Medicamentous treatment of lumbar radiculitis

The main goals of medicamentous treatment of sciatica of the lumbar spine: relaxation spasmodic muscles, relieving pain symptoms and inflammation, improving the trophism of the affected the spinal nerve.

Since in the vast majority of cases of radiculopathy the primary cause is a more serious pathology, its treatment requires a comprehensive approach. Drug therapy in it is considered as an emergency aid, aimed at removing acute symptoms and improving the patient's condition.

Based on the goals of drug treatment, patients are prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants, restorative medications that promote the normalization of metabolic processes in the affected area and organism as a whole.


  • 1Painkillers
  • 2Injections
  • 3Tablet forms
  • 4Ointments


Treatment of radiculitis in most cases begins with the most innocuous means:paracetamol, analgin, butadioneand non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (orthophene, ibuprofen, naproxen), combining anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

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If relief does not come, drugs are replaced with more effective ones:nimesulide, meloxicam, celecoxib. The last instance is glucocorticosteroid preparations in the form of a blockade.

It should be remembered that there are no universal medicines, each of the drugs has specific contraindications to the use and a number of side effects.

The choice of medicine for each specific case should only be performed by a doctor.This takes into account the severity and nature of the pain, the characteristics of the lesion and a number of other factors. Anti-inflammatory therapy is mandatory supplemented with substances from the group of muscle relaxants.

The combination of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with muscle relaxants in the treatment of radiculitis is the most effective.


In the acute phase of radiculitis, injectable forms are used, since prick with radiculitis and back pains bring relief much faster than any other form of the same active substance. The choice of a specific anesthetic depends on the underlying cause of radiculitis.

Diclofenacandketoprofenhave a more pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, they are prescribed for Bechterew's disease and radiculitis of rheumatoid origin. If radiculopathy is caused by intervertebral hernia or back injury, a more pronounced analgesic effect is required, characteristic ofindomethacinandibuprofen.

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Treatment with nonsteroidal drugs is supplemented by the use of muscle relaxants. For injections,sirdaloord, baclofenandmidol.

Radiculitis is very often accompanied by sleep and emotional disorders. To improve the effectiveness of basic therapy, a doctor can prescribe a course of injections of sedative medications or antidepressants. In the rare cases of a purely psychogenic origin of radiculitis this is enough to stop the pain.

In cases where radiculopathy develops against a background of a viral or other infection, the complex includes the drugs needed to treat the underlying disease.

With deforming arthrosis, hernia with compression of the spinal cord or nerve roots, tumor processes, injuries, intensive pain therapy is required. Intensive methods include novocain blockades. Novocain is sometimes replacedlidocaine, the main drug is combined withhydrocortisone, euphyllin, lidase, vitamin B12.

In severe cases, corticosteroids are used in the form of intraarticular and epidural blockades, radiculopathies in the last stages of oncological lesion of the spine - narcotic painkillers facilities.

In complex therapy of radiculitis may additionally include:

  • antihistamines;
  • hepatoprotectors;
  • angioprotectors and a number of others.
Protective drugs are necessary to prevent possible side effects from the use of primary therapy.

In addition, the course of treatment includes vitamin complexes, biostimulants, vasodilating drugs. With discogenic radiculopathy, complex therapy includes chondroprotectors, which stimulate the regeneration of cartilage.

Tablet forms

Tablets are more convenient in daily use than injections. If in the back as an emergency first aid is recommended to take an anesthetic likeibuprofen, analginorbutadione, to remove the most acute sensations. The further strategy of treatment is chosen by the doctor.

In terms of effectiveness, the tablet form is inferior to the injectable analogues and in the acute phase of radiculitis, an injection course is usually prescribed, lasting up to 10-12 days. When the patient's condition improves, injectable forms of drugs are replaced with tablets.

The principles of drug selection are preserved, the course of treatment involves the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants and auxiliary drugs according to indications (vitamins, protectors, etc.)

Complex substances of the last generation often combine several effects. Their use makes it possible to simplify and speed up the treatment.


External agents in the form of creams, ointments, gels are used to stop inflammation and pain syndrome with radiculitis. They are divided intotwo groups:

  • nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory;
  • annoying.
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The composition of irritants includes bee or snake venom. The ointment is rubbed into the skin in the affected area. After applying the external means, the place of rubbing warms up, the local blood flow activates, the muscles relax and the pain subsides. Sensations of tingling, heat and burning are caused by irritating components.

Drugs with bee venom (for example,Apizarthron) have anti-inflammatory and warming effect, their effectiveness in radiculitis is tested by the experience of many years of use.

No less well known ointment from radiculitis with snake venom under the nameViprosal. The composition of the ointment includes poison gyurzy, camphor and fir oil. Ointments with snake venom are well absorbed and have an immunostimulating effect in addition to anti-inflammatory action.

Ointments, plasters and other irritants for external use are effective against pains of spastic origin, but as a basic (especially one) remedy are not suitable.

Radiculitis is not an independent disease, but a symptom complex, characteristic of the course of a number of diseases.Self-treatment with back pain can do more harm than good.The appearance of pain in the back, regardless of its location - an occasion for an urgent visit to the doctor.

Information about the drugs and tactics of treatment, gleaned on the Internet, will not replace the advice of a specialist. It is allowed to take one-time analgesic tablets to ease a patient's condition while waiting for a doctor or for transportation to a medical institution.