From the cold on the lips of the medicine

The use of antiviral ointment in the treatment of colds on the lips

appears at many people, thus it not only becomes the reason of unpleasant change of appearance, but also remains for ever in a human body.However, despite the fact that it is impossible to completely get rid of the herpes simplex virus, it is still necessary to treat it, because such actions can halt its spread throughout the body.In most cases, doctors prescribe ointment for colds on the lips, counting pills and other antiviral drugs intended for internal use, are less effective. Such a choice of a medicine is considered correct, since the use of ointment or cream against cold on the lips is characterized by such advantages:
  • affects exactly the place of injury, and not the entire body;
  • has a double action - it fights the virus and creates a protective shell on the affected area of ​​the lip;
  • treatment due to skin spotting is considered more effective;
  • Ointment, in contrast to tablets, is considered a more natural preparation.
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Due to the fact that the ointment acts on the body only partially, the occurrence of allergic reactions to certain components of the drug and the effect on internal organs are virtually eliminated.In addition, many people, prone to the formation of cold rashes on the lips, prefer this form of medicine for the reason that the ointment is easy enough to apply - there is no need to adhere to a strict dosage and schedule of application of the medicine.

Very often, when a rash is found on the lips, many people are frightened, because they do not know how to anoint the cold on the lip in order to stop the spread of the virus. On the shelves of pharmacies there is a large selection of antiviral medicines, which allow to fight the herpes simplex virus. However, it is worth to abandon the independent choice of ointment in the treatment of this disease.

Variety of medicines

Each of the ointments against herpes performs two actions - suppresses the virus and promotes the healing of damaged skin and mucous membrane. The first function is performed due to the components of the agent, which has an antiviral effect on the skin site being treated. Each remedy for cold on the lips contains a different active substance, most often they are acyclovir, valaciclovir, extracts of medicinal plants. Their main task is to inhibit the process of virus multiplication in damaged and healthy cells.

Restoration of damaged tissue and its healing occurs due to the fat base of the ointment, cream or gel, as well as exposure to the cells of extracts of some plants.At the question, than to smear a cold on the lips, many experts prescribe such effective and safe drugs:

  • Zovirax;
  • Acyclovir;
  • Panavir;
  • Vivorax;
  • Fenistil-Pencivir;
  • Viru-Merz is a gray;
  • Bonaphoton;
  • Gervirax.

The purpose of the drug should be done individually for each patient, taking into account the form of the development of the viral disease and the peculiarity of its course.


At the heart of this British-made ointment is the active ingredient acyclovir, which is aimed at blocking the multiplication of the herpes virus. In principle, this drug differs from Acyclovir only in that it contains an auxiliary substance such as propylene glycol. Apply ointment should be 5 times a day, a thin layer on the site of rashes, as well as surrounding areas of the skin.In some cases, there may be a slight reddening of the skin and the appearance of a tingling sensation as side effects. Usually they soon disappear, but if such a reaction continues to occur, you should change the drug.


Acyclovir from Zovirax differs only in that it is a product of Russian production, as well as the content of an additional active substance - propylene glycol. In the preparation of the ointment, acyclovir and petrolatum are mixed, in principle the preparation works exactly as follows the same principle as the production of British production, but the result becomes obvious a bit later. Contraindications to the drug are the same - pregnancy, breast-feeding, individual intolerance to the components of the medication.


Often, the treatment of colds on the lip is carried out using the antiviral ointment Panavir. The drug is based on a medicinal plant, the active substance in which the hexose glycoside acts. In addition to killing the virus, it raises local immunity, which speeds up the recovery process. Treatment lasts for 4-10 days.


Vivorax is prescribed in those cases when the patient with a cold on the lips has an increased sensitivity to acyclovir and valaciclovir. The active substance of this ointment is also acyclovir, but in a related form. After applying the drug, acyclovir is activated in the patient's body, thus not causing side effects peculiar to other drugs.It is strictly forbidden to apply in pregnancy, because acyclovir has the property of penetrating the placenta into the body of the child.


Panavir-gel belongs to the number of natural antiviral drugs, which is based on an extract of potato shoots. In addition, it contains glycerol, macrogol, lanthanum, sodium hydroxide and ethanol. This drug is no less effective atsiklovira, while many people give it preference due to its naturalness. The side effect of the treatment can be redness and burning, which soon pass.

