Joints of arms or hand hurt, what to do or make? causes and treatment


  • 1Pain in joints of hands and feet: causes and treatment, possible diseases
    • 1.1Eight common causes of pain in the joints of the feet and hands
    • 1.2The nature of pain in the hands and feet with known joint diseases
    • 1.3Rheumatoid arthritis
    • 1.4Psoriatic arthritis
    • 1.5Rheumatism
    • 1.6How to treat pain in the joints of the hands and feet
    • 1.7Summary
  • 2Joints of arms and legs ache - what to do, the reasons
    • 2.1Mechanical damage to the joints
    • 2.2Inflammatory diseases of the extremities
    • 2.3What to do when swelling of the hand
    • 2.4Why the joints of the feet are swollen
    • 2.5Watch the video on this topic
    • 2.6Why do my arms and legs hurt on video
    • 2.7What else do you need to read:
    • 2.8Effective treatment of the ailment of the hands and lower limbs
    • 2.9Home therapy
    • 2.10The help of national means at a trauma
    • 2.11How to deal with arthritis
    • 2.12How to help with arthrosis
    • 2.13Effective means for gout
  • 3causes and treatment of pain in the joints of the hands and feet
    • 3.1Causes
    • 3.2Gout
    • instagram viewer
    • 3.3Osteoarthritis
    • 3.4Rheumatism
    • 3.5Rheumatoid arthritis
    • 3.6Bruising, trauma
    • 3.7Other reasons
    • 3.8First aid
  • 4The joints of the hands and feet ache. Causes. Symptoms. Treatment
    • 4.1Why do the joints of the hands and feet ache?
    • 4.2Joints hurt. Symptoms
    • 4.3Diagnosis of the disease:
    • 4.4Pain in the joints. Treatment
  • 5Joints of arms or hand hurt and legs or foots - what to do or make?
    • 5.1Causes of aching of large joints of hands and feet
    • 5.2Why hurt small joints?
    • 5.3Causes of discomfort in the joints and bones
    • 5.4If it hurts the joints on the weather
    • 5.5What should be the treatment?
    • 5.6How to treat aches with changing weather?
    • 5.7How to treat folk ways?
    • 5.8Treatment of joint pain at home
    • 5.9Nutrition in painful joints

Pain in joints of hands and feet: causes and treatment, possible diseases


There are many diseases of the joints, as well as other systemic diseases of the body that cause joint pain. If you are concerned about pain in the joints of the hands and feet at the same time - then such problems usually cause illnesses from Table 1:

Table 1:

(if the table is not completely visible - turn it to the right)

A number of diseases that often affect the joints - usually affect one to two joints, and extremely rarely cause systemic damage and joint pains of the joints and arms and legs at the same time. They are presented in Table 2:

(if the table is not completely visible - turn it to the right)

Diseases from Table 2 usually cause damage to 1-2 joints, very rarely at once many articulations and arms, and legs.

If you are concerned about pain in several large and small joints of the limbs, the reasons are already different - more often it is an infectious disease or a systemic illness from Table 1.

Some diseases that affect joints and arms, and legs at once, pose a serious danger.

For example, as a result of an autoimmune disease, rheumatoid arthritis may even be the death of a patient from respiratory, cardiac or renal failure.

Such pathologies as infectious or reactive arthritis are less dangerous.

The treatment of each particular ailment is individual.

If you are concerned about pain in the joints of the legs and hands - without delay, first contact the therapist, which, based on the alleged cause of pain, will be directed to a rheumatologist, traumatologist, arthrologist or orthopedist.

Further in the article we will consider the common causes of articular pain, the nature of pain in common diseases and give general recommendations on what to do to get rid of the ailments.

Eight common causes of pain in the joints of the feet and hands

  1. Injuries;

  2. advanced age;

  3. obesity;

  4. osteoporosis (bone disease);

  5. genetic predisposition;

  6. regular excessive physical activity or, conversely, inactivity;

  7. unbalanced nutrition with the use of harmful food: smoked products, refractory fats, products with a large content of artificial colors, preservatives, other food additives, re-salting dishes;

  8. operation on the periarticular region.

The true cause of joint pain can only be diagnosed by a doctor who will analyze all the features of the pain syndrome, take into account the presence of concomitant signs or diseases, and will assign a number of studies. Only after studying all the results obtained will establish an accurate diagnosis, choose the method of treatment.

The nature of pain in the hands and feet with known joint diseases

Rheumatoid arthritis

In rheumatoid arthritis, the joint syndrome predominates with a symmetrical lesion of the joints of the hands and (or) legs, i.e., In the process, both wrists, ankles or other joints are simultaneously involved.

