Prophylaxis of flat feet in children


  • 1Prophylaxis of flat feet in children of different ages
    • 1.1Causes and consequences
    • 1.2How and at what age to identify the problem in the child
    • 1.3How to recognize pathology, what to look for?
    • 1.4Prevention
    • 1.5Footwear and orthopedic insole
    • 1.6Massage
    • 1.7Orthopedic mat
    • 1.8Gymnastics
    • 1.9other methods
    • 1.10Preventive measures
  • 2Prevention of flat feet in preschool children
  • 3Prophylaxis and treatment of flat feet in children. Exercises
    • 3.1Why does flat feet appear?
    • 3.2What threatens the flat feet?
    • 3.3Diagnosis of flat feet in children
    • 3.4Prophylaxis of flat feet in children
    • 3.5Measures to prevent flat feet in children:
    • 3.6Treatment of flat feet in children
    • 3.7Exercises for the prevention of flat feet in children
    • 3.8Massage tracks made of buttons and beads
    • 3.9Cork massage trays from plastic bottles
    • 3.10Massage paths from supports under hot
    • 3.11Massage cages made of metal cork
    • 3.12The massage path made of wooden sticks
    • 3.13Massager "Stuffed bags"
    • 3.14Massage mats "Stones"
    • instagram viewer
    • 3.15The "Kosichki" massager
    • 3.16Exercises with wooden sticks
    • 3.17Exercise "Lift the cork"
  • 4The causes and prevention of flat feet in children
  • 5flatfoot prevention
    • 5.1Why a small child can not jump from a height to a hard surface?
    • 5.2How to make a plottograph by yourself?
    • 5.3Prevention of flat feet in children 1-2 years old
    • 5.4Requirements for children's shoes for the youngest for the prevention of flat feet:
    • 5.5Gymnastics for the prevention of flat feet
    • 5.6Exercise Options

Prophylaxis of flat feet in children of different ages

Flat-footedness is a diagnosis, which can often be heard at the reception of a child therapist. Statistics say that among toddlers under 3 years old it occurs in 25% of cases.

With age, these figures only grow: 32% of four-year-olds and 40% of six-year-old children are susceptible to this disease, and by the age of twelve, exactly half falls into the risk zone.

Flat-footed only at first glance seems harmless ailment. Having its own unpleasant and painful symptoms, it is also a favorable background for the development of a number of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

We understand how to diagnose flatfoot at an early stage and what preventive measures to take.

Causes and consequences

A flat foot is a significant deformation of the foot, associated with the subsidence of its arches.As a result of weakening and sagging of the muscles, the foot settles, and its surface practically touches the floor at almost all points.

Violation of balance and posture, clubfoot and deformation of the joints are the satellites of this disease.

They lead to even less pleasant consequences: since the foot does not perform the function of depreciation imposed on it, the load is transferred to the shin, hip joints and spine.

Hence, in a very young age, there are such formidable diagnoses as arthritis, arthrosis, scoliosis, osteoporosis, varicose veins, chronic headache.

The main reasons for the development of this pathology in children are:

  • sedentary lifestyle, lack of exercise;
  • overweight, obesity;
  • lack of calcium and vitamin D;
  • incorrectly selected shoes;
  • excessively long walking in shoes: the child should spend more time barefoot;
  • the transferred diseases (rickets, poliomyelitis, cerebral palsy) and traumas (fractures of the foot, ankles).

How and at what age to identify the problem in the child

It is important to diagnose flatfoot as early as possible in order to take appropriate measures.But this is connected with certain difficulties. So, the stop at the child, -3 years only is formed.

It is partly composed of cartilaginous tissue, and the muscles and ligaments are still weak and prone to sprains. In addition, the notch of the arch is disguised as a fat pad, which protects undeveloped bone tissue from trauma.

Therefore, at an early age, the visually flat surface of the foot does not yet indicate the presence of the disease. The anomaly is diagnosed most often at the age of 5 years.

It is worth worrying if the child complains of pain in the legs and back, fatigue when walking, especially for overweight children.

Pay attention to shoes: worn shoes signal that the child walks with the support on the inner edge of the foot.

If you have these symptoms, contact your orthopedist immediately.

Try to diagnose at home: smear the baby's feet with watercolor (finger) paints or vegetable oil. Put it on a sheet of white paper. He must maintain this position for 30 seconds. Now examine the imprint.

