Cough without sore throat

Cough without sore throat. this is normal?


♍Galina Zhigunova♍

Cough can be with bronchitis or pneumonia, the throat does not hurt, these diseases are very serious, so do not self-medicate, but contact a doctor immediately.

6 Massi

You can get sick. and cough will appear in the last turn, if you do not heal it, it will hold on for a long time and you will suffer. It is necessary to drink syrup Ascoril or Lazolvan, after 3 days the cough passes, it is easier to breathe)


Cough without sore throat is NOT normal. With a cough may be associated with diseases far from ARI or ARVI. I will not write possible sores, so as not to frighten. Consult a doctor, and do not rush to drink all those medications that you are here to advise.


It happens. It is necessary to treat medicines from a cough, not from the throat.


cough is the bronchi and lungs, and the throat is the throat!


Check the lungs and bronchi, and learn whether it is normal or not normal.

There is a cough and my throat does not hurt

instagram viewer
Cough without sore throatThe cough is dry, and the throat does not hurt. Such symptoms can occur for various reasons. In principle, the throat often begins to ache with tonsillitis or pharyngitis. In these cases, coughing occurs precisely because of this. Any other diseases, accompanied by a dry or wet symptom, can proceed with a feeling of mild perspiration, scratching, or interception in the throat. Strong pain sensations are most often absent.

The throat does not hurt with colds and respiratory diseases?

If you have a severe cough, the throat does not hurt, and all this is accompanied by fever and a runny nose, possible causes are cold or respiratory diseases. The dry paroxysmal symptom in this case lasts several days, and then passes into the wet one. Sputum in these diseases is easily separated. A strong moist cough in the presence of respiratory ailments can cause unpleasant sensations in the area of ​​the press due to the frequent tension of the oblique abdominal muscles. The throat, as a rule, does not hurt.

Strong dry cough, but the throat does not hurt with asthma and heart failure

Bronchial asthma is an autoimmune disease that affects the bronchi. Attacks of suffocation and lack of air during its development arise from the narrowing of the glottis. If you do not go into complicated medical terminology, you can conclude that with asthma, the bronchi can not cope with the volume of air entering them. This causes painful sensations when inhaling and exhaling, but the throat does not hurt at the same time.

Do not hurt your throat when you coughDiseases such as mitral valve prolapse, ischemia, cardiac insufficiency, small circulation disorders and cardiac asthma are often accompanied by a strong paroxysmal dry cough with a slight discharge of mucus. At the person thus there are painful sensations in the field of a breast, in the left or right hypochondrium and even in a stomach or belly.

Another cause of this condition may be an allergic reaction. It is accompanied by a runny nose and sneezing, and also a paroxysmal dry symptom with signs of suffocation. With allergies, the patient may also have itching with redness or rashes on the skin.

The absence of pain in the upper respiratory tract is not the cause of negligent treatment of the disease. Especially if the ailment is accompanied by attacks of suffocation and elevated body temperature, and the general condition is only worsening. In this case, it is important to immediately seek medical help.

Sore throat and temperature when coughing - what does this symptom speak about?

Causes, fever and sore throatCough strangles, pain and burning in the throat, runny nose and fever are symptoms familiar to almost every person. They can occur suddenly or develop gradually, starting with a feeling of easy stagnation. These signs are symptoms of various diseases. Patients complain that they scratch, grind and dry in the larynx, and do not know what to do and how to calm and soften these sensations. The diagnosis of these diseases is mainly influenced by laboratory tests, as well as the presence or absence of temperature.

Cough, fever, throat

Cough, sore throat and fever - causes and diseasesThese symptoms are often accompanied by a temperature in tonsillitis. Its performance can reach thirty-nine degrees. The temperature in this case is poorly confused, it can then rise, then rise during the day. In tonsillitis, the laryngeal mucosa becomes inflamed, frayed and burns in the neck, which causes nausea and irritation. The patients complain that they scratch and swallow in the throat. This happens for two reasons, one of which may be banal hypothermia or the intake of cold food and drinks. The second reason is infection. In this case, cough, sore throat, temperature 37 and above, snot and severe malaise occur due to the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria on the larynx of the larynx. The temperature in tonsillitis is rapidly reduced by medications, but continues to grow rapidly after a while.

