Abdominal pain near the navel on the left

  • Causes of Pain
  • Probable Diseases
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If intense pain in the abdomen is troubling for a long time, then this is a symptom of the disease. On the localization of pain, one can say which organ of the abdominal cavity does not cope with its work. Pain in the abdomen to the left of the navel happens with indigestion, but it can also appear in disorders that require urgent therapy.

Causes of pain

Probably the appearance of pain near the navel in the pathology:

  • of the duodenum;
  • loops of the jejunum and ileum;
  • of the big stuffing box;
  • of the stomach( due to its omission);
  • of the urinary and genital system.

Pain above the navel is felt due to a pathological process occurring in the stomach or duodenum. Most often, it is an inflammation that leads to a peptic ulcer. First, discomfort occurs after eating acute, roasted, salty, but as the process develops the pain becomes constant and intense. With perforation of the mucosa, a syndrome of "acute abdomen" is formed.

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Pain below the navel indicates a problem in the large intestine or in the organs of the genitourinary system. Discomfort in this area appears with cystitis, ischemia, irritable bowel syndrome, atherosclerosis, abdominal aortic aneurysm. Soreness near the navel often in women occurs with oncology of the uterus or ovaries, fibroids of the uterus, endometriosis.

As a rule, if the abdomen is hurting strongly in the navel area on the left side, then violations of the small intestine are detected. Dysfunction of the organ leads not only to painful sensations and poor digestion, but also due to a worsening of the absorption function, there are extra-intestinal manifestations, for example, anemia, hypovitaminosis, malarbsorption syndrome.

Therefore, if the pain in the navel is constant or periodic, you need to see a doctor to exclude intestinal obstruction, a heart attack, an ulnar, an umbilical hernia, an enzyme, an oncology, an intestinal infection, irritable bowel syndrome.

Probable diseases

Most of the pathologies have the same manifestations, and therefore, it is impossible to diagnose without a diagnosis. Still, if a patient is able to describe the localization of pain and its nature, and also found a link between its appearance and eating or stress, this will greatly speed up the diagnosis and help get rid of unnecessary medical tests and examinations.

If the pain appears at the navel, the doctor will suspect inflammatory or destructive bowel disease. Sometimes in women, after pregnancy, there is a displacement of the stomach down, so the pain around the navel may appear due to problems with the stomach.

To conduct differential diagnosis, you will need to collect a complete history, undergo laboratory and hardware studies. If the patient has an "acute abdomen", then urgent surgical intervention is required.

Intestinal obstruction

Difficulty in promoting intestinal contents is caused by blockage of the lumen of the intestine by a calculous stone, bile calculus, swelling, parasites, foreign body, or it is the result of squeezing the organ from outside with spikes, neoplasm or curvature.

Allocate complete or partial obstruction, which is acute, subacute and chronic. The location of the epicenter of pain and the symptoms of the disease will depend on the place where the lumen is clogged.

In case of intestinal obstruction, abdominal asymmetry and contraction of smooth muscles( peristalsis)

are visible. In acute obstruction for two to fourteen hours, patients experience severe cramping pain in the abdomen at the peak of which signs of shock appear( pallor, cold sweat, palpitations, hypotension).At a small intestine there is an abundant vomiting, which does not bring relief.

First in the vomit masses visible remnants of food, after comes out bile, and at a late stage there is a vomiting.

After the first phase of the disease, there comes a period called "imaginary well-being", when the soreness passes, but there is a delay in gas and stool, flatulence and asymmetry of the abdomen. If the blockage occurred in the small intestine, then the stool delay may not be, emptying the lower parts is possible after the enema or independently. After 36 hours after the manifestation of the disease, with acute course, peritonitis develops.

Chronic intestinal obstruction is rarely formed. As a rule, it causes adhesions, hernias, tumors. With pathology, severe cramping pains occur, as well as stool and gas retention, nausea and vomiting.

