Tendonitis of the tendon of the supraclavicular muscle of the shoulder and biceps: treatment


  • 1Treatment of tendonitis of the shoulder joint, causes, symptoms, diagnosis
    • 1.1Tendinitis - what is it?
    • 1.2The main causes of the disease
    • 1.3Clinical manifestations
    • 1.4Types of disease
    • 1.5Diagnostic Methods
    • 1.6Definition of therapeutic tactics
    • 1.7Physiotherapy
    • 1.8Medication
    • 1.9Physiotherapy
    • 1.10Recipes of folk healers and tendinitis of the shoulder joint
    • 1.11Surgical intervention
    • 1.12Preventive actions
  • 2Inflammation of the tendon of the shoulder joint with tendinitis: symptoms and treatment of the supraspinous muscle of the shoulder
    • 2.1Causes of tendonitis
    • 2.2Clinical manifestations of the disease
    • 2.3Diagnosis of the disease
    • 2.4Treatment of tendonitis
    • 2.5LFK with tendinitis of the shoulder
    • 2.6Prevention of disease
  • 3Shoulder tendonitis
    • 3.1What it is?
    • 3.2Anatomy of the shoulder joint
    • 3.3The main causes of
    • 3.4Symptoms and signs
    • 3.5Types of disease
    • 3.6Calcining (calcifying)
    • 3.7Muscular Muscle
    • 3.8Biceps
    • 3.9Rotator cuffs of the shoulder
    • 3.10Shoulder
    • instagram viewer
    • 3.11Post-traumatic
    • 3.12Chronic
    • 3.13Stages of development of the disease
    • 3.14Diagnostics
    • 3.15How to treat?
    • 3.16Therapeutic exercises and exercises
    • 3.17Folk remedies
    • 3.18Prevention

Treatment of tendonitis of the shoulder joint, causes, symptoms, diagnosis

As the body ages, muscles and joints wear out. With regular physical exertion, microtraumas develop in the tissues. If you give the body a rest, they are fully restored.

At critical overloads muscles do not have time to adapt to them. As a result, a place is formed that degenerates after a while. There is painful discomfort, stiffness in the joints.

Such symptoms indicate the development of tendonitis. This is a common disease, which most often affects the shoulder joint.

In the materials of the article the main symptoms of pathology, causes and methods of treatment are considered.

Tendinitis - what is it?

Tendonitis is a disease characterized by the development of the inflammatory process in the tendons and tissues. They connect the muscles with the bones.

As a result, there is a severe pain in the shoulder, and the movements are limited. Usually, pathology is diagnosed in adulthood, especially in menopausal women.

The risk group also includes young people who regularly engage in sports. Tendonitis of the shoulder joint in the early stages is well treatable.

Launched forms of the disease require surgical intervention. However, even the operation does not always allow the full restoration of the function of the hand.

The main causes of the disease

The development of tendonitis can be due to a variety of reasons. Most often the disease is preceded by prolonged physical activity.

Therefore, athletes and people whose work activity is associated with a serious burden on the shoulder are at risk.

Initially, the inflammation affects the musculoskeletal muscle, then gradually spreads to nearby tissues and the capsule of the joint. To provoke a tendonitis of a shoulder joint the following problems and infringements can:

  • rheumatoid diseases (gout, arthritis);
  • incorrect posture;
  • injuries of the shoulder girdle;
  • low immunity;
  • depression (when it comes to muscle spasm);
  • diseases of infectious etiology;
  • frequent hypothermia;
  • allergy to medicines;
  • failure in the endocrine system.

These are the most common causes of the disease.

The pathological process is aggravated several times, if it is accompanied by concomitant pathologies or the lack of timely therapy.

In all these cases, adhesions form at the site of the inflammation. Over time, they lead to limited mobility of the joint, constant pain and other dangerous consequences.

Clinical manifestations

At the initial stage of the disease, the tendons thicken, which is accompanied by a pain syndrome in certain types of movements.

In advanced cases, discomfort does not go away even at rest. It is this severe pain that causes patients to see a doctor.

How is tendonitis of the shoulder joint manifested?

Symptoms of the disease can be reduced to four main manifestations:

  1. painful discomfort;
  2. impaired mobility of the hand;
  3. inflammatory process;
  4. destruction of joint tissues.

