Atony of the intestine

  • Physiology of intestinal peristalsis
  • Reasons for
  • Symptoms of
  • Consequences of
  • Diagnosis
  • Treatment of intestinal atony with
  • diet Video on topic

The term atony always refers to muscle contractions and means loss of tone due to damage to the muscle tissue itself or to the underlying neural pathways. Atony of the intestine is a state of cessation of motor( motor) function in the intestine.

Since the motility ensures the movement of fecal masses from the upper to the lower sections, the main manifestation of its absence are long and painful constipation. How reversible is the damage to the intestine depends on the factors of influence.

Physiology of intestinal peristalsis

The intestinal wall has two muscle layers: the inner - with the annular direction of the fibers, the outer - with the longitudinal. A feature of the large intestine is the plexus of the longitudinal muscles in three bundles( ribbons).

Due to successive contractions, a wave of peristalsis is directed toward the rectum. Within a minute under normal conditions, up to 18 undulating movements should be formed. This process ensures the movement of food masses for their sequential processing and digestion by enzymes.

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Simultaneously, the intestinal cavity receives digestive juices from the common duct, bile. Sufficient motility allows the even distribution of bioactive substances along the bowel.

The main regulator of peristalsis is the vegetative department of the nervous system. He does not obey the will of the individual. Manages muscular contractions of the intestine with the help of acetylcholine, a mediator substance formed on the periphery of the nerve endings( in the receptors).

The amount of acetylcholine depends on the sufficiency of the movement of muscle fibers: with a large accumulation of sympathetic nerve impulses and spasm occurs, if the content of acetylcholine is too low, then the muscles relax to the state of atony of the intestine.

The process is associated with the predominant influence of parasympathetic nerves. This type of nerve fibers includes the recurrent nerve( vagus), which is associated with all parts of the intestine.

In a healthy person, all nerve processes are in balance, this provides good intestinal motility, regulation failure is caused by various causes of

. The muscles of the intestinal wall are also characterized by a reflex contraction due to the food in the lumen, its chemical composition. Strengthen the peristalsis of cellulose, vitamins, on the contrary, reduce - easily digestible high-calorie substances, fats, carbohydrates. They are completely absorbed into the blood and do not affect the muscular wall.

The next most important irritant is considered to be the motor activity of a person. The work of skeletal muscles, the abdominal press during walking, physical efforts has a massive effect on the intestines by changing the intra-abdominal pressure. Atony of the intestine causes hypodynamia. Therefore, the symptoms of chronic constipation are more characteristic of the population of developed countries who prefer to use transport and sit on the couch.

Causes of

Atony of the intestine may occur:

  • in the event of a malfunction of the nerve regulatory processes responsible for peristalsis;
  • pathological condition of the intestinal wall( eg, inflammation, trauma, blood flow disorders), which leads to blocking of nerve endings, lowering of acetylcholine level;
  • in the absence( suppression) of reflex mechanisms of peristalsis.

Pathogenetic factors are influenced by:

  • frequent stressful situations, overload at work without sufficient rest;
  • improper food - enthusiasm for fatty dishes, pastries, cakes, sweets, and on the contrary - hungry low-calorie diets, fast food snacks, low consumption of water;
  • transferred infectious diseases, accompanied by inflammation of the intestine, the action of some toxins not only violates the bacterial flora, but also directly affects the muscle layer;
  • postoperative cicatricial and adhesive processes as a complication of surgical interventions in the abdominal cavity and small pelvis;
  • chronic helminthiases localized in the intestine;
  • use of alcohol and smoking, in people who start smoking, usually the peristalsis gets worse, but then nicotine accumulates and shows toxic properties;
  • therapeutic intake of medicines from the group of antispasmodics, analgesics, opiates, and drugs disrupts the regulation mechanism at the central level;
  • intestinal tumors, metastases from neighboring organs and tissues;
  • the presence of endocrine diseases, the restructuring of the body during menopause, pregnancy;
  • lack of necessary motor activity in case of illness, in old age, due to habit.
The possibility of the hereditary nature of atonic constipation among members of the same family is proved.

Symptoms of

If defecation does not occur two days or more, then it is possible to suspect an atonic state of the intestine. Any congestion of fecal masses is accompanied by a disturbance of the beneficial microflora, the attachment of pathogenic or activity of opportunistic bacteria( E. coli).This leads to the phenomena of inflammation in the large intestine, causes atonic colitis.

Pains vary in nature, often fickle

Patients complain:

  • for constant bloating, profuse gas in the intestine;
  • pain in the left or right side of the abdomen, a feeling of heaviness;
  • weakness.

People who suffer from atonic constipation for a long time have a change of character. They are distinguished by nervousness, a weakening of memory, a woman - with tearfulness. They usually do not sleep well. Due to poor assimilation of iron supplied with food, signs of anemia increase:

  • dizziness;
  • pallor;
  • headaches;
  • is broken taste sensations, perhaps aversion to food.