The figure shows how to interpret the resulting image:

Determine the degree of flat footprint from the footprint

Keep in mind that flat feet can be of two types: longitudinal and transverse. Sometimes there is a combined form.

Degrees and forms of flatfoot in adults and children

How to recognize pathology, what to look for?


Footwear and orthopedic insole

If you do not want to face the problem of flat feet in a child, buy him only high-quality shoes that fit in size.

Boots that the baby wears out for someone is not the best option, since they are already deformed under someone else's foot, which can affect the fledgling muscles and joints.

With diagnosed platypodia, special orthopedic footwear is selected.As a preventive measure, it is recommended to choose products from natural materials (leather, textiles) with a firm back; the presence of a small heel and soft instep is welcomed.

Requirements for orthopedic footwear with flat feet

Comfort foot will provide a special orthopedic insole, which will help the muscles to form properly.

The built-in arch supports the foot in the arch area. Such an insole is used for the purpose of the attending physician and is inserted into shoes of any type.

It is sold in pharmacies and specialized stores.

The principle of the orthopedic insole is simple: the built-in arch support raises the foot in the arch


Massages are considered an effective means of preventing flat feet. However, to achieve the effect, sessions should be lengthy and regular.

Therapeutic massage is not limited to the stop zone, it starts from the lumbar region, then descends to the gastrocnemius muscle, followed by the Achilles, the shin, the upper part of the foot and the sole.

At the end, the gastrocnemius muscle and the sole surface are rewound.

The plantar part is rubbed with the palm of the hand from the heel to the toes. Then the interdigital spaces are kneaded. When fixing the foot in the ankle, the foot turns to the right and to the left.

At home, massage procedures are performed using special equipment: massage mat, balls, roller.

Orthopedic mat

Orthopedic mat - assistant in the struggle with flat feet

It has many convexities of different size and height on the surface. On such a rug you can walk or even just stand on it, the effect will still be there. It improves blood circulation, doses the load, provides the necessary relief.

Remember: a lot of walking barefoot on a flat surface for children with flat feet is simply harmful. Therefore, accustom your child to systematic training on a massage mat (walking, gymnastics, games) at least two times a day.

Moreover, you can make a mat suitable for the child with your own hands. A few simple ways we have already described in our article.


Therapeutic exercise is extremely important in the prevention of flat feet.Therefore, accustom the child to daily activities at least 2 times a day.Such gymnastics can be done in a playful form and with music.

Choose several exercises and alternate them so that the child is not bored. Each do several times, bringing the number of repetitions to 15. They are performed barefoot.Gymnastics is aimed at strengthening the ligaments and muscles of the legs.

Joints become strong, mobile, free.

Exercises with flat feet

  1. Alternately, walk on toes and on the heels, and then on the outside of the foot and on the inside.
  2. Rounds from sock to heel. In this case, place under the arch of the foot a cord or a stick so large that the child does not hurt.
  3. Exercise sitting on a chair. Pull your toes up. Bend and unbend your toes.
  4. Spread small toys on the floor to the right of the child. The task: to grab things with your toes and throw to the left side. It is made from the position sitting on the floor with the arm rest in the back.
  5. Put a thin towel or napkin under your feet. Let now try to crush her foot, squeezing her fingers.
  6. Put a tube under your feet (an empty bottle). Let the child roll it back and forth.

other methods

For the prevention of flat feet, it is recommended also:

  • foot baths. Before going to bed, keep the feet for 5 minutes in warm water with saline or herbal (camomile, coniferous) infusion. Useful contrast dousing with warm and cool water, followed by rubbing with a towel;
  • walk barefoot. Only make sure that the surface is not flat and level. In the summer it is useful to walk on grass, sea pebbles, sand;
  • to climb along the rope and rope ladder;
  • refuse from such kinds of loads as football, ballet, running, where the load on the foot is extremely high.

Preventive measures

Orthopedic footwear helps the correct formation of the footMassage mat - your ally in the fight against flat feet Warm foot baths with saline solution or herbal infusionMassage foot - an effective remedy against flatfoot

If a symptom of flat feet is detected, the child should not panic, but it is also not easy to treat the problem lightly. The older the person, the more difficult it is to fight the disease and its consequences. The soft foot of a child willingly succumbs to the gentle effect of massage, gymnastics and specialized means. The prevention of flatfoot will help to forget about the problem with time.

A source:

Prevention of flat feet in preschool children

Flat foot is not a harmless disease.

