Beespine: recipes for joints and properties


  • 1Treatment of joints with bee soup: folk remedies with photos and videos + reviews
    • 1.1Healing properties of
    • 1.2Treatment with bee soup
    • 1.3Recipes of medicines
    • 1.4Therapeutic tincture on alcohol
    • 1.5Broth
    • 1.6Raspar - recipe
    • 1.7Oily extract
    • 1.8Ointment
    • 1.9Contraindications and precautions
    • 1.10Products that should be excluded from the diet (gallery)
    • 1.11Reviews about the treatment of joints with bee soup
  • 2We use bee scaffold for the treatment of joints
    • 2.1Indications for use
    • 2.2Contraindications
    • 2.3Recipes of folk remedies
    • 2.4Tinctures on alcohol
    • 2.5Healing ointment
    • 2.6Treatment with poison
    • 2.7Other recipes
  • 3Healing properties of honey bees in the treatment of joints
    • 3.1Beekeeping products in disease control
    • 3.2Properties of the product
    • 3.3The composition of
    • 3.4Readers often study together with this material:
  • 4The use of beesporal from pain in the joints
    • 4.1What forms can you prepare yourself?
    • 4.2Alcohol forms and water infusions
    • 4.3Why the folk remedy helps
    • 4.4When should we abandon the folk remedy
  • instagram viewer
  • 5How to use a bee humer for joints
    • 5.1How can bee subsmore be used?
    • 5.2Healing properties
    • 5.3How to prepare a medicine
    • 5.4Features of the
    • 5.5Useful recipes
    • 5.6Raspar
    • 5.7Tincture from
    • 5.8Use of decoction
    • 5.9Use of other beekeeping products
    • 5.10Perga
    • 5.11Ointment "Sophia"
  • 6Beespine for joints, how to make and how to take
    • 6.1Properties and composition of the product
    • 6.2How to treat joints with bee soup
    • 6.3Recipes based on deceased bees

Treatment of joints with bee soup: folk remedies with photos and videos + reviews

Bee products have long been famous for their medicinal properties. And in the XIX century, apitherapists began to intensively apply in their practice also bee pollock. Today, this remedy is used to treat many diseases, including joint diseases.

Healing properties of

The bee lives 30-35 days, after which it dies, yielding its work place to young insects. In her body there are many useful substances:

  • royal jelly or jelly;
  • bee venom;
  • wax;
  • pollen;
  • honey;
  • propolis;
  • chitin - the outer skeleton of the bee, its shell.

Beespine carries in itself a huge amount of substances useful to the human body

Collect scroung usually in the spring.Beaver bodies should be dry, clean, free of mold and odor.It is this material is suitable for the preparation of medicinal broths, tinctures and ointments.

Heparin, which is part of chitin, has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system of man, and it, in turn, nourishes the entire body. This explains the wide range of effects of submarine on virtually all tissues and organs, in particular joints:

  1. Favorably affects the structure and mobility.
  2. Reduces inflammation.
  3. Anaesthetizes nerve endings.
  4. Restores cartilaginous tissue.

Bee sweeping is used for the following diseases:

  • deforming and ordinary osteoarthritis;
  • infectious arthritis;
  • fractures of varying severity;
  • osteoporosis;
  • rheumatic joints;
  • injuries and bruises;
  • bursitis.

Treatment with bee soup

Drying should be carried out at a temperature of 40-45 ºС

Before the preparation of funds based on bee primorovoy raw materials must be cleaned of impurities and dried well. This is done in a stove or oven at a temperature of 40-45 ºС.

A higher temperature destroys all useful substances, and drying out in the open air under the sun's rays can lead to spoilage of the product.

The foul bee swamp turns into poison, which is easily poisoned.

After drying, the detritus is ground with a coffee grinder, laid out on paper bags or cloth bags and stored in a dry room or in the freezer for not more than a year.Alcohol tincture of bees has a three-year shelf life, but broths should not be stored in the refrigerator for more than 3 days.

For the treatment of joint diseases use the full range of drugs produced on the basis of beeswax: from infusions to ointments. Simultaneous internal and external effects increase the effectiveness of treatment.

At home, you can cook:

  • alcohol tinctures;
  • water vaporization;
  • oil extracts;
  • ointments.