Attachment of the inflammatory process and injury to the intestinal mucosa with hard calculous stones is accompanied by the release of mucus from the rectum from the blood( anal fissures).A prolonged stress, sitting on the toilet leads to hemorrhoids. The patient has pain in the anus, the inflammation increases the body temperature.

Consequences of

Long-term atony without treatment exacerbates the risk of many diseases. These include:

  • malignant neoplasms of the abdominal cavity( intestines, liver, stomach, uterus and ovaries in women, prostate and bladder in men, pancreas);
  • hemorrhoidal bleeding;
  • iron deficiency anemia;
  • avitaminosis with impaired functioning of the gonads.
Slagging of the body causes a tendency to allergic reactions, skin itch, a different rash on the body.

Immunity sharply decreases, so patients often get respiratory infections, chronic cystitis, men with prostatitis, women suffer from inflammation of the uterus and appendages.


Atonic constipation - what is it?

To determine the optimal treatment for a doctor, it is necessary to identify the cause of atony of the intestine, to exclude a tumor, to investigate the degree of digestion disturbance. This is helped by:

  • general clinical tests( in the blood, the growth of ESR and leukocytosis confirm the inflammatory process in the intestine, the reduction of red blood cells, hemoglobin speak of anemia);
  • feces analysis for scatology - reveals undigested food pieces, mucus, latent blood, white blood cells;
  • check for helminthic invasion, the method will tell the doctor.

Fibrogastroscopy( visual examination of the stomach) - is performed to identify asymptomatic gastritis. Beginning atrophic gastritis is accompanied by hypotension of the muscles of the stomach, a change in the mucosa, folding. Recto-manoscopy allows you to examine the rectum, reveal hemorrhoids, cracks.

The method of colonoscopy makes it possible to examine the mucous membrane of the large intestine, to reveal lesions, polyps and other neoplasms, signs of colitis

The most informative method is colonoscopy: under anesthesia, a probe with an optical chamber at the end is injected into the rectum. If necessary, the material is taken for further cytological diagnosis.

Treatment of intestinal atony with

The purpose of therapy with atonic constipation begins with checking the correctness of the patient's nutrition, adjusting the menu, and prohibiting certain foods. The diet provides for a complete rejection of high-calorie and refined foods. They are so processed that they do not represent any load for intestinal motility.

And for atony, food is needed, which is reflexively capable of stimulating peristalsis, which contains a large amount of fiber and dietary fiber. Therefore, vegetables, fruits, and sour milk products are recommended. The most useful are boiled beets and pumpkin, a salad of carrots and apples, greens, bread, containing bran, oranges and peaches.

A natural laxative effect is possessed by fruits of prunes, apricots, plums.

Dried apricots, figs, sea kale - at any time of the year. It is better not to eat fruit with astringent properties( pears, pomegranates, blueberries, dogwood, bird cherry).It is necessary to reduce the number of vegetables in the diet that cause increased intestinal irritation and gas formation( cabbage, beans, garlic and onions, radishes, radishes).

Dishes from mushrooms are difficult to digest, not recommended for atopic constipation

Patients with intestinal atony are advised to drink kefir, yogurt, yogurt every evening, especially those containing bifidobacteria are useful. In the daily menu you can include:

  • dried rye bread;
  • braised zucchini and eggplants with carrots, tomatoes;
  • porridge( buckwheat, barley, millet);
  • pasta from durum wheat.

Dishes from low-fat meat and fish, soups, broths with croutons are shown.

All types of alcohol are subject to an exception:

  • ;
  • confectionery;
  • chocolate, sweets and other sweets;
  • fat;
  • smoked and salted products;
  • fatty broths and condiments;
  • is all fried;
  • strong coffee, tea, soda.

It is recommended to drink at least 1.5 liters of water. It is desirable to accustom yourself to an empty stomach in the morning to drink a glass of cold water. This contributes to increased intestinal motility.

Physical Exercise and Exercises

It is important for the urban dweller to add physical activity and constantly monitor the abdominal muscles and pelvis muscles without laziness. This requires part of the way to work and back to walk, and in the mornings in the gym complex add the following exercises to stimulate the intestines.

In the position on the back - "bicycles", "scissors" by straight stretched legs at an angle of 45 degrees to the floor( the lower, the better);ups of the pelvis with an emphasis on the feet and shoulder blades;twisting the body up to the knees with the arms withdrawn by the elbows to the sides and pressed against the temples.

In the position on the back, you can perform exercises for people with osteochondrosis of the spine

. From the kneeling position, sit on the floor with the buttocks alternately to the right and to the left, with the hands held straight forward, the back straight. From the emphasis on the hands and knees - do the mahi back and forth, then go to the leisurely leads of the bent leg to the side. Repeat on the other side.

Exercise "bar" - is carried out in conclusion. It is necessary to stand with an emphasis on the palm of your hand, straightened hands and feet for 30 seconds to start, then bring to a minute. In this case, follow the tightened abdomen and stretched out into an even trunk trunk. Well strengthens the abdominal press, helps with intestinal atony.

