Diseases of bones and joints: the most common diseases


  • 1Bone diseases: types, symptoms and treatment
    • 1.1Pathology of the bone system: a description
    • 1.2Disease of bones and joints: varieties
    • 1.3Causes of development of bone pathologies
    • 1.4Clinical picture in pathologies of bones
    • 1.5Diagnosis of pathology of the musculoskeletal system
    • 1.6Differential diagnosis of bone diseases
    • 1.7Diseases of the bones: treatment of pathologies
    • 1.8Diet therapy for bone pathologies
    • 1.9Medical and surgical treatment
    • 1.10Prevention of bone pathologies
  • 2Diseases of the musculoskeletal system: a list and symptoms
    • 2.1Arthritis
    • 2.2Osteoarthritis
    • 2.3Bechterew's disease
    • 2.4Hygroma joint
    • 2.5Hip Dysplasia
    • 2.6Koktsigodiniya
    • 2.7Osteoporosis of bones
    • 2.8Osteocondritis of the spine
    • 2.9Flat-footedness
    • 2.10Gout
    • 2.11Rickets
    • 2.12Sacroiliitis
    • 2.13Synovitis
    • 2.14Scoliosis
    • 2.15Spondylolisthesis
    • 2.16Stenosis of the spinal canal
    • 2.17Tendovaginitis
    • 2.18Tuberculosis of bones
    • 2.19Spur heel
    • 2.20Epicondylitis of the elbow joint
  • 3Diseases of bones and joints
  • 4Diseases of human bones
    • 4.1Diseases of the bones of the legs
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Bone diseases: types, symptoms and treatment

As you know, the skeleton is the support for the whole organism. Without the bone system, we could not only carry out various movements, but even stand. Therefore, the skeletal support function is one of the most important abilities necessary for life.

Unfortunately, bone diseases are quite common. Most often they are associated with joint pathologies.

In most cases, problems with the musculoskeletal system begin to appear in the elderly. Especially often they develop in women who are in the menopause period.

Nevertheless, bone pathologies occur in people of all ages. No exception - children and newborns.

Pathology of the bone system: a description

Diseases of bones and joints are characterized by violations of the musculoskeletal function, which are reflected by such symptoms, such as gait change, inability to make a tilt or turn, deformity of the limb or the spine. Pathologies can be both congenital (genetically incorporated), and acquired during life. Diseases are divided into localized (span one or more bones) and common, which affect the entire musculoskeletal system. Pathologies can have inflammatory, genetic (congenital anomalies), tumor character. Also, lesions of the musculoskeletal system include fractures, joint dislocations, deformities and contractures in system pathologies of the body. Diseases of human bones have the same prevalence throughout the world. More often they are found among the female population. Nevertheless, the percentage of men who have pathology of the musculoskeletal system is also great.

Disease of bones and joints: varieties

The etiology of bone-joint pathologies is different. It depends on what kind of disease takes place in a particular case. Proceeding from this, pathologies are divided into the following groups:

  1. Dystrophic lesions. These include rickets in childhood and osteoporosis, which occurs in adults. They arise because of the insufficiency of microelements (calcium, phosphorus). Lack of these substances can occur with malnutrition, as well as a violation of the thyroid gland, ovaries.
  2. Inflammatory pathologies - osteomyelitis. This disease develops as a result of the introduction of microbial agents into bone tissue. In this case, its destruction - necrosis.
  3. Traumatic injuries of the musculoskeletal system. These include cracks and fractures of bones. Also, this group includes damage to the joints and ligaments (dislocation, sprain). The causes of bone diseases of a traumatic nature are strokes, compression and other mechanical factors.
  4. Degenerative (dysplastic) pathologies. To include osteoarthritis, Bechterew's disease. The etiologic factor of these pathologies is precisely unknown. It is believed that they can have a genetic (genetic) character, and also belong to autoimmune lesions of bone tissue.
  5. Tumor lesions of the musculoskeletal system.
  6. Rare genetic syndromes. These include Paget's disease, imperfect osteogenesis, and so on.

