
Joints of arms or hand hurt, what to do or make? causes and treatment

Content 1Pain in joints of hands and feet: causes and treatment, possible diseases 1.1Eight common causes of pain in the joints of the feet and hands 1.2The nature of pain in the hands and feet with known joint diseases 1.3Rheumatoid arthritis 1.4Psoriatic arthritis 1.5Rheumatism 1.6How to treat pain in the joints of the hands and feet 1.7Summary 2Joints of arms and legs ache - what to do, the reasons 2.1Mechanical damage to the joints 2.2Inflammatory diseases of the extremiti...

  • 12-Aug-2018
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Pinch of the sciatic nerve during pregnancy: symptoms and treatment

Content 1Pinch of the sciatic nerve during pregnancy. Sciatic nerve hurts during pregnancy - what to do 1.1Where the sciatic nerve is located 1.2Causes of pinching the sciatic nerve in pregnant women 1.3Symptoms of pinch of the sciatic nerve during pregnancy 1.4Treatment of pinch of the sciatic nerve during pregnancy 1.5Treatment of the sciatic nerve during pregnancy by folk methods 1.6Therapeutic exercises for the pinch of the sciatic nerve during pregnancy 1.7Pincering of the sci...

  • 27-Aug-2018
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Rupture of ligaments of the ankle joint: symptoms and treatment

Content 1Sprain of the ankle joint: symptoms and treatment 1.1Possible problems 1.2Types of stretching 1.3Symptoms of Gap 1.4Causes of problems 1.5Risk factors 1.6Diagnosing problems 1.7Necessary treatment 1.8Treatment of first degree injuries 1.9Treatment of second degree injuries 1.10Therapy for third degree injuries 1.11Physiotherapy and exercise therapy 2Rupture of ligaments of the ankle joint: treatment, symptoms, photo 2.1Causes of trauma 2.2Types and symptoms of tra...

  • 26-Aug-2018
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Arthritis: symptoms and treatment

Content 1Symptoms and methods of treatment of arthritis 1.1Causes of Arthritis 1.2Classification of arthritis 1.3Symptomatology of the disease 1.4Treatment of arthritis 1.5Home treatment 1.6Medical assistance 1.7Complications 1.8Prevention of Arthritis 2Arthritis: Degrees, Symptoms and Treatment 2.1Varieties of the disease and the degree of its development 2.2How to recognize the disease? 2.3Causes of the disease 2.4How to deal with the disease? 2.5Treatment with unconvent...

  • 16-Aug-2018
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Spinal cord: symptoms

Content 1Tabes 1.1How is the disease manifested? 1.2Symptoms 1.3Diagnosis and treatment 2Spinal Cord Syndrome - Symptoms and Treatment 2.1Symptoms and course of the disease 2.2Diagnosis and treatment of spinal cord 3Spinal cord: symptoms of spinal cord 3.1Features of the pathological process 3.2The first stage of the pathological process 3.3The second stage of the disease development 3.4The third stage is dry 3.5Diagnostic Methods 3.6Course of therapy 4Dryness of the s...

  • 25-Aug-2018
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Orthopedic pillow: how to choose the right pillow for sleep?

Content 1How to Choose an Orthopedic Pillow - Buyer's Guide 1.1The form 1.2Dimensions 1.3Fillers 1.4Buckwheat husk 1.5Latex 1.6Foam with memory effect 1.7Sleep Poses 1.8Outcomes 2How to choose the right orthopedic pillow for sleep 3Orthopedic pillow for sleeping - how to choose for newborns or for cervical osteochondrosis and prices 3.1Types of orthopedic pillows 3.2Orthopedic pillow with a memory effect 3.3Orthopedic pillow for sleeping 3.4Children's orthopedic pillows 3...

  • 07-Aug-2018
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Osteoarthritis of the elbow joint: symptoms and treatment of osteoarthritis

Content 1Symptoms and treatment of elbow arthrosis with drugs and folk remedies 1.1How does arthrosis of the elbow joint develop? 1.2The causes of changes in cartilaginous tissue 1.3Osteoarthritis of elbow joint of 1 degree 1.4Osteoarthritis of elbow joint of 2nd degree 1.5Osteoarthritis of the elbow joint of the third degree 1.6Treatment of arthrosis of the elbow joint 1.7Physiotherapy 1.8Physiotherapy 1.9Folk remedies for the treatment of ailment 2What is arthrosis of the el...

  • 16-Aug-2018
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