Spinal cord: symptoms


  • 1Tabes
    • 1.1How is the disease manifested?
    • 1.2Symptoms
    • 1.3Diagnosis and treatment
  • 2Spinal Cord Syndrome - Symptoms and Treatment
    • 2.1Symptoms and course of the disease
    • 2.2Diagnosis and treatment of spinal cord
  • 3Spinal cord: symptoms of spinal cord
    • 3.1Features of the pathological process
    • 3.2The first stage of the pathological process
    • 3.3The second stage of the disease development
    • 3.4The third stage is dry
    • 3.5Diagnostic Methods
    • 3.6Course of therapy
  • 4Dryness of the spinal cord - "desiccation" of the posterior columns of the spinal cord
  • 5Dorsal: symptoms and treatment
    • 5.1Stages and symptoms
    • 5.2Diagnosis and treatment
  • 6Dorsal articulation
    • 6.1Progressive paralysis - as a manifestation of dorsal virulence


In our time, such venereal disease as syphilis occurs, but mostly its primary and secondary stages of development.

The latest stage, tertiary syphilis, is diagnosed very rarely, one to two decades after infection, and proceeds mainly with spinal cord injury.

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This pathology is called "dorsal dry" or "dry spinal cord as well as tabes dorsalis.

How is the disease manifested?

The causative agent of syphilis, which tends to attack the epithelium of the urogenital tract, with further penetration deep into the body, especially when illiterate treatment or altogether lack of therapy, "gets" to internal bodies. In addition, blood vessels, joints, bone structures, endocrine glands become targets. But the most frequent form of tertiary syphilis is neurosyphilis, that is, damage to the nervous system.

There is a proven fact for many decades that neurosyphilis is not very possible in those individuals who have bright skin and mucus manifestations.

It is believed that the skin, subcutaneous fat and mucous membranes, taking the main impact of infection, save the nervous system from damage.

Meanwhile, all the reasons for the progression of pathology even in patients who received adequate treatment have not yet been fully determined. The frequency of neurosyphilis, in particular the tabes, in this category of persons varies from 3 to 5 percent.

Tabes more often affects the spinal cord in the lumbar region

Spinal dryness is a typical manifestation of defeat by the causative agent of syphilis (treponema in the form of a spirochete) of the nervous system. It is worth noting that the bacterium undergoes some changes at the tertiary stage.

It changes shape and becomes atypical (in the form of sticks, spindles, balls). In addition, the number of microorganisms, compared with primary and secondary syphilis, sharply decreases.

This determines the fact that a person with neurosyphilis is not contagious in most clinical cases. However, this is not an absolute statement.

In comparison with a healthy person, the tissue of the spinal cord with the tabs is narrower and thinner, which shows its deficiency.

And by the type of atrophy, the posterior parts (columns) of the spinal cord with the roots that are spaced from them suffer.

In transverse sections, the neuroscientific neural tissue has a gray tinge (healthy - white) and a more dense consistency. The departing roots are also atrophic, thin and have a gray color.

The different size of the pupils can be a sign of dryness

The soft shell of the spinal cord, especially in the posterior regions, becomes thickened when dry, without distinct contours and has signs of inflammation (hyperplastic meningitis).

This gives all grounds to believe that the entire clinical picture of the disease is determined by the presence of a degenerative and inflammatory process in the nervous tissue.

And the inflammation caused by treponema, develops earlier, only then the affected tissue begins to degenerate, shrink and thicken.

In addition, not only the central nervous system suffers from spinal cord, but also its peripheral parts: cranial nerves, distant nerve nodes and plexuses. The intervertebral nerve nodes are mainly affected by the tabus.


All these pathogenetic mechanisms determine the totality of the emerging clinical symptoms.

Since inflammation and degeneration affect mainly the spinal cord with its roots, it is clinically at first plan come out changes in tendon reflexes and degree of sensitivity, especially violated musculo-articular feeling.

Also revered: the symptoms of spinal cord injury

Pathology develops gradually and passes through the following stages:

  1. Neuralgic.
  2. Atactic.
  3. Paralytic.

For each patient, the duration of these stages is not the same. Differences have the symptoms themselves: in intensity and in combination with each other.

The neuralgic stage, judging by the name, is characterized by a pain syndrome, and its character is called lancinating, or shooting.

Since in most cases the lumbar region of the spinal cord and adjacent ganglia are affected, the pain is more often localized in the lower extremities (in one or in two at once).

They develop suddenly and rapidly, completely stopping after a few seconds. In some cases, painful attacks follow each other for several hours, exhausting the patient.