Causes of development of bone pathologies

Despite the fact that all diseases of bones have a different etiology, there are factors that provoke any of the listed pathologies. These include the following impacts:

  1. Incorrect food. Inadequate intake of foods rich in calcium leads to a decrease in bone density. As a result, adults develop osteoporosis.
  2. Shortage of sunlight. This cause leads to a disease like rickets. This pathology is common in young children.
  3. Violation of the hormonal background. Especially it concerns a thyroid gland. This body is responsible for maintaining a balance between calcium and phosphorus, necessary for the bone system. Also, the pathology of the musculoskeletal system can lead to disruption of parathyroid glands and ovaries.
  4. Excessive load on the skeleton. This reason implies constant weight lifting, prolonged physical exertion, obesity.
  5. Chronic foci of infection. It is worth remembering that bacterial or viral damage of any organ can lead to the penetration of microbes into the bone system.
  6. Systemic pathologies.
  7. Genetic predisposition to diseases of bones and joints. For example, osteoarthritis or gout in the parents.

Clinical picture in pathologies of bones

Symptoms of bone disease depend on the pathology itself, and also on the degree of its severity. Nevertheless, the clinical picture of diseases of the musculoskeletal system has some common characteristics.

These include unpleasant sensations during movements, deformation of the bone or joint, swelling and soreness in the lesion. These signs are typical for almost all pathologies.

Inflammatory bone diseases in addition to these symptoms are manifested by increased body temperature, general weakness, loss of appetite.

Such a pathology, like osteoporosis, may not have any clinical picture. To suspect a disease is usually possible because of frequent traumatization of the patient, leading to fractures of bones.

Another pathology, having a dystrophic character, is osteomalacia. In adults, it can be considered an independent disease, in children - the manifestation of rickets. The main symptom of osteomalacia is soreness in the place of softening of the bone, unpleasant sensations when walking.

Clinical manifestations of cancer of the musculoskeletal system depend on the stage of the process.

Usually a tumor is characterized by the appearance of a segment of compaction (elevation) along the bone that tends to grow.

In severe stages, there is an increase in lymph nodes, subfebrile temperature, weakness.

Diagnosis of pathology of the musculoskeletal system

To find out what diseases of bones can be observed in the patient, it is necessary to conduct a survey not only of the musculoskeletal system, but of the whole organism as a whole. The main reason for contacting the clinic are complaints of pain, restriction of movement, deformation.

The specialist should find out the following factors: whether there was a trauma or excessive physical exertion. After this, an examination of the osteoarticular system is performed. The doctor asks the patient to make various movements and assesses their performance.


Among the laboratory data are important indicators such as leukocytes and ESR, uric acid, calcium and phosphorus. Also, if the patient complains of tenderness or stiffness of joints, it is necessary to conduct an analysis for the detection of rheumatoid factor.


In addition, radiography of the bones is performed. If necessary, computer tomography is performed.

Differential diagnosis of bone diseases

In order to distinguish one disease of bones from another, you need to carefully examine the patient. When getting injuries immediately carried out X-ray, and the diagnosis is not difficult.

Inflammatory process can be suspected due to examination of the limb (the presence of a wound with a purulent hyperemia and edema), increased body temperature, laboratory data (leukocytosis, acceleration ESR).

Dystrophic changes in the bones are diagnosed with an X-ray. If a tumor or cyst is suspected, a CT scan is performed.

Such pathologies as osteoarthrosis or ankylosing spondylitis are detected (to a greater extent) due to the clinical picture. They are characterized by a pronounced deformation of the musculoskeletal system and a change in gait.

Diseases of the bones: treatment of pathologies

Even with minor soreness or restricted movements, you should consult a doctor. When getting injured, it is important to make an X-ray in time and apply a cast, since the bone may not properly be welded, after which a longer treatment will be required.

Also, medical care must be treated when ulcers occur. Especially it concerns patients suffering from diabetes mellitus and varicose veins.


Despite the fact that these pathologies are not associated with the musculoskeletal system, trophic ulcers can lead to the development of osteomyelitis. With curvature of the spine, flat feet and gait disturbance, one should consult an orthopedist.


The traumatologist is responsible for fractures and dislocations of the joints. Rheumatologist specializes in inflammatory reaction as a result of autoimmune process.

Diet therapy for bone pathologies

Any bone disease is an indication for adherence to a diet. Proper nutrition will help not only to strengthen the bones, but also to avoid further development of pathology. Most of this concerns traumatic and dystrophic diseases.

To ensure the proper level of calcium in the body, it is necessary to use dairy products. The greatest content of this element is observed in hard sorts of cheese, cottage cheese, kefir. Also sources of calcium are liver, cabbage and nuts.

It is not recommended the use of sugar, grapes, beans and alcoholic beverages.

