Lumbago: Symptoms and Treatment


  • 1Lumbago: symptoms and treatment at home
    • 1.1Concept of the syndrome
    • 1.2Symptoms and signs of illness
    • 1.3Causes
    • 1.4Diagnostics
    • 1.5When there is a lumbago with sciatica?
    • 1.6Symptomatology
    • 1.7How to treat lumbar puncture at home?
    • 1.8Medications
    • 1.9Folk remedies
    • 1.10Treatment of lumbagoishalgia
    • 1.11Prophylaxis and prognosis
  • 2Symptoms of lumbago, first aid and treatment
    • 2.1Causes of acute pain in the lower back
    • 2.2Signs and Symptoms of Lumbago
    • 2.3Traditional lumbago treatment
    • 2.4Alternative therapies for lumbago
    • 2.5Manual Techniques
    • 2.6Reflexology
    • 2.7Massage
    • 2.8Physiotherapy
    • 2.9ethnoscience
    • 2.10Preventive measures
  • 3Lumbago: Symptoms and Treatment
    • 3.1general description
    • 3.2Lumbago symptoms
    • 3.3Treatment of lumbago
  • 4Symptoms and treatment of lumbago syndrome at home
    • 4.1Features of the syndrome
    • 4.2Causes of the syndrome
    • 4.3Symptoms of the disease
    • 4.4Primary treatment for pain
    • 4.5Therapy in the management of pain syndrome
    • 4.6Physiotherapy and manual therapy
    • 4.7Additional therapies
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Lumbago: symptoms and treatment at home

The health of the spine affects the overall well-being to an extent that can not be overemphasized. Knowledge of the anatomy of the human body, how the disease originates, its signs, makes it possible to avoid violations and act properly when they appear.

Most of the problems associated with the spine can be prevented by observing a culture of health. This will keep the freshness of youth as long as possible.

Concept of the syndrome

If there was a sudden sharp pain in the lumbar region that caused the patient to stop, so that it does not increase, then the specialists diagnose the patient with lumbago.

The pain may be short-lived or delayed for several hours. In any case, this is an excuse to pay attention to your health.

Symptoms and signs of illness

For lumbago, the symptoms are:

  1. The man bent down and, with straightening, felt like a "knife in the back" pain. This pain signal has characteristic features.
    There is a feeling in the lower back:
    • like a bolt of lightning,
    • push,
    • electric shock,
    • stitching pain,
    • brain,
    • cold,
    • burning,
    • raspiranie in muscles,
    • or, it seems that there is a constriction of the muscles of the waist,
    • running shivers.

    The pain is localized at a particular point. The patient can indicate where the "chamber" occurs. It increases with coughing. Stress can also provoke pain.

  2. The second sign of lumbago is the inability to change the posture in which a person has found pain. The muscles react to the pain signal by the appearance of a voltage in them. This limits the ability to move during an attack.
  3. In connection with muscle spasm in the examination of the back by palpation, you can find dense patches. When pressing on them, pain occurs.


Acute pain is the visible part of the iceberg disease. It is important to determine that invisible part where the causes of the lumbago lie. It:

  1. Osteochondrosis - the greatest number of cases of the disease cause degenerative changes in the discs and vertebrae. Causes of violations can be acquired, congenital.Provocation often serves:
    • Sharp cooling after overheating, for example, in the sauna.
    • Long stay in one pose, this can be due to the specifics of the work.
    • Finding a long time in drafts.
    • Excessive strain on the spine.
    • Hernia - the consequences of osteochondrosis can be the cause of lumbago.
  2. Tumors as a cause of lumbago are much less common.
  3. Acute pain in the spine can provoke the infectious processes that cause spondylitis.


Conducting the study with a magnetic resonance tomograph provides comprehensive information, including the state of soft tissues. Based on the results, the doctor can determine the causes that led to acute pain in the lower back.

Accurate diagnosis will help to avoid misdirection. Early diagnosis allows you to hope for a complete elimination of the causes of the disease.

When there is a lumbago with sciatica?

The traumatic effect on the nerve endings with the involvement of the sciatic nerve causes lumboschialgia. Radicular nerves may suffer from the harassment of tissues deformed from the disease or from inflammatory processes. Nerve compression can also lead to inflammation in it.

From pain, there is a spasm in the muscles of the back, which further creates prerequisites for the pain syndrome. Hardened muscles create additional pressure on the focus of the problem.

The brain sends a signal to the muscles to increase the spasm. This vicious circle creates a stable focus of the problem, where the compressed tissues still have an inflammatory process and edema.

Provocation for the appearance of this disease can be:

  • awkward rapid movement,
  • attempt to lift a heavy load from an inclined position,
  • stay in an uncomfortable position for a long time.


