How to treat colds correctly

How to treat colds in adults?

Usually, when a person has more colds, he believes that he urgently needs something to do with his condition, because it is the flu virus. In reality, everything is quite different. Doctors most often put a person diagnosed, called an acute respiratory viral disease or ARVI.

General information about the disease

ARVI, flu, cold - can call this process, as soon as you want, - are caused by viruses. But, there is a significant difference between them. Influenza is a very serious illness, which, in the absence of full-fledged treatment, leads to a number of deaths. ARVI is a serious harm to the human body as a whole, so do not let the course of the disease run its course.

Causes of colds

The causes that result in a person falling ill with ARVI are in viruses. Viruses, in turn, are transmitted by airborne droplets, in particular by inhalation of sputum drops, which can be in the air when coughing and sneezing an already infected person. In addition, the virus can penetrate through contaminated hands or various objects in the form of toys, fabrics, and also on door handles.

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Symptoms of ARVI

In most cases, the flu develops quite suddenly. A person's fever rises, fever starts, the general condition of the body worsens significantly. The patient wants to lie down, sleep. Symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections appear somewhat differently. Cold begins with sneezing, coughing, sometimes with a fever.

The main symptoms of the flu are: sore throat, dry cough, chills, intense sweating, pain in the muscles and the whole body.

Symptoms of ARVI: cough, sneezing, severe sore throat, runny nose, stuffy nasal sinuses. The rise in body temperature is slow, not affecting the general state of the body. ORVI or cold pass without any treatment for a week. But, in some cases, you can cancel the progression of cough for another 2-3 weeks. If the mucus leaves green or yellow, it means that the human immune system is actively fighting the virus.

Your actions for colds

It is very important for a cold to start helping your immune system to fight the virus. For this, the person first of all needs to take a sick leave and have a rest. In no case is it recommended to treat the disease on your feet, this you will only make worse. In addition, the patient is recommended to drink a large amount of warm liquid.

To get rid of the common cold, you can use special nasal sprays or drops with salt water, which can be found in any pharmacy. At home, you can carry out inhalations, that is, inhale steam from any container with hot water. In order to create a steam effect, be sure to wrap your head with a towel. In hot water, you can add infusions of herbs, essential oils.

Against the common cold, vasoconstrictive agents are used in the form of tablets, sprays, drops or mixtures. With their help you can eliminate the common cold and sinusitis. Before using any drug, you must be sure whether it suits you and what side effects it has. It is advisable to use drugs solely for the doctor's prescription.

Medicines for colds

For a cold, you can use antiviral pills that are aimed at fighting the flu virus. These are such medications as amantadine, rimantadine, tamiflu, relenza, zanamavir, oseltamivir. In addition to these drugs, you can resort to the list below, which contains a number of antiviral drugs for colds. It can be:

  • Tamiflu;
  • Relenza;
  • Amiksin;
  • Viferon;
  • Amizon;
  • Cycloferon.

Such drugs as Zanamivir and Oseltamivir can be used even for children. The only thing that should not be exceeded is a dosage of 10 mg. Combine drugs with other drugs of inhalation type is also not worth it. It is not recommended to use people with kidney failure, since such drugs provoke nausea and vomiting. The course of treatment is 5 days.

Nonspecific prevention

Nonspecific prevention of colds includes:

  • Hardening;
  • Physical activities;
  • Wiping with cold water;
  • Air baths;
  • Drinking plenty of fluids to 2 liters a day;
  • Maintaining the humidity in the living room and the optimum temperature;
  • Reception of vitamins;
  • High-grade food.

Doctors advise also for the treatment and prevention of colds constantly take vitamin C. If a patient with a cold or SARS from the first day of malaise begins taking vitamin C in a dosage of 500 to 1000 mg hourly throughout the day, the disease will take 3 days. Such a large amount of vitamin C is necessary because it is very fast and, no matter what, it is completely dissolved in water and is excreted from the body along with urine. In addition to the "pharmacy" vitamin C, the patient can make up supplies of this useful substance from grapefruit, kiwi, orange, sauerkraut.

