Sinusitis in the child: treatment, signs
Genyantritis is one of the most dangerous diseases, which is hard to tolerate even by adults. In children, due to the special anatomical structure of the sinuses, this ailment often leads to serious complications, such as pneumonia, meningitis, and otitis media. In addition, accumulated mucus causes irritation of the nerves of the face and provokes severe headaches. Only timely diagnostics and correct measures of struggle can save from such ailment as sinusitis. At the child treatment should be supervised exclusively by the doctor. This will protect the baby from unpleasant consequences.

Often, signs of sinusitis in children appear as a result of a runny nose. Infection, located in the respiratory tract, gradually passes into the maxillary sinuses. Here it provokes the onset of the inflammatory process. Statistics show that children's colds in 5% of all cases result in genyantritis.
In this case, not only ARVI can trigger the development of ailment. Sometimes a serious illness causes adenoids, polyps, curvature of the septum of the nasal cavity. Such conditions lead to a breach of breathing. As a result, the child becomes stagnant with mucus, which leads to inflammation.
After long illnesses, when the immunity of the baby is weakened and can not fully combat infection, the risk of sinusitis is high. Frequent allergies are a constant companion of the ailment.
Symptoms of the disease
The inflammatory process in sinusitis captures epithelial cells and the underlying loose tissue, as well as blood vessels. In the stages of leakage, two types of maxillary sinusitis are distinguished:
- acute;
- chronic.
Each of them distinguish their own, characterizing the genyantritis symptoms. Treatment in children also depends on the form of the course.
Acute sinusitis is manifested by the following symptoms:
- discharge from the nasal cavity;
- impaired breathing;
- an unpleasant feeling in the near-nasal region;
- feeling of tension and pressure in the inflamed sinus;
- pain in the area of cheekbones, temple, forehead;
- severe discomfort in the teeth, significantly worse during chewing;
- a headache, provoked by a pile of pus in the affected sinuses.

If measures are not taken in time, the ailment passes into a more severe stage - a chronic one. There are several differences in this case, such a disease as sinusitis, symptoms, treatment. In children, all signs of an illness cease to be pronounced. However, the disease for a long time bothers the baby. There is a constant alternation of stages of exacerbation and remissions. Chronic form is characterized by an irreversible process present in the mucosa. As a result of such changes, the latter loses its protective properties.
Types of inflammation
In medicine, there are many classifications of this ailment. So, according to the type of inflammatory process, the disease is divided into the following types:
- Catarrhal sinusitis in children.Treatment is complicated by the acute course of the disease. The main distinctive feature of this species is the complete absence of pus. In this case, the inflammatory process can affect even the periosteum.
- Purulent sinusitis.This form characterizes the deep degree of the inflammatory process in the mucosa. In this case, the child has purulent discharge.
Diagnosis of the disease
Initially, the doctor finds out all the complaints of the patient, interrogates parents about the symptoms, examines the child. For adults, the most effective diagnostic method is X-ray. In the picture, in the case of genyantritis, clearly visible darkening of the maxillary sinuses. In children this method will not give a reliable answer. After all, even the usual rhinitis can show in the picture a darkening of the sinuses. In addition, X-rays are not recommended for a child.
If the doctor observes signs of genyantritis in children, he can recommend a puncture. To do this, using a special needle is a puncture of the sinuses and sucked its contents.

