Injuries to the spine: classification, symptoms, treatment


  • 1Injuries to the spine: classification, symptoms, treatment
    • 1.1Causes
    • 1.2Types of spinal injuries
    • 1.3Injuries to the cervical spine: features
    • 1.4Damage to the spine in the chest and lower back
    • 1.5Birth injuries of the spine
    • 1.6Spinal cord injuries
    • 1.7First aid for spinal injuries
    • 1.8Diagnostics
    • 1.9Treatment of spinal injuries
    • 1.10Prevention
  • 2Injury of the spine
    • 2.1Classification of spine injuries
    • 2.2Diagnosis and treatment of spinal injuries
  • 3Signs and treatment of spinal injury
    • 3.1Anatomy
    • 3.2Damage factors
    • 3.3Classification of injuries
    • 3.4Symptoms
    • 3.5In cases of cervical injuries
    • 3.6With injuries of the thoracic and lower back
    • 3.7Damage to the spinal cord
    • 3.8First aid
    • 3.9Diagnosis and treatment
  • 4Injuries to the spine
    • 4.1Causes of spine injuries
    • 4.2Classification
    • 4.3Symptoms of spinal injuries
    • 4.4First aid for spinal injuries

Injuries to the spine: classification, symptoms, treatment

The spine performs an important function: it supports the trunk in an upright position and is the key link in the musculoskeletal system.

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Any injury to the spine and spinal cord can have serious consequences for the whole body. Various injuries of the spinal column account for more than 10% of all back injuries. They are common in mature people regardless of sex.

Sometimes back problems also occur in children, but, as a rule, these injuries are characteristic of the cervical region and are classified as birth injuries.

In women, spine traumas have recently begun to be observed much less often because the number of women giving birth by cesarean section has significantly increased.


Damage to the spinal cord is an extremely serious type of disruption of the musculoskeletal system.

The most common injuries of the spine are due to excessively heavy loads and impacts on it.

It can be a fall from a height, reckless diving to a depth, collapse of heavy loads on a person, accidents and other road accidents.

Sometimes the type of injury can be determined by the nature of the physical impact on the spinal column. For example, in car accidents, the most common damage to the cervical spine, and when falling from a height, there are often fractures of the sacral or lower thoracic areas.

Problems with the spinal cord have a different character. In adults, as a rule, trauma to the spine is due to the external force of the impact on various parts of the back.

Age-related damage, such as cartilage wear, can lead to a narrowing of the spinal canal and the development of stenosis. This leads to pressure on the spinal cord and spinal nerves and, as a consequence, to the violation of their functionality.

Children's injuries are more likely to occur because the spinal cord is too tight or too sharp.

Types of spinal injuries

The signs of spine trauma depend on its type and nature. The types of all possible injuries are divided into bruises, tears, fractures, dislocations and squeezing. They directly affect the recovery and treatment methods, as well as the consequences of the disease and the recovery rate of the patient.

  1. Fracture of the cervical spine is a violation of the integrity of the bones, in contrast to the dislocation, which is characterized by incorrect alignment of the vertebrae along its axis. These injuries can damage the spinal cord. Compression fracture occurs due to a strong compression of the vertebral body in certain parts of the spine, in which part of it moves forward and downward. In this case, the intervertebral discs can be displaced and protrude into the spinal canal. Trauma is most common in car accidents or a sharp push of the body forward.
  2. When a dislocation occurs, there is a rupture of ligaments or their strong extension. Such damage can "lock" the vertebrae one above the other on one or both sides of the spinal column. Problems with the spinal cord may occur, depending on how mobile the ligament is. To restore the functionality of the vertebrae, the patient may need surgery.
  3. Paraplegia occurs due to damage to the lower thoracic spine by means of a bruise.
  4. Quadriplegia also occurs due to a bruise, in which the upper-thoracic and cervical vertebrae are adversely affected. Such trauma to the spine leads to a loss of mobility in all the limbs.

Injuries to the cervical spine: features

The cervical spine is very prone to injury and injury.

About 20% of all vertebral column injuries are in this area, more than 35% of them end in fatalities.

Damage to the cervical spine is due to the fact that during a sharp impact the head and torso of a person move in opposite directions.

Injuries to the cervical spine are very serious and dangerous.

Of all known types of such lesions, characteristic for this part of the spinal column, the most common is a fracture of the cervical spine, or "whiplash" injury.

As a rule, it occurs in drivers or passengers caught in a car accident.