As a preventive measure, you can eat 2 cloves of garlic. Traditional healers claim that a few cloves of garlic a day will help get rid of the symptoms of colds. And for children, you can cook garlic oil and rub your legs before going to bed. To do this, mix the butter with mashed garlic.

During illness, be sure to include in your diet warm teas with lemon, fruit drinks, honey tea, broth of wild rose, raspberries, viburnum, cranberries, cranberries. In addition, you can buy in the pharmacy extract Echinacea in tablets or in tincture and take to improve immunity.

If you have a cold and are going to go out, then it is advisable to lubricate the nasal passages with oxolin ointment. Quickly destroy the virus in the body will help drugs such as Tamiflu, Arbidol, Inosin, Coldrex. At a temperature of Aspirin.

Than to treat a cold at the child?

Most women consider themselves specialists in three areas: medicine, cooking and raising children, so writing on the topic: "How to treat a cold in a child?" - an ungrateful occupation. And yet, I will try to discuss a topic about which kilometers of text have already been written.

Colds in children in medical language is called acute respiratoryviraldisease (abbreviated ARVI). The word "viral" is allocated by me intentionally, since it is the key word in the following narrative.

Symptoms of a cold in children are as follows: sudden, most often asymptomatic rise in body temperature, after which appear liquid, transparent discharge from the nose (in Russian - runny nose). If the discharge turns into yellow or green, then this is a symptom of the bacterial infection that has joined in the nasopharynx. Cough initially dry, but over time it becomes wet. There may be perspiration and pain in the throat, as well as sneezing.

How to treat a child with a cold?

Each mother, sitting over the bed of a sick kid, asks the question: "What to give the child for a cold?". I set forth the rules that any medical student is taught in the pediatric classes:
  1. Fighting fever is paracetamol in the age-related dose.
  2. Abundant drink - prevention of dehydration caused by fever.
  3. With a dry cough - antitussives (contraindicated for children under 2 years), with a moist cough - expectorant (bromheksin, ambroksol, ATSTS, etc.) cm. a review of all expectorants for cough).
  4. After the temperature returned to normal, you can apply physiotherapy methods: foot massage, soda inhalation, etc.

How not to treat ARVI in children

World statistics speaks the following

90% of respiratory infections (upper respiratory tract infections) in children are viral. It is viral, which antibiotics do not work. Unfortunately, most mothers consider antibiotics to be medicines for fever and start feeding them a child for any cold.

Safe medicines do not exist, the use of antibacterial agents causes allergies, intestinal dysbiosis, depresses immunity and forms antibiotic resistance of bacteria.

Pediatricians, of course, know about the harm of antibiotics in ARVI, but distinguishing cold from pneumonia, and even at home with the patient, using only the hands, eyes and phonendoscope is difficult, especially with insufficient experience.

It is easier for most pediatricians to prescribe an antibiotic to a child on the first day and, as they say, "do not sweat the harm from them in the beginning is not very noticeable, pneumonia if it was, it will pass, and if it does not, there is excuse, I have correctly prescribed treatment, and my mother calm.

I sum up: antibiotics for colds for children under 12 years old do not apply the first 5 days. If you have weak nerves, then every cough or runny nose should be accompanied by a visit to the polyclinic and additional studies: blood test, lung X-ray, examination of an ENT doctor, urinalysis and etc.

Body temperature rise

Adults and children over 6 years of age should be treated with fever if it exceeds 390C. This temperature is no longer considered physiological and can harm the body. In young children (up to 6 years), antipyretic agents should be used at a temperature of 3, 0С, because of the threat of convulsive syndrome. And also in children with convulsive readiness or previously recorded febrile seizures, the temperature is reduced from 3, -38C.

