Rhinitis in the baby 1 year than to treat

How to treat a runny nose in a one-year-old child?


Just me :)

massage the nose.




tincture of Kalanchoe! Birch leaf is rubbed on a grater and diluted with sunflower oil, then a drop drips into your nose 3 times a day!

Hope ***

a runny nose any - does not give in to treatment at any age.
you can only alleviate the condition of the child, drip into the spout saline or aquamaris, saline.. snot will flow out, and you wipe them. at night and daytime sleep, you can drip 1 drop (pipette) of baby Nazivin so that the child can sleep normally, but no more than 4-5 days.

folk remedies - are dangerous by allergic reactions, burns, bleeding.
Prothorgol - oen is toxic - it is forbidden to use in children.
interferon - causes nasal bleeding and is no longer useful.

and be aware that teething is NOT associated with a runny nose, your child is likely to suffer ARVI, how to behave, read here http://forums.rusmedserv.com/forumdispla...
There are several good folk recipes for combating the common cold:

instagram viewer

1) Mix 1 tablespoon fresh carrot juice and 1 tablespoon vegetable oil (olive or sunflower), which is pre-boiled in a water bath. Add in the mixture 1-3 drops of garlic juice. Blend the mixture daily. Bury a few drops in each nostril 3-4 times a day.
2) Brewed or fresh beet juice to dig in the nose a few drops 4-5 times a day or wash your nose 2-3 times a day with broth beets. You can add honey to the broth. Cotton swabs moistened in beetroot juice, which are inserted into the nostrils 3-4 times a day, help.
3) Mix in equal parts the Kalanchoe juice and honey. Drink with infusion of melissa or St. John's wort - it perfectly removes the stuffiness of the nose.
4) Bury aloe juice 3-5 drops in each nostril 4-5 times a day, throwing your head back and massaging when digging in the wings of the nose.
5) Mix 2 parts of honey and 1 part of mint oil (sold in pharmacies). Lubricate the nasal mucosa.
6) Mix onion, mashed into a gruel, in the ratio: with honey. Take onions and honey mixture for 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day for 30 minutes before eating. The mixture will be more effective if you use onion juice instead of gruel.
7) Grate the beetroot on a small grater and squeeze the juice. Leave for a day in a warm place. Slightly fermented juice to dig in the nose for 3-4 drops 3 times a day.
8) A wonderful remedy for the cold is a hot foot bath with the addition of mustard (1 tablespoon of mustard powder to 7-8l. water), as well as drinking soda and salt.
9) Pour 6 dry tablespoons herb grasshopper (sold in pharmacies) 1L. water, boil for 3 minutes. Infuse, wrapped, 4 hours and strain. Apply in a warm form for irrigation of the nasal cavity with a strong rhinitis.
10) Mix in equal proportions of Kalanchoe juice and hunter's oil (sold in pharmacies). Lubricate the nasal passages with this mixture several times a day. It is good to combine with the inhalation of St. John's wort.
11) Grind the onion pulp with a glass of hot vegetable oil. Insist, wrapped, 6-8 hours, strain. With this oil, treat the nasal mucosa with a strong cold.


and I dripped drops for children "For the nose helped us. And Aquamaris is still (heals not very well, but he washes well)

elena m

aquamaris to irrigate and suck a special thing like an enema
drip aloe or onion-3 drops + olive oil 6 drops-stir for 1 k in each nostril
soar in mustard
do not feed any muck
sour drink


try rubbing the back and breast for the night with dog oil

Ekaterina Sadchikova

Flush spout with sea water (aquamaris, dolphin it. e) and droplets 2-3 times a day: Nazivin, Nazol baby.

Oksana Butakova

the Kalanchoe juice nicely cleans the spout, the baby begins to sneeze and the droplets fly out, only be careful, sachets can slip in the nose. After the nozzle has been cleaned, drip progolovye drops. They can be bought at a pharmacy in the department of ready-made medicines, costs about 60 rubles, they are cooked on the spot, allergies do not happen, and the best means can not be found. Drops "For the nose" and the like, narrow the vessels and excessive use can cause constriction of the vessels of the brain. In addition, these drops do not heal, but only for a time relieve the snot.