During a sudden braking of the vehicle, a sudden jolt by inertia is transmitted to all people in the cab. Injury of the cervical spine is characterized by sharp acute pain, limitation of the motor function of the neck, dizziness, loss of consciousness.

Damage to the spine in the chest and lower back

Quite often, various types of thoracic spine and lumbar injuries are exposed. The most common include fractures that occur when falling from a height or car crash.

In addition, the elderly are also at risk of damage to these departments due to the development of age-related osteoporosis. Damage to the spinal cord can be caused due to the severe degree of fracture of the spine.

When the thoracic spine is damaged, the person experiences back pain from mild to severe, which is aggravated by movement.

If the spinal cord is touched, the numbness of the limbs, their tingling, weakness and inability to control the functioning of the bladder and intestine are added to the symptoms.

The most common injuries of the thoracic and lumbar spine are as follows:

  • Intervertebral joint sprain of vertebral joints. It occurs when forcing the vertebrae forward or backward. Strengthening of painful sensations increases with the direct or reverse movement of the spine.
  • Muscle rupture is a common back injury for many sports, when the muscle corset and the spine can be injured in sudden movements. Photos of such injuries, obtained with a tomograph, allow you to determine the degree of their severity. The signs of the disease include acute pain when tilting, flexing the body back and forth and rotating.
  • Dislocations of costal-vertebral joints that occur either as a result of forced displacement of the vertebrae in the thoracic region, or as a result of inflammation from arthritis. In this case the pain intensifies during coughing, sneezing, deep chest breathing.
  • Fractures are very common in contact sports, with a fall or accident. The pain persists for a long time and appears even with a slight rotation of the body.
  • Scoliosis, or curvature of the spine, is also a serious trauma. Symptoms of the disease do not always have to be and often can vary depending on each case.

Birth injuries of the spine

Back problems in children are most often characterized as birth injuries of the cervical spine. One of the defects is an infant spina bifida, in which the vertebrae do not completely cover the raw nerves.

Often a similar defect occurs in the lumbosacral section, but there are exceptions. Damage to the cervical spine during childbirth occurs in 40% of cases and is often accompanied by a generic craniocerebral trauma.

The reason for this are the following situations:

  1. discrepancy between the size of the fetal head and the maternal pelvis;
  2. improper presentation of the fetus in the uterine cavity;
  3. a large fruit (weighing more than 4500 g);
  4. premature pregnancy;
  5. oligohydramnion (hypochlorism) and other congenital pathologies.

Despite the severity of the damage, the generic spina bifida in children, as a rule, has favorable prognosis when it is localized in the lumbosacral section.

During a period of active growth, the child does not experience discomfort in the back, but for this, parents should monitor his nutrition and weight. An increase in body weight will cause pressure on the unformed vertebrae, which will exacerbate the disease.

With a trauma to the cervical region, there are a number of troubles. Such children often have problems with academic achievement, suffer from memory disorders, it is difficult for them to concentrate their attention on the subject.

Sometimes a cleft can cause paralysis, weakness of the legs, abnormal eye movements, orthopedic problems and so on.

Spinal cord injuries

Sometimes, with a spinal injury, damage extends to the spinal cord. This can result from external influences such as severe bruising, squeezing, or fracture of the cervical spine, although damage can occur in any part of the vertebral post.

Spinal cord trauma is usually indicated by the following symptoms:

  • numbness or tingling in the limbs;
  • pain and stiffness in the area of ​​spine injury;
  • signs of shock;
  • inability to move limbs;
  • loss of control of urination;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • unnatural positioning of the head.

Spinal cord problems are often the result of unpredictable accidents or violence. The causes of injuries are usually:

  1. a fall;
  2. diving in shallow water (occurs from impact to the bottom);
  3. injuries after a car accident;
  4. falling from height;
  5. CWT during sports competitions;
  6. injuries from electrical current.

First aid for spinal injuries

The consequences of spinal injuries can be quite serious, so it is very important to be able to provide timely and correctly the first aid to the victim.

Any damage to the spine is considered difficult, dangerous and requires immediate hospitalization.

The first aid for trauma to the spine depends on the nature and extent of the damage caused by its large length, complexity of structure and functional significance.

The consequences for the body after a trauma of acute impact directly depend on how skillfully the person who provides first aid in a difficult situation behaves.