Foreign medicine leads many arguments against the use of this method:
- in most cases, the puncture proves the purity of the sinus;
- puncture can provoke emphysema of the orbit, cheeks, blockage of blood vessels;
- piercing in babies is done exclusively under anesthesia.
There is also a completely harmless, but quite effective method of diagnosis. This is diaphanoscopy. In the darkened room, the doctor enters the Goering's bulb into the mouth. The child tightly grips her lips. In addition to this method, ultrasound can be used.
Treatment of genyantritis
Often, this ailment in children is treated with pharmacotherapy. It should be remembered that the effective treatment of sinusitis in children is able to appoint only a doctor based on the patient's condition, age and the course of the disease.
Depending on the above factors, anti-inflammatory therapy is selected, physiotherapy and "cuckoo" type procedures are prescribed. If necessary, an antibiotic is introduced into the treatment regimen.
In the severe condition of a small patient, a doctor may hospitalize a child. If the diagnosis reveals acute sinusitis in a child, treatment of the disease lasts from 1 to 2 weeks on average. In the case of a chronic species this period is stretched to a month.
Drug medication of acute form
Only a doctor can diagnose this species. If the tests showed acute sinusitis in children, treatment should be prescribed exclusively by an otolaryngologist. As a rule, drug therapy includes:
- Vasoconstrictors. These are various drops and sprays for the nasal cavity. Their action is aimed at removing the edema of the mucosa and removing stagnant fluid from the sinuses. These drugs are prescribed for a short period (about 5-7 days). They include such means: "Tizin" Nazivin "Nazol" Galazolin "Sanorin" Zanos ".
- Antihistamines. This group is appointed if the disease develops against the background of an allergy. Often these are the following drugs: "Claritin" Telfast. "
- Sprays for the nose, which include steroid hormones or antibiotics. Such drugs as "Bioparox" Isophra "Bactroban reduce the inflammatory process.
- Mucolytics. Sufficiently effective medicines if a sinusitis is diagnosed in a child. Treatment is aimed at dilution of the contents filling the maxillary sinus. As a rule, the following drugs are prescribed: "Fluimucil
"Mukodin" Robotussin "Fljuditik" Guafenizin ". As a result, mucus is better excreted. - Antibiotics in the form of injections or tablets. Such therapy is relevant for purulent sinusitis. Preference is given to the penicillin group. These are the preparations "Amoxicillin" Ampicillin "Flemoxin" Amoxiclav. "

Bilateral sinusitis in the child
The disease can affect one of the sinuses. In this case, right-sided or left-sided sinusitis is diagnosed. Sometimes such a diagnosis can be determined even visually. About the disease is able to indicate unilateral swelling in the face.
Sometimes the ailment seizes both sinuses. In this case, bilateral sinusitis is diagnosed in the child. Treatment is much more difficult. Because this form of the disease signals a weak immune system. In such a situation it is very important to turn to a doctor in time, and not to engage in self-medication. Often the doctor directs to take a smear from the maxillary sinus. This allows you to identify the causative agent of the disease. And consequently to appoint adequate treatment.
Most often, if a bilateral sinusitis is diagnosed in a child, treatment is prescribed with the connection of antibiotics. The choice of the necessary drug depends entirely on the causative agent of the infection. These drugs help to suppress the inflammatory process and stop the multiplication of pathogens.
As a rule, the following drugs are prescribed:
- Bioparox.
- Isofra.
- "Sinuforte".
- Protargol.
- «Collargol».
It should be very carefully monitor the condition of the baby. If treatment of genyantritis in children with antibiotics does not have a positive effect for several days, you should immediately consult a doctor. After all, in this case, the infection was resistant to this drug.
Non-drug treatment
Only complex methods can defeat sinusitis in a child. Treatment includes non-drug therapy. What measures to choose, the doctor decides on the basis of the patient's condition, neglect of the disease.

