Cough with throat fever

The more cough cures with farengite?


Elena Silchenko

No mustard plaster! Pharyngitis is the throat. cough is dry, itching in the throat. Buy pharyngosept, or sage in tablets, do not strain your throat and rinse, rinse. rinse! If there is a nebulizer, do inhalation with a rotocaine.


inhalation, mustard.


How correctly to cure cough?
The appearance of a cough almost always indicates a defeat of the airways. If the cough is accompanied by a sharp increase in body temperature (that is, for several hours / days), sickness, runny nose, pharyngitis, it is most likely that the underlying disease is one of the types of ARI (i.e., colds). Cough, which is almost the only symptom of the disease, or a cough present for a long time and not responding to treatment should always be alarming. In the case of such a cough, you need to see a doctor. So what should you do with a cold cough?
The appearance of a mild cough against the background of a cold is quite normal. In most cases, such a cough does not require any treatment and passes on its own simultaneously with the disappearance of the disease. In other cases, for example, with bronchitis, cough can be strong and persistent, with the release of viscous sputum. In such a situation, sputum liquefaction treatment may be necessary and very effective. How to treat a cough?

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First: try to drink as much liquid as possible - copious drink restores the body's water balance, disturbed by the disease, and in many ways contributes to the liquefaction of sputum. When coughing, sore throat, pharyngitis is especially useful to drink alkaline mineral water (for example, Borjomi), the chemical composition of which also facilitates the recovery of sputum and acceleration of recovery. It is recommended to enrich the food with light, but high-calorie food, as well as vegetables and fruits.
The second: for colds and coughs it is useful to conduct a course of inhalations. Inhalations are shown to older children and adults, to children of early age (up to 3-4 years) inhalation is better not to conduct - this can cause them to suffocate. To prepare inhalation, take a tablespoon of leaves of mother-and-stepmother, chamomile, sage, thyme and pour them with boiling water in any voluminous vessel. In the infusion add a teaspoon of baking soda and a few drops of menthol or eucalyptus oil. Such inhalation can be carried out several times a day.
Third: with persistent cough with viscous sputum (most likely it is tracheitis or bronchitis), it is recommended to take medications for expectoration of expectoration: expectorants and mucolytic agents. The list of these drugs we have already considered in the article on the treatment of cough in children (see. "How to treat cough in children?").
Many of these drugs are also available in adult forms or can be used in adults at a certain dosage. We recommend to pay attention to herbal medicines, as well as such mucolytics as Ambroxol (Lozolvan), Bromhexine, ACTS (acetylcysteine).
Mucolytics drugs are taken in case there is sputum, but it is viscous and therefore excreted with difficulty.
Expectorants should be taken when a small amount of sputum is produced during cough (scant sputum) - these agents stimulate secretion sputum with bronchial glands at the same time, making it more fluid, and also strengthen the cough reflex - it helps to clear the airways for colds or bronchitis.
Antitussives can be prescribed only by the attending physician. These drugs can cause serious adverse reactions. The modern and safest drug from this group is the Kodelak phyto, which has a complex effect: makes the cough more rare, but more productive and therefore less painful and more effective. Kodelak phyto is used mainly with a strong dry cough, which sometimes occurs against the background of influenza or other ARI. This drug is suitable for treating both children and adults. Reception of this drug is stopped when sputum appears (usually on day 2-3 of the common cold).
Expectorant and mucolytic cough remedies can not be taken simultaneously with antitussive drugs for coughing - this can lead to blockage of bronchial tubes with phlegm.
Before you start any of these medications, we recommend that you read the contents of the instructions for using the medication carefully. If, in spite of the treatment undertaken, cough


Fahrenheit is an acute or chronic inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa, which is accompanied by pain, perspiration, or discomfort in the throat. Fahrenheit often develops with constantly shortened nasal breathing. It can be caused not only by the transition to breathing through the mouth, but also by the abuse of vasoconstrictive drops that drain from the nasal cavity to the pharynx. Therefore, it is necessary to treat a throat. The cause of chronic pharyngitis can serve as a gastrointestinal disease, namely gastritis, reflux disease. It should be remembered that acute fahrenheit may be the first manifestation of some infectious diseases: measles, scarlet fever, measles rubella. id = 10604
A cough - not from pharyngitis, but has its own cause, which must be determined and, only then, treated.. .