Violation of the anatomy of the foot can lead to serious problems with the spine, nervous system, musculoskeletal system.

The baby's foot grows and forms up to 7-8 years. Only in adolescence can we say with certainty if the child has a flat foot.

From birth, a flat foot is observed in every baby.Prevention of flatfoot is especially important in the preschool age, when there is intensive growth.If at this time no total errors are admitted, the probability of flatfoot development will be minimal.

The height of the arch of the human foot is a genetically inherited feature. What it will be depends not only on how parents warned flat feet, but also on what foot the kid inherited from his mother and father. However, this does not mean that prevention is not needed.

Prevention of flat feet should be dealt with from the very birth of the child. For starters, it is important to prevent rickets, which contributes to the disease of feet.

To do this, follow the recommendations of the pediatrician, give the child vitamin D, ensure sufficient stay of the baby in the open air and sunlight.

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An orthopedic doctor must show the baby in six months and a year. It is clear that he will not be able to say if the crumb has a tendency to flat feet, but he will be able to assess the development of the baby and give recommendations for preventing the development of problems with stops.

Prevention entirely falls on the shoulders of parents.

There are no special vaccinations against this disease, nor "magic" tablets, the reception of which would help prevent the violation.

There is onlya normal way of life, active movement, the right attitudeand understanding of mothers and dads of the essence of flatfoot and the mechanisms of its development.

The most crucial period is preschool age from 3 to 6-7 years.

If during this period, associated with the intensive growth of bones, muscles, tendons, joints, create for the child the right conditions, then development will be normal and flat-footedness with a high probability does not arise or it will be easy in correction.

The main areas in which parents are to move are as follows:

  • choice of shoes;
  • active physical exercises and special gymnastics;
  • proper nutrition;
  • foot massage.

The probability of flat feet in a child whose parents insist that the baby wear slippers or other shoes at home is higher than that of a child who runs barefoot from the first steps. This is due to the natural peculiarity of this part of the body.

None of the children are born in shoes, respectively, slippers, sandals and shoes - the requirement of social norms and civilization, and not of nature. The feet of the child in shoes are needed only for protection - from water, dirt, frost, uneven surfaces.

Since a child without shoes, either in the kindergarten or for a walk, does not go, parents should carefully study the issue of the rules for choosing children's shoes.

The memo looks like this:

  1. After 1 yearbuy a high shoes for the child, which will fix the foot when learning to walk. The backdrop can be soft, it does not play a big role. The sole does not have to be rigid, but it must be well cushioned. The main function of the first shoe is careful care of the ankle at the first inconspicuous steps.
  2. After 2-3 years,when the child begins to walk confidently, the height of the shoes is not a prerequisite for choosing the right pair. Shoes or sandalaki can be anything, if only the child was comfortable in them.
  3. In preschool childrenthe foot grows quickly and partly understand the desire of parents to buy a pair for growth. You do not need to do this. Shoes that are large, slows the gait of the child, forces him to exert effort when rolling the foot in a step, the gait can become shuffling.
  4. Shoes should not be small.
  5. Orthopedic footwear is needed for treatmentdiseases of the musculoskeletal system, and not for prevention. If the child does not have an established diagnosis and doctor's recommendations to wear orthopedic couples, heavy and expensive medical shoes are not required.
  6. It is desirable thatthe children's pair was equipped with a small heel,this will allow the muscles of the foot to develop faster. The soft insole-arch supports foot from the inside, this is also important for the development of healthy legs.
  7. In shoes, in which the baby walks during the day in the kindergarten group, you caninsert special insoles Bykova.They should be worn about 6 hours a day. The time that the kid spends in the kindergarten, roughly corresponds to this requirement.

After 1 year, you can introduce the child a set of exercises on a special massage mat-applicator.

You can buy a solid massage mat, or you can choose a rug-puzzle that will be for the child and a fun game, and effective prevention of pathology of the feet.

Rugs are equipped with a special texture - irregularities like "Shells "Pebbles "Thorns" and so on.

Walking and exercising on squares with different surface-surfaces stimulates various active stop points.

Preventive mats are softer than mats for flatfoot. They are made of their elastic materials, walking on them does not bring any expressed unpleasant sensations.

If there is no rug, and there is no money for its acquisition, the floor applicator can be made by the child with their own hands.

For this, buttons, shells, large beans, and chestnut fruits are also suitable.

