Chondrosis of different parts of the spine: symptoms, treatment


  • 1Symptoms of osteochondrosis, diagnosis and treatment of the disease
    • 1.1Anatomy of the spine
    • 1.2Causes
    • 1.3The mechanism of development
    • 1.4Acute stage
    • 1.5Chronic chondrosis
    • 1.6Stages of the disease
    • 1.7Differences between radiculitis and osteochondrosis
    • 1.8Symptoms with chondrosis of different localizations
    • 1.9Symptoms of nerve damage
    • 1.10Diagnostics
    • 1.11CT and MRI
    • 1.12Additional Methods
    • 1.13Treatment
    • 1.14Medication
    • 1.15Physiotherapy and massage
    • 1.16Surgery
  • 2Chondrosis of the lumbar spine: symptoms, treatment, causes and diagnosis
    • 2.1basic information
    • 2.2Features of the disease
    • 2.3Causes of the disease
    • 2.4Clinic
    • 2.5Chondrosis of the lumbar spine: symptoms
    • 2.6Other signs
    • 2.7How is it diagnosed?
    • 2.8Chondrosis of the lumbar spine: symptoms, treatment
  • 3Chondrosis of the spine: types, causes, treatment
    • 3.1Chondrosis of the spine
    • 3.2Who is at risk?
    • 3.3Chondrosis and its types
    • 3.4Symptoms of the disease
    • 3.5Diagnosis of chondrosis
  • 4Chondrosis of the lumbosacral and cervical spine
    instagram viewer
    • 4.1Causes of Chondrosis of the Spine
    • 4.2Symptomatic of cervical chondrosis
    • 4.3Symptoms in chest chondrosis
    • 4.4Symptomatology with lumbar and lumbar chondrosis
    • 4.5Objectives and methods of treatment of chondrosis
    • 4.6Drugs for the treatment of chondrosis
    • 4.7Physiotherapy with chondrosis
    • 4.8Manual therapy and massage with chondrosis
    • 4.9LFK with chondrosis
  • 5Chondrosis of different parts of the spine: symptoms, treatment
    • 5.1Types of chondrosis
    • 5.2Causes of chondrosis of the back and neck
    • 5.3Symptoms
    • 5.4Treatment after diagnosis
    • 5.5Medications
    • 5.6Physical training, manual therapy and massage
    • 5.7Folk remedies

Symptoms of osteochondrosis, diagnosis and treatment of the disease

Osteochondrosis of the spine is a chronic progressive disease of intervertebral discs and vertebrae, characterized by their dystrophy and involvement in the pathological process of surrounding soft tissues and nervous formations.

This pathology meets with different frequency in different regions of the world. These or other manifestations of osteochondrosis are observed in 40-60% of the adult population.

Curing the disease is very difficult, but you can control its course. At the first symptoms the consultation of a specialist is necessary.

Anatomy of the spine

To understand what happens in the tissues of the spine with osteochondrosis, it is worthwhile to understand the structure of this division of the body.

Our vertebral column consists of vertebrae, between which are cartilage - intervertebral discs.

Each disk has a core - an elastic and elastic core, it damages the spine, makes the movements between the vertebrae smooth and consistent.

The core is surrounded by a fibrous capsule - a dense tissue that protects the core of the disc.

There are joints between the vertebrae, in which consecutive and friendly movements are made in the neck, thoracic and lower back.


What causes the disease? The causes of osteochondrosis can be divided into internal and external:

  1. Internal causes. Internal causes include hereditary predisposition. Some people have congenital inferiority of fibrous formations of intervertebral discs. Due to the expressed load, degeneration of the vertebral column is more rapid. Fibrous tissue has less stability in women, therefore, weaker sex can also be attributed to internal risk factors for osteochondrosis of the spine.
  2. External causes. External causes of osteochondrosis are various overloads of the spinal column. They can be a long sedentary work, forced frequent slopes, loads from lifting weights, sports, trauma to the cervical or thoracic spine. With these effects, a disease such as chondrosis develops, the symptoms of which give the patient a lot of inconvenience and anguish.

The mechanism of development

Under the above-described causes, blood supply to the intervertebral discs is impaired. Cartilage cells die, and the products of their decay destroy the fibrous capsule of the disc. Her dystrophy is promoted by the inherent inferiority of the tissue. In women, the process proceeds faster and more intensively.

Acute stage

These changes lead to spasm of blood vessels in the affected area and oxygen starvation of tissues. There is pain due to irritation of the bone receptors - develops acute chondrosis. Then, as a protective reaction, muscle spasm is added.