Treatment of tonsillitis should be given due attention, as it can cause serious complications. With improper treatment banal angina threatens diseases of the heart, kidneys and ENT organs. Therefore, it is necessary to treat it.

If the temperature in the presence of all these symptoms is subfebrile, that is, not much more than 37 degrees, then speech is most likely about a cold or respiratory disease. In this case, the patient experiences not only sore throat, but also perspiration and stuffiness, as well as pain sensations in the neck. Dry cough and sore throat with colds and SARS occur due to the fact that the mucosa of the upper respiratory tract dries up and gets irritated. Temperature 37, cough and pain in the throat and neck indicate that the body is actively fighting the disease. A person can be painful when swallowed, as in tonsillitis.

These seemingly common diseases, accompanied by symptoms such as dry irritating cough, which throat, sore throat, burning and itching, swelling of the mucous membrane and a runny nose, must be carefully treated. Not giving them due attention, you risk getting serious complications, for example, bronchitis or pneumonia.

How to stop a cough, temperatureCough, throat, temperature, as well as burning in the airways and swelling of the nose are often accompanied by genyantritis or sinusitis. With these diseases, the laryngeal mucosa is irritated by the flow of fluids along its back wall, abundantly allocated from the nose. With sinusitis, which is characterized by inflammation of the maxillary sinuses of the nose, there is also swelling of the mucosa, which is the cause of the dry irritating symptom.

The temperature, burning in the throat, cough, runny nose, stuffiness and swelling of the nose can be the cause of pharyngitis. With inflammation of the posterior wall of the larynx, the temperature can rise slightly, and can reach thirty-nine degrees. It depends on the degree of inflammation and on how much the patient has weakened immunity.

If you have a dry cough and sore throat, in which the burning and burning sensation is felt, the possible cause may be influenza. Such symptoms accompany not only the standard seasonal, but also intestinal infection. Their treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, and take only prescribed means to take timely measures and eliminate the occurrence of possible complications.

Means from a throat and a dry cough with a runny nose for all the diseases listed above should be used only after consulting a specialist who knows how to treat them. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable and can lead to serious consequences. It is not necessary to use the medication for treatment on the advice of friends. In tonsillitis, rinses, sprays and lozenges are often prescribed, which soften the pain and temporarily eliminate obstruction. These funds are designed to calm the pain and soften the burning sensation. To soften the pain, eliminate the snot can also, if you regularly do inhalation. Use nebulizer should be when the disease is just beginning. This device is also useful in order to calm the choking. Sopli within an hour after its use can torment the patient more strongly, as the mucous membrane is cleared. This disease also provides treatment with antiviral drugs or antibiotics, depending on the etiology of origin and temperature medicines.

Colds and SARS suggest taking funds for sputum and abundant warm drinking. With sinusitis and sinusitis, the treatment is done with drugs that remove inflammation of the sinuses. They also presume the mandatory intake of antibiotics. The cough and throat remedy for influenza should be combined with strong antiviral drugs or antibiotic drugs, so it should be agreed with the doctor. The main thing in this case is to soften the sputum and destroy the virus.

Sore throat, cough without fever and runny nose, reasons

If you have a sore throat and dry cough with a cold, but the temperature does not rise above 37, the cause may be a cold. Sometimes it flows without raising the temperature. There are other diseases in which the sore throat, cough and runny nose with them appear immediately or gradually. It's allergic reactions. They arise for different reasons. Most often, the allergy is manifested in people at an early age, but it may occur later. This disease has a detrimental effect on the state of the airways. And in some cases can lead to a serious swelling. Treatment of cough, runny nose and throat during an allergic reaction is made by taking antihistamines. They remove the swelling of the mucous respiratory tract. In addition to using these tools, the patient is advised to exclude contact with the pathogen of allergy. It is worth noting that the pain in the throat when coughing is dry allergic, as well as a runny nose, burning, swelling and itching occur due to the fact that there is irritation of certain receptors on the mucosa.