Recipes of medicines

Therapeutic tincture on alcohol

Alcohol tincture of bees must be at least 2 weeks

  1. To make the tincture, you need a glass and preferably darkened bottle, which is poured into 2 tablespoons of powdered podmor and poured, l of alcohol or vodka.
  2. The bottle is tightly clogged and shaken daily during the first week. In the future, the contents of the container can be mixed a little less often.
  3. After 2-3 weeks, tincture is filtered, capped and stored in a dark place, using as needed. To increase the effectiveness, you can add to the product 20% propolis tincture: 100 ml per liter of liquid.
  4. The therapeutic dose is calculated based on the patient's age (1 year = 1 drop). Use the drug 3 times a day. For example, if you are 60 years old, 3 times a day for 15-20 minutes before meals you need to take 20 drops of tincture, diluting them in a small amount of water.The course of treatment is from 1 to 3 months.

Alcohol tincture can be used externally, as compresses on joints, as well as lotions, applications and rubbing. To do this, make a more concentrated solution: a glass of podmor on, liter of alcohol.

The raw materials that remain after straining the tincture can be used for the same purposes by applying it to the diseased joints.

Preliminary, the skin should be washed with warm water and soap without additives, dried and warmed with salt or a warmer.

People who are contraindicated alcohol-containing liquids (for example, children or adults who have liver and kidney disease), it is better to use funds prepared on the water.On the effectiveness, they are not inferior to alcohol tinctures, but the shelf life is much less.


Decoction of beeswax is used for intolerance of alcohol tincture

  1. Pour 1 tablespoon of scoop powder with a glass of boiling water and soak for 1 hour in a water bath.
  2. Cool and strain the infusion, then put in the refrigerator.

The shelf life of such a drug is 3 days.It can be used in the form of trays and compresses, and also inside: 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for 15 minutes before meals.

Raspar - recipe

It is very effective for the treatment of joints from the spores of podmora.

  1. Pour boiling water, a glass of powdered podmora so that a thick substance is obtained.
  2. Cover the container with a lid and leave for 20 minutes.
  3. From the resulting slug, make a compress and attach it to the affected joint for no more than 15 minutes.

Oily extract

Oily extract from the drow is suitable for joint massage

Oily extract is good for massage and rubbing problem areas.

  1. In a glass container, mix a glass of olive oil with a tablespoon of powdered podmor.
  2. Shake well for 20 minutes.
  3. Place the product in a refrigerator.
  4. Shake the oil extract slightly and warm it up a little before use.


Ointment from dolor is much more effective if you add other beekeeping products to it

Ointment for the treatment of joints is usually prepared on hot animal fat: pork, chicken, goose, bear or badger.

  1. A glass of melted fat is mixed with two tablespoons of powdered scum and soak the mixture in an enamel saucepan in a water bath for about 2 hours.
  2. After the ointment has cooled, place it in the refrigerator.
  3. Before use, heat the ointment on a water bath up to 40-45 ° C.

Contraindications and precautions

Contraindication in bee podmora only one thing: intolerance to bee products.Before the beginning of treatment it is better to consult a doctor or an apitherapist.

It is very important to choose the right dose, especially when taking solutions and tinctures.

It is better to start the treatment with a few drops, gradually increasing the volume to a therapeutic dose.

If the body is strongly slagged, at the beginning of admission, exacerbations of chronic diseases are possible against the background of general intoxication of the body.

To treat as softly as possible, before beginning it is necessary to clean the intestines - enemas, medicinal herbs or at least salad from white cabbage.

It is also recommended to switch to the right diet, excluding the following foods from the diet:

  • alcoholic and carbonated drinks, strong tea, coffee, cocoa;
  • meat broths and smoked products;
  • animal fats;
  • dairy;
  • sharp, salty and fatty dishes;
  • refined sugar;
  • fresh pastry.

For the duration of treatment, you must stop smoking and get a habit of drinking at least 2 liters of clean water a day.

Try to consume more natural vitamins, enter into the diet natural juices, herbal teas, fresh vegetables and greens.

Outdoors will be outdoor walks and moderate physical activity.

Products that should be excluded from the diet (gallery)

Smoked productsFresh bakingRefined sugarDairy productsCoffeeAlcohol

Reviews about the treatment of joints with bee soup

With the growing awareness of the population about this product, the demand for bee oil also increases. Modern beekeepers no longer throw dead bees, as before, but use them for treatment or sale.

As for negative reviews, they are related to the low quality of the undermining, the non-observance of proportions when preparing or with the appearance after the reception of undesirable reactions due to the general slagging organism.
To be treated or not treated by a bee soup is a personal choice of everyone. Apotherapeutists say that this is the most effective and natural remedy used in the treatment of joint diseases.

If you still decide to use bee pollen, be sure there is no allergy to bee products and do not forget about precautions.

It is not superfluous to consult before starting a reception with your doctor.

