic and laxative.

When poisoning cornflower field observed phenomena such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain. When these symptoms appear, you must stop taking the preparations of the cornflower field, cleanse the stomach and intestines by rinsing and enemas.

For children and pregnant women, cornworm preparations are not prescribed for the field!

Field keenness:

spurs. Vividness belongs to the family of buttercups. Has a straight, bare and branching stem up to 1 meter high. Flowers are purple, less often white or pink. Blossoms from June to September. It is widespread in the southern and middle regions of the country. Weed.

Some alkaloids contained in a plant are used in anesthesiology for surgical operations. Traditional medicine advises the use of vivacity in the treatment of helminthic invasions and with jaundice. External preparations from it are applied in the form of compresses at fractures.

The main symptoms of poisoning are violation of breathing and cardiac activity, a sharp drop in blood pressure, collapse, convulsions.

It must be remembered that the plant is poisonous, and observe precautions when taking the medication and storing it.

First aid for for stomach poisoning - gastric lavage, laxatives and emetics. When breathing is stopped, artificial respiration.

First aid is the same as with aconite poisoning: gastric lavage with 0.5% tannin, saline laxative, Tannin. Obligatory bed rest, warming of the patient. To prevent cardiac weakness - Strophantine, Atropine in usual doses, analeptics, strong tea or coffee. Anticonvulsant treatment. The antivenom is sour milk and onions.

Inside is not recommended, as the plant is very poisonous.

Datura ordinary

Datura belongs to the family of Solanaceae. The popular name is crazy grass.

This is an annual herbaceous plant with a forked-branched upright stalk( hollow inside) with a height of up to one and a half meters. Leaves large, regular, with long petioles, pointed, dentate. The length of the leaves is up to 25 cm, width is 4-6 cm.

On top of the leaves are dark green, from below - light green. Flowers white, large, single, up to 6 cm long. Located in the forks of the stem.

Blossoms datura in June - August, fruits in September.

From the plant comes an unpleasant, intoxicating smell( it is not uncommon for the flowers of dope to be collected in a bouquet and put in a room).

It grows dope in abandoned places, along roads and fences. Distributed in the south of Russia, the Caucasus, Central Asia.

For the use in medicine, the leaves of datura are collected. They are dried in the shade and ground.

In folk medicine, dope use for bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, convulsive cough, with spasms, convulsions, excessive sexual excitability in women.

Apply as a tincture or powder of leaves.

The tincture of is prepared as follows:

1 tablespoon of chopped leaves are poured into 0.5 liters of vodka and put in a dark place for 14 days. Periodically shaken. Filter. Take 10-15 drops 2-3 times a day.

Powders dope take on 0,1-0,2 g 2 times a day.

Effectively external use of drugs datura in case of prolapse of the uterus and rectum( sedentary baths, syringing).

Symptoms of poisoning and measures first aid for poisoning with dope are the same as for poisoning belladonna: gastric lavage followed by the introduction through the probe 200 ml of vaseline oil or 200 ml of a 0.2-0.5% solution of tannin.

For relief of acute psychosis - Aminazine intramuscularly. At a high body temperature - a cold on the head, wrapping wet sheets. Of more specific means - the introduction of 1-2 ml of a 0.05% solution of Proserin under the skin.

Indian hemp: hashish, plan, marijuana, anasha

Poisoning is possible with inhalation of tobacco smoke along with these substances, as well as when ingesting them.

Hemp, like other plants of this series, exerts on the body a psychotropic effect caused by a narcotic, hallucinogenic effect on the central nervous system.

The patient has psychomotor agitation, pupils dilate, there is a noise in the ears, bright visual hallucinations. After 2-3 hours there comes a general weakness, lethargy, tearfulness and a long deep sleep. Pulse during sleep is slowed, body temperature is lowered. A drop in blood pressure is possible.

First aid

  1. gastric lavage when taking the poison inside;
  2. activated charcoal on two tablets in an hour;
  3. diuretics;
  4. preparations that support the work of the heart;
  5. call the doctor.

