Why do your hands grow numb during sleep? causes and treatment


  • 1Nemuyut hands in a dream - the reasons, or during sleep, how to treat and what to do
    • 1.1In my sleep, my hands go numb - the reasons why this happens?
    • 1.2Therefore, it is necessary to urgently address to physicians if at you:
    • 1.3Why does numbness in the hands of pregnant women?
    • 1.4Why the fingers grow numb in sleep - what to do
    • 1.5Also, for possible reasons, often include:
    • 1.6Naughty little fingers on the hands in a dream - from what it happens
    • 1.7Most often appointed:
    • 1.8To the aid will come recipes known to our ancestors:
    • 1.9And you can do gymnastics:
  • 2Why do my hands go numb at night, wilt during sleep?
    • 2.1If your hands become numb at night, do I need to see a doctor?
    • 2.23 reason - Diseases of the spine
    • 2.34 cause- Nonsmoking hands at night with vascular disorders
    • 2.45 cause Other diseases
    • 2.5Hands get numb at night - what should I do?
  • 3Causes of numbness of hands at night
    • 3.1Why do my hands grow numb during sleep
    • 3.2Arms flow from the wrong position
    • instagram viewer
    • 3.3Tunnel Syndrome
    • 3.4Diseases of the spine
    • 3.5Vascular pathologies
    • 3.6Pregnancy
    • 3.7Other diseases
    • 3.8Finger paresthesia
    • 3.9How to get rid of night numbness
  • 4Why, during sleep, arms grow numb: factors of influence, numbness - a symptom, examination and treatment methods
    • 4.1Factors of influence
    • 4.2Numbness of the hands as a symptom
    • 4.3Patient examination
    • 4.4The treatment of numbness in the hands
    • 4.5Healing with folk remedies

Nemuyut hands in a dream - the reasons, or during sleep, how to treat and what to do

Hello, dear readers. Today is not an easy topic.

Why decided to touch on this topic? Because my mother got dumb in her sleep, we drove her to doctors, so many read through on this topic, so many consultations and recommendations received from doctors that I decided to share this topic with you, maybe someone also has this situation, and you will be useful and interesting this subject. Many probably noticed it many times, suddenly wake up in the middle of the night from an unpleasant tingling in your hand? Is the hand uncontrollable? If so, it means that you have encountered a fairly common phenomenon - numbness of the hands. Most often it manifests itself in old age, is justified by the deterioration of the state of blood vessels and the nervous system. But although rare, can occur at a young age. More often than not, issues related to such a phenomenon arise when the manifestation is repeated, and if this is so, then there is no need to postpone the solution of the problem.

Often, this phenomenon occurs with headache, and may precede fainting. We will understand, whether it is necessary to worry in this occasion, what causes numbness, and how to deal with it.

In my sleep, my hands go numb - the reasons why this happens?

There are several reasons. They are both very simple and obvious, and well hidden at first glance.

  1. If the pillow is poorly matched, then it can squeeze the spine, in particular the cervical region, and, accordingly, the nerve endings that ensure the operation of the hands. Try to sleep on a special orthopedic pillow and, perhaps, the problem will go away. And anyway, it's useful for your spine.
  2. Pose of sleep. If you treat lovers to sleep with your hands up, the cause of numbness is obvious. Blood simply does not get into hard-to-reach places. The problem is also familiar to nursing mothers, who fall asleep with one arm extended upwards.
  3. Uncomfortable pajamas, a tight nightgown. The cause of the problem can be too rough joints, or tight cuffs. All clothes for night rest should be free, soft and promote rest, as much as possible free movement of blood through the body.
  4. Constant presence on the fingers of the rings and bracelets on the wrists. It is recommended to remove ornaments and not to wear items that are too narrow.
  5. Use before bedtime alcohol, coffee and spicy food.

A possible numbness of the hands, this is one of the symptoms, whiter complex diseases.

  1. Osteochondrosis of cervical department.The spinal nerves are compressed. Track the presence of other symptoms of this disease - a crunch that occurs when you move your head, pain in the neck and back, frequent headaches, weakness in the hands.
  2. Carpal tunnel syndrome.There is a transmission of nerves, between the tendons of the muscles and the bones of the wrist. Consequence - the process of numbness of the fingers, and pain in the hands. This is practically a professional ailment of artists and all those who often make monotonous movements during their work.
  3. Disturbance of blood circulation, associated with diabetes, coronary heart disease, anemia and others.
  4. Degenerative processes in the nervous system.
  5. Inflammation in the nerves.
  6. Deficiency of thiamine.
  7. Reaction to the use of alcohol.
  8. Multiple sclerosis.
  9. Rheumatoid arthritis.
  10. Pregnancy.
  11. Excess tension in the muscles of the neck, associated with a long sitting at the computer.
  12. Arthritis.
  13. Cirrhosis of the liver.
  14. Hypertension.
  15. Strong and prolonged stress.