On a self-made or factory-made applicator, a child, together with his mother, can practice:

  • walking on the heels;
  • walking on socks;
  • moving on the outer edges of the feet;
  • rolls from the outer edge to the inside of the foot;
  • steps with the toe bent inward.

Sitting on a chair, the child can make circular movements in feet, pinching of the toes, as well as pulling the socks to themselves and from themselves. Standing up are the lifts on the socks, sit-ups, in which the heels do not come off the floor.

These simple exercises can be included in the daily gymnastics for preschoolers. In most kindergartens, exercises for the prevention of flat feet are included in the list of exercises for morning exercises and physical training.

Effective exercises for the prevention of flatfoot are shown in the following video.

Proper nutrition is of great importance, because the excess weight of the child only contributes to the wrong formation of the feet, because the load on the lower limbs increases significantly.

This does not mean that the child should be put on a strict diet and undernourished.Just in the diet of the baby should be a sufficient number of proteins.They participate in the formation of tissues.

Therefore, in the diet of the child must necessarily include dairy products, lean fish and meat.

Making a child is a cold is not easy. This is known to all mothers. But it is possible to teach a child how to do it, especially sincecold meat - excellent food for the prevention of problems with the musculoskeletal system, with joints and cartilaginous tissue.

The child should eat cereals, fruits and fresh vegetables, butter and vegetable oil, greens, eggs. Raw food should be consumed 2-3 times more than products that have been subjected to heat treatment.

Do not enter cow and goat milk in its pure form in the diet of children under one year.Moreover, it is not necessary to substitute breast milk or a mixture of cow full milk.

The ratio of calcium and phosphorus in the body with the reception of this product varies, a vitamin D deficiency is created, rickets may develop, which also affects the subsequent development of flatfoot.

Parents should be more serious about the requirement to provide the child with the necessary vitamins and minerals.

After all, the excess or lack of useful substances and minerals causes not only problems with the musculoskeletal system, but also more serious pathologies that can be deadly.

In case of calcium deficiency, it is necessary to give the child calcium preparations with the permission of the doctor and in the dosage recommended by him.

With a general vitamin deficiency - vitamin complexes, which are designed specifically for children of a certain age, taking into account the daily needs of their organisms in a particular substance.

To prevent flat feet will help massage the feet, which can master any mom and which you can easily and easily do at home.

Toddlers up to a year during the general strengthening tonight massage should be given to the feet, smoothing them with their thumbs in the direction from the heels to the fingers.

Prophylactic foot massage for preschool children is 1-2 times a week, you can do it in a playful form. The child is placed in a prone position. First, stroke the hips and legs, then move to circular movements of these parts of the limbs.

Then the effect is strengthened and kneading of the legs and feet is added. It is important that the child does not experience pain. The same techniques are repeated, turning the child on his stomach and placing a small cushion under his knees (a rolled towel or a small pillow).

When exposed to the foot itself, special attention should be paid to the lateral ribs - the inner and outer surfaces, the area of ​​the fold of the fingers.

Massage begins with 3-4 minutes and gradually bring the duration of the procedure to 15 minutes.

After the massage, it is useful to make a contrasting strengthening vessel for a foot bath - first lower the feet into warm water, and then pour cold water into it.

A source:

Prophylaxis and treatment of flat feet in children. Exercises

Irina13.08.2014Provylaxis and treatment of flat feet in children. Exercises

Dear readers, today on the blog, we'll talk about the prevention and treatment of flat feet in children.

Probably, this problem is familiar to many parents. And it's not just that this flat foot is a cosmetic defect in the foot, but it's about the health of our children.

And all wise parents need to know all the subtleties on this topic. I propose to discuss this in today's article.

What is a flatfoot? This deformation of the foot, which is characterized by the omission of the transverse and longitudinal arches of the foot. Data are given that 70% of schoolchildren already suffer from flat feet. Let's think about these figures. Simply stunning. About this now in more detail.

Why does flat feet appear?

There are several reasons for this. Our children walk on an even and fairly hard surface. We almost forgot what it means to walk barefoot (on the grass, on the sand, on the rocks). As a result, our foot is not receiving very valuable information that is in the environment around us.

The muscles become sluggish, the ligaments relax, and as a result of all this, flat feet appear. To some it may seem like a minor problem.

After all, so many people suffer and nothing like this... However, looking at it from the other side, one can understand that flat feet is a very serious problem.

What threatens the flat feet?

