Is it possible to cure scoliosis in adults and how to do it?

Scoliosis is one of the most common progressive diseases of the spine, beginning to be detected in adolescents (from 11 or 12 years).

It develops very quickly. If you do not diagnose and start treatment in time, it can grow from one degree to another and lead to more serious consequences in the form of diseases of internal organs (heart, lungs).

As the body develops more slowly than bones grow, the spine sooner or later takes the form of arc, which at first does not feel, but then the person feels a slight tingling, giving to the area heart.

Especially scoliosis of the spine in adults negatively affects the patient by the fact that with him other internal organs are in a compressed state, however, like the nervous system.


  • 1Who is at risk?
  • 2Types of scoliosis
  • 3Scoliosis of the spine 1-4 degrees in adults - treatment methods
  • 4What is the surgical method of treating spine scoliosis in adults
  • 5Which treatment is most effective

Who is at risk?

Scoliosis can occur in those who:

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  • suffered various injuries;
  • received fracture or severe bruise;
  • constantly occupies an incorrect position of the body.

The latter can be provoked by flat feet or strabismus, different lengths of legs, or a person simply does not follow his posture and very often hunches or sleeps in the wrong position.

Types of scoliosis

In the place of development, scoliosis is divided:

  • cervicothoracic;
  • lumbosacral;
  • lumbar;
  • mixed.

Depending on the severity of scoliosis is:

  • the first degree (for which the following are typical: the contracted shoulders, the asymmetry of the body and the lowered head);
  • second degree (with her neck contours asymmetrical, and the pelvis becomes oblique);
  • third degree (a small hump may appear or the ribs may begin to fall);
  • fourth degree (characterized by stretching of muscle tissue in the area of ​​curvature, intense pain, angle of curvature of 50 degrees or more).
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Scoliosis of the spine 1-4 degrees in adults - treatment methods

Treatment of scoliosis 1 degree- the most favorable in adults, because all treatment is reduced only to external effects on the muscular framework and directly the spine itself. In this case, a doctor (vertebrologist) is assigned special exercises and therapeutic exercises, the purpose of which is to strengthen the spinal muscles and muscles of the body as a whole. In addition, the procedures of manual therapy, acupuncture or acupuncture.

The patient is recommended to adhere to a diet based on a large number of proteins, as well as taking vitamins and vitamin-mineral complexes.

ATtreatment of scoliosis of 2 degreesadults have the following (conservative) ways:

  • manual therapy (as in case of 1 degree of disease) at the choice of a specialist (he can correctly point out with a concave or convex side of the muscle to relax or tone);
  • gnemnastika, aimed at relaxing the muscles on one side and toning on the other;
  • reflexology;
  • water exercises (under the supervision of a doctor and only after his direction);
  • positional therapy;
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures, including electrophoresis, electrostimulation and thermal effects;
  • wearing a fixing corset, made for each patient individually;
  • The use of an extension or gypsum bed as a more reliable fixation of the spine.

In these two cases,folk methods of treatment. These include such types of exercises as squats, "bicycles" and others. When back pain arises, compresses from dandelion flowers or tinctures on chestnuts are applied to the affected area. Also, salt compresses are made, which are very effective in fighting the pain syndrome.

Preparation of a compress on the basis of a saline solution takes little time. Main ingredients: salt (large, better if it is sea, and not ordinary stone) - 25 grams and water - 1 glass.

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A potato compress (potato and horseradish root is grinded, wrapped in cheesecloth and put on a bandage) helps with pains. The most popular compress is the night, prepared from vodka (1/2 cup), leaves of aloe and honey (all components are mixed, after which the resulting mass is impregnated with tissue and applied to the patient place).

Treatment of scoliosis of 3 and 4 degreesnonsurgical methods is possible, but it will only help to stop the process of the development of the disease, and not get rid of it. Conservative methods used in scoliosis 1 and 2 degrees, also help relieve pain, strengthen the muscular system, which has adopted a habitual pathological position.

All the changes that occur in the body after a spinal cord injury are scoliosis, are individual for each ill person and the manual technique of the doctor is more likely than not to be able to help.

The most optimal way to correct scoliosis in adults of the last two degrees is surgery.

Before it is prescribed, a thorough diagnosis is carried out (radiography, monitoring of the respiratory system, pressure and operation of the patient's gastrointestinal tract).

What is the surgical method of treating spine scoliosis in adults

Surgical intervention is an extreme measure, as it can provoke the occurrence of various complications.Surgeons performing the operation set themselves the following tasks:

  • maximum elimination of curvature;
  • prevention or correction of compression of the spinal cord;
  • protection of nerve fibers from further restructuring;
  • prevention of subsequent distortions.

The purpose of surgical intervention in the scoliosis of the spine in adults is to eliminate the compression syndrome. It is important to remember that any mistake made by a doctor performing manipulations can lead to nerve damage, and, as a result, disability.

After the operation, the spine of the patient becomes direct, and this is not a natural condition for him, because of which is often observed in patients in the blood supply (some time in postoperative period). To address this problem, conservative therapy is used, which is used in conjunction with surgical intervention.

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The surgeon performs actions aimed at:

  • stabilization / correction of the spine axis;
  • correction of vertebral defects;
  • elimination of visual (cosmetic) defects;
  • limiting the asymmetry of the muscle system.

Which treatment is most effective

The most effective method for today, able to correct scoliosis, is one that provides for installation on the spineimplants, - special designed structures of metal (dynamic type or stable design).

With the help of the LSZ Endocorrector, scoliosis can be corrected for people 30 years of age and older. In adults, such structures are almost not noticeable, rigidly fixed, so that they do not give a single opportunity for scoliosis to develop.

Scoliosis is a disease with which it is not just possible, but it is necessary to fight. There are many ways to do this at home (provided that the curvature is small and the person visited the doctor). The best approach to the treatment of this disease is a set of techniques, together with their regular application and the desire to recover.

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