Contents Rotavirus infection Food poisoning Toxicoinfection Gastritis Appendicitis Other causes Syndrome appearance in the child Sometimes the head and stomach begin to hurt at the same time. The reasons can be quite harmless, for example, banal fatigue. But if the condition is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, a disorder of the stool and other symptoms, then it is necessary to get a doctor's consultation. Causes of a condition in whi...
Contents When burping is normal, and when the pathology of Diseases provoking air out of the stomach How to get rid of burp Related videos Unpleasant sensations in the abdominal area can be caused by eating habits and some habits. They at the initial stage do not provoke the development of organic pathology and bring only some discomfort. But when the adaptive capabilities of the body are exhausted, the tissues undergo changes and the inflammatory pro...
Content Why there is pain What diseases can occur when taking antibiotics Ways to restore the work of the digestive system Measures to prevent pain in the stomach Tips for taking medications Related Videos Unfortunately, every person had to face with any serious diseases that require the use of antibacterial drugs. But sometimes it happens that the stomach hurts after antibiotics and additional therapy is required to restore normal functioning. Why there is pain Antibiotics are a group o...
Content What is this disease and by whom is it caused? What are the symptoms of the diagnosis? Preparation and rules for collecting the analysis What you need to know about the analysis When it is necessary to collect feces for hymenolepiasis Related Videos Helminths are not so rare in people of different ages, so there is no way to 100% protect yourself from parasites. You can get infected through dirty food, water, hands, toys, even while swimming in the pool. That is why before going ...
Modern medicine has stepped far enough forward and now everyone can use this or that high-tech ways to prevent or reveal at the initial stages any illness. The new medical equipment allows not only to look into the very depths of the human body and nature, but also to make it as painless as possible, so that the patient has only positive emotions from the procedure. Content 1General information about dopplerography 2What is assigned and what is displayed 3Applied methods, what parts of ...
Content Where does the bitterness come from? Causes of bitter taste in the mouth How to eliminate bitter taste in your mouth and nausea folk remedies Related Videos There is bitterness in the mouth and nausea as a result of casting bile into the esophageal tube. Often, these symptoms are disturbed after awakening or eating. They appear because of many factors. The cause of bitter taste in the mouth and nausea can be suggested for additional symptoms, for example, dryness of the oral muco...
Contents Common causes Special features Constipation treatment Feeding characteristics Related videos Constipation is characterized by difficulty or incomplete evacuation of the intestine. Very often this problem torments women during lactation. And there is no fundamental difference in whether they gave birth naturally or whether a cesarean section had to be done. Because of abdominal pain, swelling, a sense of heaviness, nausea, it's hard to enjoy ...
Content Possible causes of pain Gynecological diseases Diseases of the intestine Related Videos In the abdominal cavity are the main internal organs. If the activity of at least one of them worsens, changes occur in all systems of the body. So, if there is inflammation in the intestine, then its peristalsis slows down and the absorption of substances is disrupted, and this leads to a lack of vitamins and trace elements, which leads to a disruption in the work of the heart and brain. If t...
Ultrasound diagnosis is one of the safest and most effective methods for detecting various diseases and pathologies of internal organs. It is used in various fields of medicine, including for assessing the condition and possible disorders of the body's vascular system. In this case, a study called UZDG, or dopplerography, which examines the vessels of the neck and brain. Content 1Ultrasonic dopplerography - what is it? 2Indications and contraindications 3Preparation of the procedure 4W...
Content Pain of intestinal origin Pain of a traumatic character in the lesion of the gastrointestinal tract Diseases of the spleen Causes of gynecological nature Pain in lower left abdomen during pregnancy Pain in left-sided renal colic Related Videos If the left side hurts in the lower abdomen in women, what can the causes lie in? Topograficheski on the left ileal region is projected several organs: Sigmoid colon - part of the large intestine, preceding the beginning of the rectum; lef...
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