Diet after removal of the stomach in cancer

  • Basic recommendations
  • Useful and harmful products
  • Therapeutic diets
  • Menu for complications
  • Related videos

Gastric cancer is a malignant tumor that is the result of an inflammatory reaction on the mucous membrane. Harmful food, severe stress, alcohol abuse - all this can serve as an impetus to the activation of the pathological process. The disease affects the cells of the stomach, leading to their death.

Like any cancer, gastric carcinoma is capable of producing metastases. First of all, the liver is affected, which is why the pathology is sometimes accompanied by jaundice. Tumor process requires immediate treatment. The cancerous part of the stomach is removed along with the inflamed lymph vessels.

The procedure in most cases ensures complete recovery. At the initial stages, the disease is difficult to detect. The precancerous state of the symptoms is minor, before the carcinoma develops, it can take ten, or even twenty years.

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Operation is a radical way to fight cancer, which is used when there are no other ways to save lives. There are several types of surgical intervention and only in rare cases does it involve total organ removal. Gastrectomy is a complete removal of the stomach, and when resected, only the affected part is removed.

Survival is directly related to the stage of the tumor process and the quality of the operation. An important role is played by the rehabilitation period. The duration of recovery is also different, this is due to age indicators, the amount of removal of the affected organ and the chosen technique of surgical intervention.

On average, rehabilitation lasts three months. During this period, patients are banned heavy physical activity, in no case can you overcool or overheat the body. Important value plays and nutrition after removal of the stomach in cancer. Functions of the digestive tract are disrupted due to surgery, so diet is an integral part of the recovery period.

Diet after removal of the stomach in cancer is prescribed in order not to create additional stress on the rest of the stomach. What is its essence? What products are allowed in the postoperative period, and which ones should be avoided?

Diet after gastrectomy will help speed up the process of recovery

The main recommendations of

It is worth noting that not only after a surgical intervention, it is necessary to switch to proper nutrition. It's worth taking care of this much earlier. The diet should be followed and before the operation, it will help prepare the body for the upcoming stress. A few days before gastric resection, it is recommended to exclude protein foods, as well as foods that contain fiber.

Alcohol, carbonated drinks, shop juices are all prohibited. Carbohydrates should be present in the menu. Preference should be given to complex, not easy carbohydrates. Confectionery products contain simple carbohydrates, which are quickly digested and provoke a sharp jump in blood glucose.

Complex carbohydrates are not digested so quickly, do not cause glycemic changes and bring great benefit to the body. The source of complex carbohydrates are porridges. Salt, pepper and other spices are completely excluded from the diet.

Now let's talk more about nutrition after stomach surgery with oncology. Immediately after resection and the next two days, the patient is starving. Only on the third day the doctor can resolve the barley broth, sweet tea or compote. But this does not mean that the patient can drink in one gulp, every fifteen minutes he is given only one teaspoon of liquid.

Nevertheless, the patient's body needs nutrients, so it is injected intravenously with special mixtures containing proteins and amino acids. Approximately on the fifth day the doctor can begin to transfer the patient to a normal diet. But this is provided that there is no swelling of the abdomen and normal intestinal peristalsis.

And again, this does not mean that the patient can eat anything he likes: borsch, vareniki, jelly, etc. The diet after surgery on the stomach includes strict limitations, which are extremely important to adhere to.

Food after gastrectomy should include liquid or semi-liquid dishes

Even a month after the operation, you must continue to follow the diet. Of course, if the patient feels well, then it is not necessary to eat foods in the grinded form. The menu at this stage becomes more diverse.

Meat soups, lean fish, slightly dried white bread are allowed. Also allowed to eat boiled vegetables, fresh fruit, buckwheat and rice porridge, sour-milk products. After the operation, the excretion of toxic substances slows down, which is why it is so important to consume enough natural water.

It is necessary to prepare for the fact that the first two weeks after surgery are the most difficult. During this period, a person experiences discomfort and a strong sense of hunger, which is not satisfied with lean soups and puree dishes.

