Overview of effective drops for the treatment of conjunctivitis

Conjunctivitis is a pathological process that affects the organs of vision and leads to the development of inflammation on the mucous membranes of the eyes. There are three forms of this ailment: viral, bacterial and allergic. Everything depends on what influenced the development of the inflammatory process. Treatment should be prescribed only by a doctor after examination of the patient and diagnosis. For the treatment of eye drops, the choice of which is very huge today.


  • 1Application area
  • 2Features of preparations
  • 3List of drugs
    • 3.1Antibacterial
      • 3.1.1Levomycetin
      • 3.1.2Tobrex
      • 3.1.3Albucid
      • 3.1.4Floxal
      • 3.1.5Zipromed
    • 3.2Antiviral drugs
      • 3.2.1Ophthalmoferon
      • 3.2.2Ocoferon
      • 3.2.3Actipol
      • 3.2.4Poludan
    • 3.3Anti-allergic
      • 3.3.1Allergodyl
      • 3.3.2Opatanol
      • 3.3.3Cromohexal
  • 4Recommendations for use
  • 5Video
  • 6conclusions

Application area

Assign drops from conjunctivitis may be in the presence of the following symptoms:

  • hyperemia of the eyes;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • discharge from the eyes;
  • instagram viewer
  • poor appetite;
  • increased secretion of tear fluid;
  • glueing cilia and eyelids after sleep;
  • photophobia;
  • formation on the eyelids of crusts of yellow color.

Features of preparations

Depending on the components that are part of the eye drops from conjunctivitis, they can be divided into three groups:

  1. With antibacterial effect.They are presented in a wide range. The peculiarity of them is that the composition contains an antibiotic. But here to apply them costs only on condition that the pathological process arose as a result of the defeat of a bacterial infection.
  2. Antiviral.At the heart of these medications is a component such as interferon.
  3. Anti-allergic.These include antihistamines, nonsteroidal and steroid drops. Their action is aimed at blocking the effect of the allergen and removing the inflammatory process.

List of drugs


Affect the development of bacterial conjunctivitis can pathogenic cocci and chlamydia. The patient feels strong lachrymation and redness, pus is often allocated.

Use antibacterial drops can be only for 7 days, but not longer. Otherwise, the bacteria develops an addiction to the components of the drug.


This medication is characterized by a wide range of effects. Actively used in the treatment of various ophthalmic pathologies.Due to active components of Levomycetin, it is possible to prevent the multiplication of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, which are the culprits of inflammation.

Drops can have not only a local effect, but also in a low concentration penetrate into the circulatory system, so that they should not be used by people with disturbed hematopoiesis, kidney diseases and liver.


This drug is based on aminoglycoside tobramycin, which has antibacterial activity. Apply drops to eliminate inflammation, the development of which affected streptococci and staphylococci.

Since the drug is characterized by a powerful antibacterial effect, it is only necessary to apply it after the doctor's recommendation.

The dosage and method of using drops is determined taking into account the course of the disease. If necessary, they can be applied every hour.


Antibacterial drug, which contains sulfacetamide.Thanks to it, it is possible to slow down pathogenic microbes, which influenced the development of conjunctivitis.To get the maximum result from therapy, a 30% solution is used.

Albucid has a side effect - a brief burning sensation. To avoid it, you should use a solution of lower concentration. The dose and frequency of admission is determined by the stage of pathology. If this is an acute course, then apply the drug up to 6 times a day for 2-3 drops in the affected eye.


Antibiotic, which was widely used in the treatment of inflammatory ophthalmic diseases.It effectively copes with gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms to apply drops 4 times a day for 14 days, but not longer. There are such side effects as blurred vision, but after a couple of minutes she leaves.


This drug has found its application in the therapy of specific conjunctivitis.In the role of the main component is the antibiotic ciprofloxacin. It is active against spirochaetes and gonococci.According to the instructions for use, Tsipromed can not use drops of pregnant and breast-feeding women.

Antiviral drugs

Adenoviruses and enterovirus can affect the development of viral conjunctivitis. They are carried by air. The main symptom of pathology is abundant lacrimation and secretion of mucus in the eye. For treatment, drops containing interferon or components that stimulate the formation of its own antiviral protein are used.


This drug is based on human interferon. Has antiviral, analgesic and antiviral effect.In addition, it helps restore the cornea of ​​the optic.It has a local effect, which can quickly overcome the unpleasant symptoms.

If conjunctivitis occurs in the acute phase, then drip the drug for 1-2 drops 8 times a day. Then the frequency of reception is reduced to 3 times a day.


An antiviral drug whose action is aimed at blocking the development of herpetic infection.In its composition, one can find such a component as interferon alpha-2b. It does not allow viruses to multiply inside cells.Apply for a period of 2 drops in the affected eye 6 times a day.


At the heart of this medication is the main producer of interferon - paraaminobenzoic acid. The drug is aimed at eliminating the virus, stimulating the renewal of the mucous membrane of the visual organ.Due to the fact that the component is quickly absorbed into the tissue of the eye, it is possible to instantly suppress puffiness and inflammation.Apply for 7 days 2 drops 3-8 times a day.

Even the effectiveness of Actipol is proven in the treatment of chronic forms of eye fatigue.


These drops contain a polyribonucleotide complex.It stimulates the production of interferon in the blood and tear fluid. The drug successfully fights adenovirus and herpes infection. The active components of the drops are absorbed by all layers of the visual organ, while in the body they do not linger.


This form of pathological process is formed as a result of the influence of external stimuli.Recognize allergic conjunctivitis can be on such symptoms as redness, purulent discharge, edema, lacrimation. To treat the use of drops, which contain components such as azelistan and cromoglycic acid.


This medication has a long-term effect, which is aimed at blocking the production of the hormone histamine.It is he who leads to the development of an allergic disease. You can use the medication for a long time.Its components are well tolerated by the human body.


Antiallergenic medicine, whose action is aimed at suppressing the synthesis of biological substances that are involved in the development of the allergic process.Possessing drops local influence, do not enter the bloodstream, while the positive dynamics can be traced in a few days of use.Opatanol perfectly suppresses swelling, redness and burning in the eyes.


When using this medication, it is possible to quickly stop all the symptoms of an allergy and prevent the release of mediators, which lead to the development of inflammation of the ocular membrane.Drops should be used in the development of acute allergies to prevent the chronic inflammation.Use Kromogeksal allowed for the entire duration of the allergen. But during pregnancy and lactation it is not prescribed.

Recommendations for use

Only with the proper application of eye drops can you get the expected result. So use the following guidelines:

  1. Use any medication can only be approved by a doctor.
  2. Before the procedure, the hands should be thoroughly washed, so that an additional infection does not enter the eyes.
  3. You also need to wash your eyes.
  4. If you use two types of different drops, then a time interval of 15 minutes must pass between them.
  5. When digging in, make sure that the dispenser does not come into contact with the eye mucosa.
  6. Store the already opened vial of the drug as described in the instructions.
  7. During treatment, it is worth not using contact lenses.

Eye drops from red eyes

Features of the use of eye drops from allergies are described here.

Eye drops from allergies for children http://eyesdocs.ru/medicinaoperacii/lekarstva/effektivnye-glaznye-kapli-protiv-allergii-u-detej.html




Treatment of conjunctivitis is a complex of measures, the purpose of which is not only to eliminate unpleasant symptoms, but also a fundamental factor. But before you apply this or that drug, it is worthwhile to understand the nature of the origin of the pathological process. It is foolish to treat bacterial conjunctivitis with antiviral or antiallergic drops.

Read also what conjunctivitis looks like.

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