Treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint 1, 2 and 3 degrees


  • 1How to treat gonarthrosis of the knee joint 1, 2, 3, 4 degrees?
    • 1.1The subtleties of treating the disease at different stages
    • 1.2Gonarthrosis of the knee joint
    • 1.3The use of traditional medicine
    • 1.4List of the most effective recipes
    • 1.5Therapeutic exercise for the elimination of disease
    • 1.6Exercises at 1 and 2 degrees of gonarthrosis
    • 1.7Prevention of gonarthrosis
    • 1.8These materials will be of interest to you:
  • 2Osteoarthritis of the knee joint 1, 2 and 3 degrees, how and what to treat different degrees?
    • 2.1Osteoarthritis of the knee joint 1 degree
    • 2.2Treatment
    • 2.3Osteoarthritis of the knee joint of 2 degrees
    • 2.4Treatment
    • 2.5Patellofemoral syndrome
    • 2.6Diet for arthrosis
  • 3Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of gonarthrosis of the knee joint 3 degrees
    • 3.1What happens with this disease?
    • 3.2Disorders of gonarthrosis
    • 3.3Classification of pathology
    • 3.4Causes and stages of the disease
    • 3.5Symptomatology
    • 3.6Tactics and methods of therapy
    • 3.7Preventive actions
  • instagram viewer
  • 4Treatment of bilateral knee joint gonarthrosis: 1, 2 and 3 degrees
    • 4.1Anatomical features and mechanism of disease development
    • 4.2Classification of bilateral gonarthrosis
    • 4.3Signs of bilateral gonarthrosis 1 degree
    • 4.4Symptoms of bilateral gonarthrosis of 2 degrees
    • 4.5Clinical manifestations of bilateral gonarthrosis of 3 degree
    • 4.6How to treat bilateral gonarthrosis?
    • 4.7Conservative therapy
    • 4.8Surgery
    • 4.9ethnoscience

How to treat gonarthrosis of the knee joint 1, 2, 3, 4 degrees?

Gonarthrosis often occurs after 40-45 years in women, less often they suffer from men.

This disease is one of the subspecies of arthrosis or osteoarthrosis of the knee joint, which is otherwise called deforming arthrosis. On the background of the disease there are strong painful sensations, as there is a dystrophic change in the cartilage.

The process of destruction usually begins with poor blood circulation, gradually completely collapses and cartilage tissue dies, and the bones are exposed.

When walking, bones rub against each other, which leads to very unpleasant sensations. At 4 degrees, a strong curvature of the entire leg as a result of the disease is possible, which is why gonarthrosis of the knee joint 1, 2 and 3 requires treatment, including folk remedies.

The subtleties of treating the disease at different stages

Usually treatment depends on the stage of the disease. At 1 and 3 stages it is very different, but at stage 4 it practically does not lend itself to conservative methods of correction:

  1. Gonarthrosis 1 degree. If the disease could be identified so early, then the effectiveness of treatment will be very high. Here you can perform special exercises of exercise, and go to massage and physiotherapy, to treat with the help of folk remedies. If the patient is overweight, then he is prescribed a balanced diet for weight loss.
  2. Gonarthrosis of 2nd degree. In detecting this pathology, it is important to reduce the burden on the joints, tighten the diet, reduce the duration of walking. Be sure to perform gymnastics to strengthen joints, and take medication to relieve pain, chondroprotectors based on glucosamine, intra-articularly injected hyaluronic acid.
  3. Gonarthrosis of 3rd degree. The disease is treated in the same way as in the 2 stages, but if the methods still do not give an effect, the pathology is slow progresses, then designate an operative intervention (remove the damaged cartilage and growths, or prosthetic joint).
  4. Gonarthrosis of the 4th degree. For this form, there is already a complete absence of an articulation gap. Treatment is possible only by complete replacement of the joint with the help of an operation. After the operation, wear hard knee pads to reduce the load.

Knee pads can be used from the 2nd stage of the disease, but they have a different design and are aimed at normalizing the position of the joint, removing pain.

Gonarthrosis of the knee joint

The use of traditional medicine

Recipes using special products and herbs can enhance medication and physiotherapy procedures. On the effectiveness of regular use, they can be compared with a quality massage with gonarthrosis of the knee joint.

It is important to observe an effective diet that will strengthen the effect of recipes: it should have many products with calcium, as well as dishes on decoctions of bones, jelly with animal gelatin.