Measures to assist the victim after a spinal injury include:

  • Immediate call of an ambulance;
  • providing the victim with a firm, level surface;
  • ensuring full immobility to the victim, even if he believes that he can move independently;
  • artificial respiration on condition of his absence. At the same time, you can not toss the victim's head back, but rather try to push forward his lower jaw.
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When the victim is taken to the hospital, the doctors will examine him and conduct a full neurological examination to determine the nature and location of the injury. The most popular methods of diagnosis include the x-ray of the spine.

If the spine is damaged, an x-ray photo will show the place of the injury and help determine its nature.

If a more detailed examination is necessary, as well as for the detection of spinal cord injuries, magnetic resonance and computed tomography and a series of tests for determining the transmission rate of nerve signals in brain.

Treatment of spinal injuries

Unfortunately, there is no way to reverse the damage to the spinal cord. However, there are progressive methods of treatment that promote the regeneration of nerve cells, improve the function of nerves and restore the body.

If there is a trauma to the spine, the treatment focuses on preventing further progression of the disease and empowering the victim.

He is taken to the intensive care unit, where the patient will be offered medicines, surgical or experimental treatment by the appointment of physiotherapy procedures.

Medications are used to treat acute forms of damage to the spinal cord and spine. To stabilize the spinal column and bring it to the correct position will need a special traction.

In some cases, the patient is fixed to the neck with a hard collar. A special bed can also contribute to the immobilization of the body.

In cases of severe spinal injury, surgery may be required to remove fragments of crushed bones and other foreign objects.

In addition, surgical care is necessary for hernia of intervertebral discs or for possible compression of individual vertebrae.

These measures are important for stabilizing the vertebral axis in order to prevent pain and deformities.

The purpose of physiotherapy for patients with spine and spinal cord injuries is to optimize the quality of life by enhancing physical capabilities.

The program of physiotherapeutic measures is designed to increase the capacity of each patient to achieve the optimal level of functioning of the spine.

It includes the following principles:

  1. Assessment of major violations and their severity.
  2. Limitation of the activities of the victim.
  3. Development of physiological measures and control over the implementation of procedures.

Intervention of physiotherapy is the most effective method in managing impairments associated with physical disabilities, loss of motor skills and sensory.

When the condition of the victim is stabilized, he will need a rehabilitation course, the purpose of which consists in the preservation and strengthening of existing muscle functions, fine motor skills and motor training skills. Rehabilitation measures can prevent possible complications after the trauma and improve the quality of life.


Unfortunately, injuries to the spine and spinal cord are unpredictable, but any person is able to prevent misfortune if he observes simple security measures.

  • Always fasten your seat belts while driving in the car.
  • During sports, wear special protective equipment.
  • Do not dive in places with poorly understood bottom.
  • Engage in strengthening the muscular corset to ensure proper backbone support.
  • Do not drink alcohol while driving.

A source: http://.ru/article/160603/travmyi-pozvonochnika-klassifikatsiya-simptomyi-lechenie

Injury of the spine

Injury of the spine- traumatic damage to the structures that form the vertebral column (bones, ligaments, spinal cord, etc.). It occurs due to falls from the height, road, industrial and natural disasters.

Manifestations depend on the characteristics of the trauma, the most common symptoms are pain and restraint. If the spinal cord or nerve roots are damaged, neurological symptoms are revealed. The diagnosis is clarified using X-ray, MRI, CT and other studies.

Treatment can be both conservative and operative.

Injury of the spine is a common injury, amounting to 2-12% of the total number of injuries of the musculoskeletal system. In young and middle age, men are more likely to suffer, in the elderly, women.

In children, spinal trauma is less common than in adults.

Usually, the cause is intense traumatic effects, but in older people may occur even with minor trauma (for example, with a normal fall at home or street).

The consequences depend on the trauma of the spine. A significant proportion of damage is severe damage. According to statistics, about 50% of the total number of injuries ends with disability.

With spinal cord injuries, the forecast is even more unfavorable: 80 to 95% of patients become disabled, approximately 30% of cases are lethal.

Traumatology, vertebrology and neurosurgeons are used to treat spinal injuries.

The vertebral column consists of 31-34 vertebrae. Thus 24 vertebrae are connected among themselves by means of mobile joints, and the rest join and form two bones: a sacrum and coccyx.

Each vertebra is formed by a massive body lying in front and an arch located in the rear. The arcs of the vertebrae are the receptacle for the spinal cord.

Each vertebra, except for I and II cervical, has seven processes: one spinous, two transverse, two upper and two lower articular.

Between the vertebral bodies there are elastic intervertebral disks, and the upper and lower articular processes of the adjacent vertebrae are connected by joints.

