Bronchitis in pregnant women

Symptoms and treatment of bronchitis in pregnant women

width = With the onset of autumn and winter, ARI epidemics come to the cities. Microscopic aggressors do not spare anyone. During an epidemic outbreak, all categories of the population suffer from the disease: children and adults, pregnant women and the elderly. The target for viruses is the respiratory system and its airway pathways - bronchi. ARI is often complicated by bronchitis, including in pregnant women. What if acute bronchitis developed during pregnancy?

Future mothers have certain questions:

  • What means can you treat pregnant women, and what is better to give up?
  • How safe are the preparations for the future child, which usually treat bronchitis?

How is acute bronchitis manifested?

The cause that causes acute bronchitis in humans, most often there are viruses. When immunity is weakened, bacteria are added to the viruses as pathogens. Symptoms characterizing acute bronchitis: cough dry or productive, chills, fever, sweating, general weakness, sometimes shortness of breath.

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To cure bronchitis, apply a variety of medications: antiviral, antibacterial, expectorant, antipyretics. Treatment of bronchitis in pregnant women has peculiarities in connection with the increased requirements of drug safety for the future child.

A rule applies throughout the world: no medicine is allowed for practical use without first checking the experimental animals for its harmful effects on the fetus. Nevertheless, about 5% of congenital defects in infants are due to the intake of drugs by their mothers during pregnancy.

What are the features of the use of drugs in pregnant women?

The mother's body, the placenta and the fetus exist as a single system. To treat bronchitis in pregnant women you need to consider such facts:

  • No medicine should be considered completely safe for the child, because the placenta misses substances with a mass of the molecule up to 1 thousand. Dalton, and sometimes even larger ones. The permeability of the placenta for drugs rises to 32-35 weeks of pregnancy, and stressful situations and toxicosis strengthen it.
  • The expected benefit from the drug should exceed the estimated harm from not prescribing the drug or from its side effects for both the mother and the fetus.
  • The therapeutic effect of the drug in pregnant women and the fetus may vary significantly.
  • Some drugs have a negative effect on the fetus in a remote period.
  • The duration of the effect of the drug on the fetus, including side effects, is much greater than on the mother's own organism.

During fetal development of the fetus, critical gaps are identified. In these time intervals there is an increased risk of defects and anomalies in response to the influence of harmful factors.

Critical periods of intrauterine development of the child:

  1. Period before implantation of blastula in the wall of the uterus (1 week of pregnancy). This period of high risk of harmful effects of drugs, which manifests itself in the death of the embryo before the fact of pregnancy is established.
  2. The period of embryonic development (2-4 weeks of pregnancy). At this stage, drugs can have toxic effects on the embryo.
  3. The period preceding the birth. Drugs prescribed for a pregnant woman can affect the course of labor and worsen the adaptation of a newborn to new conditions of life outside the womb of the mother.

Treatment of bronchitis in pregnancy with drugs should take into account these features of growth and development of the fetus in the womb.

Some information on the effects of antibiotics on the fetus

Coughing up purulent sputum is a sign of the transition of a viral infection into purulent bronchitis, is an indication for prescribing antibacterial treatment. What antibiotics can you treat bronchitis in pregnant women?

The use of large doses of tetracycline in the 3 trimester of pregnancy can cause acute yellow dystrophy of the fetal liver. The use of small doses of tetracyclines in the third trimester of pregnancy causes the coloring of the child's teeth in yellow, their underdevelopment, as well as the slowing down of the formation of the skeleton.

Cephalosporins and penicillins also penetrate the placenta, but do not have a toxic effect. When allergic to penicillins, purulent bronchitis in a pregnant woman is treated with drugs of the macrolide group (erythromycin and its derivatives).

Antibiotics - aminoglycosides (streptomycin, kanamycin, gentamicin) quickly pass through the placenta and are capable of to exert a toxic effect on the nervous system and the organ of hearing the fetus, as well as disrupt the processes of bone formation skeleton.