It is worth concentrating on which hand is numb.

If problems are associated with the left arm, then most likely this is a manifestation of problems with the cardiovascular system.

It is necessary to seek help from a cardiologist. This can serve as a harbinger of serious violations - heart attack and stroke.

It is also possible that this is a manifestation of lesion of atherosclerosis of the brachial and ulnar arteries. Among possible diseases are problems with kidney and liver function, beriberi, pneumonia.

If the right arm grows dumb, then it is probably a manifestation of the diseases that are associated with the spine. It is also a possible harbinger of a prediscount state. But I do not want to frighten anyone.

Therefore, it is necessary to urgently address to physicians if at you:

  1. The process of numbness occurs not only during sleep, but also in the midst of normal daytime activity.
  2. If the numbness is prolonged.
  3. The process affects two limbs simultaneously.
  4. Attacks of numbness of hands during sleep became more frequent.
  5. Hands numb suddenly, while the visual perception is disturbed, and the mental state changes.
  6. Pain and discomfort for a long time do not pass.

Constant numbness can provoke the death of tissues, so it is worth fighting against this phenomenon.

Why does numbness in the hands of pregnant women?

The process of pregnancy is a test for the female body. The cause of numbness is somewhat:

  1. Violation of the water-salt balance. Appear edema.
  2. Lack of trace elements, which can provoke cramps.
  3. Change in the work of blood vessels.
  4. Weight gain.
  5. Decreased physical activity.
  6. Pathologies that accompany the process of pregnancy.

Why the fingers grow numb in sleep - what to do

Most often, discomfort appears in the little fingers and middle finger of the brush. The causes are identical in that they cause numbness in the hands. Can zatekat like all fingers, and individually.

Most likely, the problem is justified by the damage or nerve transmission of the cervical spine, arm, and wrist.

Also, for possible reasons, often include:

  1. Reducing the content of amyloid in the body.
  2. Injuries of the brachial plexus.
  3. Intervertebral hernias and protrusions.
  4. Frostbite.
  5. Cervical spondylosis.
  6. Hansen's disease.
  7. Hygroma.
  8. Some immune diseases.
  9. Disease Lima.
  10. Raynaud's disease.
  11. Inflammation of blood vessels.
  12. Burgess's disease.
  13. Hyperventilation.

Naughty little fingers on the hands in a dream - from what it happens

The problems are the same as with numb hands. It can also be a symptom of damage to the nerves of the hands and fingers, and peripheral neuropathy, spinal cord injuries.

First of all, it is necessary to determine the cause, which provokes numbness. Carefully inspect your bed, the food you eat before bed, the sleeping posture, and clothing.

So you can solve the problem, which is connected with external factors. If the problem does not recede, then you should consult a doctor for detailed diagnosis.

If numbness is a symptom of a more serious illness, then the main areas of treatment are fighting the disease with the root cause.

Address to the therapist, most likely he will appoint or nominate to you reception of the neuropathologist and the cardiologist who will lead a number of researches for exception of probability of serious profile diseases.

But if the problem is related to the way of life, or it is with a disease that affects the hands, then the doctor will prescribe the necessary procedures.

Most often appointed:

  1. Physiotherapy.
  2. Therapeutic gymnastics.
  3. Vitamin Complex.
  4. Exercises for the hands.
  5. Massage.
  6. Medicines to strengthen and dilate blood vessels.

Alternative medicine also offers methods of solving this problem: acupuncture, hirudotherapy.

The main treatment can also be supplemented with folk methods.

To the aid will come recipes known to our ancestors:

  1. In a glass container, mix 10 grams of camphor alcohol and 50 grams of ammonia. Fill with one liter of water. Add 17 grams of table salt, stir. The salt must completely dissolve. Such a solution is suitable for grinding the numb limb.
  2. A handful of rosemary should be dissolved in three liters of hot water. Warm the infusion in a bath. Take a bath before going to bed for 10 minutes.
  3. Wash your hands with mustard oil, and put cotton gloves on top and pajamas with long sleeves.
  4. Slice finely 3 pickles, but not marinated, namely salted. Add three fruits of red chili pepper. Blend the mixture with a liter of vodka. The composition should stand for a week in a glass vessel. The received liquid should be done by compresses and rubbing the sick places.
  5. Cook the porridge from the pulp of a ripe pumpkin. Make a mask for the hands of porridge, cover the top with a cloth. Porridge should be boiled on water, and be warm.
  6. Take a contrast bath or a contrast shower.
  7. If the problem is related to the vessels, then it is worthwhile to work on their strengthening.

