Facial hair growth in women: causes and treatment with various methods

Lush, shiny and thick hair is not only the pride of every woman, but also one of the indicators of her health.

However, in this case we are talking about the scalp. But there are situations when hair begins to grow on other parts of the body, which for the female constitution is not normal. On the contrary, such a deviation can talk about very serious anomalies occurring in the body, which the woman herself may not even guess.

In addition, excess vegetation on the body is a very unaesthetic phenomenon, which often leads to complexes and other psychological problems. But if there is a similar problem, do not despair and panic - you have to act immediately, because such a deviation may indicate the development of various diseases.

Let's try to find out what the given anomaly is saying, what it is caused by, and by what means it is possible to defeat it.

The difference between hirsutism and hypertrichosis (excess hair)

Hirsutism and hypertrichosis are concepts that are absolutely different from each other, so they must be learned to distinguish.

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So, with hypertrichosis, there is a process of excessive growth of fleecy hair. However, it is not associated with excessive amounts of male androgen hormones in the blood of women, and may be a consequence:

  • endocrine diseases (eg, hypothyroidism);
  • reception of some groups of medications (minoxidil, etc.);
  • heredity;
  • constitutional features of the female body.

With idiopathic hirsutism, the connection with the hormonal balance in the body of a woman is not traced. In addition, the presence of a small amount of hair over the upper lip, around the nipples, in the interval between pubis and navel is found even in girls who do not have problems with violations in the endocrine system.

Note. Hirsutism is almost never a separate disease - in most cases it is a symptom of other pathologies. In particular, hyperandrogenism.

Hyperandrogenia - increased concentration of androgens in the female body. It is with this phenomenon associated with the development of hirsutism, and this is its main difference from hypertrichosis. Hyperandrogenia is the result of a violation of the sexual sphere in women, while the pathological process involves:

  • hypothalamic-pituitary system;
  • ovaries;
  • adrenal glands.

Each of these pathologies has its own causes of occurrence, figuring out which, you can successfully get rid of an unpleasant problem.


The main reasons for the growth of facial hair in women

Even specialists can not always answer the question of why women's hair grows on the face. Of course, the first thing that comes to mind is a violation of the hormonal balance in the body. As you know, hormones affect the work of the whole organism, so when they are elevated or, conversely, low concentration in the blood acutely respond not only internal organs, but also epidermal covers.

Before determining the cause of elevated vegetation on the face, a woman should not make her own diagnosis, let alone begin treatment. To begin with it is necessary to address to the gynecologist, the endocrinologist, the neuropathologist and to pass all necessary procedures directed on revealing of deviations in work of internal organs, glands and systems. And only then the doctor will tell you what measures to take to get rid of an unpleasant problem.

The appearance of hair on the face of women is closely related to the state of their health. With an imbalance of the internal organs, the hair follicles react extremely sharply, which affects their functioning. The main reasons for the appearance of facial hair are:

  1. Increased concentration of the male sex hormone androgen. Normally, it is present in the female body, but in limited quantities, and affects the childbearing function. In addition to the appearance of facial hair, a high testosterone level in the blood of women can lead to serious pathologies, so you need to contact the endocrinologist in time and start therapy.
  2. Genetic predisposition. If women in the family, whether they are a mother, a grandmother or an aunt, had problems with excess vegetation on their face, it is likely that other women's generations will have such an anomaly. In this case, no specific treatment is required - for help, you can contact a cosmetologist to perform a hardware hair removal on the face.
  3. Impaired estrogen production. Estrogen is a female sex hormone that affects the menstrual cycle and the work of the entire reproductive system of a woman. After 35 years, the synthesis of this hormone significantly slows down, therefore, the body receives less than its required amount. As a result, hormonal changes occur. Also, with a decrease in the production of estrogens, the body of a woman becomes more vulnerable to viral and bacterial infections. One of the dangerous diseases is viral hepatitis. With its development, a woman has black, hard hair on her chin. Such a deviation can not be ignored, since viral hepatitis is a disease that can lead to death.
  4. The period of menopause can also be accompanied by the appearance of vegetation on the face. This is due to the fact that the ovaries cease to function fully, and the level of sex hormones is significantly reduced. There is an increased production of male sex hormones androgens, which replace female - estrogens. This anomaly does not require specific treatment, and excess hairs can be completely removed with the help of cosmetic or instrumental procedures.
  5. Violation of the hormonal balance in the pubertal periodat girls, and also at pregnancy and a lactemia. As a rule, after the end of all processes that affect the hormonal background of a woman, the hormone level independently comes back to normal.
  6. Admission of hormonal drugsor prolonged use of hormonal contraception. It's hard to imagine, but even hormonal creams can trigger the emergence of unwanted vegetation on the face of women. In this case, can appear voluminous hair, or even white hair on the face. After stopping the use of the agent, which caused a sharp reaction of the organism, the vegetation must pass by itself.