Temperature is an important component of the body's struggle with infection. At a fever the vital activity of causative agents of cold is oppressed, and also mobilization of protective forces of an organism occurs. Therefore, excessive struggle with fever only prolongs recovery. In addition, absolutely all antipyretic agents can cause allergies, ulceration in the stomach or severe kidney damage, up to their failure.

In addition to tablets, there are physical methods of cooling. Of course, in adults they are not very effective, but the child can lower the temperature by a whole degree (see Fig. how to reduce the temperature without drugs):

  • If the child is red - with red hyperthermia, when the baby is pink, do not wrap the sick kid, but, on the contrary, undress it to the panties and leave to cool in the air. Cruel, but effective.
  • If the child is pale - white hyperthermia, it should be wrapped in a light blanket and give a warm liquid.
  • Rub the baby with vodka (not suitable for young children, especially up to 1 year), it is better to rub locally - pens, legs. The evaporating alcohol will quickly cool the skin. Do not use alcohol solutions higher than vodka concentration. This may affect the skin of the child, and the child may become drunk, as part of the alcohol will necessarily suck.
  • Cold on the main vessels. In the normal language it sounds like this: take a plastic bottle, pour cold water into it and apply it to the armpits or inguinal areas. Water will cool the large blood vessels passing there.
  • Do not put a hat on the child in the room, especially the patient. These people like to do grandmothers of the old school. The head is the main source of heat loss in the body, up to 80% of the heat is removed through it, so with fever, the head needs to be cooled in every possible way.

At a fever the evaporation of a liquid from a skin considerably amplifies. Therefore, the child must be drunk abundantly, in order to avoid a life-threatening dehydration. Any liquid will suit: compotes, fruit drinks, tea, juices and just pure water.

A story about how Russian pediatrics makes healthy children sick


  • Mom is an average Russian mother who thinks she knows about the cold ALL.
  • The kid is a normal, healthy five-year-old, who regularly visits the kindergarten.
  • Pediatrician - recently finished his studies and received a distribution in the average Russian polyclinic, full of knowledge about howcorrectlyto treat a cold.

So. The baby comes back from the kindergarten sluggish, snotty, coughing and with a temperature of 3, 0С. The next morning, Mom calls the clinic and calls the doctor at the house.

The Pediatrician comes, examines the child and diagnoses: ARVI. He was taught that at this age, 90% of respiratory infections are viral, which means that they are treated as described at the beginning of this article. He prescribes paracetamol, copious drink, and also ascorbic, and leaves with a calm soul.

And the disease does not pass, the temperature is held around 390C, the child cries, refuses to eat, snot and coughs. Mom knows for sure that ascorbic is not a medicine at all, and paracetamol only knocks down the temperature. She calls the polyclinic, and swears at everyone and everything, they say, that you were sent to the doctor-ignoramus.

In order not to "tease geese the Head of the Department visits the Kid. pediatric ward or deputy. chief doctor and prescribe an antibiotic. Motivation is understandable. First, that Mom did not interfere with the work of hysterical calls. Secondly, if the pneumonia nevertheless develops, and the antibiotic is not appointed, Mama will immediately submit to the court. In general, we treat "not as necessary but "how calmer".

As a result, a cold, which could pass for 7 days, flows for 3 weeks. During the fight against the disease, children's immunity is greatly weakened. The kid is taken to a kindergarten, where someone must sneeze into him and the cold will stick again.

After a week of going to the kindergarten, the baby again has fever, runny nose and cough. Mom again calls home. The pediatrician was summoned "on the carpet" last time and explained "how to work with patients". He comes to the Kid and appoints an antibiotic from the first day. Everyone is happy: Mom - the fact that the treatment is correct from her point of view, the Pediatrician - he will again not be deprived of the prize, the management of the polyclinic - there will not be a showdown with another complaint.