Pain in tendonitis can be acute or dull. It increases during physical activity.

Limitation of mobility arises when the next attempt to perform any movement. In a calm state, patients complain of tolerable pain. Depending on the location of the inflammation, the following symptoms occur:

  • the defeat of the cuff is characterized by severe pain in the upper-outer part of the shoulder, it can radiate into the elbow;
  • inflammation of the small round muscle is accompanied by discomfort when the arm moves outward;
  • the spread of the pathological process on the scapular muscle results in severe pain when the shoulder moves inward;
  • Tendonitis of the tendon of the biceps muscle does not affect the mobility of the hand, but is also accompanied by discomfort.

Inflammatory reaction entails sealing the joint capsule. Its thickness can reach 2 mm. Inflammation is accompanied by swelling and redness of the skin, an increase in temperature in this area.

The pathological process, which spreads on the tendons, leads to the formation of adhesions. For tendinitis, calcification of tendons is typical.

When listening to the joint with a phonendoscope, crepitation (crunching, creaking) is often heard.

The development of degeneration gradually leads to thinning of the tendons, rupture of the joint capsule is not ruled out.

Types of disease

Depending on the localization of the pathological process and the causes of its appearance, there are:

  • Calcific tendonitis of the shoulder joint. It develops due to the deposition of salts, wear of tendons or oxygen deficiency in tissues. The pathology is manifested by severe pain when the hand moves.
  • Terrible tendonitis. The disease is preceded by injury to the muscle capsule. This form is accompanied by constant pulling pains in the shoulder.
  • Inflammation of the biceps tendon. As a rule, it is diagnosed in swimmers and tennis players.
  • Posttraumatic tendonitis. Develops after mechanical damage to the shoulder joint. Therefore, before full recovery, it should not be overloaded.

According to the nature of the disease, the disease is divided into two forms: acute and chronic.

Diagnostic Methods

Many patients do not even know about the diagnosis, like "tendonitis." What is it, they learn after the appearance of symptoms of the disease and a visit to the doctor.

The grounds for confirming the diagnosis are the patient's complaints, clinical history and physical examination.

During the examination, the doctor checks the sensitivity of the muscles and the possibility of active movements.

To exclude doubts in the diagnosis, an additional examination is prescribed. It includes:

  • MRI of the shoulder joint;
  • Ultrasound of affected areas;
  • arthroscopy;
  • X-ray diffraction;
  • CT arthrography.

Based on the results, the doctor confirms the diagnosis and prescribes treatment.

Definition of therapeutic tactics

Treatment of tendonitis of the shoulder joint depends on the severity of the pathological process and its neglect. All therapeutic measures should be under the constant supervision of a specialist. In the initial stages of the disease, the following methods are used:

  • physiotherapy;
  • use of medicines;
  • Exercise therapy;
  • folk remedies.

When these therapies are ineffective, you have to resort to surgical intervention - arthroscopy or cavity surgery. Next, consider each treatment option in more detail.


Treatment of tendonitis of the shoulder joint begins with immobilization of the hand. To limit its mobility, use a special bandage or bandage. When the inflammation subsides, physiotherapy is especially effective.

Most often, doctors prescribe laser therapy, ultraviolet, applications with paraffin and mud, electrophoresis with the addition of "Lidazy."

These procedures are aimed at improving blood circulation in the lesion, removing muscle spasm and swelling.


To reduce the pain syndrome and swelling in the affected area, anti-inflammatory drugs are used. However, one should not resort to their help in the first 48 hours after the onset of discomfort.

When the pain does not have the strength to endure, you can drink a pill of "Paracetamol." If after 72 hours the discomfort does not subside, it is necessary to start therapy with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Naise, Ketorol, Nurofen).

The course of treatment is usually five days. Drugs should be taken after meals.

Internal therapy should be supplemented with a local one. What does the acute tendinitis of the shoulder joint involve? Ointment or special gels should be chosen with capsaicin ("Ibuprofen "Voltaren"). They are used to normalize the blood flow in the joint bag.

In the second stage of the disease, therapy is also supplemented with injections that are made directly into the joint cavity. For this use "Lidocaine" or "Bupivacaine."