Elizaveta Stepantsova

Cure pharyngitis))), you cough because of the irritated throat.
A lot of warm drinks, especially milk with honey and soda at the tip of the knife. Rinse (infusions of calendula, sage or Rotokan (alcohol tincture of herbs) buy in a pharmacy, plant). Antiseptic antiseptic spray (Chlorophyllitis, Inhaliptus, Oracept, Jox) Something to strengthen immunity is the Echinacea tincture.
As for the cough, if it hampers you strongly, then you need antitussive drugs (you do not need to withdraw and dilute sputum;)). Optimally less harmful - Stopoutsin, Glikodin, Tussin plus.
Get well!


warming up, warm drink, warming compresses (from a potato: on a back and a breast part-very well helps or assists), rubbing-I apply, if there is no temperature! But do not forget about the throat, rinsing (if the child does not yet know how to just offer a warm drink more often), irrigate the mouth, the more suitable

Vita Milkin

With pharyngitis coughing from the fact that the throat is irritated.
If dryness is a sage, rinse with chamomile, they soften.
If a lot of mucus - dried by rinsing from the eucalyptus.

The more he coughs with pharyngitis

The more he coughs with pharyngitis

Pharyngitis is a fairly common cold. If it is not treated, but healed, it can flow into more complex forms, which is fraught with serious consequences.

Pharyngitis: symptoms of the disease

The course of pharyngitis can be accompanied by the appearance of various kinds of symptoms (trembling in the body, aches in the joints and muscles, a feeling of dryness in the throat, pain during swallowing, hoarseness in the voice). This requires competent treatment, which can appoint a doctor. Sometimes the absence of pharyngitis treatment in the first days intensifies the manifestation of symptoms so much that it becomes life-threatening (infection of the blood, fainting).

The main symptom of pharyngitis is a cough, which can have several forms: dry, bronchial, throat, sometimes it can be a simple cough or pinches. The most common cough with pharyngitis is dry. With this form of cough, there is no escape of sputum. In the treatment it is necessary to use the means that help to pass the cough into a more productive form, at which sputum will begin to depart.

Cough treatment with throat fever

Cough treatment requires compliance with certain rules. During illness it is necessary to consume a lot of liquid, in particular mineral water. This contributes to a better spitting of the sputum due to its dilution and as a result, a rapid recovery.

The use of inhalation with pharyngitis on the basis of mineral water, plant doses or medicines helps to quickly get rid of a painful cough. With prolonged cough, you need to take medicines that have expectorant and mucolytic properties that promote liquefaction and better sputum discharge.

Home remedies for coughing with pharyngitis also help to cope with painful pain in the throat, for example honey. Often, he does it much more efficiently than pharmacy medicines. And to get the best result honey is recommended to mix with lemon juice. In the fight against cough with pharyngitis will help a glass of warm milk with a small piece of cocoa butter.

A paradoxical, but effective way for a while to drown out the cough and sore throat is to suck a small ice cube.

Treatment of pharyngitis in the home by only folk methods is fraught with complications for people with allergies. Therefore, when treating at home, it is necessary to monitor its course and monitor the body's response. If the treatment does not give results in the first days and there will be a worsening of well-being, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor.

Treatment of pharyngitis in adults with different forms of ailment

  • Medicines for throat fever
  • Cough treatment with throat fever
Pharyngitis in adults

Colds are often accompanied by pain in the throat and cough. The reason is that viral agents easily penetrate into the mucous membranes of the pharynx, causing a disease like pharyngitis.

Treatment for adult inflammatory processes in the throat occurs depending on the form and etiology of the disease.After all, the common cold is not the only cause of pathological processes in this department of the digestive system.


