Osteoarthritis of the elbow joint: symptoms and treatment of osteoarthritis


  • 1Symptoms and treatment of elbow arthrosis with drugs and folk remedies
    • 1.1How does arthrosis of the elbow joint develop?
    • 1.2The causes of changes in cartilaginous tissue
    • 1.3Osteoarthritis of elbow joint of 1 degree
    • 1.4Osteoarthritis of elbow joint of 2nd degree
    • 1.5Osteoarthritis of the elbow joint of the third degree
    • 1.6Treatment of arthrosis of the elbow joint
    • 1.7Physiotherapy
    • 1.8Physiotherapy
    • 1.9Folk remedies for the treatment of ailment
  • 2What is arthrosis of the elbow joint and how is it treated
    • 2.1What is arthrosis in the elbow joint and how is it dangerous?
    • 2.2What are the symptoms of each stage of arthrosis?
    • 2.3How to treat arthrosis of the elbow joint
    • 2.4Medication for elbow arthrosis
    • 2.5Physiotherapy at the initial stage of arthrosis
    • 2.6Treatment with folk remedies
    • 2.7What ointments will help with arthrosis of the elbow
    • 2.8Do disabilities work for arthrosis, and in what cases?
    • 2.9Surgical treatment - is it really necessary?
  • 3All about Arthrosis of the elbow joint and its treatment
    instagram viewer
    • 3.1What is arthrosis?
    • 3.2Causes of appearance
    • 3.3Symptoms of ulnar arthrosis
    • 3.4Degrees of arthrosis of the elbow joint
    • 3.51 degree
    • 3.62 degrees
    • 3.73 degrees
    • 3.8Methods and methods of treatment
    • 3.9Medicines
    • 3.10Physiotherapy
    • 3.11People's means
    • 3.12Ointments
    • 3.13Surgery
    • 3.14Conclusion
  • 4Osteoarthritis of the elbow joint, symptoms and diagnosis of the disease, treatment methods and prevention, video
    • 4.1Causes of osteoarthritis
    • 4.2Diagnostic Methods
    • 4.3Treatment
    • 4.4Physiotherapy
    • 4.5Manual therapy and massage
    • 4.6Therapeutic gymnastics exercise therapy and kinesitherapy
    • 4.7Compliance with diet
    • 4.8Folk remedies
    • 4.9Prevention

Symptoms and treatment of elbow arthrosis with drugs and folk remedies

If there is pain in the arm, you can assume the presence of arthrosis of the elbow joint, the symptoms and treatment of which depend on the stage of development. A visit to a doctor at the first sign of an ailment increases the chances of recovery.

However many people ignore unpleasant sensations, postponing visiting of medical institution. Over time, irreversible changes occur in the joint. The sick person loses the ability to perform the usual actions and suffers from pain.

At the late stage of the disease, it is impossible to fully restore the function of the elbow joint.

How does arthrosis of the elbow joint develop?

Arthrosis is a disease in which a cartilaginous tissue inside a joint is destroyed. The World Classification of Diseases awarded arthrosis an international code for the ICD 10 M15 - M19.

Cartilaginous tissue can be compared with a sponge located between the hard surfaces of the heads of bones. When the joint does not move, the "sponge" is saturated with the joint (synovial) fluid. During movement, the bones exert pressure on the "sponge".

The articular fluid emerging from it provides a gentle gliding of the articular cartilage between the bones, even with considerable physical exertion.

After the cessation of motor activity, the entire synovial fluid is absorbed into the "sponge".

A healthy cartilaginous tissue is smooth, elastic and shiny.

It not only allows the bones to slip during movement with little or no friction, but also performs damping functions.

The cartilage softens the blows, protecting the bones from damage. One part of the pressure he takes on himself, and the other - distributes the area of ​​the bones.

In order for the cartilaginous tissue to cope with its task, its shape should ideally be fitted to the bends of the adjacent bones. Strength of a healthy joint exceeds the strength of metal bearings.

With arthrosis, the structure of the cartilaginous tissue changes. She becomes:

  • dry;
  • loose;
  • loses its elasticity;
  • elasticity.

The cartilage decreases in size, changes its shape, deforming the joint. Its surface becomes rough and covered with cracks.

The modified cartilaginous tissue exfoliates from the surface of the bone in the form of scales. In this case, the product of its decay - cartilaginous detritus (pieces of cartilage) is formed.

Cartilage particles move inside the joint and get between rubbing surfaces.


They damage the cartilage and synovial membrane of the joint capsule, like sandpaper.


The amount of joint fluid decreases. The slight sliding of the surfaces of bones becomes impossible. The movements begin to be accompanied by pain and creaking. Their amplitude decreases.

The causes of changes in cartilaginous tissue

Deforming arthrosis of the elbow joint can be triggered by trauma.

They start destructive processes in the cartilaginous tissue fractures of bones, cracks, ruptures and sprains of ligaments, tendons, dislocations and severe bruises.

Even small elbow strikes can damage the surface layers of the cartilage.

Changes in the structure of the cartilage are due to its deterioration. Destroy cartilaginous tissue excessive or monotonous physical activity. The disease is often diagnosed in people whose professional activities are associated with a constant load on the elbow joint:

  • watchmakers;
  • jewelers;
  • bakers.

In addition, the disease manifests itself in athletes:

  • tennis players;
  • hockey players;
  • volleyball players;
  • basketball players.

The disease develops in people suffering from a metabolic disorder, a deficiency of vitamins and trace elements.

Provoke arthrosis of the elbow joint can chronic ailments, rheumatoid arthritis, endocrine diseases, dehydration, frequent infectious diseases, hypothermia, overweight, intoxication organism.