Medical and surgical treatment

In inflammatory diseases of bones and joints apply drugs of the NSAID group. They include medicines "Diclofenac "Artoxane "Aeralt". Anesthetics are also recommended.

For example, the drug Ketonal. This medication is also necessary for traumatic bone lesions. In women, menopause often develops osteoporosis.

To reduce the fragility of bones, the use of estrogen-containing drugs is recommended. With severe deformation of the musculoskeletal system, surgical intervention is performed.

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Also, surgical treatment is indicated in case of detection of a tumor and the development of osteomyelitis.

Prevention of bone pathologies

To avoid the appearance or development of bone pathologies, it is necessary to observe the diet, get rid of excess weight.

It is also recommended to perform a set of physical exercises, but here the main thing is not to overdo it.

Prevention of inflammatory processes is sanation of foci of infection and antibiotic therapy during exacerbation of chronic diseases (sinusitis, tonsillitis).

A source: http://.ru/article/262374/zabolevaniya-kostey-vidyi-simptomyi-i-lechenie

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system: a list and symptoms

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system is a group of diseases that affects bones, joints, muscles, connective tissue.

I can be inflammatory, pathological, tumor and other nature.

Most often arise as independent diseases, but sometimes they can be symptoms of other diseases.


  • Arthritis
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Bechterew's disease
  • Hygroma joint
  • Hip Dysplasia
  • Koktsigodiniya
  • Osteoporosis of bones
  • Osteocondritis of the spine
  • Flat-footedness
  • Gout
  • Rickets
  • Sacroiliitis
  • Synovitis
  • Scoliosis
  • Spondylolisthesis
  • Stenosis of the spinal canal
  • Tendovaginitis
  • Tuberculosis of bones
  • Spur heel
  • Epicondylitis of the elbow joint

The main symptoms that occur in diseases of the musculoskeletal system are joint, muscle, and spinal pain, which can be intensified by movement or "on the weather."

Consider in detail the 20 most common ailments of the musculoskeletal system.


A group of inflammatory diseases affecting the joints. Depending on the prevalence of the disease, monoarthritis (one joint is affected) and polyarthritis (several joints) differ. The disease can occur suddenly (acute form) or develop gradually (chronic form).

Depending on the causes that caused the disease, arthritis happens:

  • reactive;
  • rheumatoid;
  • infectious;
  • gouty;
  • psoriatic;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • traumatic.

Each type of disease is characterized by its symptoms. Let's consider the common, for all types of arthritis, signs:

  • pain;
  • swelling;
  • redness;
  • crunch (osteoarthritis);
  • elevated temperature (reactive and infectious arthritis).


Under arthrosis is understood the age-related deformity of the joints, which is most often manifested in the elderly.

The disease develops due to the deterioration of cartilage and their gradual destruction.

According to statistics, arthrosis is the most common joint disease, which affects more than 70% of the world population.

Symptoms of arthrosis:

  • joint pain during movement;
  • crunching joints;
  • poor mobility of the affected limb;
  • change the shape of the joint.

Bechterew's disease

Another name is ankylosing spondylitis. Bekhterev's disease is a fairly rare disease, in which intervertebral joints become inflamed, shrinking in size, which makes the movement of the spine difficult or restricted.


  • pain in the spine, sometimes giving to the buttocks or legs;
  • stiffness of movements;
  • increased sedimentation rate of erythrocytes.

Hygroma joint

Hygroma is a tumor-like formation in the joint region. Most often appears between the wrist and the radius, it looks like a bump.

In most cases, patients do not show any symptoms before the cones grow. Education is located under the skin, it is movable, but below is attached to the joint. Gradually the lump increases, there is dull pain due to the mechanical pressure of the formation on the tissues and nerves.

One of the main distinctive features of the hygroma from other tumoral formations is its absolute safety, the hygroma never degenerates into cancer.

Hip Dysplasia

It is a congenital pathology of the hip joint structure, in which it is incorrectly oriented in space relative to the pelvic cavity. With this disease, the musculoskeletal function of the limb is impaired.

Symptoms occur even in infancy. What you should pay attention to my mother:

  1. The length of the legs. With dysplasia, they will not be the same length.
  2. On the symmetry of the gluteal folds.
  3. On excess wrinkles on the thigh.
  4. On the symmetry of the diluted legs.
  5. On extraneous sounds (click, crunch) while the limbs are moving.

When these symptoms are detected, the orthopedist should be consulted as early as possible.