Laura Petrarkina :)

Kollargol, Protargol - drops on the basis of colloidal silver, they are prepared in a pharmacy (in state pharmacies there are, in kiosks do not buy).
A solution of sea salt - concentration, choose one that has a slightly salty taste. This is the same as Aquamaris. Salt is sold in pharmacies and supermarkets, but just do not buy flavored.
Vibrocil - vasoconstrictor drops (dripping at night to facilitate breathing).
Salin, nizivin (we did not try).
Pinosol is an oil-based drop, it is well pierced, it can be applied several times a day.
For the night I hang a napkin in a crib, drop a few drops of aromatic oil on it (fir, eucalyptus, tea tree). It turns out "aromalampa cleans the air around the baby, it's easier to breathe.
You can hang a gauze pouch in a crib with chopped onion or garlic.
Be sure to do a wet cleaning and ventilate the baby's room.
Sleepy child can be laid in a spout (gently, rasteriev on the inside of the nostrils) Mixture Oxolin-ointment + Pinosol-cream. This helps out in cases where the child is capricious and does not allow to drip a spout, and so - the psyche of the baby does not suffer.
Bioparox is an antibiotic spray (if it's really bad).
Get well!

Inessa Teslenko

The only remedy that helped us was washing the nose with saline. Just buried in the nose and sucked off the applicator and so several times for the procedure, until the applicator nothing can suck. Oral, of course, but within 2-3 days healed! After washing, you can drip your nose with sea buckthorn oil (if there is no allergy)

Than to treat a cold at the child, years


Gulyaeva Maria

It is best to use the following tools:
1) Aquamaris (to rinse the nose) - this you use
2) Prothorgol (it must be ordered at the pharmacy - to find out where they are doing it) - collodion silver. 2-3 drops 3 times a day. Very well dries.
3) Homeopathic spray - euphorbium compositum (the price is about 300-400 r, but it is worth it and will not harm the crumbs). 1-2 doses 3-4 times a day.
4) Still you can drip carrot or beet juice - but before that, dilute a little with water or oil and try first on yourself.. .
5) Apply an oksolin ointment to the nose.
Here are my recommendations and advice.
Health to the baby and happy childhood!

morgana 29

try nazol for children is very effective


so... you can moisten the wool turwoos in honey.. .
and in a spout for 15 min.
then... juice of beets, diluting a little olive oil or rast.
and yet... on the bridge of the nose leads an abrupt egg =)
you can sit over the steam - menthol.. eucalyptus.. ONLY small fuck!
and DO NOT HELP with drops !!!
recuperate =)

Anastasia Andreeva

At this age are allowed Prothorgol, Isofra, Albucid. Note that Isofra is an antibiotic of topical effect, it is prescribed only if it is detachable in yellow or green. If the allocation is abundant, but transparent - start with vasoconstrictor and 1-2 days use 3 times a day. Further, when the detachable becomes thicker, use Albutide or Prothorgol after preliminary cleansing (Marimer, Aquamaris, Salin).

Elena Ovcharova

Horsesh helps Tibetan star. She rubs the baby feet, especially the toes. Use fewer drops, they break all the mucous membranes.


We have now cured coryza (homeopathy)

Tatiana Pronoza

book "Conversations of the Children's Doctor" Timofeeva A. M. (a famous Moscow pediatrician with 50 years of experience). 4 th edition, revised and enlarged. Moscow 2006 year. page 25 section "how to soar the legs"
"Children older than 9 months with a cold are very good at soaring their legs. This procedure is done only with a slight increase in body temperature (up to 38 degrees). In the beginning, it is necessary to lower the legs into warm water, and then gradually add hot water, bringing the water temperature to 40-41 degrees. As soon as your feet turn red, it is very good to pour them with cold water, and then lower them again into the hot one. So repeat three times and after the third dousing with cold water, put on woolen socks and put the baby to bed. If he is afraid to soar his legs, you can also soar the handles. You can soar and handle and legs. "
The main thing to remember: cold cold feet can not pour cold water
It is better to find the book itself. There are a lot of very simple and sensible advice on many children's problems

Natalia Kiryukhina

It would be better to ask your doctor for treatment than for strangers without any medical education.