The common cause of the dysfunction of the cartilaginous tissue is the aging of the body. Disease can cause inflammation in the joint. In the risk zone are people whose close relatives were sick with arthrosis.

Osteoarthritis of elbow joint of 1 degree

Since articular cartilage does not have nerve endings and blood vessels, its destruction at first can not cause any discomfort. Osteoarthritis of the elbow joint of the 1st degree is sometimes manifested in minor pain and stiffness of the muscles. There may be difficulties in moving the forearm.

A characteristic sign of developing arthrosis is an unpleasant sensation that occurs when trying to get a hand back behind the thigh, as well as when flexing - flexing the elbow. Such symptoms are often taken by a patient for residual effects after trauma or explained by overstrain of muscles.

It is very difficult to detect changes in the cartilaginous tissue at the initial stage of the disease.

During the radiographic examination, you can see a barely noticeable narrowing of the joint space.

If the patient at the time suspects something amiss and urgently appeals to the doctor, it is possible to restore the full function of the elbow joint.

Osteoarthritis of elbow joint of 2nd degree

Arthrosis of the elbow joint of the 2nd degree is manifested by intense pain with increased load on the arm. It is the pain that most often causes the patient to see a doctor. The sick joint disturbs a person even in a state of rest, significantly reducing his quality of life.

It is very difficult for the patient to take his hand back or bend it at the elbow. He can not hold the brush, clenched into a fist, in the flexion position (Tomsen's symptom). When you try to rotate and simultaneously bend the forearm, the pain increases (Welsh symptom). The movements are accompanied by a creak.


When examining X-ray photographs, changes in the cartilaginous tissue are clearly visible. Its contour becomes uneven. Bony growths are clearly visible. With external examination, edema can be detected.


Exacerbation of the disease occurs due to the accumulation of synovial fluid. Excessive activity of the synovial capsule is caused by inflammation of her injured membranes (synovitis). Swollen tissues are hot to the touch. Damage to the capsule is accompanied by severe pain.

Treatment of the 2nd stage of arthrosis is carried out by medicinal preparations in combination with physiotherapeutic procedures.

Osteoarthritis of the elbow joint of the third degree

At 3 stages of the disease, aching pain persecutes the patient even at night. The amplitude of movements of the elbow joint is significantly reduced.

Simple domestic actions are given to a person with great difficulty.

Trying to reduce painful feelings, he instinctively tries to keep his hand in a fixed position.

On X-ray images, the third stage of arthrosis can be detected by the destroyed cartilage, the absence of an articulation gap and multiple bone enlargement.

The deformity of the joint sometimes becomes so strong that the aching arm is shortened.

When diagnosing a neglected form of arthrosis, the treatment does not help fully restore the function of the elbow joint.

Treatment of arthrosis of the elbow joint

Patients are assigned chondroprotectors. Chondroprotectors stimulate the regeneration of cartilaginous tissue and stop its destruction. The most commonly used is a traditional combined preparation containing:

  • chondroitin sulfate;
  • Glucosamine sulfate (Artroflex, Kondronova, Artra, Teraflex).

It regulates metabolism in chondrocytes (the main cells of the cartilaginous tissue) and in the intercellular substance of the cartilage (matrix), in addition, increases the resistance of chondrocytes to enzymes that cause destruction of the cartilaginous tissue.

To stimulate the process of regeneration of cartilage tissue, vitamins of group B (B1, B2, B3, B6, B9 and B12) and vitamins C, A and E. To increase blood flow and improve cell nutrition, vasodilators are used (Pentoxifylline, Xanthinal nicotinate).

To reduce pain and inflammatory syndromes, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used (Flamax, Ketoprofen).


Antioxidant agents (Dihydroquercetin Plus, Mexidol) inhibit the processes of lipid peroxidation, reduce the formation of free radicals and inhibit the destruction of cartilage.


Peroxide oxidation of lipids plays an important role in the development of arthrosis.

For severe pain and swelling, local anesthetics (Novocain, Lidocaine) or hormonal drugs (Diprospan, Celeston, Kenalog, Flosteron) are injected into the affected area. During the injection, the needle is inserted into the cubital canals.

With arthrosis of the elbow, hyaluronic acid preparations (Ostenil, Fermatron, Crespin gel, Durallan) are injected into the joint. They are called "liquid prostheses".

After insertion into the joint cavity, they act as an articular fluid. Medicines lubricate surfaces, stimulate the restoration of cartilage and improve its nutrition.

Preparations form a thin film on the cartilaginous surface, protecting it from friction and destruction.


With arthrosis of the elbow joint, ultraphonophoresis, electrophoresis with lysine salt of ketoprofen (Flamax for injection) and vascular drugs, laser therapy, inductothermy, magnetotherapy, ultraviolet irradiation, balneotherapy, UHF on the ulnar ulnar joint. In addition, applications of coolants are shown.

During the period of exacerbation and subsequent recovery, the affected elbow joint is fixed with a special orthosis, a bandage.

Good results are given by massage and medical gymnastics.

Massage and therapeutic gymnastics can not be prescribed after injuries, dislocations and sprains of ligaments, with exacerbation inflammatory process, with elevated body temperature (above 3, ºС) and during infectious diseases. Before you treat arthrosis, you must wait for complete recovery. After surgery on the elbow joint should be at least 3 months.


First, the patient's joint is pressed to the stomach, the brush is lowered down, turning it into the side opposite to the patient. With a healthy hand, lightly press on the wrist until a slight painful sensation appears.

Then the patient palm should be tried to lift upwards, rendering resistance to a hand. Actions alternate 3 to 5 times, holding each position for 5-7 seconds. For the first time, it's best to hold your hand for no more than 5 seconds.