However, protein products should not be too much, some doctors advise completely to exclude meat and milk, sour vegetables and fruits, tomatoes. In any case, an individual diet is discussed with the doctor.

As for salt, it should be small, but it is not necessary to exclude completely the product.

After the normalization of nutrition, it is possible to start using agents that help to increase blood flow and positively affect cartilage tissue, inhibiting the degenerative processes in it.

List of the most effective recipes

Most often, gonarthrosis of the knee joint is treated with both rubbing and compresses to relieve swelling, pain and inflammation. If you follow a rational diet, the following recipes will be most effective:

  1. Radish and honey. About 100 ml of vodka is mixed with a glass of grated black radish, honey and 15 g of table salt. Insist a day and rub every day into a sore knee.
  2. Provencal oil and turpentine. For grinding and self-massage use a mixture of 150 ml of turpentine and pure alcohol, diluted with the same amount of olive oil. Add 8 drops of camphor and rub each day.
  3. Chestnut. From a handful of chestnut flowers, placed in a glass vessel, prepare infusion with, liter of vodka. Insist for a week.
  4. Burdock. Burdock leaves are soaked in water, they are applied to the affected knee and wrapped with food film, handkerchief.
  5. Natural honey. You can make compresses from honey, applying it on your knee and wrapping it with a film with a handkerchief.
  6. Ficus. Prepare a tincture from a leaf of a house ficus and 100 ml of vodka. Grind the greens in a blender and insist 3 weeks. Rub after a saline bath (300 grams per full bath).
  7. Jerusalem artichoke. Fruits of the plant in the amount of kg are mixed with 8 liters of boiling water and kept under cover. Lowered in the composition for 30 minutes patient knee, repeat 10 days.
  8. Dandelion. Leaves and flowers of a dandelion are covered in a glass jar until the middle, they are filled with triple cologne. Insist a month and rub in the knee. You can eat 5 leaves of the plant every day to enhance the effect.
  9. Dry garlic, celery and lemons. This tincture will be very effective when taken orally. The ingredients are mixed in a blender and put in a jar for 3 liters (take 250 g of celery root, 120 g of garlic and 3 lemons). To the top, pour boiling water and leave it for a night in a warm place. Are treated within 3 months. take 70 ml for 30 minutes before eating in the morning. Gradually bring up to 3 meals a day.
  10. Black beans. Collect the grass of black beans, dried and chopped. Insist in a thermos as a simple tea. Take a month, do the same break.
  11. Compress from clay. For him, blue or red clay is used. Do not allow the product to come into contact with the metal. Dilute with water until the density of sour cream and put on a rag layer of 2 cm. Press to the knee, wrapped in a wet towel. They wrap up with a bandage and woolen shawl, remove after 2 hours.

In parallel, it is necessary to carry out drug treatment to eliminate inflammation, pain and other processes characteristic of the disease.

But is it possible to go in for sports - then the answer will depend on the type of physical activity required. But LFK with gonarthrosis of the knee is shown to almost all patients with diseases of 1 and 2 degrees.

This orthopedic accessory is prescribed to prevent complications of the disease and restore the position of the joint.

The knee joint fixes the joint, and also helps to get rid of the pain. In addition, the accessory helps blood circulation and stimulates the regeneration of cartilaginous tissue.

The knee helps:

  • to remove inflammatory processes and edema;
  • limits the wrong movements of the joint;
  • restores the correct blood flow.

You need to wear it for 2-3 hours on the advice of a doctor. To apply it is necessary during the movement, for example, to combine with physical loads.

The product should sit comfortably on the foot, not strongly squeeze the knee. Pick up should be strictly in size, measuring the girth of the leg above and under the knee at 15 cm.

Therapeutic exercise for the elimination of disease

With an acute period of gonarthrosis of the knee joint gymnastics can not be done, you need complete rest. Exercises are introduced into the mode gradually, starting with the most simple.

The first sessions should be conducted when the patient lies on his back. Usually they look like just lifting up their straightened legs, and holding them in that position.

All exercises are shown by the rehabilitation physician and exercise physician, only after that they can be independently performed at home.

In gonarthrosis of the knee joint, such exercises as: squats, flexion and extension of the knees, prolonged walking, any movements that provoke pain are contraindicated.

At stages 3 and 4 of the disease, exercise therapy and yoga can not be performed. Many doctors of eastern yoga practice generally prohibit the use of joint destruction.

