Why the coccyx hurts are common causes

Does the pain in the coccyx signify dangerous diseases and is it worthwhile to see a doctor?

It is almost impossible to identify the cause of pain without a doctor's examination. Such pain can occur suddenly and soon disappear for a long period of time.

Pain sensations can be based only in the coccyx region, and can cover the lower abdomen, lower back, back. Depending on the manifestation, they are aching, pricking or sharp.

It is very important to diagnose and eliminate the cause of pain in time, otherwise serious violations will occur in the body, because of which the pain becomes chronic and will interfere with sitting and walking.


  • 1How to determine the source of pain
  • 2Possible reasons
      • 2.0.1Reason 1-I. Trauma (displacement, fracture, bruise, dislocation, fracture)
      • 2.0.2Reason 2-I. Diseases of bone tissue and musculoskeletal system
      • 2.0.3The reason is 3rd. Pregnancy
      • 2.0.4The reason is 4th. Problems with the intestine / urinary system
      • 2.0.5The reason is 5th. Sitting on too soft surfaces
      • instagram viewer
      • 2.0.6Reason 6th. Wearing tight clothes
      • 2.0.7The reason is the 7th. Pain of unknown origin
      • 2.0.8Reason 8th. Stress
  • 3What treatment do doctors offer
  • 4Preventive measures

How to determine the source of pain

Among the main symptoms of pain in the coccyx are the following:

  • increased pain when pressing on the lower back;
  • the appearance of unpleasant sensations during constipation and their weakening after defecation;
  • increased pain with long sitting;
  • burning or "shooting" pain when getting up after sitting on a hard surface, sometimes giving off in the crotch and buttocks.

Possible reasons

There are several causes of painful sensations and they all have a different nature of pain, require the surrender of different analyzes and, accordingly, provide for a different treatment.

Reason 1-I. Trauma (displacement, fracture, bruise, dislocation, fracture)

It is considered the most common and unexpected for patients.

Injury of the tailbone is possible with a serious fall or impact in the lumbar region.

Typical acute stitching pain in the lower back, which often suddenly appears and disappears.

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Sometimes, cyclists and amateurs on horseback have a microtrauma, which causes discomfort.

Also, after difficult births, postpartum trauma can occur, in which the female has a coccyx when they are sitting.

To confirm the occurrence of pain for this reason will help such studies as radiography and computed tomography.

As a treatment, appoint a bed rest (necessarily the first 7 days after receiving the injury), acupuncture, wearing a corset, special gymnastics.

Reason 2-I. Diseases of bone tissue and musculoskeletal system

Quite strong and often burning pain, giving back, sacrum, the patient can experience when the intervertebral disks are displaced, during muscle spasms, jamming of nerves, osteochondrosis.

Identify the cause will help visual examination by a doctor, palpation, radiography, computed tomography. To get rid of the pain sometimes helps to acupuncture, wearing a special corset.

The reason is 3rd. Pregnancy

During development of the fetus, the pelvic bones of a woman widen, which leads to a slight deviation back. Also, the growing uterus can stretch the pelvic bones, and a large fetus can damage the nerves.

Since drug treatment in this case is contraindicated, future doctors recommend the following:

  • choosing the right posture for sleep;
  • prevention of constipation;
  • putting on the bandage (especially after the 4th month);
  • sitting not on a soft surface;
  • exercises exercise therapy;
  • application of dry heat;
  • sitting on a special inflatable pad.

The reason is 4th. Problems with the intestine / urinary system

This includes prostatitis, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, various microcracks, tumors, scar deformation after surgery, inflammation. Characterized aching pain in the coccyx when sitting and especially getting up, uncomfortable sensations when tilted.

Sometimes inflammation can form a lump.

If the patient suspects that the cause of the pain was just this problem, analysis of blood, feces and urine, visual examination of the doctor, palpation, rectal examination, conduction Ultrasound.

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The reason is 5th. Sitting on too soft surfaces

In this case, the coccyx is constantly in the wrong position, because of which in the vessels that surround it, blood begins to accumulate, and in the vertebrae - salt is deposited.

To eliminate the problem and get rid of painful sensations, it is necessary to restore normal blood circulation. This will help to do special gymnastics, acupuncture, physiotherapy.

Reason 6th. Wearing tight clothes

In this case, patients complain of pain while sitting or walking. This is due to the fact that the loin area is too tight, causing blood flow.

In order to discomfort feelings ceased, the first thing to do is change clothes to a freer one. To restore blood supply, the doctor can prescribe acupuncture, reflexology.

The reason is the 7th. Pain of unknown origin

Pain sensations can appear for no apparent reason. In such cases, the doctor must conduct all possible tests to exclude complications and diseases that threaten the patient's life.

Treatment is prescribed depending on the symptoms of the patient.

Reason 8th. Stress

Often painful sensations appear due to banal stress. Coping with it will help acupuncture, massage, physiotherapy.

What treatment do doctors offer

To get rid of pain, after identifying their causes, resort to the following methods:

bed rest (from 7 to 10 days as a paramount measure);

physiotherapy (impact on the painful area by ultrasound, high-frequency current, magnetic fields, cold, heat);

massage (done with warming ointments and healing oils, using techniques such as pressing, stroking, kneading, rubbing, smoothing, kneading);

drug treatment (includes anti-inflammatory non-steroid drugs such as aspirin, ibuprofen, ketoprofen, diclofenac, piroxicam, muscle relaxants such as tizanidine, baclofen, midocalma);

acupuncture (effective not only to reduce pain, but also to normalize sleep, psycho-emotional state);

blockade (introduction to the affected area of ​​lidocaine, novocaine, which relieve muscle spasm);

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operation (complete removal of the coccyx, opening of the abscess with inflammation or removal of the cyst).

Preventive measures

To protect yourself from problems, you need to follow a few simple tips:

  • minimize strong physical exertion on the body;
  • do exercises to strengthen the muscles of the spine;
  • watch your diet, use a sufficient amount of vitamins (especially magnesium, phosphorus and calcium);
  • do not overcool;
  • Do not start treatment for inflammatory diseases of the spine;
  • avoid a sedentary lifestyle;
  • systematically visit the proctologist, gynecologist, osteopath, neurologist;
  • regularly attend physiotherapy and massage courses.
Effectively to get rid of a pain the doctor who will establish the reason and will appoint or nominate correct treatment will help or assist only.

First of all, when such unpleasant sensations appear, one should go to an appointment with the proctologist. If required, he will refer to another specialist (this may be a gynecologist, a neurologist, an osteopath, a surgeon and even a psychotherapist).

Be ready to tell doctors in detail about the nature of the pain, about the area in which it is localized, what kind of injuries you had before and what operations you suffered.

Very rarely the pain in the coccyx passes by themselves, but not to harm your body, wait for it or do self-medication is not worth it.