Pinch of the sciatic nerve during pregnancy: symptoms and treatment


  • 1Pinch of the sciatic nerve during pregnancy. Sciatic nerve hurts during pregnancy - what to do
    • 1.1Where the sciatic nerve is located
    • 1.2Causes of pinching the sciatic nerve in pregnant women
    • 1.3Symptoms of pinch of the sciatic nerve during pregnancy
    • 1.4Treatment of pinch of the sciatic nerve during pregnancy
    • 1.5Treatment of the sciatic nerve during pregnancy by folk methods
    • 1.6Therapeutic exercises for the pinch of the sciatic nerve during pregnancy
    • 1.7Pincering of the sciatic nerve during childbirth
    • 1.8Yoga for the well-being of expectant mothers.
  • 2Pinch of the sciatic nerve during pregnancy - treatment
    • 2.1Why pinch of the sciatic nerve occurs
    • 2.2Symptoms of pinching
    • 2.3Than it is dangerous pinching during pregnancy
    • 2.4Traditional methods of treatment
    • 2.5Home Treatment
    • 2.6Nontraditional methods of treatment
    • 2.7Compresses
    • 2.8Chopping
    • 2.9Baths
  • 3Pincering of the sciatic nerve during pregnancy
    • 3.1Causes
    • 3.2
    • 3.3Symptoms
    • 3.4Exercises for pain relief
    • 3.5Massage
    • 3.6Treatment of sciatica during pregnancy
  • instagram viewer
  • 4Pincering of the sciatic nerve during pregnancy
    • 4.1Symptomatology of the disease
    • 4.2Causes of sciatica
    • 4.3Treatment
    • 4.4Diet
    • 4.5Prevention
  • 5Sciatica in Pregnancy: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment Exercises
    • 5.1Symptoms of sciatica in pregnancy
    • 5.2Treatment of sciatica in pregnancy
    • 5.31. Stretching of the pear-shaped muscle in the sitting position
    • 5.42. Stretching forward
    • 5.53. Pose of a dove
    • 5.64. Stretching of hip flexor muscles
    • 5.75. Exercise with a foam roller
    • 5.8The next steps are when the nerve is clamped in the leg or lower back

Pinch of the sciatic nerve during pregnancy. Sciatic nerve hurts during pregnancy - what to do

Pregnancy is a serious test of the female body for strength. Very often, the share of future mothers fall out similar troubles, for example, pain in the back. In some women, such a malaise is natural, because it is caused by a heavy load on the spine.

Others also have to undergo serious treatment to feel better, as the cause of their suffering lies in the pinching of the sciatic nerve during pregnancy. On the signs and treatment of the disease further in the article.

The development of sciatica, or pinching the sciatic nerve when carrying a child - is not an exceptional problem, but rather a logical one. When a new life is burning inside, a woman does not belong to herself, and her body is forced to adjust to large loads.

As the uterus increases for internal organs located side by side, there is less space, so they are forced to move in different directions. A valuable "burden" loads the pelvic bones, squeezing the vascular network and acting on the nerve endings.

It is not surprising that many pregnant women suffer in varying degrees from painful sensations in the back, in the hips and buttocks. In some cases, the sciatic nerve hurts during pregnancy.

Where the sciatic nerve is located

The sciatic nerve is an outstanding element of the human body. And this neural tube is remarkable because it surpasses all the other nerves of our body in size. It is based on sensitive cells and motoneurons of the spinal cord. The diameter of the sciatic nerve in an adult can be 1 cm.

A bundle of nerve tubes of the sciatic nerve begins in the lumbar region, namely in the small pelvis. It is very long, so it covers many parts of the lower part of the human body.

Through the hole in the pelvis, it lies under the large gluteus muscle and from there it hits the surface of the thigh. The lower the sciatic nerve descending, the more small the nerve branches are detached from the main tube.

These small "twigs" give the whole palette of sensations to our hips and buttocks. In addition, they serve as a link between the central nervous system and pelvic joints.

Lowering below, the sciatic nerve reaches the popliteal fossa and divides into two branches: tibial and peroneal.

Thus, all muscles, joints, skin on the shins and feet have sensitivity due to the nerve fiber grid, which is formed on the basis of the sciatic nerve. Because of an inflammation of the sciatic nerve during pregnancy, the lower body of a woman is attacked by painful pains that can turn her life into a real hell.