Exercises at 1 and 2 degrees of gonarthrosis

At the first degree of gonarthrosis of the knee, the most effective are the exercises aimed at improving blood circulation:

  • sitting on a chair, straighten your leg, hold it by weight and slowly lower it. Repeat 3-4 times, alternating legs;
  • lean on the edge of the chair and stand on tiptoe, lock, hold the minute. Now you need to move 10-20 times up and down;
  • Lie on your stomach, bend one leg, lift your foot up, lift the knee above the floor and gently lower, repeat with 2 feet;
  • To complete the exercise you need a self-massage with vigorous rubbing of the inner and anterior part of the thigh. It is necessary to climb from the knees to the pelvis.
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With gonarthrosis of the 2nd degree this complex can also be used. Ideally, any exercise of physical therapy should be prescribed by a doctor who is involved in your treatment.

Prevention of gonarthrosis

The best remedy for the disease of any joint is prevention from a young age.It is necessary to maintain a normal weight and not carry a large number of weights, especially women.

Movements that often require flexion of the hip joint should also be minimized.But the muscles of the lower extremities should be regularly trained, and inflamed joints - immediately treated.

To stop gonarthrosis, identified at the 1 st and 2 nd stages, it is possible only if the competent combination therapy with medicines, physiotherapy exercises, physiotherapy, the work of a manual masseur and image correction life.

The systematic approach and application of folk recipes for massage and rubbing will only enhance the positive effect of therapy.

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Osteoarthritis of the knee joint 1, 2 and 3 degrees, how and what to treat different degrees?

Osteoarthritis of the knee joint is a disease in which the cartilage of articular surfaces is destroyed, and the joint itself is deformed, its functions are violated.

It should be noted that this is a fairly serious disease, and it is very dangerous to delay it with treatment.

At the last stage, the cartilage is completely destroyed, the underlying bone is bare, the tissues surrounding the joint are inflamed.

All this can lead to complete immobility of the patient joints, and, as a consequence, disability.

The picture shows examples of joints affected by arthrosis. The right side shows the deformation in the initial degree of the disease, and to the left - the defeat of the joint of the second degree

Osteoarthritis of the knee joint 1 degree

Deforming symptoms in the first stage of the disease are insignificant and on the X-ray image are represented by a small narrowing of the joint gap.

At this stage, only the cartilage changes. Its elasticity is lost, small cracks appear on the surface.

At the patient thus there are such signs:

  • minor pain in the knee, which are episodic;
  • slight tingling, crunching in the joints;
  • small swelling of the knee may appear.

At the first stage, the disease does not manifest itself too much, so patients often ignore anxious bells and start arthrosis. Arthrosis of the first degree develops long and gradually.

At an early stage, pain, as a rule, is temporary and initially manifested primarily in mornings during the beginning of movement, and also during the day with the renewal of loads on the legs after recreation. In the process of walking the joint is developed, and the pain gradually disappears. Unpleasant feelings can sometimes bother when climbing or descending the stairs, long walking.

An additional symptom that must be paid attention to is crunching during flexion and extension of the knee


For an experienced specialist to diagnose arthrosis of the first degree will not be difficult even without an x-ray examination, based on the patient's described symptoms and by examination.

To confirm the diagnosis, usually carry out X-ray diagnostics, after which the picture shows a narrowing of the joint gap.

Treatment is directed to:

  • reducing the load on the joint;
  • blocking of pain;
  • an obstacle to the progression of the disease.

To treat arthrosis at this stage will help medication to relieve pain and restore cartilage, as well as lfk, massage.

To eliminate pain, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are usually prescribed. Very well in this field have proved:

  • diclofenac;
  • Voltaren;
  • ibuprofen;
  • indomethacin
  • Ketoprofen.

To normalize the cartilage used drugs, made of the same substances that are part of the articular cartilage. These include:

  • Glucosamine;
  • Chondroitin;
  • Structum;
  • Arthra;
  • Teraflex.

It should be noted that these drugs will be able to cope with the disease only at the initial stage.

Osteoarthritis of the knee joint of 2 degrees

At the second stage of the disease, deforming symptoms manifest themselves more significantly. The cartilage is thinned, and in some places completely destroyed. On articular surfaces, growths are formed.

At this stage of arthrosis, symptoms such as:

  • Severe prolonged pain in the knee;
  • Crunch in the knee under load;
  • The functioning of the joint is impaired. Patients often complain that they can not completely bend and unbend their legs in the knee.