Sinus puncture (puncture)
Under local anesthesia a thin needle is pierced by the sinus in the place where it is the thinnest. The cavity is washed with a special antiseptic solution. Then the medicine is injected into it. The main advantage of this method is the rapid disposal of accumulated pus and the possibility of introducing the necessary drugs directly into the sinus. This contributes to the rapid reduction of facial and headache, as well as general improvement in the condition. In addition, puncture allows in most cases to do without the use of antibiotics.
The main disadvantage of the procedure is the need to repeat these manipulations in order to achieve complete cleansing of the sinus. It is extremely rare, but there is a possibility of complications. This occurs when the atypical structure of the maxillary sinus.
To avoid a repeated puncture, during the first puncture the child is given a special drainage. Through such a thin rubber tube, further washing of the maxillary cavity is carried out.
Using the YAMIK catheter
This method is an excellent alternative to punctures. A rubber catheter is inserted into the nasal cavity under local anesthesia. Two balloons are inflated in it. One of them - in the area of the nostril, and the second - in the nasopharynx. This allows hermetic closure of the nasal cavity. Through a separate channel using a syringe sucked up the contents of the sinuses, and inside the drug is injected.
The biggest advantage of this method is the preservation of intact mucosa. If we talk about shortcomings, then, as in the case of a puncture, it often requires re-manipulation. In addition, this procedure is not carried out in all medical institutions.
Sinus clearance
In the people this procedure is called "cuckoo". Manipulation occurs in the ENT room. A small patient is poured a special solution into one of the nostrils. From the other, the content is suctioned. At this time the child should say "ku-ku". This protects the oropharynx from getting into the solution.

The procedure is completely painless. But, unfortunately, is ineffective when compared with the two manipulations described above.
Folk treatment of sinusitis in children also implies the washing of sinuses. But in this case, manipulations are carried out at home on their own. For washing, salt, antiseptic and herbal solutions are used.
Very carefully it is necessary to make such procedure to children. Be sure to pay attention to the outgoing mucus. In case of any unwanted changes, consult a doctor immediately.
Washing is carried out using a syringe, spray. You can draw fluid from one of the nostrils from the palm of your hand or cup. But this should not cause the baby unpleasant feelings.
Home methods of treatment
It should be remembered that in the acute phase of bilateral sinusitis, inhalation over potatoes is absolutely not suitable, applying heated salt, sand, boiled eggs to the sinuses. Such manipulations are quite dangerous for this form of ailment.
One of the important conditions of home treatment is a full-bodied diet rich in vitamins. Very fresh juices from spinach, beets are very useful for children. In the diet it is recommended to enter garlic and onions. After all, they contain the most powerful antibacterial components. The doctor can prescribe a vitamin course. These measures are aimed at maintaining the protective functions of the body.
If you are implementing folk treatment of genyantritis in children, consult a doctor without fail. The use of any means without advice to the doctor is absolutely unacceptable.
Some activities can be carried out at home without fear of harming the baby. They include:
- Massage.On the first day of a baby's illness, it is recommended that you tap lightly on the nose bridge with your thumb. The procedure lasts for 2-3 minutes. It is advisable to repeat the tapping every half hour. The massage is effectively assisted by a clockwise (about 30 seconds) massage of the following points: the inner upper corners of the eyebrows, the lower inner parts of the orbit, and the central region between the eyebrows.
- Breathing exercises.The baby should alternately breathe for 5 seconds of each nostril. You need to repeat this exercise 10 times. While breathing one of the nostrils, the second one should be covered with a finger.

Preventive measures
The most important direction is to strengthen the immunity of the child. Any viral or infectious diseases should be treated in a timely manner. A very small baby should be taught to properly clean the nasal cavity with a cold.
In the case of predisposing factors (for example, curvature of the septum), measures should be taken to eliminate them.
A special place is given to the need to temper the child. Excellent wiping, the adoption of air baths (if we talk about the youngest children).
It is important to remember that sinusitis often occurs in a child who is constantly in a dry air and having a dust. Therefore, it is advisable to hold in the room a constant moistening, airing.
Bilateral sinusitis
Sinusitis is one of the most common diseases of ENT organs in children and adults. Subcooling, viruses and concomitant diseases of other organs can cause swelling of the nasal mucosa, to disturb the normal outflow of mucus from the maxillary sinuses and to provoke the development of a unilateral or bilateral sinusitis. Most often in children and adults there is acute bilateral sinusitis, which develops against the background of a viral or bacterial disease of the nasal cavity. One-sided process in the maxillary sinuses meets less frequently and is usually diagnosed in secondary maxillary sinusitis, for example, with the spread of infection from the oral cavity.