In addition, the spinal column is strengthened with ligaments: posterior, anterior, supraspinous, interstitial and inter-zoster (yellow).

Such a design provides an optimal combination of stability and mobility, and intervertebral disks amortize the load on the spine. I and II cervical vertebrae have the form of rings.

The second vertebra is equipped with a tooth-like process - a kind of axis on which the head along with the first vertebra rotates relative to the trunk.

Inside the arches of the vertebrae is the spinal cord, covered with three membranes: soft, hard and cobweblike. In the upper lumbar spinal cord narrows and ends with a terminal thread surrounded by a bundle of roots of the spinal nerves (pony tail).

Blood supply of the spinal cord is carried out by the anterior and two posterior spinal arteries.

It was established that the small branches of these arteries are distributed unevenly (some sites have a rich collateral network formed several branches of the artery, others are supplied with blood from one branch), so the cause of damage to some parts of the spinal cord may to become not only direct destructive effects, but also violations of local blood circulation due to rupture or compression of the artery of a small diameter.

In most cases, spine trauma occurs as a result of intensive impacts: road accidents, falls from a height, caving (for example, collapses of building slabs during earthquakes, blockages in mines).

Exception - damage that occurs against the background of previous pathological changes in the spine, for example, osteoporosis, primary tumor or metastases.

In such cases, trauma to the spine is often formed due to an ordinary fall, stroke or even an awkward turn in bed.

Typically, the type of spine injury can be predicted by the nature of the impact.

So, for road and transport incidents, a whiplash injury is often detected in the driver and passengers - damage to the cervical department of the spine, caused by sharp bending or unbending the neck during an emergency braking or hitting the car back. In addition, the cervical spine suffers when a diver is injured - jumping into the water upside down in an insufficiently deep place. When falling from a height, there is often a combined injury: fracture of the lower thoracic spine, fracture of the pelvis and fracture of the heel bones.

Classification of spine injuries

Depending on the presence or absence of injury, spinal injuries are divided into closed and open spinal injuries. In view of the level of damage, trauma of the lumbar, thoracic and cervical parts is distinguished. Taking into account the nature of the damage, they distinguish:

  • Bruises of the spine.
  • Distortions (ruptures or tears of articular bags and ligaments without displacement of vertebrae).
  • Fractures of vertebral bodies.
  • Fractures of arches of vertebrae.
  • Fractures of transverse processes.
  • Fractures of spinous processes.
  • Fracture of the vertebrae.
  • Dislocations and subluxations of the vertebrae.
  • Traumatic spondylolisthesis (displacement of the overlying vertebra with respect to the underlying vertebra as a result of ligament injury).

In addition, in clinical practice, there are stable and unstable injuries of the spine.

Stable damage - such that do not pose a threat in terms of further aggravation of traumatic deformation, with unstable damages, the deformation can be aggravated.

Unstable injuries of the spine occur with simultaneous violation of the integrity of the posterior and anterior structures of vertebrae, such injuries include fractures, subluxations, dislocations and spondylolisthesis.

The most important clinical significance is the division of spine injuries in trauma large groups: uncomplicated (without spinal cord injury) and complicated (with spinal injury brain). There are three types of spinal cord injuries:

  1. Reversible (concussion).
  2. Irreversible (concussion, bruise).
  3. Compression of the spinal cord (compression myelopathy) - occurs due to edema, hematoma, pressure damaged soft tissues or fragments of vertebrae; is often formed under the influence of several factors.

The bruise of the spine is manifested by diffuse soreness, subcutaneous hemorrhage, swelling and slight restriction of movements. At a distortion in the anamnesis usually there is a sharp lifting of weights.

The patient complains of acute pain, movement is limited, pain is possible on palpation of transverse and spinous processes, sometimes phenomena of sciatica are observed.

With fractures of spinous processes in history, there is a stroke or a sharp contraction of the muscles, the victim complains of moderate pain, the palpation of the broken process is sharply painful.

With fractures of the transverse processes, there is diffuse pain.

A symptom of Payra (local pain in the near-vertebral region, which increases when the trunk turns into the opposite side) and the symptom of the stitched heel (the inability to tear off a straightened leg on the side of the lesion in the prone position on the back). When whiplash injuries there is pain in the neck and head, possibly numbness of the limbs, memory disorders and neuralgia. In young patients, neurological symptoms are usually mild and quickly disappear, and the elderly sometimes experience serious disabilities, including paralysis.