Order Complex droplets in the pharmacy, cleanse the nose with Saline, drip the aloe juice: with water, Vitaon-luxury oil, cream-gel Malavit (lubricate inside the spout. Drying Protorgol, Albucid (eye drops, but lor appoints and in the nose). If the green sopelki, then Dioxydin. Foot baths for the night until full recovery (exactly 5 minutes warm and no more), wipe, soles toe with warming foot cream or any kind of grinded toe, socks on legs and to sleep. Thyme oil is an excellent tool for activating local immunity in inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx. Of the essential oil of thyme, you can make a solution for instillation into the nose. To do this, take a half teaspoon of olive oil and mix with two drops of thyme oil.
Drip in the morning for lunch and evening. If there is no possibility or desire, then you can use a very simple method - apply a little oil Thyme on a fleece or cloth and breathe, you can breathe and straight from the bottle with butter, but it is faster exhales. If strong edema in the nose, then it is mandatory antiallergic drug (Suprastin, Diazolin or other. ) It would be nice to KUF child. A rhinitis two weeks and more than an occasion to run to the otolaryngologist. Get well!

mihail of denis

Try aromatherapy, namely the aroma lamp, light it. You can use lavender oil, tea tree, with caution eucalyptus (start with 1 drop). Coryza in children, "crying" for love.

Prompt than to treat a cold in a child1year and 9 months?


Svetlana Settarova (Petushkova)

We were saved by AquaMaris (also 1.5 weeks could not cure a runny nose, a child dripped drops of Navtizin, it did not help!) as she began to poke with aquamaris (it was spray, not drops) on the 2nd day there is no snot, well, the goat wore a wadding stick, they go outside themselves-only be worthy or remarked, try the harm will not bring, there is no chemistry.


Rhinitis or runny nose - inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Rhinitis can be both an independent ailment, and a symptom of many infectious and allergic diseases. The occurrence of colds contributes to hypothermia. Usually, Naphtizin, Glazolin, Sanorin, Nazol, Nazivin, etc. are used for its treatment.
There are several good folk recipes for combating the common cold:
1) Mix 1 tablespoon fresh carrot juice and 1 tablespoon vegetable oil (olive or sunflower), which is pre-boiled in a water bath. Add in the mixture 1-3 drops of garlic juice. Blend the mixture daily. Bury a few drops in each nostril 3-4 times a day.
2) Brewed or fresh beet juice to dig in the nose a few drops 4-5 times a day or wash your nose 2-3 times a day with broth beets. You can add honey to the broth. Cotton swabs moistened in beetroot juice, which are inserted into the nostrils 3-4 times a day, help.
3) Mix in equal parts the Kalanchoe juice and honey. Drink with infusion of melissa or St. John's wort - it perfectly removes the stuffiness of the nose.
4) Bury aloe juice 3-5 drops in each nostril 4-5 times a day, throwing your head back and massaging when digging in the wings of the nose.
5) Mix 2 parts of honey and 1 part of mint oil (sold in pharmacies). Lubricate the nasal mucosa.
6) Mix onion, mashed into a gruel, in the ratio: with honey. Take onions and honey mixture for 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day for 30 minutes before eating. The mixture will be more effective if you use onion juice instead of gruel.
7) Grate the beetroot on a small grater and squeeze the juice. Leave for a day in a warm place. Slightly fermented juice to dig in the nose for 3-4 drops 3 times a day.
8) A wonderful remedy for the cold is a hot foot bath with the addition of mustard (1 tablespoon of mustard powder to 7-8l. water), as well as drinking soda and salt.
9) Pour 6 dry tablespoons herb grasshopper (sold in pharmacies) 1L. water, boil for 3 minutes. Infuse, wrapped, 4 hours and strain. Apply in a warm form for irrigation of the nasal cavity with a strong rhinitis.
10) Mix in equal proportions of Kalanchoe juice and hunter's oil (sold in pharmacies). Lubricate the nasal passages with this mixture several times a day. It is good to combine with the inhalation of St. John's wort.
11) Grind the onion pulp with a glass of hot vegetable oil. Insist, wrapped, 6-8 hours, strain. With this oil, treat the nasal mucosa with a strong cold.
12) Add 50 gr. pine buds with cold water, close the lid, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Strain. Drink with a strong runny nose 5-6 times a day with honey or jam.
13) Add 10gr. crushed kidney black poplar 1 cup of boiling water. Insist 15 minutes and strain. Drink a glass 3 times a day.
14) Pour 1 tablespoon of herb peppermint, l. steep boiling water, insist, wrapped, 1 hour and strain. Take a glass of hot infusion, sweetening honey. Also rinse with this infusion of the nose.
15) Take 4 parts of aloe juice, 2 parts of gruel from hips, 2 parts of honey mixed in equal proportions with pork interior fat, 1 part of eucalyptus oil. Mix thoroughly. Tampons moistened with a mixture are inserted into each nostril alternately for 15 minutes.
16) Mix in equal proportions honey and hibernating oil. Lubricate the mucous membrane of the nose with a cotton swab during the day and at bedtime.
17) Mix 1 tablespoon of hibernating oil with the same amount of petroleum jelly. Enter with a tampon into each nasal passage.
18) Pour 1 teaspoon of herb lawn grass 1 cup of boiling water, insist 1 hour and strain. Bury in the nose or draw in the nose with a strong cold.
19) Add 10gr. herbs black-head (sold in pharmacies) 1 glass of vodka. Insist a day. Bury 2-3 drops in each nostril 3-4 times a day.
20) With a prolonged runny nose, dry leaves of the initial letter (sold in a pharmacy) crush into powder and snort 2-3 times a day.