Injections help to reduce the production of collagen, which is responsible for the elasticity of the tendons. Therefore, hormone therapy is prescribed only with exacerbation.

If a patient is diagnosed with tendonitis of the tendon, such treatment is not recommended.


In 90% of cases, exercise therapy helps restore the mobility of the hand. Exercise should be selected by a specialist taking into account the form of the disease. It is important not to overload the damaged joint, but gradually develop it, increasing the amplitude of the movements.

  • Exercise 1. It will take a gymnastic stick. Put it at arm's length. While holding the projectile in an upright position, try to describe the circle in the air with a sick limb. This exercise doctors recommend for the diagnosis of "tendonitis of the supraspinous muscle of the shoulder joint". Treatment in this way gives positive results in a few days.
  • Exercise 2. Put your hands in front of you. Raise the hands folded in the lock up. Maximum load is necessary for a healthy hand. She must "drag" behind her a sick limb.
  • Exercise 2. Lean forward at the back of the chair. A healthy hand needs to lean against the surface. The patient remains in an arbitrary position. Then begin to swing from side to side with a damaged hand, increasing the amplitude gradually.
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Performing such exercises daily can reduce the manifestation of unpleasant symptoms in the inflammation of the tendons.

Recipes of folk healers and tendinitis of the shoulder joint

Treatment with medications of this disease usually shows good results. To achieve a better medicinal effect, doctors recommend supplementing conservative therapy with prescriptions of folk healers. Below are the most popular of them:

  • Decoction of bird cherry has an anti-inflammatory effect. To make it, you need to pour three tablespoons of dried berries with a glass of boiling water, put it on a water bath. To enhance the effect, the medicine can be used not only orally, but also applied to the affected area moistened with gauze.
  • Infusion from the shepherd's bag inside do not take, but it turns out an excellent compress. For cooking, you can use the same principles as in the previous recipe.
  • Equal portions of sassaparilla and ginger roots are poured with boiling water. The resulting broth during the day is consumed as tea.

It is not necessary to get involved in folk recipes, and conservative treatment is not allowed to replace them. Neglect of the doctor's recommendations may adversely affect health, and the disease will continue to progress.

Surgical intervention

The main indication for the operation is the insufficient effectiveness of conservative therapy. In tendonitis, the following surgical options are used:

  1. Redress under general anesthesia. During the procedure, the doctor "tears" the capsule of the joint to restore its mobility.
  2. Arthroscopy. First, the surgeon makes small incisions on the skin. Through them, then, he introduces apparatus for manipulation, the main of which is the arthroscope. During the procedure, the specialist excludes the damaged parts of the capsule. Treatment of tendinitis of the shoulder joint by this method is characterized by a rapid recovery period and minor traumatism. Therefore, surgeons resort to his help most often.
  3. Removal of salts. With calcifying tendinitis this variant of operative intervention is shown. During the procedure, the specialist inserts two needles into the joint, through which the salt deposits are washed out.

After surgery, patients need rehabilitation for several months, during which the procedures of exercise therapy are used.

Preventive actions

Treatment of tendonitis of the shoulder joint is a long process. Therefore, it is easier to prevent the development of the disease, rather than taking medicine and injections. What do doctors say about prevention?

Experts recommend that before any, not even too intense exercise, do an easy warm-up. Sports should be chosen according to the individual capabilities of the body.

The intensity of the load should be increased gradually, giving the muscles the ability to adapt. If, after physical activity, there is pain in the shoulder, you should seek help from a doctor.

Early diagnosis of tendonitis and competent treatment can avoid the development of complications. Among them, bursitis is the most common.

And tendonitis of the shoulder joint, and many other diseases of a similar etiology is easier to treat at the initial stage.


During the therapy of tendonitis, follow the doctor's instructions. A mandatory requirement is the cessation of all work associated with excessive stress on the joint. Neglecting the recommendations of a specialist can cause an increase in symptoms, as a consequence, a complete immobilization of the hand.

A source: http://.ru/article/244116/lechenie-tendinita-plechevogo-sustava-prichinyi-simptomyi-diagnostika

Inflammation of the tendon of the shoulder joint with tendinitis: symptoms and treatment of the supraspinous muscle of the shoulder

The pathological condition that is associated with the inflammatory process of the tendons of the muscles surrounding the joint in the shoulder region is called tendinitis.

