Effectively treat the neglected shape of the fungus on the nails

A healthy nail is different in color and structure. A problem like a fungus can deprive it of these features. If you do not seriously approach this issue in time, the disease will proceed with complications and go to a more complex stage. Treatment of the fungus of the nail of neglected form should be complex.

  • Symptoms
  • Causes
  • How can you cure a nail fungus on your feet?
  • Home Treatment
  • People's means
  • Medicines
  • Gels and ointments
  • Exoderil from mycosis
  • Treatment with iodinol
  • Creolein
  • Mycosis
  • Laser treatment
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  • Quickly treat the nail fungus at home

Many types of fungus do not manifest immediately, but make themselves felt even when the form is started. If the first stage of the disease can cope with it with the help of folk remedies and local medications, then the onychomycosis started requires more patient patience.

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At the beginning of the development of the disease many do not pay attention to the fungus of the nails and treat it lightly. Some expect that it will pass by itself. Meanwhile, mycosis "creeps" through healthy areas of the skin and goes into a complicated form. There may even be a fungus between the fingers, on the fingernails and on the head.

What happens to the nail when the form is running. The main symptoms are redness, itching, flaking, pain between the fingers and the skin fold. With this form, more than one nail is affected, which have acquired a blue and yellow color. The nail plate thickens, becomes uneven, changes shape, and in some cases even collapses.

Important!Fungus is able to penetrate the skin, blood and internal organs, which will lead to serious illnesses.


For the existence of the fungus, the habitat is important, conditions must be created.

There are 5 factors that could influence its appearance.

  1. Work in the conditions of harmful production (metallurgical, chemical).
  2. People who have other diseases (diabetes, malignant tumor).
  3. Presence of chronic diseases.
  4. Weakened immunity.
  5. Improper care of the feet, non-observance of hygiene rules (tight, poor-quality footwear, use of other slippers or a towel).

Moreover, the reasons for the neglected form include retreat from the treatment regimen. Thus, you can only hurt yourself.

Important!If you do not start treatment in a timely manner, then an exacerbation of chronic diseases is possible against a background of a decrease in immunity.

How can you cure a nail fungus on your feet?

General therapy is based on daily hygiene procedures, the use of local antifungal agents, oral intake of tablets that help to eliminate the focus of infection, use of vitamin, fortifying agents and the exclusion of sugar from your diet.

Important!If the affected nail does not pay attention in time, then it is possible that the disease will spread all over the foot. It is important to know which doctor treats the fungus, we already wrote about it.

Also, on the contrary, timely treatment of mycosis of the feet, relieve from onychomycosis. Fungus stop during the course of a lifetime is concerned with 70% of the population.

Treatment of foot fungus is as follows:

  • baths (potassium permanganate, diluted in warm water);
  • the skin is wiped dry and separate from it as much as possible all the scales;
  • Apply a cream based on antibiotics or corticosteroids.

Home Treatment

When you contact a specialist with a running form of nail fungus, you will be prescribed treatment. But beforehand, you will have to pass a series of tests. Unfortunately, not everyone has so much time and money. For such cases, there are tools that can be used to treat the fungus at home alone.

People's means

Surely many representatives of the older generation know many recipes of folk remedies for combating nail fungus. Traditional medicine also does not neglect them.

We treat the fungus with apple cider vinegar

In equal proportions mix apple cider vinegar and warm water in a small container:

  • so as not to get burned, the vinegar solution is thoroughly mixed;
  • do baths for 15-20 minutes.

After this, the affected areas should be well cleaned with a nail file and apply an antifungal agent. The procedure should be carried out daily before bedtime.

Hydrogen peroxide against nail fungus

Peroxide is able to rid the fungus only at its origin and the initial stage of reproduction. When the form is launched, it will have an effect if it is used in a complex. Treatment with peroxide is a rather time consuming process.

  1. Before using it, it is important to make baths for diseased areas.
  2. Then wadded disk cut in the form of the affected area, moisten it in solution and apply to the nail.
  3. On hands it is enough to hold about 15 minutes, on legs - one hour.

To prevent peroxide from spreading, fix the compress with a food film, and put on the fingertip. It is recommended to perform the procedure 2-3 times a day.

If there is no possibility to make compresses, you can stop on the bathtub. For its preparation you need 2 tbsp. l. 3% hydrogen peroxide diluted in 1 liter of warm water. Sore nails to keep it for 15 minutes 2 times a day.


Iodine has the most properties capable of defeating the fungus. It has antiseptic, cauterizing, tanning and fungicidal action. On its basis, many recipes have been developed.

Important!Iodine must be used on a daily basis, it leaves a yellow tint after it and, if it gets on a delicate skin, it can form a burn.

On the affected nail, apply 5% alcohol solution (one drop is needed) with a cotton swab. The procedure should be performed 2 times a day.