In addition to pain, the first stage of the spinal cord is characterized by paresthesia, or sensitivity disorders. The patient may complain of a feeling of tightness, numbness, or burning; the skin reaction to cold changes.

Knee reflexes weaken and then disappear

With the progression of the disease, painful attacks can acquire the character of crises, which are called tabetic.

They are based on inflammation of the nerve plexus in an internal organ, which can cause a sharp pain in the stomach, intestines, heart, kidneys, liver and gallbladder.

At the same time, the function of the organ is disturbed. Thus, with the defeat of ganglia, innervating the stomach and intestines, vomiting and diarrhea develops, with the involvement of the larynx - an attack of suffocation is possible.

Such symptoms mask the true cause of impaired functionality of internal organs and can become the basis for improper diagnosis and therapy.

The second stage of dorsal succulent, atactic, is more severe, as a violation of the musculo-articular feeling is added to the pain syndrome and changes in sensitivity.

The patient loses a sense of support, his gait becomes uncertain, he can not calculate the strength of the foot rest.

Because of this, he raises his legs too high and puts them down hard on the ground, can not walk in the dark and go down the stairs. In addition, tendon reflexes are also disturbed.

First, knee reflexes decrease and disappear, then Achilles reflexes. Muscular strength is reduced, because of muscle hypotension, leg joints become "loose which is especially evident in the knees.

The dryness of the spinal cord in the paralytic stage is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • violation of the functions of the pelvic organs;
  • impotence;
  • complete loss of sensitivity;
  • paralysis of the lower extremities.

From the side of the bladder, in most cases, not incontinence, but urinary retention. First, the patient tuzhitsya and allocates it in small portions, then often requires a catheterization of the bladder. The rectum is characterized by constipation, less often - incontinence stool.

When the disease progresses, a strong weight loss of the patient develops

At each stage of the disease, the symptoms of dorsal dryness are combined. Thus, the characteristic lesions of the sensory organs, sight and hearing accompany the pain syndrome, decrease tendon reflexes and muscle strength.

Especially typical are the changes on the part of the visual analyzer, which are manifested by the pathology of the pupils (change in shape, miosis, anisocoria), decreased visual acuity and further blindness.

These symptoms are caused by inflammation of the optic nerve and its atrophy.

Other signs of dry spinal cord include hearing loss, the formation of trophic ulcers (very rarely), a sharp weight loss that resembles cachexia in cancer. Sometimes the defeat of the brain disease is manifested by mental disorders.

Diagnosis and treatment

Spinal dryness can progress for several decades, but in some patients the pathology stops at the first, neuralgic stage.

In any case, the diagnosis is made on the basis of patient complaints, anamnesis, characteristic clinical signs.

It should be noted that not always in the history there are mentions of infection with syphilis and data on its treatment.

The symptoms of the tabs are not too specific, therefore it must be differentiated from other diseases. Thus, exclusion of such pathologies as false tabes, Friedreich's disease, Ady's syndrome is made.

Investigation of cerebrospinal fluid gives certain information

To help in the diagnosis of laboratory tests are called, and the main thing is the study of cerebrospinal fluid.

When dry, the liquor is transparent, with a slight increase in the level of protein and lymphocytes, Wasserman's reaction is positive (with small samples of the spinal fluid, it may turn out to be negative, which can lead to an erroneous diagnostics).

Despite the fact that with the tablet in the patient's body there are few pathogens theoretically, the treatment is performed in the same way as with any form of syphilis.

Used etiotropic therapy in the form of penicillin, bismuth, mercury, which are prescribed courses, which depends on the stage and severity of the dry. In addition, for smoothing the manifestations of ataxia, the Frenkel gymnastics is used.

Analgesics are necessary for analgesia, in rare cases, radiation therapy and surgical intervention are used: chordotomy.

The prognosis for dorsal dryness is determined by the stage and the formation of complications in the form of pyelitis, cystitis, pressure sores, sepsis, serious disruption of the internal organs. They can be the cause of death.

A source: http://MoyaSpina.ru/bolezni/suhotka-spinnogo-mozga

Spinal Cord Syndrome - Symptoms and Treatment

Spinal cord (dorsal) is the form of syphilis, which manifests itself in the late period of the disease.

With this disease, there are degenerative changes in which chronic inflammation develops and progressive degeneration occurs in the posterior columns and roots of the spinal cord.

A distinctive feature of this disease is that it develops 15-20 years after the primary infection.Now this disease is very rare.

The disease received its name for the "drying out" of the posterior columns of the spinal cord. How does the impact of such a disease, as dorsal dryness, can be seen in the photo.

Symptoms and course of the disease

It should be borne in mind that three stages of the development of such a disease as spinal dryness are distinguished, the symptoms on each of them are different.