The main symptoms of hirsutism are:

  • appearance of facial hair, inner thighs, buttocks, abdominal region, back, around nipples, mammary glands;
  • intensive hair loss on the head, in particular, in the region of the frontal zone;
  • changing the type of skin and hair from normal, dry or combined to fatty;
  • failure in the menstrual cycle;
  • amenorrhea (prolonged absence of menstruation);
  • the appearance of acne;
  • impossibility to conceive a child.

Since the situation is caused by a hormonal failure, this deviation should be immediately eliminated. Otherwise, there may be a so-called virilization, which is characterized by:

  • loss of hair on the temples;
  • a decrease in the tonality of the voice when it becomes coarse, masculine;
  • reduction of mammary glands due to atrophy of glandular tissue;
  • accumulation of fat cells in the tissues of the hands, legs, shoulders, chest;
  • an increase in muscle tissue in the shoulder region (but can also be observed in other parts of the body);
  • increased libido;
  • reduction of the labia in size;
  • increased clitoris;
  • decrease in the production of vaginal lubrication.

How to stop the growth of facial hair

First of all, a woman needs to go to the hospital and undergo a comprehensive examination. Not knowing the reasons for the growth of hair on the face, getting rid of them will be extremely problematic. The patient will need to first visit the office of a gynecologist and endocrinologist.

Sometimes women have to undergo treatment for ovarian pathologies, including the removal of tumors localized to them. Sometimes the increased vegetation on the face indicates the formation of a tumor in the adrenal gland, which also requires surgical intervention.

With an overabundance of androgens, the doctor prescribes hormonal contraceptives or antiandrogenic drugs. If the vegetation on the face of women appeared during the menopause, prescribe medications based on estrogens.

If you do not normalize the hormonal background, fighting with hairs on your face will be a debilitating activity. Moreover, they can not be pulled out with tweezers or shaved - they will be replaced by new, more dense and bristly hair.

Treatment of excess hair growth on the face

If the hirsutism is mild and the woman does not have any changes in the menstrual cycle, treatment is not performed. However, this does not exclude the need for the therapy of other diseases, since the growth of facial hair is only one of the symptoms of certain pathologies. In this case, the patient can be operated to remove cysts or tumors in the pituitary, adrenal or ovarian region.

It is also possible to cancel a medication that caused hirsutism, as well as treatment aimed at eliminating Isenko-Cushing syndrome or acromegaly. In simple terms, eliminating the root cause, you can get rid of unwanted vegetation on the face of women.

Drug treatment can be prescribed only after a thorough examination. It is also extremely important to exclude the presence of androgen-secreting neoplasms. The use of hormonal drugs continues for 3 months to 6 months. In some cases, the course of treatment must be repeated.