Causes of pinching the sciatic nerve in pregnant women

A large neural tube that controls adjacent muscles can fail for several reasons. Let us dwell on the most common factors:

  • strong pressure, which exerted on the sciatic nerve increased several times the uterus. The large muscular organ squeezes the site of the neural tube located at the exit from the spine;
  • enlarged uterus, excessive fullness, polyhydramnios or multiple pregnancies may provoke displacement of the worn disc in the spine;
  • relapses of diseases, which the woman suffered before she became pregnant.

Most often, it is the latter factor that becomes the main impetus in the development of neuropathy in the form of a hindered sciatic nerve.

Undoubtedly, all the prerequisites for the appearance of the disease could have occurred in women before, but it was pregnancy that became the catalyst of the pathological process.

Pinch of the sciatic nerve can be a concomitant symptom of the following diseases:

  • hernia;
  • osteochondrosis, infectious inflammation of the pelvic organs;
  • diabetes;
  • back injuries suffered in the past;
  • metabolic disorder;
  • tumor development;
  • blood clots;
  • inflammation of soft tissues.

If the lesion of the sciatic nerve occurs solely on the soil of pregnancy, the disease manifests itself, as a rule, during the third trimester.

Now the uterus is already large enough to exert a heavy load on the areas where the neural tube runs.

However, when there are unpleasant sensations in the lower back, the future mother should not rush to conclusions and immediately make a diagnosis.

Absolutely normal in pregnancy is considered a phenomenon when the pain in the lower back bothers only after the loads, and after a while passes.

This is a consequence of softening of ligaments of joints as a result of hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman. The problem will help get rid of wearing a special bandage and exercises to relax the vertebrae.

The fastest pain in the back is if you stand in the knee-elbow position for 15 minutes several times a day.

Symptoms of pinch of the sciatic nerve during pregnancy

In rare cases, in the presence of pathology, the future mother does not experience any unpleasant sensations. But basically the disorder is manifested by unilateral pain of a different nature and localization. The fact that during pregnancy it hurts the sciatic nerve, is evidenced by a number of signs:

  1. First, the discomfort is concentrated in the lower back, then goes to the sacrum, and then spreads over the entire leg to the fingertips.
  2. Pain can "shoot" along the entire length of the sciatic nerve, and can only pulsate at its individual sites, selectively.
  3. The pain often changes the location - where it will hurt next time, can not be predicted.
  4. When pinching the sciatic nerve, the sensations are very diverse. Pathology can manifest itself in the form of numbness without any additional symptoms, burning, tingling, piercing, drawing pain. For example, one leg can stitch a numbness, and the other part of the leg will still be aching.
  5. With such a disease a woman can not get up from a sitting position, it is impossible to turn over from side to side in a prone position, it is very difficult to move at all.
  6. Sometimes the disease during pregnancy is manifested by the only symptom - the numbness of the toes. Fingers lose mobility so that the woman is forced to change the gait.
  7. The pinch of the sciatic nerve can be complicated by the disorder of the functioning of organs and systems. In this case, patients are not able to control the urge of the bladder and intestines, often they have a rise in body temperature.

If you have one or more of these symptoms, the expectant mother should tell your gynecologist about it during the next scheduled visit. However, some changes in the condition of a pregnant woman are a reason for immediate treatment in a medical institution:

  1. A sharp, sometimes unbearable pain in the lower back is a sign of a pinch or some kidney disease. At the same time the woman is practically immobilized: the pain is so strong that she can not lean forward or sideways, move her legs, turn over.
  2. Impaired control of emptying the bladder and / or intestines.

In single cases, the sciatic nerve during pregnancy is already binding at an early stage. The reason for this usually lies in the specific position of the uterus of the future mother. After a while, the pain recedes, as the pregnant uterus rises higher and no longer presses.

Treatment of pinch of the sciatic nerve during pregnancy

Unfortunately, today doctors do not yet have an unambiguous answer to how a pregnant woman can overcome the problem associated with a pinch of the sciatic nerve. Often, a gynecologist advises the expectant mother to just endure the pain.

However, despair in this case is not necessary - you can always make an appointment with a neuropathologist or an osteopath. Independently to think out how to treat the sciatic nerve during pregnancy, it is impossible - too great a risk to hurt yourself even more.

Even if the pain is too strong, it is better to wait for advice from a specialist than practice dubious massages or the use of medications.


In addition, most effective medicines that could help are categorically contraindicated in women in the situation.


So, what methods of treatment of the sciatic nerve during pregnancy can recommend a doctor?