And again, that illness that could pass for a week, flows a month. What kind of child's immunity can this endure? Again a kindergarten, again a cold and again a month "we are treated". That's how our heroes turned a healthy youngster into an often and long-term ill (official term by the way). I hope you understand where frequent colds come from a child?

Some of the most popular questions of parents

Can I bathe a child with a cold?

This issue dates back 200 years ago, when there was no hot water in the houses, and children were washed in the trough in the corridor or in the bath, there it was possible to get sick even more. In the 21st century, you can and should bathe a chilled baby, but it is worth remembering that a hot bath at elevated body temperature is strictly contraindicated. It is enough to limit yourself to a warm shower.

How can you understand that the child has recovered?

Positive dynamics can be considered 3 days of normal temperature. Also a good indication is the conversion of dry cough to wet (assuming that the separable does not become transparent yellow or green). But if already the convalescent child has a fever again, then we can assume the attachment of a bacterial infection.

If the child is sick, should he eat better?

With fever, all the strength of the body is spent fighting infection, and digesting heavy protein foods requires a lot of energy. Therefore, at high temperature, food should be light, if possible rich in carbohydrates and vitamins, but it is good and dense to feed the recovering child to restore his strength.

Colds in a child (2 years): what to treat and how to do it correctly

Yet no child in the world has grown up without disease. During the cold, the babies form immunity. This is a vital necessity. In the future, your child's body will learn how to quickly cope with viruses that have already met and familiar to it. During the period of illness, it is necessary to give proper attention to the child, to choose the right therapy for him. After all, the outcome of the disease depends on it. It can be positive or negative: a recovery or a complication.

Often parents ask the question: if a child's cold begins (2 years), then how to treat it? Today's article will tell you about different means of fighting infection. But it is worth remembering that any appointment should be made by a doctor. Especially when it comes to young children.

Nature of the disease

Before treating a cold (2 years old child), it is necessary to understand the nature of its origin. All infections are divided into bacterial, fungal and viral. The latter are much more common than their predecessors. In this case, a viral disease with improper treatment can cause bacterial complications. Therapy of this infection is fraught with the attachment of a fungal lesion. Everything in the human body is interconnected. Therefore, one should not guess on the coffee grounds, which caused malaise in the baby. In addition, some children at this age can not even really explain what hurts them.

The main signs of the child's illness are: a runny nose, fever, cough. If a baby has a headache and photophobia, and on the thermometer his parents see a mark of 39 degrees or higher, it is most likely that the flu has the flu. When after a while the child has a dry (later wet) cough, and the temperature does not drop - it's bronchitis. The pain in the throat and the touch on the tonsils speak of angina. Also, young children often face laryngitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis, otitis and other diseases. All of them have different methods of treatment. Consider what to do if a child's cold starts (2 years). Than to treat the kid in this case?

Treatment of a cold

Practically in all cases (except for some), babies have a runny nose. First the secret to be separated has a transparent color and a liquid consistency. Some time before, parents can notice an intense sneeze. Later, there is swelling, breathing is disrupted, discharge from the nose becomes thick. All these are signs of a viral infection. If after a few days the discharge from the nose acquires a green or yellow hue, then a bacterial infection has joined. Than to treat a cold (2 years to the child) in such situation? How to facilitate breathing?

Without the doctor's appointment, it is completely justified, you can use saline solutions. These are such means as "Humer "Aquamaris "Rhinostop". Introduce into the baby's nose they can be up to 8-10 times a day. Preparations clean the mucous membrane of pathogens and eliminate swelling by drawing an excess liquid. At the earliest stages of the disease, such drugs as Grippferon, Genferon, Derinat will be effective. These are antiviral agents that are approved for use from the first days of life. Use them strictly according to the instructions. Antibiotics for the nose are rarely prescribed. It is impossible to apply them independently. Running preparations: "Isofra "Protargol "Polidex".

Fever: when to knock down the temperature?