Application of medicines

Etiologic treatment of intestinal atony are drugs that promote the accumulation of acetylcholine. The most common use is short courses for young patients in the postoperative period.

Almost all the drugs of the group have a negative effect on the rhythm of the heart, can cause bronchospasm, tremors and convulsions, suppress the production of platelets and leukocytes. This leads to a limited purpose.

To anticholinesterase agents are:

  • Itomed,
  • Proserin,
  • Motilium,
  • Montana,
  • Coordinates,
  • Peristil,
  • Kalimin 60 N.

More often gastroenterologists recommend with a mild intestinal peristalsis to manage diet and laxatives. It is important to consider the ability of the body to get used to laxative drugs, so they have to be changed, using different forms( candles, drops, capsules, tablets).Dosage is selected individually. Reception is carried out at night. Usually cleansing of the intestine occurs in 8-10 hours.

The negative effect is attributed to the syndrome of "lazy intestines", when atony is aggravated and it becomes impossible to achieve self-defecation. It is also necessary to monitor the bacterial flora, supplement the intake of laxatives with probiotics.

The most popular formulations of the soothing effect:

  • The most popular formulations of laxative action:
    • .

    Castor oil is recommended to be drunk with kefir, mixing

    well Physiotherapy treatment

    The use of physiotherapeutic methods for treating intestinal atony is indicated in the case of exclusion of any connection with neoplasms in the diagnosis, the absence of latent blood in the feces as a sign of bleeding. Procedures are carried out by courses of 10-15 twice a year, this helps reduce the dependence of the intestines on laxatives.

    In the arsenal of the doctor there are the following methods of stimulation of the intestine:

    • patients with pronounced signs of neurosis help the soul( circular and Sharko) with a room temperature water temperature;
    • elderly patients can be electrophoresed on the stomach with a solution of Proserin or calcium chloride;
    • for people of middle and young age are suitable diadynamic currents on the muscles of the abdominal press.

    In a sanatorium, courses of subaquatic baths from natural sources are recommended, they not only wash away the slags from the intestine, but also activate metabolism in tissues, because they contain biologically active substances and salts, and underwater massage helps restore your own peristalsis.

    Enemas in the treatment of atonic intestines

    With the help of enemas, it is possible to maximally draw a solution with a medicinal preparation, decoction to the focus of inflammation in the intestine, if it serves as the cause of atony. Categorical contraindications relate to frequent cleaning enemas of large volume with constipation of unclear etiology. The introduction of water can increase spasm and pain.

    It is necessary to consider the possibility of partial obstruction of the intestine and adhesions. Do not apply any force to introduce fluid.

    For purification use a mug of Esmarch with a liquid volume of up to two liters at a temperature of 34-35 degrees. The patient is placed on his side, lifting the upper buttock with his hand. An end is inserted into the anus, lubricated with cream or oil. If the pain comes on the background of fluid intake, the enema is immediately removed. The patient is recommended to lie down for a few minutes on the back. Emptying occurs immediately.

    Preliminary cleansing is an indispensable condition for treating the intestines with nutrient enemas. For them, use about a glass of warm decoction of chamomile, calendula, add vegetable or sea-buckthorn oil. They put special rubber pears. The end should be well rinsed with soap.

    A hypertensive enema is performed to stimulate intestinal peristalsis. For her, it's enough to dissolve a tablespoon of salt in a glass of water in the water at room temperature. Do not put patients with exacerbation of hemorrhoids.

    Folk remedies

    Folk recipes on the diet of a patient with intestinal atony do not disagree with the recommendations of nutritionists. For example, daily use beetroot salad dressed with vegetable oil, dried apricots and berries in broth with prunes. You can add one feature.

    Beets do not need to be cooked until soft, it should be undercooked, boil for no longer than 30 minutes.

    Herbal products from herbs are well brewed overnight in a thermos. The method allows to maintain a stable temperature for a long time and extract the elements useful for the intestine as much as possible. Thus, broths are prepared from buckthorn, string, flax seed, leaves and burdock root.

    It is recommended to drink green tea with oregano throughout the day. It is very useful to make honey with aloe. Only it is important to cut off leaves 2-3 years of age, beforehand to keep them in the refrigerator for at least five days. Then cut off the shell, scroll the leaves on the meat grinder, add honey and lightly heat the mixture until completely dissolved.

    Patients with intestinal atony should take a spoonful of honey in the morning on an empty stomach with a glass of water.

    The alcoholic tincture of the rhubarb root, the leaves of the calamus and the buckwheat is considered to be the effective remedy. Crushed plants are put in a glass jar, poured with vodka or diluted alcohol( 1:10 by volume) and leave to infuse for 2 weeks. Then you can use a teaspoon twice a day before meals.

    Natural prevention of intestinal atony is a balanced diet, no bad habits, feasible sports. Fulfillment of these conditions in young and middle age helps for a long time to keep cheerfulness and health.

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