Chondrosis and osteochondrosis, the difference between these concepts is the transition of the pathological process from cartilage to bone. The defeat of the cartilaginous tissue, one way or another, will affect the vertebra, so it is important to begin treatment in the acute stage of the disease.

Chronic chondrosis

In later stages, the chondrosis of the back can lead to complete destruction of the cartilage.

The intervertebral disc is replaced by a connective tissue, which leads to fusion of the vertebrae with each other.

In severe cases, the inability to move in the lower back and thoracic region is observed. So chronic osteochondrosis is manifested.

Stages of the disease

In its development, chronic osteochondrosis goes through 4 stages. What happens on each of them? Stages of osteochondrosis:

  1. In the pulpous nucleus, with insufficient blood supply, the cells slowly begin to necrosis. The height of the cartilage decreases. This leads to cracks in the fibrous ring.
  2. Due to a decrease in the height of the disc, ligaments and muscle fibers sag, their contracting action on the vertebral bodies is weakened. There is instability of movements between two vertebrae.
  3. Through the increasing cracks in the fibrous ring, fragments of the core of the cartilage-the pulpous nucleus-penetrate. There is a disc herniation. This leads to a progression of symptoms.
  4. In response to the inflammatory process, the body tends to limit the focus of pathology. There are proliferations of connective tissue, as well as bone outgrowths (osteophytes). These processes lead to disruption of mobility up to complete impossibility of movements.

Differences between radiculitis and osteochondrosis

Very often, sciatica and osteochondrosis are perceived by patients as one disease. However, this is not quite true.

Radiculitis is an inflammation of the root of the intervertebral nerve, it can occur under the influence of various causes, one of which, indeed, may be the osteochondrosis of the spine. Defeat of the roots on the lower back is the most frequent localization of the disease.

Herniated disc, accompanying inflammation of surrounding tissues can lead to inflammation of the nerve structures. But the osteochondrosis of the spine happens without neurologic symptoms, and vice versa, radiculitis can be caused by another pathology.

The initial signs of osteochondrosis include back pain, which is permanent, aching. It is strengthened after a load of the spine with a weight or a prolonged stationary position.

Always there is a reflex tension of the muscles of the back, which gives a stiffness, an additional soreness.

Symptoms with chondrosis of different localizations

Additional signs of osteochondrosis are possible with lesions of various parts of the spine:

  1. Cervical osteochondrosis is accompanied by soreness in the upper limbs and shoulder girdle, head. The probability of occurrence of a syndrome of a vertebral artery is high. In this process, the inflammatory reaction involves a vascular tract that carries blood to the brain. There is a feeling of dizziness, noise in the head, intense headaches.
  2. When osteochondrosis of the thoracic region there is pain in the chest, heart.
  3. Osteochondrosis of the lumbar region is manifested by symptoms in the corresponding area, sacrum, legs, pelvic organs. Pain in the lower back of women must necessarily push the thought of this disease.

Symptoms of nerve damage

With the involvement of nerve structures, radiculitis occurs. It is manifested by shooting pain from the lower back to the legs, pelvic organs. There may be a violation of the sensitivity of the skin on the lower limb, weakening of muscle strength, a decrease in reflexes.

The area of ​​the nerve root between the vertebrae on the back and waist is sharply painful when pressed.


To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor will first direct the radiograph of the affected spine to the radiograph.

X-rays must be made in several projections.

Decrease in disc height, deformation of vertebrae, proliferation of connective tissue and osteophytes are the most striking radiographic signs of osteochondrosis.

CT and MRI

More informative, but costly techniques are computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). These modern studies will accurately point to the localization, the extent of the lesion and the concomitant neurovascular disorders.

Additional Methods

Rarely used myelography - the introduction of contrast agent in the spinal canal for the diagnosis of hernias. May cause an allergic reaction, so doctors prefer not to conduct this study.


How to treat chondrosis? To achieve good results of therapy with the first symptoms of the disease you need to start preventive measures. The removal of tension from the spine will stop the inflammatory and dystrophic processes and will ease the symptoms.

  1. Limit the sedentary lifestyle. Take breaks during work, compensate for the static load by walking in the fresh air.
  2. Do not operate in the tilt position. Lifting the weight in such a position promotes the growth of the hernia of the disc and burdens the lesion of the thoracic and lumbar region.
  3. The therapeutic gymnastics strengthens the muscular corset and prevents reflex spasm of the muscles, especially on the neck and lower back. The complex of exercises should be clarified by the attending physician.


Treatment of osteochondrosis of the spine in the acute phase is performed with the help of anesthesia of the affected area with injections (blockades) with anti-inflammatory hormonal agents and analgesics. The procedures have a pronounced but short-term effect and require the professionalism of the physician.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac, Movalis, Voltaren, Ketanol) are used for long courses in the form of tablets and external forms: ointments and gels. These remedies relieve symptoms and reduce the intensity of the inflammatory process, but they can not cure the disease.