  1. Most people suffer from pharyngitis caused by adenoviruses, influenza viruses, rhinoviruses.
  2. Other representatives of the pathogenic microflora causing the disease are bacteria: staphylococci, pneumococci, streptococci. Bacterial infection can be secondary after viral infection as a result of weakening of the immune system. Inflammatory processes in the organ of the nose (rhinitis, sinusitis) or the cavity of the mouth (caries) can also become the causes.
  3. Candida fungi are also capable of provoking inflammation of the pharynx tissues. In this case, they speak of the fungal etiology of the disease.
  4. To the swelling of the mucous membranes lining the pharynx, coughing and perspiration in the throat are related and allergens. This pharyngitis is called allergic.
  5. The disease can occur as a result of mechanical trauma to the tissues of the pharynx or damage by its aggressive environment (cigarette smoke, highly polluted or dusty air).
  6. Symptoms of coughing and perspiration in the throat occur with GI disease, when food from the stomach enters the esophagus and pharynx and causes irritation of the mucous membranes.
  7. Endocrine diseases contribute to the development of the chronic form of the disease.
  8. Chronic pharyngitis often occurs in people who can not fully breathe through the nose due to diseases or anatomical pathologies.

Symptomatic disease depends on the form of pharyngitis. The acute course of the disease is accompanied by a significant deterioration in the patient's well-being, while the chronic form gives only a slight discomfort in the throat and a dry cough.

Among the main symptoms of pharyngitis, the following indispositions and peculiarities of their manifestation are distinguished:

  • sensation of tickling and tickling in the throat;
  • with a granular form, there is a sensation of a lump, a "stuck bone" in the throat;
  • The throat hurts, especially in the process of eating;
  • pain syndrome increases with an "empty" pharynx;
  • Discomfort and soreness are more clearly felt in the morning, after waking up;
  • warm drink and food facilitate the symptom of pain;
  • infectious infection may slightly increase body temperature;
  • lymph nodes in the upper part of the body increase and become painful if they are pressed;
  • constant, uninterrupted dryness in the pharynx (subatrophic form of the disease);
  • Ears can ache if inflammation of the tubopharyngeal ridges has begun;
  • The cough is characterized as dry, hysterical, in case of a severe attack, it can cause vomiting;
  • the voice loses its strength, becomes hoarse.

Symptomatology of the disease in many points is similar to angina. They differ in the localization of infection and features of manifestation and treatment.Angina affects only the tonsils, and pharyngitis is located on the pharynx. In order for the treatment to be adequate and effective, it is necessary to undergo a diagnosis by a doctor. Pharyngitis is distinguished for acute and chronic. It is also classified according to the etiological sign: infectious and non-infectious.

To an ailment that arose without the involvement of pathogenic microflora, include allergic, atrophic and granulosa species. Infectious pharyngitis has a variety, depending on which pathogenic flora affected the organ: fungi, viruses of bacteria. Treatment of pharyngitis in adults will be successful only if you eliminate the cause that caused it. If it's bacteria, then you need antibiotics, viral agents - antiviral drugs, the disease arose against the background of caries - dental treatment.

Therefore, it is important to identify the factors that provoke the disease:

  • acute respiratory infections;
  • rhinitis, sinusitis;
  • caries;
  • inhalation by the mouth of cold air;
  • smoking, frequent use of alcohol;
  • Dusty or gassed air (for example, in production);
  • pathology in the endocrine system;
  • pathology of the structure of the nose (difficult to breathe).

In some cases, you can not get rid of an excruciating cough only with the help of tablets. If a person works in an enterprise where there is a lot of dust or chemicals in the air, then the only way to cope with the disease is to change jobs. The same is true for the smoker. No treatment will help if a person continues to smoke a lot. As a result, the mucous membrane of the pharynx is thinned, and cure pharyngitis becomes even more difficult.