There are no reports of embryotoxic action of levomycetin in the scientific literature, but after its application in 3 trimester of pregnancy in a newborn can develop a "gray collapse" - a sharp decline in blood pressure pressure.

In the III trimester of pregnancy, long-acting sulfanylamides (biseptol, trimethoprim) can not be used. These drugs are firmly connected with plasma proteins, displacing bilirubin, which causes jaundice in a newborn. Co-trimoxazole disrupts the exchange of folic acid, which is responsible for hematopoiesis both in the mother and in the fetus. Metronidazole and biseptol are not used in early pregnancy because of the high risk of embryotoxic action.

With the use of analgesics and antipyretics in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, complications in the form of overstretch pregnancy, bleeding in the mother and fetus, premature closure of the botallova (arterial) duct with the formation of pulmonary hypertension in a child. Most often, indomethacin and voltaren (diclofenac) exhibit this effect.


All medications should be prescribed by doctors, before what use of this or that medication you should first consult your doctor!


During pregnancy, when necessary to treat purulent inflammation in the bronchi appoint penicillins, cephalosporins, new macrolides (josamycin, spiramycin, rovamycin), lincomycin, fusidine.

If it is necessary to take antipyretics, it is recommended to use short doses of drugs for a short time. Relatively safe are paracetamol and small doses of acetylsalicylic acid.

As expectorants for pregnant women, it is best to use medicinal herbs (except for lemongrass) and warm alkaline drink. If bronchitis occurs with obstructive syndrome, then solutions of ipratropium (atrovent) and salbutamol are allowed for the elimination of dyspnea, for inhalations through a nebulizer.

How to prevent bronchitis?

In order not to have to treat bronchitis during pregnancy, we must try to avoid contact with patients with ARI, use the means of barrier protection (mask, spray "Nazaval"), pre-apply the course of drugs-immunomodulators (IRS-19). Consult an obstetrician / gynecologist and therapist for an individual selection of protection measures against infection with ARI.

Bronchitis in pregnancy - symptoms and treatment

Bronchitis in pregnancyPregnancy is a wonderful period of life, but there are situations when it does not go without different respiratory diseases, more often in cold and wet weather. During pregnancy, immunity often decreases, which leads to a risk of colds. The course of bronchitis in pregnant women is peculiar to have their own distinctive features, as well as treatment.

How does bronchitis develop in pregnant women?

Often the development of bronchitis in pregnant women is a consequence of the virus or bacteria, in rare cases, an allergic reaction. On the upper mucosal airways of a woman get microorganisms that multiply and cause local edema, various inflammation or circulatory disorders. Under certain conditions, the inflammation that has appeared can develop, as a result of which it spreads to the bronchi and causes the secretion of viscous bronchial mucus. Stagnation of bronchial mucus and impaired blood circulation in viral bronchitis grows into a heavier purulent form. Cough, which is caused by irritation of the bronchi with mucus, can be very dangerous for pregnant women, as it is accompanied by tension of the abdominal muscles.

Symptoms of bronchitis in pregnant women

Most often, the acute form of bronchitis in pregnant women appears due to the usual acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI). Symptoms are general malaise, increased fatigue, a sharp decrease in appetite, a slight increase in body temperature. A nose may also be stuffy and a slight cough may occur. When the onset of bronchitis appears dry irritable cough, and there are pains in the chest. Only a week later, a small amount of sputum is released, which softens the cough. This sputum is mucous or mucopurulent. in some cases, can join bronchospasm, which is characterized by difficulty breathing and coughing. The disease can last up to 4 weeks. For pregnancy, bronchitis has virtually no effect, only there is a small chance of contracting a fetus infection inside the womb. To prevent this, bronchitis should be treated effectively and in a timely manner.

Symptoms of chronic bronchitis in pregnant women is a periodic cough with a rather small sputum, while the general condition is satisfactory, like body temperature. During the course of chronic bronchitis, pregnancy can become a serious risk factor, as the chance of infection of the fetus increases significantly. From the violation of respiratory function and lack of oxygen in the chronic form of bronchitis in pregnant women, there is a threat of termination of pregnancy, fetal hypoxia or premature birth.

