Poisoning in children with alcohol, drugs and toxic substances

Today we will talk about what to do if a child or teenager is poisoned by alcohol, drugs or toxic substances. There are certain symptoms and signs of poisoning in children and adolescents. It is important to be able to recognize this in time and be able to provide first-aid for poisoning of this kind.

During adolescence, there is a sharp rise in poisoning, which is associated with the use of children's alcoholic beverages, toxic drugs and drugs. We will make use of the recommendations of specialists in the field of pediatrics and narcology.


Alcohol poisoning: what to do?

Alcohol intoxication of the body is associated with the use of alcohol-containing drinks by children and adolescents.

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Do not forget that the desire of adolescents to appear adults and independent is realized by them mainly with the help of alcoholic drinks and other forbidden fruits. Carefully look at the teenager returning from the walk and call for a conversation. If he willingly communicates with you and sits down to supper with everyone, there is no cause for concern. If he avoids communication, refuses supper, referring to fatigue, immediately goes to his room and goes to bed, and in a dream he rushes, talks, fights off someone's hands, think about poisoning with psychotropic drugs. Not every mother will guess that the restless sleep of the boy who came from the walk is associated with the reception of "wheels", and the son of a dead man who has fallen without feelings near the door is drunk.

How to help a teenager with alcohol intoxication?

  1. To bring it to life, ammonia will help you: moisten the cotton wool with alcohol and bring it to the nose. If you turn your head and express displeasure with mooing, cursing, pushing away the outstretched hand of help( with ammonia), then everything is in order. A few more breaths of ammonia vapors, and the teenager will come to himself.
  2. Now put him on a chair, put a bowl next to him or a bucket and start to wash the stomach in a "restaurant" way. In one liter of water, dilute a tablespoon of soda and get a young alcoholic to drink the entire dose, then induce vomiting by pressing on the root of the tongue. After this uncomplicated procedure, the condition immediately improves.
  3. Now solder it with any liquids: tea with lemon, mineral water, juices, compotes, fruit drinks, etc. The water load will quickly remove the products of alcohol breakdown from the body. All interrogations, morals and lectures leave for tomorrow. Now he feels so bad that he should regret it.

In some children, literally two or three drinks of beer or gin and tonic cause intoxication. The provoking factors are eating on a hungry stomach and snacking with a "sleeve" or a cigarette, as well as a low activity of the enzyme, designed to destroy alcohol in the body. It is not necessary to bring down on your teenager all your anger and showering insults. He once had to try the "forbidden fruit" for the first time. It so happened that the first experiment was unsuccessful. And maybe, on the contrary, successful? Many young men and girls after such excesses for a long time turn away from alcoholic beverages, not wanting to repeat the past.

Poisoning with toxic substances: how to recognize?

To achieve intoxication and hallucinations, some adolescents use medicines and toxic drugs. With long-term admission of certain drugs, the teenager learns to control his sensations, he can cause the necessary hallucinations: auditory, visual, tactile.

Tablets that are used to achieve "high", adolescents call "wheels", and those who accept them, "cyclists".

Sometimes parents should know the youth slang to understand that this is not an ordinary bike ride.

No need to be particularly keen to suspect a child of poisoning with a psychotropic drug. Suffice it to observe the mental and motor excitement, which indicates the presence of hallucinations, dry lips and mucous membranes of the mouth, wide pupils to guess the poisoning.

Children who do not have the financial means to purchase alcoholic beverages, "wheels", drugs, make up a group of drug addicts using various toxic substances for inhalation( "sniffing") and through skin use. For this purpose, organic solvents, acetone, gasoline, BF glue and other substances are used."Young chemists" shave a small patch on the nape of the head, onto which a cloth is moistened in a "fun" liquid, put on a baseball cap and go "high", periodically adding "witchcraft" to the headdress.

Do not leave your grown children without supervision and control."Innocent" children's pranks with "wheels" and low-alcohol drinks create the ground for alcoholism and drug addiction.

Drug poisoning: first aid

Fortunately, there are few true drug addicts among children, as they can not afford drugs. But one can not be sure that next to a teenager there will not be a "good uncle" who will treat "duria" or "put on a needle", immediately making addicted to drugs.

The main symptoms of narcotic poisoning are familiar to many if not with their own eyes, thanks to television and cinema: the central nervous system and gastrointestinal tract function is depressed, blood pressure, convulsions, acute respiratory and cardiovascular insufficiency develop. Drugs depress the respiratory center, so the main cause of death is the stop of breathing.

Many parents do not even suspect that their son( daughter) is using drugs, and, finding him in a helpless( unconscious) state, are least likely to think about drug intoxication.

A typical picture of drug poisoning looks like this:

Immediately after taking an increased dose of the drug, a joyful mood, euphoria, is replaced by dizziness, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, loss of consciousness. The skin is pale, cold to the touch, breathing is rare, superficial, in severe cases, respiratory arrest occurs.

A characteristic symptom of heroin poisoning is the sharp narrowing of the pupils and their lack of reaction to light!

One group with heroin includes opium, omnopon, morphine, promedol, methadone, fentanyl.

First Aid at Home

If you suspect a drug poisoning, immediately call for an ambulance, before the brigade arrives, support the breathing of the injured person, and in the absence of it, perform mouth-to-mouth respiration.

First aid for poisoning with any substance that enters the body through the mouth, consists of washing the stomach and intestines and taking adsorbents that accelerate the removal of toxins from the body.

Inhalation poisoning requires access to clean fresh air( remove the cellophane packet from the head and take it out to the street).

If the poisonous substance enters the body through the skin, then the first aid is a good headache first in the direct, and then in the figurative sense of the word.

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  1. Related Videos.
  2. «Pediatrics: A complete reference book for parents / L.Sh. Anikeeva ": Moscow: Publishing house" Exmo ".

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