This disease begins to develop in adulthood after reaching a man of 40-50 years, especially in women during menopause. This is due to the hormonal changes that occur in the body.

But it can develop in young people as a result of heavy physical labor or intensive sports.

In the early stages of the development of the disease tendonitis of the shoulder joint is well suited to conservative treatment.

In the process of progression of the disease and the chronicization of pathology, it is necessary to resort to surgical intervention, but even in this case veryit is difficult to achieve full recoverymotor function of the shoulder joint.

Causes of tendonitis

The shoulder joint is quite complex in its structure, which makes it possible to produce a large volume of different movements. The articulation formsbrachial bone, immersed in the hollow of the shoulder blade.

Around the bones are ligaments and tendons, which form a shoulder rotator cuff and retain the physiological position of the joint.

The cuff contains the tendons of the subacute, subscapular, supraclavicular, small round muscle of the shoulder and a long head of the biceps.

During the impact of negative factors, the rotational cuff can be damaged by the front part acromion, beak-acromial ligament or acromioclavicular joint with upper extremities.

The causes of development of shoulder tendinitis are:

  • Occupations that are associated with physical labor (masons, builders, painters, plasterers);
  • professional sports (handball, tennis, volleyball, basketball, gymnastics, javelin throwing);
  • intervertebral hernia and osteochondrosis of the cervical spine;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system (gout, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis);
  • allergic and autoimmune pathology;
  • underdevelopment of the ligamentous apparatus and acquired or congenital dysplasia of the shoulder joint;
  • hypothermia, persistent colds;
  • chronic infection in internal organs;
  • prolonged immobilization of the upper limb due to subluxations, dislocations, fractures;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • injuring the upper body;
  • incorrect rehabilitation after surgery in the region of the shoulder joint.

At the first stages of this pathology, the inflammatory process appears in the tendons of the muscles of the shoulder joint, most oftenmuscular superficial fibers are affected. Absence of treatment can lead to spread of the disease to soft adjacent tissues - muscles, subacromial bag, articular capsule.

In the articular structures degenerative processes develop, this causes microtraumatism when moving by hand and can contribute to the progression of pathology.

With prolonged passage of tendinitis, there are spikes that break the shoulder joint activity.

One of the types of pathology is calcifying tendonitis, which develops as a result of the deposition of calcium salts in the periarticular tissues - calcifications, which trigger the process of inflammation.

This variant of the disease, as a rule, begins to form in the old age as a result of the processes occurring in the body of the processes of evolution.

Clinical manifestations of the disease

As a result of inflammation of the tendons, the muscles in the region of the shoulder thicken and begin to cause discomfort during certain types of movements at the first stages of the disease, and in the advanced stages of the pathological disease - in a state rest. It is the strong pain that causes patients to seek help from a doctor.

It should be noted that a great discomfort appearsat the stage of significant violationsanatomy in the soft tissues of the shoulder joint. Therefore, it is necessary at the first signs of tendinitis to seek advice from a specialist for timely therapy and diagnosis of the disease.

Taking into account the appearance of a pain symptom, three stages of the disease process are distinguished:

  1. The first stage - the appearance of discomfort only with sudden movements of the injured arm (tilt behind the back, swing up).
  2. The second stage - the emergence of painful symptoms after considerable physical exertion on the shoulder joint.
  3. The third stage - the pain sensations do not depend on the degree of exercise, appear at rest and during sleep, the attack can last 6-9 hours.

Clinical symptomsthis pathology include:

  • impossibility to throw a hand behind your back;
  • sensation of pain while raising the upper limb above the level of the lower back;
  • increased local temperature, redness of the skin and swelling in the affected area;
  • crunching in the region of the shoulder joint during movement;
  • strengthening by the evening of discomfort, painful sensations during night rest at a turn on the side of the affected tendon;
  • at the first stages of inflammation the pain symptom has a muffled character, taking into account the progression of the disease becomes more intense and sharp;
  • decrease in the volume of active and passive movements of the shoulder joint;
  • spread of pain in the elbow joint, on the anterolateral surface of the shoulder.