Kotsigodniya - is the pain felt in the coccyx. The disease is more affected by women than men, which is due to the peculiarities of the structure of the female body and the childbearing function.

The main symptom is a permanent or periodic pain in the coccyx. Most often koktsigodiniya appears after injuries (falling back on the buttocks, coccyx bruises from the back). Painful sensations can appear both at once, and within half a year after a trauma.

In addition, the pain in the coccyx may be caused by other factors:

  • pregnancy;
  • diseases of the peri-ocum muscles and nerves;
  • constant use of a soft or very hard stool;
  • diseases of the spine.

Osteoporosis of bones

A disease that affects the human skeleton, which breaks the structure and strength of bone tissue.

In Greek, "osteo" means bone, and "poros" means "time if you combine these two words, you get the porosity of the bones.

According to statistics, women suffer from osteoporosis much more often than men.

Symptoms at the initial stage:

  • discomfort between the shoulder blades;
  • weakness of muscles;
  • pain in the lower back and extremities.

In the later stages:

  • reduction in human growth visible to the naked eye;
  • curvature of posture (stoop, scoliosis);
  • frequent fractures.

Osteocondritis of the spine

Osteochondrosis - a violation of the structure of the intervertebral bones, which reduces the flexibility and mobility of the spine. The disease develops gradually.

First, microtraumas of cartilages appear, which can be caused by severe physical exertion or trauma, then the intervertebral discs begin to lose their elasticity and "flatten out".


  1. Pain, the place of which depends on the location of the lesions. Can hurt your hands, neck, chest, etc.
  2. Numbness of muscles.

When squeezing blood vessels, appear:

  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • noise in ears;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • fainting.


The change in the shape of the foot, at which the arch falls, is called the flatfoot. Most often it develops due to insufficient or excessive load on the foot, various diseases.

Flattening is sufficiently well defined visually. Find out what a flat foot looks like, you can not photo below.

Other symptoms:

  • pain during prolonged walking;
  • pain while standing still (in later stages);
  • deformation of the foot;
  • the appearance of a "painful" bone on the thumb;

The arches of the foot play a very important role in the human musculoskeletal system. It performs a cushioning function when walking.

When the arch is omitted, this function is violated, and the spine assumes the cushioning.

Due to the additional load, intervertebral discs wear out more quickly, symptoms may appear in the form of pain, pinching of nerves.


Metabolic disorders, in which the deposition of salts in joints occurs. According to statistics, men suffer from gout more often after 40, less often - women after menopause. Gout can affect absolutely all the joints of the body, but most often the disease affects the big toe.


  • inflammation of the joint;
  • redness of the skin;
  • increased temperature in the damaged area;
  • formation of growths on the joint;
  • attacks of gouty arthritis, appearing in the morning or at night;


Rickets is a childhood disease in which the formation of bones is broken due to a lack of vitamin D.

Symptoms at the initial stage:

  • restless sleep;
  • tearfulness and irritability;
  • very strong sweating;
  • damage or loss of hair in the occipital region;

In the later stages:

  • delay in the closure of the fontanel and the growth of teeth;
  • muscle weakness;
  • deformation of the legs in rickets, they become X-shaped or O-shaped;
  • deformity of the pelvic bones in girls;
  • appearance of parietal and frontal tubercles;
  • deformation of the chest (indentation or protrusion).

When the internal organs are affected:

  • frequent vomiting;
  • disruption of the intestine;
  • enlargement of the liver;
  • blanching of the skin.


It is an inflammation of the sacroiliac joint, which can affect both the joint itself and the tissue around it. Depending on the form of the disease (rheumatic or infectious), the symptoms of the disease also differ.

Rheumatic form:

  • pain in the buttocks, giving to the thigh;
  • pain strong at rest and weakening during movements;
  • stiffness in the lower back after sleep.

Infectious form:

  • sharp pain in the sacrum;
  • painful feelings are given to the buttocks and limbs;
  • pain becomes stronger with movements of the foot or pressure on the affected area;
  • redness of the skin.


Synovitis - inflammation of the synovial membrane of the joint, in which accumulation of fluid takes place in its cavity. In most cases, the synovitis affects the knee joint, but others can sometimes be affected. Very rare cases of more than one joint.


  • an increase in the size of the joint (acute form);
  • feeling of pressure from within;
  • pain;
  • weakness (rarely)
  • increase in total and local temperature;
  • limited movement of the joint;
  • painful feelings when pressing.