Medical assistance

Gastric lavage in case of taking poison inside, forced diuresis. At a sharp excitation - 4-5% ml of a 2.5% solution of Aminazine intramuscularly.

Kopyten European

Perennial herbaceous plant of the family Kirkazonov. Kopyten is an evergreen plant, it is an ornament of our deciduous and mixed forests. Leaves are leathery, shiny. Flowers single small, white outside, inside - dark purple. The plant blooms in May, bears fruit in July.

In the official medicine, the hoof is not used.

In folk medicine, is used as an easy laxative, choleretic and diuretic. Especially widely used is the claw of with inflammation of the sciatic nerve.

In some regions of Russia, the plant is used as anthelmintic and antipyretic agents, for the treatment of neurasthenia, alcoholism, in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

For the treatment of chronic alcoholism uses the root of the claw of Europe.1 a teaspoon of finely chopped root pour a glass of boiling water and insist in a tightly closed dish for 3-4 hours.

Strain. Give the patient a drink with vodka( imperceptibly pour 1 tablespoon into a glass with alcohol).After a 3-4-day administration, most alcoholics develop a strong aversion to alcohol.

emetic is taken at half one gram of the root powder at the reception.

When weak menstruation and hypomenstrual syndrome is prescribed powder from the leaves of the claw( at the tip of the knife) with milk. Drink once a day, on an empty stomach.

MA Nossal recommends taking an infusion of hoof root with herb buds and grass remeshka for treating chronic bronchitis.

When an overdose of drugs from the plant develops nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. With severe poisoning, there may be acute damage to the renal glomeruli.

First aid: gastric lavage with a solution of potassium permanganate, inside mucous decoctions, egg white. High cleansing enema.

Buttercup venomous

Refers to the family of buttercups. Poisonous grass, which contains a toxic substance protoanemonin.

The human body has a neuro-toxic and local irritant effect.

When poisoning with buttercup, patients complain of nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. Possible a drop in blood pressure, the occurrence of seizures.

When exposed to the skin, the buttercup juice causes dermatitis, especially in children.

First aid

  1. Gastric lavage;
  2. give the patient any diuretics, castor oil;
  3. prepare a beater( 200 ml of a 10% emulsion of castor oil + 2 g of Biomycin + 2 g of Anestezine + 20 g of sugar syrup) and give the patient one tablespoon 5-6 times a day;
  4. enveloping agents( Tannin, raw eggs, etc.).

Medical Assistance

It consists of the following activities:

  1. gastric lavage;
  2. activated carbon;
  3. appointment of enveloping agents;
  4. solution of sodium bicarbonate( soda) - 2%;
  5. for vomiting and pain in the stomach - pieces of ice.


A low fruit tree with falling leaves. It occurs in two varieties - sweet and bitter. Bitter almonds are poisonous, children can be poisoned by 5 to 10 fruits. Bitter and sweet almonds are similar in appearance, but differ in taste and chemical composition.

Bitter almonds contain hydrocyanic acid, so the symptoms of poisoning and ambulance will be the same as when poisoning with stone fruit.


The genus of the plant of the family of Noricornia. This is a two-year herbaceous plant found in Russia and the Urals, the Caucasus, in the southern regions of the Krasnodar Territory. It grows along forest edges, small groves and forests. All parts of the plant are poisonous.

When an overdose or prolonged use develops bradycardia( a decrease in the rhythm of cardiac activity), nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. In addition, sharply reduced urination, even with edema, appears extrasystole( extraordinary reduction of the heart muscle).

First aid

  1. Gastric lavage;
  2. saline purgative;
  3. inside activated charcoal for two tablets after 1 hour;
  4. common warm bath;
  5. administration of atropine drugs;
  6. for foxglove poisoning requires urgent hospitalization.

Medical assistance

Rinsing of the stomach with water with the addition of Carbolen, rest, bed rest, oxygen inhalation, saline laxative. Inside 6-8 drops of 0.1% solution of Atropine sulfate. Vomitive is contraindicated.

May Lily of the valley

May lily of the valley is a perennial herbaceous plant from the family of lily-spruces.

