Treatment of hypertension with folk remedies at home: the best recipes

Hypertension is a disease of the 20th century. This disease affects 25% of the population of our planet. If earlier with complaints of increased pressure doctors of the older generation addressed to doctors, at the moment, unfortunately, this ailment is diagnosed in young people.

Hypertension can reduce life expectancy by 5-10 years. The pressure rises due to the decrease in the lumens in small vessels. At the same time, blood circulation becomes difficult, and as a result, the heart starts to work in a strengthened mode, pushing blood through the blood vessels.

Article content:
  • Possible causes
  • Symptoms
  • General recommendations
  • Folk methods and recipes
  • What is not recommended when doing?
  • Prevention of the disease

People with high blood pressure are more likely to be diagnosed with such diseases as stroke, heart attack and angina pectoris.

Interesting fact: , men under 45 years of age are much more likely to experience this ailment. After 45 years, men and women suffer from hypertension equally often. Women with overweight, as well as those who take oral contraceptives, are even more at risk.
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In a healthy person, blood pressure should have the following indicators: 100 x 60 - 140 x 90. In the case when the regulatory systems in the human body cease to function normally, hypertension develops.

Hypertensive disease happens:

  • Primary is an independent disease that is not associated with a malfunctioning of organs and systems. Its distinctive feature is persistent high blood pressure. More than 85% of patients who have consistently high blood pressure have primary hypertension.
  • Secondary ( its second name is symptomatic hypertension) - it is a consequence of some underlying disease, most often it is associated with ailments of the kidney system or neurotic disorders. Secondary hypertension often occurs in pregnant women and in women with a gynecological disease, such as a cyst.

Classification of the disease according to the degrees:

  1. Indices of arterial pressure - 140/90.In this case, the pressure periodically jumps to these figures, but it quickly returns to normal.
  2. The pressure is fixed at 160.115 mm Hg. In this situation, the situation can be corrected with the help of medications.
  3. The pressure rises to the values ​​of 180-200 / 110-130 mm of mercury. At this stage of the disease, the pressure is almost never lowered to normal values. And if it decreases, then heart failure may develop.

Possible causes of

  • Scientists managed to establish that one of the main reasons for the development of this disease are kidney diseases. Diseases of the endocrine system.
  • Abuse of alcoholic beverages.
  • Reception of narcotic substances.
  • Abuse of tablets to reduce body weight.
  • Use in a large number of contraceptives.
  • Spinal cord injury of varying severity.
  • Age: for women over 65 years, for a man - after 55 years the risk of disease increases. Therefore, it is especially important for older people to monitor their health.
  • High cholesterol( more than 6.6 mmol).
  • Hereditary predisposition.
  • Overweight, obesity.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Overexertion, persistent stress conditions, neuroses.
  • Harmful habits: smoking, abuse of strong tea and coffee.
  • A sedentary lifestyle.
  • Chronic lack of sleep.

Characteristic symptoms of

At the initial stage, the ailment can not manifest itself in any way. Over the years, hypertension may not be diagnosed. Because the patient does not observe any external manifestations of malaise.

In this case, it is possible to detect hypertension only by periodically measuring the pressure. That is why I want to note the importance of annual mandatory medical examinations of the population. As a result of a comprehensive survey, as a rule, signs of this insidious disease are revealed in 25% of patients.

  1. The main symptom of hypertension is the pressure above normal values ​​(how to lower the pressure, read in this article).
  2. Tachycardia.
  3. Increased sweating.
  4. Facial skin becomes red.
  5. Weak, throbbing pain in the head.
  6. Trembling, feeling cold.
  7. Feeling of inner anxiety and anxiety.
  8. In the morning, swelling of the face and extremities.
  9. The fingers are nipped.
  10. A slight tingling sensation throughout the body.
  11. Cellulopathy.
  12. Visual impairment.
  13. Pulmonary edema.
  14. If the pressure is constantly increased, a person does not leave a feeling of constant anxiety.
  15. Insomnia.
  16. Intensive pain in the temporal region and in the occiput.
  17. Nausea, vomiting, dizziness.
  18. With a sudden increase in pressure - nosebleeds.

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If the pressure has risen very sharply, the hypertensive crisis is possible. His symptoms:

  1. A piercing, rapidly growing headache.
  2. High values ​​of blood pressure( 260/120 mm of mercury).
  3. Aching in the region in the left hypochondrium.
  4. Shortness of breath.
  5. Nausea, vomiting.
  6. Rapid pulse.
  7. Loss of consciousness, seizures.
  8. Paralysis.

The creeping course of this disease is a rather dangerous condition, which in most cases results in a stroke or a heart attack.