After hours or two days, the symptoms go away alone or after drug therapy. With intestinal obstruction, supervision in the surgical department is required. Before the examination of a specialist, it is forbidden to do enemas, drink painkillers or laxatives.

Circulatory disturbance

Severe pain near the navel can be felt as a result of disturbance of the mesenteric circulation. The cause of the pathological process in the obstruction of blood vessels of the thrombus or in squeezing the artery with a tumor.

When the disease appears, strong spastic pains at the top of the abdomen near the navel. When taking sick forced knee-elbow position, the intensity decreases slightly. Pain is not removed even by potent anesthetics.

In addition to the pain syndrome, tachycardia arises, blood pressure rises. The patient is afraid. Intestine on ischemia reacts with vomiting and diarrhea. After 6-12 hours, after the appearance of the first symptoms, the pain passes, as necrosis kills the nerve endings. In feces and vomiting blood is noticeable.

Bowel ischemia leads to peritonitis and requires surgical treatment.

Atherosclerosis or aortoarteritis provokes chronic bowel ischemia. Pain in this disease is felt in the epigastric region, in the ileum on the right side. Attacks begin 20-40 minutes after eating.

Patients complain of severe spastic pain( passes after taking nitroglycerin), gurgling in the abdomen, stooling. As the disease progresses, it is necessary to pass the examination as soon as possible and to carry out the necessary therapy.

Inflammation of jejunum

Intestinal infections, helminthic invasions, excessive alcohol consumption, malnutrition, liver disease, metabolic disorders or immunodeficiency states can lead to the development of chronic inflammation in the jejunum( jejunitis).

Why does the baby have a stomach ache near the navel?

In pathology due to spasm of the intestinal wall, pain in the area near the navel is felt. Discomfort can provoke and stretch the intestines due to the effects of accumulated gases.

There is also inflammation of the mesenteric lymph nodes( mesadenitis), which is manifested by soreness in the left side, to the right or to the left of the navel.

With the development of the pathological process, ganglionitis is formed and the spastic pain is replaced by burning pain. In addition to the pain syndrome, with wrinkling there is severe diarrhea( a day before 20 times), which can be observed immediately after eating.

The clinic includes weakness, changes in blood pressure, trembling of the hands. Because of the violation of the intestinal microflora, the feces are foamy and have a sharp fetid odor. If the changes in the gut are significant, the feces have a greasy sheen and look like an ointment in consistency.

Because of a violation of the absorption function of trace elements and vitamins is not enough, which affects the state of the whole body
The disease develops slowly, making the diagnosis at an early stage helps to prevent irreversible changes.

The lack of enzymes

If the glands synthesize insufficient amounts of enzymes or they are not active, it leads to inferior digestion. Enzyme-deficient enteropathies can be congenital( that is, due to heredity) or acquired, resulting from inflammatory or dystrophic changes in the mucosa of the small intestine.

The disease pains the pain in the navel area after eating certain foods, such as cow's milk or gluten. Excluding them from the diet allows you to eliminate symptoms. If the disease developed at an early age, then it entails a backlog in physical development.

Clinically, the disease manifests itself in pain in the navel, chronic diarrhea( 5-15 defecations per day) and symptoms of impaired absorption. The pain is caused by spasm of smooth muscles of the intestine, it has an episodic character.

In stool, undigested food remains, it also shows proteins, fats and carbohydrates that are not absorbed by the small intestine. When the disease is impaired, the absorption of trace elements and vitamins, especially fat-soluble( A, D, E, K).Because of the deterioration of the functions of the small intestine, a person loses weight, which can lead to exhaustion.

Neoplasm in the intestine

The tumor in the small intestine develops quite infrequently( in 1-2% of cases), as a rule, it is found in men after 30 years. Most often, the neoplasm arises in the duodenum, which is explained by the contact of the mucosa with bile and juices of the pancreas.

Oncology develops on the background of chronic inflammatory or enzymatic abnormalities of the digestive tract

Tumor tissue can grow into the lumen of the intestine and provoke intestinal obstruction or grow into the wall of the small intestine, which causes intestinal bleeding, rupture of the mucosa and peritonitis.