To improve the function of nerve fibers, B vitamins are prescribed; To remove the swelling from the root with radiculitis use diuretics (Furosemide).

Physiotherapy and massage

How to treat osteochondrosis without drugs? To improve blood circulation in the spine, various methods of physiotherapy are used:

  • acupuncture;
  • ultraviolet irradiation;
  • ultrasound;
  • magneto- and laser therapy;
  • interstitial electrostimulation.

Intervertebral osteochondrosis is well amenable to correction with the help of manual therapy, which performs two functions: it removes muscle spasm and increases blood flow in the affected area.


The operation is indicated for severe forms of the disease. Apply decompression of the nerve root with expressed compression. Affected vertebrae are replaced by strong structures that restore the supporting function of the spine.

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Chondrosis of the lumbar spine: symptoms, treatment, causes and diagnosis

How does chondrosis develop in the lumbar spine? Symptoms, treatment, signs of the disease will be discussed below. Also you will learn about how this disease is diagnosed, why it develops at all.

basic information

How to treat lumbar chondrosis, and what is this disease? You will receive answers to these questions in the materials of this article.

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Chondrosis is a disease that is associated with degenerative-dystrophic destruction of cartilaginous tissues in intervertebral discs located in different parts of the spine.

This disease is the initial stage of osteochondrosis. The latter develops in the event that destructive processes spread and pass to nearby bones and tissues.

So what is chondrosis of the lumbar spine (symptoms, treatment presented below)? The main difference of this disease from osteochondrosis is that such a pathology develops, but it does not go beyond the cartilaginous tissues of the joints.

Features of the disease

What if you develop chondrosis of the lumbar spine? Symptoms, treatment of this disease should identify and determine only an experienced doctor.

At the first signs of the disease, you should immediately contact a specialist.

This is due to the fact that with untimely treatment, dystrophic pathology can lead to thinning of the cartilaginous discs and, as a consequence, to the subsequent transformation of the hyaline structure into a fibrous one.

It should also be noted that the gradual development of this disease causes education fibrous-type tissues, as well as the stasis and calcification of the cartilaginous layers that adjoin vertebrae. As a result of such a pathological process, a fairly serious lesion of intervertebral discs can occur.

Causes of the disease

Why does this disease occur? What are its causes? Chondrosis of the lumbar spine (symptoms, treatment of the disease are known to a few) develops because of:

  • overweight, obesity;
  • age characteristics (more often in people older than 53 years);
  • frequent and severe psychological stress;
  • abnormal posture;
  • lifting of weights, especially with weak muscles;
  • hypothermia of the waist or the whole body;
  • heavy work with dynamic and static overloads;
  • abnormal diet and diet;
  • hypotension;
  • uneven load of muscles from different sides;
  • frequent in an uncomfortable position;
  • diseases leading to abnormal feeding of vertebral discs;
  • congenital or acquired pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.


How does chondrosis of the lumbar spine begin? Symptoms (treatment of the disease should be determined only by the doctor) of this disease do not immediately disturb patients.

The development of chondrosis begins with a decrease in the turgor of the fibrous ring and the gelatinous nucleus, which subsequently leads to protrusion of the disc forward and changes in its shape (makes a little sloping).

This pathological process is determined only by X-ray.

According to experts, discs that lost the turgor are subject to overload, which leads to microtraction, as well as acceleration of nuclear atrophy.

Thus, dense and loose fibrous tissues grow and gradually form a flattening of the cartilage. The height of the disc is significantly reduced. Also, the vertebrae are displaced.

The load on them increases, which leads to the gradual formation of arthrosis.

In the course of all dystrophic changes a person begins to feel a strong pain syndrome in the lower back.

Chondrosis of the lumbar spine: symptoms

Treatment, diagnosis of the disease in question are carried out only by experienced specialists. After all, wrong and untimely therapy of this disease can aggravate the patient's difficult situation as well.

Since chondrosis of the lumbar spine is manifested? Symptoms (treatment of the disease described below) of this disease depend on the stage of its development. Experts argue that they can manifest themselves with varying degrees of severity.

At the very beginning of the disease, its symptoms manifest only after a considerable load (physical). Thus the person feels pains in a loin which can leave in legs or foots, buttocks and kresttsovuju area.

The transition of the disease to other stages almost always leads to the development of more pronounced sensations. As a rule, they are noted during walking on the stairs, with a long time in an uncomfortable position, sneezing, a strong cough and so on.

