What is dangerous for hemophthalmus? How to treat this disease?

By the term "hemophthalmus" is meant any hemorrhage into the cavity of the eyeball. This structure of the eye has a gel-like content, called a vitreous body, which does not have its own vascular system. The main function of the vitreous is to hold a light beam on the retina. Further, incoming information in the form of impulses is sent to the brain, which already forms a visual image. Hemorrhage damages the process of sending information, which significantly affects the perception of the environment.

Hemophthalmia, as a rule, is acquired, and occurs against the background of external damage. But also internal pathologies of the visual organ are observed.


  • 1Definition of disease
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Possible complications
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Medication
    • 5.2Surgically
    • 5.3People's means
  • 6Prevention
  • 7Video
  • 8conclusions

Definition of disease

Hemophthalmia is a disease of the organs of vision. It is characterized by a hemorrhage in the vitreous of the eye. Depending on the volume of blood, a partial and total hemophthalmia is distinguished.

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The total vitreous hemorrhage is most often found in the case of damage to the eyeball through injuries of a penetrating or non-penetrating nature.Partial hemophthalmia is caused by internal disorders of metabolic systems (diabetes, anemia, hypertension and others).Also, the hemophthalmus can develop against a background of rupture or detachment of the retina of the eye.

Types of Hemophthalmia

When the blood enters the vitreous body, the transparency of the gel-like liquid is broken, and the products of the decomposition of elements such as hemoglobin and hemosiderin, have a toxic effect.Structural changes in the vitreous are determined by threads, strands and adhesions, which can cause irreversible visual impairment in the absence of proper treatment.

If the hemophthalmia does not occur against the background of eye trauma, it is necessary to consult a doctor for advice and appointment full survey, because such a sign can talk about serious violations of internal systems organism.


Hemophthalmus is associated with destructive processes in the vitreous. Hemorrhages in this organ can occur in people who have undergone ocular surgery. It happens that the disease occurs against the background of such diseases as:

  • hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • Atherosclerosis, in which the vessels are affected;
  • retinal disinsertion;
  • destruction of the vitreous body.

Hemorrhage in the eye with hemophthalmus is due to the fact that the vessels are torn. A common cause of the ailment is trauma to the eye.


The disease gives a pronounced clinical picture. Symptoms of hemophthalmus cause physical and psychological discomfort. In the outer corner of the eyeball there is a red spot. If there was a hemorrhage in the vitreous body, the reflexes of the eyeball weaken. Hemophthalmus distorts vision, in particular, affects its severity. If you do not treat the disease, it will progress: in the future, you can completely lose sight.

Symptom of a hemophthalmus is a reddened conjunctiva; The redness is clearly visible in the vitreous. This ailment characterizes hemorrhages of different intensity.

To reveal the stage of hemophthalmus, you need to determine the amount of blood in the eyeball. The doctor appoints an appropriate examination. An effective diagnostic method is dyscleral X-ray.During the procedure, a diaphanoscope is used. If the doctor discovers that the sclera is glowing, it involves extensive changes in the vitreous.If an intense beam of light is directed to the surface of the eye, and there is no glow, then an intensive hemorrhage occurred: the diagnosis is "Hemophthalmus".

The prognosis of recovery depends on how strong the lesion is. In this case, visreal opacities are taken into account.The prognosis also depends on the location of the outpoured blood, taking into account the duration of the pathological process, the vitreous body activity. Pathological reactions in hemophthalmia are interrelated.

If the disease progresses, the blood begins to accumulate in the form of "ribbons". These ribbons are located in the tissues of the vitreous. Hemolysis leads to the fact that the number of whole red blood cells decreases. In the second week of the disease, specific formations begin to form in the eye tissues: they include fibrin, a small number of red blood cells.If you perform a sonogram, you can see that the vitreous body is not uniform. In severe stages of the disease, turbidity is strongly pronounced: this is due to fibroblast proliferation. To identify the hemophthalmus, you need to examine the tissues of the eye, as well as conjunctiva, cornea, vitreous.

Possible complications

The complications include such lesions:

  1. Development of glaucoma- violation of intraocular pressure, which has a constantly progressive nature. After effective treatment, secondary glaucoma may develop with time.
  2. Hemosiderosis of the eyeball- damage to the vitreous with products of blood decay and the formation of adhesions.
  3. Retinal detachmentas a result of the development of adhesions on the posterior wall of the eyeball.