Almost always in children the body temperature rises with illness. With such a symptom, a child's cold begins (2 years). Than to treat and how correctly to lower temperature? It is worth saying at once that before the thermometer marks at 3 degrees, the mother should not grasp the antipyretic. It is clear that all parents want to alleviate the condition of their children. But it is at this temperature that an active struggle of immunity with viruses begins. If you want the baby to have a good body resistance in the future, then wait. An exception to the rule are children with neurological disorders. For them, the use of antipyretic compositions is necessary already at 3 degrees.

The most safe means for lowering the temperature in a child is "Paracetamol" and its structural analogues ("Panadol "Cefekon"). It is permissible to use "Ibuprofen" or "Nurofen". In exceptional cases, "Nimulid "Nimesulide" or "Naize" are appointed. Remember that the dose of antipyretics always depends on the mass of the body crumbs: calculate it correctly.

What if the temperature does not go wrong?

In young children, often with disease, white fever begins. This feature can manifest a child's cold (2 years). Than to treat? The list of medicines to eliminate this condition is as follows:

  • antipyretic (more often using funds based on metamizol sodium);
  • spasmolytic (No-Shpa, Drotaverin, Papaverin, Papazol);
  • antihistamine ("Dimedrol "Tavegil "Suprastin").

Each component is selected according to the age of the child. Most often use the following combination: "Analgin "Dimedrol "Drotaverin". In this case, the child is 2 years old, which means that he needs a milligram of each remedy. The injection is administered intramuscularly.

Pershing and sore throat

Virtually always manifested by a painful swallowing of a cold in a child (2 years). Than to treat the kid in this situation? Most of the lozenges for resorption and sprays at this age are still prohibited. Only on hotel indications the doctor can recommend such means, as "Tantum Verde "Ingalipt" (under condition of spraying them not in a throat, and on an internal surface of cheeks).

It is permissible to treat the baby's tonsils and the adjacent mucous membrane with the following formulations:

  • "Miramistin" (kills bacteria, viruses and fungi, purifies).
  • "Chlorophyllipt" (effective for bacterial infection, copes well with staphylococci, relieves inflammation).
  • "Lugol" (cleans, disinfects, very effective in case of plaque and bacterial infection).

Use of antiviral drugs

If you often have a cold in a child (2 years) - than to treat? Medicines with antiviral and immunomodulating action are now applied in pediatrics to the right and to the left. Doctors prescribe them for the purpose of prevention and directly for treatment. It is known that the most safe formulations are the agents that stimulate the synthesis of interferon. Such drugs do not interact with the virus on their own. They make the immune system work and cope with the common cold. Trade names of these medicines: "Viferon "Kipferon "Anaferon "Ergoferon" and so on.

The doctor can prescribe the baby such medicines as "Isoprinosine "Groprinosin "Aflubin "Ocillococcinum "Citovir" and many others. But it's best not to use them yourself.

When are antibiotics needed?

Often, a caring mother grabs antibiotics if a child's cold begins (2 years). Than to treat? Symptoms of what really need antimicrobial agents are:

  • green or yellow snot;
  • coughing;
  • body temperature lasts more than five days;
  • prescribed treatment does not help, and the child becomes worse;
  • there was a pain in the ears;
  • a thick white coating appeared on the tonsils.

Even if your baby has all the symptoms described - this is not an excuse to immediately give him an antibiotic. Be sure to show the child to the doctor. After all, only a pediatrician will be able to correctly select the necessary drug and calculate the desired dose. Most often, doctors prescribe antibiotics to children for a wide range of activities. Preference is given to drugs penicillin series and macrolides. Less commonly, cephalosporins are prescribed. Trade names suitable for your baby will be indicated by a specialist.

Cold at the child (2 years): than to treat? Folk remedies)

In recent years, many parents are trying to abandon chemicals and tablets, giving preference to folk recipes. Indeed, some of them are effective. But in everything you need to know the measure. Do not drive a child to fainting. If you see that your methods do not work - contact your doctor.