The first stage is neuralgic, in which lesions of ganglia and nerve fibers occur.

In this case, the symptoms are quite typical for the affected nerve roots, the pain syndromes corresponding to them appear, and some internal organs may also develop disorders. These manifestations gradually increase.

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This is the appearance of the spinal cord

The second stage is atactic, in addition to her already described manifestations, sensitive ataxia is added.

In this case, the dry spinal cord leads to the fact that there are enough characteristic symptoms - the sense of support under the feet disappears, because of what the gait begins to change.

The patient subconsciously tries to "grope" the support, so "stamps" every step. One of the symptoms of this stage is also the development of muscle hypotension.

The third stage is paralytic. At this stage begins tendonitis of the tendons in the legs, because of what gradually the musculo-articular sensitivity is lost. As a result, the patient loses body sensation, and accordingly the ability to move is lost.

Overextension of knee joints in spinal cord

It is clear that we are more interested in the symptoms of the early stages of the development of the disease, since serious violations already occur from the second stage, so let's take a closer look at them.

For the early stage of the disease, neurological and sensitive disorders are most common. So, it can be radicular hyperesthesia and hypoesthesia, pain syndromes caused by lesion of the nerve roots, segmental paresthesia.

Painful sensations in this case usually appear unexpectedly, for no apparent reason, have a piercing or shooting character and are localized in the legs and lower back.

Even in the early stages of the development of the disease, violations (decrease) of tendon reflexes are noted, at first knee and then heel reflexes become weaker.

One of the most common symptoms of this disease are pupillary disorders.

This may be a change in the shape of the pupils, anisocoria, miosis, lethargic reaction to light.

After a while, atrophy of the optic nerves may develop, which can lead to blindness in a few months.

Also one of the signs of the development of dryness is a pronounced total weight loss, thinning of the skin, loss of teeth and hair, the appearance of perforating ulcers of the feet.

True, these symptoms are "stretched" in time, so it's hard to notice at the early stages of the disease.

But one of the most characteristic symptoms for this disease are tabular crises, with which are observed unexpected attacks of pain in internal organs, which are accompanied by a violation of their work.

Diagnosis and treatment of spinal cord

To diagnose this disease to doctors is quite difficult

It should be noted that it is difficult to diagnose this disease to doctors, and the diagnosis can be confirmed only by examining the cerebrospinal fluid.

In any case, the doctor needs to exclude several possible diseases before setting a precise diagnosis. In particular, it is necessary to exclude Ady's syndrome, polyneuropathy and congenital areflexia.

However, for a qualified doctor in conjunction with the data analysis, it will not be very difficult.

With such a disease as spinal dryness, treatment is trivial - penicillin is applied according to special schemes, which are repeated in cycles. Penicillin can be replaced (in case of allergy) with erythromycin or tetracycline.

Anticonvulsants are also used. But the problem is that the treatmentrequires endolumbic administration of the drug, which is combined with oral and intramuscular antibiotic intake, as well as pyrotherapy, which allows you to overcome the blood-brain barrier.

It is the endolumbal administration of the drug that often becomes a stumbling block, because it is almost impossible in many institutions due to the lack of staff who have the right to carry out this operation.

The solution to the problem can sometimes be the use of alternatives to antibacterial therapy that can to penetrate the BBB, but here there are other difficulties, since official medicine does not support such methods treatment.

A source: https://vashaspina.ru/cuxotka-spinnogo-mozga-simptomy-i-lechenie/

Spinal cord: symptoms of spinal cord

Spinal cord is a severe form of neurosyphilis, and it affects the entire body. There is such a problem not earlier than 15-20 years from the time of infection.

The main damage from pathology goes to the spine, where the roots of the spinal cord degenerate significantly and its posterior wall dries out.

Eliminate the consequences completely caused by spinal cord is virtually unrealistic, and in order to maintain the patient's condition, you need to know the symptoms of the disease and the ways to treat it.

Features of the pathological process

To understand what dry spinal cord is not so simple, it's a neurological pathology, for which perceptual disorders are peculiar.

These include hypesisusia (hypersensitivity) and hyperesthesia (hypersensitivity).

Spinal cord also affects the nerve roots, which serve to transmit and receive nerve impulses from the entire body and are characterized by paresthesia symptoms, such as:

  • Sensation of goosebumps;
  • Tingling;
  • Numbness.

In addition to such obvious signs, the disease causes severe pain in the lumbar region and in the legs.

The first symptoms can be seen by the pupils, since they can become different shapes. In some cases, they become larger or smaller than the allowable size. Subsequently, the optic nerve is atrophied and the patient is blinded.