A source:

We use bee scaffold for the treatment of joints

Beespine - represents the bodies of dead bees, who died forcibly or by their death.Due to the qualities of the biological substance they have a beneficial effect on the human body.

It includes vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids, royal jelly and pollen, wax, propolis, chitin and melanin. The healing properties of pollen, honey, propolis are found in the body of the bee.

It contains all the components that we can get from the work of an insect.

The bee product sows the biosystem with nutrients, supports the functioning of all organs, leads them to tone, and feels well. In addition to all this, the bee's shaving is a safe means for the treatment of joints.

It effectively removes pain and restores cartilage matter for arthrosis. Means based on bee oil help to treat osteochondrosis of the spine.

Treatment with honey, propolis perfectly removes the pain sign, nourish the muscles of the ridge, support the spine in the tone.

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Indications for use

Indications for the use of bee collection are due to chemical and physical properties that affect the system.

The use of podmor is useful in such forms of the disease as rheumatism, angina pectoris, ischemia, thrombophlebitis and atherosclerosis, venous insufficiency.

Also, treatment is carried out in the presence of cervical osteochondrosis, paralysis and paresis, gout, various spinal injuries, including bruises, dislocations, sprains and fractures.

In addition to the above diseases, the pest helps cure:

  • polyarthritis;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • arthritis and arthrosis of the knee, hip and other joints;
  • bursitis;
  • trophic ulcer;
  • epicondylitis;
  • periarthritis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • decubitus.


Contraindications may be due to the presence of a pathological process. Restrictions include a serious illness, which is accompanied by an irreversible shift. Such signs include:

  1. Increased temperature;
  2. Infection;
  3. Hemolytic syndrome;
  4. Insufficiency of the cardiac system;
  5. Hepatic and renal insufficiency;
  6. Cachexia syndrome.

Based on the above, a list of the main limitations to the therapeutic use of insect podmor addition:

  • Thrombosis;
  • Bleeding;
  • Aneurysm of the heart;
  • Angina pectoris;
  • Violation of the rhythm of the cardiac system;
  • Myocardial infarction;
  • Presence of a pacemaker;
  • Failure of cerebral blood flow;
  • Malignant tumors;
  • Fever;
  • Gangrene;
  • Thyrotoxicosis;
  • Severe condition of the body.

Recipes of folk remedies

Beespine can be used at home with a therapeutic purpose.

But the expert asserts that the bees collected by the winter are not desirable to be taken inward, since they contain fecal masses in their stomach.

Nevertheless, winter collection can be used to prepare folk remedies (tinctures, ointments).

In spring and autumn, the dead individuals are collected from the hive, dried and stored in a freezer. Podmor collected during this period is used in the form of decoction, decoction, ointment, infusion, compress.

Tinctures on alcohol

  1. Dead bees to grind with a mortar. Pour into a container and pour vodka in the proportion (100 grams per 300 ml) and tightly close. Put in a cool place without direct sunlight. But at the same time you need to shake the container daily, insist about 21 days. When the period has expired, the tincture is filtered and ready for use. The intake consists of 15 drops before meals (2 times a day).
  2. It takes a half liter pot, pampered dead persons pour into it, and all this is poured with 40% alcohol. Let the liquid infuse for up to 3 weeks, shake occasionally. In the infusion, blot tissue or gauze and apply to the painful area. Also take a tincture on alcohol for 10-20 drops in the morning and evening for half an hour before eating.

Healing ointment

To relieve joint pain will help ointment based on dead bees. It is prepared as follows: 1 tbsp. l.

The natural product is mixed with olive oil (200 ml) and heated in a water bath. Warm ointment smears the affected joint and wrap it with a warm cloth.

It is especially good to apply such a compress at night. The duration of the course is 1-2 weeks.

Treatment with poison

Bee venom refers to an effective drug. It is in great demand and gives a positive result.

But it is forbidden to use this therapy at home, the specialist should perform the measure.

According to the studies, the poison is administered therapeutic therapy due to anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. After all, when bees sting a man, they send the poison into the blood.

Such therapy is used for arthrosis, varicose, because the poisonous liquid helps to cleanse the vessels, the fatty deposits disappear, toxic substances are eliminated. Therapy is able to eliminate swelling, inflammation, strengthen bones, increase the body's resistance to viruses.