During the second exercise, the hand remains pressed to the stomach, but the wrist is tilted back. The patient brush gently rotate with a healthy hand, trying to point to the shoulder from the patient side. Then they try to give the patient with a brush resistance in the direction from the shoulder. Actions alternate 3 to 5 times.


For the next exercise, you have to put your foot on the leg and place the rectified patient hand on top with the palm of your hand.


With a healthy hand, grasp the painful brush from the outside and twist it in the direction away from itself until a slight soreness appears.

After this, the painful brush exerts a resistance of 5 to 7 seconds, but a healthy hand does not allow it to turn.

Remaining in the same position, the palm of a sick hand turns down and away from itself, and a healthy brush is strengthened by the wriggling of the hand until light pain occurs. The patient's hand resists 5-7 seconds, then the motion is repeated 3 to 5 times.

For the last exercise, the patient's elbow joint is placed on his knee, turning his hand palm up. With a healthy hand, the fingers of the hand are pulled back, onto themselves.

During the resistance, you should try to lift the wrist and bend the elbow joint. The voltage must be in two directions. The lead and voltage alternate 3 to 5 times.

Between the movements it is necessary to relax the hand.

Exercises for arthrosis of the elbow joint should be done daily 1 to 2 times a day for 3 to 4 weeks. Carrying out movements, you must not allow sharp pain. Moderate tolerant pain caused by stretching the tendons is permissible. Increase the load should be gradual.

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Folk remedies for the treatment of ailment

Treatment of arthrosis of the elbow joint with folk remedies gives good results, especially in the early stages of the disease.

Traditional healers use rubbers to restore the motor function of the elbow. To prepare an ointment from propolis, the bee product is pounded in a water bath until it dissolves completely.

Then add the same amount of vegetable oil to the propolis and carefully mix the ingredients.

When the product cools down, it is rubbed into the diseased joint. A polyethylene film and a woolen scarf are tied on top. After 6 to 8 hours, the compress is removed. It is better to do it before going to bed. The procedure should be repeated daily until complete recovery.

If there is no edema, you can massage the joint, rubbing liquid honey into it. Movements should be gentle and unhurried. Duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.

To eliminate arthrosis of the elbow joint, treatment may include the use of blue clay.


She is bred with warm water to the state of thick sour cream, spread on a piece of clean cotton cloth, put on a sore spot and wrapped with a woolen scarf.


Procedures can be repeated daily 3 times a day. Their duration is 30 minutes. Every time you need to use a new portion of clay.

It is useful to make baths with infusion of spruce or pine needles and young cones. Raw water is poured in until it covers it. Then boil it for 10 minutes. When the infusion is cooled to a pleasant temperature for the body, the elbow is immersed in it. The procedure lasts until the water cools.

A source: https://OrtoCure.ru/kosti-i-sustavy/artroz/loktevogo-sustava-simptomy-i-lechenie.html

What is arthrosis of the elbow joint and how is it treated

Fractures with and without bias, serious bruises and cracks in the bone are just a few of the reasons why arthrosis of the elbow joint develops. There are two types of this disease:

  1. The first has a post traumatic origin.
  2. The second type of pathology appears due to internal changes in the body (metabolic disorders, lack of nutrients, etc.).

Is there an effective method to fight the disease? Can non-traditional medicine and physiotherapy help? In what cases will the operation be necessary?

What is arthrosis in the elbow joint and how is it dangerous?

Any kind of arthrosis is a degenerative disease associated with pathological changes in the joints, in their cartilaginous tissue.

The cartilaginous tissue becomes thinner, the mobility decreases, the patient begins to experience pain during any slight movement by the hand. As already noted, the changes mainly arise due to the trauma.

Symptoms of posttraumatic arthrosis of the elbow joint are pronounced and have the following character:

  • Severe exhausting pain syndrome - occurs during flexion or extension of the arm. Pain can be caused by a load or have a spontaneous nature.
  • Decreased mobility in the elbow joint.
  • Puffiness - the absence of this symptom against the background of strong unceasing pain is one of the most characteristic signs of the disease. At breaks namyschelkov, dislocations there is a strong puffiness that does not happen at the most arthrosis. Tumors of the elbow joint can appear only in the third, last stage, associated with degenerative changes in bone and cartilaginous tissue.
  • Muscular weakness is established with the help of special tests and may not be noticeable for the patient himself.

Treatment of deforming arthrosis of the elbow joint largely depends on the degree of development of pathological processes and the effectiveness of the prescribed therapy.

After performing the diagnosis of the disease the doctor can correct the course of treatment several times, prescribing those drugs and physiotherapeutic procedures that will have the most beneficial effect.

What are the symptoms of each stage of arthrosis?

  1. Arthrosis 1 degree - there are no visible changes in the joint tissue. The main symptomatology in the first stage is manifested in stiffness of muscles and pain. Often these manifestations are erroneously perceived by patients as residual manifestations of elbow injury.

    The exact diagnosis can be made by the attending physician. In CT images, the signs of changes are barely discernible. Noticeably a slight decrease in the joint space. At the first stage, the pathology is completely curable, even without prescription of drug therapy.

  2. Arthrosis of the 2nd degree - accompanied by atrophy of muscles surrounding the elbow joint. Cartilage tissue is destroyed and depleted. The changes in the bone become obvious in the picture, its contour becomes uneven.

    A large load on the elbow joint in the second stage causes severe pain and can lead to disability. It is prescribed treatment with medications, in combination with physiotherapy and other procedures.

  3. Arthrosis of 3 degrees - is accompanied by a strong pain syndrome, which does not depend on the load on the joint and is observed even at night. In the picture of the joint, bony growths become apparent. At the third stage, the methods of therapy are extremely conservative.

    Even surgical intervention helps to achieve only temporary relief.