Also the person feels problems with a loin in the mornings, after an ascent from a bed. To bring their condition back to normal, a small workout is required for patients.

Other signs

How is chondrosis of the lumbar spine still manifested? Symptoms (treatment, signs of the disease are described in this article) in the form of pain arise when trying to bend or unbend the trunk. The patient also experiences numbness of the lower extremities.

At the 3rd and 4th stages, the patient shows more serious signs. These include disorders in the work of the genitourinary organs, protrusion, pathology of the vessels of the legs, a hernia, abnormal bowel work.

An acute type of this disease is usually provoked by overcooling or lifting of gravity. In this case, it manifests itself in severe pain, which gives the buttock and sacral region to the butt. Such feelings are intensified in the process of fast walking or prolonged standing.

As for the chronic disease, it is characterized by prolonged aching pain in the lower back, which becomes more intense with tilting and physical exertion.

How is it diagnosed?

Chondroz is diagnosed quite easily. First, doctors are interviewed and examined by the patient, and then sent to general tests. Also, the patient is assigned an MRI and an x-ray of the lumbar region. These methods of research are sufficient to detect dystrophic changes.

Chondrosis of the lumbar spine: symptoms, treatment

The medicine for the treatment of the disease in question should be prescribed by a doctor only after the correct diagnosis has been made.

As it was said above, with chondrosis a man experiences rather strong lumbar pains. In this case, they can give to the lower extremities and the pelvis. Therefore, in the first place, the patient should ensure complete rest (including bed rest).

To reduce the pain syndrome, the patient is prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs and potent analgesics, which are injected intramuscularly.

Also, an ointment with a warming and anesthetic effect can be recommended to a patient. Such creams include Ketonal, Indomethacin, Nurofen, Voltaren and Fastum.

The main purpose of these ointments is to transfer the attack to the stage of remission.

During this period, all treatment of the disease is aimed at normalizing blood supply and metabolism, suppressing pain, strengthening muscle and restoring damaged tissues. This may require the following methods:

  • Drug treatment (taking anesthetics, using ointments, as well as NSAIDs, vitamin complexes, sedatives and antispasmodics).
  • Physiotherapy, including electrophoresis, electromagnetic methods, laser therapy, vibration, magnetic-wave methods, ultraviolet action.
  • Massotherapy.
  • Manual methods, including stretching the spine, relaxation massage, visceral therapy.
  • Physiotherapy.

A source: http://.ru/article/250049/hondroz-poyasnichnogo-otdela-pozvonochnika-simptomyi-lechenie-prichinyi-i-diagnostika

Chondrosis of the spine: types, causes, treatment

Chondrosis of the spine

Chondrosis of the spine is one of the most frequent diseases that occur in people of any age and physique.

This is nothing but a degenerative-dystrophic pathology that affects the structure of intervertebral discs.

Due to the defeat, vertebral disks, simply, lose their habitual functions: the density of tissues decreases, the depreciation qualities deteriorate, flattening of plates occurs, as a result, the distance between vertebrae sharply decreases. All this leads to jamming of nerve endings and causing the patient unpleasant and painful sensations of varying intensity.

Symptoms of chondrosis, at the initial stage of the disease, are almost invisible, or extremely weakly expressed. Therefore, the patient, often, does not pay attention to mild indisposition and ignores the need to consult a specialist.

Such a disease as chondrosis, without timely and adequate treatment, only develops, progressing and gaining momentum.

As a result, the disease passes into the acute phase, at which the treatment becomes less effective and more prolonged.

Causes of the disease

In recent years, doctors all over the world have noted that the chondrosis has grown very young.

If only ten years ago, he belonged to a group of diseases affecting, mainly, people old age, today, it can be found in very young people, including teenagers.

The main causes of chondrosis: an incorrect lifestyle, a long stay in an uncomfortable position, sitting at a computer, or for educational literature.

As a result, there is a violation of blood circulation, blood supply to the tissues of the spine becomes insufficient. Bone and cartilaginous tissue begins to lose its former properties, becoming thinner and becoming more vulnerable.

Who is at risk?

Despite the fact that chondrosis can occur and without any visible causes known to the patient, there are many predisposing factors. So, for example, the following factors can trigger the development of the disease, even at an early age:

  • congenital or acquired flat feet, as well as prolonged use of uncomfortable shoes;
  • being in the wrong posture, for a long period of time;
  • increased physical activity and active employment in power sports;
  • work related to the frequent movement and carrying of goods;
  • overweight;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • stress, malnutrition;
  • sleep on large pillows (wrong position of the head, curvature of the cervical spine), soft mattresses, etc.