Has a creeping rhizome, from which there are two basal leaves surrounding the flower arrow with a brush of white flowers( usually 10-12).Fruit is a red-orange berry.

Blooms lily of the valley in May, fructifies in August - September.

The active ingredients of the lily of the valley are cardiac glycosides.

In the official medicine, lily of the valley preparations are of great use in the treatment of predominantly cardioneuroses and heart failure. In addition, lily-of-the-valley preparations are indispensable for those cores that do not tolerate digitalis and its preparations.

Lily of the valley preparations do not accumulate in the body with prolonged use, therefore they are more harmless than any other glycosides.

Cardiac glycosides of the lily-of-the-valley have the following properties: regulate energy and fat metabolism in the heart muscle, improve blood supply to the myocardium, improve metabolic processes in the body, and soothe the central nervous system.

To prepare infusion 1 tablespoon chopped dry flowers lily of the valley pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 1 hour. After straining, take 2 tablespoons 3-5 times a day.

Tincture. In a jar with a narrow neck fill in three quarters of the fresh flowers of the lily of the valley and pour up to the top with 96% alcohol. Put the container in a dark place for two weeks, strain. Take 15-20 drops three to four times a day.

Lily-of-the-valley preparations are contraindicated in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys.

Lily of the valley is one of the plants that take energy. Therefore, if a bed has a bouquet of lily-of-the-valley flowers for the night, there is a general malaise, headaches appear.

Lily of the valley is a poisonous plant. All its parts are poisonous. Especially severe poisoning develops in children after eating lily of the valley berries.

There are cases of fatal poisonings after the water was drunk, in which stood a bouquet of flowers of the lily of the valley. When poisoning in the first place, the heart suffers. There is a bradycardia, an extrasystole, a flutter of ventricles, a cardiac arrest.

With mild poisoning, the case is limited to nausea and vomiting.

First aid for in case of poisoning with lily of the valley and its preparations is in gastric lavage. It is also necessary to make a cleansing enema, give the patient Carbolen( 10-15 tablets) and small pieces of ice.

Medical help

Rinsing the stomach with water with the addition of Carbolen, rest, bed rest, oxygen inhalation, salt laxative. Inside 6-8 drops of 0.1% solution of Atropine sulfate. Vomitive is contraindicated.

Fern male

Perennial herbaceous plant. Occurs in damp, shady places.

ALL PARTS OF THE PLANT OF THE FERTILIZER OF POISONING, Therefore, even with the collection of plants, care must be taken.

Signs of poisoning with fern preparations are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, depression of the heart and respiratory center, visual impairment, convulsions.

First aid measures include: salt laxatives and gastric lavage, the introduction of as much liquid as possible into the body, warm baths.

In half an hour after taking fern male preparations, to prevent toxic effects and to accelerate the removal of paralyzed parasite, the patient is given a salt laxative.

Categorically it is forbidden to take castor oil, as the damage to the optic nerve can occur and blindness may occur.

Nightshade bitter-sweet

Family of Solanaceae. Poisonous berries, especially immature and herb, which contain the glycoalkoloid solanine.

Symptoms of poisoning by bitter-sweet nightshade are as follows: dizziness, dilated pupils, gait unsteadiness, tachycardia, diarrhea.

In especially severe cases of poisoning, psychomotor agitation, hallucinations are observed.

First aid for

First aid for poisoning with nightshade consists of the following procedures:

  1. gastric lavage;
  2. saline laxative;
  3. diuretic - inside;
  4. immediate call of a doctor.
  5. Monitor the condition of the patient prior to arrival.

Sleep-grass: lumbago

Refers to the family of buttercups. All parts of the plant are covered with whitish-gray down. Flowers are broadly columnar, violet, less often white. Blooms in April - May before the leaves bloom.

There is a dream-grass in deciduous or mixed forests on the fringes, glades or clearings, since the plant is photophilous.

The flowers of the plant are very beautiful, so they are often collected for bouquets. The plant gradually becomes rare and is listed in the Red Book.