An increase in the activity of painful sensations causes patients to spare the patient's hand, and is conscious of lowering the movements in the shoulder joint. What can cause contracture and the appearance of adhesions of the shoulder, the atrophy of the musculoskeletal system, this leads a person to disability.

Diagnosis of the disease

During the development of the first clinical symptoms of the disease, you should consult a doctor to diagnose the tendon inflammation.

The sooner the disease is diagnosed, the faster it can be to recover and reduce the possibility of the transition of tendinitis to chronic.

Diagnosis of the disease includes the following stages:

  1. examination of the patient (listening to heart tones, breathing, determining the volume of active and passive movements of the infected upper limb, probing the shoulder joint and adjacent muscles);
  2. collection of human complaints (concomitant pathology, probable causes of pathology, character of pain symptoms);
  3. arthroscopy;
  4. instrumental examination (ultrasound, radiography, MRI, computer topography);
  5. laboratory tests (urine and blood tests).
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Based on the research, the doctordetermines the final diagnosisand develops treatment tactics. In the general analysis of the blood, the symptoms of inflammation of the tendons (leukocytosis, high ESR) are determined, and the appearance of calcinates is determined on the roentgenogram.

The most informative magnetic resonance (MRI) and computer (CT) tomography, which makes it possible to identify pathological processes of inflammation in soft tissues and tendon tendons.

Ultrasound (ultrasound) allows you to determine the state of internal structures of ligaments, joints, vessels, muscles and make differential diagnosis with other diseases.

Arthroscopy is performed with the help of endoscopic devices, it allows you to directly examine the lesion of the anatomical structures of the tendon tendons.

Treatment of tendonitis

Taking into account the stage of the inflammation process, you can treat tendonitis with either surgical or conservative methods. With the timely visit of the patient to the doctorprescribe non-invasive treatment options, These include:

  • physiological procedures during the abatement of acute process;
  • medicines: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) - diclofenac, nise, nimesil; antibiotics for the infectious cause of the disease, given sensitivity pathogenic microflora; analgesics for the removal of pain symptoms - nimesil, pentalgin, tylenol, cofagin; hormonal drugs - blockade by injection into the shoulder joint glucocorticoids;
  • shock wave therapy;
  • electrophoresis with lipase and analgin;
  • laser, magnetic, ultrasound therapy;
  • applications of paraffin;
  • physiotherapy;
  • massage.

During the exacerbation of the disease, the diseased joint is discharged by restricting the mobility of the tendons of the shoulder, butabsolute immobilization is contraindicated, due to the danger of rapid development of adhesions of tendons.

To treat pathology by radical methods is prescribed during the ineffectiveness of conservative treatment and the formation of a stable contracture of the shoulder joint.

An anesthesia is applied to the shoulder, during which the doctor tears the capsule of the shoulder joint with the help of active movement in the joint, this makes it possible to prevent adhesions.

In severe situations, the passage of the pathological process is performed by open surgical intervention with the cutting of the rotator cuff of the shoulder in the region of fibrosis and adhesions.

Recently, less traumatic ways of treating muscle inflammation with arthroscopic equipment have been used. And the endoscope is injected through a small incision of the skin and performs accurate excision of scar tissue.

The rehabilitation process after surgery can be 1-4 months.

LFK with tendinitis of the shoulder

The complex of exercises for the treatment of tendonitis is very simple and aimed, in its majority, to stimulation of the diseased tendon and a gradual increase in the volume of movements.

Examples of exercises:

  1. As an inventory, you need a long towel and a bar. You need to throw the towel over the bar and take the ends with both hands. Gently lowering the healthy limb down, the sick arm should be slowly raised up. At the first sign of pain you need to hold your hand in this state for 3 seconds. Return to the original position.
  2. To fix the palm of the affected hand on a healthy shoulder, if necessary, then you can use the help of a healthy one. With a healthy limb, take the elbow of the affected arm and carefully, without sharp movements, raise the diseased limb to the top. At the top of the climb, keep this position for 3 seconds. Every day, increasing the amplitude of the uplifts.
  3. Clasped in front of him in the castle and lowered hands gently lift up. Thus, the load falls on the tendon of a healthy limb, it, like a tug, pulls the patient behind it.
  4. A little back from the established chair in front of him. A healthy hand leans on the back. Torso bend in the lower back, and the affected arm should just hang. Start swinging a sick limb, like a pendulum, slowly increasing the tempo.
  5. Put the right hand on the left elbow, and the left hand, respectively, on the right. Raise your folded arms to the chest level, parallel to the floor and start rocking in different directions.