At the same time, the pain symptom differs from the initial stage of arthrosis.

If at once the pain appeared only at the beginning of the loads on the legs after rest, which gradually passed during the walking, the second stage is characterized by the appearance of unpleasant sensations after the loads. Such feelings last longer and pass only after a certain period of stay in complete rest.

If at the beginning of the disease only cartilage is affected, then at this stage the deforming processes affect the joint itself.

On the X-ray, the deforming processes of the disease are manifested by marginal growths and a significant narrowing of the cartilaginous tissue.


It should be noted that usually disability is appropriated in the third stage of the disease.


However, in the event that arthrosis in the second stage has led to the limitation of vital activity, the patient may also be given a disability.

By the way, the group of disability depends not on the degree of pain, but on the degree of restriction of opportunities for movement and self-service.


It is more difficult to treat the disease at this stage, but it is still possible to achieve full recovery.

The first urgent action should be to reduce the burden on the aching leg. This is achieved by reducing the body weight, in case of its excess, as well as the use of supports that will help walk (for example, cane, stick).

In addition, the patient chooses complex lfk for strengthening the muscles of the leg.

To alleviate the pain, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. To treat articular cartilage will help chondroitin-sulfate, arthra, glucosamine.

If the disease is neglected, the patient can also be treated with intravenous injections of hyaluronic acid.

In the absence of inflammation, the patient is prescribed physiotherapeutic procedures:

  • Magnetotherapy;
  • Ozoceretropium;
  • Laser therapy;
  • Electrophoresis;
  • Kirotherapy.

As we already noted, despite the fact that arthrosis develops sluggish and lasting, this is a very serious disease, which without proper treatment can lead to disability.

Physiotherapeutic procedures are very effective in combating arthrosis. They will help the patient to return to normal life, prevent the progression of the disease and disability

Patellofemoral syndrome

Often it is the patellofemoral syndrome that is the precursor of arthrosis. Patellofemoral syndrome manifests itself stiffness in the knee cap, pain in the anterior side of the joint, which increases during the load on the leg.

Patellofemoral cider occurs between the surface of the kneecap joint and the adjacent part of the thigh.

As therapy for patellofemoral syndrome, it is advised to reduce the load on the diseased leg, with severe pain it is possible to apply ice, go through a special complex of LPC.

In the case of severe pain in patellofemoral syndrome, the patient is given an injection consisting of an anesthetic and glucocorticosteroids.

If the pain with patellofemoral syndrome does not last long, as a treatment may appoint hondoprotectors.

Patellofemoral syndrome is diagnosed clinically and does not require laboratory tests

Diet for arthrosis

People who have weight deprivation and suffer from arthrosis are recommended diet and LPC. Having dropped a few pounds, the patient will significantly reduce the burden on the aching joints.

Diet, useful and proper nutrition can not cure arthrosis, but are very important factor, which will provide the body with useful substances and necessarily accompanies recovery.

The main principles of diet and nutrition for arthrosis are:

  • Frequent fractional meals;
  • Process the products by steaming, quenching or cooking. From frying should be discarded;
  • After eating, be a little like, do not immediately take a horizontal position;
  • During the meal, drink water in small sips;
  • Limit the amount of salt used;
  • Drink milk products more often;
  • Do not forget about vitamins and foods rich in calcium;
  • It is more common to use jellies, chillies, jellies and other dishes, based on bone-meat broth;
  • Limit the intake of carbohydrates, sugar and fats. To give preference follows the products containing complex carbohydrates, for example, cereals from whole grains. It is better to replace sugar with honey and products that have fructose in the composition. Of the fats useful for arthrosis is the fish oil Omega-3;
  • Exclude from the menu fatty meat, cabbage, bell peppers, tomatoes, sour fruits and citrus fruits.

It is necessary to adhere to the basic principle of a diet - it is not necessary to be engaged in starvation. Food should be saturated with vitamins and beneficial minerals

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Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of gonarthrosis of the knee joint 3 degrees

Gonarthrosis of the knee joint is a fairly common disease, the leader of all arthrosis.

His active study of physicians of different countries began over a century ago, which causes significant progress in the fight against the disease.

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At the household level, this pathology is stubbornly called the deposition of salts, although the process of calcification does not play a primary role. The disease is dangerous in its development and can lead to a restriction of mobility and disability.

Gonarthrosis of the knee joint requires prolonged treatment, which is not always able to help without prompt intervention.

In order not to appear on the surgical table, it is very important to detect pathological changes in time and start treatment at an early stage.