Due to flat feet in the body, the work of the upper joints is disrupted, the knees, the hip joint are strained, the posture is bent, headaches, pains in the spine may appear.

Diagnosis of flat feet in children

How can parents determine flat feet in children?

  • First of all, you need to look at the child's legs from behind. With flat feet, the heel of the child will stand unevenly, deflected.
  • Look at the baby's shoes. In case of problems, it is unevenly grinded. Appearance of shoes.
  • Look at how the child puts the foot on the pedestal: completely or not.
  • You can check the flat feet of the child's footprint. It is best, of course, for such a diagnosis to see a doctor orthopedist. Only he will tell you about the seriousness of the problems, whether it is necessary to treat the child or simply to be observed by the doctor.

Prophylaxis of flat feet in children

Is it possible to prevent and stop the development of flat feet in children? It is necessary to establish a diagnosis of flat feet in children as early as possible.

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If you find any changes in the child's foot, then the children are much easier to influence their future destiny, all the medical measures they are of great benefit, than in adults, the possibility of correction is sufficient are wide.

Therefore, as soon as possible, you need to contact an orthopedist to get a set of all the procedures.

Measures to prevent flat feet in children:

  • Address to the doctor. He will tell you what shoes to buy for a child. Shoes usually recommend buying a special one, with a rigid fixation, a closed nose, on a small heel (cm).
  • Let the child as often as possible when possible walk barefoot on the sand, pebbles, grass. Of course, here our wisdom is needed.
  • Useful foot baths for the feet of children, it is better to do such a bath with a contrasting temperature, and then rub your legs with a hard towel, and also massage the feet and legs.
  • Interleave the periods of activity of the child and rest, so that the burden on the legs is not excessive.
  • Acquire a special massage mat and engage with the child on it.
  • Strengthen the overall immunity of the child.
  • Particular attention should be paid to everything when the child is just beginning to walk.

Treatment of flat feet in children

The main points of treatment of flat feet in children are that the child is prescribed orthopedic insoles, physiotherapy exercises, massage, physiotherapeutic methods impact.

And now we will consider exercises for the prevention of flat feet in children. The teacher of the kindergarten Pivneva Olga from the city of Kiev will share with us all the practical experience. Gryazovets. I give the floor to Olga.

Good afternoon to everyone, I decided to share with readers of the blog about how we in the kindergarten are engaged in therapeutic gymnastics, which prevents flat feet and other diseases.

I will show the equipment and equipment that I use in my work (during morning and invigorating gymnastics, in physical education, in my spare time).

Exercises for the prevention of flat feet in children

Massage tracks made of buttons and beads

Pugs and beads are sewn. On the first massage path, I embroidered geometric shapes from buttons. (The path is probably 15 years old.)

In addition, when walking on massage paths children can be offered such tasks: for example, find a triangle and a circle - step on them; find a small circle and cross it.

Cork massage trays from plastic bottles

On the cork with the help of an awl made holes at a distance of 1 cm from each other. The cork is sewn.

Massage paths from supports under hot

For the manufacture of the track, I used the holders for hotter (large and small). I attached them together with a soft colored wire.

Massage cages made of metal cork

For the production of the track used: a wooden plank (painted it in gray); cork from lemonade and beer (washed with a solution of chlorine); decorative carnations; a hammer.

The massage paths perfectly massages the feet. My students at the age of 4 years walk on such paths in socks. But there are brave people! And older children on such paths walk boldly, without fear. Make yourself a massager, you will not regret!

The massage path made of wooden sticks

Massager "Stuffed bags"

Rag pouches are stuffed with peas, beans, rice, buckwheat, small pebbles, acorns.

Massage mats "Stones"

These are purchased massage mats. When walking on such rugs, you can give tasks:

  • jump on the blue square;
  • cross over the yellow;
  • Walk along the narrow path, along the wide path.

The "Kosichki" massager

  • Walking on a pigtail;
  • exercise "Stretch a pigtail". The child is sitting on a chair. Suggest him to grab the ends of the pigtail with his fingers, lift the legs and spread them to the sides. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

Exercises with wooden sticks

Sitting on a chair, the child rolls his wands with his feet. You can roll the sticks with two legs together, or first one, and then the other.

Similarly, you can perform exercises using such a massager.

Exercise "Lift the cork"

The child is sitting on a chair. Offer him fingers to grab the cork and keep it in this position (count to 3). Release your fingers to make the cork fall. Repeat the exercise. Repeat the same exercise with the other foot.