Developing osteochondrosis is often the background for the appearance of lumbago with sciatica. This disease manifests itself through such signs:

  • A sharp appearance in the lower back of acute pain, which gives to the lower limbs. The pain can irradiate in one leg or both.
  • The trajectory of pain passes along the back surface of the leg, reaching the gastrocnemius, and the beginning it takes from the buttocks.
  • Stiffness of the lumbar spine.
  • Forced position of the patient: bent forward.
  • Changing the position of the body causes pain.
  • In painful areas, sensations may arise:
    • heat,
    • itching,
    • creepy,
    • cold.
  • When the foot comes, in which pain gives, the painful sensations become sharp and searing.
  • The skin on the leg affected by lumboschialgia acquires a pale color and becomes cold to the touch.
  • In case of overfatigue and hypothermia, the pain syndrome increases.

How to treat lumbar puncture at home?

  • If there was a sudden pain, then the very first action to ease the condition should take a lying posture. Covered on a hard foundation are blankets and lie on your back. To relax the large muscles of the back of the leg lay on a pillow or a folded blanket (this can be and chair) so that the femoral part turns perpendicular to the floor, and the shin lies on the support in parallel him.
  • You can take a pill of non-steroid drugs (Diclofenac).
  • Then call the doctor. It is necessary to diagnose and get an appointment for treatment.
  • On the back of the ointment:
    • Ketoprofen,
    • Voltarenovuyu ointment,
    • Fastum gel.
  • It is necessary to observe peace.
  • At the waist is good to wear an elastic waist with a woolen inner side.
  • It should be refrained from eating foods that can cause fluid retention in the body:
    • coffee,
    • acute,
    • salted,
    • sweet,
    • alcohol.
  • When will release the acute pain to perform, without overloading yourself with simple exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back.


Specialists developed standard methods of helping with lumbago. Among them in the acute stage, they recommend taking medications.

  • Nonsteroidal drugs - contribute to the removal of pain, swelling and inflammation:
    • Ibuprofen,
    • Diclofenac,
    • Aspirin.
  • To reduce the anxiety of the patient, the doctor can prescribe tranquilizers.
  • Spasmolitin - relieves muscle spasm.
  • Sleeping - for the patient to fall asleep, despite the acute pain.
  • Dimexide - the drug is applied to the waist region, moistening the napkins in it. It is able to penetrate the pores of the skin and provide analgesic and anti-inflammatory action.
  • Vitamin preparations containing group B.

Folk remedies

Common ways of helping:

  • Warming compress:
    • on the waist region impose turpentine (5 g),
    • knead the dough on the water from rye flour and apply to the waist,
    • cellophane interlayer,
    • a heater in the form of cotton wool.

    Compress to take off in an hour. The remains of turpentine wipe with a napkin. Do three days in a row.

In the photo, the turpentine ointment used in the lumbago syndrome

  • They put on the waist a special belt that has dog hair in its composition. It is checked that the heat from it has a curative effect.

Treatment of lumbagoishalgia

  1. The first stage is an acute condition.
    • The patient is assigned a bed rest.
    • It is recommended to reduce the intake of fluid to help reduce puffiness.
    • Use of NVP to improve the patient's condition. Nonsteroid drugs anesthetize, act anti-inflammatory, relieve edema.These are preparations in the form of injections, ointments and tablets:
      • Nurofen,
      • Ketorol,
      • Diclofenac.
    • If there is a strong spasm in the muscles, the doctor can prescribe muscle relaxants and antispasmodics.

    All drugs have serious contraindications. Read the instructions and consult a doctor.

  2. When acute pain releases, go to physiotherapy, it is obligatory to do therapeutic gymnastics.

Prophylaxis and prognosis

If the lumbago has arisen because of negligence, and there are no serious violations in the spine, then following the doctor's prescriptions and bed rest, the patient will recover within two weeks.

It is necessary to find out the reasons that led to the disease and to conduct a course of treatment to eliminate them.

To prevent the occurrence of acute pain in the lower back, it is necessary:

  • Strengthen your back muscles, for this you need to do exercises.
  • Keep away from drafts.
  • Avoid long standing in one pose.
  • Do not smoke.
  • Engage in swimming.
  • Give yourself a sparing exercise.
  • Lift weights with a straight spine. If it is necessary to bend the legs at the knees.
  • When carrying goods, distribute the weight to two hands.
  • Sleep on a semi-rigid or orthopedic mattress.
  • Ensure that the diet is balanced.
  • If there is a disease of osteochondrosis in time to treat it.