There are general symptoms of dry spinal cord, by which you can find out whether there is this pathology in the body:

  1. Hair loss;
  2. Unpleasant sensations in the oral cavity and causeless loss of teeth;
  3. Pain localized in internal organs;
  4. Loss of body weight;
  5. Ulcers on the feet;
  6. Dystrophy of the skin.

Symptoms characteristic of this pathology occur in each patient in their own way.

In some, they quickly appear and rapidly increase, while others are almost imperceptible until the condition worsens.

Doctors advise to closely monitor their health and, if they find the first signs, immediately go to the hospital. This is especially true of people with syphilis.

The first stage of the pathological process

Symptoms of neurological pathology are manifested already at the very beginning of development of dorsal dryness. Determine whether the disease can be on such signs of stage 1:

  • Pain sensations located in the region of the back, which begin to increase with movement;
  • Violation of the functions of internal organs due to damage to the nerve roots located in the spinal cord;
  • Change the shape of the pupil;
  • Reduced visual acuity up to complete blindness due to optic nerve atrophy.

For the dry muscle in the spinal cord, rapid development is characteristic in the first stage, so it is desirable to identify the symptoms immediately. After all, the patient can go blind within a year after the beginning of deformation of the optic nerve.

The second stage of the disease development

Spinal dryness of the second stage of development has its distinctive symptoms:

  1. Sensitive ataxia develops, which is expressed in the disorder of coordination of movements;
  2. There is hypotension, that is, the tone of muscle tissue decreases and there is weakness;
  3. Without cause, teeth and hair fall out;
  4. The lower and upper limbs are numb;
  5. The pressure (crisis) in the larynx greatly increases, resulting in a cough and shortage of air.

In addition to the described symptoms, it is necessary to note the intensification of pain and other symptoms of the first stage.

The third stage is dry

Spinal dryness in the 3rd stage is called paralytic, and it is also the last stage in the development of the disease. It is characterized by such symptoms:

  • Failures in the work of genital organs;
  • Partial or complete loss of limb sensitivity;
  • Problems with digestion, stool and urination;
  • Atrophy of the muscular system until complete paralysis;
  • Strong pain in the back and in the internal organs.

At this stage, various secondary pathologies can develop in the internal organs, as their functions are severely impaired. If the atrophy of the muscles begins to progress, then the patient, rising to his feet, often falls, as the knees strongly bend.

Diagnostic Methods

It is possible to distinguish the spinal cord from other neurological diseases by taking a cerebrospinal fluid for analysis. According to its composition, the doctor will be able to diagnose, but before the test the specialist will make an inspection and check the reflexes.

If a person is sick with this particular form of syphilis, then they will be weakened, and the pupils actually have no reaction to light.

It is advisable to conduct the diagnosis immediately after the first symptoms are identified, because the more sick the disease is, the more difficult it is to save a person and prolong his life.

Course of therapy

First of all, the patient needs to use drugs aimed at fighting syphilis and in their composition should be such components:

  1. Iodine;
  2. Mercury;
  3. Bismuth;
  4. Penicillin;

The course of therapy should be of a decreasing nature, for example, in the first 2 years they should be repeated 6 times during the year, then 4, 2 and reduced to 1 time. Reduce or increase the dosage is allowed only to the doctor and you yourself can only monitor the condition of the body.

To reduce pain, you should not use narcotic analgesics, like morphine, as dependence can develop. Instead, they usually use pyrotherapy, that is, they artificially raise the body temperature.

It does not hurt to do injections of thiamine (vitamin B1) and in neglected cases you will need a course of spinal cord irradiation. If the pain is too strong, the doctor will prescribe a chordatemia.

It is a special kind of surgical intervention and serves to reduce pain by crossing the pathways in the spinal cord.

If the patient has a clear ataxia, then you will have to perform special exercises every day. They serve to restore coordination of movements.

In addition to training, the foot massage also helps.

Experts advise to combine these methods together with injections of strychnine (alkaloid from the seeds of chiliboux), electrophoresis and bathing under a contrast shower.

When the joints are affected (arthropathy), the treatment is performed by a surgeon or orthopedist.

The course of therapy will be made depending on the severity of the complications and may consist of immunomodulators, anti-inflammatory drugs and neuroprotectors.

Sometimes, with severe inflammation, corticosteroid hormones are prescribed. During the course of treatment the patient is recommended to be in a warm climate, for example, in a sanatorium located on the sea.

Spinal cord is considered an extremely serious disease, which must be treated immediately after the first symptoms are identified. Otherwise, it will not be possible to continue working capacity to a person and prolong his life, since pathology rapidly destroys the whole organism.