If you have a sore throat and swallow pain, a cough of dry and frequent runny nose may indicate the presence of such a serious illness as emphysema. Obstruction of the respiratory tract leads to the fact that lung tissues are stretched. Because of this, gas exchange is disturbed in them. With emphysema, patients also have pains during inhalation and exhalation, caused by the fact that the vocal cricle is severely narrowed. Sputum in this disease is not separated.

If you have a bad cold, periodically begins an irritating and dry cough, sore throat and lost voice, while the condition gradually worsens, the temperature rises 37 and above, it throats its throat and there is a burning sensation in it, be sure to see a doctor. An experienced specialist will diagnose the presence of a disease or inflammation in a diagnostic way and prescribe the right treatment.

There was a dry cough, a strong pain in the throat when swallowing, what is it?



Produlo and not weakly, it was also so even the water barely drank, try rinse your throat with a solution of baking soda (half a glass of warm water on a spoonful of soda), you can use a solution of rotoquan as a spoon on the floor of a glass of warm water. Can you still have chamomile in my bag in tea bags as for this I have a little more than half a glass of water per bag. Just drink hot tea, hot milk with butter or honey.
I still sprayed hexoral.
But it is advisable to call a doctor and take a hospital minimum for a week.

Maria Potanina

Call the doctor in the dark. Do not joke with throat diseases.
There is a saying, "The tonsils gnawing lice"

Andrey Voronov

sore throat with mouth soda solution, eat garlic drink tea with lemon or vodka with red pepper

Green sky

acute angina or exacerbation of tonsillitis. but it may well be that something is worse. doctor at home immediately! antibiotic will most likely be prescribed. atoms from this and you can die: 3

Sore throat with cough

Sore throat with coughMany people believe that the appearance of sore throat means sore throat. However, this statement is incorrect. In addition to tonsillitis, there are many other diseases accompanied by the same symptom. In order to correctly choose a set of therapeutic measures, you must first determine the cause of the pain in the throat.

The most common cause of sore throat is respiratory infections of a viral nature. In most cases, they show signs of inflammation of the pharynx: dryness, sore throat, cough and pain. Similar symptoms occur with angina, but the hallmark of the latter is severe pain, which is greatly enhanced by swallowing. Suspicion for angina is an occasion to visit a doctor, as it is possible to develop severe complications affecting the kidneys, heart and joints.

Will it help with sore throats?

With a mild form of pharyngitis, taking place without a rise in temperature, home treatment is allowed. In any pharmacy you can buy a large number of different drugs for this. Many of them are sold without a prescription, and some are considered sweets. But are such candies as Minton, Holls, Tunes and others so effective? Of course, as drugs, these remedies are not very effective, but they can eliminate a small sore throat, remove unpleasant sensations and soothe a slight cough. In the case of a serious disease, candy is unlikely to help.

However, not all candies are such, some are registered as medications, among them, among others, are antiseptics that kill microorganisms. Such means include Neo-anginas, Septollet pastilles, Strepsils, Falimint and Tharyngept, as well as various sprays: Tantum Verde, Ingalipt, Geksoral, Camphomene and others. All these drugs will be a good addition to the fight against diseases of a bacterial nature, but with the viral nature of the disease, they will be ineffective.