When taking hormones, you need to consider that they only prevent the growth of new hairs. Consequently, those that are already on the face of the patient, they have no effect. Often use drugs aimed at eliminating:

  1. Hyperandrogenia: Jeanine, Yarina, Diane-35.
  2. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia: Prednisolone, Cortisone.
  3. Polycystic ovaries: Yarina, Janine, Clomifen.
  4. Tumors of different localization - ovarian, pituitary, adrenal. In this case, chemotherapy is applied, as well as surgical removal of the neoplasm.

Contraindications to hormone therapy are:

  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • presence of benign or malignant tumors of different localization;
  • hypersensitivity to any components that make up the drug.

If hirsutism caused an increase in body weight, it is necessary to adhere to a menu based on a low intake of carbohydrates. When manifestations of depression or neurosis, the patient may need the help of a psychologist or neurologist.


Cosmetic methods

With the help of modern cosmetics you can, if not completely get rid of the vegetation on the face (although it is possible), then at least significantly reduce their visibility. However, they do not influence the further growth of hairs. Therefore, they can be used as an auxiliary therapy.

Here are the main cosmetic methods of getting rid of the vegetation on the face of women:

  1. Clarification, involving the use of hydrogen peroxide and other substances, with the help of which causes complete discoloration of the hair on the face, leading to the loss of their natural pigmentation.
  2. With a slight damage to the face of the hair, you can use the plucking method with tweezers. After the end of the painful procedure, the skin must be treated with an antiseptic. This will help avoid infection. However, you can not abuse this method - it can lead to problems with the epidermis.
  3. Shaving and waxing are also used to combat increased vegetation, but not on the face, but on the back, legs, in the armpits and groin. However, often these methods can not be used, otherwise the skin can form scars.

More expensive manipulations can also be carried out:

  1. Photoepilation- a method based on the effect of high-impulse light rays on melanin - a pigment substance, due to which the hair gets a natural color. Thermal action at the same time destroys the hair follicle, which leads to the removal of hairs. The method is used for dark hair, and the effect of its use lasts about 5 months.
  2. Laser Hair Removal, based on the use of a laser beam. Removes only growing hairs, without exerting any influence on sleeping bulbs. For this reason, it is necessary to carry out several manipulations for 1-6 months. Laser hair removal is less effective than photoepilation.

Laser and photoepilation can not be carried out with the following contraindications:

  • presence of inflammatory processes in the problem area;
  • pregnancy;
  • prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays before the procedure;
  • presence of tattoos in the area of ​​hair growth;
  • passing a course of therapy using steroids or isotretinoin;
  • presence of a pacemaker or an insulin pump;
  • porphyria.

Since laser and photoepilation - procedures are expensive, it is advisable to carry out them only to remove hair in open areas of the body. However, be prepared for the fact that manipulation will need to be repeated from time to time, since they do not influence the further growth of hair.

Folk ways to get rid of hair

As ancillary therapeutic procedures, folk methods can be used:

  1. Decoction of dope - a medicinal plant containing a poison that adversely affects the structure of the hair bulb. Wash 3-4 plants with roots and pour a liter of water. Bring to a boil, then simmer for an hour. Strain the prepared broth and apply as a tonic for rubbing into the skin after depilation.
  2. Squeeze half a lemon in a glass, add 1 tablespoon of sugar and put on a slow fire. Wait until half of the liquid evaporates, then cool down - and you can handle the problem areas. 2 minutes after treatment, rinse with warm water.
  3. From the peel of a green walnut squeeze as much juice as possible and apply it through gauze to problem areas of the skin and hold for 5 minutes. With intensive hair growth, the remedy should be used twice a day. It is allowed to apply to any part of the body.

Treatment of hirsutism is not limited to a symptomatic approach. In this case, you need to understand the cause of the deviation and eliminate it, and this can only be done by a doctor.

Prognosis of the disease

The life cycle of the hair lasts six months, and it is during the same period of time that the therapy of hirsutism also lasts. If even completely get rid of the growth of unwanted hair in women will not succeed, then significantly slow down this process and make the hairs lighter - it is quite possible.

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