  1. Physical exercises. Regular exercises by special gymnastics will ensure the correct location of the vertebrae, strengthen the muscles, and thus eliminate pinch.
  2. Blockade with analgesics. Injections are shown only in exceptional cases, when the future mother is very painful.
  3. Massage. Using the procedure, you can put all vertebrae in place. This point of treatment should be entrusted to a competent specialist.
  4. Local preparations. Stimulate blood circulation and thereby reduce the pain will help prescribed by the doctor ointments, gels and creams. Future mums are allowed non-steroid medicines - for example, Diclofenac in the form of suppositories.

Treatment of the sciatic nerve during pregnancy by folk methods

For the help of traditional medicine can be treated only with the approval of the treating doctor. To eliminate painful sensations along the course of the affected sciatic nerve, healers recommend using warming wraps.

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A future mother will need some warm thing: a feather shawl, a warm scarf made of natural wool or a special elastic waist belt. The sacrum and buttocks need to be rubbed with any warming ointment, and then wrap up the sore spot.

This procedure is best done at night.

To correct state of health at a pinch of the sciatic nerve during pregnancy warming up compresses also will help. They act in the same way as anti-radical ointments.

To prepare a compress, you need 1 head of garlic or horseradish root.

Garlic or horseradish should be rubbed on a fine grater, evenly distribute this mass on the gauze, folded in several layers, to attach to the affected area and turn into a warm scarf (handkerchief).

When the pinch of the sciatic nerve caught the expectant mother unawares, you can try to solve the problem with the help of a shower, affecting the sick area with water of different temperatures.

It is necessary alternately to water the affected area with cool and warm water.

The method is really effective, but you should take into account that the water for pregnant women can not be made too cold or hot.

Therapeutic exercises for the pinch of the sciatic nerve during pregnancy

Pinching delivers a lot of discomfort to a pregnant woman, but it's not the time to drop your hands if nothing helps. Partly reduce the pain will help physical activity. We offer some simple exercises:

  1. Tilts of the pelvis. AND. P. - Squatting, emphasis on straightened arms and knees. Hands should be placed on the width of the shoulders, and the knees should be placed clearly under the hips. Slightly bend the lower back and hold for 1 minute in this position (with time you can increase). The head should be kept straight, not lowered. Repeat several times.
  2. A similar exercise is also for the standing position. Spread your legs slightly, bending them in your knees, and at the same time you need to put your hips forward slightly. Straight arms extend in front of you to keep your balance. Bend in the back, stay in this position for a few moments and return to the original position.
  3. To cope with the pain, you should carefully, without haste, stretch the muscles of the back of the thigh. Put your foot in front of you on a low support and start gently bending your body towards your leg. At the same time, you will feel the muscles of the thigh tighten from behind. Quit in this pose for a while. Make sure that during the exercise the back remains straight, and the breath is even. You need to do 10 repetitions, and then change your legs.

Pincering of the sciatic nerve during childbirth

The pinch of the sciatic nerve, caused by specific metamorphosis of the "interesting" position, is usually eliminated after the appearance of crumbs into the light, and the well-being of the young mother quickly returns to normal. But if the painful symptoms do not disappear after the birth of the child, the woman should seek help from a specialist of a narrow profile in order to reveal the true causes of the ailment.

Sudden pinching of the neural tube can happen in childbirth, when a woman is in a state of extreme stress. The problem occurs when the pelvic bones diverge.


This is a natural process necessary for the successful birth of a child. But when the bones return to their original position, they can squeeze the neural tube.


If unpleasant symptoms after childbirth do not pass, the woman will need a full examination and complex treatment.

The development of neuropathy during the active phase of labor can be caused by muscular spasm, when a woman tenses. It can also occur because of dislocation or displacement of vertebral discs, if the mother is under the influence of pain medications.

Thanks to the achievements of modern medicine and the high professionalism of doctors, the pinch of the sciatic nerve during childbirth is not an obstacle to the safe birth of a baby.

However, after delivery, the ailment requires the most careful attention of the woman herself and the doctors.

The child needs a healthy mother, so the treatment of an unpleasant disease a woman should get involved as soon as possible.

Yoga for the well-being of expectant mothers.

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Pinch of the sciatic nerve during pregnancy - treatment

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Why pinch of the sciatic nerve occurs

The sciatic nerve passes through all the zones that are most vulnerable during pregnancy - the sacrum, buttocks, hamstring and feet to the foot. When it is jammed, neuralgia (sciatica) is diagnosed.