Like most joint diseases, this type of osteoarthritis is easier to prevent, taking preventive measures, than to treat after debilitating pain.

What happens with this disease?

Gonarthrosis, or osteoarthrosis of the knee joint, is degenerative-dystrophic joint damage caused by degeneration of the cartilage, up to its full destruction, and leading to deformation of the joint; while less pronounced inflammatory reactions are secondary phenomena and are also generated by degeneration processes.

The onset of pathology is usually associated with structural changes in cartilage tissue at the molecular level, including as a result of circulatory disorders in small vessels.

Then the hyaline cartilage is involved in the process, which becomes turbid, decreases in thickness, is stratified and covered with multidirectional microscopic cracks.

The pathological process is completed by the complete destruction of small and large cartilage, and at the same time bone articulation is exposed.


The organism instinctively reacts to the disappearance of cartilage by bone growth in peripheral zones, which is expressed in the growth of osteophytes.


As a result of abnormal changes, the joint is deformed, the lower limb is bent.

Such a result ensured the name of destructive pathology - deforming arthrosis.

Disorders of gonarthrosis

The development of the disease proceeds with the growth of the following pathological disorders in the joint:

  1. Disturbance of the metabolic process in the cartilaginous tissue: a constant supply of cartilage occurs due to the separation and absorption of lubricant during movement joint, but the disease leads to a change in osmotic pressure and impaired make-up; at sites of the raised pressure there is a thinning cartilage.
  2. Structural changes of collagen fibers: the softening of the patella cartilage starts, the amortization function of cartilage and metabolic abilities of chondrocytes - cartilage loses its elasticity and appears its instability.
  3. Violation of joint congruence: the synthesis of bone substance, leading to the growth of osteophytes, is activated. As a result, the synovial membrane is irritated, which generates an inflammatory process in it, the loss of joint mobility begins.
  4. The most active destructive process occurs in the inner region of the joint and in the gap between the knee and the femur.

Classification of pathology

Classification of gonarthrosis is carried out in accordance with the international system of ICD 10 by the code 17.0 - 17.9. There are 2 main types of etiology: primary and secondary osteoarthrosis.

The primary (genuine) type is the development of a degenerative process on a healthy cartilage that has not previously been subjected to pathological influences. The process is the result of mechanical and physiological overloads.

Secondary form of the disease develops on the joint, previously subjected to pathological effects (trauma, illness), and the beginning of the process is due to a decrease in the durability of cartilaginous tissues to normal loads.

The most common form is posttraumatic gonarthrosis.

Given the localization of lesions, one-sided and two-sided gonarthrosis is different.

In turn, a one-sided view is characterized by joint damage on only one limb: right-sided and left-sided gonarthrosis.

The most difficult and dangerous is the two-sided type, when the knee joints of both legs are subjected to destruction. The main reason for the appearance of this form is the age factor.

Causes and stages of the disease

In order to start the degenerative-dystrophic process of destruction of the cartilaginous tissue, provoking factors are needed.

Allocate the following causes of the disease:

  • metabolic disorders, especially hormonal imbalance;
  • impaired blood circulation and capillary fragility;
  • excessive body weight;
  • knee trauma (fracture, bone fractures, rupture of ligaments or meniscus);
  • inflammatory diseases (rheumatism, arthritis);
  • frequent and prolonged physical overload (especially among athletes - gymnasts, football players, athletes, tennis players);
  • disorders of the endocrine system;
  • genetic abnormalities of the structure of tissues;
  • hereditary predisposition, violation of body statics;
  • age factor.

The severity of gonarthrosis is determined by the type of lesions and complications.

It is subdivided into 3 stages and, accordingly, 4 degrees of development:

  1. 1 stage (1 degree): the initial phase, characterized by a small narrowing of the joint gap, visible on the radiograph. There is a feeling of discomfort in the joint, fatigue by the evening, a slight limitation of joint mobility.
  2. 2 stage (2 degree): on the roentgenogram there is a significant narrowing of the gap and the appearance of osteophytes, bone growths. There is the appearance of a pain syndrome with an increase in prolonged standing or walking, a crunch in the joint, complicated flexion and extension of the leg in the knee, limited the angle of extension of the leg, the appearance of signs of atrophy of the quadriceps femoris.
  3. Stage 3 (grade 3): joint deformity with the violation of the axis of the leg, joint instability. There is a sharp increase in pain, even at rest, edema, local temperature, impaired mobility of the joint.
  4. Stage 3 with 4 degrees of severity: severe deformity of the joints, complete disappearance of the cartilage, impaired mobility of the limb, pain is permanent.