  1. Acute. For the treatment of pharyngitis in adults with acute disease are prescribed drugs that adversely affect the pathogenic microflora: antiviral agents, antibiotics, antimycotics, antiseptics. For the removal of symptoms, the doctor prescribes antipyretic drugs, lozenges for absorption, eliminating pain, anti-inflammatory drugs. Cope with the infection is helped by warming compresses (can not be used with a purulent form of the disease). When treating, it is recommended to exclude foods that irritate the pharynx: hard, spicy or too salty foods.
  2. Chronic. This form of pathology of the pharynx is treated more complexly and includes a set of measures. To eliminate cough and perspiration in the throat, you can use tablets for absorption and sprays. Since the treatment of chronic pharyngitis is long, the first place is not medicines, but folk remedies. It is recommended to rinse your throat with infusions of medicinal herbs, propolis, and also to facilitate coughing to do inhalations. Good physiotherapy: UHF, electrophoresis and others.
  3. Allergic. For treatment is recommended taking antihistamines, eliminating the edema of the mucous membrane. Physiotherapeutic treatment with alkaline solutions is shown. It is recommended to rinse and warm up the throat.
  4. Atrophic. Completely cure pharyngitis caused by thinning of the mucous throat is impossible. Treatment is symptomatic. It is necessary to treat diseases that provoke exacerbation of pharyngitis in a timely manner. Rinse is recommended to cleanse the pharynx. Preparations for the recovery of the mucous are drugs: Aloe, Solcoseryl and others. Useful oil solutions with vitamins for lubricating the mucous membrane.

Sprays, solutions and tablets with pharyngitis in adults

Tablets with pharyngitisIn the treatment of pharyngitis, antibiotics cause great controversy. The appointment of this group of drugs for the treatment of any disease of bacterial etiology led to the fact that bacteria developed resistance to many antibiotics, which complicates therapy.

Therefore, with pharyngitis, you should use a Bioporox spray that contains an antibacterial agent, but acts solely on the infection site.Systemic drugs are used in the case when there are associated infectious diseases, for example, sinusitis. The doctor can prescribe the following antibacterial pills for pharyngitis in adults: Amoxicillin, Amoxiclav, Suprax, Ceftriaxone, Augometine, Cephasaline. Together with antibiotics, you need to take antihistamines that reduce the negative effects of the first on the body: Diazolinum or Suprastin.

If pharyngitis is caused by a fungal infection, then for its treatment you need drugs such as: Levalin, Ketoconazole, Nystatin. To treat the viral etiology of pharyngitis, Isoprinosine, Gripferon, and Viferon are prescribed. To restore immunity, isolated by infection, it is recommended to take Immunal, Cycloferon and others.

Special attention in the treatment of pharyngitis is given to topical preparations.Dosage forms are diverse: sprays, aerosols, throat or inhalation solutions, lozenges, tablets and lozenges for absorption. These drugs include antiseptics, herbal components, essential oils, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory or antiviral components, vitamins and minerals.

  • Known aerosols: Inhalipt, TeraFlu Lar, Tantum Verde, Stopangin, Cameton, Hexoral.
  • Often prescribed tablets with pharyngitis in adults: Strepsils, Strepfen, Pharyngosept, Grammidine.
  • An excellent effect in the treatment of pharyngitis is provided by rinsing and inhalation of the throat. Among the solutions popular are the following: Propasol, Vokadin, Bioparox, Rotokan, Evkalimin, Hexoral, Octenisept.

How to cure a cough with granulosis pharyngitis: features of the disease

Cough treatment with granulosis pharyngitisGranulosa pharyngitis refers to the chronic form of the disease and manifests itself particularly hard. The main symptoms of the disease include severe discomfort in the pharynx, which is characterized as lump in the throat, congestion on the pharyngeal surface of thick mucus and biting, almost non-stopping cough.

On the forums on the Internet you can find topics in which the treatment of pharyngitis is discussed.Participants share their personal experiences and leave feedback on the drugs. A lot of questions are devoted to how to cure cough with granulosis pharyngitis. And it's no accident. After all, with this form of the disease, attacks are so strong that they can lead to vomiting.

The main treatment of granulosa pharyngitis differs little from other forms of the disease. The patient is prescribed topical preparations that eliminate inflammation of the pharynx and have an expectorant effect. The patient must be prescribed throat and inhalation procedures. This is necessary for liquefaction and removal of thick mucus from the pharynx, as well as relief of coughing attacks.