Acute and subacute onset of the disease is expressed by sharp pain in the muscles and affected joints, fever, general weakness.

With an unobtrusive progression of this arthritis, a prolonged increase in joint changes with mild soreness is characteristic, with no significant functional disturbances.

"The fin of the walrus"


Typically involving elbows, knees, wrists, hands, feet. Less characteristic, but not impossible, lesions of the shoulder, hip or spine joints.


Constant aching pain intensifies at rest, especially after a night rest, stiffness with limited mobility is noted.

The long-term course of the process leads to an irreversible deformation of the hands and fingers, called the "swan's neck "walrus fin "spindle-shaped fingers". The toes stop moving outward when deformed.

Psoriatic arthritis

In psoriatic arthritis, in addition to skin changes, the interphalangeal joints of the fingers and feet are first affected, then the shoulder, knee or other large joints.

The disease is characterized by simultaneous asymmetric lesion of 2-3 joints - oligoarthritis - with development tendovaginitis, local increase in temperature, swelling of the area of ​​inflammation, reddening of the skin up to cyanosis.

The pains are more troubling at night and at rest, the morning stiffness passes during the day.


Along with the defeat of internal organs - the heart, kidneys, lungs, lymphatic system - inflammatory process affects the joints, manifested by periodic pain, swelling, general and local increase temperature.

A characteristic symptom is multiple arthralgia. Pain sensations are of a symmetrical nature, appear immediately in several joints. A distinctive feature is the volatility of pains: they pass independently in one joints, appearing in others.

How to treat pain in the joints of the hands and feet

The choice of treatment tactics depends not only on the correctly established diagnosis, but also on a number of factors:

  • the age of the patient;
  • type of pathological process;
  • severity and stage of the disease;
  • the number of affected joints;
  • precise localization of pathology;
  • presence of concomitant diseases, for example, diabetes, tuberculosis.

What should I do to successfully treat the disease? Each case is individual, in the table below I give "general" and common methods of treatment, which are often used to treat joint pain (with different pathologies).

(if the table is not completely visible - turn it to the right)


Despite the severity of diseases that occur with joint damage, they can be successfully treated.And the sooner begin to treat the disease - the more effective the therapy will be. It is important not to engage in self-medication, but immediately go to the doctor.

Nadezhda Martynova

A source:

Joints of arms and legs ache - what to do, the reasons

Sore and aching joints of hands and feet, even in athletes. After all, they are the most important part of the human body, on which the person's ability to run, to climb the stairs depends. It is very important to know what to do about it.

There are many diseases that cause pain in the hands and feet. Each of them has its own peculiarities. Because of the onset of the disease, they can all be divided into two large groups: mechanical and inflammatory.

Mechanical damage to the joints

The joints of the hands and feet are most prone to wear, since they are constantly in motion. Their disease leads to a hampering of daily life: it is increasingly difficult for a person to work, walk, or study at home.

If you have sharply contracted joints, then there is an explanation:

  1. Osteoarthritis and osteoarthritis. More often, similar wear of cartilaginous tissue is observed in elderly people. A typical reason for this is the cessation or receipt of insufficient nutrients into the joint.
    • severe aching pain in the small joints of the fingers and toes, and with further development of the disease - wrists, elbows and hips;
    • painful sensations with a slight pressure on the joint;
    • pain during exercise.
  2. Injuries. They are always accompanied by pain. Dislocation, sprain and joint rupture immediately make themselves felt.
    • edema;
    • redness;
    • limitation of joint performance.
  3. Gout. "Illness of meat-eaters is caused by the accumulation inside the joint of crystalline formations of uric acid. The disease is common in elderly and young people.
    • at the beginning of the illness a person feels a painful burning pain in the joints of the feet, if not take action, then soon the hands will be struck;
    • pains are especially strong in the dark, and by the morning they subsided;
    • around the joints are characteristic cones.

Inflammatory diseases of the extremities

If you have started to hurt limbs, you need to understand that inflammatory diseases of the joints can have different origins:

  • injury;
  • infection;
  • extreme dystrophy.

The reasons are the same experts call:

  • a strong allergic reaction;
  • various infections;
  • injuries;
  • lack of certain vitamins;
  • metabolic disease.

Arthritis is a joint disease caused by inflammatory processes in the cartilage itself.

If you find the following symptoms, you should immediately contact your doctor:

  • limitation of joint mobility (especially in the morning);
  • increase in temperature near the affected area;
  • severe swelling and redness in the joint.


What to do when swelling of the hand

  1. Injury. Swelling in the arm can be caused by various joint injuries. Most often this occurs as a result of a trauma: dislocation, sprain or rupture of the joint.

    If the injury is not serious, then you can not visit the doctor, but conduct treatment at home.