At the initial stage, the symptoms of gonarthrosis are manifested by a feeling of contraction of the muscle under the knee and a slight pain after a long hiking trip. In the mornings or after a long sitting, it takes time to "puff up" the joint and eliminate discomfort in the knee.

The development of pathology leads to the appearance of a pain syndrome under the knee. When walking, there is a crunch in the joint. Further progression of the disease limits the mobility of the joint, there are problems with squatting and extension of the legs, lame appears.

Pain is getting stronger and longer.

Visual inspection of the joint in the initial stages does not reveal any changes. Gradually, the joint deformity becomes noticeable, and then the curvature of the shin.


If you put your hand to the knee, then when flexing your legs you can distinguish a distinct crunch.


Palpation indicates the presence of a painful patch on the inside of the knee joint.

Signs of gonarthrosis are significantly strengthened if the disease is complicated by synovitis (inflammation of the inner shell).

In this case, already at the first stage swelling of the joint is noticeable due to liquid.

At further stages, it fills even the popliteal fossa in the posterior articular region (Baker's cyst). Pain syndrome is greatly enhanced.

The primary diagnosis is established by examining, palpating the joint, changing the direction of the bones, and measuring the mobility of the joint.

Laboratory tests are conducted on general blood and urine tests: determination of ESR, fibrinogen, urea and other biochemical parameters. The ultrasound of the knee joint is performed.

The most informative are X-ray studies and magnetic resonance imaging. Only after that the doctor treats the disease.

Tactics and methods of therapy

The question of how to treat gonarthrosis of the knee joint is decided by the doctor, taking into account the stage and severity of the disease.

In general, treatment is carried out in a complex way, but usually includes the following stages:

  1. Elimination of the inflammatory reaction: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed - Diclofenac, Olfen, Diclac, Ibuprofen, Indomethacin, Ketoprofen, Meloksikam, Nimesulide; at a complicated stage, injections with hormones are administered - drugs "Hydrocortisone "Kenalog "Diprospan To stop degenerative processes, antifoam agents are prescribed - Counterline, Ovomin, "Gordoks."
  2. Anabolic and anti-catabolic effects, restoration of cartilaginous tissue: chondroprotectors - Structum, DONA, Rumalon, Alflutop, Mukosat.
  3. Normalization of blood circulation, warming and soothing effect: ointments, gels, creams - Finalgon, Fastum gel, Nikofleks, Apizarthron, Feloran.
  4. Improve blood circulation, strengthen vascular tissue: vasodilator drugs - Cavinton, Trental, Actovegin, Uppsit, Ascorutin.
  5. Reduction of muscle tension: antispasmodics - "No-shpa "Midokalm "Tizalud".
  6. Restoration of synovial fluid: substitutes - Ortovician, Hyalual, Fermatron.

Complicated forms of the disease are treated with additional methods, such as: oxygen therapy (introduction oxygen); introduction of stem cells; laser therapy; introduction of the protein preparation "Ortokin" on the basis of blood serum.

At the last stages of gonarthrosis, the only effective method is surgical treatment. Surgical surgery is carried out for the prosthetics of the affected tissues. Depending on the severity of the disease, the following operations are performed:

  • arthrodesis (removal of the destroyed cartilage along with the joint);
  • arthroscopic debridement (removal of deformed cartilage with an arthroscope);
  • osteotomy (fixation of bones in another position);
  • endoprosthetics.

Preventive actions

Treatment of gonarthrosis of the knee joint, especially at the initial stage, is carried out in ways that do not involve medical therapy.

The therapeutic sports complex allows to improve blood circulation, strengthen the musculoskeletal system, raise muscle tone, maintain joint mobility.

LFK is developed by the treating orthopedist under the individual scheme.

Physiotherapy for osteoarthritis involves the use of the following methods: electrophoresis with bischofite, caripain and reinforcement with dimexide; magnetic therapy; ultrasound; microwave exposure; paraffin application; reception of radon and hydrogen sulphide baths; mud bath. Its effectiveness was proved by therapeutic massage and manual therapy, if conducted by a specialist.

Diet with gonarthrosis excludes the use of pickles, spicy and fatty dishes. The menu recommends the inclusion of increased consumption of low-fat chill (for example, in poultry meat), jelly from natural fruits. It is useful to eat sea fish and seafood.