Such a disease, as chondrosis, can develop for several years, not manifesting itself in any way. In this case, it is not necessary to have a genetic predisposition or other hereditary factors.

Chondrosis and its types

Depending on the site of localization, several different types of pathology are distinguished. So, chondrosis of the spine can strike:

  • cervical department;
  • lumbosacral department;
  • thoracic department.

Each of these species has its own characteristics of the course of the disease, various symptoms and signs. To treat chondrosis of one or another localization, it is necessary on an individually developed system, taking into account the features of the disease course and the general health and well-being of the patient.

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms of chondrosis can be very diverse, depending on the location of its localization:

Cervical chondrosis, more often, manifests itself at the initial stage, causing multiple ailments:

  • headache;
  • numbness in the fingers;
  • weakness in the hands;
  • pain in the shoulders and arms.

In the later stages, there may be:

  • a sore throat;
  • fainting;
  • dizziness;
  • hearing impairment;
  • night snoring;
  • weakening of the voice;
  • toothache.

Breast chondrosis, for a fairly long period of time, may not manifest itself in any way. Symptoms, often, are absent altogether, until the disease reaches the acute phase. However, in some cases, there are:

pain in the sternum;

  • general malaise, a feeling of weakness;
  • hypertension;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • pain in the heart;
  • feeling of numbness of the upper limbs;
  • pain in the shoulder region.
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Lumbar chondrosis manifests as:

  • regular painful sensations in the lower back;
  • pain in the back, or in the legs or buttocks;
  • stiffness of the back;
  • increased fatigue;
  • insomnia;
  • increased irritability;
  • pain caused by coughing, or sneezing.

If the disease is detected in the advanced stage, dysfunction of the urogenital system may appear. It should be borne in mind that classical chondrosis symptoms may well be a sign of other diseases not related to the operation of the spine.

Diagnosis of chondrosis

In order to identify chondrosis in a patient, a neuropathologist must conduct a thorough examination of the spine, when the patient is in different positions.

It is important to carefully study the clinical picture of the disease, because, there is always some risk, to mix up the symptoms chondrosis with symptoms of other, serious and life-threatening patients, diseases: myocardial infarction, angina and etc.

Treatment should be appointed, exclusively, by a specialist and only after a complete refutation of the hypothesis of a possible heart attack, with the need for immediate hospitalization of the patient.

It should be noted that patients with cardiovascular diseases are completely counter-indicative of the measures that are used to treat chondroses of the spine. In the first case, complete rest is vital.

Self-medication and application of methods of traditional medicine, in particular, without preliminary diagnosis, is also unacceptable.

The final diagnosis of chondrosis can be made only after carrying out a computer tomogram and radiography.

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Chondrosis of the lumbosacral and cervical spine

Chondrosis is a disease of the spine, which is characterized by degenerative dystrophic changes in the intervertebral discs.

A few decades ago, spinal chondrosis was considered a disease of the elderly, as more than 80% of all patients were elderly people.

But even today statistics show that the ailment is rapidly getting younger: about 13% of patients with a confirmed diagnosis are young people who are under 35 years old.

The danger of the disease is that at the initial stages it is asymptomatic. Pathological changes can cover more and more parts of the intervertebral discs, leading to their ossification.

In the absence of adequate therapy, spinal chondrosis can develop into osteochondrosis, in which degenerative processes go beyond the limits of discs, and changes affect not only cartilaginous, but also bone, nervous and muscular structures the spine.

Causes of Chondrosis of the Spine

The reasons for the development of pathological processes in the tissues of the intervertebral discs may be several.

The most common of these is a circulatory disorder in the back and spine in particular, which leads to a lack of nutrients and compounds necessary for cartilage renewal.

Thinning and destruction of intervertebral discs can be caused by systematic loads on a certain section of the spinal column. Such situations arise when a person is in a long position in one position.

Dynamic loads also refer to factors contributing to the development of chondrosis, since injury to the discs during weight lifting can trigger the process of their destruction.

In addition, the risk of disease occurrence increases in the following cases:

  • if there is excess weight in the patient;
  • with a lack of physical activity;
  • in the presence of diseases of the musculoskeletal system (flat feet, scoliosis, etc.).

Depending on the affected area, there are three types of chondrosis: cervical, thoracic and lumbar. Each of them has its own symptomatology and methods of therapy.

Symptomatic of cervical chondrosis

A general clinical picture with the cervical form of the disease consists in the appearance of mild pains.

At the initial stage of the development of the disease, discomfort quickly passes after a change in the position of the body.

Also, patients can notice the crunch during the turn of the head and the feeling of squeezing the skull. Pain with cervical chondrosis often spreads from the neck to the occipital part.