Here are the most popular recipes using poison:

  1. Treatment with a bite: is that one bee stings the patient in one day, two insects on the second day, and so the norm increases to 10 bites. After all, you need to eliminate the sting. The course of treatment will require 55 insects. There is a therapy every other day, after a break for 5-7 days. The site of the bite of the affected joint changes daily and is performed before bedtime in the evening.
  2. Ointment with bee venom: a mixture containing a poison, rubbed into the diseased joint. Before applying the ointment, rinse the damaged joint with warm water and soap and apply a warm compress. It is made from oil and crushed pestil, heated in a water bath and the moistened cloth is applied for 15-20 minutes. Then the ointment is rubbed onto the heated area and the joint is massaged 3-5 minutes, so that the mixture is absorbed.

Other recipes

  • The drug. Take 2 tablespoons. bee raw fry in a pan with the addition of oil. Roasted cooled mixture take 1 tbsp. two times a day before meals. It is necessary to take a month, after a 10-day break, therapy can be repeated.
  • Decoction. Half a liter of water is placed on the ground scoop, cooked for two hours. Filter through gauze, take 50 ml three times a day. The ready-made broth should be consumed within three days. Store directly in the refrigerator.
  • Raspar. Pour boiling water 10 g of podmora, wrap and allow to stand for 15-20 minutes. Press off, apply the mixture to the affected area in the form of a compress and fix it with polyethylene. Stand an hour on the joint or leave for the night.
  • Napar. Podmore (100 gr) is poured with boiling water (1 glass) and it is infused for 15 minutes. Spread the resulting mixture on a cotton cloth, slightly wringing out, put on the affected area. Overlay cellophane. Keep such a compress until you are completely cool.
  • Butter. Take 2 tablespoons. bee raw material and pour a glass of hot olive oil. Wait until the oil cools down, moisten a clean piece of cloth or bandage in it and apply it to the sore spot until it is completely absorbed.

A source:

Healing properties of honey bees in the treatment of joints

Since ancient times man tried to find a cure for joint diseases. To date, modern medicine has made a huge step in development.

Various preparations and ointments have been developed, new techniques have been developed. But not all these methods of treatment are effective.

Along with traditional, there is folk medicine, where bees are used to fight joint diseases.

Beekeeping products in disease control

Since ancient times, mankind has known the healing properties of honey and its derivatives. People used beekeeping products not only for nutrition, but also for medicinal purposes.

Even dead bees were used. Today, among people who suffer from joint diseases, beekeeping is popular.

It has miraculous properties and helps to overcome such diseases:

  • arthritis of infectious etiology;
  • arthrosis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • bursitis;
  • trauma and fractures;
  • rheumatic lesions.

Derived bees

Also bee podmor is an excellent preventive maintenance in diseases. Regular use of the drug can guarantee rapid and qualitative results. It is used only for external use. Bees and their derivatives are harmless and safe for human health.

Properties of the product

Specialists note that the scorpion from bees has a lot of positive properties. It has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. Has in its arsenal a rejuvenating effect and slows the aging of cells. The main properties of the submarine are:

  1. Bactericidal action. The components that make up the shampoo relieve the body of pathological microorganisms.
  2. Antioxidant.
  3. It speeds up the metabolism in the body.
  4. Raises the immunity.
  5. Liquefies blood and removes inflammatory processes.
  6. Perfectly neutralizes toxins and removes them from the body.
  7. Promotes rapid healing of damaged skin.

Ground bee

All of the above properties are only a small part of what the bee submarine is endowed with. For people with painful joints, it is simply irreplaceable. After several applications, the product gives good and tangible results. Podmore perfectly restores damage and removes puffiness.

The composition of

Beespine are the remains of dead bees. It is saturated with biologically active substances and is considered a natural natural remedy. Also, scuffing is relevant in that it has a wide spectrum of action, heals multiple joint diseases. It includes such components:

  • fats,
  • proteins,
  • carbohydrates,
  • amino acids,
  • histamine,
  • minerals,
  • chitosan,
  • vitamins.

All these elements are obtained from dead bees. Such a valuable composition is formed because during the life of the bees they produced not only honey, but also royal jelly, propolis, wax.

All these derivatives are indeed considered miraculous in their own way. But having collected all this in one bee, the preparation begins to possess medicinal and inimitable qualities.

Even a component such as bee venom, officially approved in medicine, can effectively relieve pain.

Numerous experiments, which were carried out during the study of bee podmona, indicate its therapeutic properties. But the basic substances are contained in the chitinous cover of the bee. The derivative of the cover is the aminopolysaccharide chitosan.

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There are several ways to prepare the diners. The most popular is the production of tinctures from dolor. It has healing properties. The recipe for making tinctures from dead bees for the treatment of joints is very simple:

  • To begin with, a bee is required, which should be very finely crushed.
  • After that, the resulting fine flour is added with olive oil.
  • The mixture is thoroughly mixed until it looks like a gruel.