What are the best drugs to choose

The most popular way to eliminate pain in the throat are inhalations with various medications, such as Mentoclar, Bronchicum or Eucabal. The composition of these products is similar, it includes essential oils: thyme, mint, eucalyptus, conifers, camphor and others. By the way, these same components are contained in sprays and candies. Their action consists in the following: when they get into the respiratory tract, they remove inflammatory reactions, reduce the viscosity of phlegm and fight with microbes. Although the effect of taking medications based on essential oils is not too pronounced, but the relief is noticeable. Quite quickly, there was a decrease in pain, a weakening of cough and an improvement in sputum discharge. The antibacterial effect is most pronounced in the essential oils of thyme and eucalyptus. Camphor oil promotes the excretion of sputum and, acting on the respiratory center, facilitates the breathing process.

Which drug will be more effective, that is, which is better to give preference? This question pops up in many people who have experienced pains in the throat and a cough. As already mentioned, the active substances are the same in special sweets, and in sprays, and in preparations for inhalations. But in candies their concentration is much less, therefore sprays and inhalations are preferable for the treatment of throat diseases. In addition, there are other factors that determine the effectiveness of the drug. So, when using inhalations, menthol and ether are already on the heated mucous membrane, in which the blood flow increases, so their action is more powerful. Sprays have a slightly different mechanism: they cover the entire inner surface of the throat with the thinnest film, thereby increasing the concentration of active substances. This explains the best effect of sprays and inhalations. The positive qualities of candy are accessibility, ease of use, lack of preliminary preparation for admission.

Symptoms of acute respiratory infections and influenza

Can I get rid of sore throat without drugs?

Help in the treatment of throat diseases can also be folk medicine, which can be combined with the use of traditional medicines.

With pains, coughing, perspiration and other symptoms of sore throat, it is necessary to monitor the observance of certain conditions in the room where the patient is. One of the most important is the humidity of the air. Central heating in the apartments is often very dry. This can lead to irritation and dryness of the mucosa of the upper respiratory tract. Humidify excessively dry air can be, putting in the room a basin filled with water. For these purposes, fit and hung on the battery material, previously moistened with water. In this case, it should be changed as it dries. To cope with the dryness of air in the room will help and humidifier, sold in stores. It is especially important to maintain normal humidity in the evening and night, which is due to the characteristics of the human body. The drying of the mucous membranes is intensified by the nose and mouth breathing.

To treat inflammatory processes in the throat, it is worthwhile to rinse with soda solution. For this, half a teaspoon of baking soda is dissolved in a glass of warm water. Such rinses should be done every few hours.

It is necessary to drink a sufficient amount of liquid, as it, passing through the body, removes toxins from it, which are released by microorganisms, which considerably facilitates the patient's condition. As a liquid, juices, mineral water, weak tea, fruit drinks or plain pure water are suitable. But soda and sweet nectars are better restricted. From beer, as well as from kvass, at the time of illness it is desirable to refuse completely, no matter what temperature they were. These drinks have an irritant effect on the throat. The most effective drink will be cranberry, cranberry or kalinovy ​​mors.

Throat diseases require the refusal of spicy and spicy dishes, which include seasonings, ketchups, many sauces, because they can exacerbate the course of the disease and even translate it into a chronic form. The only exception to this rule is garlic, which for any catarrhal diseases is worth eating as often as possible.

Temperature without sore throat and runny nose: causes, treatment

The temperature without pain in the throat and runny nose is not that rare. This is an indicator that an infection has entered the body. What are the causes of heat without colds in adults and children? Than to treat temperature, whether it is necessary to do or make it? Let us consider in more detail the answers to these and other questions.

How does the regulation of temperature in the body

The level of human body temperature is regulated by the department of the intermediate brain - the hypothalamus. As soon as an infection gets into the body, the cells of the body begin to transmit impulses to the hypothalamus, or more precisely, to its thermoreceptors. As a result, the protective functions of the body are mobilized to fight the virus: heat production increases and heat loss decreases. As a result, a person begins to suffer from fever.

temperature without sore throat and runny nose

But there are also cases when the body temperature rises and without the involvement of the hypothalamus. For example, it can be as a result of a heat stroke (severe overheating), during which the heat transfer in the body is disrupted.