A source:

Symptoms of lumbago, first aid and treatment

Sharp pain, unexpectedly hindering the lower back when an awkward turn or lifting of the weight, occurs suddenly, accompanied by strong muscular spasm and literally immobilizes a person: every attempt to stir causes even greater suffering.

Such a state, regardless of the reasons that provoked it, is called "lumbago" in medicine.

No one is immune to a sudden pain attack in the lower back, so it is important to know how to provide the first care at home for those who fell ill with the characteristic symptoms of lumbago, as well as further consistency treatment.

The name of the disease came from the word "loin" in Latin - lumbus. It is the lower back that most often suffers with intensive training, assumes the lion's share of the load during heavy physical work, deforms with a sedentary lifestyle.

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Pain in the lower spine is associated with irritation of the nerve endings surrounding the vertebrae, as a result of the disease, trauma, inflammation and other damaging factors.

Subjectively, the patient feels strong painful lumbago in the lumbar region, sometimes giving down the sciatic nerve and increasing during movement. The surrounding muscles are as if stony and can not relax, further limiting the mobility of a person.

The duration and intensity of the pain syndrome is largely determined by its origin.

Lumbago is often not an independent pathology, but a symptom that accompanies the underlying disease.

To find out the cause that caused it, you need to turn to the neurologist.

Causes of acute pain in the lower back

Effective treatment of lumbago is impossible without establishing a basic diagnosis. To remove acute pain is only a measure of first aid to the patient. If the pathology that caused the symptoms of lumbago is not eliminated, relapses are inevitable in the future.

    Among the main reasons for lumbago can be identified:
  1. Osteochondrosis. As a result of a prolonged course of the disease, the vertebrae move relative to each other, there are osteophytes (bony outgrowths), deformation and damage to ligaments, intervertebral disks.
  2. Injuries. With excessive physical effort, tearing of the ligaments, swelling or dislocation of the discs are possible.
  3. Anomalies in the structure of the spine. In the risk group, up to 30% of the total population. Among congenital pathologies there are: additional and missing vertebrae in the lumbar and sacral parts, irregular shape, arrangement and connection of the vertebrae and their parts, cleavage of the arches.
  4. Curvature (scoliosis, pathological lordosis).
  5. Tumors. The spine, like other organs, can be affected by a tumor. Devastating effects on the vertebrae have benign bone formation (osteoma, osteoblastoma), vascular hemangiomas, malignant osteosarcomas, metastatic foci.
  6. Spondylitis. The tissues of vertebral bodies are damaged as a result of an inflammatory process of an infectious nature.
  7. Spondyloarthritis. Inflammation caused by non-infectious pathologies - Bechterew's disease, psoriasis and other diseases of the rheumatological profile.

Trigger hook for lumbago attack is increased load on the lower back: intensive exercise, heavy physical labor, prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position, hypothermia, extreme temperature changes (cold douches after steam room).

Signs and Symptoms of Lumbago

Backache in the lower back occurs abruptly and suddenly. Its main sign is the intense pain of a stabbing, pulsating, shooting character. During the movement, sensations increase, which forces the patient to "stand still" in one pose.

The acute period lasts from half an hour to several hours, after which the pain decreases slightly, again growing at night.

    The attack of lumbago is accompanied by the following symptoms:
  • SpasmThe muscles of the lower back, buttocks, thighs are reflexively compressed, become dense, edematous.
  • Mobility limitation. Because of excessively strained muscles, the patient experiences difficulties with flexion, extension of the back, a change in the position of the body.
  • Forced position. A man tries to accept a situation in which he feels relief.
  • Numbness of legs. As a result of spasm, blood circulation in the skin and muscles of the lower limbs slows down, there may appear a decrease in sensitivity, tingling.
    Patients often observe indirect signs of lumbago:
  1. weakness;
  2. problems with digestion;
  3. constipation;
  4. frequent urination;
  5. violations in the genital area.

Lumbago overtakes a person suddenly, and it can happen anywhere: at home, on the street or at work. Specialists have developed recommendations for first aid for lumbago, which must be adhered to before the doctor arrives.

  • Find and keep a forced position - the pose in which pain can be tolerated.
  • Do not make sharp movements, try to move as little as possible. If possible, use outside help.
  • Take an analgesic pill with an anti-inflammatory effect - Ibuprofen (Nurofen), Diclofenac (Voltaren, Orthofen).
  • Rub in the lower back anti-inflammatory ointment without warming action. Suitable Voltaren, Fastum-Gel, Diclofenac, Finalgel, Ketoprofen.
  • Put on a woolen elastic waistband. It fixes the spine, warms, reduces swelling.
  • Lay down on a hard surface, bend your legs at a right angle and place a roller under them. You can also place your belly on the pillow.
  • Traditional lumbago treatment

    The classical scheme of treatment of lumbago presupposes the measures necessary for the removal of an acute condition: complete "unloading" of the waist and medical therapy (anesthesia, elimination of spasms and inflammation).