    In the morning, drink 250 milliliters of hot water on an empty stomach. Prepare a mixture of a kilogram of celery, a quarter liter of honey, two lemons, and a kilogram of parsley. Stir everything in a blender. Take two tablespoons from morning to the first meal.

  8. In the tincture from the marsh ledum should be poured apple cider vinegar, the ratio of 1/3. Insist for 7 days. If numbness occurs, rub with a hand.
  9. To relieve numbness, pour warm water into the basin, place your hands there, and press down on the bottom.

    Repeat the procedure until the unpleasant sensation passes.

  10. Tie a woolen thread around your wrist. Wear the thread until it improves.
  11. Pour black pepper, you need 100 grams. Fill it with vegetable small.

    Cook on low heat for half an hour, stir occasionally. Cool the mixture. Rub it into your hands once a day.

  12. In a half-liter jar, grind the chopped garlic. Garlic should take up a third of the can. Pour vodka to the top of the jar. Insist 14 days.

    Do not immerse the sunlight on the jar. Every day, shake the jar a little to mix the contents. Ready tincture is consumed within 30 days, 5 drops three times a day, previously mixed with 5 milliliters of water.

If the reason lies in the lack of vitamin B, you should change the diet to increase its content. Eat more cereals, products from wholemeal flour, nuts, beans, dog rose, beets. And also drink vitamins and microelements.

And you can do gymnastics:

  1. Push your palms to each other. Squeeze and unclench the cams.
  2. Join the palms together. Cross the fingers of the right and left palms, bend and unbend the palms.
  3. Place your hand on the table. The brush should hang freely. Raise the brush up and down.
  4. Gradually bend each finger, starting with the first phalanx, and before touching the palm of your hand.
  5. Keep your thumb still. Alternately touch the tip of the thumb with all the other fingers of the hand.

For prevention, you should take breaks in your hands, every half an hour, and do gymnastics.

Numbness of the hands is a very unpleasant phenomenon. Even if serious diseases do not break after him, you should worry and deal with it.

If you notice other signs of dangerous diseases, and if the first measures to combat numbness do not bring the desired results, do not delay the visit to the doctor.

And the main prevention of the phenomenon is a healthy lifestyle, which includes the absence of bad habits, a healthy sleep, regular physical activity, and a complete diet.

Take time for your body, and it will tell you well.


With numbness, you can fight in many ways, as already described. And it should be done. After all, if this happens during sleep, then the problem is not so acute.


And if in the afternoon, then, probably, there are not only problems (physiological and psychological) with the body, but also potential dangers.

For example, if you drive a car or work with complex machinery in production, a sudden numbness can to put your life in danger: you may simply not have the physical ability to cope with the situation on the road, to example. Therefore, do not delay the visit to the doctor. In any case, this is much better than risking and worrying about the possible causes of such symptoms.

Note! Since, in the vast majority of cases, numbness in the hands is associated with osteochondrosis, in the first place, it is physical exercises that are recommended. I also recommend that you contact a manual therapist and take a course of 5 to 10 massage procedures.

But, it is not recommended to engage in self-healing even on physical exercises, because if the problem, say, lies in the violations of the cardiovascular system, physical exertion can only aggravate the situation. Approach the solution of this problem correctly, and be healthy.

A source: http://narodnayamedicina.com/nemeyut-ruki-vo-sne-prichiny/

Why do my hands go numb at night, wilt during sleep?

: Causes of numbness in fingers

A strong sleep is the most pleasant and necessary condition of the body, when the body rests, is restored after daily physical and emotional loads. Prolonged strong sleep - speaks about the calm nervous system of a person and it is very important that a dream is so every night.

However, very many people sometimes wake up at night from the discomfort that comes from the left or right hand - this is numbness in the arms at night.


It manifests as aching pain, tingling, and with a twitching of the hand, tingling becomes even stronger, then after a while tingling and pain calms down and numbness passes. Why do my hands go numb at night? Is this a serious violation or just an awkward position in a dream?


It is believed that the main reason for the numbness of the hands at night is the violation of blood circulation in the limbs. What other disorders or may be the disease lead to such a nightly discomfort?