  2. Arthritis.

    Arthritis is a common joint disease, the earliest symptom of which is swelling of the fingers on the arm (more often the right one). The peculiarity of this ailment is that the joints become inflamed symmetrically to each other.

  3. Osteoarthritis. In arthrosis, in very rare cases, the joints of the hands are swollen. Usually this happens if the treatment of the disease is constantly postponed.
  4. Gout.

    With gout, the joints of the hands swell quite rarely and only in a neglected state. Affected cartilage symmetrically, but not constantly, but in periods. Attacks of gout are very painful, therefore at the first case it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Why the joints of the feet are swollen

  1. Injury. Getting injured on the leg is easy. Any dislocation, fracture, rupture and stretching lead to rapid swelling of the affected joint.

    In this case, you need to assess the extent of the problem, try to carry out treatment at home, if everything is very serious or home treatment does not help, you need to urgently go to the doctor.

  2. Arthritis.

    When the disease arthritis at the same time with the fingers begin to swell the small joints of the feet. On the legs the disease develops also symmetrically. Everything starts from the bottom of the fingers.

  3. Gout.

    When gout is the first to be struck by the big toes. They instantly swell, and the person feels unbearable pain. If you do not start treatment immediately, then the other joints will be symmetrically affected.

  4. Osteoarthritis.

    Usually arthrosis affects the joints of the legs. Due to deformity or destruction of the joint and subsequent increased stress on the bone, the area of ​​the body near the affected cartilage swells.

Watch the video on this topic

Why do my arms and legs hurt on video

Watch a video about the causes of pain:

What else do you need to read:

Effective treatment of the ailment of the hands and lower limbs

What to do if the joints of the hands and feet hurt? Treatment of joints can not be delayed, otherwise there will be complications, which are much more difficult to combat. For different diseases use different means.

Affected joints of the feet are treated:

  • anti-inflammatory hormonal;
  • antirheumatic drugs;
  • immunosuppressive drugs.

Doctors also strongly recommend starting recreational physical education, aimed at restoring the cartilage.

If there are problems with the joints of the hands, it is worth taking painkillers. Exhausted cartilage disease, fueled with special additives that contain elements of connective tissue.

You can not heavily burden a sick joint. Doctors recommend massage.

The following treatment procedures are also recommended:

  • ozokerite applications;
  • baths with medicinal mud;
  • therapy with magnets;
  • laser therapy;
  • electrophoresis.

For the full restoration of the joint, it is necessary to provide it with all the necessary vitamins and minerals, and to establish the metabolism in the body.

Home therapy

In the event that the joint is not severely damaged, you can try to treat it at home with folk rations.

Do not completely trust the folk medicine, because it does not always give such a result as the modern one. Remember: an integrated approach (medicines + folk remedies) is a guarantee of health.

The help of national means at a trauma

If you suddenly suffered a joint injury, you can start improving the house with the help of folk remedies.

To relieve inflammation and swelling, you should use compresses, lotions, special bandages with products that have anti-inflammatory healing effects:

  1. Honey cake is applied to the skin of the affected joint, then wrapped with a cotton cloth and fixed with a bandage. Helps with sprains, bruises and light dislocations.
  2. Wet the dressing in the broth of chamomile and attach it to the joint, wrap it with a bandage.
  3. Pulp finely grated potatoes or fresh aloe leaf to lay on the affected area, cover with cellophane and fix with a bandage.

How to deal with arthritis

This disease can also be treated at home:

  1. Prepare the tincture, mixing finely grated potatoes and yogurt. Take it for two months on schedule. The first 10 days - daily, the second - a day, the third - two days later.
  2. Every day before eating, drink a tablespoon of diluted apple cider vinegar per liter of boiled water.
  3. Rub the fresh buttercup flowers so that they begin to ooze. Lay the resulting flesh on the diseased joint, cover it with a packet and bandage it. Such a compress, made before going to bed, will take away all the pain.

How to help with arthrosis

Osteoarthritis is well treatable:

  1. Boil coniferous needles. In the broth moisten the cloth, wrap the sore spot, top cover with cellophane, then wrap it with a warm woolen shawl. Remove in an hour.
  2. Take a tablespoon of honey, mustard and vegetable oil and mix. The resulting boil, put on cloth. Compress put on a sore spot, cover with a package and scarf. Shoot after 2 hours.

Effective means for gout

This "male" disease is also treated at home:

  1. Chamomile solution mix with salt and water in a proportion of 10/1/2. Can be used as a bath, and as a compress.
  2. Unopened fir cones soak in boiling water and leave to infuse for 10 hours. Drink the resulting broth is one or two times a day before meals.

Remember, the treatment of patients with joints can not be postponed until later!