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In the transdental dislocation of the atlas (fracture of the axis tooth and displacement of the fragments along with the atlas anteriorly), an anamnesis shows an accelerated flexion of the head or a fall on the head.

Patients with a gross dislocation of the tooth and atlanta die on the spot due to compression of the medulla oblongata. In the remaining cases, there is a fixed position of the head and pain in the upper parts of the neck, radiating to the nape.

When the fractured atlant fractures with a significant displacement of the fragments, the patients also die in place, in the absence of displacement or a slight displacement indicates a feeling of head instability, pain or loss of sensitivity in the neck, parietal and occipital region. Severity of neurologic symptoms can vary greatly.

With fractures, fractures, dislocations and subluxations of the cervical vertebrae, pain and limitation occur movements in the neck, an expansion of the interstitial gap and local convexity in the region damage. The bayonet curvature of the line of spinous processes can be determined.

The lower lumbar vertebrae suffer more often, in 30% of cases the spinal cord is affected.

In the lumbar and thoracic spine, fractures and fractures are usually diagnosed, accompanied by a delay in breathing at the time of injury, pain in the affected area, restriction of movement and tension of the muscles of the back.

Symptoms of damage to the spinal cord are determined by the level and nature of the injury.

Critical level - IV cervical vertebra, with damage above this area there is paralysis of the diaphragm, leading to a stopping of breathing and death of the victim.

Motor disorders, as a rule, are symmetric with the exception of horse tail trauma and chipped wounds. Violations of all types of sensitivity are noted, possibly as its decrease up to complete disappearance, and paresthesia.

The functions of the pelvic organs suffer. Blood flow and lymph drainage is disturbed, which contributes to the rapid formation of pressure sores. With complete ruptures of the spinal cord, ulceration of the gastrointestinal tract is often observed, complicated by massive bleeding.

Diagnosis and treatment of spinal injuries

Diagnosis is made taking into account anamnesis, clinical picture, data of neurological examination and instrumental research.

In case of damage to the lumbar, thoracic and inferior part, a roentgenography of the spine is prescribed in two projections. With trauma of the upper cervical (I and II vertebrae), radiographs are performed through the mouth.

Sometimes they take additional pictures in special stylings.

When suspected of spinal cord injury, spiral computed tomography, ascending or descending myelography, lumbar puncture with liquorodynamic assays, MRI of the spine and vertebral angiography.

Patients with stable mild injuries are assigned bed rest, thermal procedures and massage.

Heavier spinal injuries are an indication for immobilization (position on the shield, corsets, special collars), if necessary, prior to immobilization is carried out.

Sometimes skeletal traction is used. Urgent surgical interventions are performed with increasing neurological symptoms (this symptom indicates continued compression of the spinal cord).

Planned reconstructive operations on the spine with restoration and fixation of damaged segments are performed with ineffectiveness of conservative treatment.

Rehabilitation after uncomplicated spinal injuries includes mandatory exercise therapy. In the first days after admission, patients perform breathing exercises, beginning with the second week - limb movements. The complex of exercises gradually supplement and complicate.

Along with exercise therapy, thermal procedures and massage are used. With complicated trauma of the spine, electroimpulse therapy, drugs for stimulating metabolism (nootropil), improving blood circulation (cavinton) and stimulating regeneration (methyluracil) are prescribed.

Use vitreous body and tissue hormones.

The prognosis depends on the level and severity of the injury, as well as on the time interval from the moment of injury to the beginning of a full-fledged treatment. With light stable trauma to the spine usually comes a complete recovery.

If the spinal cord is damaged, there is a high probability of complications. Possible urological problems, hypostatic pneumonia and extensive bedsores with the transition to sepsis.

The percentage of disability is very high.

A source:

Signs and treatment of spinal injury

Damage to the spine refers to common phenomena, but if in some cases the consequences of such damage can manifest later, in others they are immediate and irreversible.

Any trauma to the spine is a cause for concern and treatment in the clinic, where the victim will be provided with competent first aid.

There are cases when a person for many years forgot that at one time he had minor spinal injuries, but in elderly age these pathologies can cause the development of degenerative-dystrophic disease of bone tissue and joints. Such complications of spinal injuries in the future will require long-term comprehensive treatment.

Injuries to the spine often result in disability and even death, and are therefore the most dangerous.

Damage associated with the vertebral canal occurs with the same frequency in adults of both sexes.

In the event that vertebral trauma occurs in the baby, it is, most often, trauma to the cervical spine.