In the early stages of back pain often occurs after the load, but quickly subsides. Such symptoms do not refer to the manifestation of sciatica inflammation - these are normal manifestations that occur against the background of hormonal changes in the body.

The main causes of nerve inflammation:

  • the pressure of the uterus on the sacrum - in this place the nerve leaves the spine;
  • excessive weight, high water, the bearing of several fruits - under pressure, worn disks are displaced, they pinch the nerve endings;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases - diabetes mellitus, infectious diseases of the pelvic organs, spine trauma;
  • various kinds of tumors;
  • disturbances of metabolic processes, thrombus.

Symptoms of pinching

Pain syndrome with a nerve pinched in the lumbar region often has a one-sided nature, can be localized in different places.

Signs of ischemia:

  • pain occurs in the sacrum, spreads over the entire leg;
  • unpleasant sensations cover the whole of the lower back, it is difficult to indicate the exact location of the pain;
  • numbness and burning sensation in the toes;
  • one leg is very sore, the second is numb;
  • any change in body position increases discomfort.

Strong low back pains can testify not only about pinching, but also about the presence of inflammatory processes in the kidneys. If the pain is very severe, there are problems with urination and defecation - urgent hospitalization is required.

Than it is dangerous pinching during pregnancy

Inflammation of the sciatic nerve adversely affects the quality of life of a pregnant woman - constant pain causes nervous overexertion, disturbs the quality of sleep.

The consequences of pinching can be very severe - curvature of the spine, necrosis of nerve endings, numbness or complete immobility of the limbs, disability.

Traditional methods of treatment

What if there was severe pain in the sacrum and lower back during pregnancy? Adequate treatment of sciatic nerve inflammation can be prescribed by a neuropathologist or an osteopath. Any self-treatment can harm a child's health.

Many anti-inflammatory and pain medications are prohibited during pregnancy, but this does not mean that a pregnant woman should simply endure pain.

Than to treat a pinching during pregnancy:

  • anesthetizing blockades - injections are used to eliminate a strong pain symptom;
  • massage - allows to restore the correct position of the vertebrae, only a specialist can perform it;
  • anesthetic candles - Diclofenac;
  • ointments and other pain relievers for external use - Menovazine, Voltaren;
  • chondroprotectors, which repair cells of cartilaginous tissue - Teraflex M, Chondroxide;
  • vitamin preparations to relax the muscles and improve blood circulation based on vitamin E, group B.

Home Treatment

Physiotherapy is a better and safer means of removing the pinch of the sciatic nerve. But the complex should be developed only by the doctor, proceeding from the period of pregnancy and individual indices.

Complex of exercises for pain relief in the lumbar department:

  1. Take the knee-elbow position, back as much as possible, pull the sacrum upwards, lower the head. Stay in this position for 5-7 seconds, round your back.
  2. Bend the pelvis in the standing position. Legs widely spread out, slightly bent, arms stretched forward for balance. Make a deflection, lower back push forward, after 5 seconds return to the starting position.
  3. Put a chair, lean on it with one foot, straighten your back. Slowly bend over to the chair - you need to feel how the muscles of the back of the thigh stretch. In the extreme point of delay for 5 seconds, return to the starting position. Make 10 approaches per foot.
  4. Lie on your back, hands and feet straight, relax. Move forward only with the help of scapula as much as it will turn out.

To get rid of the pain the contrast shower will help - it is necessary to pour the loin alternately with warm and cool water. But we must remember that very hot and icy water to pregnant women is contraindicated.

Nontraditional methods of treatment

To treat sciatica during pregnancy can be with the help of folk remedies - grits or herbal baths.


For warming compresses, beeswax can be used, which must first be heated to a plastic state. From it, you need to make an applique on the lower back, from above fix the food film and a downy shawl. With such a compress you can sleep all night.

You can prepare a solution for compresses from chamomile and elderberry. Grasses to mix on 20 g, pour 300 ml of boiling water. After half a minute of grass wrapped in a natural thin fabric, pritotat to the waist with a warm headscarf for 4-6 hours.


Quickly eliminate the pain of rubbing from an equal amount of liquid honey and radish juice. The mixture should be rubbed into the inflamed area 3-4 times a day.

Pellets based on propolis well relieve inflammation, eliminate pain syndrome. Mix 450 g of rye flour with 40 grams of propolis or honey, from the dough to make a flat cake, fix it on the waist with a plastic wrap and a warm scarf. You can keep it all day.