A source: http://NashiNervy.ru/perifericheskaya-nervnaya-sistema/chto-takoe-suhotka-spinnogo-mozga-osnovnye-simptomy.html

Dryness of the spinal cord - "desiccation" of the posterior columns of the spinal cord

Spinal cord (tabes dorsalis) - the name of this disease came from the "drying" of the posterior columns of the spinal cord as a result of the degeneration (degeneration) of the conductors that are going on here. The death of the posterior columns determines the main clinical symptoms of the dry spinal cord.

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To understand the clinical picture of this disease, we need to recall the anatomical structure and function of the posterior columns of the spinal cord. In the rear spine there is a group of fibers for various purposes.

The longest fibers, approaching the posterior horn of the spinal cord, immediately pass into the region of the posterior column and through this section of the spinal cord reach the skin analyzer of the cerebral cortex.

On these conductors there are irritations of tactile sensitivity and muscular-joint feeling. Muscular-articular feeling allows you to determine the position of the limbs in space and the relative positions of their parts.

The second along the length are axial cylinders of the posterior root, along which irritations are transferred to the cage of the anterior horn, that is, the reflex arcs are realized. The same short fibers conduct pain and temperature irritations.

These fibers, reaching the cells of the horn, end here with their first neuron. Their second neuron, passing in front of the central spinal canal, passes to the opposite side and along the lateral column bears irritation to the cutaneous analyzer of the brain.

Essence of the spinal cord, as a rule, begins with the lumbosacral segments, namely from their roots.

The defeat of the posterior roots of the spinal cord is primarily affected by a break in the reflex arcs; the initial symptoms of dryness are expressed in the disappearance of knee and achilles reflexes.

Along with the disappearance of reflexes, the muscle tone in the legs also decreases. The death of the conductors going along the posterior columns of the spinal cord leads to a disorder of the musculo-articular and tactile sensibility.

With closed eyes, the patient can not accurately answer which finger on the foot is touched by the investigator; he does not feel whether he touched his foot or lower leg.

Such a patient can not, closing his eyes, as if he had to fall on the heel of one leg to the knee of the other (a heel-knee test); he can not walk properly, because he has an atactic gait.

The patient does not feel his feet on the floor, he is not sure whether his foot has already set foot on the ground or not. These patients usually go, stubbornly staring at their feet, in order to control their movements with their eyes.

Turning off vision immediately worsens the orientation in space.

That is why patients suffering from dry spinal cord sometimes turn to the doctor with a complaint about what became of them it is difficult to walk in the evenings, and in the morning, during the washing of the face, that is, when they involuntarily squint their eyes, they reel in side.

The break of the reflex arcs in the sacro-lumbar part of the spinal cord causes complications from the pelvic organs.

The patient usually complains about such persistent urge to urinate, when, before he can reach the lavatory, he misses urine, and, conversely, when he prudently wants to pre-empt the bladder, then he has a long time push. Sometimes desires are very frequent, in other cases, urination occurs only once or twice a day. Less often there are violations of the act of defecation. In the early stages of the spinal cord, there is strong sexual excitability, and in far-reaching cases - sexual weakness.

A painful symptom of the spinal cord is the shooting lightning-like neuralgic pain in the legs, which is sometimes mistaken for sciatica or "volatile rheumatism."

They are explained by the same lesion of the posterior roots of the spinal cord, namely by the stimulation of the fibers, through which pain and temperature sensitivity are carried out.

Neuralgic autonomic pains from internal organs are also observed. Most often, it is paroxysmal pain in the stomach, the so-called gastric crises.

The patient experiences a burning sensation in the stomach, he has vomiting, he can not eat anything, drinks cold water to calm down this burning pain.

There are also crises of the rectum, kidney, guttural, clitoral and cardiac. In general, crises, especially sharp ones, are not such a frequent symptom of dorsal dryness.

Gait with dry spinal cord. The patient steps on the heel, looks at his feet and unnecessarily throws out his leg.

An extremely characteristic symptom of the tabs, which, however, can not be explained by the damage to the posterior columns of the spinal cord, is the symptom of Argill-Robertson.

It consists in the disappearance of the pupil's reaction to light and the retention of its contraction upon convergence. Normally, when illuminated, the pupil narrows, while in the dark it expands.

This is an unconditioned reflex, the arc of which passes through the optic nerve to one of the nuclei of the oculomotor nerve.

When the eye is set to a distant distance, the pupils expand; when looking at close objects, their narrowing occurs with simultaneous reduction of the eyeballs inside - accommodation and convergence.