Self-medication with any arthrosis is extremely undesirable and leads to negative consequences. Determine the degree of development of pathology will be able only by the attending physician, after carrying out diagnostic procedures.

How to treat arthrosis of the elbow joint

As arthrosis develops, the disease becomes more difficult to treat. Timely appeal to a qualified specialist is the key to complete recovery of the patient.

The best results are provided by complex therapy of arthrosis, combining the following:

  • Physiotherapy.
  • Physiotherapy.
  • Full fixation of the elbow joint.
  • Drug therapy.
  • Surgical intervention.

As an additional measure that does not abolish traditional therapy, the treatment of arthrosis of the elbow joint with folk remedies is successfully used. Any methods must be agreed with the attending physician!

Medication for elbow arthrosis

Treatment with medicines at each stage of development of arthrosis has its differences. They are as follows:

  1. 1 st degree - at this stage can appoint chondroprotectors, groups of vitamins, vasodilator drugs (for normalization of blood circulation).

    Non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed extremely rarely, only with severe pain.

  2. 2- degree - the symptoms and signs of arthrosis of the elbow joint are characterized by severe chronic pain.

    To alleviate the patient's condition, he is prescribed anti-inflammatory and analgesic agents. It may be recommended to undergo a blockade course if the pain medication does not help. Recently, preparations of hyaluronic acid have been widely used.

    The substance that enters into the composition of hyaluronic acid is injected into the joint. The introduced substance creates a soft layer between the bones and protects the cartilage from further abrasion.

  3. 3rd degree - medications for arthrosis in the elbow joint area in the third stage are ineffective and their purpose has a single goal: to stop the destructive processes and thinning of the cartilage. In the presence of inflammation, they are traditionally prescribed NSAIDs.

    If long-term therapy does not bring visible results, surgical intervention is prescribed to restore mobility and eliminate pain syndrome.

At the initial stages of arthrosis for treatment, in combination with medicines, ointments containing bee or snake venom are used. Ointments gently warm up the muscle tissue and normalize the metabolism, providing increased blood flow to the damaged joint.

Physiotherapy at the initial stage of arthrosis

In the first and second stages of the disease, combining medical and physiotherapy gives good results. The attending physician will recommend the following procedures:

  • Massage.
  • Acupuncture.
  • Bath procedures.
  • LFK with arthrosis of elbow joint.

Variants of exercise therapy can be different.

Starting from Pilates and ending with yoga. Massage of the elbow joint is carried out only in the stage of neobastreniya. In this case, the movements should be smooth and soft.

Massage allows you to reduce the pain syndrome, resume joint mobility, and also increase blood circulation.

Treatment with folk remedies

In this respect, the "gold standard" of therapy is the "do no harm" principle. Before applying tinctures, compresses and other means, it is worth consulting with your doctor.

Some plants reduce the effectiveness of medications and can cause a strong allergic reaction. Despite the need for caution in arthrosis of the elbow joint, the patient can at home make significant improvements in well-being.

To do this, he will need to perform the following procedures:

  • To follow a diet - although there is no specially designed diet for the disease, yet healthy nutrition in many ways facilitates the condition and reduces the risk of exacerbation. It is necessary to include in the menu all dishes with a high content of gelatin: chillies, rich meat broths on bones. Features of nutrition are also associated with the use of all products, which include calcium. Alcohol flushes fluid from the joints, so you should reduce the amount of alcohol to a minimum.
  • Use tinctures and rubbers. One of the popular folk remedies for elbow arthrosis is honey massage. Massage is done immediately after visiting the bath. Honey is bred with a small amount of alcohol. The resulting mixture is applied to the elbow. Wrap it with a warm cloth, put on cellophane.
  • Physiotherapy. Self-fulfillment of exercises contributes to the restoration of metabolism. Begin the classes with a competent instructor in one of the rehabilitation facilities. Later you can repeat the exercises at home.
  • Fixation of the elbow joint. All methods of treatment are reduced to stop the inflammatory process and the destruction of the cartilaginous tissue of the elbow. Wearing a fixative bandage or special orthopedic corset will help ease the patient's condition and shorten the recovery period.

If the elbow joint is not bent, do not expect rapid results immediately after the start of treatment. The therapy will be long-lasting. Effectiveness in many respects depends on the observance of the recommendations of the attending physician.

What ointments will help with arthrosis of the elbow

In posttraumatic arthrosis of the elbow joint, special ointments can be a significant relief. There are four groups of these drugs, which are divided into categories for the main active substance.


  • NSAIDs - helps with acute pain, relieves inflammation. The following drugs act as the active substance in the NSAID group: ibuprofen, diclofenac, ketoprofen, etc.
  • Capsacin - helps to remove pain in the elbow. Provides a rush of blood to the affected elbow joint. The active substance is extracted from red pepper, it has a warming effect.
  • Salicylates - ointment relieves inflammation. Often appointed after an injury of the elbow joint. Ointment can be used for bruises.
  • Complex of substances. Some medicinal ointments contain all the listed active substances.

Therapeutic ointments have a relaxing mild effect.

Ointments are prescribed to treat the symptoms of the disease.

Do disabilities work for arthrosis, and in what cases?

According to the world classification of arthrosis diseases, the code for the ICD 10-M15-M19 is included. In international practice it is believed that, under certain conditions, pathology affects the patient's ability to work and limits his normal functioning.

In practice, this means that a patient may have a disability. To register a disability group, you will have to prove that the disease deprives you of the opportunity to perform daily tasks on your own.

Operative intervention allows you to register a permanent disability.

Surgical treatment - is it really necessary?

To an operational intervention resort extremely seldom. The operation is required in the following cases:

  1. Strong painful sensations, which are not affected by the intake of NSAIDs.
  2. A long course of therapy, which did not bring any visible results.
  3. Extremely strong pathological destruction of cartilaginous tissue.