    As a drug therapy the patient is prescribed:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (diclofenac, ibuprofen, movalis) in the form of tablets and injections - suppress inflammation, relieve pain;
  • NSAIDs of external use (ointments and gels), compresses with dimexidum - anesthetize, reduce inflammation;
  • analgesics - painkillers injections and pills;
  • spasmolytics - relieve spasms;
  • muscle relaxants - block nerve impulses, relax the skeletal musculature;
  • soothing - relieve nervousness of the patient, normalize sleep.
  • In the acute period of lumbago, a strict bed rest is shown, all kinds of physical activity, hot baths, hot-water bottles, mustard, warming ointments, massage are prohibited.

    It is recommended to follow a diet that excludes salty and spicy food.

    Alternative therapies for lumbago

    Many alternative treatments for lumbago can be used with a subacute period when the disease has declined, but pain and spasms still persist.

    Physiotherapeutic sessions are allowed from 2-3 days of the disease for the purpose of anesthetizing, relieving inflammation, swelling, restoring blood circulation and mobility of the waist.

    With lumbago, the following physiotherapy procedures are used:

  • cold compresses - applying cold to the affected area as necessary reduces the unpleasant sensations and inflammation;
  • magnetotherapy - 15-20 minutes a day eliminates pain and swelling;
  • diadynamic therapy - daily sessions for 1 weeks block nerve impulses responsible for lumbago;
  • amplipulse therapy - course of 5-10 procedures restore damaged nerve and muscle fibers;
  • electrophoresis - allows you to deliver painkillers and anti-inflammatory substances to nerve endings and reduce doses of drugs taken orally and in the form of injections.
  • Manual Techniques

    In the hands of an experienced osteopath or a chiropractor, a sick lumbago has every chance to get rid of the pain, restore the correct position of the vertebrae, remove the pinched nerve roots, relax the muscles clamps.

    However, these methods can be treated only without exacerbation and if there are no contraindications. You need to know about this from your neurologist.


    Stimulation of biologically active points on the body helps to reduce muscle tone, relieve pain and inflammation of nerve endings.

    To treat lumbago fit methods of acupuncture, acupressure, electro-puncture.

    At home, use of applicator mats is allowed for treatment.


    Easy massage with lumbago helps to improve local blood circulation, normalize lymph flow, remove puffiness, inflammation, pain.

    Only soft massage techniques in the lumbar region are allowed: stroking, rubbing, kneading.


    At the time of a lumbago attack, physical activity is limited, but this does not mean that you have to lie absolutely still in bed. The patient is available such exercises as:

    1. rotation of feet;
    2. raising and lowering of hands;
    3. bending fingers;
    4. breathing exercises;
    5. lifting and retracting legs.

    From 3-4 days to the indicated exercises you can add:

    1. lifting the pelvis from a lying position;
    2. alternate and simultaneous pulling the feet to the buttocks;
    3. dilution of bent knees to the sides;
    4. lifting the head with the tension of the press;
    5. from an emphasis on knees - rounding and relaxation of a back (on a breath - an exhalation), not supposing a depression in a loin.

    A week later, slow foot sweeps are allowed from the rack on the hands and knees, lifting the shoulder belt from the position on the back with bent legs.

    Gymnastics with lumbago activates blood circulation, improves mobility in the lower back, stretches the muscles and spine.


    Folk methods recommend simple and effective remedies for lumbago.

  • Warming belt made of dog hair.
  • Anti-inflammatory compress with chamomile.
    Soak the cloth in a decoction, place it on the waist and wrap it with a downy shawl.
  • Bandage with burdock leaves.
    With a rusty side of the leaves, cover the diseased area, fix it with a woolen shawl, change as it dries;
  • Anti-inflammatory and analgesic mask of black radish.
    Grate the root crop finely, apply oil on the lower back, apply a radish slurry, cover with a linen napkin and a film, on top - with a warm cloth.
  • Application of red clay.
    Wet the moist clay and mix with turpentine, roll it into a thick cake, put on the back, cover with a napkin and leave to cool.
    1. Observe bed rest.
    2. Give up coffee, sweets, alcohol, salty and spicy food for the duration of treatment.
    3. Follow all the prescriptions of the doctor, use alternative methods of treatment only with his permission.

    The loin is important to keep warm and exclude the load, except for the recommended exercises exercise therapy.