Loss of ability to work and the group of disability is not threatened if the prevention is carried out with folk remedies. Effective use of infusion based on garlic and lemon with the addition of celery.

Recommended tea from the grass of black beans. Especially useful is the grass of moccas, which should be added to various salads.

And of course, the welding of beef knees and hoofs, it is better to eat hot, not hardened fat.

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Treatment of bilateral knee joint gonarthrosis: 1, 2 and 3 degrees

How to correctly identify the symptoms of each degree of the disease? What you need to know about the treatment of bilateral gonarthrosis?

Anatomical features and mechanism of disease development

The knee joint is at the junction of the femoral and tibia. On its front part there is a patella, which during the movement smoothly slides along the notch between two bony protuberances.

The joint surfaces of these bones, as well as the inner part of the patella are completely covered with dense and elastic cartilage, which has a thickness of about 6 mm. Cartilaginous tissue reduces the intense friction when walking, performs emollient function during heavy loads.

Exchange process inside cartilage tissue is formed due to changes in osmotic pressure. It ensures normal mobility of the cartilage.


At high loads, there is a loss of elasticity, a violation of metabolic processes. As a result, the cartilaginous tissue is thinned in the zone of the greatest pressure.


Along with this, the fibrous structure of collagen is damaged, the softening functions decrease, the chondrocyte metabolism is weakened, the destruction of the cartilage is cut. Inflammation is complicated by the appearance of osteophytes, a severe restriction of knee movements.

In most cases, bilateral knee joint gonarthrosis is diagnosed in athletes or elderly people.

Classification of bilateral gonarthrosis

Given the pathogenesis, in modern medicine, there are two types of disease:

The primary form appears without previous injuries, mainly in old age. Secondary gonarthrosis is formed as a result of pathologies (diseases, disorders of physiological development) or various knee injuries, may appear in young people.

Considering the severity of dystrophic changes, three degrees of gonarthrosis are determined.

  1. 1 degree - early stage of the disease, manifested by rare pain, light swelling of the joint without knee deformation.
  2. 2 degree - pathology has a pronounced character, accompanied by severe pain even after a small load, a knee crunch, the inability to completely bend it.
  3. 3 degree - the most severe stage, there are constant severe pain, the body's response to weather changes, mobility is very limited or completely absent, gait changes, deformation observed feet.

Signs of bilateral gonarthrosis 1 degree

The disease is characterized by minor disturbances in the cartilaginous tissue. It becomes dry and eventually loses its smoothness.

As a result of permanent microtrauma cartilage thinens, and the tissue loses its softening properties.

At the first degree the pathology is manifested by the following symptomatology:

  • weakness in the legs;
  • rarely arising pains;
  • limitation of knee mobility in the mornings.

At the initial stage of the disease patients are worried about short-term sharp pain while moving. There may be stiffness, a feeling of tightness under the knee. When the patient "diverges the pain disappears, but after a small load again appear.

Sometimes bilateral gonarthrosis of the knee joint of the 1st degree is accompanied by the accumulation of articular fluid. The condition is characterized by a noticeable increase in the size of the joint, a feeling of heaviness, restriction of movement.

Symptoms of bilateral gonarthrosis of 2 degrees

The second degree of bilateral gonarthrosis is much heavier than the first. The disease brings to the life of the patient significant limitations, reducing work capacity.

Painful sensations become longer and more intense. In this articular cartilage is very thin, and in some cases it is completely absent.

As a result of this pathology, the bones forming the joint are the main load for retaining human weight.

The second degree of bilateral gonarthrosis is characterized by pathological changes in bone tissue. Part of the bone that is under the cartilage becomes denser. At the ends of articular surfaces, bone growths are formed.

The properties of the joint fluid change - it becomes thick and viscous. This leads to a violation of lubricating and nutritional functions. Due to the lack of nutrients, the degeneration of the cartilaginous tissue is accelerated.

Two-sided gonarthrosis of the knee joint of the 2nd degree is accompanied by such unpleasant symptoms as:

  • increased pain;
  • a specific knee crunch;
  • marked swelling of the joint;
  • impossibility to bend the knee;
  • synovitis (congestion of joint fluid).

At this stage of the disease, the pain is felt even after minor loads, intensifying during intense, prolonged movement. After a long rest, they disappear for a while, and when they move, they reappear. There may be a crunch when walking.