Useful and harmful products

First let's talk about what is allowed in the postoperative period:

Pain in the left hypochondrium after ingestion of
  • mucous soups. They can be cooked on the basis of butter or even cream. You can also use buckwheat, rice or oatmeal;
  • lean meat: veal, chicken, turkey;
  • lean fish: Alaska pollock, cod, pike, hake;
  • jelly or berry jelly;
  • egg, in the form of a steam omelet or cooked soft-boiled;
  • low-fat cottage cheese, milk, yogurt, fermented milk, yogurt.

Prohibited to use such products:

  • alcohol, soda, confectionery - all this food delays the fluid in the body;
  • is citrus fruit, as they increase the acidity of the stomach;
  • rich broth;
  • fatty, overcooked food, fast food - all this creates a strong strain on the stomach;
  • smoked meat, pickles, marinades, canned food. All these products also hold water;
  • should abandon vegetables that promote gas generation: beans, peas, etc.

Sweets will have to be abandoned, but dietary desserts without flour and sugar are allowed.

Therapeutic diets

After the operation on the stomach, the patient should eat according to a certain scheme. There are several types of diets that are prescribed to the sick. Zero diets are also called surgical. They are prescribed in two cases: after operations on the organs of the digestive tract, in a semi-conscious state.

A zero-dose diet is prescribed in order to provide nutrition in conditions where a normal meal is impossible, difficult or simply contraindicated. It allows to relieve the organs of the digestive tract and prevent flatulence. The basis of diet № 0 diet is mechanically and chemically sparing food: liquid, semi-liquid, jelly, wiped.

This therapeutic diet is divided into three main groups: 0A, 0B, 0B.All of them mean sufficient intake of liquid and vitamins, as well as proteins, fats and carbohydrates. At the same time, salt is sharply limited. In more detail, let's talk about three types of zero diet.

Diet №0А

This diet is prescribed for the fourth or even fifth days after resection of the stomach. The essence of nutrition is to increase fluid intake and limit salt. Milk, sour cream, cream, carbonated drinks, as well as thick and puree dishes are prohibited. It is better to give preference to such food: skimmed meat broth, rice broth, strained compote, jelly, broth of wild rose.

Therapeutic diet number 0 is also called surgical

Diet No.0B

It is prescribed approximately one week after the operation. It is allowed to use more liquids and table salt. The diet is similar to the above menu, only the list of allowed products is slightly expanded, namely liquid mashed rice porridge, buckwheat and oatmeal, skimmed meat broths with manga, berry mousse, soft-boiled egg.

Diet №0B

This diet serves to continue the expansion of the diet and transition to a full-fledged diet. At this stage, the following types of dishes are introduced into the menu:

  • cream soup and cream soup;
  • wiped cottage cheese;
  • fried fruit and vegetable puree;
  • milk porridge;
  • baked apples;
  • albumen omelette;
  • bread rolls;Dairy products of
  • .

Menu in case of complications

Any surgical intervention involves certain risks, and gastrectomy is no exception. According to statistics, in ten to thirty percent of cases there is a dumping syndrome. The essence of this pathology lies in the fact that almost undigested food from the stomach enters the intestine. This leads to irritation of the intestinal mucosa and stretching its walls.

As a result, there is a sharp increase in blood flow in this part of the digestive tract, because of which other organs begin to suffer. Symptoms of dumping syndrome appear about fifteen minutes after ingestion:

  • feeling of a stomach overflow;
  • weakness, drowsiness, dizziness, tinnitus;
  • tide of heat, trembling, sweating;
  • shortness of breath, tachycardia;
  • rumbling in the abdomen and diarrhea.
Important! In the post-operative period, temporary problems with kidneys and fluid withdrawal may occur. If this happens, it is forbidden to drink more than one glass of liquid at a time.

Compliance with diet is an important element of treatment for dumping syndrome. To eat should be divided, six to eight times a day. Patients are advised to first eat the second dish, and somewhere in half an hour to go to the first.

As for drinks, they are allowed to drink either one hour before the main meal, or after the same time after. Food should not be too hot, because it speeds up the flow of food from the stomach into the intestines, which will only aggravate the existing pathology.

Also, the food should be thoroughly chewed or crushed thoroughly during the preparation of

. So, oncology is not a sentence. Resection of the stomach will help to eliminate the problem and live on. But the operation does not end with the treatment, but only begins. Proper nutrition is the key to your speedy recovery. Diet should be your way of life, not a temporary phenomenon.