Eversion of the century: possible causes, prevention and treatment
Vision organs are often prone to many defects and pathologies that are associated not only with the quality of vision, but also directly with physiology.Among such diseases and reversal of the century, which in general is infrequent. Such an anomaly can interfere with the conduct of a familiar lifestyle, bringing some discomfort and affecting the appearance of the patient. Therefore, it must be identified and corrected in time.
1Definition of disease
4Possible complications
Definition of disease
The turn of the century (another name ectropion) by definition is a persistent defect, characterized by a change in position (lagging) of the ciliary margin directly from the eyeball.This is accompanied by exposure of the conjunctiva of the eye.
The mechanism of the disease lies in the cartilage supporting the eyelid. It is he who for certain reasons can turn out together with the century itself. The reversal of the lower eyelid is more common, the pathology of the upper eyelid is extremely rare and is usually associated with the anatomy of the eye.
The disease can develop and asymmetrically, hitting only one eye.
The cause of the defect can be many.Some of them are associated with innate characteristics, others are acquired with time. Among the most likely:
Anomaly associated with too small a skin area and muscles. In this case, the tissue may not be enough for the eyelid to fit tightly to the eye.
Change in muscle tone and skin, associated with age-related changes.
Paralysis of the nerve of the face.
Autoimmune pathology of tissues.
Disturbance of blood supply and blood circulation of the brain, development of hemiparesis.
Scarring after injuries and burns.
Complications after plastic surgery (including blepharoplasty).
Benign and malignant neoplasms of face and eyes.
Inflammation of the tissues of the organs of vision, accompanied by a loss of muscle tone and skin (dry eye syndrome, conjunctivitis, blepharitis).Dry eye syndrome
A congenital predisposition to an ectropion can be Down's syndrome, and a number of other anomalies involving loss of skin tone and muscle or abnormally small areas of facial tissues.
In addition to the external sign, ectropion may contribute to the emergence of a number of other symptoms, among which:
Irritation of the skin and mucous membrane (occurs due to the accumulation of tear fluid due to the impossibility of its drainage along the usual trajectory);
Redness (hyperemia is formed on the mucous membrane);
Inflammations (often associated with the availability of conjunctiva for pathogenic bacteria, often accompanied by swelling);
The feeling of a foreign body and other unpleasant sensations (often due to the drying out of the cornea due to the impossibility of complete closure of the eyelids).
In the case of this disease, you must carefully observe the hygiene of the visual apparatus and prevent the development of bacterial and other types of infections.
Possible complications
Due to the lag of the ciliary layer, a number of infectious diseases can occur. In addition, the pathology causes constant discomfort and reduces efficiency. Lacrimal fluid, in turn, changes its trajectory and enters the oral and nasal cavity. The following situations can be observed:
Constant copious lacrimation;
Frequent blinking, provoked by the sensation of a foreign body;
Redness, not amenable to elimination;
Corneal opacity;
Decreased visual acuity.
In the absence of timely medical care, these complications can increase and progress. In turn, the treatment of individual symptoms will not produce results, as they will recur.
Since the disease can cause uncontrolled lacrimation, patients should carry a clean handkerchief or a sterile tissue.
Treatment of this disease at the moment is possible only by radical methods.At the same time, the eversion itself is easy to diagnose: as a rule, the ophthalmologist suffices only visual examination. But this condition does not apply to cases when pathology is caused by tumors.
Medications that are able to return the centuries to a normal situation, is not invented.However, there are many drugs that can improve the patient's condition before surgery. These drugs include eye drops with the effect of artificial tears, which can remove the sensations of a foreign body or sand in the eye, and also protect the mucosa from drying out.
The preparation "Artificial tear"
With the help of medications, sometimes you have to eliminate complications: inflammation, redness, infection.
Virtually all ways of treating ectropion are based on the use of surgery.But depending on the cause of its occurrence, the surgical procedure may vary. It is used excising and removing excess tissue in order for the eyelid to take a natural position and lay down against the eyeball.Age-related changes are most often eliminated with blepharoplasty.
Conduction of blepharoplasty
After operations, medicamental prophylaxis is often prescribed to facilitate the flow and accelerate healing. This is also important in order to prevent infections and complications during the rehabilitation period.
At present, there are no special measures to prevent the appearance and development of eyelid eversion.However, people who are addicted to pathology (in view of congenital abnormalities associated with a lack of tissue persons), as well as elderly patients, it is necessary to undergo at least two ophthalmologist. It is important to identify the disease when it will be in the first stages of progression.It is also useful to go through the prevention of diseases that can become prerequisites for the onset of the disease. Absolutely everyone is recommended to follow the rules of personal hygiene.
People who have undergone plastic surgery (in particular blepharoplasty) need to be supervised by an ophthalmologist for the first few years.
The turn of the century is an extremely unpleasant disease that can reduce the efficiency and external attractiveness of a person.Moreover, ectropion can progress and cause serious complications in the form of constantly recurring inflammations and bacterial infections. However, a treatment that can restore the skin to a natural age, exists and does not present any danger to human health. At the same time only constant elimination of symptoms will not give the proper result.