In acute purulent synovitis:

  • elevated temperature;
  • chills and malaise;
  • delirium (very rarely);
  • strong pain;
  • swelling of the joint;
  • enlargement of lymph nodes (rarely).

With a chronic synovitis, almost all of the above symptoms can be present, but they will be weakly expressed.


It is a curvature of the spine sideways, accompanied by asymmetry of the body and protruding rib or scapula.

Symptoms that are determined visually:

  • Shoulders are not at the same height;
  • one of the blades bulges;
  • The waist is not symmetrical;
  • folds on the trunk are not the same;

In addition, scoliosis can be accompanied by pain, rapid fatigue of the back, difficulty breathing.


It is a disease of the spine, in which one of the vertebrae is shifted forward or backward relative to the entire vertebral column.


  • pain at the bottom of the back, intensifying after a load;
  • Difficulty of movements of the lower spine;
  • tingling, numbness in the limbs;
  • loss of control over urination and defecation (with nerve compression).
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Stenosis of the spinal canal

Under the stenosis of the spinal canal is meant the narrowing of the diameter of the spine. The disease is most common in the elderly, but sometimes occurs in young people. The main cause of the development of the disease is congenital problems with the spine.

The main symptom of stenosis of the spinal canal is pain in the spine, which can give in the leg.

Other manifestations:

  • leg cramps;
  • pain in the buttocks, down the back of the thigh;
  • difficulty in maintaining balance;
  • dysfunction of the intestine and / or bladder.


Tendovaginitis - inflammation of tendon sheaths. Most often the disease affects the hands, feet, forearms.


  • painful sensations in the affected area;
  • redness and swelling of the skin;
  • edema;

With an infectious tendovaginitis, the above symptoms are accompanied by fever, chills, general weakness.

Tuberculosis of bones

Tuberculosis of bones is a chronic inflammatory disease of the musculoskeletal system. After pulmonary tuberculosis is the most common type of disease. It is most often localized in the spine.

At the initial stage of the disease, the symptoms are weak or they may not be present at all. Usually, the body temperature rises to 37 ° C. The patient is observed:

  • lethargy and weakness;
  • decreased efficiency;
  • muscle pain;
  • drowsiness.

At the next stage of the disease all the symptoms become pronounced, pains are added to them in the affected area of ​​the bones that occur most often during movements. Violated gait and posture. When the spine is affected, the muscles along it become inflamed and swell.

The last stage is characterized by:

  • spread of tuberculosis to other bones;
  • heat;
  • severe pain;
  • if the spine is affected, its movements are greatly hampered or become impossible.

Spur heel

The medical name is plantar fasciitis. The disease is an inflammation of the connective membrane of the foot, most often caused by trauma.


  • pain with a load on the heel;
  • sharp pains in the heel at the first steps in the morning;
  • feeling of tension in the Achilles tendon.

Epicondylitis of the elbow joint

It is an inflammation in the elbow area. More often the disease develops due to the monotonous load on the arm, which causes constant flexion-extension of the elbow.

The main symptom of the disease - pain in the forearm, which can give to the shoulder and strengthen with a load (for example, with a handshake).

→ Home treatment → Diseases of the musculoskeletal system → Page 2

A source: http://www.lechim-prosto.ru/lechenie-doma/kostnoj

Diseases of bones and joints

Diseases of the bones and joints of man.

In the human body there are approximately 245 different bones on which soft tissues rest. To the bones, a large part of the muscles is attached. The joints serve to connect the bones of the mobile. Quite often, bone and joint diseases result from injuries or diseases of the internal organism.

What are these diseases and how to treat?

Classification of the bone system of human diseases

Avascular necrosis (osteonecrosis)
Also, avascular necrosis is known as osteonecrosis, aseptic (non-infectious) necrosis, or "ischemic necrosis of the bone it is a condition that arises with circulatory deficiencies in bones. So, as a human bone is the same living tissue, like others in the body, and it needs a constant blood supply, for otherwise the dying out of cells is inevitable. And if this pernicious process is not stopped, then it will lead to the destruction of the bone full.

Rheumatoid arthritis
Arthritis is a generalizing term for inflammation in the joints.

Inflammation of the joints with reddening is characterized by hyperthermia local (increased T), pain in the joint and edema.

Symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis:pain, swelling of the joints and ligaments, processes of inflammatory face, swelling of the joint, shortness of breath at rest, crunching in the joints.