For grasping, you can also use sticks, pencils, pebbles, handkerchiefs, ropes, strings ...

A source:

The causes and prevention of flat feet in children

Unfortunately, today flat feet in children - not uncommon. To date, flat foot is one of the most common diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

The causes of flat feet in children:

  1. Hereditary factors
  2. Incorrectly selected shoes (without heels, too narrow, tight, squeezing legs or, on the contrary, too wide, without a hard back)
  3. Excessive load on the baby's legs (for example, when lifting weights or with increased body weight)
  4. Postponed rickets
  5. Obtained leg injuries
  6. Congenital hypermobility of joints

Do not underestimate the danger of flat feet - in adulthood, it can bring a lot of problems, cause the appearance of ossicles on the legs, painful sensations, pain in the joints. Be sure to monitor the development of your child's foot. We offer a simple test that will reveal the presence of flat feet in children.

So, to determine the flat feet of a child under five years old, ask him to stand barefoot on a clean sheet of paper, previously lubricating the baby's feet with ordinary paints or sunflower oil, so that a clear print small foot.

Carefully study the resulting result. If the printed footprints are similar to the "bean" (cf. figure 1) - the foot develops normally.

In healthy children, the arch of the foot should be slightly elevated, since during movement and walking they carry a spring function. But if the foot is imprinted entirely as in Fig.

2 and 3 - the child's predisposition to flat feet is obvious. It's time to get involved in prevention and visit a pediatric orthopedic doctor.

If we consider the ratio of the narrowest part of the track to the widest, the arch of the foot is considered normal if this ratio is flattened, with a ratio of: and flat for:.

Prophylaxis of flat feet in children

Fortunately, the pediatric leg reacts quite well to exercises for the treatment and prevention of flat feet in children. The sooner you start classes, the better.

The main measures to prevent childhood flatfoot include:

- Sufficient physical activity, physical exercises. Great benefit to the child will bring a daily morning exercise: it's good if you do it together;

- Selection of the right shoes - it should sit clearly on the stalk, have a small heel (5-8 mm), a hard, fixed back, and an elastic insole inside. More information on how to choose orthopedic shoes for children, read on our website.

- a sufficient stay in the fresh air;

-the right food, which will ensure the strength of the bones of the arch of the foot. Make sure that your baby is getting enough calcium with food.

- Strengthen the arch of the foot. It will help to strengthen the arches of the feet by climbing bare feet on the gymnastic staircase, rope, the Swedish wall, walking on a board, a log, a rocking bridge.

Well, if it is possible to install a sports complex for children in the apartment so that they can study at any convenient time.

Such exercises will help not only to strengthen the ligaments and muscles of the feet, but also to prevent clubfoot and flat feet, and besides - to develop in the child dexterity, courage, determination, faith in oneself.

If predisposition to flatfoot is already identified, be sure to perform special exercises against flat feet in children.

It is recommended to perform them barefoot, preferably two or three times a day.

For example, the first session can be held in the morning, immediately after the lifting and carrying out of morning procedures, the next - after lunch, and one more - in the evening.

Therapeutic exercises: exercises with flat feet in a child

Exercise number 1. Walking on socks. Straighten your back, a little bend in the lower back, hands on the waist, the crown looks up at the ceiling, a little bend. We get up on toes and walk around the room.

Exercise 2. Walking on the outside of the foot: press inside your fingers, putting your feet when walking parallel to each other, and do a few circles around the room.

Exercise 3. Walking on any ribbed surface ("washing" board, for example). It is useful to stomp a little on the ribbed board. If there is no board, a massage mat for the feet will do.

Exercise 4. Walking on the spot without taking off socks from the floor. We try at the same time to raise the heel higher.

Exercise number 5. We walk barefoot on a stick or rope.

Exercise number 6. We pass to the rolls from the toe to the heel with the help of a stick. You can take a regular rolling pin or a similar object and roll it with your legs. To roll a stick it is necessary in a sitting position, with an emphasis on legs.

Exercise number 7. Walking with a roll from the heel to the toe. Hold the body straight, do not lower the head. We energetically make the ascent by pushing the heel off the floor, at the next step we repeat.

Exercise number 8. Raise the body to the toe with a full stop. In this case, the feet stand so that the big toes together, and the heels apart.

Exercise number 9. Squats with feet on socks. For balance, you can keep your hands on the support.