In parturient women, the disorder is located in the lumbar part of the back, thus violating the functions of the pelvic joints, muscles, although in recent years the number of women, who prefer a cesarean section significantly increased and spinal lesions obtained during natural childbirth are much more common less often.


The spine can be divided into three main parts: lumbar, thoracic and cervical.

Ridge post and its moving parts are more susceptible to various damages due to mechanical impact. More attention should be paid to the intervertebral discs.

The disk is a strong fibrous capsule, which not only increases the mobility vertebrae, but also serves as a shock absorber, maintaining the integrity of the bone during shocks and unnecessary loads. In addition, intervertebral discs are a kind of fastening element for maintaining the integrity of the entire spine.

The spinal cord is located inside the spinal canal and has a large number of nerve processes that give signals to all tissues of the body.

In addition, large blood vessels are located near the bone-cartilaginous structure of the spine. Thus, if their violation occurs due to spinal injuries, the consequences will be severe.

Damage factors

The cause of spinal injury is not one factor that is a danger to the life of the patient. First of all, one can distinguish traffic accidents.

For the spine, damage in an accident is often very difficult due to inept actions of passers-by and rescuers.

The victim should not be dragged or dragged - this is extremely dangerous for the spinal cord.

Another type of injury is a whiplash injury caused by a sudden tilt of the head in the accident - the cervical section is injured, fractures of the spinous processes, a rupture in the joints occur.

With this damage, not only the head along with the neck is damaged, but there are accompanying disorders - internal bleeding, compression trauma to organs.

Also, the injury of the thoracic and lumbar spine and other parts of the spine can result in an incorrect lifestyle - low motor activity, lack of exercise, sedentary lifestyle. All these factors destroy the vertebral disks, provoke the formation of hernias and the development of osteochondrosis of the spinal cord and spine.

Quite often during childbirth, the child is injured by the cervical spine, a spina bifida appears, which can be localized in the lumbar region. These spinal cord injuries in the baby take 40% of all birth defects in the delivery process.

The causes of pathology are:

  • the pelvis of the woman in childbirth is smaller in size than the fetus;
  • inappropriate positioning of the baby in the uterus;
  • large weight of the newborn;
  • early birth;
  • pathology of pregnancy.

Classification of injuries

Injuries to the spine are divided into closed and open, depending on the presence of injury.

Given the degree of damage, the classification of spine injuries consists of the following types: trauma of the lumbar and sacral, thoracic and cervical spine.

According to the nature of the damage, these types of spinal injuries are distinguished, as:

  1. A bruise of the spine.
  2. Distortions or rupture, tear of articular bags and ligaments without displacement of vertebrae. Such pathologies are considered light - ligament fibers surrounding the ridge, stretch, or tear.
  3. Vertebral fractures - people with osteoporosis often get a compression fracture, when the cervical vertebrae and others are slowly squeezed and reduced in height. Also, the trauma of the spine can be comminuted, marginal, horizontal, vertical and even explosive.
  4. Damage to the intervertebral discs, as a result of which there is a partial fall of the disc inside, there is a rupture of the fibrous ring. In addition, there may be an intervertebral hernia.
  5. Fractures of spinous processes. In transverse, articular or spinous processes, fractures can be isolated, combined, with or without displacement.
  6. Dislocations, subluxations or fractures of the vertebrae - with this damage, the vertebra partially or completely leaves its anatomical site, causing motor disturbances.
  7. Traumatic spondylolisthesis is the displacement of the superior vertebra in relation to the one located lower as a result of damage to the ligaments and muscles of the back.

In addition, the classification of injuries to the spine distinguishes stable and unstable damage to the vertebrae.

Stable fractures occur due to compression injury, without trauma to the back support column of the spinal column and do not pose a threat in the further aggravation of traumatic deformation, with unstable damages the deformation aggravated.

Unstable injuries of the spine occur with a simultaneous violation of the integrity of the posterior and anterior vertebrae. These include fractures, subluxations, vertebral dislocations and spondylolisthesis.

Injuries of the spine in traumatology are also divided into two large groups: uncomplicated and complicated, which corresponds to the absence or presence of spinal cord injury.

There are three types of damage to the spinal cord:

  • Concussion or reversible trauma.
  • Irreversible - contusion, bruise.
  • Compression myelopathy or squeezing - appears due to edema, hematoma, pressure of damaged soft tissues, fragments of vertebrae. Can be formed immediately due to several factors.

In fractures, bone fragments can move and cause compression of the spinal cord, which leads to very serious and life-threatening consequences.