    Preventive measures

    After recovery, it is worth paying attention to the prevention of relapse:

  • to strengthen the muscles of the back by regular gymnastics;
  • to engage in the treatment of osteochondrosis, scoliosis, other diseases of the spine;
  • not to allow excess weight;
  • be protected from injury;
  • avoid hypothermia.
  • A source:

    Lumbago: Symptoms and Treatment

    Category: Joints, bones, muscles 50966

    • Back pain
    • The spread of pain to other areas
    • Spasm of muscles
    • It's a dull pain
    • A sudden attack of pain
    • Lumbago
    • Unable to straighten out
    • Throbbing pain

    Lumbago is an acute pain that can otherwise be defined by the patient as a "lumbago this pain arises in the lower back (ie, in the lower back).

    Lumbago, the symptoms of which are manifested primarily due to overexertion occurring in this area when lifting gravity or steep slope, deprives the person of the ability to straighten out for a certain time.

    general description

    Predominantly, the causes of lumbago are overexertion in the lumbar region, as well as in the presence of lumbar hernias, the urgency of vertebral displacement or congenital vertebral anomalies.

    Among the reasons for the appearance of a sharp lumbago, which occurs when lifting the gravity or when tilting, isolate or prolapse of the intervertebral disc, or significant muscle tension and tension ligaments of the back.

    Localization of back pain is possible only in the lumbar-sacral area, which is defined as lumbargia, but also it can radiate (spread) to the legs, which defines it already as lumboishiasgia. Intensive acute pain in the lumbar region, as we have already determined, is, in fact, lumbago.

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    Lumbago symptoms

    Acute lumbulgia, as a rule, is formed against the background of a degenerative process, which is actual for the patient, occurring in the region of the spine (that is, with its osteochondrosis).

    Gradually, the intervertebral disc loses its water and sinks, which, in turn, leads to a loss of its inherent Depreciation function with the acquisition of greater sensitivity in relation to the mechanical load.

    The fibrous ring located along the periphery of the disc is thinned, then in it cracks are formed and already along them the pulpous nucleus (the central part of the disc) begins to shift toward the periphery, thereby forming protrusion (protrusion). As a result of trauma or the impact of intensive loads, this protrusion can jump at an abrupt rate increase, which provokes protrusion into the vertebral canal of both the pulpous nucleus and part of the fibrous disk.

    Subsequently, a similar course is defined as a herniated disc.

    Localized only in the back pain completely excludes the possibility of damage to the root, while it is associated with the defeat of the vertebral column (in view of the fact, which is the primary manifestation pointing to the emerging protrusion of the disc), and with soft tissue damage (i.e., with ligament or muscle stretching or with their spasm).

    As a rule, there is a marked muscular tension in the lumbar region when straightening lordosis and antalgic scoliosis.

    Adopting a lying position leads to a reduction in pain, but any, even the slightest movement, again, leads to its strengthening.

    Acute lumbulgia takes place spontaneously enough, within a few days (in rare cases, several weeks). In some cases, its transformation into lumboschialgia is manifested.


    Often, the causes of acute pain in the lumbar region are the actuality of kidney disease, as well as diseases of the pericardial cellulitis (pyelitis, renal colic, kidney infarction, paranephritis).


    So, the sharp and sudden pain that occurs in the waist and gives to the genitals, groin, the thigh with simultaneous accompaniment of painful and frequent urination, indicates acute colic.

    Acute pyelitis is also characterized by the appearance of pain in the lower back, but the pain is more blunt, the intensity characteristic of renal colic in this case is not characteristic of it.

    As for lumboschialgia, it can represent pain reflected (reflex), in the emergence of which an important role is assigned to pain receptors of ligaments, capsules in intervertebral joints and other tissue types the spine.

    In addition, lumboscialgia can also be a radicular pain that occurs when the spine is involved.

    In this case, not only its mechanical compression is noted, but also swelling, inflammation and demyelination.

    As a rule, radicular pain is characterized by its own intensity, different from reflex pain, often it has a shooting or piercing nature of manifestation.

    Irradiation occurs in the distal region of the innervated rootlet region, which occurs in combination with paresthesias, numbness, muscular atrophy, and weakness of the area.

    At the age of 30-50 years, lumboschialgia is provoked by a disc herniation, and at the age of more elderly important factors in This issue is changing the degenerative nature (formation of osteophytes, hypertrophy of ligaments and etc.). In the presence of a herniated disc, pain often occurs when the movement is abruptly perfect or when it is tilted, when it falls, or when the weight rises.


    Inspection of the back, as a rule, determines the fixity of its position in a slightly bent position. Often, scoliosis is determined, which is enhanced when trying to tilt forward, but is lost when lying down.