For the bath you can prepare a decoction of the roots of the forest doodnik - 50 g of raw material pour 500 ml of boiling water, leave in a closed container for 2 hours.

Blend the mixture on low heat for half an hour, pour into a bath. Water procedures should be taken daily, and with severe pain - 2 times a day.

The duration of therapy is 2 weeks.

For the speedy recovery of a pregnant woman, one should observe the drinking regime, include in the diet products that are rich in vitamin A, C, B - greens, bananas, liver, nuts, unpolished rice.

Pinch of the sciatic nerve in pregnant women is a frequent problem, which is difficult to treat.

To prevent pinching, you should wear comfortable shoes without heels, do yoga for pregnant women, avoid drafts and hypothermia.

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Doctors recommend that women after 16 weeks not sleep on their backs - it is better to take the embryo pose during sleep.

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Pincering of the sciatic nerve during pregnancy

The sciatic nerve is the largest in our body. His jamming or sciatica is observed quite often and causes a lot of trouble, as it causes severe pain. Do not be immune from such trouble and future moms.

Especially often they suffer from sciatica in the last months of pregnancy. Any treatment during the waiting period of the baby should be done as carefully as possible in order not to harm the fetus.


Sometimes this happens when the baby is lowered before the birth.

If the pain is not strong and does not affect the quality of life of the future mother, treatment can be postponed until the postpartum period.

But in most cases, it is not required, since immediately after the cessation of the pressure, the painful sensations go away.

There are other causes of sciatica. The most common are:

  • Injuries of the spine;
  • Excessive physical strain on the back;
  • Intervertebral hernia;
  • Subcooling;
  • Inflammation in the joints;
  • Infectious diseases.

In addition, some congenital anomalies in the structure of the spine of a woman may provoke the pinch and inflammation of the sciatic nerve.

In the normal state, they do not cause discomfort and do not appear, but during pregnancy the load increases and reveals "weak spots".

Sometimes the cause of sciatica also become transferred viral infections and even the state of chronic stress.


Stitching of the sciatic nerve is a common problem and its symptoms are well studied. Usually, patients complain about:

  • Painful sensations in the sacrum, and also along the course of the lower extremities. Their nature and intensity can vary greatly, from aching, appearing just in time or after a load, to sharp, shooting, interfering with the movement of the limbs.
  • Limited motion. Severe pain occurs when trying to get up or change the position of the body, interferes with walking and performing daily activities. If we consider that the growing abdomen also brings discomfort, the woman's possibilities are severely limited.
  • Violation of tactile sensations. Sometimes in the affected limb, numbness, tingling, or "creepy" is felt.
  • Loss of control over urination and defecation. This happens only in the most difficult situations. Naturally, a woman in this situation requires immediate hospitalization.

Painful sensations when pinching the sciatic nerve can vary greatly from person to person. Sometimes it is acute attacks and lumbago, in other cases, the pain can be aching, permanent and strengthen with a change in the position of the body. Also often the sensations resemble a burning sensation.

Exercises for pain relief

Since most drugs are contraindicated or risky in pregnancy, it is necessary to look for other methods of treatment.

Significantly reduce the pressure on the sciatic nerve helps specifically selected gymnastics.


If you regularly follow the prescribed exercises, the condition will improve and you can do without pharmaceuticals.


Usually, experts recommend a number of simple but effective exercises that can be performed even in the last weeks of pregnancy:

  • Become on all fours and try to bend the lower back up and down, lingering in this position for a couple of seconds. Repeat approximately 10-15 times.
  • Put your legs wider than your shoulders and bend your knees, pull your arms forward and slightly bend your back, exposing your hips forward. In this position, it is necessary to linger for a couple of seconds, and then slowly return to the original.
  • Lift the leg to a chair and slowly lean towards it, keeping your back straight. If the stomach is in the way - it does not matter, it is not necessary to bend heavily, the main thing is to stretch the back surface of the thigh. In this position, it is necessary to linger for a few seconds and slowly straighten, and then repeat the exercise 10 times with each leg. Try to stick with your hands, so as not to lose your balance.
  • Make 10 shallow sit-ups at a slow pace. In order not to lose balance it is desirable to hold on to the back of the chair.
  • Pull your back against the wall and relax in this position.