A source:

causes and treatment of pain in the joints of the hands and feet

The joints of the hands and feet ache, what do not you know?Provide peace, give up physical activity, describe your own feelings.

Cutting, sharp, dull, aching - pains in the joints of the hands and feet can be any plan. From their type, intensity, presence of remissions is diagnosed, the therapy is selected.

When diagnosing it is important to consider the events preceding the pain attack, small and large rashes or lesions on the skin, body temperature, puffiness, localization.

Consider what kind of pains in the joints, what is the cause of the phenomenon, what treatment can be prescribed.




Metabolic disease, accompanied by deposits of uric acid in tissues, disorders of the urogenital system and the formation of gouty nodes. Other signs:

  • fever in the joint;
  • edema;
  • redness of the skin over the joint;
  • paroxysmal nature of the course, accompanied by long periods of remission, during which the person feels absolutely healthy.

The diagnosis is based on the results of a blood test (the presence of acid crystals), the body's reaction on colchicine (edema subsides, signs of inflammation become less pronounced) and x-ray survey.

The disease is more common in people who eat lots of meat.

The last type of scopies is rarely prescribed.

A method is being used to monitor the effect of chronic gout form. Kidney ultrasound and Robert's test are also prescribed to patients to confirm the diagnosis.

Examination and treatment is performed by a rheumatologist.

In this case, the patient is prescribed a diet. We have to refrain from baking, grapes, beans, margarine, fatty meat and fish, mushrooms, figs. With care, you should eat tomatoes, tomato paste. Ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard, sharp spices are contraindicated.

Urticodepressive therapy is administered:

  • Atophan;
  • Anturan;
  • Urodan.

Traditional medicine practices poultices, foot baths with chamomile flowers, grinding with animal fat.

The nature of pain

Feelings are similar to those that arise with acute arthritis. The foot begins to ache at night. Unpleasant sensations quickly grow. Often the body temperature rises. The patient is intolerable contact with objects. Even the weight of the sheet causes discomfort.

The attack lasts from several days to several weeks. Then severe joint pain disappears along with other symptoms.

Remission occurs also in the absence of proper treatment. Repeated gout makes itself felt 5-6 months after the first manifestation.

Over time, periods of calm are becoming less lengthy.



Degenerative joint diseasein which there is a deformation of the bone tissue. Morphological, molecular, biomechanical cellular changes are observed. There is a temporary numbness.


  • joints of fingers of hands;
  • hip joints;
  • knee joints;
  • 1-metatarsophalangeal joints of brushes;
  • joints of the big toes.

When making a diagnosis, shots are crucial.

X-rays should detect dystrophic changes in cartilage, narrowing of the joint gap (only in stages 3 and 4), flattening of the bone marrow. The results of CT and MRI of the joint are taken into account.

Treatment is conducted by a rheumatologist. It is recommended to consult doctors and other profiles: the endocrinologist, hematologist. Women are additionally examined by a gynecologist.

Therapy is also complex. Therapeutic exercise, diet food, electrophoresis are combined with massage, magnetotherapy and medication:

  • anti-inflammatory plan (Orthofen, Diclofenac);
  • Chondroprotectors (Structum, Synvix, Ostenil).

Traditional medicine involves the use of compresses from burdock, white cabbage and taking baths with hay.

The nature of pain

The disease develops gradually. In the beginning, the patient's leg or arm joints ache weakly. Localization is vivid. Attacks are not protracted.

They can be provoked by physical stress, weather changes, hypothermia. Sometimes patients note a crunch in the limbs during movement.

Palpation at this stage of the disease is accompanied by a mild pain.

Over time, discomfort becomes more pronounced. Night attacks make themselves felt more and more often. Even at rest, patients have aching legs. It can not go 1 km. More than half an hour to stand on his feet is not capable.

There is a "joint blockade". Accompanied by acute cutting pain, in which the patient is unable to move, so intense and unbearable sensation. In complete peace it passes.



Defeat of inflammatory joints, developing against a background of acute streptococcal infection. Time of the first attack: 10-14 days after the beginning of a sore throat, a cold. The risk group includes children and adolescents under the age of 15 years. Women are sick more often than men.

With rheumatism, the child is diagnosed with cardiovascular diseases. Sometimes there are violations from the pulmonary system. There is swelling of the hands and feet.

Swollen knees, shins, elbows, fingers. The body temperature rises to 37 degrees, less often to 38-39. Rheumatoid nodules are formed. Possible annular rash, nosebleeds.

Treat the disease will be specialists in various fields: a cardiologist, a rheumatologist. The patient will have to undergo a series of examinations:

  • ECG;
  • X-ray;
  • blood test;
  • Ultrasound of the heart.