At the question, than to smear a cold on the lips, specialists often appoint Bonofont, Gervirax, Fenistil-Pencivir, Viru-Merz serol, Troxsevain and zinc ointment. It is important to follow the recommendations of the attending physician throughout the treatment period.

I got a cold on my lips



Tooth paste - nonsense!
Bom-Benge - warming - irritation is guaranteed.
Use: or zoviraks, tsikloferon, atsiklovir. Everything is certified by the PC and really works.


Toothpaste is simply dried, but in general "colds are the herpes virus, so use acyclovir or pentzivir or zovirax cream


a toothache and it can immediately!


yes, if such a nuisance happened, I smear toothpaste. Sometimes it helps.
Do not be ill!

Olya Voitishko

Boro plus it is possible, and still carvalole to process, ointment tetracycline. Bon Benge, in no case, a burn can be


Is it a cold? But you say no one.


If, despite the treatment, the fever on the lips does not go away, then you need to see a doctor. In severe "cold" on the lips, the doctor may prescribe Zovirax in tablets or a new more effective preparation Valtrex. The intake of Valtrex guarantees the rapid disappearance of herpes manifestations. If the frequency of valtrex is 2 times a day, which reduces the drug load on the body and excludes the admission pass.
Recently, the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia has resolved a new scheme to prevent the development and rapid treatment of "colds" on the lips. Valtrex is taken in two doses. The first in the form of 4 tablets is drunk, as soon as signs of "cold" on the lips are discovered. The second - take 12 hours after the first. The same number of tablets is used. At an early reception of tablets (no more than 12 hours from the beginning of a relapse), more than half of the manifestation of the common cold on the lips does not develop or disappear.

Irina Belokopytova

It is better not to scare the patient, since he can go to other organs, for example in the eye, like mine, then no ointments will help him to pull it out. Strengthen immunity. This is the only salvation. Advertising about zoviraks does not work, since it removes the effect, and not the cause. Herpes can go to any mucous - liver, kidneys, spine. Doctors all over the world are powerless before this disease.


Pasta will not help! It's a virus. Take antiviral preporatov + vitamins + ointment. I use Viru-Merz.



Casta Magliani

it's herpes. Suitable oksolinovaya ointment, inside - acyclovir.

Alyona @@@

Bomb-bengue is a cough ointment, she needs to rub her back. And from herpes ointment zoviraks or atsiklovir


I, too, suffered this - just sponges immediately bloomed and blossomed! drank tablets Zoviraks, and even as soon as it starts to itch - a piece of Validol tablet chews and this slurry on the lips and let it dry. and strengthen immunity, immunal drink it otherwise in the spring this case will often get out!


Acyclovir helps very quickly, it is checked!!! 5 days and no cold.

Tatyana Smolina

The best way - iodine at night - by the morning will absorb and can not be seen, and herpes will "destroy"!
Then go and toothpaste - it is always at hand!
Then buy in a pharmacy - for all occasions - 3 per cent hydrogen peroxide - and scratches and any pimples and just whitening your face! Only look at the concentration - not more than 3 percent!
Such and drink can be a spoonful of a glass of water daily for
a slim figure and cleaning from slags - there will be no herpes!

Mariana Grudina

Today on TV they said: Find the houses of the old yellowed newspaper (black and white) crumpled and put on a plate and burned, the ashes are strewed, and the remains on the plate are applied to a cold. Be healthy and careful.


Salicylic alcohol is best. Even better sernosalitsilovy, but it is prepared according to recipes

Oleg Malinin

1. Take a match with cotton wool. Remove a little sulfur from the ear and carefully votreteee in a sore spot. After a while, the procedure is repeated a couple more times and the fever disappears.
2.Very good and efficiently the wetting of bubbles on the lips with essential oils:
lavender, fir, lemon, tea tree, eucalyptus, geranium, garlic.
One, a maximum of 2 smears is enough. Get well soon.


Herpes is a viral disease with a characteristic rash of grouped vesicles on the skin and mucous membranes.