On long terms, this situation is fraught with the squeezing of the inferior vena cava. If the tummy is still small and does not interfere with lying on your back, lie down on the floor and you can start doing the exercises:

  • Raise your legs to your chest, trying not to push on your tummy, and push off from the floor with shoulders and even shoulder blades. This will help stretch the spine and relax the clamped muscles.
  • Slowly and gently push the legs apart, holding them in this position for a couple of seconds.
  • Swing your legs in different directions, pull them out one by one and reach for the heel.
  • Slowly raise your legs trying to pull them out in length.

For the next exercise, you need to lie on your stomach.

In this position, extend the arms and lift the opposite arm and leg in turn, holding them for 5, maximum 10 seconds.

Perform such an exercise is possible only on very short terms. You can also lie on your side and raise your upper leg 6-7 times each, if it's harder, less.

You can also swim or practice akvaaerobika for pregnant women. It is very important that you do not overwork and do nothing, overcoming yourself. It is desirable, that the necessary exercises are chosen by the doctor and controlled by your state of health.


In the acute period of the disease, massage is strictly prohibited. In this state, it is necessary to move less and injure the back. And if you feel well, massage is allowed, but it should be done by a professional who has experience working with pregnant women.

Properly performed massage helps:

  • Reduce pain and improve the patient's well-being;
  • Reduce the stress associated with sciatica;
  • Improve blood circulation and accelerate recovery;
  • Remove harmful substances formed during inflammation, from the body.

It is important to remember that some types of massage can affect the contractile activity of the uterus, so you must be careful, trust only professionals and choose the right techniques.

Treatment of sciatica during pregnancy

An inflamed sciatic nerve is the source of many unpleasant sensations and problems, which can be eliminated only with the help of timely treatment.

Self-medication in this situation is strictly prohibited, as the future mother is now responsible for her baby.

Therefore, most experts recommend manual therapy and exercises.

In the early stages of pregnancy, you can take salt baths. Also, not a short period of time, it is allowed to apply warm compresses to the lumbar region, but not hot ones.

If physiotherapy does not help, the use of medicines is allowed.

The decision on the appointment is made by the doctor individually in each case, taking into account the potential benefits for the mother and possible harm to the baby.

Most often recommend NSAIDs, such as Diclofenac, Indomethacin, Ibuprofen, etc.

Medications in the form of ointments are considered safer. If the patient is highly spasmodic, muscle relaxants are prescribed. Sometimes it is recommended to take vitamins and preparations that improve blood circulation.

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Pincering of the sciatic nerve during pregnancy

Sciatic nerves are the largest nerves in the human body. They are two branches that emerge from the pelvic cavity and descend along the back wall of the thigh.

Inflammation of the sciatic nerve during pregnancy is a fairly common problem.

Reorganization of the female body during this period leads to an increased burden on the pelvic bones and vertebral column, resulting in back pain.

Symptomatology of the disease

The main function of the sciatic nerve is sensitivity, therefore, and the symptoms of sciatica are based on this factor:

  • painful sensations of a noisy character in the lumbar region, sometimes "giving" in the thigh;
  • Pincering of the sciatic nerve during pregnancy

  • impaired motor activity due to the appearance of numbness or "goose bumps" on one or both legs;
  • in some cases, a sign of the ishalgia may be a rise in body temperature;
  • In rare cases, loss of control over the functioning of the intestine and bladder is possible.

Sciatica during pregnancy differs in one feature - pain sensations always appear only on one side.

Causes of sciatica

The period of pregnancy is a special time when the body of a woman undergoes a mass of not only external but also internal changes. The main causes of pinch of the sciatic nerve in this case are directly related to the restructuring of the functions of the female body:

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  • the uterus increases in size and presses on internal organs;
  • increases the load on the spine and bone of the hip joint.

These are the most common causes of the disease.

There are also a number of other factors capable of provoking pinching of the sciatic nerve during pregnancy:

  • osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine;
  • excessive muscular tension in the lumbar spine;
  • Sexually Transmitted Infections;
  • mechanical trauma of the spine due to impact or fall;
  • abscesses and blood clots;
  • diabetes.

If there is a pinch, an inflammatory process occurs, not only nerve fibers, but also blood vessels, so it is so important in sciatica to see a doctor as soon as possible.


The main difficulty in the treatment of sciatica in pregnancy is the limited or total exclusion of the possibility of taking medications.

For this reason, the standard therapy scheme does not work.