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Symptoms of spinal trauma may differ depending on the degree of severity of the lesion.

In case of vertebral fracture, the signs of damage can be the following:

  1. Pain syndrome, burning in the place of injury, giving in the lower limbs.
  2. Victims complain of numbness of back and legs.
  3. The patient experiences sensitivity disorders - it may be partial or completely absent.
  4. In the region of the spine, there is swelling.
  5. With an open fracture, there is a wound, bleeding, bone fragments are visible.

With a bruise, sprain or rupture of ligaments and bags of the spine, signs may not be as pronounced as in a fracture.

With the detected spinal injuries, the signs can be the following:

  • pain;
  • swelling;
  • hematomas;
  • disturbance of motor activity.

When ruptured fibers of the ligament apparatus, signs of trauma, more often than with bruises, have a marked symptomatology.

In cases of cervical injuries

Damage to the vertebrae of the neck occurs from a blow to the head, for example, when falling from a high altitude into the water. Signs of injury:

  1. painful sensations of a sharp or noisy character;
  2. problems with turning the head.

With injuries of the thoracic and lower back

The nerve plexus, ligaments in the chest and lower back may be torn, or completely torn, and dislocations or fractures may also appear. With these injuries, you can observe the main and other symptoms, the brightness of which depends on the type of injury:

  • paralysis of the diaphragm, decreased or absent mobility;
  • acute painful sensations;
  • edema and hematoma;
  • nausea and dizziness in case of abnormalities of the musculoskeletal system.

Damage to the spinal cord

Separately, it is worth considering the signs of damage to the spinal cord. Among the most common symptoms of damage are the following:

  1. numbness of the body of varying severity;
  2. decreased sensitivity;
  3. paralysis of lower limbs;
  4. paralysis of arms, legs;
  5. tingling in the limbs;
  6. rapid breathing;
  7. tachycardia;
  8. feeling restless;
  9. excited state;
  10. loss of consciousness;
  11. vomiting or nausea;
  12. problems in the work of the intestine, bladder.

Every specific damage to the spinal column has its own peculiarities, so each case requires the selection of individual treatment for spine trauma and rehabilitation course.

First aid

Injuries to the spine are a dangerous pathology. The first aid in trauma to the spine should be to anesthetize and properly fix the damaged area.

For this, the victim must be laid on a hard surface, can be on the floor. Under no circumstances is the patient allowed to sit or sit upright.

In spite of the fact which area is damaged, assistance with spinal injuries should begin with fixation not only of the body, but of the victim's neck in the first place.

If the cervical collar is not near at hand, then a roller is twisted from the material and fixed around the neck.

To transfer the victim to a stretcher or on a hard surface should involve three or more people. The body should be in a level, horizontal position, so that the vertebrae do not move. If the spine moves, it will lead to a secondary spinal cord injury.

The first help in trauma to the spine is also to control the heart rate and breathing. At the slightest violation, resuscitation should be performed.

Diagnosis and treatment

After the patient is taken to the clinic, and the first medical help is given, he will be assigned a diagnosis. The diagnosis will be made taking into account anamnesis, clinical picture, data of neurologic examination and instrumental research.

  • In the trauma of the lumbar, thoracic and inferior part, an x-ray of the spine is prescribed in two projections.
  • In case of damage to the upper cervical region - I and II vertebrae, radiography is performed through the mouth. Sometimes they take pictures in special stylings.
  • If suspicion of spinal cord injury is suspected, a spiral computed tomography scan, ascending or descending myelography, puncture with liquorodynamic assays, MRI of the spine and vertebral angiography.

After receiving the results of the examination, the treating doctor needs to draw up a therapy and recovery regimen.

Treatment of spinal injuries is associated with great difficulties.

With stable trauma, both conservative and surgical procedures can be used, which implies installation of metal plates to restore or strengthen the column of the spine, although this significantly reduces mobility vertebrae.

The patient's therapy with stable minor injuries is in bed rest, massage.

More complex injuries of the spine should be recorded with the help of special shields, corsets, collars.

If there is a need, then pre-adjust. Sometimes resort to skeletal traction.

Operative interventions are performed with increasing neurological symptoms, when the compression of the spinal cord continues.

Planned reconstructive operations on the spine with restoration and fixation of injured segments are performed with an ineffective result of conservative treatment.

Rehabilitation after injuries without complication is the mandatory exercise of exercise therapy. For the first time after admission, the patient performs breathing exercises, since the second week - he makes limbs. The complex of exercises is supplemented and complicated gradually.