Bursa (in the singular - bursa, from the Latin bursa - "bag" means) is called a fluid filled space, softens the movement that is between the bone and the ligament or the skin. In the same way as with air packs in air bags, these friction bags are reduced in parts of the body moving, for example: in the shoulder, thigh, heel, knee, at the elbow.

Bursitis. Treatment of bursitis.

Inflammation of the joints.

Here you can find the recommendations that will help you to protect your joints from damage and diseases such as arthritis for daily maintenance of health and a functional state of normal joints.
Symptoms of inflammation of the joints:joint pain, cold hands, inflammation.

Herniated disc of the intervertebral spine of the lumbar region
This disease is still known as a disk "jumped out" or "knocked out."

Herniated disc of the intervertebral arises more often in the lower back.

Violation of this causes back pain more often than others, in the leg (due to sciatic nerve inflammation).

Herniated disc of lumbar spine. Treatment.

Herniated disc of the intervertebral cervical spine
What should I know about a hernia in general? Herniated disease of the spine is called, in which the central part of the jelly-like disk of the intervertebral more dense breaks the capsule outward through a weak spot formed. This process can be compared with a jam squeezing out a donut. The pain develops in the arm or in the neck, if the hernia cramps or presses the nerve of the nearby spinal cord. The first stage of treatment in the majority of such cases is the non-surgical restoration. Rehabilitation allows you to return more than 90% of patients to activity daily after six weeks of treatment. If the patient does not agree to the methods of conservative care, then the doctor recommends surgical treatment.

Diseases of bones and joints

Discitis is an inflammation in the spine of the disk space.

This disease is atypical, which can develop in people of different age groups, but most often the children's dysmita affects from eight years and older.

In the ages of other diseases this occurs as a complication, mainly after operations on the back of the performed, but it is only in 1-2% of cases occur.

Rheumatic fever fever
Rheumatism is a rare but potentially potentially life-threatening disease, it is a complication of unrelieved pharyngitis acute, caused by bacteria, to a group of streptococci belonging to.

The main symptoms of rheumatism- increased T, pain in the muscles, joints swollen and painful, in some cases the appearance of a red rash, scattered, a grid similar, and rough.


Symptoms usually begin 1 to 6 weeks after a streptococcal infection is transferred, although in some cases, infections can leak too easily to be seen.


Symptoms:pain and swelling of the joints, wet hands, swelling of the joint, facial inflammation, crunching in the joints.


Metatzalgia is pain in the ankle joint. Metatarsalgia often occurs metatarsalgia in athletes, running involved, etc. sports, high performance demanding and impact large.

Metatzalgia is referred to as a symptom, not a specific disease. This foot disease is common, affecting the bones and the ankle joint.

With metatarsalgia, the focus is often in the areas of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th phalanges of the fingers and is often localized in the metatarsal head of the first (this is the base of the thumb of the large one).

Arthritis is a general term for the identification of inflammation in the joints. Osteoarthritis, also called degenerative joint disease, is the most common type of arthritis.

It is associated with articular cartilage destruction and can occur in any joint in practice, but in the joints most often, a significant load of experiencing, like, hip for example, the spine, the knee joint.

Another osteoarthritis can affect the fingers, especially the thumbs of the hands and legs, neck, and does not usually affect the joints of the rest, unless they are only exposed to excessive or traumatic stresses.

Symptoms of osteoarthritis: pain in the region of the hip joint, pain in the middle of the back, cold hands, joint pain.

Osteoarthritis. Treatment of osteoarthritis.

An osteomyelitis disease is called, the basis of which is inflammation and bone tissue swelling associated with infection, usually.

The aforementioned ailment is caused by different causes and both in adults observed and children. And most often these factors lead to infection of bones.

Osteomyelitis. Treatment of osteomyelitis.

Osteoporosis is the disease of the bones, in which the elements of the skeleton become thin and brittle. In this case, the cavity is formed inside the bones, the internal space is reminiscent of a sponge.

Osteoporosis patients often go to the hospital with a fracture of the hip, spine, wrist. Damage data affect significantly the activities of the daily, lead to changes forced in the style of life.


In X-ray photographs, it is easy to distinguish bone thinned after certain diseases transferred from the skeletal element of a healthy one.


Osteoporosis. Treatment of osteoporosis.

