All causes and symptoms of low blood pressure in women

From this article you will learn: the causes and symptoms of decreased pressure in women( both common, topical for both sexes, and characteristic only for women).

Contents of the article:

  • Causes of low blood pressure in women
  • Symptoms of low blood pressure in women

Arterial pressure is an indicator that indicates blood pressure on vascular walls. Normally, it is within 90/60 - 140/90 mm Hg. Art. This is a vital criterion on which not only the overall well-being depends, but also the work of the whole organism. The diagnosis of arterial hypotension( or hypotension) - that is, low blood pressure - is set if the indices do not exceed 90/60 mm Hg. Art.

The norms of pressure in men and women are the same.

The causes and symptoms of low blood pressure in men and women are generally the same, but there are specific "female" causes and symptoms. We'll talk about this in more detail in the article.

Usually, a physician-therapist is engaged in treatment of low blood pressure. If the disease is accompanied by violations of the endocrine system - consultation of the endocrinologist is required. When hypotension in pregnant women, the decision on the necessary treatment can be made by an obstetrician-gynecologist.

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Causes of low blood pressure in women

Low blood pressure can develop at any age, but people 30 years and older are more likely to suffer.

Low blood pressure can occur against the background of general health( and be a normal condition) and arise due to various pathologies and diseases.

Causes of hypotension against the background of general health( relevant for both men and women)

The following factors may provoke a reduction in blood pressure without disturbing the general state of health:

  • is a hereditary propensity to develop hypotension;
  • excessive physical exertion on the body, performing hard work( hypotension develops as a protective reaction to physical stress due to reduced heart rate);
  • a sharp change in climatic conditions( for example, when resting in winter in exotic countries);
  • when in hot conditions with high humidity;
  • high in the mountains;
  • sharp change in body position.

Also, low blood pressure often occurs in women who are actively involved in sports, dancing, as the body is constantly exposed to physical stress. Doctors distinguish this type of hypotension separately and call it "hypotension of fitness".

Excessive physical exertion can trigger a decrease in pressure.

The threshold of "normal reduced pressure" is 100/70 mm Hg. Art. With figures below, the condition usually begins to deteriorate, negative symptoms appear. This threshold is relevant for both trained athletes and when in the mountains.

Pathological causes of development of hypotension( relevant for both men and women)

Arterial hypotension can develop as a secondary disease on the background of other pathologies of internal organs. These are:

Heart and Vessel Diseases. If the tone of the walls of the vessels is low, or the heart is not able to throw out a sufficient volume of blood, a pressure drop occurs. This is observed with cardiac tamponade, myocardial infarction, vegetovascular dystonia, arrhythmia, atherosclerosis. Also, a sharp decrease in pressure occurs with thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery.
  • Acute blood loss. It is observed in trauma due to a decrease in the volume of circulating blood( abbreviated as BCC).
  • Infectious diseases. In this case, there is often an increased body temperature, dehydration of the body occurs, which causes a decrease in BCC and consequently - hypotension. By the same mechanism, a decrease in pressure can also be seen in the background of intestinal infections.
  • Anemia. Reduction of hemoglobin level is accompanied by hypoxia - insufficient intake of oxygen - and leads to the development of low blood pressure. Anemia can occur with significant blood loss, especially chronic( with heavy menstruation in women, severe stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers).
  • Disruption of the endocrine system. Hypotension is observed in hypothyroidism - insufficient production of thyroid hormones. As a result, the tone of the vessels decreases, a low pulse( bradycardia) is noted, which leads to a decrease in pressure. This condition is also possible with insufficient production of adrenal hormones.
  • Collapse. With anaphylactic, pain shock, thermal shock, there is always a decrease in blood pressure due to the accumulation of blood in large vessels and its absence on the periphery.
  • Oncological processes. Hypotension is more often diagnosed in the last stages of cancer development.
  • Neurological disorders. Decrease in blood pressure is typical for neuroses, depressive states.
  • Use of certain medicines. The disease can develop as a result of an overdose of antihypertensive drugs, diuretics, antidepressants, sleeping pills, muscle relaxants, psychotropic substances, nitrates, cardiac glycosides.
  • Insufficient nutrient intake. Because of the abundance of diets and unloading days, the body simply can not get all the necessary substances that ensure normal work. Also, the cause of hypotension in this case can be a sharp decrease in body weight.
  • If hypotension occurs against a background of other diseases, treatment is directed primarily at their elimination. Often this is enough to achieve an increase in blood pressure.

    Causes of hypotension, peculiar only to women

    • Increased production of the hormone estrogen: the substance helps to reduce the tone of the vessels;
    • gynecological diseases: uterine fibroids, profuse menstruation, postpartum hemorrhage;
    • pregnancy: in the first trimester, this condition is observed because of the increased level of progesterone, later - against the background of the syndrome of the inferior vena cava, twinning, anemia.
    Pregnancy is one of the reasons for lowering blood pressure

    Symptoms of low blood pressure in women

    Symptoms of hypotension in women and men in general are the same. About the characteristic signs of low blood pressure in women, we'll talk a little further.

    General signs of hypotension( relevant for both men and women)

    • Dizziness, darkening in the eyes;
    • headache in the region of the temples, occiput;
    • drowsiness, general malaise;
    • cold extremities;
    • emotional instability;
    • decrease in body temperature to 35.6-36 degrees;
    • increased sweating.
    Symptoms of hypotension

    Specific symptoms of depression( relevant for women and men)

    Some people may not even notice these symptoms if they do not interfere with overall health. However, in most cases, hypotension is accompanied by these signs( some of them).

    Which system suffers? Characteristic features of
    Cardiovascular system The heart reaction depends on the pathology against which hypotension developed. It can be observed as a decrease in the pulse, and its increase.
    CNS Deterioration of memory, sleep, decreased efficiency, a constant sense of weakness, weakness.
    Skin covers Skin becomes pale, wet, cold. Dark circles under the eyes may appear if hypotension is chronic. Cyanotic coloring of fingertips, nasolabial area is also noted. With hypothyroidism( a pathology of the thyroid gland), the skin is pale, but dry and with a pronounced puffiness.
    Respiratory organs To cope with oxygen deficiency, the body tries to make up for its lack of increased respiration, dyspnea increases with physical exertion. If there is hypotension on the background of pulmonary edema or pulmonary embolism, symptoms such as pinkish sputum, differently moist wet wheezing appear.
    Endocrine system Reduced blood pressure on the background of dysfunction of endocrine structures is accompanied by hyperpigmentation of the skin( excessive intensive coloring), disruption of the intestine, frequent urination at night, reduced performance.
    Digestive tract Disorders from the intestine are observed in the chronic course of the disease. There may appear abdominal pain, stool disorders( constipation or diarrhea), belching, nausea, vomiting.
    Specific symptoms of depression of pressure

    Usually, when hypotension in women, not all the pathological signs indicated above are observed. Symptoms of the disease depend primarily on the cause that caused the drop in blood pressure.

    Symptoms of hypotension, characteristic only for women

    • Menstrual irregularity, manifested by soreness, meager or heavy blood loss;
    • pain in the lower abdomen, if there are gynecological diseases.

    There is often a decrease in blood pressure in women during pregnancy, which in most cases occurs in the morning. The condition in itself does not pose a threat to a woman, but it can harm an infant who has not yet appeared.

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