The medicinal method of combating the disease implies the use of:

  • Bicillin;
  • Cefazolin;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Retarpene;
  • Prednisolin;
  • Riboxin.

Traditional medicine claims that the patient should systematically eat cranberries, blueberries and cranberries.

The nature of pain

In acute form, the patient is forced to comply with bed rest because of intense intense pain. Its localization is constantly shifting. She migrates between the large joints of the limb, moves to the other arm, leg. The heart can become the hearth.

The latent form is easily confused with complications of influenza. The body lomit, the temperature is raised, there are problems with breathing and from the side of the cardiovascular system.

Rheumatoid arthritis


Systemic connective tissue diseaseof infectious and inflammatory origin. Measles, herpes, Epstein-Barra's disease can lead to the development of rheumatoid arthritis. The risk group includes women, allergy sufferers, carriers of the DRB1 gene.

Seasonality is pronounced. 70% of cases occur in the cold season, but you can get sick in the summer.

Symptomatic of the latent form:

  • temperature increase;
  • sweating;
  • weakness;
  • the fingertips numb;
  • muscle soreness;
  • decreased body weight;
  • enlarged lymph nodes.

At an early stage a person complains that he can not squeeze his hand into a fist. His fingers begin to swell. At the second stage of development there is a deformation of the joints.

Rheumatoid arthritis is the competence of a rheumatologist. The patient is credited with the following examinations:

  • UAC;
  • blood chemistry;
  • synovial fluid analysis;
  • Ultrasound;
  • arthroscopy;
  • magnetic resonance imaging.

With drug therapy appoint:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Naproxen, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac);
  • selective inhibitors (Piroxicam, Meloxicam, Rofecoxib);
  • glucocorticosteroids (prednisolin, dexamethasone, triamcinolone).

Biological therapy is practiced, based on cytokine preparations: Inflikimab, Etanercept.

Physiotherapy, relevant for ailment:

  • ultrasound;
  • paraffin applications;
  • irradiation with infrared rays.

People's means are also used. They are aimed at heating up. Vinegar and vodka compresses are put on at night so that the patient can calmly rest.

The nature of pain

In the classical form, the phalanges of the middle and index finger are primarily affected. Pain in the joints of the hands is sharp, wavy.

Strengthens at night. Peak: the pre-dawn clock. Massage, rubbing helps to blunt sensations.

They will go to "no" and without assistance, but only after 3-4 hours.

Symmetry is observed. Both limbs are deformed and aching, both left and right.

A long stay in the water, prolonged contact with cold objects can provoke an attack of the disease. There is a morning stiffness: it is difficult to control the limb, unbend and bend the joints.

Movements help to dull very acute pain. This is the main difference between rheumatoid arthritis and other similar diseases.

Bruising, trauma


Mechanical damagetissues in the articular region. It is accompanied by hematomas, swelling. Sometimes limbs become numb. Most cases occur on the knee, elbow, wrist joint.

You can suffer from falling from height, impact, unsuccessful landing, during training.

A traumatologist will help to become healthy. Diagnosis includes radiography, visual examination of the patient. The treatment will be presented:

  • restriction of physical activity for at least 7 days;
  • pressing bandage with hemarthrosis;
  • Physiotherapy (electrotherapy with dynamic current, UHF therapy).

Damage to the shoulder, knee and elbow joint requires the use of specialized bandages.

The nature of pain

Very sharp. Especially when it comes to serious damage with a hemorrhage. Minor bruises hurt a day or two. Gradually the state is normalized.

Be sure to consult a trauma doctor for severe edema, and also if the limbs become numb, the area of ​​the hematoma widens.

If blood has accumulated in the hands and feet after the injury, the puncture will not be avoided.

Other reasons

If your hands and feet hurt, you should look for reasons, including, in the following factors:

  • obesity;
  • physical load with an inactive lifestyle;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • surgical intervention;
  • malnutrition, deficiency of nutrients.

The arm, shoulder and ribs together can be sore due to intercostal neuralgia, atypical pneumonia, pleurisy, heart pathologies.

When complaints of pain in the area from the elbow to the shouldershould visit an oncologist, a cardiologist, a rheumatologist.

Is the bother troubling? These parts of the body swell and become numb with problems with the lymphatic, urogenital system, with elephantiasis. With ailments of the cardiovascular system, the limbs not only become numb, but also grow cold. As a reason for the appearance of unpleasant sensations, diabetes can act.

No edema, why are the joints of the hands and feet aching? In this case, you should register for an appointment with a neurologist, pulmonologist and cardiologist.

The left side of the body suffers with intervertebral hernia, intercostal neuralgia, radiculitis, osteochondrosis. Illness can be caused by a stroke.