However, adherence to medical recommendations will help to remove the symptoms accompanying the pinch of the sciatic nerve during pregnancy:

  1. Compliance with bed rest. In this case, the main rule - the bed should be quite rigid.
  2. Inflammation of the sciatic nerve during pregnancy

  3. The course of massage with a pinch of the sciatic nerve. One of the most effective ways to combat pinching during pregnancy. However, a doctor's consultation is necessary to determine the type of massage for sciatica - classical or manual.
  4. Baths with therapeutic effect. For such procedures, sea salt is used. But the baths have time limitations and are shown exclusively in the first trimester of pregnancy, because at a later date, premature birth may provoke.
  5. Physiotherapy. You can perform exercise at home. Especially for pregnant women a number of exercises are identified that can alleviate the symptoms of a pinch of the sciatic nerve. With their help, the back muscles are strengthened:
    • standing on all fours, bending their backs and lowering their heads; then they straighten their backs and raise their heads;
    • stand up near the wall, pressing against her waist; then relax and press against the wall again.

    Exercise is performed several times, after consulting with a doctor!

  6. Application of rubbers. Use alcohol tinctures.
  7. Compresses. With their help, blood flow increases and pain is relieved.
  8. Wearing comfortable shoes. Pregnant women should choose models on a flat sole or with a heel up to 3 centimeters.
  9. Maintaining proper posture reduces muscle tension.
  10. in some cases, in the treatment of isalgia, the Kuznetsov applicator is prescribed.
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In severe pain, injections of drugs may be prescribed for treatment, but in most cases, unconventional therapies help to remove the symptoms of sciatica.


Nutrition for pregnant women is a special point. Excess weight not only provokes external changes, but can lead to a pinch of the sciatic nerve.
Women suffering from sciatica in pregnancy should be included in the diet:

  • spinach, tomatoes and cucumbers;
  • poultry and rabbit meat;
  • fish;
  • dairy;
  • mushrooms;
  • seeds;
  • berries;
  • citrus.

The use of these foods should be rational, so as not to cause allergic reactions.
It is necessary to exclude or limit reception as much as possible:

  • coffee;
  • tea;
  • sweet;
  • flour;
  • fat.

In addition, it is necessary to monitor the water balance and use clean water in the required quantities.


Many mechanisms are arranged by nature so that a person can not exert any influence on them. So, during pregnancy, the uterus grows, squeezing the internal organs and loading the spine, and the entire bone system of the body.

But a pregnant woman can arm herself with the necessary knowledge to relieve pain in sciatica.

It is noted that to reduce the frequency of painful attacks when pinching the sciatic nerve can be through regular exercise.

Each trimester of pregnancy has its own characteristics.

Inflammation of the sciatic nerve often occurs in the third trimester, when the uterus reaches the largest possible size and the load on the woman's body becomes significant. During this period it is necessary to listen to the recommendations of a doctor who observes pregnancy.

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Sciatica in Pregnancy: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment Exercises

Sciatic pain, as a rule, is caused by problems of the lumbar spine, such as protrusion or herniation of the intervertebral disc.

It can also be caused by changes in bones, such as spinal canal stenosis, osteoarthritis, degenerative disc disease or other condition affecting the spine, called spondylolisthesis. These situations can put pressure on the sciatic nerve, causing symptoms.

The pinch of the sciatic nerve during pregnancy due to a herniated intervertebral disc is not common. But, similar to sciatica symptoms are quite common during pregnancy. In fact, between 50 and 80 percent of women have back pain during pregnancy.

Symptoms of sciatica can also be caused by muscle tension and unstable vertebrae.

Pain in the pelvic region, problems with the sacroiliac joint and a condition called pear-shaped syndrome muscle, which is a problem with one of the muscles of the buttocks - common causes of sciatic pain during pregnancy.


This is due to the increase in pregnancy hormones, such as relaxin, which can cause weakening and stretching of the ligaments, especially in the pelvic region.


The weight of your child can also exacerbate problems with the sacroiliac joint or pear-shaped muscle syndrome, as it exerts additional pressure on your pelvis and hip joints. Sometimes the position of your child can increase pressure on your sciatic nerve.

Symptoms of sciatica in pregnancy

Inflammation of the sciatic nerve during pregnancy can cause the following symptoms:

  • periodic or persistent pain in one buttock or leg;
  • pain along the sciatic nerve, radiating from the buttocks to the thigh and foot;
  • sharp, shooting or burning pain;
  • numbness, colic or weakness in the affected leg or foot;
  • difficulties in walking, standing or sitting.

Always call your doctor if you are concerned about pain.