If your hands become numb at night, do I need to see a doctor?

In cases where numbness occurs due to an uncomfortable posture, blood pressure is squeezed vessels or nerves, that is, a person simply lay his hand, if it does not happen all the time, then it is not worth it worry.

But if the hands become numb during sleep constantly, every night, interfere with sleep and cause anxiety - doctor's consultation and examination are simply necessary.

Depending on the clinical manifestations, the nature of numbness in the hands, the doctor will establish a diagnosis:

  • If the hands grow numb day and night
  • If the numbness lasts a long time or for a short time
  • If both hands are numb
  • If the right arm grows dumb
  • If the left hand is numb
  • Hands numb suddenly, while the condition is accompanied by impaired vision and mental disorders.

Very important are the answers to these questions, because on the one hand is numb, or both, only the hand grows dumb or the whole arm, the cause of the infringement of the blood supply of the limb depends, so eg:

Why are both hands numb at night. If the hands are numb at the same time, or right, then the left - this indicates a violation of the peripheral or central nervous system. Often the reason for this is cervical osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia or polyneuropathy.

If the left arm is numb at night - this disorder is usually associated with changes in cardiac activity. Therefore, immediate and obligatory consultation of the cardiologist is required.

If the left arm is numb in the afternoon, it can be a bell of a serious heart failure, up to pre-infarction, as well as a harbinger of a no less severe disease - a stroke or micro stroke.

Why the right arm is numb at night - cardiac problems in this case most likely can be excluded.

If the hand of the palm grows numb, the causes can be in the carpal tunnel syndrome, arthrosis or cervical osteochondrosis, with a sharp narrowing of the blood vessels of the neck, but it can also be a harbinger stroke.

  • The most innocuous reason, not associated with any serious diseases or disruption of the systems and organs is the long-term presence of a person in an uncomfortable position, in tight, tightening clothes during sleep.
  • Another reason is that in people whose work forces you to repeatedly raise your hands above the level of the heart or with excessive physical stress from lifting weights - also increases the risk of numbness in the arms during sleep.
  • Incorrect position of the body in a dream, as a rule, is when the hands are thrown back by the head - also provoke numbness of hands at night. This is explained by the same violation of the blood supply of the limbs, cardiovascular system in the night time works in a weakened mode, so the blood in full does not reach the hands and the more so the brushes hands.
  • Another reason that is easy enough to eliminate is the wrong pillow, which creates an incorrect position during sleep for the neck. Too high, not an orthopedic pillow, forces the spine to sag in the cervical region, the neck may become numb, disrupting the blood supply and nourishment of the nerves of the cervical spine. Because of the weak circulation of blood in the transmitted limbs and there is discomfort, tingling, aching unpleasant pain, so your hands grow numb during sleep.

One of the reasons why arm's numbness at night is carpal tunnel syndrome or tunnel syndrome.

This syndrome is due to the constant overstrain of the tendon of the hand, usually those who work with their fingers daily, intensively, suffer from this disease. for many years - who prints a lot on the computer, seamstresses, painters, musicians, those people who during the day makes thousands of the same type of movements with a hand and fingers.

On the person's arms there is a narrow canal through which a mass of tendons and a nerve passes, controlling the movement of the fingers and the sensitivity of the entire palm.


These tendons and nerve are protected, however, when there is an overstrain, nerve transmission, there is swelling of the tendon - which is the cause of numbness in hands, pulsating pain and tingling.


Such signs of carpal tunnel syndrome occur just at night and most often closer to the morning.

In the absence of treatment, even the death of the muscles of the thumb can occur.

A person can not tighten his fist on his own and bend his thumb completely. Most often suffer from this ailment is a woman over the age of 40.

Some people have to change jobs and specialties because of this. To relieve symptoms and mitigate this syndrome, doctors prescribe sedative baths, a special set of exercises to relieve tension, vitamin therapy.

3 reason - Diseases of the spine

In addition to the above reasons, a special place is occupied by disorders related to various diseases of the spine.

If a person not only gets numb hands at night, but occasionally there is dizziness, unexplained headaches, and even loss of consciousness, then this is a good reason for examination of an osteopath, a neurologist, since not only the osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, but also the intervertebral hernia are the causes of various disorders in extremities.

Osteochondrosis of the spine is a very capacious name for a whole complex of various abnormalities in the metabolic processes of bone and cartilaginous tissue of the spine. When the vertebrae are already destroyed, the roots of the spinal nerves are squeezed, leading to various ailments, pains, numbness.