    The forward slope is given with a sharp limitation, at the same time it is realized only by the hip joint.

    To a lesser degree, extension is limited, while a sharp increase in painful manifestations is most often characteristic of the prolapse of the disc.

    Thus, it can be summed up that pain with lumbago can have a different character, that is, be pulsating, piercing, tearing, piercing. Subjective localization of pain is concentrated in the area of ​​muscles, ligaments and bones, with or without irradiation.

    The appearance of painful phenomena in lumbago is explained by the irritation of the receptor disc located in the region of the fibrous ring or in the area of ​​ligaments adjacent to it.

    As a response, in turn, there is a tonic muscle tension.

    When an attack becomes sick, the patient becomes helpless, the peculiarities of its course lead to solidification in one or another forced posture, an attempt to change which leads to increased pain and to the development of muscle spasm in the area loins.


    The pain can last as several minutes, and several hours or days. The state of rest, as well as the adoption of a recumbent position, leads to a loss of pain.


    As a rule, aching pain in the lumbar region persists for the next days, and intensification of it is noted during coughing, tilting, sneezing and tension in general.

    Treatment of lumbago

    In the treatment of lumbago, specialists apply therapy corresponding to the pain algorithm that caused instability in the spine or compression of the nerve roots (that is, squeezing) in the lumbosacral vertebral department. The disease is not seen as a local manifestation of pain, but as specific causes, this pain is provoked, proceeding from them, respectively, and the treatment is selected.

    The expressed painful syndrome requires the appointment of drug therapy, which will allow to stop the pain (eliminate it), and also contribute to the reduction of muscle spasm.

    With chronic pain of the vertebral column under consideration, effective treatment is noted when use of such techniques as spinal traction, therapeutic exercises, acupuncture, massage, etc.

    If there is a characteristic for lumbago symptoms, it is necessary to consult a neurologist.

    Diseases with similar symptoms:

    Aneurysm of the aorta (coinciding symptoms: 3 of 8)

    Aortic aneurysm is a characteristic enlargement of the saccular type that occurs in the blood vessel (mainly arteries, in rare cases, in the vein).

    Aneurysm of the aorta, the symptoms of which, as a rule, have poor symptoms or do not manifest themselves at all, arise because of thinning and overstretching of the walls of the vessel.

    In addition, it can form as a result of a number of certain factors in the form of atherosclerosis, hypertension, late stages syphilis, including vascular injuries, infection and the presence of birth defects, concentrated in the vascular wall and other.

    ... Pre-infarction (coinciding symptoms: 2 of 8)

    Myocardial infarction, as you probably know, is an emergency in its specific state, requiring prompt medical intervention.

    It is for this reason that it is important to recognize this condition in a timely manner, based on this in consideration of its main symptoms.

    Pre-infarction, the symptoms of which are important in time to recognize, is justified to isolate it into a separate clinical state, because due to timely measures taken, it is possible to prevent the main threat, which is the infarction myocardium.

    ... Intervertebral hernia (coinciding symptoms: 2 of 8)

    Intervertebral hernia is a characteristic protrusion or prolapse, which is carried out in the vertebral canal by fragments of the intervertebral disc.


    The intervertebral hernia, the symptoms of which are manifested due to getting injuries to the patients or in the presence of osteochondrosis, is manifested among other things in the form of compression of the nervous structures.


    ... Thoracic osteochondrosis (coinciding symptoms: 2 of 8)

    Breast osteochondrosis, which we consider today in our article, is one of the varieties of osteochondrosis - diseases of the spine, as a result of which the intervertebral discs with cartilage in the corresponding area of ​​it concentration. Breast osteochondrosis, whose symptoms are based on concentration in the thoracic region, provokes the development of secondary changes directly in the vertebrae with simultaneous negative effects on the work of internal bodies.

    ... Radiculitis (coinciding symptoms: 2 of 8)

    Radiculitis is such a disease of the nervous system, in which the spines of the spinal nerves are affected.

    Radiculitis, the main symptom of which is pain in the neck or back (depending on such lesion), can also be designated in medical practice as radiculopathy.


    • In contact with

    A source:

    Symptoms and treatment of lumbago syndrome at home

    The lumbago syndrome refers to those manifestations that can not be forgotten once experienced.

    The pain is different, but in this case it acquires the most aggressive scale, completely paralyzing both the body and attempts to make movement.

    What is this syndrome - in reality is familiar to many, since almost every person suffers from a certain form of the main enemy of health: osteochondrosis.

    The latter is even among young people, differences only in form and degree. Someone osteochondrosis has just started the process of destruction and it can be stopped before the lumbago becomes a permanent companion. Others have the ability to only reduce the aggressiveness of manifestations.