In the absence of treatment, the patient has tinnitus, memory, smell, vision, and hearing impairment. They can also suffer from numbness of the hands and a state of general weakness.

Symptoms in chest chondrosis

Rare and most unpredictable type of chondrosis - thoracic, most often disguised as a disease of the heart and lungs.

With this form of the disease, the pain is localized in the chest and behind the breastbone, sometimes they are given in the arm, shoulder, neck or under the shoulder blade.

Differentiating the chondrosis of the thoracic spine from pathologies of internal organs can be done according to the following features:

  • the absence of the expected positive effect of the cardiac funds taken;
  • increased pain when trying to tilt or turn the torso;
  • soreness when tapping in the spine.

If the timely treatment of the chondrosis of the cervicothoracic spine is not initiated, the patient runs the risk of experiencing blood circulation and tissue nutrition problems.

As a consequence, the patient develops pathologies of the internal organs located in the chest, as well as disorders from the nervous system.

Symptomatology with lumbar and lumbar chondrosis

A typical sign of problems with intervertebral discs in the lumbar region and the sacrum are pain and discomfort, which increase with increased load, hypothermia and stay in an uncomfortable position.

Often the symptoms of the chondrosis of the lumbar spine are supplemented by soreness of the buttocks and thighs, a decrease in their mobility and a feeling of tingling in the legs.

Progression of the disease and its transition to the sacral part of the spinal column inevitably leads to difficulties with movement: it is difficult for a patient to get out of bed or return from an inclined position in the vertical.

If you do not start treatment of the chondrosis of the lumbar spine in time, the patient suffers infringement of the nerve roots. As a result of this process, the numbness and loss of sensitivity of the legs, hips and buttocks are added to the symptoms described above.

Objectives and methods of treatment of chondrosis

Regardless of the localization of the intervertebral discs affected by chondrosis, treatment of this disease consists in a comprehensive impact on their tissues. All actions are aimed at achieving the following goals:

  • Relaxation or complete elimination of pain.
  • Restoration of metabolic processes in bone and cartilaginous structures of the spine, as well as in the surrounding muscle and nerve tissues.
  • Restoration and / or improvement of blood circulation in a specific segment of the spine.
  • Prevention of further development of pathological processes in the tissues of the spine.
  • Creation of a "corset" from the muscles, which allows to reduce the load on the spine.

There are several methods used to achieve positive dynamics in the state of patients with chondrosis of various parts of the spine:

  • drug therapy, with which you can eliminate pain and inflammation, as well as reduce the speed and / or reverse the degeneration of tissues;
  • non-pharmacological treatment, which includes manual and physical therapy, massage, exercise therapy and phytopreparations.

Each method of therapy is applicable in individual cases: during remission or exacerbation, at the initial stage of the disease or in the presence of serious foci of destruction on discs. The earlier the disease is diagnosed, the fewer types of therapy may be required to eliminate the changes that have occurred in the tissues of the spine.

Drugs for the treatment of chondrosis

Drug therapy for any kind of chondrosis of the spine includes the use of pain medications preparations in the form of external agents (ointments, gels and balms), and also tablets for oral reception.

In addition, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants and drugs that restore the cartilaginous tissues of the intervertebral discs (chondroprotectors) are prescribed to patients.

Treatment of chondrosis of the cervicothoracic spine is performed with the obligatory use of spasmolytics and vasodilating drugs administered injectively or orally.

The attending physician may decide to accept the patient biologically active additives and vitamin drugs that will help restore the normal state of the spine and blood vessels.

Drug therapy is always performed immediately after the first symptoms of spinal cholerosis appear. After the pains are stopped with the help of drugs, and the ability to move normally is returned to the patient, one can proceed to non-drug treatment.

Physiotherapy with chondrosis

Physiotherapy method of treatment allows you to directly affect the focus of the disease, that is, on the damaged discs.

The surrounding tissues are practically not affected. This method is suitable for any stage and form of the disease.

Physiotherapy includes the following procedures:

  • electromagnetic impact or electrophoresis;
  • detensor therapy;
  • vibro-massage;
  • magnetic-wave therapy;
  • irradiation with ultraviolet light.

These procedures help to eliminate pain, improve blood flow and promote better metabolism in the segment of the spinal column to which the effect is directed.

Especially valuable are these procedures for patients with a diagnosis of chondrosis of the sacral spine, as this type of disease most often can not be treated with the help of other techniques.

Manual therapy and massage with chondrosis

The impact on the spine with the help of manual therapy and massage in itself does not refer to specialists for purely therapeutic, however these procedures help to achieve the following results:

  • to eliminate the pain resulting from muscle spasms;
  • stimulate the recovery processes both in the spine itself and in the surrounding tissues;
  • To restore the mobility of segments of the spine subjected to degenerative changes.