The modern way of life of a person, both a schoolboy and an office employee - forces us to lead in the main sedentary lifestyle, behind the desk, at the computer desk, drivers driving cars.

Most often, very few people follow the correct posture and spine, and with prolonged static load, the muscles of the neck are overstrained, spasmodic. At the same time, his hands grow numb not only at night, but also during the day.

4 cause- Nonsmoking hands at night with vascular disorders

One of the most dangerous causes of limb numbness development is ischemic stroke.

If there is a violation of the circulation of one of the brain areas, besides numbness of one part of the limb, high blood pressure, dizziness, detachment, etc.,

, then this is one of the signs of a stroke or a micro stroke (microinsult, signs, symptoms). Most often, it occurs from overstrain, a stressful situation, a sharp jump in blood pressure.

5 cause Other diseases

If a person is constantly numb at night, this can be a consequence of a number of diseases:

  • Chronic circulatory disorders
  • Diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • Different forms of anemia
  • Ischemic heart disease and other heart diseases
  • Inflammatory, hereditary diseases of the nervous system
  • Lack of B vitamins, minerals
  • Excessive use of alcohol
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis, which affects the nerves when joints are deformed.
  • Various manifestations of disorders of the autonomic nervous system (see Fig. obsolete name of the disease vegetative-vascular dystonia).

Hands get numb at night - what should I do?

First, you need to find the exact reason why your hands go numb at night. Or make sure that the cause of such discomfort is in the pillow or cramped clothing during sleep.

You should also pay attention to how you sleep, if you raise your hands behind your head in a dream, then most likely the reason lies in an uncomfortable position.

Change your pillow and try to change the position in a dream.

Vo-the second - if the reason not in it or this, it is necessary to address to the therapist, the neurologist, the cardiologist, the osteopath, to hand over the analysis of a blood on 18 parameters, blood glucose (glucose in the blood -norm), make the entire MRI of the spine (symptoms of the vertebral hernia), ECG and consult these specialists.


Thirdly, on the basis of the examination and the established diagnosis, follow all the doctor's recommendations.


A source: http://zdravotvet.ru/pochemu-nemeyut-ruki-po-nocham/

Causes of numbness of hands at night

Numbness of the hands (or medically paresthesia) is a rather common feeling of discomfort, which manifests itself mainly at night. Its main signs are aching pain and tingling.

Often a person wakes up at night, pain and numbness prevent sleep on.

When you move your fingers, the tingling first increases, the painful sensations increase, then gradually pass and you can fall asleep further.

According to statistics from,% to 45% of the population experience nocturnal painful paresthesia. A common view is that the hands go numb at night due to circulatory disorders in the limbs. But what is it caused by?

Of course, if your hands grow numb at night occasionally and really because of the uncomfortable position of the body during sleep, you should not focus on this. This phenomenon is called in common speech - it was lying on the arm and taking no measures, except for the change of position does not require.

If the hands become numb during sleep every night, constantly and interfere with sound sleep, you should consult a specialist. Concern should cause the following problems:

  • If your hands go numb during sleep and after sleep;
  • Simultaneously;
  • If at night only the left arm or only the right arm is numb;
  • Simultaneously with the attack, vision deteriorates.

Are important and such factors - as the whole arm grows numb or just a brush, or the paresthesia of the fingers is observed.

Beforehand, before the examination of the doctor, one can only assume the presence of the most common pathologies that follow.

If your hands grow numb at night, the most common causes are cervical osteochondrosis, the presence of an intervertebral hernia and polyneuropathy. If only the left arm is numb - the most common cause is the pathology of the cardiac function.

It is possible that the therapist will give direction to the ECG and referral to the cardiologist. Especially should be alerted if it grows numb in the afternoon (this may be a harbinger of a stroke or a pre-infarction condition).

If the right arm is numb, the causes may be hidden in the tunnel syndrome, in the same cervical osteochondrosis, arthrosis, sharp narrowing of the cervical blood vessels.

Why do my hands grow numb during sleep

Arms flow from the wrong position

  1. Strangely enough, often the culprit of paresthesias becomes an inconvenient, unadapted pillow for sleep.

    Too high, or a pillow placed on the rib, creates an incorrect base for the spine, which bends in the cervical region and causes a violation of blood supply. Because of this, there is a feeling of discomfort in the hands, aching unpleasant pain, tingling.

    To correct this situation is quite simple - just buy a flat pillow in any supermarket or purchase a special orthopedic pillow in a specialized salon.