In addition to medicinal solutions, for the procedures you can use folk remedies: decoctions and infusions of sage, chamomile, calendula, apple tree leaves.Cure cough with granulosis pharyngitis will help physiotherapy: UHF, mud applications, electrophoresis. If the nodules on the throat become too large or their number increased, then surgery is indicated. They are removed surgically or cauterized.


Acute pharyngitis symptoms and treatment | How to treat acute pharyngitis

Dry cough, thirst, pershenie. Unfortunately, such symptoms of acute pharyngitis are familiar to many of us. And even when such an unpleasant condition is not accompanied by a temperature, the patient feels completely weakened. I want to lie down, wrap myself up and, closing my eyes, lie down. And this, incidentally, is correct, with any discomfort, first of all, you need to arrange yourself if not bed, then at least home-sparing regime. How to properly treat acute pharyngitis, find out right now.

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Symptoms of an acute form of pharyngitis

The disease manifests itself most often against the background of ARVI. It is caused by various viruses - adenoviruses, influenza viruses, rhinoviruses, parainfluenza and others. Typically, viruses cause only an initial disease and "pave the way" for a bacterial infection. The causative agents of bacterial disease are constantly in the nasopharynx, but cause the disease only when the patient's immunity decreases.

Symptoms of acute pharyngitis - dryness, sore throat and cough when swallowing. All this is combined, often with a slight rise in temperature and a general malaise. With acute pharyngitis, palatine arches and posterior pharyngeal wall become inflamed, but there is no inflammation of the palatine tonsils.

With catarrhal acute pharyngitis, deterioration in general condition and fever are not characteristic. The disease manifests sensation, called - "a lump in the throat", dryness, perspiration, there is always a desire to clear your throat. Cough with acute catarrhal pharyngitis dry, obtrusive and superficial.

In acute atrophic pharyngitis, the pharyngeal mucosa becomes dry and thinned, easily vulnerable, the lymphoid tissue proliferates and the mucosa thickens.

Treatment of acute form of pharyngitis

Let's talk about how the physiotherapy of this disease is carried out. Anti-inflammatory methods of physiotherapeutic treatment of acute pharyngitis:

1. low-intensity ultra-high-frequency (UHF) therapy,

2. red laser therapy,

3. infrared laser therapy,

4. ultrasound therapy,

5. Inhalation treatment of acute pharyngitis with the help of corticosteroids and anti-inflammatory drugs,

6. drug electrophoresis,

7. high-frequency magnetotherapy.

8. Antidiarrheal method: low-frequency magnetotherapy.

9. Bactericidal method of treatment: K U F - irradiation of the pharyngeal mucosa.

10. Antiviral method of treatment of acute pharyngitis: inhalation therapy with interferon.

11. Immunocorrective methods for the therapy of acute pharyngitis: LOC, high-frequency magnetotherapy of the thymus, SUF-irradiation in suberythmic doses, air baths, thalassotherapy.

Anti-inflammatory ultrasound methods in the treatment of acute pharyngitis

Ultrasound therapy of the pharynx region is used for these purposes. Ultrasonic vibrations cause local expansion of the vessels of the microcirculatory bed, in resulting in an increase in blood flow in the tissues of the pharynx, increasing the degree of their oxygenation, metabolism. The effect can be carried out by external methods. A radiator with a diameter of 1 cm2 is used to treat acute pharyngitis. The submandibular region is subjected to scoring. The treatment of acute pharyngitis is stable, continuous, intensity, -, W / cm2. Affect the two fields. Total exposure time 6-10 minutes for 3 - 5 minutes on the field, daily or every other day; course 7 - 1 0 procedures.