In folk medicine, sleep-grass is used as an expectorant for in whooping cough, bronchitis, pneumonia. It is also often used as an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and sedative. A sleep-grass is used in gynecology, joint diseases, epilepsy, neurotic states, hysteria, insomnia, sexual overexcitation.

External it is used as antifungal and antimicrobial agent.

In one of the oldest manuscript collections of the 16th century on the dream-grass, it is said: "The song is small in itself, grows in groves and on hills, the color is blue, it blossoms about Nichola - the spring, and how it fades, all the posts are bushy;good from articulation and a hernia will expel, and cleanse the womb, and sleep prompts, but according to no reasoning, death causes. "

When poisoning with sleep-grass, first of all it is necessary to clean the stomach, it is recommended to take activated charcoal and other enveloping agents( eggs, milk).

When vomiting and pain in the area of ​​the stomach swallow pieces of ice.


Oleander is a beautiful lush tree with large white, pink and red flowers. The entire plant is poisonous.

It is dangerous to taste shoots and leaves, it is dangerous to breathe the aroma of beautiful flowers. In no case should you allow oleander juice( when pruning trees) to get into your eyes. Even if you hold the leaves or flowers in your hands, you need to wash your hands well with soap.

When poisoning with oleanders, patients complain of pain and pain throughout the abdomen, diarrhea, vomiting, dizziness, loss of skin sensitivity, convulsions. The pulse is first slowed down, then its rhythm is broken, the patient feels a shortage of oxygen, suffocation. Cyanosis of the skin is marked.

First aid

  1. To create the patient a complete rest;
  2. gastric lavage with water with activated carbon and 0.5% Tannin solution;
  3. cold on the stomach. In case of nausea and vomiting, swallow ice slices;
  4. obligatory hospitalization of a patient in a medical institution.


Sometimes, passing a rye field, you can see that on some ears of grain instead of grains dark purple, slightly curved outgrowths - horns of ergot. The ergot is a fungus parasitizing on wild cereals and rye.

Eating flour with a mixture of ergot leads to a serious illness, which in people is called "evil crooked", and in official medicine - ergotism.

Ergotism is manifested in the form of two forms of convulsive( "evil crooked") and gangrenous( "Antonov fire").Poisoning with ergot is usually accompanied by severe pain, cramps and often ends with the death of the affected person.

When the gangrenous form of the disease comes a sharp narrowing of the capillaries of the fingers and toes, ear shells, wings of the nose. Fabrics, devoid of nutrition, darken, and then necrotic.

From ergot they produce such drugs as ergotamine, ergotamine, ergosterol, which are widely used in gynecology and obstetrics.

In case of ergot poisoning, the patient should be urgently sent to the nearest medical institution.

Medical care

  1. Gastric lavage, saline laxative.
  2. With cramps - warm baths.
  3. Sedation therapy: Aminazine( 2 ml of a 1.5% solution), Diphenhydramine( 2 ml of 1% solution) intramuscularly.
  4. Inhalation Amyl nitrite, 5% glucose solution, sodium chloride( up to 3000 ml isotonic solution) subcutaneously, Lasix intramuscularly.
  5. Water loading.
  6. Cardiovascular drugs.
  7. Treatment of acute cardiovascular insufficiency.

Thermopyss lanceolate

Thermopsis belongs to the family of legumes. The seeds that contain the alkaloid cytisine are poisonous.

Thermopsis, taken internally in toxic doses, causes psychotropic, neurotoxic effects due to excitation of the central nervous system, mainly the respiratory center.

After a short latent period, there is abundant salivation, pain in the oral cavity, along the esophagus, nausea, vomiting, thirst, abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea.

In severe cases, blood pressure rises, the number of heartbeats increases, arrhythmia and shortness of breath appear. Gradually, breathing becomes intermittent, noisy, drowsiness, muscle twitching, hallucinations. Then - loss of consciousness and the patient dies from paralysis of breath.

First aid

  1. Gastric lavage. If the victim is unconscious - flushing through the probe;
  2. inside - activated charcoal and salt laxative, a tablet of any diuretic;
  3. cardiac drugs;
  4. call the doctor and hospitalization.