When tabes dissociation (inconsistency) develops between these two pupil reactions. In addition, it is often possible to notice the unevenness of the pupils, when one is wider than the other, their angularity, the loss of a regular round shape. An extremely serious eye symptom is the atrophy of the optic nerves, leading ultimately to complete blindness.

Finally, it is necessary to note one more symptom of dorsal dryness - trophic destruction of bones and joints.

In connection with these disorders, there are painless, easily advancing fractures of the shin and disease joints (more often on the lower limbs) -the so-called arthropathy, also not accompanied by special painful sensations.

In some cases, the course of the spinal cord is progressive. It begins with minor neuralgic shooting pains and then passes into the so-called atactic stage.

Ataxia is growing: without feeling the movement of its legs in the knee and hip joints, the patient can not walk, can not even stand up and, after all, is bedridden.

This stage of the disease is called paralytic, although in reality there are no paralysis.

Thus, there are three stages of dorsal dryness: neuralgic, atactic and paralytic.

A small number of symptoms can be observed with tabs; it can proceed stably or very slowly progress, and its various stages are combined.

Spinal cord is often found at the same time as progressive paralysis, and then the disease is called taboralysis. It is established that the spinal cord is a syphilitic lesion of the nervous system.

The first symptoms of the tabes usually appear 10-15 years after the transferred syphilis, less often - after a shorter or longer period. Therefore, the tabes fall ill between about 35 and 45 years.

Men get dorsal more often than women. In cases of prolonged overfatigue of the nervous system and drug abuse, the tabes occur within a shorter period after infection with syphilis.

In our country, dry spinal cord, as well as all other forms of syphilis, is very rare. This is due to the rationally organized treatment of sexually transmitted diseases.

Treatment of multisymptomatic progressive type of tabs, especially if there is a positive reaction Wasserman in the blood or in cerebrospinal fluid, is to conduct a series of specific courses therapy.

For the general strengthening of the body, drugs of arsenic, strychnine and iron are prescribed.

Contraindications to specific treatment are sharp ataxia, kidney disease and atrophy of the optic nerves. In these cases, it is advisable to conduct a course of penicillin therapy.

It is very important to eliminate or reduce the shooting pains that cause suffering to the patient. During an attack of pain, anti-neuralgic drugs are given inside: aspirin, phenacetin, pyramidone.

Some patients are well helped by external means: rubbing with methyl salicylic ointment followed by wrapping with cotton, heating with blue light, hot water bottle, warm air shower.

When a rectum crises, suppositories with opium extract and belladonna (belladonna, 15, opium, 3) are recommended.

The patient should avoid colds. The room in which he lives and works should not be damp and cold.

In cases of severe ataxia, along with strengthening medications, therapeutic gymnastics is used.

It consists in the fact that the patient, under the control of vision, describing various geometric figures with his hands and feet and walking on strictly measured squares on the floor, learns to balance his movements.

Treatment of late syphilitic diseases by vaccination of malaria, that is introduction into the blood of a patient with malarial plasmodia, with success is used with progressive paralysis, but does not give much effect with dryness of the dorsal the brain.

Late syphilis of the nervous system (tabes and progressive paralysis) can result from not only acquired, but also congenital syphilis due to intrauterine infection of the fetus.

A source: https://mediinfa.ru/diseases/s/suxotka-spinnogo-mozga

Dorsal: symptoms and treatment

Category: Other diseases and conditions 6039

Spinal cord is not a separate disease - this is the last stage of manifestation of such a pathology as syphilis.

In a person suffering from syphilis and not undergoing treatment, dorsal dryness can occur after 15 or even 20 years after infection, and a cure for this pathology is impossible.

Fortunately, today the disease is extremely rare, because the symptoms of syphilis are excellent known to modern man and when they appear, people seek medical help on earlier stages.

But nevertheless, from time to time patients start the disease so much that the fourth stage develops, characterized by the drying of the posterior walls of the spinal cord with the development of specific neurological violations.

Stages and symptoms

The reasons for the development of pathology are the penetration of the causative agent of syphilis into the parts of the nervous system, which causes their defeat. There is a dry spinal cord in several stages.

Initially, in the first stage, a person is worried about back pain, which is aggravated by movement. There are no other signs of pathology.

The pain can appear unexpectedly and usually has a "shooting" character, after which it temporarily ceases.

Also, in the first stage, the patient has a visual impairment - his acuity decreases, and the pupils become of various sizes (anisocoria).

Usually the first stage of the illness does not last long, and soon the second stage begins, characterized by increased pain and disability of the musculoskeletal system.

Symptoms of the second stage can be as follows:

  • numbness in the lower limbs;
  • weakening of muscles;
  • violation of coordination of movements;
  • violation of gait.
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Another manifestation of the second stage of such a pathology as dorsal dryness is the reduction of tendon reflexes.