Podmore with olive oil is used for the night as a compress.

In the case of a weak effect, the procedure should be repeated.

Another effective recipe used in ancient times. He came to the present in a slightly altered state. For the treatment of inflamed joints, it is recommended to take bee podmor and a glass of very hot water.

Water is poured into the bee and is insisted for twenty minutes. After the drug has been infused, it is filtered through a thin gauze. Just like in the first recipe, the scum should be applied for the minimum time. And with each subsequent session time will increase.

The course of treatment in this way of joints is twelve days.

Experts recommend not to engage in self-medication, if it concerns health. But there are exceptions, when it is necessary to receive therapy. In this case, follow the instructions.

It was noted that joint diseases and their aggravation mainly fall on the spring and autumn periods. Therefore, the scum of bees becomes urgent help for a person suffering from joint diseases.

It should also be remembered that timely prevention of the disease can prevent the development of more serious pathologies of the joints.

A bee podmor is an excellent remedy that is used for preventive purposes.

A source:

The use of beesporal from pain in the joints

Podmor bee for joints is used as an auxiliary. From the finished raw materials, various forms are made, which make it possible to alleviate the acute symptoms observed in diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Treatment of joints with bee undermath is recommended for arthritis, rheumatic joint damage. It can be useful for osteochondrosis and bursitis.

Drugs made from submarine are used to accelerate the processes of regeneration of tissues covering the joint, and improve the condition in injuries and bruises.

What forms can you prepare yourself?

Folk recipes recommend the preparation of ointments with the addition of natural essential, vegetable oils and products of animal origin.

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To prepare this form, grind 1 tbsp. l. dry podmora and connect it with a fatty basis - 100 g of cream or olive oil, achieving a uniform consistency.

The finished product is stored in a tightly closed container in the refrigerator.

This ointment is used for compresses. It is applied in a warm form, having previously tested on the elbow fold. To enhance the effect, peppermint essential oil is added to the ointment, which reduces pain and inflammation.

You can use a rosemary extract that helps improve blood circulation, or essential marjoram compounds that improve the condition of inflamed joints.

Eucalyptus essential oil leads to better circulation, and lavender or basil oil in arthritis reduces the pain that accompanies joint disease.

This ointment will be a good external remedy for the treatment of joints, various bruises, sprains. You can use it for an unlimited amount of time.

The applied medical form is covered with a food film, a layer of cotton wool or other insulation is put on top, which is fastened to the body with a bandage or plaster. The compress on the patient joint can be kept up to 72 hours.

To prepare the cream, 15 g of melted wax mixed with 5 drops of alcohol extract of propolis are added to the prepared ointment.

If there is pure propolis, then you can use the following recipe for cooking cream. Olive oil is heated on a water bath, adding beeswax and a little propolis. The mixture is kept in a water bath for about an hour, until it thickens.

Then add a little pure wax, wait until it melts. After 10 minutes, a few drops of a suitable essential oil are added to the resulting mass and the liquid is poured into a glass jar. When the product cools, it is stored in the refrigerator.

This form is rubbed into the aching joints several times a day.

Alcohol forms and water infusions

There are recipes that make it possible to get an alcohol extract for compresses.

You can make a tincture on vodka. To prepare this form, you need 1 tbsp. l. dry material pour 250 ml of alcohol-containing liquid.

Tincture can be made on alcohol, but this form before use diluted with water to prevent skin burns. To insist the extract is needed in the dark for 21 days, periodically shaking the container.

After the product is filtered and applied externally. Tincture is rubbed into a sore spot overnight or with it a compress is applied.

When buying a soup, beekeepers can advise how to prepare a mash on the water. It is made of quality raw materials and water in the ratio:. The scorch is poured hot water and left to infuse for 15 minutes.

After this steamed bees are separated from water and make of them a compress, useful for joints. Keep it until completely cooled. The remaining water can be stored in the refrigerator to use when bathing.

Why the folk remedy helps

Ready-made preparations from beeswax have medicinal properties, which are manifested due to active substances present in bees. They contain:

  • amino acids;
  • flavonoids;
  • vitamins;
  • melanin;
  • heparin;
  • a lot of mineral elements in small quantities.

These beneficial ingredients have a beneficial effect on the problem area, relieving pain, swelling, improving the structure of the tissues.

Each substance performs its function:

  1. Melanin removes metal salts and toxic substances from the body.
  2. Heparin improves the process of blood supply to the body. It dilutes blood, stimulates small vessels, nourishing joints.
  3. Vitamins and minerals contained in insects have a beneficial effect on bone tissue.