Together with exercise therapy they use massage and thermal procedures. In complex trauma of the spine, electropulse therapy is prescribed, drugs for stimulating metabolism, improving blood circulation and regeneration.

When the prognosis is relevant, the degree of severity of the injury is important, it also depends on the moment of injury before the start of treatment. According to statistics, 90% of these injuries are reversible, and if the prevention of spinal injuries is carried out regularly, the figure will be significantly reduced.

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Injuries to the spine

Injuries to the spine occur in about 5-10% of all injuries to the musculoskeletal system and about 5% of all spine diseases. Men are prone to injuries of the spinal column 2 times more often than women.

The average age of these diseases is 40-50 years. After 65 years, traumas occur both in men and women at about the same frequency.

Children's traumatism of the spine is about 15% of all cases of this disease and the problem is localized mainly in the cervical spine.

Causes of spine injuries

The causes of injuries of the spinal column are many. The main ones are the following:

  1. Accident;
  2. Falling from the height (to the feet, to the head, to the back);
  3. Injuries during diving;
  4. Household injuries (falling from the stairs, etc.);
  5. Blockages of buildings;
  6. Sports injuries;
  7. "Whiplash" injury (sharp bending of the neck forward and following him with the same sharp tipping back the head);
  8. Blow on the back;
  9. Gunshot and stab wounds.


There are several classifications of spinal injuries. The main one is the classification according to the nature of the damage:

  • Contusion of the spine;
  • Dislocation and subluxation of the spine;
  • Fracture of the spine:
    • fracture of vertebral body;
    • fracture of the spinous process of the vertebra;
    • fracture of the arch of the vertebra;
    • fracture of the transverse process of the vertebra.
  • Distortion (rupture of a ligament of a vertebra and a joint bag without displacement of the vertebra);
  • Fracture-dislocation of the vertebra.

Another classification of spine injuries is the division into two groups:

  • Stable injuries - trauma, which during transportation and treatment of the patient is not aggravated (bruises, distortion);
  • Unstable injuries are trauma, which, after receiving it, can be aggravated and lead to more severe consequences (subluxation, dislocation, fracture, fracture-dislocation).

By severity of injury, the spine is divided into three groups:

  1. Mild severity;
  2. The average severity;
  3. Heavy current.

Symptoms of spinal injuries

The main and most common symptom of any spinal injury is pain. It can be of different intensity and localization, irradiate (render) in the arm, leg, head or other parts of the back.

Another symptom that occurs in almost every patient with a spine injury is the tension of the back muscles.

This is most often a protective mechanism that helps to fix the vertebrae in a certain position and to reduce the pain syndrome.

This tension can lead to a violation of posture, curvature of the spine, etc.

Quite often, the spinal cord, nerve roots and endings are involved in the process.

This leads to such symptoms as a disorder or complete loss of skin sensitivity, weakness in the extremities, paresis, paralysis, disruption of the internal organs (breathing disorder, pain in the heart, involuntary urination and so forth).

Palpable in most cases of spine trauma, you can find bone protrusions, disruption of vertebral integrity, curvature of the spine, increased pain, and much more.

The remaining symptoms depend on the type of injury, the mechanism of this injury and its severity.

As a diagnostic and the appointment of timely and adequate treatment of spine injuries, the following methods are used:

  • Interrogation of the patient;
  • Examination and palpation;
  • Radiography;
  • Computed tomography (CT);
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI);
  • Myelography.

First aid for spinal injuries

First of all, as a patient with a supposedly received spinal cord injury is found, it is necessary to call an ambulance team.

After this, the patient should be immobilized, especially if he is in a state of shock and can not control his movements and sensations.

Shift, move or rotate a person with a trauma to the spine is prohibited, because you can cause irreversible consequences, up to a lethal outcome.

In the presence of a stretcher patient should carefully turn on the stomach and put on a stretcher face down. If there is a solid stretcher or a flap, you can put it on your back. When the neck is injured, it is necessary to fix the upper section of the spine with a collar made of dense tissue.

In case of stopping breathing, one should perform artificial mouth-to-mouth breathing without overexposing the cervical vertebrae.

When transporting a patient to a medical facility, if possible, cold is applied to the site of the injury and pain medications are given.

Doctors who deal with the treatment of spinal injuries:

  1. Therapist
  2. Neuropathologist
  3. Neurosurgeon
  4. Traumatologist
  5. Vertebrologist

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