Types of bilateral sinusitis
There are several main types of bilateral sinusitis:
- acute - develops as a result of blockage of the duct of the maxillary sinus, which arose due to viral or bacterial inflammation in the nasal cavity;
- chronic - to chronicize the process can lead to "not treated" acute form or chronic foci of infection in a number of located organs: the oral cavity, larynx or pharynx.
According to the nature of inflammation, several forms of the disease are distinguished:
- catarrhal - the easiest form, most often develops with a viral infection, the inflammation affects only the upper layer mucous membrane, edema is expressed slightly, this form of the disease is characterized by a mucous discharge, without color and odor;
- exudative or serous - in the nasal sinuses a lot of serous fluid is produced, watery, mucous discharge, but in As a result of the outflow of mucus outflow from the sinuses, this form of the disease is easily complicated by the attachment of bacterial infection and development purulent process;
- purulent - arises at bacterial infection or at complication of catarrhal and exudative forms, clinical symptoms are much more pronounced, separated from the nose by purulent, viscous, with unpleasant smell.

Also, the clinical picture depends on the form of inflammation: catarrhal and serous sinusitis cause far fewer complaints and do not severely disturb the overall well-being of the patient. With these forms of the disease, the main problems of patients become difficulty nasal breathing, copious nasal discharge and dilating and pressing pains in the forehead or orbit.
Two-sided purulent sinusitis proceeds much more heavily: stagnation of secretion in the maxillary sinuses and development of a bacterial infection in the body causes a sharp rise in body temperature, fever, weakness, general malaise, severe headaches, pain in the face and a sense of heaviness in the head. Nasal congestion and nasal discharge with this form of the disease are of little concern to the patient, as his attention is focused on more unpleasant symptoms. To treat purulent maxillary sinusitis is necessary with the help of antibiotics and the sooner antibiotics will be started, the more effective the treatment will be in general.
Chronic bilateral sinusitis is clinically manifested much weaker, but to treat this form of the disease is much more difficult, patients complain of periodically arising difficulty breathing and the appearance of a discharge from the nose, a detailed survey can reveal a decrease in memory and attention, frequent headaches, fatigue and decline the sense of smell.
Sinusitis in the child
Acute, and even more so, chronic sinusitis is almost not found in preschool children.
This is due to the peculiarities of the structure of the maxillary sinus in a child - up to 5-6 years they have not yet fully formed maxillary sinuses.
In a child over 10 years old, the symptoms of acute and chronic sinusitis do not differ from the clinical picture of the disease in adults. But it must be taken into account that in childhood, because of the anatomical features of the structure of the nasal cavity, and also because of imperfection of the immune system of the child, the chronic form disease.
Treatment of sinusitis depends on the form of the disease and the severity of the clinical symptoms of the disease.
To treat acute catarrhal or purulent antritis is suggested with the help of antibacterial drugs, washing the nasal cavity with solutions of antiseptics, vasoconstrictor drops, and also use treatment methods such as "cuckoo" or special preparations to dilute and improve the outflow of mucus - sinupret, Sinuporte and others.
If you can not cure the disease with the help of such methods it is impossible, the patient is prescribed punctures of the maxillary sinuses, with their help they clean the nasal sinuses from mucus and wash them with solutions of antibiotics.
Treatment of chronic sinusitis is much more difficult, especially if the disease is diagnosed in a child, in which case it is necessary to find the cause of chronic inflammation and must eliminate it. These can be carious teeth, chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract, or a decrease in the body's defenses in the child.
Bilateral sinusitis is a serious and unpleasant disease that can cause serious complications, so treatment must under the supervision of a qualified ENT doctor, and after treatment to avoid relapse of the disease, it is worthwhile to think about strengthening the immune system and the whole organism in whole.