Exercise number 10. Very useful gymnastics with flat feet in the child in a sitting position.

We sit down on the floor, we focus our hands on the back, and then we try to grab with our toes any small objects - pencils, counting sticks, laces, etc. If it works, try shifting them to the right and left.

After a certain workout, go to larger objects - balls, bowling balls, cubes. Let the child grab their feet with their inner arches and pass them to you.

A source:

flatfoot prevention

Prevention of flatfoot: is it possible for a child to jump to a hard surface? What should be the first kids shoes and what can not be used? How to make a plottograph by yourself? Exercises to prevent flat feet.

Kids love to jump. Is it possible for a child to jump to a hard surface? How is this kind of movement associated with the state of the baby's foot? What exercises are useful for the child? How to make a plottograph by yourself? How to choose shoes?

Summer is time for walking. Kids love to move, and it's wonderful! But not all movements are useful and safe for them.

Here the kid, years has got on a porch of an entrance and ten minutes in a row with pleasure and the ecstasy repeats the same movement - climbs on a porch and jumps off from it on asphalt.

And my mother carelessly at this time talking with her friend - the kid is busy with the business, moving, everything seems to be fine. But this is not so!

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Why a small child can not jump from a height to a hard surface?

The thing is,in the first three and a half years of a child's life his foot is not yet developed and is in a state of formation.

Therefore, children under three years of age should not be allowed to jump from the height (from the porch, benches, curbs) to the asphalt or to the path in the park, covered with stone slabs.

After all, the supporting and connecting apparatus of the foot is still weak at this tender age.Moreover, it is impossible for a child to make such movements continuously and for a long time!

What if the kid loves to jump from a height? After all, you can not forbid the baby to jump? Of course, there should be very few prohibitions for the child, the less - the better.

Therefore, you should not forbid jumping, but give him an alternative: "You can not jump on asphalt, but on the sand you can.

Let's jump on the sand! "And this" can not "should be a ban on all the time - you can not jump on the asphalt and with mom, and with Grandma, with Dad, and in the morning, and in the evening, and in the yard, and in the park.

And the child then understands the demand of adults and carries it out without problems. But this should not be so - that today "Nothing, once you can jump and the next time - "I told you how many times did not jump on the asphalt!".

The requirement for a toddler must be uniform and constant, then it will not make him nervous and cause moods and tears. If the kid asks why it is impossible to jump to the asphalt, then you can explain the reason to him - say that it is useful for the legs to jump on the sand, but to jump on the asphalt is bad for the legs.

Indeed, it is perfectly safe and even useful for a child to jump and jump from a small height to a soft surface - mat, sand, soft earth covered with grass.

It is very useful to jump through puddles or through brooks, like frogs or as bunnies, faster and slower, higher and lower, "from hummock to hummock". These exercises the kid can perform only when the foot is ready for the load.

If the stop is not ready, then the kid simply can not jump over and step instead. So, it will not harm itself.

It is also useful to step over the sticks or through a rope raised 5-15 cm above the ground, step over obstacles (decompose, for example, cubes in a row at a distance of 20 cm from each other), overcome obstacles in an alternating step, climb through the hoop, climb under the rope (height 25-30 cm).

As soon as the baby starts walking, you can make a plottograph with your own hands and get with it reliable information about how his foot is gradually forming.

I give the production of a planograph in this article on the technology of a pediatrician, candidate of medical sciences, LG. Golubeva (LG Golubeva. Gymnastics and massage for the youngest. - M., 2012).

I very much advise all parents of small children and those who are still going to become moms of kids to purchase this book.

How to make a plottograph by yourself?

You will make a planograph with your own hands in 1 minute! Take the big embroidery hoop and tuck cotton cloth in them, and fill it with polyethylene film. That's all!

Now we learn how to use a planitograph.

  • We make mascara with water in the ratio:. We moisten the cotton swab in the resulting mixture and moisten the mixture with a cotton layer of the plottograph.
  • We put a sheet of paper on the floor, on it we put the embroidery frame with the cotton-washed side down. On top of the cotton layer is a layer of polyethylene, on which the child stands. Those. you get a layered pie: the top of the film, under it, a damp cloth, and under the cloth a piece of paper. On this "layered pie" is a baby.
  • The footprint is obtained.

This procedure can be done every three months, tracking how the baby's foot changes and how the ligament-muscle apparatus develops.