Prevention of disease

For the prevention of muscle disease tendinitis needconstantly engage in physical educationor sports to increase the plasticity of the tendons and strengthen the muscles that are involved in the movement of the shoulder joint. Professions with monotonous movements of hands and intensive physical activity need to optimize the working process by alternating work with a full time for rest.

You need to be very careful while performing sudden movements and lifting weights by the upper limbs, which can lead to damage to the tendons. It is also very important to treat chronic diseases in a timely manner, not to allow infection with infections and hypothermia.

Tendonitis of the shoulder jointhas a positive prognosis of treatmentand recovery with the timely diagnosis of the inflammatory process and the implementation of comprehensive treatment.

Chronic passage of the disease can cause limited mobility of the joint due to the formation of calcifications in soft tissues, fibrosing of the capsule and tendons, the appearance of adhesions.

Progression of tendonitis in the absence of proper treatment can lead to a decrease in the quality of life or even disability.

A source: http://artrit.guru/metody-lecheniya/lechenie-suhozhiliy-plechevogo-sustava-pri-tendinite.html

Shoulder tendonitis

Any body eventually wears out, because muscles and joints have their limit. At frequent heavy loads, microtraumas appear in the tissues, but if you regularly rest the body, these tissues can regenerate.

At a critical overload the muscles do not have time to adapt to super-action, resulting in a lesion that subsequently degenerates.

Joints ache, there is a feeling of stiffness - tendonitis develops.

What it is?

Tendonitis is an inflammatory process in the tissues that connect the muscles to the bone.

By itself, this disease can affect every person - there are no specific restrictions, direct dependence on sex, profession or age.

But at risk people are over forty, athletes, as well as those who regularly engage in manual labor.

The frequent load on the same zone is the main reason for the appearance of microcracks.

In children, most often this disease occurs on the knee joint.

Anatomy of the shoulder joint

The shoulder joint consists of two bones, more precisely from their parts: the head of the humerus and the articular process of the scapula.

Tendonitis of the shoulder is a disease that inflames the soft tissues and structures surrounding the shoulder joint.

Inflammable can:

  • Shoulder biceps tendons;
  • Capsule of the joint;
  • Tough muscle.

Also, damage can occur in all of the above structures.

This inflammation restricts movement and causes severe pain in the shoulder region.

Usually, tendonitis does not occur "on level ground". It is preceded by pathological degenerative processes.

The main causes of

The most common cause of tendonitis is a prolonged overload on the joint, so the maximum risk of the place of attachment of the muscles to the bone.

Women suffer a little more often than men, due to hormonal changes during menopause.

Also, the causes of tendonitis may be:

  1. Regular or single injuries of the shoulder joint;
  2. Intense loads.At risk are athletes: tennis players, basketball players, throwers of the nucleus (hammer, spear). Painters also often suffer from this disease.
  3. Infectious inflammation caused by bacteria.Bacterial infections quickly spread through the circulatory system and affect the most vulnerable places - joints of bones. An example of such a bacterial infection is gonorrhea.
  4. Rheumatic diseases.Examples of degenerative rheumatic arthritis are arthritis or gout.
  5. Incorrect posture.
  6. Allergy to medicines.
  7. Improper development of tendons, their weakening.
  8. Acquired or congenital joint dysplasia.
  9. Stress, depression.Neuropathy can cause muscle spasm, which will cause a strong strain on the ligaments.
  10. Special anatomical structure of the body.Disturbance in the joint will give rise to degenerative processes.
  11. Endocrine and immune diseases.
  12. Prolonged wearing of gypsum or bandage.
  13. Cervical osteochondrosis.
  14. Wrong treatment after surgery or shoulder injury.
  15. Diseases of the thyroid gland and diabetes mellitus.

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Symptoms and signs

Tendonitis of the shoulder arises as a result of inflammation and thickening of the joint capsule, surrounding tissues are also involved in this process.

