Why there is pain in the back and how to treat it

Is it worth while condemning to glance at those people who, as it seems, about running around without any reason to the hospital? Probably not worth it, because they are doing the right thing. Taking care of your health should always be a priority.

Sometimes a symptom that seems innocuous to us may be a manifestation of a serious illness.

This is an ambivalent attitude in people and in pain in the back between the shoulder blades. Some people perceive it as an elementary manifestation of fatigue, while others see this symptom as a signal and cause for concern.


  • 1What is signaled by pain in the back between the shoulder blades
  • 2What can cause painful sensations
  • 3Heart diseases that are given in the back
  • 4Pathology of internal organs
  • 5Why does the spine hurt between the shoulder blades
  • 6Scoliosis
  • 7Osteochondrosis
  • 8Spondylarthrosis
  • 9Intercostal neuralgia
  • 10Intervertebral hernia of thorax
  • 11Tuberculosis

What is signaled by pain in the back between the shoulder blades

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Painful sensations in the back in the thoracic region of the spine can have a wide variety of origins and signal that human health is in danger.

A person comes to the doctor and says that he periodically experiences pain between the shoulder blades - the reasons for it may be the most unexpected. And he will be sent to other specialists for advice. Why?

What can cause painful sensations

The cause of fatigue, unpleasant and painful sensations in the upper back can be problems with:

  • heart;
  • increased pressure;
  • stomach, liver;
  • light;
  • the spine.

To avoid mistakes, the doctor should get a professional opinion of each specialist about the symptoms. Experts, in turn, will be offered to undergo examination (to make ultrasound of the heart, vessels, MRI of the cervical and thoracic spine, ultrasound of the liver and gallbladder, gastroendoscopy of the stomach, x-rays of the lungs, pass analyzes). Only after getting the full picture, you can talk about the exact diagnosis.

Heart diseases that are given in the back

It is not uncommon for the pain in the upper back between the shoulder blades to be a manifestation of developing angina pectoris or ischemic heart disease. This symptom is also characteristic of such a disease as myocardial infarction.

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Usually, heart pain is relieved or relieved after taking a tablet of Validol or nitroglycerin. When the painful sensations between the shoulder blades are accompanied by the appearance of cold sweat and a decrease in blood pressure, one can not do with one validol. It is urgent to call an ambulance.

Pathology of internal organs

To provoke pain between the shoulder blades in the spine can peptic ulcer, pancreatitis or cholecystitis. But with such diseases, there are usually other symptoms. Inflammatory processes in the lungs may manifest as pain in the back, but there may be a slight increase in body temperature.

Tumors and oncological processes can also manifest themselves through pain in the upper region of the back.

Influenza and acute respiratory infections may be accompanied by high fever. When the temperature rises, a person with a backache can get very bad back in the upper part.

But this is not the whole list of problems and diseases. If the back hurts between the shoulder blades, there may be pathologies of the spinal column and spinal muscles.

Why does the spine hurt between the shoulder blades

The vertebral column, like the heart, carries a very heavy load. It provides not only free movement of the body, but also the safe operation of all internal organs. When problems arise in one of its departments, it is primarily manifested by pain, and then it can lead to bed rest and restriction of movement.

What diseases of the spine can be manifested by painful sensations in the area between the scapulae? In this case, we can talk about one of thesediseases:

  • scoliosis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • spondylarthrosis;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • tuberculosis of vertebral bone tissue;
  • intercostal neuralgia, etc.


Curvature of the spine at all times was consideredsedentary lifestyle disease. Today, with the development of computer technology to some extent, it is almost every person.

Changes in the spine, its deformity is usually accompanied by pain. If you do not give this symptom proper attention, you can become the owner of a deformed back, as well as the development of pathologies of internal organs.

To determine the scoliosis, an experienced doctor does not need the findings of a radiologist, it is enough to carefully examine the back of the patient.

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Depending on the degree of curvature of the spine, treatment is also prescribed. The patient may be prescribedwearing a special corset, massage, as well as swimming and physiotherapy exercises.


The deposition of salts in the spinecan lead to the appearance of this disease. Painful sensations in osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine are often confused with cardiac pain. Therefore, the appeal to a specialist will not be superfluous. Perhaps, it is necessary to make an x-ray examination of the thoracic spine or to undergo an MRI.

The correct diagnosis will allow you to prescribe the correct treatment. And in the case of osteochondrosis, a good periodic massage will help improve well-being. A doctor can also appointVisiting the room of physiotherapy exercises, a small anti-inflammatory therapy.

To date, osteochondrosis affects not only adults, this disease is diagnosed even in 10-year-old children. The reason is obvious - one-year-old baby already understands perfectly what a phone, tablet or computer is, and in three years, modern children are already quite consciously own this technique, that adults only with their hands bred.

As a result, they run and jump less, which is perfectly acceptable for eternally busy and tired parents, but they acquire all sorts of problems with the spine and pathologies of the internal organs.


This disease is an ordinary person will also call osteochondrosis. Yes, the symptoms of these diseases are almost identical, but the phenomena occurring inside are very different.

With spondylarthrosis graduallybone cartilage is destroyed. But the body solves this problem and replaces it with bone tissue. As a result, when the back is observed on the vertebrae, bony projections appear.

The correct diagnosis can be made only after X-ray examination, computed tomography or MRI.

With loads on the spine, ossified joints begin to ache. To ease the condition, you will need to completely change your lifestyle -eat right, do exercise therapy, swim, take vitamins and use folk remedies, anesthetic ointments, be treated in dispensaries and constantly observed by a doctor.

Intercostal neuralgia

Characteristicpain between scapula and spine on the rightmay indicate the development of intercostal neuralgia. Usually, the symptoms appear after being in for a long time in an uncomfortable position, after physical exertion, as a result of hypothermia, the effects of drafts, as a manifestation of catarrhal diseases.

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Cough can also lead to the onset of neuralgia. The therapist can establish the diagnosis. It is also possible inflammation of the muscles of the back -myositis. These pains are treated with a local blockade usinganesthetics, you can use warming sprays on alcohol, ointments with anti-inflammatory effect.

Intervertebral hernia of thorax

Sometimes pain in the back between the shoulder blades causes this disease. Determine the presence of this pathology can be done by examining a computer or magnetic resonance tomograph.

If the intervertebral hernia is not stopped, then it will continuespinalizeand can lead to disability.

Having diagnosed, the doctor will decide how to treat the disease, -to remove herniaor you can do withoutcorrective therapy in the form of physiotherapy, physiotherapy and anti-inflammatory drugs.


Everyone knows how dangerous tuberculosis is. This disease affects not only the lungs. As a result of the injuries sustained in a weakened organism,tuberculosis of bone tissue. This process is also dangerous because it is not always possible to determine in time what greatly complicates the treatment.

The focus of the disease can show an X-ray examination or an MRI.

Back pain can be a sign of osteoporosis and even osteopenia.

Having received such an amount of information, it is difficult not to fall into despair, but it is necessary to work out a couple of principles.

The first principle:we take an example from those who run to the doctor, without having had to sneeze: there is always a chance to keep one's health without special losses.

The second principle:correct treatment will be prescribed only by a doctor, and self-medication can make yourself even worse.

The third principle:Never panic and try to make wise decisions.