Surgical operation is an extreme and also a temporary measure. Even after carrying out the prosthetics in 15-20 years, repeated surgical intervention will be required.

In order not to require surgical care, it is necessary to begin therapy as early as possible. A patient with a diagnosis of arthrosis should strictly follow the recommendations of the doctor in charge.

The period of complete cure with the most favorable outcome will be at least six months from the start of therapy, but non-observance of prescriptions and the rejection of traditional methods of treatment in most cases lead to disability.

From the patient it is required to be attentive to one's body, and also to take into account contraindications for arthrosis. All this is the key to a successful fight against the disease.

A source: http://ponchikov.net/health/artroz-artrit/400-artroz-loktevogo-sustava.html

All about Arthrosis of the elbow joint and its treatment

Disappointing data from numerous studies suggest that arthrosis has become the most common ailment of the musculoskeletal system.

City fuss, sedentary lifestyle, injuries of various nature accompany this disease, and it without proper diagnosis and treatment leads to disability and disability.

Most often, arthrosis affects the elbow joint, as the most important device for the vital activity of the hands.

What is arthrosis?

Osteoarthritis of the elbow jointIs a joint disease characterized by dystrophic changes in cartilage and bone tissue, due to friction and growth of osteophytes.

Starts the process of degeneration reducing the production of fluid in the synovial bag, which performs the function of lubricating the joints.

Localization of the disease occurs in the supracondylum region. Painful sensations cause inflammation and calcification neoplasms.

The area of ​​the lesion covers not only the cartilage and bone tissue, but also the periarticular bag, tendons, ligaments, and muscles.

With the development of the disease without proper treatment, the joint becomes less mobile, up to the total loss of efficiency.

The pain syndrome becomes unbearable, which subsequently leads to a number of physiological disorders.

Causes of appearance

The causes of the onset of the disease are many and in most cases development is accompanied by several factors of external and internal impact.

The main reasons for the appearance of arthrosis of the elbow joint are:

  • Age changes in bones and muscles;
  • Lifestyle and working conditions;
  • Hereditary predisposition;
  • Injuries to the elbow

Fractures, bruises, sprains, ligament ruptures, dislocations.

  • Violation of metabolic processes, accompanied by an excess of some elements and a lack of others;
  • Inflammatory processes, bursitis of various origin;
  • Endocrine disorders and intoxication of the body;
  • Subcooling, multiple respiratory diseases;
  • Excessive work or workload;
  • Violation of clotting and hematopoiesis;

The hormonal background in women after menopause. The consequence of infectious diseases.

Symptoms of ulnar arthrosis

First, arthrosis of the elbow joint almost does not cause indispositions, the disease develops slowly and asymptomatically.

Progressing arthrosis, manifests a number of signs, with the help of which the specialist assumes the presence of ailment. After the first manifestations of symptoms, a thorough examination and treatment are recommended to avoid complications.

Isolate groups of symptoms, which manifests arthrosis of the elbow joint:

  • Pain when moving arms, flexing, unbending, tilting, walking

The pain syndrome manifests itself gradually, and for the first time usually occurs after a load when doing sports or just when lifting weights. Gradually the pain increases and does not pass even in a state of rest and limiting the load.

It is localized in the place of joint damage, but sometimes it is transmitted to the cervical spine. In this regard, arthrosis is easily confused with the symptoms of cervical osteoarthritis and osteochondrosis.

  • External signs of skin changes, puffiness

The growth of osteophytes causes soft tissue damage, the inflammation of the synovial bag causes redness in the affected area. In the zone of the elbow joint there are tubercles, the color of the skin is modified.

The sound in friction is caused by the lack or lack of fluid in the bursa. Sounding sounds are characteristic for the movement of elbows and are considered the norm, but with the development of arthrosis, the sound becomes deaf, accompanied by painful and unusual sensations. As the disease develops, the crunch becomes stronger.

Gradually the affected joint becomes restricted in motion. The disease causes muscle tone, the lumen of cartilage becomes narrower, and outgrowths of bone spines do not allow to hold the hand on the weight and bent fingers in the fist.


Specialists call this syndrome a symptom of Thompson. It is used to diagnose and diagnose a primary consultation with a specialist.


Depending on the severity of the course of the disease, various types of therapy and the latest techniques are prescribed.

There are three degrees of development of the disease, which manifest themselves in completely different ways and have different symptoms and signs.

Degrees of arthrosis of the elbow joint

1 degree

For the first degree of the disease, as for the beginning, the pain is felt locally during movement and the load on the affected joint.

Externally, the elbow joint and external tissues remain unchanged, but a specialist with palpation can detect a decrease in muscle tone and difficulty in forcing.

The main sign of the onset of atrophic changes is an inconvenient and painful bending of the hand.

When bending back, there is a sharp sharp pain.

To exclude osteochondrosis, an X-ray is taken, and also with its help one can see the first degenerative changes in the lumens between the joints and the cartilaginous tissue.

2 degrees

In the second stage of the disease, the pain in the forearm area increases. Painful sensations appear not only during movements, but also at rest. There is a crunch, there is a weakness in the muscles.

When the function of the joint is already broken, the difficulties with the working capacity of the hand affect the daily chores.

Painful seizures that stop becoming less likely to become a cause, consult a doctor.

On an x-ray image with arthrosis of the 2nd degree, bone growths are clearly visible, which press on the tendons and ligaments of the elbow.

The cartilage of the joint is deformed, but there can be no external signs, and not to be. There is an easy, hardly noticeable swelling of the affected area due to inflammation in the synovial bag.

3 degrees

If the disease is neglected, the pain in the area of ​​the affected joint does not pass even during sleep. It becomes smaller with complete rest fixed in one position, the joint.