You can see the development of tendinitis in everyday life:

  • the patient is not able to get a cup from the cupboard for the dishes, take the object from the shelf fixed at a certain height;
  • pain occurs during sleep (which causes a lot of problems), when putting on sweaters and jackets, in the bathroom when taking a shower.

If these symptoms appear in a person's life, then he urgently needs to see a doctor.

Painful sensations can be different: from weak, to sharp and long.

The patient does not get to raise the limb higher than at a right angle, or independently to get a hand on his back, the biceps and deltoid muscle begin to atrophy.

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In this case, the disease passed into a neglected stage, which, at times, can not be cured completely.

Dull and aching pain can become acute and move to the area of ​​the elbow joint.

With tendinitis, pain, as a rule, arises abruptly, but as the inflammation develops, unpleasant sensations can intensify:

  1. When probing the damaged tendon, there is an increased sensitivity.
  2. During the movement of the diseased limb, a creaking sound can be heard.
  3. Over inflamed tissues, redness and hyperthermia occur.
  4. The deposition of calcium in the joints leads to a weakening of the tendon and joint bag.

One of the most unpleasant symptoms in tendonitis is the increasing pain in the evening - it can cause sleep disturbance due to the forced position of the body.

Types of disease

Calcining (calcifying)

Inflammation of the tissue begins around calcium deposits.

For calcifying tendinitis is characterized by pain when raising the limb up unpleasant sensations sharply intensified at night.

There are two types of calcifying tendinitis:

  • Degenerative calcification.The main cause of degenerative calcification is the aging process, as the blood supply of the tendons decreases, they weaken. There are micro-fibrillation of fibers. and reactive calcification.
  • Reactive calcification.The mechanism of occurrence is not precisely established. It develops in three stages. At the initial stage, the changes in tendons that occur lead to the formation of calcinates, in tendons there is the deposition of calcium crystals, within this period the calcinates are reabsorbed organism. It is at this point that the appearance of pain is most likely. In the next period, the tendon is restored, then the mechanism of absorption of calcinates (which has not yet been clarified) is started, and the tissue regenerates. The pain subsequently disappears completely.

Muscular Muscle

The cause is damage to the muscle capsule with a beak-acromial ligament, anterior margin acromion or acromioclavicular joint, which leads to degeneration, inflammation and thinning tendons.

With this disease, painful palpation of the anterior edge of the acromion and intercammonial sulcus.


This type of disease is also called "tendonitis of the long biceps head" - the tendon that binds the upper part of the biceps muscle and the shoulder becomes inflamed.

Swimmers and tennis players often suffer.

Rotator cuffs of the shoulder

It also occurs due to severe bruises, overstrain, infection.

With ultrasound examination, hypoechoic patches of irregular shape are clearly manifested.


Tendonitis of the shoulder includes a whole group of diseases: inflammation of the subacute and small round muscles, tendon of the supraspinatus, subscapular muscle.

Severe pain occurs when lifting weights up.


This disease occurs against the background of insufficient blood supply to the tendon due to increased stress.

Particular attention in posttraumatic tendonitis is important to give treatment and prevention and in no case do not load the limb until the full restoration of the tendon.


This type of disease occurs due to repeated injuries to the tendons and muscles.

Delivers a lot of discomfort, because it is impossible to perform simple physical exercises.

Stages of development of the disease

Tendonitis develops in three main stages:

  1. At the initial stage, the patient practically does not feel any specific symptoms of the manifestation of the disease. At sharp movements in a joint there can be a short, mild aching pain.
  2. At the second stage the patient begins to feel pain after physical exertion. Sensations are more pronounced.
  3. At the third stage there are long attacks of pain, they can last for 6-8 hours. Unpleasant sensations arise even in a state of rest.


The basis for the diagnosis is a physical examination, complaints of the patient, the history of the disease.

During the examination the doctor:

  • checks the possibility of active and passive (when the doctor himself raises the limb of the patient) movements of the patient;
  • checks the sensitivity of the muscles in problem areas. In order to determine the range of movements, it is necessary to move the limb in all directions. Patients tendinitis can commit only limited passive and active movements.

