Does the pain in the coccyx signify dangerous diseases and is it worthwhile to see a doctor? It is almost impossible to identify the cause of pain without a doctor's examination. Such pain can occur suddenly and soon disappear for a long period of time. Pain sensations can be based only in the coccyx region, and can cover the lower abdomen, lower back, back. Depending on the manifestation, they are aching, pricking or sharp. It is very important to diagnose and eliminate the cause of pain in...
Content 1Complicates in injections: instructions for use, analogues, price 1.1Indications 1.2Contraindications 1.3Mode of application 1.4Side effects 1.5special instructions 1.6Storage conditions 1.7author's material 1.8Analogues 1.9Price 2"Kompligam instructions for use, reviews, analogues 2.1What is included in the Compligam facility 2.2At what diseases is used the drug "Kompligam" 2.3The drug "Kompligam instructions for use, analogues 2.4Features of the application of t...
Content 1Pain in the coccyx during pregnancy: why does the coccyx hurt during pregnancy? 1.1Why the coccyx hurts during pregnancy: old injuries 1.2Why do pregnant women have a coccyx: the old pathology 1.3Pain in the coccyx in pregnancy: the nature of pain 1.4If during pregnancy the coccyx hurts 1.5How to prevent pain in the coccyx during pregnancy 1.6What to do if the coccyx hurts during pregnancy 2Why does the coccyx hurt during pregnancy? 2.1Causes of pain in the coccyx durin...
Content 1Treatment of abdominal hernia at home 1.1Types of hernia and their symptoms 1.2Principles of treatment without surgery 1.3Folk remedies 1.4Herbs 1.5Decoctions and infusions 1.6Medication Therapy 1.7Exercises to strengthen the muscles 1.8Complications 1.9Importance of the operation 1.10Recovery after surgery 2Hernia 2.1Causes of hernia 2.2Signs of a hernia 2.3What is dangerous hernia? 2.4Types and Symptoms of a Hernia 2.5Medication of hernia 2.6Treatment of hern...
First, it is necessary to understand what the disease is and what are the risks of osteoporosis in women (this is the main risk group). Only after this it will be possible to determine the treatment. Osteoporosis is a metabolic disease of the skeleton, characterized by a decrease in its level of strength and an increased risk of fracture. This is one of the most important problems, common not only in Russia, but all over the world. A WHO survey found that such a disease is often detected in ...
Content 1Medication for cervical osteochondrosis 1.1Methods of treatment 1.2What pills to take 1.3Treatment with injections 1.4Treatment with ointments 1.5Types of medicinal ointments 2How to treat cervical osteochondrosis: medication 2.1The cause and mechanism of the development of joint involvement of the cervical spine 2.2Modern methods of treatment of joint segments 2.3Stimulation of recovery processes 2.4How to treat cervical osteochondrosis: frequently asked questions 2...
Content 1Learn everything about disabilities with knee arthrosis 1.1Degrees of gonarthrosis 1.2Classification of deforming osteoarthritis according to Kosinskaya 1.3Functional diagnostics, SDF assessment 1.4Reasons for assigning a disability group 1.5How to pass the examination 1.6Disability groups for arthrosis 1.7Is arthroplasty the basis for disability? 2Gonarthrosis of the knee joint 1, 2, 3 degrees: what is it, the symptoms, treatment, disability 2.1Causes of development o...
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