The non-serious attitude towards the disease and the hope for self-healing worsen the forecast. Hemophthalmus begins to progress: there is extensive damage to the vessels of the eye. As a result, vision becomes "clouded". In severe cases, blindness occurs.



The goal of conservative treatment is to restore the functioning of the organs of vision, to prevent hemorrhage, to eliminate the existing symptoms.Medications are prescribed at the initial stages. The doctor recommends funds that dissolve blood. Angioprotectors are effective.Since the detection of hemorrhage, complex therapy is prescribed. Conjunctival injections are carried out.

To increase the fibinolytic ability of the vitreous, it is necessary to achieve blood resorption.The doctor appoints streptodekazu, splitting fibrin. Dosage is individual, the course of treatment: 2-4 days.It is important to say that streptodedesis requires a combination with dexazone. The disturbance of lipid oxidation leads to the destruction of some cells. Antioxidants are used for treatment. Hemophthalmos is capable of increasing intraocular pressure. This is due to the fact that the vitreous body accumulates decay products. To restore the intraocular pressure, antihypertensive drugs are used.


Depending on the nature of the disease, vitrectomy can be prescribed. Trauma of the eye leads to the fact that the metabolism in the vitreous body is disturbed: in this case, the nearby tissues are affected.Violation of the acid balance leads to the accumulation of decomposition products. Vitrectomy - surgical manipulation, during which the vitreous body is dissected, in the future it is completely removed.In place of the vitreous body gets a solution with salts. There are open and closed vitrectomy. During the procedure, fiber lighters, cutting systems and several additional tools are used. With closed vitrectomy, 2 punctures are performed.


To capture a small portion of the vitreous body, the doctor uses a vacuum. To cut off this portion, an aspirating needle is used. The vitreous humor is extracted in portions.Also, the tissue that has undergone the pathological process is removed.The duration of the intervention depends on the intensity of the hemorrhage (the nature of the lesion). The result of the operation is the removal of the vitreous: first the front part is removed, then the peripheral one.

The difficulty of ophthalmic intervention is only that the base of the vitreous is tightly fixed. If you carelessly perform the procedure, you can injure the lens: this will affect the visual functions.

It is important to say that vitrectomy can lead to bleeding.To stop it, it is necessary to raise the intraocular pressure artificially. A dose of replacement fluid is supplied to the eye cavity. It is important to ensure the prevention of hemorrhage.To do this, it is recommended to use an antihemorrhagic remedy. If the vitrectomy is performed by an experienced surgeon, the risk of complications is minimal. The procedure gives good results: it is prescribed if there is a lot of blood in the vitreous body.

People's means

They must be approved by a doctor. There are several medicines to improve vision with hemophthalmia.

  1. You can make a remedy of chicory.It will take 40 g of this product. Chicory flooded with water: 250 ml, infused for 10 minutes, then - filtered. Eat 100 g 3 times a day.
  2. To restore visual functions, use apple juice and nettle.It is necessary to wash these products, squeeze the juice, dilute with the same amount of water. Means taken internally.
  3. Bilberry leaves have medicinal properties: they are added to different medicines.You can squeeze the juice from the leaves and fruits of the berries, mix with water in the proportion:. You will get a solution that you need to instill with a conjunctival sac. Periodicity of use - 1 time per day.
  4. You can drink 1-2 cups of green tea: it helps to restore vision.A drink without additional impurities is suitable for lotions. The drug is prepared easily: you need to take 5 g of tea and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Tea is cooled, applied to the eyelids with the help of cotton pads.


Observe the prevention of hemophthalmia - it is necessary. It helps to avoid the negative consequences of the disease. That there was no hemorrhage in the eye, you need:

  • avoid injury;
  • timely treatment of diseases;
  • avoid visual overexertion;
  • when working at a computer, perform eye exercises (you can lightly massage);
  • protect the eyes from any harmful substances.

Outbreaks in the eyes: causes and methods of treatment

Eye drops Vitabakt with the instruction is described in this article.

When ophthalmic drops are prescribed Visomitin http://eyesdocs.ru/medicinaoperacii/lekarstva/kapli-vizomitin-kak-primenyat-i-chto-lechit-dannym-preparatom.html




In conclusion, let us recall once again: timely treatment of hemophthalmia improves the prognosis and gives a chance for complete recovery. If you identify redness in the corner of the eye, you should consult a doctor. Self-medication is unacceptable!

In addition, read about how to deal with the redness of the conjunctiva and what drops treat conjunctivitis.

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