Treatment of sciatica in pregnancy

Pinch of the sciatic nerve in pregnant women is treated with massage, chiropractic and physical therapy.

Self-treatment of the sciatic nerve during pregnancy includes exercises that help stretch the muscles of the legs, buttocks and thighs to relieve pressure on the sciatic nerve.

Some people also find exercises such as swimming useful. This is due to the fact that water helps maintain your child's weight.

Try these five stretching exercises to help you ease joint pain and discomfort during pregnancy.

1. Stretching of the pear-shaped muscle in the sitting position

Pear-shaped muscle is deep in the buttocks. When it is compressed, it can irritate the sciatic nerve. This sedentary stretching exercise will help relieve tension in the muscles, and can help reduce pain in the sciatic nerve.

Necessary equipment: no.

Target muscle: pear-shaped.

  1. Sit on a chair, put your feet on the floor.
  2. If your left side is affected, put your left ankle on your right knee.
  3. Keep your back straight, lean forward until you feel your buttock muscles stretch.
  4. Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat throughout the day.

2. Stretching forward

This exercise helps stretch the muscles of the back, buttocks and back of the legs.

Necessary equipment: table or chair with back.

Target muscles: lower back, gluteus muscles, hamstrings.

  1. Standing facing the table (chair), put your feet slightly wider than your hips.
  2. Lean forward with your hands on the table (chair back). Keep your hands straight and keep your back flat.
  3. Make sure that your hips are as far as possible from the table (chair back), until you feel a pleasant stretch in the lower back and back of the legs.
  4. You can also rotate the hips to the sides to increase the stretch in the lower back and hips.
  5. Hold this position for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Repeat two times a day.

3. Pose of a dove

This popular yoga posture helps to reduce the pain resulting from pinching of the nerve during pregnancy. Small changes help to practice this exercise during pregnancy with comfort.

Necessary equipment: a rolled towel or a block for yoga.

Target muscles: muscles-rotators of the thigh and muscles-flexors of the thigh.

  1. Stand on all fours on the floor.
  2. Slide the right knee forward so it is between your hands.
  3. Slide your left foot back and straighten it along the entire length.
  4. Place a rolled up towel or a block for yoga under the right thigh. This will make it easier to stretch and give space to your belly.
  5. Lean over your right foot. Slowly drop to the ground, putting a pillow under your head and hands for support.
  6. Hold for 1 minute. Repeat the exercise by changing your legs. Repeat several times throughout the day.

4. Stretching of hip flexor muscles

The hip flexor muscles are the muscles along the front of the thigh that help to move the foot forward during movement, for example, while walking. During pregnancy in many women these muscles are in tension. This can affect pelvic alignment and posture, causing pain.

Necessary equipment: no.

Target muscles: hip flexors.

  1. Get on all fours.
  2. Put one leg in front of you in such a way that your thigh and knee are at an angle of 90 degrees.
  3. Slide your weight forward until you feel a stretch in the front of your hip and leg.
  4. Hold for 30 seconds, then repeat using the other leg.

5. Exercise with a foam roller

Foam roller is an inexpensive piece that you can use to massage the muscles.

This is a great way to calm and relax the tense muscles, which can help increase the pain while pinching the sciatic nerve during pregnancy.

The roller acts as a mini-massager for stressed muscles and connective tissue.

Necessary equipment: foam roller.

Target muscles: hamstrings, calf muscles, buttocks, pear-shaped muscle.

  1. Place the foam roller on the floor.
  2. Sit on the foam roller, supporting yourself with your hands.
  3. Move one leg over the other knee to the "figure 4" position.
  4. Slowly slide your body back and forth over the foam roller until you find a sensitive place.
  5. Continue on the sick area for 30-60 seconds.
  6. Slowly move on the foamed roller until you find another sensitive area. As in step 5, continue driving for 30-60 seconds.
  7. Repeat swapping the legs in places.

The next steps are when the nerve is clamped in the leg or lower back

A future mother may experience pain and unpleasant discomfort when the sciatic nerve hurts during pregnancy, which also upsets and causes additional stress.

Exercises with pinch of the sciatic nerve during pregnancy can relieve pain, reducing muscle tension and increasing mobility in the hips, lower back and legs.

Pain may worsen if you sit or stand for long periods of time. Therefore, be sure to change your positions during the day.

Listen to your body and stop the actions that cause pain in the hip joint. Always talk with your doctor before starting your workout.

If you have any symptoms, such as dizziness, headaches or bleeding, stop doing back pain exercises and get medical help.

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