For example, treatment of chondrosis of the cervico-thoracic spine with the help of manual therapy and massage helps to avoid serious disorders of blood supply to the brain and eliminate headaches, and lumbosacral - to eliminate the loss of sensitivity of the lower extremities.

Massage with osteochondrosis is performed exclusively by a specialist, since inept diseased segments of the spine can provoke the aggravation of symptoms and lead to progress of the disease.

LFK with chondrosis

Gymnastic and physical exercises for any kind of chondrosis doctors recommend performing in the subacute period of the disease and only after complete relief of pain.

Competently chosen exercises with chondrosis help to create a natural muscular corset and thereby reduce the burden on the spine.

The complex of therapeutic exercises is selected individually for each patient, taking into account the general physical condition of the patient, the localization of pain and much more. It is not recommended to select exercises on their own and / or continue their implementation with discomfort and pain.

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Each of the listed methods of treatment of chondrosis of the spine has contraindications. Do not attempt to independently, without the approval of the attending physician, to choose ways to eliminate pain and other symptoms of the disease. This can lead to disastrous results, including a complete loss of mobility.

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Chondrosis of different parts of the spine: symptoms, treatment

Pain and stiffness in the spine, which are sometimes very difficult to get rid of, in most cases are the first sign of chondrosis - a disease in which the elastic cartilage loses its damping properties. The result of this rebirth is the inability of the spine to cope with the load, the loss of its mobility and flexibility. Depletion of cartilaginous tissue can affect both the individual vertebrae and entire departments.

In the development of the disease, muscles will always be involved. In people suffering from problems with the spine, short fibers that connect individual vertebrae are always in tension.

Forced stay in one position for a long time even more provokes stiffness of muscles. Another common cause of increased muscle tone is a badly matched pillow and a mattress.

Therefore, if chondrosis of the spine is familiar to you, first of all, it is worth considering the convenience and correctness of sleep.

Types of chondrosis

The clinical picture of the disease depends on the level of the lesion of the back. Depending on which particular part of the spine has suffered, the forms of the disease will also differ:

  • Cervical, when the upper seven vertebrae of the neck suffer.
  • Thoracic, in which changes occur in 12 vertebrae located below.
  • Lumbar, affecting the lower five vertebrae of the lumbar spine.

However, in pure form, chondrosis of the thoracic, lumbar or neck is rare. Usually the disease has mixed forms and chondrosis is more common, for example, chest-lumbar or cervico-thoracic parts.

Sometimes a patient develops chondrosis whose symptoms are difficult to associate with any one department of the spine.

Pain and discomfort can manifest throughout the entire vertebral column, and signs may be characteristic of different parts of it.

This disease is often called a wandering chondrosis.

Causes of chondrosis of the back and neck

For a long time it was believed that the chondrosis of the back and neck is an age-related phenomenon and sooner or later destructive changes in the spine occur in everyone. That's why it's almost impossible to get rid of it.

Another common cause of spinal chondrosis was trauma. However, today, doctors identify many causes that can provoke the destruction of cartilaginous tissue.

For convenience, they are grouped into three main groups:

  1. Associated with the disruption of the spine, due to which the intervertebral discs suffer.
  2. Associated with prolonged stay in a forced posture and constant static loads. In turn, this can lead to a shift in the center of gravity and an uneven distribution of loads on the spine.
  3. Associated with strong dynamic loads, such, for example, that arise during heavy physical work or occupations in professional sports.

In addition, to provoke the destruction of intervertebral discs can:

  • Diseases that cause metabolic disorders.
  • Overweight.
  • Constant stress.
  • Congenital or acquired spine defects.
  • Wrongly formulated diet, in which there are no necessary substances for the spine, such as hyaluronic acid, collagen, calcium and B vitamins.
  • Continuous hypothermia or, conversely, overheating.
  • Too high or, conversely, low muscle tone of the back and neck

Intervertebral discs are not endowed with their own circulatory system. All the necessary nutrients they receive only from surrounding tissues through diffusion. That is why any violation in the structure of the spine affects them in the first place.


Symptoms of chondrosis will depend on exactly where the change in the cartilage tissue takes place. However, there are several common features. These include:

  • Pain in the back, which most often does not differ in severity and appears after high loads or a long stay in one position.
  • Stiffness of movements, which is especially noticeable in cervical and lumbar chondrosis.
  • A crunch in the spine that occurs when sharp movements occur.