The simpler option is to put the baby with the wet legs on the piece of paper after the bathroom. Or grease his legs with baby cream and put on a sheet of paper. Get a footprint.

How to evaluate the results?

On the footprint of the childyou need to track two lines - draw them:

  1. The line from the middle of the heel to point A. Point A is in the second interdigital space, i.e. between the second and third finger on the foot.
  2. Line from the middle of the heel to the base of the thumb.

If both of these lines have turned out inside the contour of the foot - then itflat.If outside the lines of the footprint - then stopnormal.

In most children, the maturation of the foot is completed at the age of 3 years - 3 years 3 months.If the child is more than 3 years old, and the foot is flat, then this is cause for concern.

Another important point to which you need to pay attention and if necessary go to a doctor isposition of the heel.

It can be determined from the shoe of a toddler: if the child tramples the inside of the sole, then this is the valgus position. If the baby is stitching the outer part of the sole, then this is the varus position.

In the normal foot, the axis of the shin and heel coincides. With longitudinal flat feet, they form an angle that is open to the outside (valgus foot).

It is very important to see not the state of the foot at the moment, but its change in dynamics- the situation improves or is aggravated. For example, flat-valgus feet - this is the natural stage of the formation of the foot in the transition of the child to the upright.

And he passes himself by about a year and a half. After all, the baby stands up on the legs in a year, and walking immediately gives a load to his feet, which was not there before.

Therefore, even before walking and during training, walking should be done with the baby exercises in standing and walking at the support so that the muscles and joints are strengthened.

It should be remembered that the earlier the signs of flatfoot are revealed, the less deformation, the easier the platypodia is amenable to correction. Now there are special groups in kindergartens for children with flat feet and a violation of posture, in which all assistance to these kids is free.

Prevention of flat feet in children 1-2 years old

To develop a foot, the baby should not be in shoes all the time. He needswalk and barefooton the grass, on pebbles, on pebbles, on sand, on a massage mat.

And it's even more remarkable if a kid can run on the sand of the sea! This hardens and strengthens the foot.

Remember our ancestors - kids ran in bast shoes (and bast shoes give the effect of foot massage) or barefoot on the ground and had no problems with flat feet! But constant walking barefoot is also harmful, as well as constant walking in shoes!

Now on sale there isspecial rollers for foot massage, baby massage mats.

It is very useful to walk around the mat together with the baby in the morning, roll a massage roller.

The best example for a child is an adult! And the best time for such activities is the morning, when the muscles are not tired yet. This very simple gymnastics improves blood circulation and muscle tone.

It is very important that the child immediately hadthe right shoes.Even when he has not yet walked, but only started to stand and take the first steps.

Requirements for children's shoes for the youngest for the prevention of flat feet:

According to doctors,first baby shoesshould be this: (A. Petukhov, orthopedist of the city hospital № 19 named. T.S. Zatsepina - "Mom and the Baby". №12):

On sale now, a lot of shoes are harmful for the development of the foot of small children!How to choose children's shoesand not to be mistaken? I found a very good video about how to choose the right shoes for the youngest children. But the same requirements apply to shoes and older children.

If you care about the condition of the baby's foot - then you need to see a doctor - an orthopedist. But do not panic immediately. Very many familiar to me children put horrific diagnoses.

But when moms turned to another polyclinic, the diagnoses of the kids were not confirmed.

And it turned out that to the same child three different pediatric orthopedists diagnosed from "healthy, the age norm" to "may become disabled."

Therefore, it is always best to listen to several opinions of doctors to find out the true state of affairs - unfortunately, this is so. And be sure to keep track of the dynamics - the situation becomes worse or worse.

Gymnastics for the prevention of flat feet

Gymnastics is best done "in small portions" as a game 2-3 times a day for 2 3 exercises.

Exercise Options

  • Go along the narrow path (10-15 cm) - put a strip of wallpaper, limit the track with two ropes or draw with chalk. The kid walks without leaving the track.
  • Bear. Walking on the outer edges of the feet.
  • Walking and running on sand, pebbles, hard stones, earth.
  • Gather it in the basket. Grab small items with your toes. You can do sitting and standing. And in the summer you can do for a walk in the forest, grabbing twigs and bumps.
  • Put it in the basket. Invite the kid to take a handkerchief, a pencil and transfer it to the basket.
  • Big and small. The child stands on his toes - he became big. And then he squats to the full stop - he becomes small.
  • Walking on a ribbed board or on a massage mat.

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