The child bilateral sinusitis catarrhal, we are treated. Has anyone faced such a disease, what are the predictions?
Sinusitis, treatment of genyantritis
Genyantritis is an inflammation of the maxillary sinuses of the nose. The adnexal sinuses are formations in the form of small caverns that have a communication with the nasal cavity. The maxillary sinuses in man are two - right and left. Another name for this formation is the maxillary sinus or sinus sinus. Often, specialists establish such diagnoses as maxillary sinusitis or maxillary sinusitis.
Why does sinusitis occur?
The main causes of sinusitis are a violation of ventilation and drainage (cleansing) in the maxillary sinuses, a bacterial or viral infection.
The appearance of sinusitis can result in:
* trauma and anomalies in the development of the nasal septum and nasal mucosa (polyps, neoplasm of the nose, curvature of the nasal septum, adenoids in children);
* chronic edema of the nasal mucosa with allergic and vasomotor rhinitis;
weakening of general and local immunity;
hereditary predisposition;
Diseases of the teeth of the upper jaw;
* hypothermia;
* untimely or incorrect treatment of an ordinary cold (SARS).
Distinguish between acute and chronic sinusitis.
Acute antritis often develops as a complication of acute rhinitis, influenza, measles, scarlet fever and other infectious diseases, as well as due to inflammatory diseases of the teeth (odontogenic sinusitis). Chronic sinusitis is usually a consequence of repeated exacerbations of acute sinusitis and prolonged acute sinusitis. Also develops against a background of chronic rhinitis. This contributes to the above predisposing factors.
Catarrhal inflammation in the maxillary sinus usually develops against a background of a viral infection (catarrhal sinusitis), purulent inflammation - against bacterial (bacterial sinusitis).
Patients with sinusitis, as a rule, experience gradually growing unpleasant sensations in the region of the nose and / or paranasal sinuses. Usually these symptoms, mildly expressed in the morning, intensify toward evening. Gradually the pain "loses" a certain place of localization, and the patient begins to worry about a headache. In a one-sided process, pain is localized on one side. Often, patients with sinusitis mark difficulty in nasal breathing, nasal congestion, nasal congestion. As a rule, the nasal congestion of both halves of the nose is noted. Alternate obstruction of the right and left halves of the nose is possible.
Difficulty in nasal breathing can be permanent or with short-term improvements. In most cases, the sinusitis is troubled by a runny nose (mucous (transparent) or purulent (yellow, green) discharge from the nose). This symptom may be absent with a marked violation of outflow from the maxillary sinuses. There may be a fever of 38 degrees or more. As a rule, the temperature rises with acute maxillary sinusitis; with chronic it rarely happens. Patients report general malaise, increased fatigue, weakness, impaired appetite and sleep. A more accurate diagnosis is possible with computed tomography of the paranasal sinuses.
The genyantritis, however, is easily removed.. in practice, there were cases - tomorrow for piercing... it is necessary to help not by complicated methods... success will not keep you waiting... confident.
We will be treated?
Bad predictions - the brain is starving... Homeopathic drops should help, if not purchased - then ordered. And no surgery or procrastination with ineffective treatment!
Roman Borisenko
How old is the child? The forecasts are not very good. They do not live long. Any serious cold can be fatal.
Take the cyclamen bulb, squeeze out the juice and dilute it with water, in the ratio: 0, ie 1 drop of Cyclamen juice, 10 drops of water and bury. Periodicity of instillation unfortunately I do not remember already, after instillation you start to sneeze, I remember that couple of days pozakapyvala and forgot in general that such a genyantritis. Try, only to breed necessarily.
Symptoms and treatment of bilateral sinusitis
To date, bilateral sinusitis is diagnosed quite often, this disease is one of the most common. Often happens that people take it for an ordinary cold or runny nose, and they turn to a doctor only when complications begin, and the disease flows into a sharp form. This disease can occur in both adults and children. At the first suspicions on a genyantritis it is necessary to address at once to the doctor who will spend diagnostics and will appoint or nominate a course of therapy. Inaction can have very serious consequences for health.