Aching pain in the legs to the left is a sign of isalgia, osteomyelitis, spondylolysis, lumboeishalgia. The right leg hurts with arteriosclerosis, thrombophlebitis, sciatica, scoliosis on the left side.

Pain in the left arm is a sign of myocardial infarction, heart attack, in the right hand - a symptom of neuralgia, periarthrosis.

First aid

What to do if the joints of the hands and feet ache:

  1. Examine the sore spot for hematomas. If they are found, ensure the outflow of blood from the limb. The patient will need rest.
  2. If you suspect a rheumatoid arthritis to do a light massage without pressure, punching.
  3. Give Ibuprofen, Naise, or another non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug.
  4. Apply to the affected area Voltaren gel.
  5. Seek qualified medical attention.
  6. The edema is removed by ice.

List of drugs that can be resorted to when aching pain does not let go:

  • Diclofenac;
  • Nyz;
  • Nurofen;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Finalal;
  • Movalis;
  • Nimesulide Gel;
  • Meloksikam.

The drugsthere are age-related contraindications. Often they can not be used by children.

Among the side effects are problems with stool (Diclofenac, Meloksikam), gels are capable of provoking allergic rashes.

You can resort to grandmother methods. People's means are effective. The effectiveness of vodka compresses is proved. Helps with pain in the joints of cabbage. The knee, foot, brush, shoulder or pelvis wrapped with sheets of vegetables, fixed with a film, provide the patient peace.

Sore joints of the hands and feet, what can I do? Drink an analgesic, see a doctor.

It is impossible to cope with manifestations of ailments on its own because the unpleasant sensations can be caused by a long list of conditions, pathologies and diseases.
Additionally, watch the following videoHow to forget about joint and spinal pain?

  • Does pain limit your movements and full life?
  • Are you worried about discomfort, crunching and systematic pain?
  • Perhaps you have tried a bunch of medicines, creams and ointments?

A source:

The joints of the hands and feet ache. Causes. Symptoms. Treatment

Currently, you can meet more and more people after 50 years, which hurt the joints of the hands and feet. First of all, they are interested in the question: what to do, how to reduce suffering? But without knowing the causes and symptoms of the disease, it is difficult to find methods of treatment.

According to statistics, it is known that diseases of the musculoskeletal system occupy the third place after cardiovascular diseases and digestive pathologies.

There are 360 ​​joints in the human body. The pains in various joints and their diseases have their name, but the causes, symptoms and approaches to treatment in the initial stage are virtually identical. But there are differences.

Deforming arthrosis - chronic destruction of articular cartilage (hip, ankle, knee or hand)

If the joint diseases are not treated at the initial stage, this pathological condition can pass from one joint to another and thereby lead to a chronic systemic disease. At the same time, it becomes more difficult not only to diagnose the disease, but also to treat pain in the joints, because other internal organs and systems are involved in the disease.

Rheumatoid arthritis - symmetrically affects the phalanges of the fingers, temporal, wrist, ankle joints. Pain especially strong in the morning after waking up.

Gout is the accumulation of uric acid in the body. Joint pain in the base of the big toe with a gradual formation of a cone (tofus) occurs mainly at night. Gout is also affected by phalanges of fingers and wrists, elbows and knees, ankles.

Rheumatism is a disease when large joints - elbows, knees, hips - are acutely ache and swollen. It lasts for several days (literally a couple of days), and then abruptly passes. Pain can migrate from one group of joints to another.

Why do the joints of the hands and feet ache?

The causes of pain in the joints:

  • Age after 50 years - joints, like the whole human body grow old.
  • Incorrect way of life:
    • Hypotension or, conversely, excessive physical exertion
    • Incorrect food:
      • fast-food, sausages, smoked meats, meat broths with the use of preservatives and artificial enzymes, etc.
      • excess salt in food
      • addiction to white sugar
  • Genetic predisposition
  • Previously suffered injuries or surgery inside the joints
  • Postponed infections and chronic inflammatory diseases
  • Large weight
  • Unreasonable use of antibiotics
  • Constant stress and absence of hormone adrenaline release

Joints hurt. Symptoms

The main symptom of the disease inside the joint is constant or periodic pain. Sharp pain in joints especially between seasons and cold winter is aggravated. Doctors associate this with the meteosensitivity of the organism, weakening of immunity against the background of a lack of trace elements and vitamins.

Diseases of the joints begin imperceptibly: a crunch and palpable pain during movement and squats, discomfort and recurring pain, especially when descending the stairs. If at this time to seek help from a doctor, you can avoid such a formidable disease as arthrosis and arthritis.