Treatment of acute bronchitis in pregnant women with natural remedies

When detecting bronchitis in pregnant women at the initial stage, it is recommended to observe the bed regime, drink plenty of mineral water and liquids (preferably warm: tea with lemon, honey and etc.). Drinking can temporarily soften the unpleasant sensation in the throat, and also facilitate expectoration. For effective expectoration of sputum, it is possible to carry out inhalation with a soda solution. To reduce dry cough at the initial stage of bronchitis, it is necessary to drink a decoction or a special potion of althea root.

Treatment of bronchitis in pregnant women by traditional means

For effective removal of bronchospasm, use of euphyllin and ephedrine, and also use inhalations with ipratropium bromide, but only starting from the second trimester. To dilute viscous mucus and cough softens in acute bronchitis, various expectorants medicines, which must be consulted before taking highly qualified doctor. These medicines are divided into two main groups: for expectoration and for liquefaction of sputum. The first group of drugs prescribed for pregnant women with bronchitis include various potions of thermopsis or ipecacuanas (which can cause signs of nausea in pregnant women). Permitted for pregnant women with diluting sputum are: bromhexine. Quite popular today are drugs based on ambroxol, which are allowed to pregnant women in the 2nd and 3rd trimester, only if the benefit of such treatment will exceed the risk for the fetus.

Fortunately, bronchitis in pregnant women in many cases can be cured without using antibacterial drugs. Antibacterial agents are necessary only in cases of severe or purulent bronchitis.

Application of inhalation. It is important to remember:

- inhalation should be done only after two hours after eating, because it is at this time circulation in the upper part of the respiratory tract is the most optimal for effective access medicinal products;

Taking a deep breath. It is necessary to hold your breath for a couple of seconds, after which you need to exhale sufficiently;

- inhalation should not be more than 15 minutes;

- After the inhalation is recommended not to eat or drink for about an hour.

In pregnancy, it is forbidden to use expectorants, which are based on iodine, since these drugs have an unfavorable and damaging effect on the development of the fetus.

Symptoms and treatment of bronchitis in pregnancy

Bronchitis in pregnancy is one of the most frequently diagnosed diagnoses in the autumn-spring period.The main reason for the development of respiratory diseases in pregnant women is a malfunction in the immune system due to hormonal imbalance.During the period of gestation, the woman tries to protect herself and the future baby from various infections, but this does not always work.

The problem of bronchitis in pregnancy

Why does bronchitis develop?

The development of bronchitis is most often promoted by the following factors:

  1. Subcooling the organism of a future mother in the period of unfavorable weather conditions.
  2. Inhalation of polluted air can also lead to the development of this pathology. And in this case it is not said about the harmful factor that affects the production conditions. In a pregnant woman, the disease of the respiratory system can cause the city's air polluted with exhaust gases or cigarette smoke.
  3. Dust in an apartment or other room, in which there is often a pregnant woman. In addition to allergic organism, it can be the cause of bronchitis during pregnancy.
  4. The bacterial and viral component of the disease is most often the main one, and all the rest, as a rule, play a secondary role.
Overcooling is the cause of bronchitisThere are other predisposing factors. They can not directly cause respiratory disease in pregnant women, but they create a favorable prerequisite for its development. They include the following:
  1. Diseases of the internal organs of a woman with symptoms of stagnant phenomena, for example, diseases of the heart system with a characteristic stasis in a small circle of blood circulation.
  2. The presence of inflammatory foci or chronic diseases in the respiratory system or teeth.
  3. Genetic predisposition of the mucociliary apparatus of the bronchial tree to diseases of inflammatory genesis.
  4. Harmful habits of the future mother, for example, alcoholism or taking drugs.

How does bronchitis develop?

Because of the decrease in immune defenses in the body of a pregnant woman, the pathogens of the disease, when they get there with air, are not filtered, but freely dispersed. In this case, the pathogenic bacterium or virus is deposited on the mucous tissue that covers the trachea and bronchial tree.