The therapeutic forms made from bee oil, best help in the initial stage of the disease. The younger the person, the more likely the tool will help him.

Reviews of elderly people suffering from chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system differ in their assessments.

It is best at this age to help prolonged use of detritus for preventive purposes.

If the drugs from it are used in the cold season, then the condition stabilizes and a prolonged remission occurs.

The instruction, given by folk healers on the use of this remedy, asserts that the regenerative effect is manifested in course therapy. Treatment of acute symptoms gradually leads to an improvement in the condition.

To the signs of the inflammatory process have disappeared, it will take a long time to use the detritus.

Restoration of damaged cartilage occurs gradually, it takes time and complex treatment to ensure a stable remission.

When should we abandon the folk remedy

Side effects that are often observed when using beeswax produce histamine present in the organic mass left over from insects.

It is the mediator of allergic reactions of immediate type, which is the regulator of many physiological processes. It is involved in the regulation of vital body functions and allows you to remove the painful conditions that occur in the musculoskeletal system.

Preparations prepared for external use contain histamine, which is mostly in a bound state. This makes them safe to use.

But in ready-made forms there may be free histamine molecules that have high activity. They cause a spasm of smooth muscles, dilate capillaries, contributing to lowering blood pressure.

This provides a flow of blood to the sore spot with topical application.

Histamine, absorbed into the bloodstream, excites the adrenal medulla that secretes adrenaline. This can improve the condition of the sore spot or cause a local allergic reaction.

Contraindications for use appear when there are clear signs of individual intolerance to beekeeping products. Before using any finished product, a test should be conducted for the reaction of the body.

The agent is put on the arm bend and after 15 minutes the result is evaluated. With the pathological reaction of this time it is enough that the first symptoms of an allergy appear. It can be redness, swelling, or itching.

Then from the use of forms made from bee soup, should be discarded.

Preparations containing histamine can cause the development of Quincke's edema.

This is a dangerous pathological condition for a person, which can lead to sudden death.

Do not take the prepared forms inside, because a violent allergic reaction may begin, which will require emergency medical care.

A source:

How to use a bee humer for joints

Taurus dead useful insects help fight joint diseases.

Bees are able to produce a unique, incredibly valuable and nutritious product - honey.

It is delicious and sweet, it helps in the treatment of many diseases. Also in medicine, a number of other beekeeping products with valuable health benefits are used.

This is pergola, propolis, beeswax, etc.

But very few people know that even after death, you can use these useful insects as a medicine. But since long ago people used this technique.

Podmor bee for joints helps to quickly and effectively "resuscitate" the diseased joints. And for medicinal qualities, scum can be compared with propolis.

How can bee subsmore be used?

Beespine for joints is used by many people who note a marked improvement in the condition of the joints. But many people are skeptical about this method of treatment, since there is no reliable information about the medicinal qualities of the bees themselves (their bodies).

But do not underestimate the qualities of hardworking bees. During its life, the insect accumulates many useful substances inside its body, which do not oxidize even after the death of the bees.

Insects get them from:

  • royal jelly;
  • pollen of plants;
  • propolis.

Composition. The table contains the most valuable elements of bee soup:

No. Name of substance Beneficial features
1. Chitosan Has analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect, increases immunity, removes toxins.
2. Melanin Restores cartilage tissue, removes salt from the body.
3. Bee venom Perfectly retains its useful qualities even after heat treatment. Has anti-inflammatory effect.
4. Heparin It restores blood circulation, rejuvenates and restores joints.

Treatment of joints with beeswax and sub-moram is best done with the product that was collected during the autumn and summer periods (according to many beekeepers).

Treatment with a winter sub-may not give the desired result, because insects in this period are depleted, may be insufficiently dry and clean, also the healing properties of wax (it is less odorous, it has less useful substances).

On a photo of a body of the died insects from which do various national means.

Healing properties

The submarine has a beneficial effect on the entire body, rejuvenates and prevents aging. In order to understand how the agent works, with proper application, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with some of its properties:

  • has bactericidal action against bacteria and fungi;
  • is a remarkable natural antioxidant;
  • restores metabolism;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • removes toxins and toxins;
  • liquefies blood;
  • promotes wound healing.

The treatment of joints with bee subs is carried out due to its regenerating properties.

During the treatment, cartilage and bone tissue are restored, and the mobility is restored much faster to the damaged joint.

In the video in this article, you can learn more about the properties of the submarine.