The second way:

  • pour into the basin with boiled water iodine;
  • Lower your legs (or hands) and soar for 10 minutes;
  • after the time has elapsed, cut off the diseased sections of the nails and apply 3% peroxide.

Then it is necessary to apply antibacterial ointment on the treated surface and fix it with a bandage. The procedure is carried out 3 times a day.
For the treatment of mycosis, traditional medicine often uses 20% tincture of propolis. It can be prepared at home (20 g propolis is poured 80 g alcohol) or purchased at the pharmacy.

Propolis tincture

  1. Wipe the cotton swab in the tincture, attach to the infected place and fix it with a bandage. Wear it for a day, then replace it with a new one.
  2. In 1 liter of hot water, dissolve 1 hour. l. tincture of propolis, in the prepared solution to hold limbs with affected areas for 10 minutes. Then the nails are cleaned from the softened infected areas. The effect will be better if you top up the treated areas with propolis cakes and leave for the night.


Pharmacology offers a lot of funds from the fungus of nails, including when the form is started. Determine what drug to treat the fungus should be used, only a qualified specialist is able. Most of these drugs can lead to side effects.

Pharmaceutical shelves are overflowing with effective means from the fungus. Among the wide assortment you can find the most popular ones.

Tablets have less effect on nail fungus than preparations for topical application. If they are prescribed, then it is obligatory for complex treatment. The only plus of tablets - they have an effect on all organs. Often they are prescribed to patients with diabetes mellitus and with a weakened immune system.

The most popular and effective tablets are Lamisil (the minimum period of use is 2 months), Fluconazole (treatment course 6-12 months), ketoconazole (apply at least 3 months), and Griseofulvin, Itraconazole, Terbinafine.

Gels and ointments

For the treatment of onychomycosis, you can use such popular and active drugs as Candid, Terbinafine, Lamizil, Nizoral, Zalain, Mycospor, Bifonazol and Lycospore. With the help of such a means, you can easily get rid of the fungus in a short time.

Moreover, the ointments are divided into groups:

  • Azol ointments (Clotrimazole, Miconazole);
  • allylamino group (Terbizil, Medofloran).

Correctly choose the remedy for treatment only a specialist can, based on the symptoms of the disease.

Important!Treatment should be strictly individual, and the choice of medications should be left to the attending physician.

Exoderil from mycosis

Exoderate is produced in several forms. For the treatment of onychomycosis it is recommended to use a solution, but, as often with the nail plate the disease "spreads" to the skin is advised to apply the cream of the same brand.

The medicine is applied after careful treatment (steaming, cleaning and drying) of the affected area. Avoid getting the drug into the wounds and eyes.

Treatment with iodinol

Iodinol is a budget option, famous for its effectiveness. Most often this tool is used in the form of lotions. You need to moisten the cotton disc abundantly in Iodinol and attach it to the sick nail. Then wrap the finger with polyethylene and fix it with adhesive tape. The dressing should be changed 2 times a day. After five days of treatment, it is necessary to make a three-day interval. During this period, the nail plate is treated with vegetable oil. When the form is launched, it is desirable to repeat 3-5 courses.


Creolin contains coal oil, ichthyol, rosin, soap and caustic alkali. Due to the presence of the latter component, it is necessary to avoid getting an antifungal agent on the skin. To do this, the skin around the nail is glued with adhesive tape. Creole is applied with a cotton swab 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment: before the regrowth of a healthy nail plate.


Mycosan is a safe antifungal drug. It is contraindicated for children under the age of four. The drug is allowed to use even future mothers.

Treatment Scheme:

  • clean the damaged nail surface with a nail file (procedure to be performed once a week);
  • with the help of an applicator apply serum;
  • give 3 minutes to allow the product to dry.

The procedure must be followed for a minimum of 4 weeks.

Laser treatment

The desired effect can be obtained due to thermal effects and infrared radiation. The specialist determines the required number of procedures. Usually this is not more than 10 sessions, even when the form is running. At the same time, according to the recommendations of doctors, even with a single sick nail, you need to get laser therapy for everyone.

Laser therapy is contraindicated in patients with cardiovascular and psychosomatic diseases, diabetes, oncology, collagenosis, lactation, pregnancy. Also it is impossible to apply the laser if recently (2 weeks ago) chemical procedures or ultraviolet, solar beams have been received.

To prevent yourself from getting infected with onychomycosis, do not go barefoot in public places, do not wear someone else's shoes, use only your own instruments for a pedicure, use your towel.

  1. More responsibly approach the choice of shoes, shoes, boots and boots - they should not be tight.
  2. It is necessary to use deodorants and talc regularly against sweating of the feet.
  3. Handle your shoes with antiseptic. After the bath dry your feet and moisturize with cream.
  4. Give preference to cotton socks. Do not allow the nail to grow into the skin.

Healthy skin serves as a barrier to parasites!