X-ray examination at this stage becomes as informative as possible, clearly in the picture the affected joint is visible, a lot of bone outgrowth completely closes the lumen between cartilage.

There is an external deformation of the elbow. Puffiness of the outer part of the elbow joint increases, the patient's arm irreversibly modifies. Mobility of the hand is reduced to a minimum.

Methods and methods of treatment

After diagnosing and determining the site of the lesion, the treatment is prescribed. This can be a complex therapy or an individually selected method for eliminating pain and restoring deformed tissues.

In modern medicine, medical treatment is used, accompanied by physiotherapy and therapeutic gymnastics.

The methods of traditional medicine for solving this problem also remained topical.

Surgical intervention occurs at the last stage of the disease or when conservative methods are powerless.


Treatment of arthrosis of the elbow joint with medical preparations includes local anesthesia and removal of the pain syndrome in the area of ​​analgesic damage. With severe pain, a blockade is prescribed with novocaine.

To stop the development of the inflammatory process with arthrosis help non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, for example:

These can be intramuscular injections, tablets or topical ointments.

After removal of the pain syndrome and normalization of joint mobility with the help of chondroprotectors, a recovery course begins. Glucosamine or chondroitin sulfate, which are part of the drugs, help restore and regenerate damaged tissue.

These drugs are expensive and require a long reception, but with their help you can achieve a full restoration of the elbow joint and return full functionality.


Like most diseases of the musculoskeletal system, arthrosis is treated in combination with physiotherapy. Experts recommend to undergo massage procedures for the affected area.

Visible effect is brought by paraffin therapy, which warms up soft tissues improving blood circulation in the problem area. With the help of electrophoresis, medications are locally administered, this facilitates their better penetration and absorption into soft tissues.

Laser procedures help reduce bone formation or completely get rid of them. Under the laser beams there is destruction of calcium formations, which frees, returns mobility to the squeezed joints.

A popular method among physiotherapeutic procedures has also become mud compresses, they affect internal and external dystrophic changes.

To restore mobility after a course of drug treatment will help acupuncture.

Procedures contribute to the activation of nerve endings and lead the muscles of the hands into tonus.

Completing a set of measures aimed at combating arthrosis, it is customary to consider curative gymnastics. At the initial stage, physical education should be done under the supervision of a specialist, and then you can do independent exercises.

It is important that during the exercise there is no pain.

People's means

Traditional medicine is considered the most safe and effective way, but there is a mass recipes of folk medicine, which have repeatedly proven effective in treating various degrees of arthrosis severity.

At home, rubbing and compresses based on various medicinal herbs are used.

The main effect of this method is based on the warming effect, improving blood circulation and metabolism in tissues.


Inside take tinctures, and decoctions to relieve pain and strengthen the body's internal forces to fight the disease.


People's treatment of the elbow joint at home reduces, mainly, to rubbing with ointments and infusions, applying compresses, baths and taking various decoctions or tinctures inside.

With the help of ordinary bee honey, the elbow joint is returned mobility, and inflammation is removed on the affected area.

Baths with medicinal herbs have a positive effect on tissue regeneration. Radical method, for example coniferous baths you will not name, but they at long course bring surprising therapeutic effect.

All folk methods are based on the removal of the pain syndrome, the removal of swelling and redness, the return of mobility to the joint.


Treatment of osteoarthritis with ointments gives an instant and tangible effect to the elbow joint, so this type of treatment is most like the patient.

The local analgesic relieves even the most severe pain and removes the external signs of arthrosis.

Ointments have a mild effect, and by their action principle relieve the symptoms of the disease.


All medical ointments used for arthrosis are divided into four groups of drugs.


TOfirst groupinclude salicylates, they relieve inflammation. They are most often prescribed for strokes, bruises. Ointments containing salicylic acid and its derivatives:

  • Salicylic Ointment
  • Solkokersal
  • "Hemosol"

The second groupAre nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that anesthetize and block the inflammatory process:

  • Diclofenac
  • Ibuprofen
  • "Fastum Gel"
  • Ketoprofen
  • Voltaren
  • "Diklak"
  • Diklobene
  • Clafen
  • "Clodifen"
  • Olfen
  • "Feloran"
  • Naklofen

Preparations based on capsaicin, warm up the affected area, improve blood supply and relieve pain. A substance of natural origin, extracted from red pepper, is the basis of ointments for external use:

  • "Nikofleks"
  • Kutensa
  • Nyz
  • "Naizer"
  • Espol

Combined ointments, which include several active substances at the same time warm, remove swelling, prevent the development of necrosis of soft tissues:

  • "Apisatron"
  • "Ungapiven"
  • Viprosal


Surgical intervention is used in cases where conservative methods have not had the desired effect.

With advanced arthrosis, the affected joint can not be restored, so it is replaced with a prosthesis made of high-quality silicone or medical metal.

During the operation, bone growths and tissues with signs of necrosis are also removed, which excludes further inflammation.

Operative prosthetics method is expensive and requires high professionalism of the doctor, it is resorted only in the most difficult situations.

After prosthetics, the patient undergoes complex therapy, together with a specialist, develops a new artificial joint.

With a successful outcome of the operation, after 3 months the patient returns to the habitual way of life.


With timely access to a doctor and early diagnosis of arthrosis, there are still high chances of a full recovery.

With the proper selection of treatment, the risk of complications is reduced.

The key to success is the fulfillment of all the prescriptions of the specialist, the observance of the regimen, the rest of the affected joint, and the intake of all prescribed medications.

Exercise and medical gymnastics in individual cases are necessary for a lifetime.

Given the physiological characteristics of each organism, there is a risk of a decrease in the efficiency of the hand, irreversible deformity of the limb and loss of full or partial mobility of the joint.