Means of traditional medicine:
Fir oil: as soon as the disease has begun - lubricate the skin area on which comes out "cold fluff oil. You will feel a slight burning sensation in this place. Lubricate again after 2 hours and at night.

Chamomile broth with propolis: brew chamomile flowers (1 h. spoon on a glass), let it stand for 15 minutes, strain and add 1 hour. spoon 10% alcohol tincture of propolis, stir and drink. Tea to drink 2 times a day for 3-4 days. This same tincture grease rashes.

Garlic, honey, apple cider vinegar: take the head of garlic and crush it all in the garlick, then put it on gauze, make a swab and swab with all the sores. Burning does not occur. Then dilute the honey and apple cider vinegar in the proportion carefully stir and lubricate the sores 2 times a day.
After the first procedure, the itching decreases, and then everything goes away.

Garlic juice: from herpes on the lips it is good to lubricate sores with garlic juice 3 times a day until recovery.

It is enough to moisten the heart drug - valocordin - eruptions of herpes on the mucosa several times during the day, and the herpes will go to zero.

A fever on the lips (herpes, bladderwort) is treated with the Kalanchoe juice.
As for the treatment of herpes, unfortunately, today there are no drugs that could completely cure herpes virus infection.
I wish you health!! !


Herpes is a viral disease with skin lesions. The source of the infection can be a sick person or a virus carrier. Most often, herpes appears in the cold season, when the defenses of the body are reduced. Herpes affects the skin in the area of ​​the mouth and nose, less often in the area of ​​the cheeks and ear auricles.
Symptoms: On the skin, most often on the lips, there are bubbles with fluid that itch, sometimes hurt. After 3-4 days, the bubbles dry up and form a crust. The cortex disappears and the wound heals on day 6-8.
Traditional methods of treatment include the use of antiherpetic drugs (ointments Acyclovir, Zovirax, Fenistil Pencivir, Miramistin, Panavir, Acyclovada, Virollex) and vitamins.
Unconventional and folk methods of treatment:
1) Take aloe juice in 1 teaspoon 2-3 times a day before meals. Lubricate the aloe juice with the herpes zoster.
2) Lubricate herpes with fresh Kalanchoe juice 2-3 times a day.
3) Lubricate the affected skin with an ointment consisting of 100 gr. honey, 1 tablespoon of ash, 3 cloves of garlic.
4) Lubricate the lesions with herpes oil bitter almonds (sold at the pharmacy).
5) Wet the affected areas with a decoction of herb peppermint. Pour 1 tablespoon of herbs 1 glass of water, boil for 15 minutes in a water bath and drain.
6) Grind the fruits of the viburnum in a mortar. Pour 20gr. mashed fruits 1 glass of water. Insist 4 hours. Take half a cup 4 times a day.
7) Pour 10-15gr. kidney birch 1 cup of milk, cook for 5 minutes, wrapped in gauze. Apply as an external anti-inflammatory.
8) Add 15g. dry flower baskets of arnica (sold in pharmacies), l. boiling water. Infuse for 2 hours. Apply for compresses with herpes.
9) Lubricate the lesions of the herpes with aspen leaf juice 3-4 times a day.
10) Take 20gr. fenugreek seeds, rhizome rhizomes and herbs ruta (all sold at the pharmacy). Mix the whole mixture in 1L. water for 30 minutes. Decoction to apply for lotions when affected by herpes.
11) Take a cup of yogurt and stir in it 1 teaspoon of instant coffee. Add 2 finely chopped garlic cloves, 1 spoonful of honey and flour. All mix and lubricate the affected area. When the mixture dries and falls off, repeat the procedure. The method is not very aesthetic, but it gives a very good effect.
12) Grind in a coffee grinder 2 tablespoons dry juniper berries, pour over the level of the powder with vodka and insist 1 day. Lubricate herpes 2-3 times a day.
13) Apply a few grains of fine table salt to the place of herpes rash. If you do this several times a day, the herpes will pass very quickly.
14) In the initial stage of the appearance of herpes, apply a fleece impregnated with fir oil to it, hold for 15-20 minutes. Repeat the procedure every 6-7 hours.
15) Take a bottle of any old perfume, namely old, having a specific smell. To anoint the place of a rash of herpes only 2-3 times and it will disappear very quickly.
16) At the first signs of herpes helps Corvalolus or volokardin. A moistened cotton swab should be lubricated with the place of herpes rash and keep it until it becomes a pinch.
17) Well herpes is treated by blending a mixture of bee honey and salt.
18) Put 1 tablespoon of burdock roots in a glass jar and 2 tablespoons of a three-color violet (sold in a pharmacy) and pour the contents of 150 gr. fresh sunflower oil. Put the jar on a water bath and let it simmer for 1 hour. Remove from heat and persist for 1 hour, strain. Rub into sore spots.
19) A tablespoon of birch tar is mixed with egg white protein and greased sore spots.