    Features of the syndrome

    To understand what kind of phenomenon, it is necessary to understand the essence of this pathology. First of all, lumbago is more often than just a symptom, a sign of the underlying disease.

    Its essence is the same as in any other pain: the involvement and irritation of nerve fibers. This alone explains the birth of pain of any kind.

    Until the nerve endings are touched, the person will not feel pain.

    By nature, the spine is designed so that each department takes on certain functions.

    You do not need to have a specialized education in order to understand that the lumbosacral department takes the physical burden physically.

    It is strengthened more than the other, not simply, for giving monolithic, the waist is "soldered" to the sacrum. For a long time the lumbar department can cope with the loads, even incorrect ones.

    The spine diligently distributes the load and even under conditions of overload, it can for some time continue its functions. This is exactly the period when a person understands what strains the body. However, there are no symptoms, the state of health is excellent.

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    Once transferred the attack of lumbago, that this is remembered forever. Often the first attack is converted into a desire to immediately seek help from a specialist. This is the only correct method of treatment. It is necessary to find out the source of soreness in order to prevent the secondary manifestations.

    This is also important because such an aggressive sign can manifest not just one, but paired with a "friend sciatica. Even on separate sciatica and lumbago can be put in bed for a few days deprived of the ability to move.

    But in combination these two syndromes are capable of maximum negative consequences.

    It is important to timely determine the root cause, and not just localize the focus of pain, removing the aggravation.

    It must be understood that the nerve endings are alive and they are capable of dying off. If the nerve is clamped too long, no help is given, there is every chance of remaining disabled.

    What is lumbago and how to treat it is the subject matter of the current article.

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    Causes of the syndrome

    Many of the people, at least once, complained of a sudden pain in the lumbar region. Some explain it by hard work, others by hypothermia.

    But everyone characterizes in the same way: something took the lower back so that it did not turn.

    Indeed, there are enough reasons for the lumbago, but at the heart of each almost always lies one problem: the spine.

    There are several diseases of the spine, leading to the birth of such a syndrome:

    • osteochondrosis;
    • trauma to the back and spine;
    • neoplasms in the spinal cord and adjacent tissues;
    • anomalies in physiology;
    • pathological lordosis and kyphosis;
    • spondylitis.

    Sometimes in patients there is a combination of several causes, which complicates the course of the underlying disease.

    Often a history of joint damage such as rheumatoid arthritis is found recently. This is one of autoimmune diseases, capable of destroying the joint tissue.

    The spine column is involved in the process, the disease is called spondyloarthritis.


    Spondyloarthritis has nothing to do with infectious disease, which distinguishes it from conventional spondylitis. The disease is formed under the influence of non-infectious markers. The impetus is Bechterew's disease or rheumatoid factor.


    But you need to take into account that reactive arthritis can affect the spinal column. Such a disease can be in the spine. Only arthritis of the spinal cord is almost always secondary.

    However, the symptoms and manifestations that patients feel, they do not mark the difference.

    This is why a clinical examination and a detailed study are needed on the subject of primacy. Otherwise, the lumbago will be chronic and seriously deteriorate the quality of life.

    Additionally there are factors that already provoke a frequency of exacerbations:

    • supercooling;
    • lack of mobility;
    • heavy weight;
    • frequent physical activity;
    • incorrect postures;
    • being in one position.

    Symptoms of the disease

    Lumbago and its manifestations always begin acutely and almost always in a critical form. Almost does not happen, that the signs are manifested to a small extent.

    The pain that comes suddenly, aggressive, carries a shooting character. The attack comes sharply, at a time.

    Most often a person bends down or raises a weight, and then feels a sharp paralyzing pain.

    It is the pain that prevents you from taking another pose, so the patient can simply be frozen in one position. Muscle spasm is so powerful that the adjacent muscles harden, become immobile.

    Swelling and redness develops quickly. If, at this point, the lumbar region is palpated, the patient will be hurt even with a slight pressure.

    Movements are limited, a fear quickly arises before any attempt to change the pose.

    After a while, the habitual sensitivity is lost, the feeling of numbness of the lower extremities comes.

    Symptoms and treatment at home are allowed, but you need to know about the likelihood of involvement of internal organs.

    The syndrome can provoke complications by pinching. Everything depends on the general health of the spine.

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    It happens that in an additional day or two the patient is observed:

    • disorder of the whole digestive system;
    • severe weakness in the legs;
    • sudden problems with bowel movement;
    • involuntary urination.

    These signs manifest themselves when the nerve endings of internal organs are jammed. We must not forget that the intestine is tightened to the lumbar part.