In addition, certain signs of chondrosis will be present depending on which of the parts of the spine suffered more:

  1. Chondrosis of the neck almost always causes headaches, tinnitus, visual and hearing impairment. There are often sharp jumps in blood pressure. Pain can be given in shoulders and in the area of ​​scapula.
  2. Chondrosis of the thoracic region often provokes pain behind the sternum and numbness of the hands, which is easily confused with the manifestation of angina or intercostal neuralgia. Sometimes pinching of the vertebrae in the area of ​​the chest can cause difficulty in breathing and coughing.
  3. Lumbar chondrosis is manifested by pain in the lower back, which can give to the region of the sacrum and lower limbs. Progressing, chondrosis of the lumbar spine can lead to blood circulation disorders and numbness in the legs.

The most dangerous form of the disease is the chondrosis of the neck, as with its development, cerebral circulation disorders and increased intracranial pressure may occur.

Treatment after diagnosis

Everything begins with a thorough diagnosis.

In fact pains behind a breast bone, in a loin or headaches can be signs of absolutely other diseases, with a backbone in any way not connected.

Some of them, for example, myocardial infarction, angina or stroke, require emergency hospitalization and very different therapies.

Chondrosis of the spine is quite easy to confuse with other diseases, so when you have back pain, do not try to cure them yourself!


How to treat chondrosis and what exactly to prescribe drugs will depend on its kind.

The treatment regimens for cervical, thoracic and lumbar chondrosis may differ slightly.

However, in any of them will be present preparations aimed at pain relief and restoration of cartilaginous tissue. As a rule, doctors appoint:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that help get rid of the pain and inflammation that usually accompanies acute chondrosis.
  • Spasmolytics and muscle relaxants, are able to relieve the increased muscle tension, which is especially common with chondrosis of the lumbar region and neck.
  • Chondroprotectors are preparations containing substances necessary for the cartilaginous tissue of intervertebral discs.
  • Vitamins of group B, helping to restore nervous conduction and establish metabolic processes in the spine.
  • Preparations that improve peripheral circulation. Usually they are prescribed for chondrosis of the neck

Additionally, agents can be used to help get rid of certain symptoms. For example, if the chondrosis of the neck provokes high blood pressure, then drugs that can reduce it are included in the scheme.

Physical training, manual therapy and massage

Treatment of chondrosis at home with the help of special exercises is possible only in the absence of deformation of the vertebral column and vertebral hernia. Otherwise, you should only practice in special centers under the supervision of a physiotherapist.

Even after the manifestations of chondrosis disappeared, it is impossible to stop physical education. If you have problems with the spine, exercises aimed at strengthening the back muscles must be carried out by you constantly.

As for massage and manual therapy, these methods can also help get rid of stiffness and restore the mobility of the spine. However, their use is only after pain and inflammation are removed.

Folk remedies

Deserved popularity is enjoyed by the treatment of chondrosis with folk remedies. There are several recipes for cooking potions for internal use:

  • Seeds of celery in the amount of one tablespoon you need to pour 200 ml of hot, boiled water and let it brew for five hours. It is more convenient to use a thermos for this. The resulting infusion should be taken 20 ml three times a day. Course - 30 days.
  • The roots and rhizome of the saber in the amount of 70 g. pour one liter of pure vodka without additives of flavors and dyes and insist 10 days, in a dark and cool place. The obtained tincture can be taken orally 15 ml, three times daily before meals, for one month or used for compresses.

Treatment of chondrosis folk remedies can be carried out with the help of compresses and rubbing, which will help get rid of pain and excessive tension. There are simple recipes that can be used for this purpose:

  1. Sea salt in an amount of one kilogram mixed with two tablespoons of mustard powder and bran, add 50 ml of water. The resulting mixture is heated in a frying pan to a comfortable temperature, applied to a painful place, covered with a film and wrapped in a warm cloth. Compress should be kept until it cools.
  2. The blue clay is diluted with water to a consistency of thick sour cream, camphor or fir oil can be added to the mixture. Apply to a sore spot, cover with a film and a warm cloth. Keep the compress until it cools.
  3. A mixture of an equal amount of raw potatoes and honey will help cope with aching pain and stiffness in the back. The mixture must be applied to the tissue, applied to a sore spot, covered with a film and a warm cloth on top. Keep the compress can be up to two hours.

Usually, the course of treatment with compresses is seven days. Then you need to take a break for a week and then, if necessary, you can use your favorite recipes again.

No matter how effective the people's means seem to you, they can not replace the prescribed treatment regimens.

The treatment of chondrosis is a long process, taking many months. Some drugs, for example, chondroprotectors or vitamins, you have to drink for many months. However, your health will depend on the state of your back, correct posture and ability of the spine to cope with the stresses.

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