Diagnosis of the disease:

  1. Laboratory research:
    • general blood analysis
    • blood test for rheumatic tests
    • Analysis of urine
    • ECG
  2. X-ray
  3. CT scanning
  4. MRI

Pain in the joints. Treatment

At the first symptoms or signs of joint disease, it is best to seek medical advice from an orthopedist and, if necessary, also to a rheumatologist.

Treatment will depend on the cause of the disease of the joints. Usually they combine therapy with medicines and bioadditives (chondroitins), physiotherapy and folk medicine.

In difficult cases, hormones are recommended.

(!)Do not self-medicate, especially if you do not know the exact diagnosis and the cause of the disease. After all, the cause can be chlamydia, and toxoplasmosis, and oncology, and the early stage of Bekhterev's disease, and others. Incorrect treatment can lead to a new disease.

Detailed advice on what to do if the joints hurt can be read in the article of the same name.

@ M. Antonova

More interesting and useful you can read on the siteMEDIMARIin articles:

A source:

Joints of arms or hand hurt and legs or foots - what to do or make?

If the cartilaginous tissue is affected by inflammation or any dystrophic disease, there will certainly be aching pain.

In order for the therapeutic approach to be accurate, it is required to establish the reasons, because of which the joints of the hands and feet ache.

To the source of pain discomfort was established, it is necessary to study the symptoms in detail, as well as to conduct an x-ray study.

What to do if the joints of the hands and feet ache

Causes of aching of large joints of hands and feet

As a rule, joints are aching with rheumatoid arthritis. It is characterized by the presence of inflammation in the tissues of the cartilage and the synovial bag. In the morning hours there are severe pains. Affected areas of disease swell. Local temperature rises. The skin turns red.

Joints also ache as a result of:

  • violations of the mechanical nature - stretching, trauma;
  • wear of connective tissue (cartilage) for age reasons;
  • the appearance of degenerative-dystrophic changes, which are hereditary;
  • decrease in muscle activity - hypodynamia;
  • weight gain;
  • serious forms of infectious ailments;
  • lesions of articular cartilaginous tissue - osteoarthritis;
  • development of rheumatic condition.

Why hurt small joints?

Usually the pain is provoked by the appearance of gout. In the joints solid purine crystals accumulate. The damaged area is highly inflamed, becomes swollen, and an increase in blood flow (hyperemia) is observed. Symptoms of gout appear sharply and quite clearly.

Small joints can be ill for the same reasons as large ones. In addition, it breaks hands and feet, if a person suffers from arthrosis, polyarthritis, Bekhterev's disease and if there is a lot of protein food in his diet.

Causes of pain in small joints

Causes of discomfort in the joints and bones

If bone tissue becomes problematic, then, most likely, it is necessary to diagnose a severe degree of development of one of those diseases that were named. The causes of pain in the bones - pathological conditions, which are characterized by:

  • development of a systemic disease accompanied by changes in the bones (osteoporosis);
  • insufficient replenishment of the body with calcium and magnesium;
  • inflammation of bone tissue (ostitis);
  • presence of significant disruptions in metabolic processes;
  • the emergence of ailments of the endocrine system, in which calcium is actively excreted.

If it hurts the joints on the weather

There are factors, because of which the joints are severely affected. It is about the effect of weather conditions on the body. The joints are very sensitive, if the atmospheric pressure drops, the humidity of the air rises, sharply and suddenly it cools.

Changes in the atmosphere affect the pressure in the joints. The ache arises from the irritation of the nerve endings. Symptoms disappear after the pressure returns to normal.

With increasing humidity, the end of nerves begins to swell, so the patient complains of an ache.

Changes in the atmosphere often affect the pressure in the joints

What should be the treatment?

Pain in the joints prevents a person from working fully. Since the problem is common, it is important to know what to do in such a situation.

Initially, the patient is sent for a comprehensive examination.

If treatment is started without delay, then you can quickly alleviate the manifested symptoms, the function of the joints will be restored, the pain syndrome will disappear.

Treatment will depend on the availability of a specific disease in this case. Drugs are often used.


To treat the ache, the patient is recommended to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with analgesic effect. As a result - the removal of pain, removal of the inflammatory focus.


It is necessary to adhere to the dosage of medications so that the treatment does not lead to side effects. The stomach and intestines can be seriously affected.

After the symptoms are eliminated, the diagnosis should be done. The doctor visually inspects the patient and asks certain questions. The next stage is a general and biochemical blood test.

Before treatment, the patient is referred for radiology examination of the joints. You will also need to find out what is the density of cartilage tissue.

If necessary, the doctor will do a puncture to examine the fluid.

In the treatment of joints, physiotherapy is widely used

For treatment to lead to a sustainable result, anti-inflammatory drugs alone can not be avoided.