How to prepare a medicine

The easiest way is to buy a ready-made medicine, a doctor can appoint it. Usually the price for such funds is small. In the pharmacy you can buy alcohol tinctures and capsules on the basis of podmor, as well as ointment for joints based on bee venom.

Medicated remedies can be bought at a pharmacy.

But if, for some reason, you can not buy ready-made drugs in the pharmacy chain, then having the necessary ingredients at hand, you can easily prepare the medicinal composition yourself.

The following types of medicines are prepared from the undermining:

Features of the

In addition to useful qualities, beespine has some contraindications. In some cases, the body of bees and the products of their vital activity can cause severe allergic reactions, up to anaphylactic shock.

Despite the fact that this product is not the most common, many still use it for the treatment of joints.

It is necessary to take into account some features of insects. You can only use those bees who died natural death, and not from illness.

Only in this case their bodies contain a maximum of useful substances.

Useful recipes

There are several other types of medications based on a scorch. They can be made at home. One of such means is the dissolution. This method has been used since ancient times, still at that time used various infusion and compresses.


At the moment, most doctors recommend to apply the dissolution. For these purposes, therapeutic compresses are applied to the sore spot from dead bees, previously filled with hot water for 5 minutes (100 grams of water per 100 g of bees), and wrap them with a warm cloth.

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You can also take bees, but in more water (l) and longer than infused - 10 - 15 minutes, and prepare a sedentary bath or foot bath. It is best to do these procedures before bedtime, so that the patient's joint is more at rest.

Before preparing tincture or decoction from the pod, it is good to crush the calf of bees in a mortar.

Tincture from

In occasion of tincture, opinions of physicians diverge. This method can be used in combination with other methods, as an independent treatment, the infusion is not always able to provide the desired result.

Infusion is not used for oral administration, it rubs painful areas. It is prepared using alcohol or vodka.

Take 100 g of podmor on, liter of vodka and insist for a week, shaking periodically, filtered, stored in a dark place.

Means, you need to rub at night, so that the patient relaxes and rests.

Use of decoction

Dead bees are often used for decoction, which is used inside. Take 30 g of bees for 1 tbsp. water. Water is brought to a boil and throws insects.

Cook for 3 - 4 minutes, insist 10 minutes and filter. Take the drug carefully. It is advisable to consult a doctor. Do not use more than 2 - 3 hours.

l per day to avoid allergic reactions.

Use of other beekeeping products

Folk doctors and doctors of official medicine have long adopted the use of various recipes and remedies based on the products of the life of bees.


Recently, for medical purposes, the use of perga is increasingly used. Many people already know this word. In the people it is also called "bread from a bee".

Bee feather for joints is not inferior to other beekeeping products in its effect. It contains carbohydrates, amino acids, vitamins, minerals and other useful substances.

The medicine helps restore body strength, improve immunity, improve metabolic processes, To restore damaged tissues, to the fastest recovery in various inflammatory processes and and so forth.

I use it either inside (1 - 2 h. l. 2 - 3 r. per day), and externally - enrich this valuable supplement with rubbers, ointments, etc.

Perga is a well-known immunostimulating natural product.

Ointment "Sophia"

An effective therapeutic effect is possessed by means based on bee venom. For example, ointment "Sophia" for joints with bee venom. The product is in a small tube of 75 ml volume, the instruction is attached. Suitable for treatment and prevention of diseases of the spine and joints.

Ointment "Sophia" helps to remove the negative symptoms of joint disease - pain, swelling, inflammation, etc.

Ointment contributes to the restoration and renewal of cartilaginous tissue.

The aging process slows down, mobility returns, the risk of osteochondrosis decreases.

In addition, with the help of an ointment can remove puffiness, inflammation, eliminate spasm and pain.

In addition to the main active substances, as auxiliary components, the medicine contains:

  • vegetable oils;
  • beeswax;
  • glycerol;
  • extracts of medicinal plants;
  • dimethicone and the like.

Ointment with bee venom for joints is applied to the painful area by smooth circular motions until completely absorbed several times a day. It is advisable to ensure the joint rest for at least one hour and wrap it with warm cloth. The course of treatment lasts from 1 to 2 months.

Ointment for joints with bee venom can be used to treat:

  1. osteoarthritis (including deforming);
  2. different in severity of fractures;
  3. arthritis;
  4. joint damage;
  5. osteoporosis;
  6. various bruises and injuries.

Beespine and other bee products can really help to improve the condition of the joints and spine, to promote the renewal of bone tissue, to return the patient mobility.

It is also important to take into account the fact that many physicians refer to this method of treatment skeptically in as the main method of treatment, but do not have anything against it, if the patient does not have intolerance components.