Shoulder-flap periarthritis (capsulitis adhesive)
Shoulder-scapular periarthritis of the shoulder joint disease is characterized by the loss of a range of movements significant in all directions due to scar formation around the joint.

The range of movements is not only limited when the patient tries to move independently, but also when the joint physician tries to set the joint forcibly, the patient is still relaxed. Pleural shoulder periarthritis as an adhesive capsule is still mentioned.

Gout is one of the types of arthritis.

Gout can cause sudden bouts of pain, joint stiffness and swelling, usually the thumb of the big leg suffers.

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If the treatment is not started, the seizures can be repeated many times, and cause a significant damage to the joints and tissues adjacent to the time. Gout in men is more common.

Gout. Treatment of gout.

Psoriatic arthritis
Arthritis is a psoriatic form of inflammation of the joints, which can be observed which in some of the million, psoriasis patients.

Psoriasis is a skin disease is manifested by a characteristic red, rash peeling, ankles, on the elbows most often, knees, feet, arms, less often in the places of others.

Symptoms of psoriatic arthritis: pain in the upper and middle parts of the back, swelling of the joints, joint deformation, joint pain, pain in breathing, wet hands, neck deformation, spots on the skin, swelling of the joint.

Psoriatic arthritis. Treatment of psoriatic arthritis.

Scoliosis is an idiopathic - a common type of spine curvature - clearly defined for no reason. It develops in children and adolescents most often, and its appearance is attributed to several causes, among which genetic predisposition.

Scoliosis. Treatment of scoliosis.

Spondyloarthritis ankylosing (Bechterew's disease).
Bechterew's disease - it is also ankylosing spondylitis, of itself is mainly inflammation of the joints of the spine.

Causing a violation of the processes of inflammatory eyes, joints of others, especially the hips, chest walls and heels. It sometimes happens that the ankylosing spondylitis of the shoulder affects the hands, knees of the wrist, ankles, feet.

Although the manifestation of the disease is unusual, it sometimes provokes thickening of the aorta and valve in the heart (aortic valve).

Spondyloarthropathy is a group of current long (chronic) joints of diseases, in children arising (adolescent spondyloarthropathies), and adults.

They include Bechterew's disease, psoriatic arthritis, Reiter's disease (arthritis reactive), arthritis enteropathic, is a joint disease associated with diseases of the intestine inflammatory.
Symptoms of spondylarthropathy:atypical pain syndrome, pain in the upper and lower back, pain and joint swelling, articular pain, joint swelling, neck deformation, joint deformity.

Be always healthy!

Diseases of bones and joints. .

Exercises from all diseases.

More on the treatment of bone diseases and joints:

Osteoarthritis h. 1

Osteoarthritis h. 2


Osteoarthritis of the knee joint


Pain in bones and joints

Back pain


Pain in the legs

If your legs are tired

Arthritis in joints

Salt deposition, treatment of salt deposits

Cervical osteochondrosis




Numbness of hands and feet

Gout, treatment of gout

Rheumatism, treatment of rheumatism

Radiculitis, treatment of radiculitis

Spur heel, spur treatment of heel

A source: http://narodmed-zdorov.ru/zabolevaniya-kostej-i-sustavov/

Diseases of human bones

Possible causes of bone and joint disease:

  • Infections, regular sore throats;
  • Violation of metabolic processes;
  • Work on harmful to health production, hard work;
  • Allergic reaction;
  • Injuries, including birth;
  • Overweight;
  • Age.
  1. Inflammation of the joints.

    Also this disease is called arthritis, its manifestations can differ depending on severity, and can be expressed in one or several places at the same time. Arthritis can be acute or chronic to find out which one - you need to contact a specialist.

    Inflammation of the joints in a chronic form is manifested in the stiffness of the movements, especially at the beginning. Pain may also occur with increased physical activity.


    The acute form manifests itself as a tumor around the joint, the skin becomes hot, and the pain is hard to bear.


    Subspecies of arthritis is quite a lot, therefore, treatment should be carried out only in accordance with the recommendations of the attending physician.

  2. Osteoarthritis.

    Disease of the joints, degradation of the bone and cartilaginous part of the joint, often manifests itself with age, retired people and athletes are prone to arthrosis.

    The development of the disease can lead to disability, but it can be slowed down. For this reason, when there is a constant crunch, pain and difficulty in moving, you should immediately consult a doctor.

    Modern methods of treatment allow, if not completely stop the development of arthrosis, then significantly slow it down.