Therefore, , when the first alarm signs are detected, it is necessary to call for emergency help. To prevent a state of crisis, people with high blood pressure should take medication prescribed by the doctor, all the time.

General recommendations

The initial stage of the disease is well treatable with medication. At the same time, you must always control your weight, make sure that it does not go beyond the normal and do not abuse the use of liquid( the norm is 1.5 liters per day).

In hypertension, some limitations are important: you need to reduce the intake of salt, pepper and smoked products. Low-carbohydrate and low-fat foods should prevail in the diet of the patient.

Also a good result is provided by psychotherapy and a complex of autogenous training. With the help of self-organizing classes, you can remove the level of anxiety and tension. These methods give a good result in case of stage 1 malaise.

Medical products are prescribed by special rules. Their action should be directed to various organs until the blood pressure parameters are fully regulated. At the first stage, you need to take diuretics and drugs that stop tachycardia.

Disease of the 2nd stage. Complex therapy is carried out. Medicines should be selected by a doctor with a mandatory consideration of possible risks and contraindications.

Hypertension of the 3rd stage. This form of the disease is very dangerous. Therefore, treatment should be taken seriously. A set of therapeutic measures include potassium-sparing diuretics, as well as a doctor selects individual patients individually the combined means in such a way that they bring the maximum effect.

For the treatment of hypertension 1 and 2 degree no hospitalization of the patient is required. All procedures can be performed at home. But, do not neglect the appointment of a doctor, otherwise the disease will not recede, but will progress. Heavy form is treated only in a hospital under the supervision of experienced cardiologists.

Folk methods and recipes

Seeds of sunflower .This is a fairly simple, but at the same time, an effective folk remedy for the treatment of hypertension. To prepare a remedy, you need to take 200 grams of unpurified seeds and pour them with two liters of water. Do not boil, but only bring to a boil and remove from heat. Cool, strain and take 200 grams 2 times daily before meals.
  • Honey with onion .To prepare the medicine you need to take the ingredients in equal proportions, you can add lemon peel to the composition. The mixture should be infused 5 - 6 days, only then it can be taken as a medicine from increased pressure.
  • Mixture of vegetable juice with horseradish .Horseradish should be grated and mixed with carrot, beet and lemon juice. You can add honey to the mixture. Take the medicine before meals 3 times a day.
  • Pressure can be brought to normal with garlic .Prepare the remedy as follows: take honey( 1 kg), garlic( 5 large heads) and lemons( 10 pieces).Honey is mixed with garlic and lemon juice. The mixture is placed in a glass container, tightly clogged and put in a dark place for 6 - 7 days. The medicine is taken daily, at one time - 4 tablespoons.
  • Kalina .Of these berries make infusion. In a 3-liter jar we place 3 cups of calyx berries and pour them with boiling water( 2 liters).We close the jar and leave it in a warm place for a few hours so that the mixture is well brewed. After this, the contents are filtered into enameled dishes, and the berries are grinded through a sieve. In the composition we add honey. We take the medicine in half a glass three times, regardless of the meal. Therapeutic course - 3 weeks, then a week break and so several times.
  • Mulberry root bark .This tool is successfully used by many generations of our ancestors. You need to take the root of the mulberry, carefully wash it and remove the bark from it. To make a medicinal drink, the bark is crushed and poured with hot water. We boil over low heat for 15 minutes, remove it from the plate and insist for 24 hours. Before use, decoct decoction. You can drink medicine instead of water.
  • Root beet roots, baked potatoes - all this must be eaten with hypertension. Pumpkin broth with honey. To obtain a healing agent, drill 200 grams of pumpkin and boil it in water until it is ready. The broth is filtered through a sieve, we add honey to taste. We take a medicine in the morning and evening for 1/3 cup.
  • What is not recommended when doing?

    • When hypertension needs to lead a correct lifestyle. If you have been diagnosed with this ailment, you need to refrain from visiting the sauna, just not to take a hot bath.
    • Full refusal of alcohol.
    • You can not eat much salt.
    • In no event should one abstain from taking medication prescribed by a doctor.
    • Do not include in your menu a large amount of meat, especially greasy.
    • You can not be nervous.
    • Do not overdo it.
    • Hypertension is a bad habit. Get rid of them.

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    Prevention of the disease

    1. The main thing - do not overeat.
    2. Move more. Do not forget the famous phrase: "Movement is life."
    3. Be a pessimist. This category of the population is less susceptible to this ailment.
    4. You can often go outdoors.
    5. Avoid stressful situations.
    6. Practice sparing physical exercises.
    7. Live in harmony with yourself and with the outside world.

    Enjoy everything that surrounds you, do not take problems to heart, always be calm and balanced, only then you can save your heart and blood vessels from "shocks" that end badly.

    See the video about the treatment of hypertension folk remedies:

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