In order to exclude a mistake in the diagnosis, the doctor can appoint:

  1. MRI - in the framework of this survey, pictures of the internal structure of the organism are taken;
  2. Injection of an anesthetic into the seminary (in the area of ​​the rotator cuff of the shoulder). If the pain decreases, then this confirms the diagnosis of "tendinitis
  3. X-ray;
  4. Arthroscopy;
  5. CT-arthrography (X-ray examination with the introduction of a contrast agent in the joint).

How to treat?

the task in the treatment of tendonitis of the shoulder is to restore the correct motor activity, to remove the inflammation from the tendon and to reduce the pain.

Depending on the stage of the disease, different types of recovery are used.

Therapeutic exercises and exercises

More than 90% of people suffering from tendinitis, need a fairly simple treatment - physical education.

It is important not to load the damaged joint, but to develop it, that is, to increase the amplitude of movements.

You can perform the following set of exercises:

  • Exercise number 1.It is necessary to take a sufficiently long towel, throw it across the crossbar (for example, for a shower curtain). Then grasp the ends of the towel. With a healthy limb, pull the fabric down. Simultaneously lifting the sick arm up. After you feel a slight pain, fix the position for three seconds, then very slowly lower your arm.
  • Exercise number 2.A gymnastic stick is needed. Place it at arm's length, and, holding it upright, with a limp patient, describe with a stick a large circle.
  • Exercise number 3.Put the painful limb brush on the healthy shoulder. Lift it up. With a healthy hand, gently begin to lift the bent elbow up. Further, lower the elbow. Every day, maximize the allowable amplitude.
  • Exercise 4.Put your hands in front of you, twist your fingers. Raise the folded limbs upwards. The maximum load on a healthy hand - it drags the patient.
  • Exercise number 5.Lean forward in front of the back of the chair or wall. A healthy hand leans against the surface. The patient's limb is free to hang. Then start to swing it from side to side. If you stand at a chair, then you can also swing back and forth. Gradually increase the amplitude of the pendulum.
  • Exercise number 6.Hands raise in front of you. Place the right hand on the left elbow, and the left hand brush on the right. So start to swing your arms from side to side.

Folk remedies

In the treatment of tendonitis, a number of folk remedies are also used:

  1. Sassaparilla root and ginger.The combination of these two ingredients is used in the treatment of inflammation of the tendons and joints. For cooking, take 1 teaspoon of a mixture of ginger and sassaparil, pre-chop, pour boiling water and drink instead of tea. Apply twice a day.
  2. Curcumin- another effective remedy for tendonitis. It eliminates the main symptom of the disease - pain. Also copes well with inflammation. Curcumin should be used as a seasoning for food. In day it is necessary to use approximately, gram.
  3. Fruit of bird cherry.Indispensable in the treatment of tendonitis. Their juice contains tannins. These substances in combination with anthocyanins have an anti-inflammatory and strengthening effect. 3 tablespoons fresh berries pour a glass of boiling water. You take 2-3 times a day.
  4. Conducting local procedures.It is necessary to apply cold to the affected limb in the first day, heat - in the subsequent. Applying a fixative bandage to the joint.


Carrying out physiotherapy procedures is very effective in treatment.

There is a sufficient number of methods.

Are applied:

  • Laser therapy;
  • Magnetotherapy;
  • Use of ultraviolet;
  • Shockwave therapy;
  • Use of ultrasound;
  • Paraffin and mud applications;
  • Electrophoresis with lidase.

It is important to combine all physiotherapeutic measures with curative physical culture.


Any disease is easier to prevent than treat. Tendinitis is not an exception to the rule.

To avoid this disease, you should:

  1. regularly exercise, giving the muscles a timely load.
  2. Before the start of training, it is necessary to do a warm-up, which will allow the body to prepare, and then gradually increase the tempo.
  3. If there is pain, then the training should be stopped immediately and give the body the necessary necessary rest. With the re-occurrence of pain, it is better not to return to this type of exercise in the future.

To prevent tendonitis, it is better not to perform monotonous movements with a load on the shoulder joint.

Thus, tendonitis is a fairly common inflammatory disease.

It is simple enough to cure it at the initial stage. yo if you start the disease, then later it can become chronic.

Particular importance in tendinitis has prevention and correct exercise.

A source: http://ruback.ru/bolezni/sustavy/tendinit/plechevogo-sustava-i-plecha.html