Cold remedy for the lips

According to doctors, about 99% of people are infected with the herpes virus, which periodically makes itself felt in the form of fever on the lip. Such rashes cause severe discomfort due to itching and burning, so the actual question is: what is the most effective remedy for cold on the lips?

Cream for colds on the lips

One of the best drugs on the basis of acyclovir is Zovirax, manufactured by the English company GlaxoSmithKline (it was Gertrude Elayon who created acyclovir). From analogues Zovirax differs by the presence in the composition of propylene glycol, which accelerates the absorption of acyclovir, and consequently - the action of the cream. The price is about, cu

The cream Fenistil Pencivir (, cu) with the main active substance penciclovir, to which the herpes is sensitive, works well.

Ointments for colds on the lips

On the basis of acyclovir, several types of ointments are produced:

  • Acigerpin (, u.e.);
  • Vivorax (1, cu);
  • Gerpevir (, cu);
  • Acyclovir Hexal (, cu), etc.

Their composition is characterized by the presence of auxiliary components designed to accelerate the regeneration of tissues. The main action is acyclovir. Therefore, the most economical option is to buy it "in its pure form". Ointment Acyclovir is about, cu).

Gel for colds on the lips

Helps to relieve recurrent herpes and gels:

  • Allomedin (1, cu) - the main action is peptide Allostatin;
  • Viru-Merz Serol (21 cu) is a drug based on tromantadine hydrochloride.
  • Panavir (cu) is a herbal remedy for colds on the lips. The main component is the hexose glycoside.

Plaster for colds on the lips

A new way to treat a fever on the lip is to use a patch that simultaneously masks a cosmetic defect and dries the wound. Most Popular:

  • Zovioprotek (10 cu) based on a copolymer of acrylic acid;
  • Compide (13 cu), which contains gum, elastomers and hydrocolloid particles.
  • Silkoplast "Comfort IT-Herp" (7 cu).

Plasters do not always adhere well to the lips, especially at the bubble stage.

Folk remedies for colds on the lips

Herpes can be taken by surprise, and if the antiviral medication is not there, folk recipes will help. At a stage when the first tingling sensations are felt in the lip, effectively lubricate the burning spot:

  • wax gray;
  • oxolin ointment;
  • oil of a tea tree.

And than to burn already appeared cold on labiums? To eliminate a strong itch in this case helps toothpaste, corvalol, fir oil.

If the fever does not heal within a week, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

What medicine is more effective for colds on the lips?



Acyclovir, but also tea tree oil, too, copes well

Natasha Natasha

Acyclovir is both ointment and tablets


Ointment "Zawirax"


Corvalol should be anointed. Very well helps, oddly enough.

Valentina Belozerova

Zovirax. And the sooner you anoint, the less the herpes rash will be. Herpes is an indicator of a decrease in immunity. So boost immunity.


I guarantee! pure 96% of alcohol immediately as you will feel that you start applying and plaster for the night, will not jump out !!!


Zaviraks, what you need ...
Only appeared immediately, immediately smear, she's been tortured all my life with this sore... .


FENISTIL PENZIVIR, a new drug, smears every 2 hours, helps 100% .ververenno if the treatment immediately to begin, and the pain still well removes mint tooth-paste, only as it will dry it is necessary to wash off and again to put or render on herpes

Just Kseniya

Zovirax is better than other drugs.


try toothpaste

How to get rid of colds on the lip without medication overnight?


Kitten of Lieutenant Schmidt

per night in no way


it's impossible


For a night in any way, but it is possible to stop an infection, having dripped on it a droplet of Valocordinum or Corvalolum. If there is nothing more at hand, there is not. In general, I like herpes begins - I immediately drip tea tree oil - everything goes almost instantly.