After effective treatment and complete recovery from the disease it is necessary to monitor the condition of the painful zone, limit the high load, monitor the way of life, and avoid injuries. Being careful and attentive, your chances will return to your health, the disease does not.

A source: http://vse-sustavy.ru/lechenie/loktevoj/artroz-loktevogo-sustava.html

Osteoarthritis of the elbow joint, symptoms and diagnosis of the disease, treatment methods and prevention, video

Degenerative and dystrophic disease, characterized by destruction of the articular cartilage of the elbow with a gradual change of the surface, which eventually leads to its complete deformation is called "osteoarthrosis of the ulnar joint ".

This disease belongs to the most common articular pathology - 12% of the world's population of all ages are sick.

More often osteoarthritis overtakes men over 60 years, women in menopause, professional athletes and people engaged in heavy physical labor.

Causes of osteoarthritis

Factors contributing to the development of osteoarthritis can be hereditary and acquired.

The latter arise as a result of often repeated physical activity, changes in the structure of the elbow joint after trauma (dislocation, fractures, hemarthroses), inflammatory processes caused by infection, intoxication with heavy metal salts, endocrine diseases, hemophilia. Congenital factors in the development of osteoarthritis include a violation of the elbow joint geometry, an incorrect distribution of load vectors on the articular cartilage.

Osteoarthrosis of the elbow joint does not occur in one week - it is formed over the years. In the clinical picture, starting pains are first observed, when the pain sensations increase with the elbow loading, and then disappear. In the process of formation of osteoarthritis, three stages of destruction are distinguished:

  • 1st degree. There is an insignificant narrowing of the joint gap, there are pains with intense physical stress on the elbow, the structure of the cartilage becomes rough.
  • The 2 nd degree. There are constant pains in the elbow, especially at night, impaired mobility of the hand, there is a narrowing of the joint gap at twice the norm.
  • 3rd degree. Bundles within the elbow are strongly thickened, and the amount of fluid in them is minimal. Because of this, there is a strong violation of the mobility of the hand, and if the patient tries to do something through force, then there is an intolerable pain. The cartilage of the joint is either severely depleted, or completely absent.

The main symptoms of osteoarthritis are pain in the elbow when flexing the arm, limiting mobility, crunching.

If at this stage, do not consult a doctor, eventually deterioration in the supply of articular tissues will occur, and degenerative changes in the cartilage will only increase.

Even simple work will not be feasible when there is a complete deformation of the bones of the hand. Disease, as a rule, does not lead to disability, but the patient's quality of life is greatly deteriorating.

Diagnostic Methods

At stage 1, it is difficult to diagnose, because there are no obvious signs of the disease - the disease is imperceptible, the patient has only minor pain in the elbow and slight fatigue.

Only with the delivery of synovial fluid to the analysis is determined by the disease, but not everyone will go to the doctor with such minor discomfort.

When a patient has constant pain in his elbow, he has to go to a rheumatologist who first makes a visual inspection, and to specify the osteoarthritis sends to the radiography.


In most cases, the treatment of osteoarthritis involves complex therapy, which includes the use of medicines, physiotherapy procedures, exercise therapy.

The doctor prescribes the course and dosage strictly individually, because to date there is no standard for the restoration of the elbow joint.

The rheumatologist takes into account the stage of the disease, the age of the patient, the degree of deformation of the articular cartilage and, on the basis of this, prescribes therapy.

Treatment of osteoarthritis with medicines is carried out using such drugs:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). They always begin treatment to relieve pain when the disease worsens. The analgesic effect of NSAIDs occurs on day 3, but these drugs do not affect the state of the bone structure, therefore, there is no relation to the treatment of osteoarthritis. The following drugs are classified as NSAIDs: "Naproxen "Nimesulide "Ibuprofen".
  • Hormonal drugs are "heavy artillery which are used only if there is no recovery dynamics, and osteoarthritis progresses. Hormones for a couple of days remove swelling, pain and inflammation, but because of many side effects, doctors are very reluctant to prescribe these drugs. To hormonal preparations carry: "Kenalog "Celeston "Hydrocortisone".
  • Substitutes of synovial fluid are liquid prostheses. They are created on the basis of hyaluronic acid and are capable of nourishing a cartilaginous joint, protecting against destruction and damping damaged tissue. These drugs are prescribed when osteoarthritis is in remission, and water implants are injected into the elbow joint by injection. The effect of the drug develops slowly and lasts from six months to a year. Famous substitutes for synovial fluid are Fermatron, Synvisc, Gialgan, Ostenil.
  • Chondroprotectors are needed to remove swelling and inflammation. If doctors prescribe injections, then the procedure is more effective, because the solution on the tissue affects much faster, and the patient feels a positive result after a few hours. Effective injections of chondroprotectors include: "Structum "Dona "Adant "Hualubriks "Mukosat "Alflutop".


Treatment of joints with the help of physiotherapy includes the impact on the zones of pathology by physical and natural factors: cold, heat, magnetic field, laser, hirudotherapy (leeches), acupuncture. The advantage of such treatment methods over others is safety and high efficiency. Procedures strengthen immunity, renew internal reserves of the body, accelerate healing.