Interacting with epithelial cells, the causative agent causes an inflammatory process, which is accompanied by the appearance of exudative detachable mucous or purulent. Mucous membranes of the bronchi swell. All this leads to the development of an obstructive process and the appearance of the first symptoms of bronchitis in pregnant women.

Is it dangerous to get sick with bronchitis?

Smoky air is the cause of bronchitisThe state of maternal and fetal health is affected not only by the inflammatory process, but also by medications intended for the treatment of this pathological process.

The gynecologist tries to calm the patient, pointing out that the acute bronchitis does not exert any particular influence on the health of the mother or the baby. But to treat it is necessary, since a timely untreated disease can be complicated by pneumonia. It is more severe, and in addition, it will require more complex therapy.

What can threaten inflammation of the bronchi with untimely treatment?

Possible consequences:

  1. Pregnancy may be interrupted. This is due not so much to the disease itself, but rather to its symptomatic manifestations. The clinical picture of bronchitis manifests itself in the form of a cough provoked by sputum discharge. If it is strong and prolonged, then the tension of most of the muscular structures occurs, including the muscles of the abdomen and uterus. This helps to strengthen the tone of the uterus, which can cause the termination of pregnancy in any of its trimester.
  2. Prolonged bronchitis can cause fetal hypoxia. As is known, the mucosa of the respiratory tract becomes swollen in this pathology, its lumen is narrowed. All this leads to a violation of ventilation of lung tissue and a decrease in the amount of oxygen that enters the blood of the mother's body. Subsequently, his shortage will feel and baby, who is in the mother's womb. Accordingly, prolonged fetal hypoxia leads to adverse effects.
  3. The entry of the causative agent of bronchitis into the bloodstream during various complications after the disease can lead to the development of intrauterine infection of the fetus. This, in turn, causes the development of pathology of the formation of internal organs, as well as infectious damage to the nervous system of the fetus.
  4. Adverse effects of exposure to medication used in the treatment of complicated course of respiratory system diseases. First of all, any antimicrobial drugs must be worried. In the annotation of most of them it is written about undesirable use during pregnancy. They try to appoint only in extreme cases.

How is bronchitis manifested?

Dry and painful cough with bronchitisAs a rule, the inflammatory process in the bronchi proceeds on the background of the development of respiratory infection. Bronchitis during pregnancy is no different from the classical form of the disease. The first symptoms that a woman complains about are as follows:
  • the voice becomes husky;
  • there is considerable pain when swallowing solid foods, mushy food;
  • there is a dry cough, accompanied by a feeling of sadness in the throat.

With the development of the inflammatory process, the cough intensifies. Sometimes it can be accompanied by the appearance of a pain symptom in the vaginal space and the lower parts of the peritoneum. With properly conducted treatment, the inflammatory process stops, and dry cough becomes productive (sputum begins to recede). It is often abundant, mucous or mucopurulent.

Symptoms of general intoxication are not the same in different cases. Its manifestations depend on the type of pathogen that caused the disease. However, most often bronchitis in a pregnant woman is accompanied by fever, headache and general weakness.

The diagnosis is simple enough. In this case, the doctor is guided by the patient's complaints and the objective examination data. On examination, the following symptoms are identified:

The doctor's consultation
  • hard breathing with characteristic wheezing;
  • if the respiration is wet (with late circulation), then it is accompanied by purulent discharge;
  • In the same period, wet wheezing appears, which is intensified with increasing respiratory activity.

At laboratory research of blood specific signs of inflammatory process most often are not revealed. In the cytological study of the discharge from the pharynx, an increased leukocytosis and a large number of macrophages are detected. Bacteriological or virological examination, appointed according to the indications, can help to identify the causative agent of the disease and determine the direction of therapy.

How to cure bronchitis in a pregnant woman?

If a pregnant woman has early symptoms of bronchitis, then she immediately recommends rest and bed rest. During the rise of temperature, a lot of drinking is needed. For this, herbal teas, lime, chamomile or raspberry teas are used. These plants in their functions are natural antibacterial agents and help to combat bacterial microflora. As a general restorative medicine and to stimulate the immune system, doctors are advised to drink broths of dogrose and tea with lemon.