    The correct pillow will allow the head to receive the correct anatomical position, which promotes a uniform blood supply to all parts of the body.

  2. Another reason why the hands become numb at night - falling asleep in tight, tattooed or small clothes or in an uncomfortable position. An awkward posture also includes a dream with hands tilted behind his head and sleep on his side with one hand under his ear or under a pillow.

    This is also explained by a violation of the blood supply. The cardiovascular system works at night in a sparing mode and the blood can simply not flow in full to the hands. Clothes can also pick up and squeeze the vessels.

  3. There are people who, during work, often raise their hands above the level of the heart - they are painters, installers. At them too at night the numbness of hands at night is often observed.

Tunnel Syndrome

It can be said that numbness of hands during sleep is a professional disease. Tunnel syndrome occurs from the regular tension of the tendons of the hands.

This disease is typical for musicians, PC operators, seamstresses - that is, people who perform the same type of movement with their hands during the working day. This disease, in which the intensity of painful sensations is most pronounced.

On the human hand there is a special small channel through which the tendons and nerve pass, responsible for the sensitivity of the palm. With an overstrain of the nerve, there is swelling, which causes a feeling of numbness usually at night or closer to the morning.

If you do not turn to a specialist on time and do not tackle the tunnel syndrome, the muscles of your thumb can simply die away, which will limit your mobility. Tunnel syndrome also occurs in women over 40.

Diseases of the spine

A special place in the diagnosis of the causes of numbness of the hands is occupied by blood supply disorders related to diseases of the spine.

Concomitant signs of diseases are frequent dizziness, headaches, periodic loss of consciousness, ringing in the ears.

If all these phenomena are observed and at the same time they become numb at night, then this is a good reason to turn to a neurologist. This may be an osteochondrosis of the cervical region or intervertebral hernia.

Osteochondrosis of the spine is a whole complex of degenerative pathologies of metabolism in the cartilaginous and bone tissue of the spine.

At the stage when the vertebrae are destroyed, the roots of the spinal nerves are squashed and lead to pain in different parts of the limbs (from the wrist and shoulder to the ribs).

A modern sedentary lifestyle at a desk, an office table or driving a car only contributes to the development of this disease. With a long irregularly distributed load, the muscles of the neck are overstrained and spasmed. Hands with this disease grow numb at night and day.

Vascular pathologies

Vascular pathologies are the most dangerous causes for which your hands grow numb at night. If there is a violation of blood circulation in one part of the brain, the limb may also become numb.

If all this is accompanied by a sharp increase in blood pressure, dizziness and confusion - then this may be one of the signs of a micro stroke.

Usually the cause of the disease is overstress, stress, a sharp jump in blood pressure.

Ischemic stroke of the lower cerebellar and vertebral arteries is also manifested by the numbness of the limb. When it is broken blood circulation of any part of the brain. Associated signs of the disease - dizziness and increased blood pressure.


To the unpleasant sensations during a dream can lead and a harmful habit of smoking before a dream or at night. Smoking causes a sharp narrowing of blood vessels and the body can respond with a feeling of numbness.


Approximately to the same effect leads and the use of alcohol before a dream. Alcohol causes a short-term expansion of the vessels and then their sharp narrowing.

At that, the vessels narrow not to the original state, but narrow much more.


In pregnancy, the feeling of numbness in the hands or fingers also appears quite often. If a pregnant woman gets numb at night, there may be quite a few reasons for this:

  • Violation of the water-salt balance;
  • Lack of magnesium and calcium;
  • Vascular wall pathologies due to hormonal disorders;
  • Weight gain and uncomfortable position in sleep;
  • Decreased activity;
  • Pathology of the endocrine system.

Also, numbness-provoking factors are anemia developing during pregnancy and the spine disease, which are aggravated by a large weight.

Other diseases

Nocturnal numbness of the hands can be a consequence of a number of chronic diseases:

  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Hypertension;
  • Anemia;
  • Ischemic heart disease;
  • Lack of vitamins of group B and a number of microelements;
  • Multiple sclerosis;
  • Rheumatoid arthritis;
  • VSD.

It is not necessary to throw off such an infrequent, but very dangerous phenomenon, like the appearance of a blood clot in blood vessels. A thrombus can begin to interfere with blood supply and cause numbness.

If nocturnal numbness does not pass within an hour after waking up - this is a good reason to consult a doctor.

In all the cases listed above, it is necessary to start treatment of the underlying disease in a specialized specialist.