Especially knee joints suffer, because of which it becomes difficult for a man to rearrange his legs, or rather, to unbend them in his lap, and the gait becomes as if pumped - from one side to the other.

Subsequently, heel joints are also affected, leading to the need to "toss" the foot when walking.

The second stage of the disease is characterized by other symptoms, such as:

  1. a sharp loss of body weight;
  2. loss of hair and teeth;
  3. the appearance of a cough that looks like whooping cough, with suffocation.

If the pathology is not treated at this stage, the disease passes to the third stage, the disorders in which are much more severe. Symptoms of this stage are as follows:

  • violation of sexual function;
  • problems with urination (urinary incontinence);
  • frequent constipation;
  • loss of muscle sensitivity, leading to a person's inability to move independently.

This stage is also called paralytic, because the limbs of a person cease to obey him, and he is paralyzed.

Sometimes such a variant of the third phase of the disease may occur, like shooting pains in internal organs.

The course of this form of pathology can be quite long, causing a person the greatest discomfort.

Diagnosis and treatment

Differential diagnosis plays an important role in the treatment, as the above symptoms can also occur with other diseases, for example, with cerebrospinal syphilis or pseudotubes (non-syphilitic lesion of the nervous system). Therefore, for diagnostic purposes, the collection of cerebrospinal fluid for analysis is shown. The main diagnostic criterion is a large amount of protein and lymphocytic pleocytosis.

Obviously, a visual examination of the patient is performed, which makes it possible to determine the characteristics of such a disease as spinal dryness, damage to bone structures.

In addition, during the examination, the doctor can determine the violation of certain reflexes, indicating about dorsal air, for example, the absence of pupillary reaction to light or violation of knee-elbow reflexes.

Dorsal dryness is treated in the same way as syphilis is treated, that is, with the help of penicillin.

As already mentioned above, it is impossible to completely cure it from a person, even if it was addressed immediately, as the first symptoms appeared.

However, in this case, the probability of improving the quality of life and its prolongation is high, provided that the patient strictly observes medical recommendations.

Penicillin, who is treated with dorsal dry, is prescribed to the patient for long courses (from 6 courses in for two years), and then after a short break, the course of treatment should be repeated at least once in year.

A more specific treatment scheme for a person is a doctor, taking into account the state of his health. In the same cases, when a person has an allergy to penicillin, a course of treatment with tetracycline or erythromycin is indicated.

Since the dorsal is accompanied by severe pain and convulsions, the use of narcotic analgesics, such as morphine or promedol, and the use of anticonvulsants are indicated.

A considerable role in the treatment is given to gymnastics, which allows improving coordination of movements and increasing muscle tone. It should be noted that without treatment, the patient will soon have a lethal outcome, since not only the nerve endings of the spine but also the internal organs are affected.

Therefore, timely treatment to the doctor can not only improve the patient's quality of life, but also extend his life.

A source: http://SimptoMer.ru/bolezni/other/1993-spinnaya-sukhotka-simptomy

Dorsal articulation

Spinal dryness in the past was the main clinical form of late neurosyphilis (currently its vascular forms are more often observed).

In spinal cord, spinal cord injury is accompanied by a number of characteristic symptoms: severe shooting pain along the course of individual nerves, shingles, pupil changes (irregular shape, narrowing, different pupil sizes of the right and left eyes, lack of response to light), gait disorders (and other movements), atrophy of the optic nerves, impotence. In severe cases, violations of urination and defecation, paralysis, trophic ulcers resistant to treatment (often lower extremities) develop.

Sclerosis of the bone tissue of the vertebra.

Typically, patients with dorsal vasculitis are detected during examination by neuropathologists (pupillary disorders, Robertson's syndrome, prolapse knee and achilles reflexes, shakiness in the Romberg position, cold hyperesthesia in the back, pain hyperesthesia in the area breast, etc.). In this case, the listed symptoms may be mild and there is no history of syphilis in the past, which makes diagnosis difficult.

With dorsal dryness, CSW is often (according to some data - up to 50%) are negative, RIBT and RIF with serum - sharply positive; in 50% of patients with cerebrospinal fluid is within the norm; when pathological changes in cerebrospinal fluid are observed: a slight increase in the amount of protein (up to, 5-55%), increase number of lymphocytes, positive globulin reactions and Wasserman reaction (3-4 +); The Lange reaction has the character of a paralytic curve or (more rarely) "Syphilitic tooth".

Progressive paralysis - as a manifestation of dorsal virulence

It can occur after 15 years or more after infection, mainly in those who have not enough or not treated primary syphilis.