Medical assistance

Gastric lavage through a probe, saline laxative, Tanin through a probe. Fighting seizures - Chloral hydrate in enema, Barbamyl intramuscularly, with excitement - Aminazine intramuscularly, with cardiac weakness - Strophantine. At the beginning of poisoning, it is useful Atropine( 1-3 ml 0.1% solution under the skin).

Chemeritsa lobel

Chemeritsa is a perennial herbaceous plant from the family of lilac. Stem height up to 170 cm, stem straight, has a cylindrical shape. Rhizome short and thick. The flowers are yellowish-green, collected by a whisk. Blossoms the joker in July - August. It grows on the outskirts of forests and marshes, along moist meadows and shrubs.

In folk medicine, rhizomes are used. They are dug from the ground, washed, cut into pieces and dried under a canopy in a well-ventilated place.

In the form of ointment, it is used for joint diseases, for neuralgia and myositis, for gout and rheumatism.

When working with rhizomes, care must be taken because dust from them can lead to poisoning.

Chemeritsa Lobelia is one of the most poisonous plants found in Russia. In acute poisoning, there are symptoms of overexcitation of the central nervous system, after which it is exhausted. Poisoning with chaos can ultimately lead to disruption of activity and then a complete cessation of cardiac activity.

When poisoning chesteritsa observed disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea, vomiting, slowing of the pulse and respiration. Skin in patients is usually pale, vision is impaired.

Decoction of rhizomes is used to wash the head with pediculosis, but this requires great care.

When providing with first aid, you should try to remove toxic products from the body as soon as possible. It is necessary to wash the stomach with a suspension of activated charcoal with water, give a salt laxative. Sometimes you have to resort to artificial respiration.


Medical care

Specific treatment - 0.1% solution of Atropine to 2 ml is administered subcutaneously. Also, when poisoning with Lobel's cheveress, cardiovascular drugs are used.

Purity large

Purity is a perennial herbaceous plant of the poppy family. It reaches a height of 1 meter, a straight stem, branched. All parts of the plant contain yellowish milky juice. Chesnut grows in shady, damp places, along the banks of rivers and lakes, in neglected gardens, thinned out sections of the forest.

The grass of the celandine is harvested at the beginning of flowering. Purity is one of the most popular medicinal plants of the middle belt and the South of Russia. It is used as an anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, antimicrobial agent. Purity and preparations from it well heal wounds, cope with fungal diseases.

Inside the infusion or decoction from the grass, is used for diseases of the liver, pancreas, gout and cholelithiasis.

Outer cleanliness showed itself well in the treatment of psoriasis, cutaneous tuberculosis , depriving, copy , etc.

In gynecology, celandine infusion is used with whites, colpitis and with gynecological diseases.

Juice herb celandine Drink from one drop to 15 and back in the treatment of cancer and peptic ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer.

In folk medicine, infusion of herbs, juice and celandine powder are used.

To prepare infusion 1 tablespoon of chopped herbs, pour 200 ml of boiling water and insist for 1 hour in a warm place. Strain. Take 2-3 tablespoons 3 times a day.

Powder of celandine serves for the preparation of ointments.1 teaspoon of powder mixed with 4 teaspoons of Vaseline or unsalted sunflower oil and used to treat skin diseases.

Difficult wounds and ulcers are sprinkled with celandine powder.

Polyposis of the intestine shows therapeutic enemas with infusion of herb celandine. As a rule, significant improvement occurs after five to six procedures, and after 10 procedures patients get rid of polyps. During the year, two courses of such treatment should be done.

Purity is a strong convulsive poison. When an overdose occurs paralysis of sensitive nerve endings, then paralysis of motor endings occurs. With severe poisoning, death comes from paralysis of the heart muscle.

With local effects, celandine preparations cause inflammation, flushing.

Poisoning with celandine is manifested by nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain. Sometimes there are cramps. The first aid for poisoning with celandine is gastric lavage and the introduction of as many liquids as possible into the blood.

Preparations of celandine are contraindicated in pregnancy, epilepsy, bronchial asthma, angina pectoris. You can not give them to children under the age of three.