Therefore, before using any product based on the products of the life of bees, and the bees themselves, you need to make sure that there is no allergic reaction to this product. Only then treatment will be considered healthy and safe!

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Beespine for joints, how to make and how to take

The products of the life of bees are still often used to treat different diseases. The range of their action is quite wide.

The most commonly used honey and propolis, but there are other substances that are simply undeservedly forgotten or still little know about their properties. So, for example, beespine.

This is not a very common remedy, but it helps to get a significant positive result in the treatment of certain diseases. Successfully conduct treatment of joints with bee soup.

For this, dead bees are already taken, but their death must be natural, and not from illness. Only in this case they can be used for medicinal purposes.

Properties and composition of the product

This substance contains a large number of important and useful microelements, enzymes, minerals, amino acids. Especially important is jelly or royal jelly. It is called the elixir of health.

Podmore carries the particles of all other bee products, such as: pollen, propolis, wax, honey. That is, it is considered multicomponent.

But, the most basic advantage is that the use of bee jelly for joints is most effective.

Many doctors agree that the medicine on its basis does not harm the body. The main effect of drugs on its basis is directed to:

  1. anesthesia,
  2. restoration of cartilage.

Many beekeepers know that the families of these insects are periodically updated and therefore very much follow this process.

They do not throw out dead people, but collect them as a very valuable component of some miraculous means. Buy this component on the market is not always easy.

Therefore, we recommend that you find an beekeeper who will help in this matter.
There are several options for using the departed bees:

  • Raspar. This method existed in ancient times and was actively used. Our ancestors often used various compresses, lotions and tinctures. Today, doctors prefer this method in the form of baths for the limbs, as the most effective. You can take it as a compress.
  • Tincture. Tincture for the joints of bee podmora is considered no less curative. It must be rubbed into the aching joints. In addition, on its basis, you can prepare a balm, which will also be no less effective. Only in this case it is worth remembering that it is superimposed on the sore spots for the night, at a time when the body is at rest.
  • Decoction. You can boil them and, as a result, the resulting varivo is used inside. The amount of the substance should be 2-3 teaspoons a day. Duration - not less than a month.
  • Perga. In the people this species is also called as bread from a bee. The scheme of its reception is the same as that of the broth.

How to treat joints with bee soup

As already mentioned, there are many options for treatment.

The most important thing is to choose the one that will best suit your problem, and also the regularity and long-term application.

In the beginning, doctors recommend to apply the cream and lotions on time from 5 minutes and gradually increase it to 15-30.

If the body has any rashes or redness, it should immediately stop using and consult a doctor. This can be a manifestation of an allergic reaction of the body.

Do not delay for a long time, but immediately consult a doctor with this problem. It is noted that the exacerbation of diseases of this nature is mainly manifested in the spring-autumn period.

In order to prevent this exacerbation, you can start taking preventive medications on its basis.

Recipes based on deceased bees

The recipe from the bee humor for the joints carries a large number of beneficial substances for our body. Doctors recommend taking them not only as therapeutic drugs, but also for preventive purposes.


This is one of the simplest methods of application. To do this, you just need to use simple guidelines.

To prepare a solution pour a glass of boiling water a tablespoon of podmor. Insist it for half an hour.

Dampened gauze should be kept on the sore spot no longer than a quarter of an hour and to carry out such a procedure not more often than 1 time per day.


Ointment from the sump for joints is no less common method. For cooking it is necessary to mix a glass of vegetable oil and a tablespoon of grinded powder from insects. All need to be well heated, connected and cooled.

A greater effect can be achieved if the method is used in a warm form. For this, a small amount must be heated in a water bath. Store in a glass container and away from sunlight.

You can do the same way and ointment based on olive oil and beeswax.

Podmor on vodka for joints

Take the glass bottle of dark color. Pour 2 tablespoons of powder and pour 500 g of alcohol or vodka. The bottle is tightly closed and mixed regularly for the first 7 days. Then after 2-3 weeks strain and cover with a cork.

Place in a place protected from sunlight. You can increase the efficiency by adding 20% ​​propolis tincture. Calculation of 100 ml for each liter of liquid. Dosage should be 1 drop per year. Take 3 times a day. Duration of admission is 1-3 months.

This tincture can be used as a drink, and in the form of compresses, rubbing, lotions. The recipe for the solution is as follows: 500 ml of alcohol mixed with a glass of podmor. Cake from the application can not be thrown away, but applied to the sick joints.

The skin should be washed before warm water and soap. Wipe and warm with a hot water bottle or salt.

Remember that before using folk methods, you should consult a doctor for advice.

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