Svett * Lana

In theory it is impossible. But in practice, sometimes (depending on the capabilities of the body) helps wipe Corvalol. And moxibustion with medical alcohol or iodine. But for a long time not to hold, it is better to apply in a short time. Helps if cold sores only form.

Nadezhda Kozachenko

No way. Even with medicines. A week at best.


on the lip without drugs to get rid of the common cold is impossible, that's released from the lips - and immediately to the pharmacy ...


from childhood a cold on the lips CORVALOL (drops heart)


m. The ashes of tea tree disinfect and dry well, often grease with a cotton swab

What causes a cold on the lips and how to prevent its appearance?


olga seed

This is called "gerbes" - unfortunately, it is a blood disease, and it is treated with a serious course of antibiotic use (when "vorax now, perhaps, newer ones). But, as it is not sadness, with the next "accidental" kiss, you - clean - you can catch it again. and so on ad infinitum (there is no need to speak about the permanence of ANY communications in our time). One thing remains - strengthening immunity. And, if this biaka does get out, you can burn it - krvalol, fukarcinom, miramestimonom, help it's also just sulfur from the ear, right at the beginning, well, and, of course, special ointments - ask them about pharmacies. Take care of yourself and do not be ill !!


as soon as a little bit of itching starts, it is necessary to immediately burn with iodine - my mom does it, helps only if you immediately smear it

Ekaterina Machinina

from the fact that you have a cold. If it's gerepes, then buy an ointment, such as zovirax or Viru-Merz and start smearing at the first signs of the onset

Krivenko Olga

I just let it pass, she jumped out. To be ill it is not necessary and it is possible to smear lipstick with hygienic lipstick (helps to prevent) and to treat Boraplus helps or assists


It is herpes and only appears when immunity is weakened. Means it is necessary to strengthen the immune system. There are medicines for this, vitamins.


the herpes simplex virus 1... that's the reason, and the treatment of zovirax or acyclovir (which is essentially the same thing)

gold fish

Colds in general for colds, rubbing "Zaviraks" and do not kiss in the wind.

Galka Galkina

do not freeze (warmly dress, temper and all that), strengthen immunity - eat fruits and vegetables, quit smoking, drink less in holidays (including not to freeze:) - and you will be happy, and if the herpes still got out - paste it with toothpaste if not zovirax


prostuda na gubax eto gerpe, to zabolevanie ego nujno le4it.
esli u vas ona proiavliaetsia bol6e 3x raz v god to eto govorit o tom 4to eto u vas gdeto na organax ona zasel, odo k doktoram idt, e4enie o4en dlitelnoe i s premeneniem silnix preparatov.poverte sama etim stradal, oka mne ne obiasnili 4to k 4emu.
eto tolko kajetsia 4to gerpes tak prosto posle prostudi viskakivaet... an net eto xroni4eskaia forma bilee silnogo zabolevania.prakti4eski vse ludi na zamle baleyt ei.a vot o pravilnom le4enii ni kto ne govorit tak gromko.
vo pervix vam nado sdat krov 4tob proverit nali4ie vredonosnix kletok v organizme i tak dalee ...

Karlygash Bimagambetova

Do not kiss with anyone


The cold on the lips is the herpes virus, which is in the blood of a person and is manifested when weakening of immunity in the form of vaginal plaques not only on the lips, but also can appear on the genital bodies. It is possible to prevent, it is necessary to take the drug Acyclovir once a year for preventive purposes, preferably in the autumn before the cold and strengthen the immune system - vitamins, fiz. load.


The herpes virus is even inherited, and you need to be very careful with it. Firstly, constantly strengthen the immune system, vitamins, immunized to drink, and secondly use ointments Zovirax and Acyclovir. If the herpes is very large then Acyclovir can be used in addition to ointments in tablets. Good luck !!!


It's herpes! It is necessary to improve immunity and get rid of the virus! The product "Vision" can help!

[email protected]

Buy an ointment in the pharmacy, and everything will be alright


a cold on the lips is a herpes simplex, a virus that is in the blood and with colds, hypothermia, appears on the lips, can appear in other places, does not completely cure, the main thing prevention

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