Physiotherapeutic procedures are recommended, among which actively use magnetotherapy, ultrasound and so on.

The patient must do certain physical exercises or gymnastics, which is selected specifically for him.

If the cause of the pain is an autoimmune disease, then glucocorticosteroids are used. They are perfectly fighting with inflammation. Doctors advise to use medicinal ointments, which have anti-inflammatory and anesthetic effect.

How to treat aches with changing weather?

What if the cause of joint pain is atmospheric changes? It is especially hard for older people. After all, they have degenerative joint problems with age.

To make things easier, a hot bath or sauna is helpful. It is advisable to avoid hypothermia in cold weather. It is useful to use warming ointments, bandages and belts. The body should rest more.

Prevention should be therapeutic gymnastics, massage.

To normalize metabolic processes, complex treatment is recommended, which consists of the intake of vitamins, chondroprotectors and supplements. The menu should also be adjusted.

Prevention of joint diseases should be therapeutic exercises, massage

How to treat folk ways?

Against joint pain, massage helps. A painful place is warmed up by fingers. You need to act carefully, you can not push hard. After a while, the pain will fade and pass.

It is recommended to make a mixture for the joints of the hands of camphor oil (100 g), mustard (100 g) and egg whites (2 pcs.).

The drug is poured into a glass container of dark color and is closed. Treatment consists in rubbing the mixture at night, while the place needs to be massaged.

Then a cellophane bag and a warm scarf are used.

It can be treated with a means that is sufficiently effective and consisting of honey, aloe and vodka. It is necessary to make a compress on the inflamed place. Enough 3 hours.


From periodic pains in joints it is necessary to make tincture. Vodkoy poured sprouts sprouted potatoes and insisted on days 14-15. Treatment with a similar remedy is good because you do not need expensive creams and medicines.


A huge popularity was treated with oil balsams. The oils are sesame and olive oil. They need to be mixed, and then add a small amount of vitamin A solution.

Before that, hands or feet are dipped for a while in warm water, into which you need to put a little soda. When the oil is applied to the joint area, you can use special gloves.

This will help oil absorb even more.

In rural areas, they use burdock and cabbage leaves, which are applied to the affected area. It is necessary to add food powder from the shell of chicken eggs. This will help replenish the supply of calcium.

The use of the cold and its derivatives make joint treatment more effective

Treatment of joint pain at home

If we talk about the diet, then the preference should be given to vegetables. The consumption of salt and sweets should be reduced to a minimum, and from sharp meals should be discarded. Do not allow weight gain.

Treatment will be much more complicated by the presence of extra pounds. Because of the pressure on the knees and ankles, pain will intensify. The patient should do swimming and gymnastics. It will be useful to curative fasting.

You should forget about alcoholic beverages. Alcohol will not allow some drugs to act as needed. It can increase adverse reactions to medications taken.

In acute inflammatory processes, one should remember the benefits of heating and high temperature. It is also good to treat ice and cold water.

Chronic ailments are treated with warm compresses and trays.

Patients with problem joints will benefit from therapeutic mud. At home, it is possible to carry out procedures that are often used in sanatoriums. For example, you can make baths with oils (calendula, St. John's wort, eucalyptus, sandalwood, thyme), which remove inflammation. If desired, sulfur is added.

Nutrition in painful joints

That joints do not hurt, it is necessary to take care of a delivery. It must be fractional and five-time. There must be enough vitamin A in the food. Thanks to it, the interarticular fluid will be synthesized in the body. Thus, the joint function will be maintained.

We should not forget about vegetable oils. Especially it is necessary to pay attention to oil from wheat embryos and sea-buckthorn. The bones will not be broken by vitamin D. It is abundant in yolks of quail eggs and chicken eggs, as well as in the liver. Of course, there must necessarily be on the table products containing calcium.

The use of the cold and its derivatives make the treatment more effective. Thanks to such a product, the cartilaginous tissue and the filling fluid filling the bag are well restored. And if the disease has an initial stage, the functions of the joints can be normalized.


If the cause of arthrosis, because of which the joints ache, is unhealthy food that provoked a metabolic breakdown, then the diet will be as follows:

  1. Shop smoked products are excluded.
  2. Raw meat should be stewed, boiled or baked with special care.
  3. It is advisable not to cook soups from the purchased bird. It is better to cook soups from vegetables.
  4. Before you add meat to the vegetable soup, it must be boiled separately.

Hands and feet can be broken for different reasons. Therefore, they first need to find out that the course of therapy has been chosen correctly.

Be sure to remember the conduct of a healthy lifestyle and the performance of physical exercises as a preventive measure, thanks to which the joints will function normally.

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