Corticosteroids in the treatment of acute pharyngitis

Inhalations of corticosteroids in the treatment of pharyngitis reduce the permeability of the pharyngeal capillaries, the activity of basophils and eosinophils, which leads to a decrease in cytokine production and inhibition the release of lipid mediators of inflammation from them, inhibit the proliferation of fibroblasts, their collagen-synthetical activity, which reduces the possibility of developing the sclerotic process in pharynx. Inhaled corticosteroids have a predominantly local anti-inflammatory effect, are used for catarrhal, hypertrophic acute pharyngitis. For inhalations use Triamcinolona acetonide, Flunisolide, Beclamethasole dipropionite, Dudesonide and Fluticasone propionate. Doses depend on the severity of the patient's condition: from 100-200 mcg / day to 1000-1500 (2000 mcg / day). For this method, metered-dose inhalers and dry powder dispensers (turbuhaler), compressor inhalers (nebulizers) are used.

To treat acute pharyngitis with corticosteroids should be 1 - 2 times a day; a course of 5- 8 procedures. For oil inhalations, eucalyptus, dog-rose, sea-buckthorn, peach oil is used. The duration of such inhalation is 3 to 5 minutes; course of treatment of acute pharyngitis 3 - 5 procedures. When atrophic processes use thermal and inhalation inhalation 2% solution of potassium chloride, mineral water containing sodium chloride, temperature 35 ° C, for 5-10 minutes, daily; course of 7-10 procedures.

How to treat acute pharyngitis by drug electrophoresis?

In the electric field, ionization of medicinal substances takes place, which contributes to increasing their penetration into the affected tissue in the pharynx and allows to increase the concentration of the drug directly in the pathological focus pharynx. For the treatment of acute pharyngitis, electrophoresis is used 2-5% calcium chloride solution (from the anode) - with catarrhal pharyngitis, 2-5% potassium solution iodide (from the cathode) - with hypertrophic, 5-5% solution of novocaine (from the anode), -1% solution of nicotinic acid (from the cathode) - with atrophic pharyngitis. The bifurcated electrode (the area of ​​each 3x5 cm) is located in the lowermost area, indifferent - in the region of cervical vertebrae. Current strength up to 3 mA, duration of the procedure 10-20 min, daily; course of treatment of pharyngitis 10 procedures.

High-frequency magnetotherapy in the treatment of pharyngitis

When the HF magnetic field is applied in the area of ​​pharyngeal inflammation, the phagocytic activity of leukocytes increases, dehydration and resorption of the inflammatory focus occur. Use a high-frequency magnetic field of frequency 4, 8 MHz, power 30 W, for 10 minutes, daily; course of 7-10 procedures.

How to treat bactericidal methods of acute pharyngitis?

KUF is irradiation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx - this is a therapeutic application of short-wave ultraviolet radiation. When irradiating the pharyngeal mucosa, the KUF causes denaturation and photolysis of nucleic acids and proteins due to excessive absorption of the energy of its quanta by DNA and RNA molecules. At the same time, lethal mutations occur with the ionization of atoms and molecules, which leads to inactivation and destruction of the structure of the microorganisms of the posterior pharyngeal wall. Irradiation for the treatment of pharyngitis is carried out through a special tube with a wide aperture, beginning with 1/2 of the biodoside, adding 1/2 biodose to 2 biodoses, daily or every other day; course of 5 procedures.


1. encased purulent processes of the pharynx without outflow of purulent contents,

2. acute purulent inflammation of the upper respiratory tract,

3. atrophic pharyngitis with profound destructive changes in the mucosa,

4. benign tumor of the pharynx with an inclination to growth,

5. malignant neoplasms of the pharynx.

Sanatorium-and-spa treatment of pharyngitis

Patients with symptoms of pharyngitis are referred to balneo- and mud cure resorts (Anapa, Evpatoria, Sochi, Gagra, Gelendzhik, Southern coast of Crimea, Kuyalnik, Nalchik, Liepaja, Pyatigorsk, Druskininkai, Borovoye, Zvenigorod, Cholpon-Ata, Shusha, Albena, Bad Verishofen, Tiberias), with expressed violations - in local sanatoriums.

With atrophic chronic and acute pharyngitis, sanatorium treatment in a warm, humid climate of balneotherapy and mud baths is indicated.

Contraindications are the consequences of severe skull injuries with significant loss of motor functions, with epileptic seizures, mental disorders and other general contraindications to the sanatorium-and-spa treatment. Contraindicated spa treatment in the acute period of pharyngitis, with exacerbation of the chronic process. Some patients with reduced adaptation mechanisms may be recommended to stay in local sanatoria.