Natalia Paskevich

Next to the baby's bed is to put a plate with chopped onions.

Gulnaz Nastasheva

Go to Laura or to a pediatrician can UFD appoint or warm up

Anton Chekhov

if from your therapy to the child nestal then clarify the diagnosis... At your child that depression imuniteta?? How did you understand this? what asshole prescribed an interferon without a complex with another antiviral agent and on what basis??? Listen to the lungs of the child if there are wheezing determine the type of breathing... you just struggle with the symptoms... To treat it is necessary... Dear mum, decide soon on your child's viral disease... but all the same be surveyed... can be anything you like, even an allergic reaction to dust... keep the kid's room in perfect cleanliness... examine the lungs if there is a cough... check if you have too dry air in the apartment... go tit once check up... measure the temperature


Well, they cram nastiness in the child... and do not mind?? its own, dear.. .
snot is a signal that there is something superfluous in the body and this "something" should be withdrawn in any way. here's a common cold is one of these ways. if you cure a runny nose - its cause will remain in the body, grow, multiply and then all the same get out another sore. for the beginning hand over analyzes, learn or find out the reasons of a rhinitis, put in order a food (at least do not mix fibers and carbohydrates) and wash out sea salt.
do not be ill))


Doctor Komarovsky about the common cold.


All your lavages do not cure a runny nose! Try IRS-19! prescribe to the kids and pregnant, well helps!


depending on the type of rhinitis, and still ufo would not hurt


And you have no teeth? We also could not cope with the snot for a week, it turned out that the teeth are cut (eye, and all 4 at once). Try to flush the nose of Aqualor and Grippferon-it's from the common cold. Get well!

Tatiana Pronoza

book "Conversations of the Children's Doctor" Timofeeva A. M. (a famous Moscow pediatrician with 50 years of experience). 4 th edition, revised and enlarged. Moscow 2006 year. page 25 section "how to soar the legs"
"Children older than 9 months with a cold are very good at soaring their legs. This procedure is done only with a slight increase in body temperature (up to 38 degrees). In the beginning, it is necessary to lower the legs into warm water, and then gradually add hot water, bringing the water temperature to 40-41 degrees. As soon as your feet turn red, it is very good to pour them with cold water, and then lower them again into the hot one. So repeat three times and after the third dousing with cold water, put on woolen socks and put the baby to bed. If he is afraid to soar his legs, you can also soar the handles. You can soar and handle and legs. "
The main thing to remember: cold cold feet can not pour cold water

Rhinitis in the baby 1 year old

A severe runny nose in a one-year-old child is a common phenomenon, but, nevertheless, it can turn into a real problem for the whole family. The stuffy nose of the baby interferes with a calm sleep, leads to a refusal of food and endless whims. In addition, the child can not yet blow his nose and in order to cleanse the nose of the snot in a child in 1 year it is necessary to use various adaptations like aspirators that does not cause the kid special delight. And the very course of the disease is complicated by the fact that, having missed the first symptoms, it is extremely difficult determine the degree of neglect - the child can not yet speak and, therefore, complain about state of health.