    Disturbances in the spine often affect the health of the intestine, its contractility. With problems of the spine, he suffers usually first of the internal organs.

    Primary treatment for pain

    Before treating the lumbago syndrome, it is necessary to reduce the severity of pain. It is important to know: for any disease of the spine, if there is a history of acute pain, any treatment methods are prohibited until the pain threshold is closed.

    The first step is to choose a posture in which the patient can be. Any situation will cause suffering, but you need to choose which one will tolerate a little.

    Do not make independent movements, try to stick to one position. If necessary, use third-party help. It is required to take an anesthetic drug: Ibuprofen, Voltaren.

    Additionally rub the problem area with ointments.


    When rubbing, an ointment / gel is used only with anti-inflammatory effect. It is better not to use warming variants yet.


    After rubbing it is necessary to wrap the lumbar section in a warm scarf or scarf. Be sure to lie, if possible, relaxing the muscle layer. If there is a house, you can wear a corrective corset.

    This will help fix the spine in a sore spot and relax the muscle spasm a little.

    Therapy in the management of pain syndrome

    The main therapy is reduced to complete relief of soreness and elimination of physical exertion on the lower back. Treatment can be carried out immediately, even if the root cause is not yet established.

    The bottom line is that such a symptom is manifested only with the participation of the back. And the main therapy for diseases of this kind has its own algorithm. Therefore, it is allowed to treat the lumbago before the exact establishment of the primary source.

    In the future, therapy is simply adjusted, if necessary.

    The treatment regimen is usually standard:

    • nonsteroidal drugs;
    • antispasmodics;
    • muscle relaxants;
    • local ointments of NSAIDs.

    Important: while the acute period does not pass into subacute, the patient should only lie.

    It usually takes several days to stop the particularly aggressive period. A complete ban concerns the use of massages, warming procedures.

    For 3 days, the minimum period, rest and minimal movements are prescribed.

    Physiotherapy and manual therapy

    Physiotherapy is usually resolved on the fifth day, if the severity of symptoms decreases. The task of physiotherapy in the enhancement of drug action. Electrophoresis and magnetotherapy are often prescribed.

    These two methods can reduce the dosage of medications, especially with persistent pain. It happens, if the acuteness was asleep, but the inflammation persists and either a replacement of the drug or an increase in the dose is required.

    In order not to overload the body with excess medicines, physiotherapy is prescribed.

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    Physiotherapy is the optimal way to transport the medicine directly to the affected nerve end. Additionally, procedures are designed to maximize the damage to nerve fibers.

    It is extremely useful to use the possibilities of diadynamic therapy. This kind of physiotherapy is aimed at blocking the impulses, which give the most painful shooting.

    Therapy is prescribed for 1-2 weeks, allowing to relieve the patient of suffering.

    Manual therapy is allowed only with the permission of a treating neurologist. If there is no permit, then you can do small amateur massages at home.

    The person who will do this, it is necessary to read the basic information on the structure of the spine and the location of the desired points. Massage should be gentle, relaxing.


    At the time of massage, the patient should not feel an increase in blood flow or other negative feelings.


    Amateur massage is aimed only at relaxing the nearest muscle layer and relaxation. Gently knead the zone of the "pony tail do not exert force.

    Otherwise, the situation is aggravated by a secondary pinch.

    Normally massage should stimulate the restoration of blood circulation and cause only pleasant sensations after itself.

    Additional therapies

    In the treatment of diseases of the spine, exercise therapy is actively used. Priceless gymnastics with lumbago lumbar department, many specialists give the exercises a crucial role in the treatment.

    Treatment of this kind is divided into two parts. The first part falls on the first days of pain reduction.

    As soon as the aggression of the symptom becomes less, you can gradually do the exercises lying:

    • bend the legs in the knees;
    • try to rotate your feet;
    • Unbend, raise hands, spread apart;
    • breathing exercises.

    In this period, do not resort to exercises for the spine and legs.

    Only on the third day it is possible to add elements of exercises for the legs and back:

    • to spread legs to the sides;
    • raise the pelvis a little;
    • raise your head, always straining the press;
    • gradually do rotational movements of the pelvis lying down.

    Only after 8-10 days of exercise can be diluted with foot swabs and other loads. It is extremely important to keep synchrony and calm during class.

    All movements are smooth, slow, almost lazy. Sharp turns or inclinations can trigger a secondary aggravation.

    Exercises should become permanent with the goal of preventing exacerbations.

    The syndrome brings many unpleasant sensations, recovery after an attack takes time. It is necessary to undergo regular treatment of the underlying disease so that the syndrome is in a state of remission. It is important to protect the body from an overabundance of loads and cold, then the pain will not be a frequent guest.

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