
Spondylarthrosis of the lumbar spine: symptoms and treatment

Spondylarthrosis of the lumbar spine is called chronic spinal column disease, the development of which is associated with thinning and displacement of intervertebral discs. Due to changes in the discs, there is an increase in pressure on the facet joints, hyaline cartilage ceases to be elastic, as a result of which bone formations appear on articular processes - osteophytes. Such outgrowths can significantly limit the mobility of the vertebral column. When the disease is at a neglected stage...

  • 26-Aug-2018
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Krivosheya in infants: how to help your child

Orthopedic problems appear not only in adults - they often give birth to themselves. Infants sometimes have a defect like muscular torticollis. The head of the child in this case is forced inclined to the side. The thoracic-clavicular-mastoid muscle is responsible for the inclination of the head to the right and left, for raising and lowering, for keeping in an upright position. In the case of defects in functioning, this rigidly fixed incorrect inclination does not allow the head to turn, a...

  • 04-Aug-2018
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Methods of correcting posture in children - choose the most effective

Wrong posture spoils the appearance of the child, but it is bad not only this. The constant stooped position of the back adversely affects physical and even psychological health. Content 1What can be dangerous is the wrong posture in children 2Methods of correcting posture 3Additional measures to correct posture 4Which method is better and will the result What can be dangerous is the wrong posture in children Frequent "skewed" position of the back can lead to the development of vario...

  • 16-Aug-2018
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Scoliosis: surgery, life after scoliosis surgery

Content 1Life after surgery to correct scoliosis on the spine, cost 1.1Indication and procedure of the operation 1.2Further recovery 2Life after surgical treatment of scoliosis 2.1About operation 2.2Effects of surgery on the spine 2.3Rehabilitation and lifestyle changes 2.4What awaits the patient after treatment? 3Operation on the spine to correct scoliosis: a further life 3.1How to perform the operation 3.2Effects of surgery - it is important to know in advance 3.3Problems...

  • 20-Aug-2018
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Lumbar radiculitis: causes and methods of treatment

From the point of view of modern medicine, radiculitis is not an independent disease, but is a symptom complex that indicates the presence of an effect on spinal nerve roots. Typical signs of radiculitis are a violation of sensitivity, pain, muscle weakness, spreading along the course of the affected nerve. The most common and dangerous form is lumbosacral radiculitis, which develops against the backdrop of pathological changes in the intervertebral discs, joints or ligaments of the spine. I...

  • 09-Aug-2018
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Contusion of the coccyx: what should be the treatment and how dangerous are the consequences?

To earn a coccyx injury, do not necessarily fall. For such a trauma, a simple blow will suffice, for example, when riding a bicycle. Many people do not rush to treat this problem with a doctor, since it seems that there is nothing terrible in it. This is a big mistake! The damage to the coccyx can have very serious consequences. A bruise is a trauma of soft tissues and practically does not manifest itself externally (on the skin). It usually occurs on the tissue adjacent to the bone. At the...

  • 12-Aug-2018
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Dolgit ointment and gel: instructions for use, analogues

Content 1Dolgit (gel): instructions for use, analogues, reviews: 1.1Cream, gel "Dolgit". Form of issue 1.2Therapeutic effect 1.3Indications 1.4Contraindications 1.5Dolgit (gel): instructions for use 1.6Overdose 1.7Interaction with other drugs 1.8Dolgit (gel) during pregnancy 1.9Side effects 1.10Analogues 1.11Reviews 1.12Cream or gel? 1.13special instructions 2Dolgite cream: instructions for use, price, reviews, analogs 2.1Indications for use 2.2Application of gel 2.3App...

  • 14-Aug-2018
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Prophylaxis of flat feet in children

Content 1Prophylaxis of flat feet in children of different ages 1.1Causes and consequences 1.2How and at what age to identify the problem in the child 1.3How to recognize pathology, what to look for? 1.4Prevention 1.5Footwear and orthopedic insole 1.6Massage 1.7Orthopedic mat 1.8Gymnastics 1.9other methods 1.10Preventive measures 2Prevention of flat feet in preschool children 3Prophylaxis and treatment of flat feet in children. Exercises 3.1Why does flat feet appear? 3.2Wh...

  • 26-Aug-2018
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Medicamentous treatment of lumbar radiculitis

The main goals of medicamentous treatment of sciatica of the lumbar spine: relaxation spasmodic muscles, relieving pain symptoms and inflammation, improving the trophism of the affected the spinal nerve. Since in the vast majority of cases of radiculopathy the primary cause is a more serious pathology, its treatment requires a comprehensive approach. Drug therapy in it is considered as an emergency aid, aimed at removing acute symptoms and improving the patient's condition. Based on the goal...

  • 27-Aug-2018
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Is it possible to cure scoliosis in adults and how to do it?

Scoliosis is one of the most common progressive diseases of the spine, beginning to be detected in adolescents (from 11 or 12 years). It develops very quickly. If you do not diagnose and start treatment in time, it can grow from one degree to another and lead to more serious consequences in the form of diseases of internal organs (heart, lungs). As the body develops more slowly than bones grow, the spine sooner or later takes the form of arc, which at first does not feel, but then the person...

  • 24-Aug-2018
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