To relieve the pain in the throat, you can use inhalation of alkaline mineral water, purchased at the pharmacy. You can rinse your throat with herbal infusions of chamomile, sage or eucalyptus. They will remove the local inflammatory process and facilitate the departure of phlegm.

Treatment of prolonged dry cough in pregnant women allows the use of medications that dilute sputum.

Most often in this case, use drugs mukoliticheskoy group, for example, Mukoltin or Bromheksin.


Timely appeal to a doctor and properly conducted treatment allows a pregnant woman to avoid serious complications after bronchitis, safely endure and give birth to a healthy baby.

Than to treat a bronchitis at pregnancy?

than to treat bronchitis in pregnancyUnfortunately, future mothers are not completely immune from various diseases. Moreover, during the period of bearing the baby immunity is significantly reduced, so "getting" the virus becomes even easier. However, the treatment of pregnant women and women is complicated by the fact that most traditional medicines at this time are contraindicated.

One of the rather serious and dangerous ailments that can affect, including, and expectant mothers, is bronchitis. This disease is necessary and necessary to treat as soon as possible in order to prevent the development of such serious complications as pneumonia and respiratory failure.

In this article, we will tell you what to treat bronchitis during pregnancy to get rid of its unpleasant symptoms as quickly as possible and not harm the future baby.

Than to treat a bronchitis at pregnant women?

Treatment of bronchitis during pregnancy in 1, 2 and 3 trimester will be slightly different. In the first 3 months of the waiting period for the baby, the use of any medication, especially from the group of antibiotics, can have the most severe and irreversible consequences. That is why, for mild illness, treatment of bronchitis in pregnant women in the first trimester is carried out at home, and if to him symptoms of severe intoxication are added or a danger of complications arises, the expectant mother is necessarily placed in hospital.

When treating in an outpatient setting in the first 3 months of an "interesting" position of a woman, she needs to drink as much as possible. To do this, any mineral alkaline water, decoctions of some medicinal herbs, black and green tea with honey and lemon, warm milk will do.

To get rid of debilitating cough apply expectorant drugs based on the root of the althaea. In addition, if the cough is dry, you can use Sinupret drops, thermopsis-based medicines,

bronchitis in pregnant women than to treatas well as alkaline inhalation with soda, camphor or thyme oil. When coughing with difficulty breathing, it is possible to use drugs such as Tonzylgon or Euphyllin.

If bronchitis in pregnant women occurs with complications in the 2nd and 3rd trimester, its treatment necessarily includes antibiotic therapy. Such medications can only be used for the doctor's prescription and strictly in accordance with his recommendations. Usually, in such a situation, cephalosporins and semisynthetic penicillins are prescribed. Antibiotics tetracycline for pregnant women with bronchitis are not appointed, because they can be very dangerous.

Bronchitis in pregnant women. Can I cure without an antibiotic? Term-5months, 1 pregnancy ended in utero death



I am not a doctor. But I am sure that it will reap warming, rubbing, cans, pepper plaster on the chest, inhalation.


Ask your question in the heading "Family... "There everything about birth and pregnancy is all amateurs here

Gulfaniya Sharifyanova

With pregnancy and bronchitis do not joke, you better go to your doctor gynecologist, because she is aware of the course of your pregnancy.

Marietta Tumanyan

If you have already 1 pregnancy is unsuccessful as you can on the advice to treat bronchitis, you can do the term 5 months and need to suffer not only you and the child, too, so you need to listen to doctors!


and now estimate what will happen if the bronchitis passes into pneumonia... there is no little girl, mother in the hospital.. .
compare yourself the benefit \ risk!
there are antibiotics that can be taken by pregnant women - they do not affect the fetus.
penicillins are possible)))

nataliya volkova

can be on the chest compress ozocerite and inhalation with garlic


No warming up! And very carefully with herbs. I think the antibiotic that was prescribed is the best way out in this case! Peace, often a warm drink. And calm!