  3. Osteochondrosis.

    Disease of the bones of the spine, accompanied by degenerative and dystrophic damage to the intervertebral discs, the disease can also directly damage bone tissue.

    The processes of the discs thicken, the ligamentous ligaments become less elastic. As a result, cartilage tissues begin to age rapidly, dehydration leads to a decrease in resistance.

    If earlier people suffered from osteochondrosis older than 35 years, today it can appear in young people.

    Possible causes of occurrence:

    • Incorrect posture;
    • Disturbed metabolism;
    • Injury of the back;
    • High physical load;
    • Training in the gym according to improper methods;
    • Insufficient activity, physical training.

    The disease manifests itself with a dull aching pain in the back area, sometimes pain sensations are transmitted to the internal organs.

    If osteochondrosis leads to squeezing the nerve endings in the neck, there will be a severe headache, dizziness. The patient is disturbed by the gait, vision is clouded, hands and shoulders begin to ache.

    If the disease has manifested itself in the chest, there are pain in the heart and chest. To determine the cause of the disease you need to see a doctor. Other types of illness can cause pain in the legs, in the abdomen or lower back.

  4. Malformations of the bones

    Bone diseases in children are associated with congenital malformations, of course, they persist even after the child grows up.

    Common vices - congenital absence of bones (bones of fingers, shins, extremities), insufficient development of bones (their shape is anatomically incorrect, they are too small, synostoses of pair bones also occur), as well as gigantism (the excessive size of individual parts of the skeleton, or the whole extremities).

  5. Dysplasia

  6. This disease also manifests itself at an early age, it is the consequence of an incorrect embryo formation, in this If the disease is congenital, it can also appear in the child and adult under the influence of certain factors.

    The name is general, it denotes the anomalous arrangement of organs, tissues and parts of the skeleton.

  7. Tumors

    Diseases of human bones can be associated with tumors, but they occupy a share of 1% among tumors of all kinds. Most of the cases refer to people of a young age.

    Scientists do not yet give an exact answer, for what reason they appear, it was possible to find out only that the formation of tumors often takes place after trauma. When they appear, there is a constant pain in the localized area, this is the first evidence of the appearance of such an education.

    Pain manifests itself in the depth of the bone, it is aching and constant, accompanies the patient both in a calm position and during physical exertion.

    At first it may be unstable, appear in the evening and pass to the morning, appear with loads, but with By the time it becomes uninterrupted, it is possible the development of lameness, if the tumor was formed on the lower extremities.

    In the place of pain, swelling appears, fatigue increases, body weight decreases, weakness appears.

Diseases of the bones of the legs

Hip bone pain can be caused by two diseases. Osteoarthritis of the hip joint, associated with too rapid wear of the cartilaginous tissues in the hip joint.

This is accompanied by aching pain, both in the joint and in the bone of the thigh.

Another possible cause is aseptic necrosis of the head of the hip bone, that part of it that is located closer to the body begins to dissolve.

As a result of impaired motor function of the limb, there are strong pain sensations.


Diseases of the leg bones can also be associated with sexually transmitted diseases. In particular, syphilis can be accompanied by pain in the shin at night. In this case, it is necessary to treat syphilis under the supervision of a dermatovenerologist.


Osgood-Schlatter disease leads to the formation of a tuberous formation on the upper part of the tibia. It is here that the muscles are attached, so when you move there is a lot of pain.

The disease is safe for the motor function, nothing is complicated, but until the tuberosity resolves, the patient will experience appreciable pain.

Pain in the foot. In most cases, they are caused by flat feet, a violation of the normal position of the bones of the arch of the foot. The stronger it is expressed, the stronger the ligaments are stretched and the muscles are overstrained.

Pains are manifested after long walks, hard work, and other similar loads.

The foot can also ache due to a disruption in the functioning of the circulatory or nervous system, to which older people are prone.

Older people may experience metatarsalgia, pain in the head of metatarsal bone. This is due to the thinning of the subcutaneous fat layer, which before did not allow the heads to be damaged during physical exertion.

Another common problem is a spur on the heel, the so-called pathology, in which the plantar fascia accumulates on itself an excessive amount of salts, they form the shape of a needle, which causes severe pain when walking.


Pain in the pelvic bones is the result of excessive physical exertion (including during pregnancy), diseases of the circulatory system, as well as in the case of a lack of calcium in the body.


A source: https://medportal.net/bolezni-kostej/