The development of the inflammatory process contributes to the strengthening of negative symptoms. In the absence of timely treatment, a patient can be disabled.

Clinical manifestations of bilateral gonarthrosis of 3 degree

The disease significantly complicates a person's life, sharply limits his life, often leads to disability.

Bones strongly deform, they seem to be squeezed into each other, which significantly affects the mobility of the joint.

Painful sensations become permanent, there is lameness.

With bilateral gonarthrosis of the third degree, all the previous manifestations become even stronger and new ones appear:

  • persistent severe pain;
  • synovitis;
  • negative reaction to weather changes;
  • increase, deformation;
  • stiffness of movements;
  • salt deposits;
  • narrowing of the joint between the joints;
  • change gait;
  • a crunch in the knees.

Two-sided gonarthrosis of the knee joint of the third degree is accompanied by constant pain, which disturbs the person during walking, and also during rest.

Before going to sleep, the sick person tries for a long time to find the most comfortable position, so that he can fall asleep. Sometimes painful feelings worry the patient even at night.

How to treat bilateral gonarthrosis?

In modern medicine, a comprehensive treatment of gonarthrosis is used. It should include several different approaches and not be limited to one method. And only systematic can give a lasting result.

At the first stage, the treatment of the disease is not particularly difficult. It usually consists of timely prevention.

The last stage of gonarthrosis is already a serious problem. After all, to return the deformed joints their original appearance is rather difficult.

All the efforts of a doctor and a sick person are aimed at the following result:

  1. Elimination of inflammation.
  2. Reducing pain.
  3. Return of mobility.

In severe, neglected forms of bilateral gonarthrosis, surgical intervention is indicated.

Conservative therapy

To treat the disease conservative methods are used, which include the following measures:

  • reduced load on the knee;
  • use of medicines;
  • healing mud;
  • massage;
  • special physical exercises;
  • physiotherapy (diadynamic currents, laser, magnetic therapy, thermal effect, electrophoresis with novocaine).

It is desirable to treat the disease in the first two stages. Traditional treatment of bilateral knee joint gonarthrosis involves the use of chondroprotectors (drugs that improve metabolism), funds that replace synovial fluid.

Sometimes intraarticular injections of steroid drugs are prescribed. In addition, anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics are used to reduce the pain syndrome.

Beneficial effect venotonics, vasos-regulating drugs that stimulate blood supply.


When gonarthrosis should be limited to any burden on the affected joints. It is recommended that the patient move with a cane to unload them.


However, special physical exercises should be carried out necessarily.

In addition, swimming and water aerobics are very useful - water can reduce the load on the knees.

To slow down the development of degenerative disorders, it is necessary to observe such rules:

  • perform special exercises;
  • avoid heavy loads;
  • wear appropriate shoes;
  • carefully monitor your own weight;
  • correctly organize the daily routine.

With severe pain, impaired function, restriction of movement, surgical intervention is necessary.


At the last stage of the disease, conservative methods of therapy are useless and do not bring the desired result.

Therefore, in severe conditions, more often more serious operations are recommended.

Usually they give positive results, allow you to keep the mobility of the knee joint for a long time.

If the conservative treatment is ineffective and the disease is severe, surgical intervention is used.

  1. Arthroscopy is a gentle method that excludes the presence of a scar and allows the patient to quickly be rehabilitated. Such an operation with little intervention can improve the function of the joint for several years.
  2. Endoprosthetics - used when there is complete destruction of the cartilage. In the operation, the joint or its parts are replaced with artificial elements. As a rule, they are made of high-quality materials and are well established. If the patient feels well the next day after the operation, he is allowed to get up.

This is the most common and effective way to treat the last stage of gonarthrosis, which allows the patient to lead a full, active life.


Often people try to treat bilateral gonarthrosis with folk remedies. Such treatment is sometimes allowed, but only as an auxiliary method and only after the permission of the doctor. In some cases, the use of folk remedies can lead to serious complications.

Traditional medicine recommends the following tools:

  • compresses from arnica, licorice or horseradish;
  • compresses with kefir and egg shell or oat flakes;
  • onion ointment;
  • rubbing with honey;
  • decoction of Jerusalem artichoke;
  • lotions and compresses from the juice of cabbage leaves;
  • rubbing with infusion from the root of elecampane, laurel leaf or dandelion flowers.

People's prescriptions for treatment are many, and they can be listed for a long time. But it is important to remember that before using them, you must always consult a doctor.

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