Chilibukha: the emetic nut

The vomit contains in its composition a strong poison - strychnine, which exerts on the body a neurotoxic effect, which consists in excitation of the central nervous system with a predominant increase in the reflex excitability of the spinal cord. Poisoning most often occurs with ingestion of chlibughi preparations: tincture of chilibiha, dry extract of chilibibia.

The toxic substance is absorbed mainly in the small intestine, decomposes in the liver. Excreted in the urine 24-48 hours after admission. The lethal dose of nitric acid strychnine is 0.05 g.

Symptoms of poisoning: 15-20 minutes after taking a toxic substance, a bitter taste in the mouth appears, a feeling of fear and anxiety, reduction of the occipital muscles, spasm of the masticatory muscles, and convulsions appear. With further absorption of the poison in the body appears difficulty in breathing, palpitations, cyanosis of the skin. Death comes from a violation of cardiac activity.

First aid

  1. Gastric lavage;
  2. salt laxative inside;
  3. activated charcoal by two tablets
  4. cardiac agents;every 15 minutes;
  5. urgent hospitalization.

Cicuta: milestone poisonous

The milestone has an elongated, hollow inside rhizome with transverse partitions inside.

The flowers are white, small, arranged in the form of an umbrella. It grows in damp places, along the banks of swamps, rivers and lakes.

When poisoning appears dizziness, thirst, convulsions, difficulty breathing, paralysis of the tongue. Death occurs within one hour of paralysis of the respiratory center.


First aid for poisoning with a landmark is the early and intensive washing of the stomach with a 0.1% solution of manganese, high cleansing enemas.

Black coffee, weak acetic acid is used as an antidote. It is necessary to use emetics to relieve the body of the poison.

Stone poisoning of stone fruit

This type of poisoning is common in children. Poisoning can develop with the use of cherry nuclei, apricot, plum. These grains contain substances that are broken down in the intestine with the formation of prussic acid, which disrupts the processes of tissue respiration. Especially dangerous are the grains of bitter almonds. In an adult, severe poisoning can cause 35-40 grains, a child - 10-15.

The first signs of poisoning appear after 3-4 hours. The patient feels weakness, dizziness, headache, nausea. In more severe cases, vomiting, unconsciousness, convulsions, dyspnea, collapse, shock are added to the above-listed phenomena.

First aid

When poisoning with stone stones, first of all, in washing the stomach with a large amount of water, followed by ingestion of activated charcoal, egg white, milk and other enveloping agents. Then a deep enema is made.

  1. Treatment should be started as soon as possible.
  2. Treatment is aimed at preventing or eliminating the binding of cyanide to iron ions of the cytochrome oxidase system.
  3. Remove contact with poisoning source.
  4. Specific( antidote) therapy: inhalation amylnitrite;sodium nitrate, sodium thiosulfate IV.
  5. When taking Cyanide inside after the above measures, it is necessary to wash the stomach through the probe( preferably 0.1% potassium permanganate solution or 0.5% sodium thiosulfate solution).
  6. Adequate ventilation of the lungs, oxygen therapy.
  7. Symptomatic therapy - glucose( 20-60 ml 40% solution) IV, repeatedly, Cyanocobalamin up to 1000 μg / day IM;Ascorbic acid( 10-20 ml of 5% solution) iv.

Specific( antidote) therapy

  1. Inhalation of Amyl nitrite 0.2 ml( 1 ampoule) for 30 s every minute( 3-4 ampoules).
  2. Sodium nitrite -10 ml 3% solution intravenously for 2-4 minutes or 10 ml
  3. 1% solution intravenously slowly every 10 minutes 2-3 times;Children 10 mg / kg.
  4. Sodium thiosulfate - 25-50 ml of 25% solution intravenously( infusion rate 2.5-5 ml / min).
  5. If necessary, resort to resuscitation - the victim is held indirect cardiac massage. Also, artificial respiration is necessary.

Source: NGNogov. Official and traditional medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia.- Moscow: Izd-vo Eksmo, 2012

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