What body temperature is normal in adults and children

Practically everyone knows that during the day the temperature of a healthy person can fluctuate within 35.5-37.3 degrees. This is considered a completely normal process. Thus it is impossible to forget that temperature 3, - the maximum threshold of norm. If it rises higher or does not go down for several days, you need to start looking for the reasons for its occurrence. Especially it concerns cases when there is a temperature without pain in the throat and runny nose or other signs of a cold.

temperature without cause

Another important thing to consider is one important detail: the generally accepted norm of 36.5 degrees is designed for measurement in the armpit. When measuring the temperature in the mouth, the norm is 37 degrees, and in the case of rectal measurement - 37.5 degrees.

Children concept of "normal temperature" is more blurry. At them it can vary depending on the most diverse factors, from the time of day and ending with the activity of the child. In this case, we can say that the temperature of 37.3-37.4 is the maximum rate.

Temperature without cold symptoms: causes of adults

Everyone is accustomed to the fact that fever is a sign of the common cold and it is combined with a cough, headaches, stuffiness of the nose and so on. Situations in which the temperature rises without pain in the throat and runny nose, can put many at a dead end. In such cases, it is difficult to understand the causes of its occurrence and choose the right treatment, which will relieve not only the symptoms, but also the disease itself.

We'll figure out why the temperature "no reason" appears (in quotes, because there is a reason).

temperature 37 3

First, the appearance of fever in adults can be triggered by exposure to the body of various microbes due to a decrease in local or general immunity.

Secondly, a sudden increase in temperature may indicate the presence of inflammatory (pneumonia, meningitis, tonsillitis, pyelonephritis, etc.), infectious (HIV, tuberculosis, typhoid and etc.), viral and parasitic (toxoplasmosis, malaria, syphilis, mononucleosis, etc.), oncological (tumors, lymphoma, leukemia, etc.), endocrine (thyrotoxicosis) diseases.

Third, systemic inflammations such as rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn's disease and others can provoke the appearance of fever.

Fourthly, this may indicate a decrease in the level of hemoglobin and accompany anemia or be the result of the release of excessive amounts of adrenaline into the blood.

In addition, women may experience a small temperature as a result of hormonal changes during menstruation.

Also, the appearance of heat is possible due to the taking of certain medications that caused so-called medicinal fever.

Well, the last of the most common reasons is overheating. This happens as a result of a long stay in a stuffy room or under direct sunlight.

Temperature without cold symptoms: causes of children

In children, the temperature without sore throat and runny nose is usually observed in such cases as:

  • overheating in the sun or in a poorly ventilated, stuffy room;
  • the child has a lot of warm clothing;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • poisoning;
  • severe overwork;
  • allergic reactions;
  • teething.

When do I need to bring down the temperature?

As for children, pediatricians do not advise to bring down the temperature to 38.5 degrees. It is generally believed that the body at this time fights with microbes and does not need to interfere with it. But if the baby becomes weak, irritable, stops eating, crying a lot and so on, then taking antipyretics is mandatory. This applies to cases and when the child's temperature is 37.5 without symptoms, and if there are obvious signs of a cold. Up to a mark of 37.5 degrees, in no case does not need to be knocked down, so as not to harm the body so that he can continue to fight the infection by himself.

child's temperature 37 5 without symptoms

Adults are not recommended to bring down the temperature, which did not reach 38-39 degrees, if it lasts less than 3-4 days. After the fourth day, the intake of antipyretics usually begins in combination with antibiotics.