Causes and prevention of acute pharyngitis

The cause of the disease is initially an infection. Call it can viral fungi, bacteria. Allocate:

  • bacterial,
  • fungal,
  • viral pharyngitis.

In addition, in the throat inflammatory processes can be caused by trauma, allergic processes and various irritants such as, for example, acid, hot drinks, alkali, etc.

Prevention of acute pharyngitis

Physioprophylaxis of acute pharyngitis is directed to:

1. increase in the general resistance of the body,

2. reducing the likelihood of exacerbations,

3. decrease in their severity by reducing inflammatory manifestations (anti-inflammatory methods),

4. decrease in intoxication (bactericidal, antiviral methods), reduction of edema expression (decongestant methods of pharyngitis prophylaxis),

5. restoration of the immune system (immunostimulating methods of pharyngitis prevention).

How to treat dry paroxysmal cough?

Very often at a doctor's appointment, patients complain of a dry cough. This symptom most often indicates inflammation of the upper or lower respiratory tract. Cough is a protective reaction of the body. It arises because of a strong contraction of the respiratory muscles. Thanks to a cough, the airways are cleared of dust, sputum, foreign objects. In the event that coughing is irregular, there is no cause for concern. Another thing is when there is a painful, paroxysmal cough. This condition is the reason for going to the doctor and examination. What are the causes of dry cough and how can I get rid of it?

The problem of dry cough

Dry cough for various diseases

Dry called a cough, in which there is no escape of phlegm.With a wet cough, sputum always leaves, wet rales are observed. A cough attack can develop in both children and adults. The causes of this ailment in adults include:

  • sore throat;
  • inflammation of the larynx;
  • tracheitis;
  • pleurisy;
  • ingress of irritating chemicals;
  • some infectious diseases (measles, ARVI);
  • ingress of foreign objects into the respiratory tract;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • asthma.
Inflammation of the larynx - the cause of dry coughAs for children, an attack of dry cough at this age is possible with whooping cough, measles, respiratory syncytial infection, laryngitis (against the background of ARVI or influenza), pleurisy, respiratory chlamydia, false croup.

Not always cough indicates some kind of organic pathology.

This symptom can arise as a response to the effects of various allergens (dust, animal hair). Sometimes the cause of coughing is the inhalation of dry air. The appearance of a cough can be observed at night. This is typical for bronchial asthma, reflux disease. The reason may be taking medications (ACE inhibitors).

Cough with throat fever

In adults, the causes of cough include inflammation of the pharynx. This condition is characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx and lymphoid tissue. The pharynx is a part of the human respiratory and digestive system. It is a tube 11-12 cm long, connecting the nasal cavity and mouth, as well as the esophagus with the larynx. In the development of pharyngitis, the following factors are important:

  • penetration of microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, fungi);
  • frequent colds;
  • local and general hypothermia;
  • inhalation of dirty air, smoke, chemicals;
  • presence of foci of chronic infection (sinusitis, caries);
  • overheating;
  • use of hot food.
Subcooling is the cause of pharyngitisCough is one of the main symptoms of pharyngitis. It develops due to irritation of the pharynx by microorganisms. With pharyngitis there is swelling, inflammation of the pharyngeal wall. There is an expansion of the vessels. With atrophic form of pharyngitis, the mucosa is thinned and overdried, which is the cause of the appearance of coughing. In hypertrophic pharyngitis, on the contrary, thickening of the membrane occurs. Patients feel the presence of a foreign object in the throat. All this causes a dry cough. With pharyngitis cough has the following features:
  • it is paroxysmal and dry;
  • it is often combined with a sore throat;
  • amplified at night.