Causes of a cold in a one-year-old child

  1. The social factor- is the cause of an infectious cold. If the child is in a children's collective or just in places of congestion during the season of activation Respiratory diseases, the probability of getting infected is quite high, since the baby's immunity is still only is formed.
  2. Subcooling- can be caused by long walks in the cold and damp and improperly selected clothes. Equally dangerous is to dress a child and not enough and too warm. So, the child dressed not by weather is easy enough to freeze quickly enough, and the warmed-up baby will first sweat, and then sub-cool under a cold wind. If the child has a habit of screaming and crying in the street, possible supercooling of the upper respiratory tract.
  3. Allergic reactions- the child has rhinitis when exposed to such irritants as dust, pet hair, pollen of plants, smoke and even cold or hot air.

Prophylaxis of a cold in a child 1 year old

Since the treatment of a cold in a one-year-old child is not an easy task, it is better to warn his appearance. Preventive measures are fairly simple.

  1. It is necessary to choose the right clothes and shoes for walking - so that the baby does not freeze, does not soak up the legs, and also does not sweat. When you come home, you should check your feet - if they are wet and / or cold, you should put them in hot water with mustard and drink hot tea.
  2. If possible, protect the baby from communicating with the colds, it is also desirable to avoid large concentrations of people in the cold season.
  3. Eliminate or minimize the contact of the child with obligate allergens.
  4. Strengthening the immunity of the baby nutrition, outdoor exercise, sufficient physical activity. During illnesses, you should not take antibiotics without the urgent need and advice of a doctor - they suppress the natural defense of the body.

How to cure a cold to a one-year-old child?

If the disease has not been avoided, do not get upset, it is better to pay attention to the study of information on how to treat a cold to a one-year-old child.

The first thing that is necessary is to release the respiratory tract from the mucus to allow the baby to breathe. To do this, flush the nozzle with saline solution and, if necessary, pull the snot with a special aspirator - manual, mechanical or electric. Then it is necessary to drip vasoconstrictive drops into the nose, which are also mandatory for the prevention of otitis and sinusitis. But we must remember that the drugs used must be soft enough and appropriate to age, so it is better not to engage in self-medication, and

consult a doctor.

Rhinitis in the child 1 year - folk remedies

For a child of 1 year, the treatment of the common cold with folk remedies is carried out by inhalation. If you do not have a nebulizer nebulizer at hand, then parents tend to act in the old way - they let the baby breathe on the pot with boiled potatoes or herbal decoction. This method is not safe, because hot steam can burn the delicate skin and mucous baby. For these purposes, it is better to use a conventional rubber heating pad - pour the liquid into it and gently give the baby for inhalation.


Rhinitis in the baby 2 years: how to treat, effective remedies

Rhinitis is a very common cold symptom in children 2 years old. Many parents are familiar with the situation when, after treatment of a common cold, it again appears. The reason may be that the previous rhinitis was not completely cured or the immunity is very much weakened, therefore, for each stimulus it reacts in this way. Especially often this ailment occurs in children at this age, as many go to the kindergarten, where there is a huge number of viruses and bacteria.

First aid

Than it is better to treat? To obtain the maximum result from the treatment of a common cold in children 2 years old, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules. Only in this way you can overcome the disease in a short period of time.

First, it is necessary to refuse from visiting the kindergarten for 2-3 days. Thus, you can slow down the ailment at the initial stage of development. Otherwise, this symptom will pass into a chronic form, and the treatment will be much more difficult.

In the first 2 days, provide the child with bed rest. The pillow should be placed under the head and shoulders. Then he will feel comfortable, and also the accumulated sputum will begin to separate faster. And this will greatly improve the nasal breathing of the baby.

At the time of a cold a child must use as much fluid as possible. Prepare him a drink from jam, currants, cranberries. Such fruits in large quantities contain vitamin C, and it, as is known, perfectly eliminates catarrhal and infectious diseases. In addition, this drink has an anti-inflammatory effect and strengthens the defenses of the child's body.Patients at the age of 2 years per day must be given to drink up to 1 liter of liquid.

If after 2 days the baby has not had a runny nose, then it is worth giving him warm mineral alkaline water. The advantage of this treatment is that pathogenic microorganisms die very quickly in an alkaline environment. With an abundant drink, it is possible to improve the withdrawal of nasal mucus and reduce the intoxication of the organism that occurs against the background of redness with bacteria and viruses.