Fluffy Kitten

And who said that bronchitis is generally treated with antibiotics? Bronchitis usually has a viral nature, therefore it is treated as a viral disease + more fluid, alkaline drink, expectorant herbs and medicines. And if the convalescence is prolonged or the temperature rises, then it is necessary to change the treatment regimen. Go to the doctor and insist on a general blood test, which shows exactly whether you need antibiotics.


The inflammatory processes in the lungs include bronchitis and pneumonia, tracheitis. To get rid of inflammatory processes it is necessary, first of all, to stimulate immunity both antimicrobial and antiviral. The more pronounced inflammation processes, the more intense the massage (rubbing of hands, feet, tapping the head up to 5-8-10 times a day). At a high temperature, pay special attention to rubbing the legs, hands up to 5-8 times a day.
Local effect in the projection of the lungs from the front: intensively rub the chest with the palm 2-3-5 times a day, tap on the sternum in the projection of the trachea and lungs. Coughing so immediately and knock for 1-2 minutes, massage the point of bronchitis (third-fourth intercostal space to the right of the sternum by 1-2 centimeters). Local impact in the projection of the lungs from the back: a back massage in the projection of the lungs (grinding, kneading, vibrations in the form of tapping with the ribs of the palms). Independently, a back massage, you can do about the door jamb. Vibrations are performed by a rolling pin with a rubber extruder ring on it. In a painful, hysterical, painful cough, carry out an intensive action on the point of bronchitis, tapping the sternum with the fist and projection of the lungs in front and behind, tapping the blade with the scapula.
It is important, during the massage of the chest, to identify painful areas in the projection of the lungs and to act on them day in and day out until painfulness disappears in them. Recovery comes in two to three days.

Laura Petrarkina :)

The disease often occurs in the spring and autumn. Primary bronchitis predominates in pregnant women, which develop as a result of infectious, viral bronchial damage when the body is cooled. Much less common are secondary bronchitis - complications of tuberculosis and other infectious diseases. Bronchitis can also be allergic. In this case, it is often accompanied by an asthmatic component. The cause of bronchitis can be production hazards: chemical, physical, dust irritants of the respiratory tract. Acute bronchitis is often combined with laryngitis, tracheitis, acute respiratory-viral infection.
Pregnancy does not predispose bronchitis to the disease, but the swelling of the bronchial mucosa that is characteristic of the period of pregnancy makes it difficult to expectorate.
The clinical picture of acute bronchitis in pregnant women does not differ from manifestations of the disease in non-pregnant women.
During the course of pregnancy, acute bronchitis has no significant effect, but intrauterine infection of the fetus is possible.
In acute bronchitis treatment consists in the appointment of frequent warm drinks: hot tea with honey and lemon, milk with soda or borzhom, lime tea. Such a drink softens the sensation of perspiration in the throat and behind the breastbone, facilitates expectoration. Apply the mixture of thermopsis. The potion from the root of Ipecacuan is more effective, but it irritates the mucous membrane of the stomach and causes nausea, which is undesirable in the presence of toxicosis of pregnant women. Show inhalation of alkaline solutions. To suppress the painful cough, a mucus decoction of the altite root is recommended. For removal of bronchospasm can be used eufillin (, 5 g 3 times a day). In most cases, it is possible to eliminate acute bronchitis in pregnant women without antibacterial drugs. If necessary, penicillin or ampicillin (5 g 4 times a day) should be used. Such antibiotics as streptomycin, levomycetin and tetracycline derivatives are contraindicated throughout pregnancy and after childbirth. Sulfanilamidnye drugs prescribed for pregnant women are undesirable, since they can cause crystalluria with obstruction of the urinary tract.
Recover, let this pregnancy end with the birth of a healthy baby in a healthy happy mother!


I recommend Bada "Tiens". Read the literature, especially with "How to restore health" F. Bikbaeva (doctor, nutritiologist).

Elena Berezovskaya

Penicillin is too weak and not quite a suitable drug in this case. Anti-cough, inglay, massage is not strong and physical exercises.

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