Finger paresthesia

Causes of finger paresthesia should be sought in a polyclinic. For examination, the therapist can give a referral to the following specialists - a cardiologist, a neurologist, an endocrinologist, a traumatologist.

  1. If the cause of the pathology is found to be of a neurological nature, a medication and vitamin complex will be prescribed. Often physiotherapy is additionally prescribed.
  2. If the reason lies in the muscle strain or injury, the trauma doctor will give his recommendations.
  3. If an elbow neuropathy is suspected, an electroneuromyography is prescribed, which will confirm the diagnosis.
  4. Determine the endocrine diseases will help to expand blood and urine tests, the study of the gastrointestinal tract.

How to get rid of night numbness

So, if you are concerned about the night numbness of the hands, it is necessary;

  • Check the pillow and mattress - how much they contribute to taking a comfortable position during sleep;
  • Check pajamas so that the narrow armhole arm does not pinch the limbs at night;
  • Check the position of the body during sleep.

If the cause of numbness of the hands is not this, and the unpleasant sensations continue, then you need to visit the therapist and neurologist, To be surveyed on presence of an osteochondrosis and other diseases: to make a roentgen of a backbone, an electrocardiogram, to hand over the developed analysis blood. And start treating the disease. Perhaps in some cases you will have to change jobs.

Treatment of pathology in most cases is carried out locally. It is reduced to the restoration of trophic tissue and the restoration of the functioning of the transmitted vessels.

The most commonly used methods of treatment are: physiotherapy, ultrasound, laser therapy, electrophoresis. All these procedures allow you to affect the affected area with medicines.

Very effective manual effect, which allows to reduce the inflammatory syndrome and reduce the process of vascular hypoxia. Treatment and prophylactic gymnastics promotes the development and strengthening of joints and muscles.

Regular physical activity improves blood circulation. Also helps to eliminate discomfort during sleep morning exercises and physical activity 2 hours before bedtime.

Help to get rid of numbness following exercises:

  • Squeezing / unclenching of fingers;
  • Shaking palms with relaxed fingers and wrists;
  • Lying on the back raising and lowering of the hands;
  • Rolling on the palm of a massage ball, a studded ball.

Also, a doctor can prescribe a vitamin complex, vasodilator, anti-inflammatory drugs. It is very effective for regular gymnastics for the shoulder girdle.

If these remedies are not particularly effective, you should consult a chiropractor.

The manual therapist will help to eliminate changes in the cervical and thoracic spine, dysfunction costal and vertebral and costal-sternal sections, in the shoulder joints and rib-abdominal joints, will help to remove muscular tension. Usually, from 1 to 5 sessions are sufficient to eliminate painful sensations.

A source: https://PsySon.ru/simptom/nemeyt-ruki-nochy.html

Why, during sleep, arms grow numb: factors of influence, numbness - a symptom, examination and treatment methods

There is such a thing as paresthesia, which is characterized by the numbness of the hands during a night's sleep. At the same time, in the fingers or in the palms of the hands after waking up, there is aches and tingling pain. This feeling prevents people from falling asleep again or doing the necessary things.

The cause of leakage is a short disturbance in the circulation, but it can also happen that the grounds for this will be more serious. Often doctors diagnose osteochondrosis, compression of the median nerve or neuritis. And some patients are referred to a neurologist and a cardiologist.

Factors of influence

Why dumb hands?Causes are:

  • Inconvenient position.
  • The pillow is too heavy and stiff.
  • Narrow nightgown or pajamas.
  • A dream in ornaments.
  • Habits that are harmful to health.

A frequent cause of numbness of the upper extremities during a night's sleep is a dream with the hands placed under the pillow or with hands up.

It is important to understand that at night the cardiovascular system functions in a slow mode, hindering the flow of blood into the bent fingers and in the elbows, which directly affects the leakage brushes of hands.

There is a recommendation not to go to bed on your side, clamping your upper limb with your body, do not place arm under the head of a nearby spouse, especially during deep sleep, thereby causing numbness arms.

An important role in the swelling of the hands is played by a pillow.

So, if it is uncomfortable and has large dimensions, it provokesarching of all cervical segmentsthe spine.


At the same time, the blood circulation of the nerve endings changes negatively, palms and fingers become numb, fading, lose their sensitivity.


Therefore, you need to change the pillow to a low and soft, and it is best to get the right orthopedic pillow, which guarantees the correct anatomical position, preventing numbness.

It is also necessary to take into account the type of clothes worn for sleeping. If it is excessively dense, narrow with coarse ruffles and seams, it should not be worn, but only pajamas and nightgowns of soft fabrics, loose cuts.