The video tells how to treat a runny nose in a child in 2 years:


Such measures in the treatment of cough in children 2 years are considered the most effective. Thanks to them, it is possible to evenly distribute the drug substance deep into the nasal mucosa. The result of this treatment is the rapid and effective distribution of the drug over the surface of the epithelium of the nose. The process of recovery after inhalation occurs very quickly.Within 2-3 days the baby breathes better, the amount of mucus discharged decreases and the general condition is normalized.In day it is necessary to carry out 3-4 procedures.

For carrying out inhalations, you can use a special device, through which it is possible under pressure to turn the drug solution into an aerosol. The name of such a device is a nebulizer, through which inflammatory, immunomodulating and antibacterial medicines can be sprayed. Here are listed medicines for a nebulizer with a cold.

Application of drops

As a rule, during the treatment of a common cold in children 2 years of age, vasoconstrictive drops are used. To apply them does not cost more than a week. Consider only the most effective for children of this age:

  1. Vibrocil. This medicine is allowed to be used for infants. The duration of therapy is not more than a week. The obtained effect is achieved in 2-3 minutes, and lasts for 6-8 hours. Drip should be 1-2 drops in each nasal passage. Here you can find the instructions for the use of a drop in the nose Vibrocil. It is advisable before using the drug to blow your nose or clean the nose with salt solution, and also with Aquamaris. Read how to properly wash your nose for 2 years.
  2. Nazon Baby.These drops should be used very carefully and not more than 3 days. The effect lasts about 6 hours. To drip costs to children at the age of 2 years it is necessary on 2 drops in each nostril. Field of application pipette should be wipe dry.
  3. Polidex. Polidex drops in the nose for children is a nasal spray that is allowed to be used by patients after reaching 2 years. The course of therapy is 5-10 days. The obtained effect is achieved in 3 minutes and lasts 8-9 hours. Instruction for use assumes to carry out one injection in each nasal passage. Number of receptions per day - 3 times. But the use of such a medicine is prohibited for children suffering from kidney failure.

Other effective remedies

Positive effects in the treatment of pediatric runny nose are rinsed with conventional boiled water.To achieve maximum effect, it is necessary to use infusion of herbs and sea water.Effective are such herbs as calendula, St. John's wort and eucalyptus.

Many children at this age do not like to do washing, but it is necessary to do it. Prepare your baby in advance, promise him some compensation for this. Over time, he will get used to, and the procedure will not seem so terrible to him. In addition, a positive result will be noticeable after the first application.

An important role in the treatment of a cold in children 2 years is considered to be diet. Do not include in the diet of fatty and meat dishes. To digest this food the baby's body will need more energy. Since the disease reduces energy reserves, it is very important to maintain dietary nutrition in rhinitis.

Saturate the body with a large amount of drinking, rich in vitamin C. Replenishment of fluid in these patients is very important, because dehydration of the body occurs in them is much stronger. You can try other folk remedies.

Find out if you can give licorice syrup to children under one year.

Reviews of breastfeeding from cough: http://prolor.ru/g/lechenie/grudnoj-sbor-ot-kashlya-instrukciya-po-primeneniyu.html.

Here the reasons are described, if the ear lays and hurts.

Opinion of Komarovsky

According to the famous pediatrician Komarovsky, a runny nose and cough in such children should be eliminated immediately. For these purposes, you must always use brine. Thus, it is possible to wash and disinfect the nasopharynx.

Such babies can not drop drops on their own, so the doctor recommends that parents drip prescribed medicines 2-3 drops in each nasal passage, tilting the child's head in the opposite direction side.To suck off mucus from the nose it is worth using a special system.

When a cold develops very often in children, it should be treated immediately after the illness has disappeared. Rinsing the nose is still an excellent preventive remedy for rhinitis.

On the video - about the cold in a child of 2 years tells Dr. Komarovsky:

How long does the disease last

If the treatment was carried out on time and the parents adhered strictly to the doctor's recommendation, then this unpleasant symptom should pass this week. If this does not happen, the doctor should review the treatment and prescribe another therapy. Otherwise, the runny nose can go into a chronic form, and its treatment is not so simple.

The video tells how long the cold in a child 2 years:

A child's runny nose is a very common symptom that parents constantly struggle with. So that it does not take a long time, it is necessary to carry out therapeutic measures in time and monitor the condition of the small patient all the time. Here you can read how to treat a runny nose in a child in 3 years. Here, a cold without temperature in a child is described.


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