If the tumor compresses adjacent organs, then pancreatitis, jaundice, intestinal ischemia, ascites may develop. In some cases, the tumor fuses with the adjacent intestinal loops, bladder, omentum, large intestine, which leads to the formation of a sedentary conglomerate.

Symptoms of the disease depend on the type of tumor, its location and size. With oncology, intensive cramping pain in the navel area is noted, as well as nausea, belching, heartburn, diarrhea, rumbling in the stomach, intoxication, weight loss. With cancer, the stool becomes tarry, and anemia progresses.

Irritable bowel syndrome

The disease refers to the functional, that is, there are no organic lesions of the small intestine. The disorder is associated with a violation of peristalsis. The disease has an undulating course, progression is not observed. Attacks occur quite often( more than three days per month), usually on a background of emotional stress.

Because of motor disorders, flatulence appears, which causes pain near the navel or in the lower abdomen. When the disease can occur, both diarrhea and constipation. It is noted that the disease has a daily cycle, the peak is in the morning. Cutting or cramping pain near the navel is often noted after breakfast. Emptying the bowels brings relief.

During the day, patients are troubled by heartburn, bloating, belching with air.

Nonspecific ulcerative colitis

In this disease, ulcers and erosions occur on the intestinal mucosa. The patient is disturbed by diarrhea with blood and abdominal pain of varying degrees of intensity. Pathology is characterized by complications in the form of intestinal obstruction or symptoms, in which the syndrome of "acute abdomen" appears.

An urgent operation is required. Uncomplicated nonspecific ulcerative colitis leads to an increase in body temperature to febrile values ​​and false calls for bowel movement, flatulence.

Crohn's disease

In Crohn's disease, inflammation can develop on any part of the gastrointestinal mucosa, most often the ileum is affected. The disease is genetically determined. The provoking factor is intestinal infection.

Clinically, the disease manifests itself as symptoms of intoxication, hyperthermia, diarrhea, weight loss, abdominal pain, flatulence, vomiting. In case of complication, intestinal obstruction, perforation, toxic megalcologon, fistula in the bladder may develop.


Because of the effects of viruses or bacteria in the mesenteric lymph nodes, an inflammatory process can begin. As a rule, it develops under the action of staphylococci, shigella, klebsiella, salmonella, enteroviruses, adenoviruses, tubercle bacillus.

In pathology, there is a strong continuous cramping pain to the left of the navel or at the top of the abdomen, which increases with exercise. There are also symptoms of intoxication, shortness of breath, tachycardia, diarrhea, hyperthermia.

Mesenitis may be accompanied by catarrhal symptoms, for example, coughing, runny nose, redness of the throat, and also herpes

In chronic form of the disease, the clinic is worn out, pains are mild, short-term, intensified after physical exertion. Prolonged course of the disease leads to the formation of adhesions, because of what can form intestinal obstruction.

With the progression of pathology, lymph nodes are filled with purulent exudate, which can lead to rupture of the abscess and the entry of the lymph node into the abdominal cavity, which causes peritonitis, and if pus penetrates into the blood, sepsis occurs.


Pain around the navel can be caused by umbilical hernia. Usually, the prolapse of the intestine in the umbilical ring occurs in infancy and does not disturb, and by the age of five disappears on its own.

In rare cases, infringement or inflammation of the contents of the hernial sac may occur, which causes severe pain, nausea, vomiting, fecal blood, gas retention, and requires urgent medical intervention.

If there is pain in the navel area on the right, left or below, it is accompanied by other symptoms( diarrhea, vomiting, fever, weakness) or it does not take two hours, then you should contact the doctor.

Causes of pain will only be known after a visual examination of the intestinal mucosa and stomach( endoscopy), ultrasound examination, blood, urine and feces check. You may need a computer tomogram to detect functional disorders. If the gastroenterologist does not detect pathologies, the patient will be referred to a urologist, gynecologist or psychiatrist.

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