Conjunctivitis in children: symptomatology and treatment
Conjunctivitis is a disease that young mothers and fathers often have to contend for, because it occurs in many children and is easily betrayed from one child to another.So that you know how to cope with it, let's examine what kind of disease it is, what causes it, what symptoms it has and how to cure conjunctivitis at home.
1Definition of disease
2Types and Classifications
5Possible complications
7.2Folk remedies
Definition of disease
Conjunctivitis is a common disease in ophthalmology, in which inflammation of the conjunctiva is caused by an infection or an allergen.It is this disease that accounts for about a third of all clinical cases in children under 4 years old, in the elderly age group, the proportion of this ailment is reduced due to the appearance of myopic symptoms in infants or astigmatism.
This disease successfully lends itself to medical treatment. It can manifest itself as an independent disease or accompany other pathogens, for example, ARVI.
In medicine, there are several main types of conjunctivitis.Among them are:
Bacterial. It can be caused by various microorganisms from staphylococcus to Koch sticks. It is this form characterized by purulent discharge from the eye. With it, one or both eyes can be affected.
Viral. Often occurs on the background of other diseases, for example, ARVI or the flu. It is considered one of the most common, very contagious. Usually affects both eyes. Specific subspecies of viral conjunctivitis is the adenoviral form, which also has inflammation of the throat, and herpes, in which specific vesicles form on the affected eye.
Allergic. It can be provoked by various substances, including animal hair, pollen of flowers, certain foods. With this conjunctivitis, both eyes are usually affected. Of the symptoms, mainly itching and increased tearing.
Fungal. Most often it occurs against the background of mechanical injuries of the eye. Depending on the type of pathogens, the exudative and granulomatous subspecies are distinguished.
all presented forms require a full examination and treatment. Even with the most mild manifestations of such a disease, it can not be allowed to go by itself.
Conjunctivitis always occurs against the background of infection on the mucous membrane or an allergen. However, there are factors contributing to the development of this disease. These can be considered as:
systematic violation of personal hygiene;
Use of other people's towels or handkerchiefs through which an infection can be transmitted;
low immunity of the child;
the presence of other diseases, for example, colds;
hypothermia or overheating of the baby.
also this disease can develop in a baby against the background of malnutrition or lack of the necessary physical activity. In addition, it often occurs against a background of severe stress in the child.
Recognize conjunctivitis is not difficult on the characteristic symptoms of this disease.To such it is possible to carry:
increased tear;
swelling and redness of the eye mucosa;
the appearance on the eyelids of yellow crusts;
purulent discharge (usually observed in the bacterial form of the disease);
itching and rezi in the eyes;
gluing eyelids after sleep;
sensation of foreign body in the eye.
also in children with this disease, general symptoms can be observed: increased fatigue, fatigue, loss of appetite. In some cases, body temperature may increase.
The intensity of manifestation of the presented symptoms depends on the general condition of the child, as well as the type of disease.
Possible complications
In children, conjunctivitis can lead to various severe complications.These can be: keratitis, phlegmon lacrimal sac, dacryocystitis, decreased visual acuity.The most susceptible to such complications are those patients who have decreased immunity.
most often these diseases develop in those kids who have not received the proper treatment of conjunctivitis, or they have not completely cured this disease. That is why it is so important for parents to strictly comply with all the prescriptions of doctors so that in the future they will not face such problems with the health of children.
If the conjunctivitis is suspected, the parent and child should consult a pediatrician and a pediatric ophthalmologist. At the latter they will need to undergo an examination and a survey.To determine the nature of the disease, a smear from the conjunctiva can also be given to the child.
Taking a smear to analyze
In the event that this disease in the child is allergic in nature, he will also be counseled by an allergist and various allergens.
With conjunctivitis of bacterial, viral, fungal or allergic nature, treatment for a child should be prescribed by a specialist ophthalmologist.Depending on the type of disease and the general condition of the baby, it can be performed using local and common drugs. In some cases, folk remedies are used to treat this disease.
With conjunctivitis, children are prescribed mainly topical preparations.They are selected depending on the causative agent of the disease.
With conjunctivitis of bacterial nature, patients are prescribed antibacterial drops and ointments. Most often it is erythromycin or tetracycline ointment, drops with levomitsetinom.Levomekol is a bacterial antibacterial drug
In diseases of the viral nature, patients are prescribed medications based on interferon.Effective in such clinical cases is also oxolin ointment.
To treat the disease of an allergic nature, prescribe antihistamines.Diazolin is an antihistamine
Also, patients are prescribed medicine for eye washing. They are necessary for conjunctivitis of various nature. As such, decoctions of chamomile, solutions of boric acid or furacilin can be used. By these means it is recommended to treat the eye up to 8 times a day.
a list of drugs for the treatment of conjunctivitis, their dosage and timing of admission in each case should be determined by the doctor. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable. Violation of medical recommendations can significantly reduce the effectiveness of treatment.
Folk remedies
Folk recipes can be used as auxiliaries for the treatment of conjunctivitis in children.Effective in this situation can be:
Camomile tea.This tool is used for lotions and eyewash. Prepare it this way: take a spoonful of dry collection of chamomile pharmacies and pour a glass of boiling water. After this, the product is decanted and cooled before use.
Calanchoe juice.This remedy can be used to combat viral conjunctivitis. They are recommended to lubricate the edges of the eyelids.
Bay leaf.To prepare this product you will need to take three laurel leaves, pour them with boiling water and leave for half an hour. The resulting fluid must be decanted, and then used to wash the eyes.
Dill juice.This tool is well used for purulent forms of conjunctivitis. Do this as follows: take fresh dill, squeeze juice from it, moisten a cloth in it and apply to the eye for 15 minutes. Repeat this manipulation several times a day.
so that these folk recipes do not harm your child, be sure to consult on their application with your doctor. If he does not find any contraindications to their use, you can include them in the general course of treatment without giving up drugs prescribed by an ophthalmologist.
Conjunctivitis is much easier to prevent than treat. To do this, it is enough to implement general preventive recommendations. They provide for:
Compliance with personal hygiene.Regular washing of hands, use only individual bed linen, towels, handkerchiefs.
Strengthening the immunity of the child.Eating a meal rich in vitamins, regular walks in the fresh air.
Timely treatment of other diseases.It is especially important to observe this point in cases when the child is ill with the flu or ARVI, since they most often provoke conjunctivitis.
Limitation of contacts with sick children.If such children are in the kindergarten or at school, it is advisable to leave the child for a few days at home.
also in the prevention of various eye diseases, parents are advised to pass at least once a year with the child a prophylactic examination from an ophthalmologist. It will allow you in the early stages to identify various pathologies of vision and prevent their further development.
As we see,conjunctivitis in children is a common disease.It can have a bacterial, viral or allergic form and often leads to serious complications without full treatment. To relieve the child of this ailment, parents should contact the doctor as soon as possible when symptoms of this disease appear and undergo a full examination and treatment of the baby. TOnly so you can get rid of this disease with minimal risks to the child's health.