  • Laser therapy. It is based on the biostimulating effect of the directed light flux on diseased tissues. As a result, microcirculation improves, the lymphatic drainage increases, healing processes are accelerated. Laser therapy helps to reduce the time of treatment of the disease and to achieve positive dynamics with the help of a minimal amount of medications.
  • Cryotherapy. This is a unique technique that affects the body with liquid nitrogen. Cryotherapy stimulates the immune system, has an anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anti-edematous effect in the defeat of the elbow joint, contributing to the saturation of blood with active bio-elements.
  • Magnetotherapy. This procedure is capable, under the influence of a magnetic field, to have a health-improving effect both on the whole organism as a whole and on its individual parts. For the treatment of osteoarthritis, the effect is directly on the joint area for 15 minutes in for 10-15 days, after which patients have a decrease in pain, an increase in remission time disease.
  • Mid-wave UV irradiation is the treatment with a targeted light flux. The mechanism is based on activation of the antioxidant system of blood, antiviral and bactericidal effect. UFO reduces edema, stimulating the restoration of articular cartilage.
  • Electrophoresis - a method in which there is a deep introduction of drugs with the help of a direct current. With this method of treatment, the patient's body is immediately affected by two factors: galvanic current and medicine. Penetrating under the electrodes into the thickness of the elbow joint, the preparations form skin "depots from which they slowly enter the body, increasing its pharmacological activity. Electrotherapy is selected for each organism individually (the number of procedures, the frequency of exposure, duration), so that there is maximum effect.
  • Darsonvalization is a physiotherapy method that is based on the passage of high voltage and frequency currents through the body. This procedure stimulates blood circulation around the affected joint, increasing the rate of tissue regeneration.
  • Diadynamos and amplipulse therapy are performed by acting on the elbow joint with alternating sinusoidal currents that excite muscle and nerve fibers. As a result of this action, a blockade of pain sensitivity quickly arises.

Manual therapy and massage

In osteoarthritis manual therapy is an important part of complex treatment, which is aimed at correction and increase of mobility, prevention of atrophy of muscles of the elbow joint.

A professional chiropractor is able to quickly remove pain, spasms and return the mobility of articular cartilage that was lost during illness.

Manual therapy is effective in the first two stages of the disease, and with a neglected disease it almost does not help.


There are two main ways of manipulating the patient's joint - manipulation and mobilization.


The first method of treatment is the abrupt movements of the therapist, which immediately give a positive effect.

Mobilization is a smooth extraction of bones, which is used immediately before manipulation. Unlike the first method, mobilization does not carry the risk of injury to the patient.

Massage with the disease is used when there is an exacerbation, and pain disappears. It is carried out by hand or with the use of various massage aids.

Not the elbow joint is massaged, but the tissues located around. If you are doing the massage yourself, watch the time of the massage.

Do not massage tissues before eating and immediately after it, and a break between the procedures should be at least two hours.

Therapeutic gymnastics exercise therapy and kinesitherapy

With osteoarthritis, exercise therapy is effective. However, do not hurt yourself, exhausting the elbow joint with training. Exercises for osteoarthritis are selected individually, and their purpose is to increase the amplitude of the performed movements.

If a patient finds it difficult to do gymnastics at home on his own, the doctor will advise him to enroll in the course of kinesitherapy.

On it, the Methodists offer classes on the unique Bubnovsky simulator, which activates the elbow joints with an accurate dosage of exercise.

Compliance with diet

For normal operation of the joints, the body needs mucopolysaccharides - biologically active substances that provide the formation of a lubricant of hyaline cartilage.

They can be obtained not only with the help of dietary supplements and medical products, but also with a balanced diet.

The goal of the diet is to reduce the load on the joints, by reducing body weight, and also improving the articular cartilage of metabolic processes. Basic principles of dietetics in osteoarthritis:

  • To bring the calorific value of a daily diet to 1800 kcal.
  • Limit the intake of animal fats and carbohydrates.
  • Eat half a meal a day.
  • Eat lots of vegetables and fruits, rich in useful fiber.
  • Limit the intake of salt, spices, alcohol.

Mucopolysaccharides are obtained by consuming saturated meat broths, chilli, in which there are not only bones and flesh, but also cartilages, ligaments, rich in biologically active substances.

Meat should be consumed only lean, and fish on the contrary, fat, which contains the necessary omega-3 acid for the body.

When osteoarthritis is desirable to include daily in the diet of milk and lactic acid products, and vegetables it is better to eat in raw form, since during heat treatment a large number of useful substances.

Folk remedies

Treatment of osteoarthritis with folk remedies is an important component of general therapy along with other methods.

The thousand-year experience of healers brings invaluable help to people suffering from damage to the elbow.

All of the following recipes are aimed at relieving pain, inflammation, improving the functionality of the articular cartilage. But in order for the effect to be long, the patient needs patience and perseverance.

  1. To eliminate the pain, make a compress, in the composition of which are in equal quantities: soda, salt, honey, mustard. The mixture is applied to canvas fabric, attach to the elbow joint, cover with a food film, leave overnight.
  2. Against inflammation of the elbow joint, a mixture of vegetable oil and white clay is effective. Components dilute to a consistency of thick sour cream, rub into a sore spot several times a day until pain decreases.
  3. When recovering the cartilaginous tissue, fir oil perfectly helps to warm up to 36 degrees, soak them with linen cloth, sprinkle salt on top and apply to a sore spot for 2 hours in the form compress. Do this procedure daily for 2 weeks.


Prevention of osteoarthritis should start from childhood - to follow the correct posture, to engage in physical education.

In a more mature age, one should keep body weight, balance nutrition, exercise therapy, take 15-minute therapeutic baths with iodine-bromine soda (250 g per 10 liters of water) once a week.

If the disease is already diagnosed, then you need to exclude increased stress on the elbow joint and regularly do exercise.

The defeat of the elbow joint in osteoarthritis is a dangerous chronic disease that develops due to unloaded muscle loads or hereditary predisposition.

In order not to disturb the joints in old age, any person should know if he has this disease. For pain in the elbow of any character, contact the doctor immediately. Watch a video in which the neurologist MM.

Sperling tells how to recognize the ailment at an early stage:

A source: http://vrachmedik.ru/27-osteoartroz-loktevogo-sustava.html