
Tendonitis of the tendon of the supraclavicular muscle of the shoulder and biceps: treatment

Content 1Treatment of tendonitis of the shoulder joint, causes, symptoms, diagnosis 1.1Tendinitis - what is it? 1.2The main causes of the disease 1.3Clinical manifestations 1.4Types of disease 1.5Diagnostic Methods 1.6Definition of therapeutic tactics 1.7Physiotherapy 1.8Medication 1.9Physiotherapy 1.10Recipes of folk healers and tendinitis of the shoulder joint 1.11Surgical intervention 1.12Preventive actions 2Inflammation of the tendon of the shoulder joint with tendiniti...

  • 23-Aug-2018
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Spastic tetraparesis and dsp

Content 1What is tetraparesis: diagnosis and treatment 1.1Factors provoking paresis 1.2Species of a symptom 1.3Clinical picture 1.4Spasticity - as a special form of a paresis 1.5Diagnostics in a medical institution 1.6Complex of therapeutic measures 1.7Surgery 1.8Rehabilitation period 1.9Prognosis and complications 2Spastic tetraparesis (cerebral palsy) in children, tetraparesis treatment, mixed, central, flaccid, reflex tetraparesis, tetraparesis symptoms, how to treat tetrap...

  • 27-Aug-2018
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Why there is pain in the back and how to treat it

Is it worth while condemning to glance at those people who, as it seems, about running around without any reason to the hospital? Probably not worth it, because they are doing the right thing. Taking care of your health should always be a priority. Sometimes a symptom that seems innocuous to us may be a manifestation of a serious illness. This is an ambivalent attitude in people and in pain in the back between the shoulder blades. Some people perceive it as an elementary manifestation of fat...

  • 06-Aug-2018
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Chondrosis of different parts of the spine: symptoms, treatment

Content 1Symptoms of osteochondrosis, diagnosis and treatment of the disease 1.1Anatomy of the spine 1.2Causes 1.3The mechanism of development 1.4Acute stage 1.5Chronic chondrosis 1.6Stages of the disease 1.7Differences between radiculitis and osteochondrosis 1.8Symptoms with chondrosis of different localizations 1.9Symptoms of nerve damage 1.10Diagnostics 1.11CT and MRI 1.12Additional Methods 1.13Treatment 1.14Medication 1.15Physiotherapy and massage 1.16Surgery 2Chond...

  • 13-Aug-2018
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Back I got: what to do if the waist jammed?

Content 1Back I got: what to do if the waist jammed? 1.1Conservative treatment 1.2General recommendations 1.3Medication Therapy 1.4Physiotherapy pi 1.5Physiotherapy 1.6Massage and manual therapy 1.7Folk remedies 1.8Operative treatment 2What to do if the nerve in the back is pinched: doctors' advice 2.1Assistance during an attack 2.2What can provoke an attack? 2.3Symptoms and possible consequences of pinching, depending on the location of the nerve 2.4Cervical spine 2.5Thor...

  • 22-Aug-2018
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Exercises with a herniated spine of the lumbar spine

Therapeutic gymnastics is one of the most effective ways of treating and preventing herniated lumbar spine. It is aimed at restoring the tone of the back muscles, which due to certain factors (sedentary lifestyle, injuries, excessive physical exertion) weakened and ceased to perform their functions, namely to support spine. With a hernia perform simple exercises. The task of these exercises is twisting, bending and stretching the spine. Content 1Exercises for lumbar spinal hernia 2Rules ...

  • 14-Aug-2018
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Hips the hip joint in children and adults

Content 1Hips in the hip joint: why does the child's pelvis click 1.1Are clicks when walking a cause for concern? 1.2Why do crunches of joints in a child? 1.3Treatment and prevention 2Hip joint hip: possible causes and treatment characteristics 2.1Why does the hip joint click? 2.2List of reasons 2.3Treatment of clicks in the hip joint 2.4Knee-joint 2.5Causes of clicking in the knee 2.6How to treat a knee joint? 2.7Hand joints 2.8Shoulder joint 2.9Why does the joint of the s...

  • 10-Aug-2018
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Scoliosis of the thoracic spine: causes, symptoms and treatment

The spine has two protuberances in front called lordosis, and two (kyphosis) - back. Scoliosis is called curvature directed to the side and is accompanied by vertebrae turn (around its own axis). If this disorder affects one (several) thoracic vertebrae, from the first through the twelfth, the disease will be diagnosed as a scoliosis of the chest (CSG). A simple form of scoliosis involves one-sided curvature, in a more complex case - bilateral, and the second bend is directed in the opposite...

  • 07-Aug-2018
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Diseases of bones and joints: the most common diseases

Content 1Bone diseases: types, symptoms and treatment 1.1Pathology of the bone system: a description 1.2Disease of bones and joints: varieties 1.3Causes of development of bone pathologies 1.4Clinical picture in pathologies of bones 1.5Diagnosis of pathology of the musculoskeletal system 1.6Differential diagnosis of bone diseases 1.7Diseases of the bones: treatment of pathologies 1.8Diet therapy for bone pathologies 1.9Medical and surgical treatment 1.10Prevention of bone patholo...

  • 18-Aug-2018
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Compression fracture of the spine symptoms and treatment

Content 1Compression fracture of the spine 1.1Causes of compression fracture of the spine 1.2Symptoms of compression fracture of the spine 1.3Diagnosis of compression fracture of the spine 1.4First aid for compression fractures of the spine 1.5Treatment of compression fractures of the spine 1.6Prognosis for compression fractures of the spine 2What is a compression fracture of the spine? 2.1Causes 2.2Classifier 2.3Diagnosis 2.4What are the consequences for preparing? 2.5Sympt...

  • 26-Aug-2018
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