Hyperkeratosis of flat epithelium - causes and treatment

Many women after receiving a doctor hear a diagnosis of hyperkeratosis of the flat epithelium of the cervix. But not every patient understands what it is and what the development of the disease is associated with. Another name for the disease is leukoplakia. The disease occurs in women of different ages and consists of a strong thickening and keratinization of the uterine epithelium. Diagnosis of the disease when examined on a gynecological chair.

  • Types of uterine hyperkeratosis
  • Causes of pathology development
  • Diagnostics
  • Treatment
  • Traditional methods of treatment
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Types of uterine hyperkeratosis

In norm the mucous membrane of the uterus is a brilliant and smooth pink surface. With the development of pathology, its surface swells and acquires a bright red color. After the transition of the inflammatory process to a chronic form, the body begins to build up the epithelium in the lesions, feeding to protect the tissues.

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Hyperkeratosis in medical practice is divided into the following types:

  1. A simple view. It affects small areas of the epithelium, pathology or carries a great danger to the health of the patient.
  2. Proliferative hyperkeratosis. It is a severe form, often provoking malignant formations.

In most cases, pathology is diagnosed in older women, especially during menopause. In young girls leukoplakia is much less common.

Hyperkeratosis of the flat epithelium of the vagina is often diagnosed during examination of the patient on a gynecological chair using a mirror.

Important!Pathology can be asymptomatic. Preventive examinations at the doctor will help to eliminate the disease and begin timely treatment when it is detected.

Causes of pathology development

There are many factors that can lead to the appearance of hyperkeratosis in women. The most common reasons include:

  1. Cervical cancer.
  2. The presence of the papilloma virus. Often hyperkeratosis is diagnosed with indirect HPV symptoms. This indicates the effect on the uterine mucosa of human papillomavirus.
  3. Hyperkeratosis of a flat epithelium of a vulva can develop also against a background of some venereal diseases. It can be chlamydia, gonorrhea.
  4. Epithelium with signs of hyperkeratosis can be diagnosed in women after getting injured. Most often this occurs during childbirth, abortion, less often with gynecological examinations.

Internal factors can also provoke a change in the epithelial layer. To them belong:

  1. Hyperkeratosis of the intermediate layer of the uterus can appear on the background of diseases of the organs of the endocrine system. It can be a pathology of the thyroid gland, diabetes mellitus.
  2. Also, the disease often develops due to the presence of an inflammatory process in the female organs.
  3. Often, pathology is diagnosed against a background of stress, chronic fatigue.
  4. With the artificial termination of pregnancy in the form of an abortion, the uterine epithelium is injured, which often causes its coarsening.
  5. Another reason may be an incorrect introduction of the uterine spiral.

The combination of one or several reasons can not guarantee the appearance of the disease in a woman, but they significantly increase the risk of pathology.


Often referring to a doctor with hyperkeratosis of the cervix, a woman hears such a result as the cytogram corresponds to hyperkeratosis of the flat epithelium. This indicates the presence of the disease and the appearance of one or more white spots on the epithelium of the cervix, indicating the layering of the epithelium.

Also, against the background of the disease, a benign tumor (dermatofibroma) is often found. In such cases, patients are interested in the question of what dermatofibroma means with hyperkeratosis of the flat epithelium. When diagnosing a disease, identifying benign formations is not uncommon.

Diagnosis of the disease is carried out using the following methods:

  • examination of the patient;
  • anamnesis collection;
  • the appointment of ultrasound;
  • analysis of the patient's microflora;
  • a study of the level of hormones in the blood;
  • biopsy specimens of the epithelium of affected areas.

As a result of the research, single clusters of scales or multiple formations are found on the surface of the mucous membrane of the cervix. After the diagnosis and elucidation of provoking causes, it is necessary to begin treatment. In such cases, the pathology will have a positive prognosis.

Important!Timely detection of the disease and proper treatment will help avoid complications of pathology in the future.


Often patients encountering hyperkeratosis of the cervix of the uterus ask a question about how the pathology is treated. With mild hyperkeratosis, patients are prescribed funds that help restore the natural functions of the epithelium. These can be medicines of the following groups:

  • probiotics;
  • vitamins A and C;
  • folic acid.

In more serious forms of the disease, treatment can be in the form of using a method such as chemical coagulation. A simple tongue is the cauterization of the affected tissue. This method is used for light and medium epithelial damage.

In severe forms, surgical intervention is indicated. These can be the following methods:

  1. Electronikonizatsiya - involves the removal of affected areas of the epithelium by means of a special surgical loop through which current is passed.
  2. Cryotherapy - here to get rid of the problem, cold is used.
  3. Laser treatment - the method is based on the use of laser equipment.
  4. Ultrasound is irradiation.
  5. Knife conization - involves the removal of damaged uterine tissue.
  6. Complete amputation.

Important!Drug treatment is selected by the attending physician on the background of the patient's examination and the features of the course of the pathology. Indications for surgery can serve as severe forms of the disease and precancerous condition.

Traditional methods of treatment

Treatment with folk remedies for hyperkeratosis can be used in the form of auxiliary therapies. Popular recipes include the following:


When the epithelium of the cervix is ​​affected, various decoctions work well against the background of medicinal herbs. It can be chamomile, calendula, yarrow, celandine. Brew grass at the rate of one tablespoon per 500 ml. water. Douching is carried out with a warm broth.

Use of oils

Vegetable oils have a beneficial effect on the human mucous membranes. For this purpose, sea buckthorn, olive, sunflower oil is used. Treatment is carried out with tampons moistened in oil.

Treatment with candles

Candles are used on the basis of cocoa butter. For this, the product in an amount of 150 g is placed on a water bath. After the oil has been purchased with a liquid form, a few drops of tea tree oil, 10 drops of calendula tincture, 5 drops of vitamin A (you can buy at a pharmacy) are added to it. After this mixture is poured into specially prepared forms of foil to obtain candles. Candles are put daily at night. The course is 10 days.

Important!Using folk remedies, you must carefully monitor the condition of your body. With this type of therapy, there is often an allergy to one or another component of the drug.

Timely diagnosis of the pathology and its correct treatment will help avoid complications and preserve women's health for many years.