  • Reduce body temperature can be using rubbing. Use simple clean water for this. It is forbidden to rub the child with vodka or vinegar. Reduce the thermometer can be done with the help of vitamin C. Brew the baby a weak, warm tea with a lemon or orange slices.
  • Natural antibiotics and antimicrobials: garlic, onion, aloe juice and so on. To increase the body's resistance, you can give the child a quarter-spoonful of a mixture of lemon juice and onions.
  • Soar your feet and conduct thermal inhalations (breathe over a potato) only if the baby has no temperature. It is worth noting that many pediatricians do not welcome such events.
  • To treat a throat it is possible rinsing. The solution is chosen at your discretion: soda and salt, chamomile broth or calendula and so on.
  • Cope with a cough help warm milk with a spoon of honey and butter. Note that honey is a strong allergen.

Create the most comfortable conditions

If the first symptoms of a child's cold appear (2 years) - than to treat? Prevention of complications and therapy of the disease involves the creation of the most suitable conditions for the baby. If you put the child in a warm, stuffy room, it will only get worse. The ambient temperature should not exceed 23 degrees. Humidity is set at 60-70 percent. If the crumb is cold, then it is better to dress it more warmly, rather than turn on the heating devices.

If the baby refuses to eat - this is normal. Do not feed your child by force. It is important to drink more often. Give the baby that drink, which he likes: juice, mors, tea, milk. After all, it is with the liquid that most of the pathogens are excreted. During the illness, bed rest is shown. But a two-year-old child is hard enough to observe it. Therefore, responsibility is shifted to the shoulders of parents: come up with any quiet games. Even if the kid is out of bed, try to limit his activity (do not let him jump and run).

Can I bathe and walk?

How does a child's cold appear (2 years) than to treat it? The treatment should be, you already know. Parents always have a question: is it possible to bathe and walk? We will answer them.

To bathe a baby is not only possible, but also necessary. Exclude water procedures only at high temperature. During bathing, the child breathes moist air, water drops enter the spout, contributing to the natural liquefaction of mucus and the moistening of the membranes. The prohibition of bathing during the cold came to us from the time when children were bathed in the trough and were afraid to simply supercool the already weakened baby.

You can walk, but only in the absence of temperature. Even if the baby cough and runny nose - this is not a contraindication for walking. It is important to dress the child in the weather and minimize contact with other children.

The main mistakes of parents

You already know what actions you need to take if the child's cold begins 2 years (than to be treated). The doctors' comments report that the parents themselves are often to blame for joining the bacterial complication. Caring mother and father treat the baby wrong, which leads to bronchitis, pneumonia, otitis and other diseases. Such pathologies require more serious drugs. So, what are the main mistakes of parents? If a child's cold starts (2 years) - what should not be treated?

  • Antibiotics. These drugs are good in the presence of certain indications. But often moms and dads give their children unnecessarily. Antibacterial agents destroy the normal microflora, thereby increasing the negative effect of viruses. Recall that antimicrobial agents are powerless in case of a viral infection.
  • Antipyretic. Take them only at high temperature (more than 3 degrees). Otherwise, you do not allow the baby's immunity to form correctly.
  • Antitussive. Do not give the child antitussive formulations, trying to quickly remove this symptom. Coughing is a natural reaction of the body to a stimulus. In this way, sputum is excreted from the bronchi. It is better to use mucolytic and expectorant means.
  • All medications at once.The described medicines are good, but each separately and under certain indications. If you give the child several drugs at once, then there will be a backlash. With a combination of medications, be sure to read the instructions.


The article provides information on how a child's cold develops (2 years). Than it is possible to treat, what preparations are better for using by appointment of the doctor - it is described earlier. Remember that neither you nor the pharmacist from the nearest pharmacy is able to correctly diagnose. If the child does not feel better after three days, you should consult a doctor. Get well soon!

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