Medications for lowering the temperature in adults

So, the heat rose in the adult. What to do in this situation? The answer is quite logical - to bring down it. To date, there are many antipyretic drugs with completely different composition and type of action. Consider the most popular of them.

the temperature of an adult what to do
  1. "Aspirin" (acetylsalicylic acid). The drug is multifunctional and can not only lower the heat, but also provide analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-aggregative action. But you need to treat it cautiously, because "Aspirin" is inherently an acid that can provoke the appearance of a stomach ulcer. In order to avoid such participation, the drug is recommended to be washed down with mineral water, although in this case its absorption and efficacy are significantly reduced. So here you have to make your own choice and correctly set all the priorities.
  2. "Paracetamol". The drug is intended solely for lowering the heat, it unfortunately does not possess anti-inflammatory properties. At the same time, Paracetamol does not cause any side effects if it is used for its intended purpose and to observe the necessary dosages. Due to the "harmless" composition, the use of "Paracetamol" is allowed during pregnancy and lactation as an antipyretic agent. The only thing that this drug is prohibited to use for patients with kidney failure or suffering from alcoholism, as it has a slight toxic effect on the liver and kidneys.
  3. "Analgin". This drug is highly effective in fighting high fever and severe pain. Usually it is used in the form of injections, thanks to which it begins to act almost instantaneously. But numerous studies have shown that "Analgin" has a number of side effects, and is also capable of killing white blood cells. As a result, the body loses its protective functions in the fight against bacteria and fungi. Therefore, the drug begins to gradually disappear from pharmacies in Russia, as it becomes less common.
  4. "Diclofenac" and "Ibuprofen". Drugs based on substances such as diclofenac and ibuprofen are the safest. But take combined drugs is with the utmost care to avoid allergic reactions to one or more components. They also have antipyretic and analgesic effect.

Medications for lowering the temperature in children

As mentioned above, if the temperature of a child 37.5 without symptoms of a cold, it does not cause the baby inconvenience, it is not necessary to shoot down. When it is raised to 37.5-38.5 degrees, it is necessary to monitor the general condition of the child and shoot down only when necessary. At a temperature above 38.5, the intake of antipyretics is mandatory.

than to treat the temperature

Preparations based on paracetamol are allowed starting from the age of 3 months of the child, they are released in the form of candles. The most popular are: "Cefekon", "Panadol", "Efferalgan."

Preparations based on ibuprofen are available in the form of syrups, have antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic effects. The most common drug in this group is Nurofen.

Medicines based on both paracetamol and ibuprofen can be used no more than 4 hours after the previous intake. If the temperature rises faster, then alternation of drugs is possible, for example, the baby is given a dose of "Nurofen", and after a while they put an additional paracetamol candle.

How to take antipyretics correctly

If the fever has risen, the antipyretic agent will be the best option to reduce it to a normal level. The main thing here is to strictly adhere to the necessary dosages to achieve the desired result and avoid side effects. Also it is necessary to pay attention to the expiration date of the drug, since the spoiled medicine can not only not bring benefits, but also harm.

How to knock down the temperature in popular ways

To ease your condition during a fever, you can use the following methods:

  1. Do not interfere with heat transfer processes. This means that you do not need to wear a few sweaters and wrap yourself in three blankets. The temperature will not go away with sweat, as it is commonly believed. Rather, on the contrary: due to the dehydration of the body the situation can worsen even more.
  2. Restoration of water balance. You need to drink as much liquid as possible, preferably without sugar.
  3. A warm (not hot!) Bath can bring down the temperature even under 40 degrees. It takes about 20-30 minutes to lie in it. The minus method is that after 1-2 hours the fever can resume and the procedure will have to be repeated.
  4. Rubbing the skin with a mixture of five parts water with one part vinegar can quickly remove heat and improve the overall condition. But repeat this procedure with a periodicity of approximately two hours.

Revealing the cause of temperature rise

Temperature without pain in the throat and runny nose can indicate a number of infectious or inflammatory diseases, so knocking it down does not mean completely recovering.

antipyretic temperature

To establish the true causes of fever (if it lasts more than 3-4 days), you should consult a doctor to examine and prescribe the necessary tests. After all, it is necessary to fight not with a symptom (temperature), but directly with the disease itself. Only then will the treatment end quickly and successfully.

Be healthy!

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