At the same time, patients in the anamnesis usually do not have any indication of syphilis in the past.

The development of progressive paralysis is based on syphilitic brain damage; There are also burdening factors - alcoholism, craniocerebral trauma, tuberculosis, etc.

Osteoarthropathy of the spine with dorsal articulation.

The followingformsprogressive paralysis:

  1. Demented.
  2. Expansive (classical with magnificent delirium grandeur).
  3. Agitated (arousal with a penchant for destructive socially dangerous acts).
  4. Depressive (anxiety, hypochondriac delirium).

Progressive paralysis proceeds as a mental illness. In this case, mental disorders can manifest themselves in the form of excitement with delusional ideas, or depression and oppression of the psyche, or growing dementia.

Along with violations of higher nervous activity, there are changes in pupils, cerebral hemorrhage, paralysis.

Without treatment, the disease ends after 3-5 years of death in cases of severe dementia, paralysis, a deep decline in the general state of the body (paralytic marasmus).

It is important to identify the initial (forerunners, neurasthenic) stage of the disease - the appearance among the overall health of personality changes (sharp changes in character, behavior, mood swings, bulimia, etc.), memory, sleep, account logic, writing, speech (for example, accelerated or slow speech).

Mental disorders can be combined with neurological symptoms - the Argyll-Robertson symptom, miosis, mydriasis, hypo- and anisoreflexia, tremor, and sometimes epileptiform seizures.

The suspicions that have arisen at the doctor should be confirmed: positive standard serological reactions (in 95-98% of cases), positive RIBT and RIF (90-94%) and changes in cerebrospinal fluid (in 100% - with the formulation of the Lange sample, a characteristic paralytic curve is obtained). In the affected tissue there are spirochetes - with mild inflammatory reaction. Brain lesions in the form of progressive paralysis and spinal cord (in the form of spinal cord) can be combined; with the forecast becoming more severe.

Gumma of the brain or spinal cord is rarely recorded at this time. The neurological picture is manifested by focal symptoms, combined with headache and increased intracranial pressure.

With the spinal cord, the symptoms of its transverse lesion may develop. In liquor, protein-cell dissociation is noted. Syphilitic gumma should be differentiated from a brain tumor.

The lack of the effect of treating syphilis for 3-4 weeks (or an increase in neurologic symptoms, despite treatment) is indicative of a brain tumor.

Changes in the psyche and other manifestations in the gumma of the brain depend on its location and size.

The main in the prevention of late forms of neurosyphilis (in particular spinal cord) is a full-fledged treatment of early forms syphilis, as well as the study of cerebrospinal fluid (after the termination of therapy, but not earlier than a year or when removing patients with accounting). Liquor should be investigated in patients with clinically expressed symptoms of neurosyphilis (for diagnosis and quality of treatment).

Arthropathy with dorsal articulation. Defeat of the right knee joint.

With syphilitic lesions of peripheral nerves, two forms are distinguished:

  • Mononeurrites
  • Polyneuritis or polyradiculoneuritis.

Both forms are found in the secondary stage of syphilis and relatively less often in the tertiary. In this case, the clinical picture is usually identical with the signs of other nonspecific neuritis.

Thus, tertiary syphilis is significantly different from its infectious forms (see.

transmission routes and signs of syphilis) in that it is malignant and remains difficult to diagnose - and clinically, and laboratory maloobasnachennosti signs (no detectable spirocheta, may be negative seroreaction).

In this case, similarity with other diseases is possible, sometimes atypical skin and general symptoms are observed, especially when using antibiotics (for various diseases).

Perhaps, therefore, the tertiary period of syphilis is recorded relatively rarely, including by doctors of the neurological profile, to which such patients can first turn.

This leads to untimely appointment of the necessary treatment.

In difficult cases, trial treatment should be used more widely (with iodine, bismuth, but not penicillin!). Tertiary syphilis regress under the influence of specific agents.

It is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the current course of late manifestations of syphilis - predominance vascular forms (in the structure of visceral syphilis 90-94% is syphilis cardiovascular system).

No less problem is the manifestation of late neurosyphilis (dorsal, etc.)!. Thus patients can be in therapeutic, neurological, psychiatric hospitals with various diagnoses (and without suspicion of syphilis!).

Without carrying out anti-syphilitic treatment, it is impossible to achieve positive results. In this regard, the "venereal alertness" of doctors of all specialties is extremely important.

Modern diagnostic methods allow you to determine the diagnosis of syphilis and in particular with the diagnosis of dorsal dryness.

A source: http://med-brand.ru/spinnaya-suxotka/

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