The constant wearing of bracelets, watches and rings can also affect the numbness of the hands, causing edema and pain. Therefore, it makes sense to shoot them at night, giving the possibility of blood to reach all the nerve roots and blood vessels, without provoking numbness of the upper limbs.

Habits that cause harm to health, such as coffee before bed, acute food and alcohol become one of the causes of numbness in the arms of the dream.

Besides,can manifest swelling.

It is also important not to eat salty or fatty meals for the night, avoiding frequent falling asleep in a state of intoxication, preventing the numbness of the hands.

Numbness of the hands as a symptom

If a person lays down his hand, causing numbness, and this phenomenon is rare, there is no reason for panic.

But in the conditions of frequent flowing of hands during sleep every night and this interferes with sleep, causing anxiety, it is worth to see a doctor and go through all the prescribed examinations.

The doctor setsdiagnosis depending on the manifestations:

  • Hands numb night and day.
  • Short-term and long-term numbness.
  • Withering of both hands.
  • Numbness of the right arm.
  • Waxing of the left hand.
  • Sudden numbness of the hands, with mental and visual impairment.

Answers to the questions asked by the doctor are important, since proceeding from them, the alleged cause of insufficient blood supply to the limb is established, followed by numbness.

Therefore, when asked why the right and left hands are numb during a night's sleep, there is a logical answer that this process arises due to malfunctions in the central nervous or peripheral system.

In cases where only one left arm is numb at night, thisspeaks about the problems of the cardiovascular systemand requires an immediate appeal to the cardiologist. And, if the limb becomes numb and in the afternoon, then the cause may be serious heart disease, possibly a micro stroke or stroke status.

If numbness is fixed only in the right arm, then the cause is often a violation in the carpal tunnel, osteochondrosis of the cervical region or arthrosis. This may indicate a stroke.

Patient examination

Symptoms, of course, talk about a lot, but complete information will givethorough diagnosis.

It includes:

  1. General blood analysis.
  2. Check for reflexes.
  3. Electrocardiogram.
  4. General urine analysis.
  5. Tomography.
  6. Roentgen of the spine.
  7. Research of blood glucose level.

Due to the list of diagnostics, doctors establish the correct diagnosis, after which an adequate treatment is prescribed.

The treatment of numbness in the hands

Whatever the main cause of numbness in the hands during the night sleep, doctors, as a rule, prescribethe same list of steps, to completely get rid of this symptom.

It includes:

  • Treatment of a provoking disease.
  • Refusal of habits that are harmful to health.
  • The correct diet, with the use of useful products.
  • Moderate sports.
  • Physiotherapy.
  • Magnetic-vacuum acupuncture method of treatment.
  • Phonophoresis - the introduction of medications by ultrasound.
  • Massotherapy.
  • Acupuncture.

Depending on the condition of the patient or on the severity of the diagnosis, the doctor at his discretion can connect to the treatment of other activities or cancel the ones already used.

Healing with folk remedies

In addition to conventional medicine, people oftenturn to alternative methods of treatment, which include:

  • Maslochear massage.
  • Drinking hot water.
  • Compress on the basis of honey.
  • Garlic tincture.
  • Tincture from a bog rosemary for grinding.

To prepare the buttermilk mix, you need ½ cup of butter and the same amount of sugar, mixing them together. Then this mixture is applied by massage spiraling movements on a problem place (brushes or palms).

Then, dilute 1 tablespoon of edible salt in 1 liter of warm water and dip the treated hand into the resulting solution for 45 minutes.

Daily intake of 1 cup of hot water on an empty stomachstrengthens weakened walls of blood vessels.


Treatment with honey lotions consists in applying it to the disturbing places as thinly as possible, followed by wrapping it overnight. Procedures should be performed for 7 to 10 nights.


As a product of treatment, you can use garlic tincture, for the preparation of which you will need capacity volume, ml, filled with 1/3 chopped garlic, which must be filled with water and infused 2 of the week. During the infusion of 1 time per day, it is important to mix the preparation being prepared. And after the time of infusion, take 5 drops, diluted in a teaspoon of boiled water.

Tincture from a swamp potatois made from 5 tablespoons of the base, filled with 1 glass of apple cider vinegar, with a weekly infusion. After that, rubs are made into the foci of numbness.

The collection of anamnesis, diagnosis and properly selected treatment will completely relieve the numbness of the hands during the night rest.

A source: http://artrit.guru/onemeniya/otchego-vo-vremya-sna-nemeyut-ruki.html