Why does sinusitis occur?
Bilateral sinusitis is accompanied by an inflammation of the maxillary sinuses.It begins suddenly and in an acute form. Many factors may serve as prerequisites for the emergence. Usually, with the onset of autumn, the risk of getting sinusitis increases significantly. This is because the immunity is weakened, and the body does not resist inflammatory processes.
Modern medicine identifies the following causes of the disease:

- viral and bacterial infections;
- previous colds;
- infections of the oral cavity, which fall into the maxillary sinuses and provoke inflammation, if not cured;
- complications after adenovirus infections, ARVI, ARI, and others;
- physical damage to the nose, in which blood can flow into the sinuses of the nose and provoke inflammation, which in turn leads to purulent sinusitis;
- allergic reactions of the body;
- severe hypothermia;
- frequent rhinitis;
- the wrong position of the nasal septum when it is curved;
- depressive state, apathy, stress can also provoke bilateral inflammation of the maxillary sinuses.
In the event that such a disease, as a sinusitis, was diagnosed in a child, then treatment should be treated with all seriousness and unquestioningly observe all the recommendations of the doctor. In children, bilateral sinusitis occurs due to an insufficiently developed immune system, which does not always cope with its functions. Children suffer this disease much more difficult than adults. Parents should not tolerate complications and exacerbation of sinusitis in their children. It is also very important to diagnose the disease at an early stage in time, until it became chronic.
Manifestations of genyantritis
Bilateral purulent sinusitis is very dangerous for human health and life, therefore it is necessary to take timely measures to eliminate it. Determining the presence of the disease at the initial stage is not always easy. Usually people pay attention to genyantritis only when it develops its two-sided form, i.e. both sinuses are filled with a purulent infection.
Symptoms are not always unambiguous, they can often be confused with a common cold, so it is very important to pay attention to even the most minor symptoms.
There are various signs of this disease. They include:

- increase in temperature up to 38 °;
- purulent opaque thick discharge from the nose;
- pain in the head and maxillary sinuses, when pressed, squelching sounds arise;
- intoxication of the body due to purulent processes;
- fatigue, apathy;
- pressure in the area of the nose, teeth, between the eyebrows;
- labored breathing;
- swelling of the face, especially the eyes and nose;
- absence of smell;
- poor appetite;
- chills, fever;
- heightened sensitivity to light;
- drowsiness.
It should be noted that if the common cold and cold last for more than two weeks, and the manifestations are exacerbated even more, then there is a huge probability of acute sinusitis. It is very important to contact the ENT doctor right away, in time to diagnose and begin the correct course of therapy.
How to get rid of sinusitis?
After consulting a doctor, X-ray and ultrasound, the appropriate treatment will be prescribed. First, prescribe traditional antibiotics, which are accompanied by the intake of antifungal and antihistamines. Treatment also includes washing the nasal mucosa with antiseptic solutions and using drops to narrow the vessels of the nose. This helps to remove mucus from the nose and prevents its new formation.
If the expected improvements do not occur, then the doctor resorts to more radical methods. A puncture of the maxillary sinuses is made, of which mucus is sucked. The sinuses themselves are treated inside with a solution of antibiotics to avoid the re-formation of pus.
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After such treatment, the patient immediately feels relief, breathing becomes easier, nothing more makes breathing difficult. But the pain is not lost immediately, so the doctor appointed a comprehensive treatment. It consists of painkillers, anti-inflammatory pills or drops, medicines to strengthen the blood vessels.
The body is very weakened after a purulent bilateral sinusitis, so it is very important to prevent the recurrence of the disease. To prevent this, immunity must be strengthened. The doctor prescribes multivitamin complexes, proper nutrition. Restorative procedures that include manual therapy (massages, acupuncture) and physiotherapy will also be irrelevant.