Coughing with pleurisy

Coughing can be associated with inflammation of the pleura. The latter is a serous membrane that lining the lungs from the outside. Pleurisy is primary and secondary. The secondary form of the disease develops against the background of another pathology of the lungs. Pleurisy develops with the following diseases:

  • tuberculosis;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchiectasis;
  • abscess of the lung;
  • rheumatism;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • lupus erythematosus;
  • pericarditis;
  • benign and malignant tumors.
Rheumatism is the cause of pleurisyIn the presence of pleurisy, dry cough is rarely painful. Most often it is of medium intensity. A dry paroxysmal cough is more characteristic of exudative form of pleurisy.

The peculiarity of this cough is that it becomes stronger when the position of the human body changes or when a deep breath is taken. It is possible to suspect pleurisy in the presence of other clinical symptoms. These include chest pain, fever, acceptance of the patient's pose (lying on his side), frequent breathing, shortness of breath, decreased appetite, excessive sweating. When listening to the lungs, the noise of friction of the pleura is revealed.

Cough as a manifestation of allergy

Attacks of dry cough are characteristic for bronchial asthma or simple allergic reaction. With asthma coughing is observed at night. Dry cough is rare, most often with phlegm. In this situation, coughing occurs suddenly. It is almost always preceded by exposure to allergens. Attacks of bronchial asthma can provoke the following allergens:

  • pollen;
  • house dust;
  • animal hair;
  • products of vital activity of insects and mites;
  • microscopic fungi;
  • taking certain medications.
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With cough asthma is not the main symptom. At the forefront comes suffocation, difficulty breathing (exhalation). Asthma is a chronic disease, so treatment is very long course. It is important to prevent contact with allergens.

Cough in children with whooping cough

Special attention is required for dry coughing in childhood. The most common cause is pertussis and paracottus. Pertussis is an infectious disease caused by the Bordetella. Man gets airborne. The causative agent causes inflammation of the larynx and bronchi. Cough in whooping cough is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • has a spastic character;
  • occurs due to the isolation of endotoxin in the death of microorganisms;
  • can arise with laughter, touch and even conversation;
  • eventually acquires a central genesis;
  • may cause vomiting;
  • he may be preceded by a sore throat, anxiety;
  • sometimes occurs at night;
  • characterized by hissing sounds;
  • lasts from a few days to several weeks.
Allergy is the cause of dry coughA sick child coughs up vomiting when cents are excited in the medulla oblongata.

Additional signs of whooping cough include a runny nose, a slight increase in body temperature, nervous excitability. The complication of whooping cough is the development of false croup. It is caused by the swelling of the larynx and its narrowing.

In this situation, barking cough appears at the third degree of stenosis of the larynx. At the same time, it is combined with dysphonia, dyspnea, cyanosis, violation of the child's consciousness, listening to wheezing. This condition requires urgent care.

Diagnostic and therapeutic measures

To get rid of a cough, you must put the correct diagnosis. Diagnosis includes the collection of anamnesis, examination of the pharynx, listening to the lungs, carrying out an X-ray examination of the lungs. Treatment of cough should be symptomatic and etiological. Symptomatic therapy is aimed at suppressing the cough center. This group of medicines includes "Kodelak", "Tusuprex", "Sinekod". With the stimulation of the pharynx, it is possible to use oil droplets, for example, "Pinosol".

If the cause of cough is pharyngitis, treatment involves the use of antibacterial drugs (with infectious etiology of pharyngitis), gargling with solutions of antiseptics, application of sprays, refusal of alcohol and smoking.

Treatment of pertussis in children is carried out in a hospital. To eliminate the disease, it is necessary to take antibacterial drugs (macrolides, cephalosporins 3 generation, protected penicillins), diet, oxygen therapy, the introduction of gamma globulin, the reception of antihistamines means. Unvaccinated children are vaccinated with DTP. In the case of development of severe croup, glucocorticoids may be prescribed.

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To cure the cough against the background of pleurisy, the following drugs are used: glucocorticoids ("Prednisolone"), antibiotics ("Clindamycin", "Ceftriaxone"), infusion therapy, drugs from the NSAID group, physiotherapy, respiratory gymnastics, massage. If necessary, a puncture is organized. Cough treatment in children older than 4 years can be carried out with inhalation.

Thus, dry cough can be a manifestation of a variety of pathologies. In this situation, a visit to the doctor is required.

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